1-7 1 ,. i;i. i '': m JSk s iisv fftk THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLt, WNMMAY,AMUL r-VJ ;tj yi- tNWWWHNIMW mwmimmUmiwam hi! IM .,ww'amu'MAu uriUTmn M JOi.waated otnny denerlaUoa. ;Rj.ittam,sn4. u-etw 3??!!HCREIlIRy AT BONANZA SOLD zt : Si. &" i . irii jir uw T , Sffii. HELF WANTED yMWAMTaTD-A woman at the 4 ' 'meat tar hoasecleaalng. ' Published dally swept Sunday by Tho Herald PubHsatag Campiay at Klamath Falls, at 111 Fourth nttee. I ?r ?- w I r Clalr-1941 Eatered at tka peetemce at Klas- atk Falls, Oregon, for traaammawu through tka malls as second-elans matter. ity LOST AND FOUND tiBT Black velvet handbag: con tained cola purse and money. Leave at Herald office. 21-It Subecrlptlon tarns by aiatl to aay address in, the United states: One year ... . v a FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED steam heated rooms at the Clalrmont. 80-lmo. FOR RENT-Slx room house, with bath and basement, on High street, between Tenth and Eleventh. Inquire 1006 Pine street. , !- FOR SALE PIANO tor Herald. sale Address "B," care 10-tt for SALE Very reasonable. 12 foot plate glass floor case wjth fix tures; dresser; dufold davenport; itknn tab!: two chairs. Call, at "Needlecratt. - MISCELLANEOUS s. TO TRADE 169 acres timber land 'ter koaae In Klamath Falls. Ad- dress box 1111. -19-6t PROFESSIONAL CARDS . juii mo ' "' - CITY' AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY ABSTRACTS INSURANCK Members Otegoa Association TtUs Mea EARL WH1TLOCK UNDERTAKER EMBALMER County Coroner Complete Funeral Furnishings , Phone 416 6th and Pine W. O. SMITH J. K. PADDOCK Wttli START Taw PliANT WHEN MACHINERY AR HIVM CHOC CHUiDRBN STUDYING One month 60 KLAMATH FALLS, OtUMON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11 IMS & " AND STOP AT KLAMATH FALLS Henrietta Lyon and Grace Lytle haveiornanlned classes In their rooms at school lathe Junior Audubon So ciety (or tka stady ot Mr. The children are very enthuslaatlc oyer this work; and are basy making bird house. WOOD PAVEMENT WHY NOT? I Wood! Wood! .Block, isingto load .'$1.76 Block, double load 64.00 Absolutely dry slabs 93.26 (Extra on hill) 16-inch Body and Limb Wood 4-foot Body and Limb. Wood ' Rock Springs Coal Leave orders at Ashland - Fruit Store. 3d and Main. PHONE 288 P. C. CARLSON (Herald Spirts! Sarvtee) BONANZA. April II. Joka Hon purchased a Ford la tka Falls Mon day. J. E. Paddock has bought tka Bo nanza creamery. Ha expects to start it aa soon as tka proper mackiaery can be Installed. N ANOTHER part ot today's Herald is a statement by a prominent lumberman regarding the revival ot wood block pavement throughout the world. Cities that a number ot years ago discontinued 'this form ot street tmuivivemcnt In the erase oyer the umnv so-called "permanent" types nr main resortlnn to wooden pave ment, finding, alter careful experi ment, that this type Is cheaper, more durable, less noisy and more satis factory In every manner.' If New York. Chicago. Paris, Seattle. Boston and other cities be lieve wooden navement is good tor their streets It should be good enoagn for Klamath Falls' streets and road wars, which are used much leas by traffic The Initial cost Is no greater than In any form ot hard surface navement. and as single blocks can be taken up and replaced whenever necessary without disturbing the rest of the, paving, it Is easily seen that the UDkeen cost Is trivial. Lumber Is the greatest of Oregon's nmAneta. Klamath COUUtT Is QUO of the state's' greatest lumbering i centers, and red fir. which Is meeting with little demand at present. Is the ideal wood for paving. Red fir, Is plentiful near Klamath Falls, and the adontlon of this form of pavement would bring Into demand a product x very enjoyable evening waa spent - tn.th Muitilw1 eitttM fthftt WMllA ... ... . ai tolVa a Owll VL rlWiiii . m " - Uf fewuV JVm w ww w-- ! increase the ontpnt of these punts, p.raon's last Saturday. Tka Rive steady employment, w unn was, y. was paneea wiin sum u Excavation has been started tor the hotel which Darley Wlshard jure to build here. They will commence hauling lumber soon. The Odd Fal low s expect to have their lodge rooms In the new building. Judge Griffith preached hare Sun day morning and evening. Ha win return the third Sunday of next month. Rev. aad -Mrs. Hall spent part of last week aa guests ot Rer. Hutchin son at Merrill. Mrs. Grace Lytle has fully recov ered from her Illness, and Is again at her school work. Mrs. Dr. Johnson has been enjoy ing a visit from her mother, brother and brother's wife from the East. There will be special services at the Bonanta church Sunday evening next for the Odd Fallows and Re- bekahs. The members of these or santxatlons will attend in full re- Late Market Quotations LOCAL WUCW6 FOR PRODUCE, POULTRY, MBATS AND LIVK-STOCK-PORTLAND AND SAN FRANCISCO LIVESTOCK QUOTA. TtONS en m4t. Miml duality. 66HC Cows nnd heifers Good, 66j6Kc; second quality, 6H 06Hc. Dulls and slags uoou, v. fair, 304c. Calves Light weight, 9ttc; medium, 88ttc; haaTT Tc Hhon Wethers. 0V4Tc; owes. 0 W6Ue; shorn sheep, K tf 1c less. Larasb Yearlings. 7.9ic; suca lings, 77Ke. Hard grain (sa, wunmus Use of food Block Is idihgOvi (The feUewtnt flenrea are woso id tar tk cMunedHlcs enumer later, by local saerchanu and mar- keta.) Vafetablea Potatoes, ner cwt. Oood whites, f 1.60 cash: other grades from 11.16 down. Onions, per cwt., 11.76. Beets, turnips, carrots aud par snips, per lb. lUc Grains. Etc Oats, per cwt. 11.60 Wheat, per ewt Barley, per cwt ..li.oo Batter and Eggs Butter Ranch, 21 He cash; 16c la trade. Kggs Per doten, 17 He cash; I0t trade. Poultry 'Hens, per doaaa .-. 6.60 7.00 Fryers, per dosen 5.00QB.00 Roosters, old, par lb., 8c. Dressed Meats Pork, par lb. 8 Veal, per lb 10 Lambs, par lb It Mutton, per lb Livestock Steers, per lb 6 Cows, per lb Stock kogs, per lb Hogs, par lb Veal, per lb Mutton, per lb 6HO Cared Meats Shoulder, per lb 1 Bacon, per lb 18 Vio Ham, per lb 17 10 & Ha. m 9 1 9 9 If IS 18 HOBS imru - -.." . 100 to 100 lbs., 7H7e; 100-800, cities lme come to PORTLAND, April 81 N, I. Ayar, president ot tha St. JohM Umber company, who haa glvas sMiy to wood blocks aa a pavlsg material, bellevos tha Oregon pro-net akouW stand a good opportunity in compete .)nn .ith other material! for paving the roads and streeU of tka stale. nr.ian is tho reat producer of flr i..n.hP.'' mlil Mr. Aysr. "and It Is be lug hougin t 'lWant places for pav in- mirnoHOH ami litulad at a naavy pxioi by mil or vnter. It Paris, kiw vnrk tendon ntttl other large i1n - Hie conclusion 7"Ue; unJoilrable hogs, 66c MARKET IH1RTLAND LIVESTOCK Cattle Steers Prime light . . . .I7.00Q7.16 6He 6He He e 7 c 7 C 6.76 7.00 .006.9S 6.8606.76 6.7606.86 6.00 06.60 6.00 06.76 6.60 06.76 6.86 O 6.76 6.000660 6.60 O6.00 6.00O8.60 Prime light. 176-886 lbs. 17.60 7.85 Choice medium, 140-176. 7.40O7.60 Light, 90-140 lbs 7.16V7.40 Housb. 876 lbs up 6.60 O7.00 Choice Medium Cows Prime . Choice .... Medium Heifers Prime Good Bulls Prime . Stags Prime . Choice Calves Prime SAN FRANCISCO MARKET Steers No. 1. weighing 900 to 1100 lbs., 6 7c; 1100 to 1600 lbs.. Wethers Best yearlings 7.76S.86 Old 7.60OU.00 Ewes Best Choice Sheep Mixed Ijtmbs Prime .... Spring lambs, 810. Choice 8.00Q6.0.Q Medium 7.8607.76 Shearlings, 81 loss la all lines. 6.76 O7.00 0.86O6.76 6.60 7.60 8.60 9.86 The national library In Paris con tains the oldest map of the heavens, made la China. 600 B. C, and show ing 1.460 stars. 1 i PWpg aid Twritoag Wa Do the Work Just Right Tank work of all kinds -- PADE," PTNGEL LORENZ CerSUi Klamath Phone 81 v iur i 10c a button, SI a rip, Trousers. K. K. K. Store. Dutchess III Wrong The Mistake la Made by Many Klam atliFaUeCMJaeu ik.i thit wtMiiiuti uiock is ma mosi satisfactory mntor.nl for paving their boNt streets and boulnvarda, then It necms strange that Uora In Port land and throughout tha state, wnere wood Is the greatest natural raaonrce, wo should Import raw material tor paving purposes. "Just suppose thai the roaaa and streots woro paved ltli wood blocks, what it would mean to thi lumber In- auatrv and the thousands of men en- ....j in tt In various catiactttsaT It wim mua moru money for every body In the community, from tka nun who works In the forest to tho owner ot the sawmill and the accounUnU In the office or the man who drives me delivery truck or team. And It would stimulate Interest In timber. But above all. It would give us durable pavements of the finest kind. A country road forty mils la iKiisth. with a hard surfsro pavement eighteen feet In width, would retain about 9,000,000 feet of block lumber. The plan Is to build seventy miles of hard surface roads. That wonia moan 16,000,000 feet ot lumber. Six teen million feet Is a large quantity. It Is more lumber, 1 believe, by a big mardn. than all the mills In tho Co lumbia Rlvar districts have now on their order books for foreign destina tions, and If such an order was placed by an outside buyer the Industry would feel very much encouraged. "We look to other cities to buy our it lumber. Eastern cltl. i, Disced contract! rnr !..- j..."!'? 1 Wood block pavements, ko&vi tardltasthemoHtproircMiMgLT 3 the direction of civic lrapr0Tt,Z i "W go East sad to Kuropeus'f.. " bow they employ tlm 00(1 Mocki! great success In imlnt th.i,.,.""' ' Instead of having to io to ftrh r New York or London to i,, 'r t splendid streots cnu to built tu $ wooden blocks miulu in Orcsoi P tj tha world what can bo dons with u wood block, for Portland U in p,,, Z io proni. merouy iinnnclally. j .i. A tura to ssv that it Ornn ..... r'. M block pavemtnt for lt itreeU.nuJ ii ,. ........ ...... ....(M.vru g. , substitutes In the liulldlnt of raBraM cars, railroad brldsca nnd otWitnt. i 'i w i umiwK a rtssr u. h maat. ' 'TIlA VrAftlMal luirl .., il. . ... . .-. .......... ,.,... ul uivrawonkn'ra manufacture of lumber (on to n,jj wan unu uui, uiu nun, InOBltSVM M '" ii'SKiiiR camp 1st u,i mill, and It la readily scon, limlat'j mat If wood blocka wr. u ul - -- - .... ., m-1 1RHB DrODOBOU rilllUA ll WAIiIA tadJU jl - - ",ivir swell the payroll of the cltrsMttstN naie. a '"TttAB MMIllll th u..l. , t J -"- - " w arm '(j the blocks would furnlth mtUm, ' . ...t. . . -'"."" , ,i tor n veriuiDie army, i ofllT(Ustk "v la quite possible far tho woedkMu $ compete successfully with otssr hlgk l clau materials, and as for tanks ,;., qualities, It will be far luptrisr. 01 that I am certain, for It sat Ua proven In the Isrgv centers, wtatev periments hnvo been rsrrltl as fcr many years." and as a result put more money Into circulation here. We are all wont to talk abont sup porting home Industry, and here Is an Ideal chance to do so. The Herald has on' band data regarding wood pavement, treatment ot paving blocks, testa, etc.. compiled by lumber pub lications and by the forestry service, and this Is available at all times to anybody Interested In any manner In the adoption of wood block par ing. freshmenta were served. Mr. Daniels has moved from the Bowne ranch to the McCIellam ranch, where he excepts to remain till sum mer, when he will move to a resi dence which he expects to build on bis homestead. A mixed baseball team from Bo nanza expects to go to Yalnax Satur day to play. The team will be made up from the high school and town. The Motor Boat EMPRESS Daily Service V Passengers Baggage Freight Upper Lake Points Bus leaves Western Transfer office every morning st 7:16. F. A,Moore, Manager Scattered Shots THE REASON that a woman, no matter bow ponderous she Is, speaks always about getting "a little dress" Is perhaps the reason that a man al ways invites bis friend to nave "a little ".drink." no matter If they are after a quart schooner of suds. THERE IS a difference between knowlng.TOU think and thinking yon know. HOUSTON HOTEL Furnished rooms, warm and comfortable. Prices to meet your needs. ;' A step only from tha postofflce. Mala aad Second ? v w iw..Jl r&m Jm? ?XM INEVit'.v 'tr.w' m , PIANO MOVING , One of oar specialties PaoMer ,0. K. TRANSFER COMPANY and Klamatk pffiaa on Sixth', between ''ms&s IftVrf.Krt. VH&M 7j&ai Tsvs'nmbe1f, jeiT Mala- Good TvjmikLtor night,' jrisk, month. : lrajEK-a RQOIKO HOUSE. A GOOD START WAS made last nleht toward a Klamath Falls' band. This Is a move we must all encourage. SOME PEOPLE seem content to think that Klamath Falls has a great future. If they would only get In nnd do some consistent boosting work- like subscribing to the fund to main tain a representative at the exposi tion they would hasten that future along. . L THERE IS NO man In the world whom everybody believes Is wise. Just land good. At least one person will demur. Yon "auto" see those Ladles Auto Caps for 91.00 aad S1.9B at K. K. K. Store. l Belgian Hares Full blood, for Breeding Purposes O. A. STBARN8 117 S. Riverside Street Solid Comfort Means relaxation, nnd this condition is brought about easiest by listening to your fnvorlte music played on the Columbia Grafonola. Terms, $8 per month. prices, $ ir.se to esse Shepherd Piano Depot Look for the causa of backache. To be cured, you must know tke cause. If It's weak kidneys you must set )be,kldneys working right. A resident of this vicinity shows you how. 8. Colbert, farmer, 908 N. Central avenue, Medford, Ore., says: "I had terrible peine across my back and I could hardly stooV The kidney se cretions were unnatural and I had to get up often at night. Doan's Kidney Pills brought me wonderful benefit, tl can now work without having pain land weakness and I get my proper rest." Price 60c at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy got Doan's Kidney Pills the aama tkat Mr. Colbert bad. Foater-Mllburn Co., props., Bufalo, N, Y, (Paid Advertisement) SAYS GERMANY ANGRY AT U. S. SAN FRANCISCO TOY MERCHANT SAYS BALK OF MUNITIONS TO ALLIES DISLIKED HV TEUTON'S. SEES NO STARVATION TMKKK WE WOULDN'T KICK so much about Italy becoming embroiled in thtx war If King Bmaauel would only send a couple of thousand of these tenors to the battleSelds. WE SUPPOSE the report ot com mencement ot railroad activities south from Bead In the Shevlln timber sounds real depressing. Llrernool school girls are now acting as telegraph messengers In the postoffiee department F if the suffrage amendment la itnntd in Hair lamer woman will not be oomnaHed to tall tattr aft. faffta Experience a ITP I I GBOBSH Feeling of Security The people who deposit their valuables In our safety vaults cease to worry about 'their safety. They rest secure In knowing that whatever happens, their valuables will bo protected. Come In and see our vaults and let us explain how you may obtain one for your use. FIRST STATE M2 SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Tens Bow TeH MUM Nee- GROCERIES Lettuce, Radishes Green Onion Now Is tho 1 1 mo onBuaewt for such tilings, and yes till get them frctli tiers, ; VAN RIPER M. "Qaallty (Irocen" 1 IM.ni,,. XI stbsaiaak) Anything WE CAN DO WESTERN TRANSFER CO. Phone if " "' You feel fine In a tew moments. Your cold la head or catarrh will bo gone. .Your clogged nostrils will open. The air passages of your bead will clear and you can breathe freely. No more dullness, headache; no hawking, snuffling, mucous discharg es or dryness; no struggling tor breath at.nlakL Tell your druggist you want a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nostrils, let It pene trate through every air passage of the head; sooth and keal tha swollen, Inflamed mucous membrane, aad re lief comes Instantly. It Is Just what every cold and ca tarrh sufferer need. Don't stay stuffed-up and miserable. (Paid Advertisement) WE CAN -AVE VOU MANY DOLLAR! And Add,Vtsrato the Life of Your Car if You Will Have the Little Troubles Looked After at Once 4. tt. Bawls - HOWIE GARAGE - AxM ''See the Vulcanizing Man" 64 Main lnlU'il Tick Sorvliv LONDON. April 8. (By mall to New York) Wide-spread anger against the United States prevails everywhere In Qermany. Knglaad Is I the object of Intense hatred; Prance la pitied, aad Russia Is regarded aa merely stupid and Inferior, according to David Oradwohl of San Francisco. Oradwobl haa Just returned from n visit to Llepsls, Nurenberg, Noaae-bern- and Berlin as a buyer of toys. The sale of ammunition by American firms to the allies hss aroused a bit ter feeling tbat has penotrated Into ovary part of Qermany, he said. There Is no truth In tha report that Qermany la nearlng starvation. Like wise stories that (lermnny lias ex hausted her draft of man ot military age he declared to be Inventions. Another Carlo! of FORDS 4 WILL UK HKKK Prencb women are considered the leadors In the art of cookery, , , Births Increased over 6,000 In New York city during the last year. About May Stk ,, (let Your Order la hartr , GEORGE BIEHN, Aa IOimath Transfer C S10 Msln Hlrset ? 4 We Imve Uo best beat ssns on Ilia Upper Lake- , Call U.-29&J At curate laferasallea about Klaasalli Rasln. Ask CMIcoie. I "Kaos" Bala kaoek iarst all for style. K. K. K. Store. WWknWWWW0g0WWAAAAA0AAAAt Your Laundry It Ready for Use whbn lumnurao f We carefully examine and dam I all underwear aad hosiery I1UBBL Our special darning maeklaa lakes ear of all If B ITViU I AltairiDV in, mwniii wnvwiwi I PaWinieW I r '. J" MM, rKHEADACHE I . ...vli "" Let Us Cleat YoorBlankeb H- IA If (fsMSS1 IWrti Yea. take aavVBaMHsW Wwffsaafaf IIS , Dr. A Jaw a few ad.aH.sba Wt she sammmareasaw waanamaamsjaff arm a wawej satsaaaa aaaMaaaan aaaaamaf afeatf kadsJaUgaVts. atom aad i get 'a-anas sassn smsaBarn aa aass . 3k aw Law aa.Sss aaa ejammrt '- . o..Tasali for IDU r - Awsy j OUR WORK AIM PRICES ARE ;& RIGHT Siperiir Uafi ircrer, ,oa raw. pnoaelS fiify 4Tl 't mm w aaasasae In" 1 1 ' rmzr m ,, .&v Dwwwowywl at K. IT. at. V-i . mm. ' tV e h y if": ff.' && A 0 iV s$"w " r; 'kt "' A' v jt j j i " irtJSsam