HtJPAyjiAWMfc ,' V I, . -ff THE EVKNINC tlKRALD.KL'AMATH FALL!, OJtlOOW latest German Winrrior to Miiiiufnotunr of ...uf sifllffJMMYJ. V .HIMAT ."-.,. t AND HIM BMKJKA L ANIiFlAJB" fifer an klh MM oV We . uMewnlkn, Floors nd Itctnlnlni Wall HOOPING A HPKCIAI.TV Sixth and Walnut Barne and Roosevelt Once Close Friends, Now ''i ' '' . is I' f ' . &' Trying to Prove That AtUck. Mad by Other mi Are IPertonal, Not Political vwriBESS a AbAmdiiiikc f Oi? ji '"Yi "ii;t,j J A ' iBanBnBnT- ' ' - - bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb mamBT . lnM . . tyj li'w ' :. ,JI i I... II i ii i. i i M.i ii. i ililiagBIPM """""iWWIBBB MM Mi 'MHl. M MMM.MA Mk- Ml -.'., 'A' iw.lsBfJS aVfnntf Min V an - WS WD.MIUH ., Either Side Will Be Satisfied Wtti ; rV . icricaii Port a. Ileiict 'ClWR KfrWm Bui and RooMvdt Once Oote FrioU, Nw F, Efr 1 American Port yKVS'PM .f ''.'fBBBq '.- . ' f t . ., , v " ZJZ' - --' ft. --.' T- -A,1MT!IM.. " .ffiilr?is,wr ' " ' The Newest and the Latest in Jewelry AT Witters dtnilimt Optician IIK.MICMIIKH THE HAS You'll Get a Good Turnout From the Blue Front Sublet Mundy & Httjruraj, Props. phone 1M2W. Klantath, near IWh Ufllce nf Dr. C. O. Prentice Veterinary SMrgeoii ;';HBBIBHfi2toiiV23aHMKff4AMttaV:iB9B! '-Banfnte. HHHMHBavSS79I?9HIbHihI1HMIi vnvjnVjnm .THIOMftaSVaraiKrci' f('y? JrW",; rJBnBmtaaSBHanillllllllllllllllllllllHBnSBBai'. MMSanBnSnnSnBK.4 ilfRflMHHillF iWStfM idH fr"iia"JB!l HVItACIJSt!, N. Y.,Arll 21.- Ma- 'dilno iolttlcH,J)OHslsm i the keynote of tlio trial of William Harriet' Hull against Theo dore noosevelt, for $50,000 damage for alleged libel.- Barnes '' D o arncs" aa he ha often called. (By BOND P. GBDMM) (United Preas Staff Correspondent assembled. , Itepubllcau leader, In New Tork; for yea r, member of the state com mlttco since 1892, its .chairman for, three ears and national committee man for New York state, Barnes was 'prepared to tear the veil from much .secret political' history. Colonel Rooserelt, friend and cq-:.tbe Colonel, worncr oi names id, nignesi HepDii-jbIe government fi. !: 7 JV'X- ,jfty"S .j. rjv .i'-VJ "& ' , tHi .., tit' actlv the taoral Bttii nnlltUai V; type." He asserted' "when therksMMMw between popular rights and corrun'''S and maeMne ruled governaeht'.-jef :j& clearly drawn the two bosses wlir'sJ-M.J!- ways bo found on the ame side oor-si'vi r tni7. ,W'P "Yet tber rcallr form." contlnaed A.; 3f the all powerful Mmgt-Sm responiible fof .tt. S Se ISO 000 cancoUD.ofhut8d--,0--.admiBlgtratlon and corruptlfifinMi in,tn on balm for " Vtk'' gVra6r nd tator,fc-e th mi f'F&$M' 2? ;evelat.on. of name.' alleged "bo ,RooiCVclt's .answer offered aliigeUft s . .' .. ' y lm" and alleged worklar.agreement n.r-r. .,! .u..- '. i ; '". iliribfe: a i. . . -...- - . w rrm ilfAnsAVill'a ruisWAi nfFASMtil .allaedi DciiiK p u o 1 1 c.i y ,,,. ., ....j i.n... ...-..j "'"r- ""-"". "t";J-a'?i'j'A named Dy the form- .L ? ." p..-. proof of his charges He said taMS?, , .- HI III IHO WBIWniUi WOOD! Mink Wooit, load .L75 INttrl from aliede, lNHit dry M.00 Heat, loud 04.WI Dry Man, I Marti MJ5 Dry Ub, 4fot . . . Ik. .04.00 IkMljr aal IJMtb WoimI Cnal ami Purl Oil KLAMATH FUEL CO. $, 5' 5 Main Street '-T5r!gP6fiiS r tircHidcnt ait an alleged partner of "IJosb" Cbas. Mur- Aftvr uliikltig thlrlcvn DrltUli mill French merchant voimuls hIiico who keep, coiiipiiny vf trillion, and ii number of maclilne Ncwh, there tho Interned l'rlnz Kltol KrlcdcrlchJcuiiK, Her operations have been con- U'hldli nlnifnrfil llinnt kfimi Mnkn Hlmul mnlnlv In Mm nnndi AHnnllp. ullpiiod from New York harbor In it g0 u ,H eXVeci(,A tUn w,n nt0rn, Besides destroying enemy merchant sea-gray coat of paint eight month lnd nil's means that her career as a 'vessels, tho Kronprlnz is reported to iiro, tho North uorinnn Lloyd linor 'ciiinnurce ocuiroyor m nt an cna. nn.'c ncieu as n relay stntion ror wire- Kronnrliis Wllhelm. which was turn-' I'nlntcd in war gray, the Kron-lies telegrams between Germany and --- a. . ...... . - - - print wiiiicim steamed out oi New York harbor on tho night of August Hall "In Grf4? ; crooked ,proof of BaneB. ,,utd .... . bu",nesi? fd at,0'ship with "Boss" Morphy in rd Into nn auxllllnry cruiser, has run buck to another American port for. 3, before Amorlcan neutrality bad protection against tho allies' battle--! i,ocn ,)rocialmed. 8he was then nrmed ships. She suddenly rnn Into Newport, with three 6-Inch guns, several small- the (3 era an war ships In the south Atlantic which wore sunk by the Brit lli squadron commanded by Rear Ad miral Sturdee In the battle off the Falkland Islands. Strong Bill at Orpheus -sMbbbbbbbbbbbbMbV OJsbBBBBBBBBBBBB&HsbNB I WsBBBBBBBBBBBBsHsBBmJ jAbbSbbbbHVFt For I Your Spring Gardening ' A spado la not always a spade, nrt thero Is a big dlterence be tween omo garden tools and, others. n When stocking up 'with your tsrden supplies, kladly bear In mind that our Una of thai goods Is complete, and mad up of only trktly high grade brands. We shall be. glad to show you wheu you pay us a vlait. Wo;also sell (lie Robert 6c Hanks We Are Busy EveryDay : billing orders of satlsted "' customers -'' ' BmsWsWsWsBsWsRhsWsWsWsWsI4BsWsWsWsWsH ' 'f- avpavimaBMawiBoriawiBaBfli aftsftsftBBBBBl aWsWBWBWsWBil";JsWBaH 3Q SnMsBMBMBMsMsmVBMSBMBMBMtsk gOMssWaWiiMBsa aWSaMHr.tcxsigsMBMBMBMBWnB (XMsMF.'v.vTngsfMsMsHfWfrfs i' JsMssT'tvy . - gMMmwS oSbVIiI g-lVMg-BEaH IsBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBMSBaSBBBBBBBHSBW'iJsBSBB IgBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl iJBBBBBBBBsaigsBMS W "utF w tBmVSmVSmVSmVSmVSaHBSkBmVSmVSVf", HptassfasT, 'fBBMMMWTjUagaBWsWM :)ggilgKiligiBlBlB. beautiful story, one that all will ap preciate. Besides this picture another World Film picture will be shown. This Is the laughable comedy "The Wrongi iPlat." crooked politics In the past; Colonel Roosevelt's defense. is Justi fication. He proposes to prove his chargos.' Prominence of both prin cipals in present and past political history and the overshadowing Issues, with their: possible result, on future politics makes the trial one of the unique and politically pregnant In state and national aelda Formerly, friends, but now bitter foes, Barnes and Roosevelt both promised merciless disclosures nf the past political machinations, in Albany county, Now York, and even the na tion. Under subpoena, and as spec tators, the political hierarchy of po litical parties of state and nation are TOIAY'8 "ODDEST STORY United Press Service. SPOKANE, Wash., April 21. Mrpj Ac 8. Steyers was as tounded to have a strange man outer her kitchen door the other morning with the remark "Well, Mary, It's good to see you again. I'll stay now, and live the rest of my life with you and the girls." Mrs. Meyers told 8berlff Wal ter that the man evidently thought himself an Enoch Ar den. A deputy took him to the nearest lock-up. New York city is to nave a Women's Municipal Club composed exclusively of women employed in tho'vnrlous city departments. A Scene From "Mother" With Emma Dunn, who starred in the ploy on tho stage playing the lead ing rolo. "Mother," Jules B. Good man's beautiful play, will be shown at the Orphouk, tonight and tomorrow night. This Is In four reels, nnd noarly all of the original cast appear in the movie version. The play was filmed on a grand bcale by tho World Film Corporation. In connection with tho filming, Wll-! Ham A. Brady, the eminent producer and playwright, was called .In as an assistant In directing. Tho story of the widowed mother , of six children, a plain little woman who struggles to raise her family, and who is broken In purse as well as In heart by her wayward sons, is a .Men's fine Sox, two pair for 88c, at K. K. K. Store. , ., .19 HAVE YOU SEEN HOW TO FLOOR WITH PAINT YOUR Chi-Namel? DROP IN AND SEE HOW WE DO IT Wm. C. Hum Hardware Company 'r.i.rOmn i oa 5th and Main 11 iftflrW'-l'W I .i Sj(l r i m ma. is. . K.'7..aBBk BsWc u gBBFr'fsBH'saT g VatteeaaVaVnC rMaL. ' Your Complexion Is Wkit You Make It .V a'geod coMpJealesi can be vastly tasproved by proper Get complexion arwafctftey est eeuy - ... ' i. . -i. IPaIIaw nn with .(lie riant SOT m viwm mma Ie41osid th relt will be surprising, Get them all at our store. BlKlHntXmlefBid tJ ju c rn- 'am ' . A Daintily CrpUeJ Rom Is more than halt fnrnialifd. We make a showing of floor eoverlags that are so pretty that they would make a bare room look. lnvltlngt Let us show them to you, If you are a Judge of quallty.aswellias prettlness, your admiration' of our carpets will be all the greater.. McMilUn'o Furniturw Storaj 122 6th Phone 41 P. 8. Don't forget that broke furniture. Send it to the hospiUl. -i OLD SHOES Or Second HamI (Uod of any descrlpUaei. K WB BUVti WB SBLt WB TBAJHB HMTioncMatt Barnes! counsel Insists that the is sue Is not an attempt frtort namn Rnoaavelt'a fawvartf am alliance eQU,ny insiateat that'pronUsed co-partner; shaping legislation and In other ways, would' absolve him of the charge of libel. Friends of both declare' that the question or money damages Is sub ordinate. Both are wealthy. Barnes, publisher of the' Albany Journal, la rated as a millionaire. verdict of one cent or nominal damages in favor of either will spell popular victory,1 it Is generally regarded. Barnes' petition filed. in July, 1914,1 during the heat of the New Tork gubernatlonal fight, when Roosevelt was campaigning for Hlnman, the Progressive candidate, recited Mr. Roosevelt's statement, distributed broadcast through the press. Rooee1 velt said Barnes and Murphy "are ex- m Wn! M fc&l Rflt-nea tnld him that th'ara w""ii;5i '. ' . . ... ' .'... .v'ftftSrtC irotlpiart ornrlclti ft WMMwf r wm'Kcca political, but personal .... .. .jZZittlrZtt&& to defame and Injure his .,., ,,..K.;i.. i mi,isBmm m to iProverttastL-iJSk .campaign contribu hb. .H. nmnAttAA. in .BAvf WJt.i- Barnesana PlaU Kopseel'huiamS lag th specUt" franenlMtax'''Wir,lnv'm hAivnao twiwrfnl. fln.anUl .h4J .'".'.v -- , j, ...... ----r-7-.'-v- tenet opposed It. -l- ?!; '-nat jBarnes worxm, neesmiiwsi: former Qovernor Hughes byaVaKk)S luncewitntne r6 m .rissdsn W-ri a Y aTama ; wnWWW-.-.nw- II BB..- 3 - . - .: . ' -.."- '"-:wj-w late oi (do Acaew-uart mimmz:m tr-ck bill -lm IS 88 iiTitokM3L &4l Opea cameUas la New. Tefktwarav: Barnes, Is alleged to rule, was also felted by Roosevelt. , , 1 Althouah "Boas" Murnhv did wtiwiV'e. - .. .. - - Z r V Jt' Tf ioiiow uaraes course agaiarjioeaa: velt, it was pfedicted .today thatneV would be called to the witness -sta, and" that relations 'of NewYrk.Dep muciwajj -, wvii iw..niiBuinuuBBKM would be' aired. ;j J3- rl 5 SOME MINOR WAR NEWS FROM EUROPE I.ITTI.K slOltlKS FROM THK FltO.yr THAT AKF. COM1KO ,If THROt'lHTHK CAIITAlJti OF TUKi VATIOXtAOWiFIGJITIX' I, ' -- H a' V.MU 'OTHKIi mmti ARTRIYI.IU RUT Af.l.ltKIXTI-JtMT. IXO AT THIS TIMK. ' t'tilifd Press Service LONDON A London newspaper has Instituted a campaign in which tho English people are. asked to write letters to motherless boys In the trenches. Have yon awl I'm Jviii. ,if 7 thnaa i least x&faA3 ir tJ,,?"'J3:5ii-i asm A 'Masses .m'sm sanV ' nam saa ) WIVV III IIIUII-I ? u'F:z Ii3tSa n ffsffl 1 lf-'ll.l IB bMMAR I.! -i -"silk. - til r to '" v ' mm zfri&-ti f$&m "A?Sfl Vi'-iw said that after dinner his noble host, together 'with the brother of an Earl and widow of an et-lord maror. .washed and .dried the dishes. All! the servants had gone to. war. '"' ' mm '.iMiJM&mm S-ViE??. 3Hi LONDON Due to the efforts of ' LONDON London court gossip baa 0.ueea,Marylwoucded British aoldiera. 1t that Princess Mary will, go to the whenever possible, are sentto'com front during the early summer tolP,ete their convalescence in the neigh- YOU CAN URIXOBACK AND LV8TRK WITH 8AGE.tKATj?il ..."'i :.i., J .... 4i?-fcsg! .tSiistLftiua s. .-. (MJ?.J i- 'J6.tcSl visit soldiers in the trenches. LONDON A big British insurance company is reported paying salaries to stair members, as high as 150,000 annually who are serving, the colors. Other employes Jat the -front receive from .1400 to $3,000 annually with 4 per cent Interest. borbood of their homes. LONDON While ex-King Manual has not yet offered his services at the front, he to-conducting a hespRal at Brighton, for wounded - soldiers, and Is said to -treat Hhem la royal style.. , ..- "--ti .. -a wnen you aaraea youz;,Bir wwmjj,. w Sage Tea and Sulphur no one eaaUll. 'M( because It's ..doaeXse gMallr,i',BO; - evenly JpalngUitontdas ;ntf V?J nome. tnougn, is massy anajsaaip v-. y g i some. For60' cento'iyeiaam-is)Ws'f' ,ji ng store tie re4ya tmsle;: - -;t any drug called Wyeth's Sage Remedy." You Jostdamesvi or 'soft brush with; It; through, your, hair; - n. J-' . ...T.i?...' .r-.'. -. r mimA' i m? iIma "St.Aa.lftiaJ SlWiI?3 bwbmu v-, j..i , ;, f . ".. &?.. c. -iti' .. ' - .. -'-'.W '.. IJT'J' .'I..V-V :'! -"'tt: LONDON Issuance' of game hunt' ing licenses in London have fallen off fifty per cent during the past ate months. Enlistments' to hunt Ger mans, however; has Increased -several thousand per cent. ROME Signer Giuseppe Accoaci claimed the Invention of an auto matic anti-aeroplane gun-which dis charges whan the aircraft, crosses a direct line with the periscope, LONDON A story from the front In France says that when' the Prince of Wales visited the firing llnei of ficers and privates alike twera gives a half hours notice by .phone so they, could "slick up." 4 GENEVA The governor of Stras- burg has Issued warning that: eatere measures will be taken 'against par ents who allow, their: oalldrea' to ap-' pear In English sailor stunts with the names' of British warships on their hats. ' LONDON A Londoner telltng.the other day how ,. was; entertained at a TOuntryhouse 'near Rutland Gate, assPjajBJS ljW 'OJsVlSSS Ism inS"JBBwel(enVw ,- - mm TELFORD; '.-l 'r.V- iSv mz mm ikriuiMjm t ius. vmmmm. rr.i. :i"-i-ii.4i-'iiSS m& a lnr hli ilunnUM ftBaftft.'aaw J Keen Koel.ShlrU Dr the het '. "" ' 7'XT-TSrA.TT?T:rr,?f4Si,l --v .v rM.m. . aaMlwkSlk. mm vA'aAai9 JiJt.3. .!? -T- at K. K. K. Store. 19 .;i?5?!MrJTS?Z5?TBa?9 " : HbsI'IUIIbsbi " .-. . angtVgrgaaaasBsWiBsTBa9iBBMWtt?vV7 dandruf Is gone, and WtaMMll The, price of grain ta rising; your hens have quit, laying. Try' Parker CntrGveeai Beam 'Oosn. pound and watch yourheaa Uy eggs all around. ;KIamath DeA partment Store, or 9IR. falling; Qrayi faded. RS a i yr:waa 1 4"rfT ' ..ii. - .. .-.i"i-2i.vitti'i.s;ais:r S T !" "-!?.7T-.'!T? all, desire -a, youtnf nij busy, at once-wiu Wyeth's Sage and, '&t SulDhnr. and look vaara 'jwmktksW;, S' vlnuv. ! and . liixnntiutllJ' St. .tS I rT-.Tzrr&r&w- t&.zwsi&. i?m GOOD FEED Makes Good-Workers AVE. UVBIIV FERT BABX Serves Qood feed "Duvk" Goodell. i,Pn.r'r ,, OAK ! ! as 3W.1 JU.Bl Townaestt , lata,-Xean'.aad;2 ' ."?; rA"?rsraas55305 ,fuiiy,rurnieaei.w.JPtionej;.J.j,:;-. wm fS i'l-w -.w. X.v" IM & NewModdl915MaxwcU25 . ,- .:.Mwl H.-..ilfaM..wikft ; l "-.Y,Jf..vr;ts-' 93ir: a..A? fti.Mi' tMn.'.M't & .va.i.asnlL MkM 5 WrUi CslTJalaiyW UAM Our store Is on WajHth Ave Will rent ran tl - .- and wn - teaek yon t ram KjU .. mK?uiimfmmmmmQm: T K,f- wsS to "- fcaffj jTm- JB v -i . it 'j j'.tK'j, :;. A.-t'V,. . . JJt " A undpRw0Od:skipharmacy SananSnSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB