W&l MFX& mti.rzT W?.(m !X KihUATH FALL!' -tf rrrrr.rrrrr r -- .'Tr v e1J'VMT3cwr--' . ? ' MCIAL NEWIPAPER VbmcjAgWK ; .. ass r . sbs s . s ,'-'T.zrTy ? , . s. . .;- '4ijM4K(Br. M-"rnsn5a 'yCtfvmXO, fiW (S DAMAGES if Klamath on liCGOUNTOFFALL 1 UKFKMM.T IX. AITIOX m FlliBI wAY . .. . ft, ' rf r " fc !. i i i 'I l H . . . ... ' " -i-....- , , ---.- 'pr-j f p KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON, TUESDAY, AMttk-gOktffl General von Strantz, Newest German Leader at St. Mihiel SWIfiW? I fSlJiltnii Drllny, Who Fell Ob lry m'diiiM Bewmhrr Allege Mfliil Injuria Hli Hrr-leed Are Ip&iaarnt In Character, muI Arc j$$s ntU r XeWtemw o dip rwt or thu MMunpMHr 'f-'Aiieiini ",Bt " ho rwmU of ncf" yKM on the part of ttw city la not r Wai aldewalka In proper condl- rues, iho fell and austnlned pcrman- Mt lajurlci of such nature that -she to usable to work and earn a living u ina a before the accident, Ma. -Ullian Itellny today tiled ault In Ibf Circuit Court, demanding t&OOO AiRiMM from tho City of Klamath fall. W. H. A. Ifcnner la her ut- tarMy. ' f The accident occurred Docembcrl -i UN. wlicn Mm. DeHay fell on ihcildewnlk In front of tbo Uallard ''preptrty on Soventh etrocl between Mala itri'd nnd Klamath Avenue . ! , ,k I T lldfwaiK mere, accoruiim iu iu j complaint, waa covered to a depth to( Hvcrnl Inchea with anow nnd Ice. la well a manner that thero wna n iimp and dancproua elope made. ' vTIi? complaint acta forth that Mm.' Dellay wan Injured In the following aunner: . . n I aHLIaaHatir r'"'F' Mil ' K aaawaaaaaaaaaaaK Jv'-v-'VS iZl'A'iM 4fe IK'lM'iJUMaaaaBBI fOliBB I Sg- '-' I aH!,maKMKnaf 'J i a K-j V-JmaaaaBalam' IaV i Va HLlaPw'v DaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaBBaalaaaaaH U rl aaaHaK'LflalHaaaHiaaaaHiiaaHaaaH 3l i muMmmmmtm ''' iiiHralPaaaaaaaH 1 ' JaBaaaaaVVi'' '' 'vHaaaaaaaaaaaal I ' aaaaaaaaa iy 'lieaaaaaaaaLflaaaH !I ,i; aaHBP WaaaaaH 1' aaaaBaK ?i-f &!KaaaaaaaaH 1 1 aaaHHaWii'viK. . f5 lv 9laaVilaaaaaaaV a. , wmmmmi:mm$mmmm n V. KlvltJB VW J&llLLLLK5h&Vr iLVBuTJKaflBalaai & p-fyp'fy "-fWBfcmPaiMiiiffwrffi L ST B &? WJlMLTt KaWF' jAafRlMaV'lBaaflaalaaaaHmHMDDirSX Mt aaaaaaaaa" .s ja. ji -vcisaaHaahaaaaaar .asnaaaaaaaiaubaai3L''tAk.aaaaai w aaaiF' -'ivwvaaaBBiawBaaaMavsvfac aaaH 9 lviulaHaBraA?HaVar'aaaaHSflHLh7!QaV I 5. aaaV'v . &dT MmLXL awiKamaSrZaa - i E BaWfvT " .KanSSSSaaBaaaBa'xUS . m: m.?mMmMmnmm -i I: aam'uvi. aSCI?"aMaaBaaaaaaalaaa1 .1 KliH'4itlwiaaaaaaaaaflaaal ' , aaaaaaaaaaaajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaK IS baflaaaaaaaH .' aaaaaaaamMalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i SbKi. ''SR ITALY EXPECTEO TO PLUNGE INTO WAR ASIAN ALLY i I'Jtli-AlhTltlA.V I'AHTV (JIUKS l!l IIOBK Oniilnlit Mtni the t'unltlrt In,' Ini'vilublc. ,Ami'l'un t'oare Cum' mioaloncf Kent to Warrlnx Natlona lly l'rtlil-nl Miyor Roberts to " Strut Six Ytars j WilMlll Willi I.Utli" KuccetH. In I'alil to Kirneh OMctela Im MeeiliiKJv 1MlfWt Vilt i i I iiilud l'ri)i Servlro f ItOMK. Anrll 20: ItfllVn war ul-' tlmotum la expected dally. The na.i tlon 1b ready tor war- Even the pro Aunttian party hnn foat hope'of peace. Ohlclala are almost certain that tho conflict li Inevitable. The Aus trian ambassador baa wired his brother to prepare his Austrian villa for occupancy, so he la evidently ex pecting Ills passporta at once. On tho frontier, there la much act ivity, Austrian forces are maaalns. United I'rcaa Service PARIS. Anrll 20. French officials today told Colonel House, reputed to bo Wilson's peace envoy that it la no time to suggest peace, that a atop- page of the war now would only Ma- oflt Germany, as the allies have as sumed the task of crushing militar ism, and .refuse' to be diverted, rrom. this. ..,- iiiftsraa. -2i' SssssfcstsKiicsaira Ocnrml von R Iran" icaicij "That Ilin plalntlC'a right arm and ' -.hit bono (hereof waa broken Close KWaad at (lie wrlfi' aa'd that "htrl TJ(U , tho uuvimt oermnn general i point Huh ceutcred for mdro than n l'JtfH thrown out of Joint and ' w,.nw, knuwn ,.,, worid 3cn. week Iho hnrdeat Oghtlug In the . fWfement. were lacerated, atraln-l'0 hwtmw know" " l "' WOrlU' ," ,weHtern. war. Oeuernt von StranUf ' rf.4rn and .nralned and that ahe ernl von Blranta la the commander wn formor, y commander of the Fifth nml'rad a hrulaed' and contuaed con-'of tlie Third nnvnrlnn Corpa, which Armj, Qorva located at Posen. Since . . . . .. .. a i . . . . u u........i a hia la daicnding tno iamou wcqku uitneu no nas ueon iranimnm iu 81. Mlhlcl In Franco, Around this now Held. T. I PAINED I -), TIULtnW: t - , gg aaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaBl aa jfl KBfSab V " aaaaaaaaaHaV Zfk aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBai al BaBaB..i.-4 .r Hala K CITY TO BE !.. I !: ' - -- tBfcaa j ta TfSrtAiCai , ygv.y-M g-i(?3,a'.f .-.,gt?gg?7rZi3iEa.ftiiM i si . iW' oaNuaw ..:.,.-..' : ........ . jiAnnuiil,BLi1 , MUMr.n iibiiinr vi-, m'vnr. " ,4. , AID FIIOM CITY. AXD,; BATCH-, A j.'rr.jj iliV lA) WIM, IK DRVOTBi) ' TO i CLKAXIXO OF BUWAi'CWIOUXD, K . ..... 'u. '4,auuaa 4 MirMiar ;V1MW fWiiMnVWlllJ i;i "',,)- (.,. ;t" . EvamraosY - fcr ?- -j x , jr . I Neat Baturaay is to Be-.anoiner ggfjj;tl( fM 1..4. J W t-. Aft... 'mA ' ' "uienn-up, ir nw. twa mi uiwj. , ,. ..fxtrarear?. nil die DMiDln of Klamath Falls who """ "TSSSasra TGSHOWSIANi ?iZZSB&& y 3fel?SM t VT." ttfSCS. - It 1 . . . t - a ft aw TO- , J ..A..IKI. - Jm r. m astral1 aa kavtai "' M in the cleanl'ng'up of the cltycek .tiSm: - ,'i tery. A jytjjtfMa - ; ia to bo Issued by Mayor Nicholas. Uk4WawlXa&iHlaWflMMMato- ,, . 1 . . J ,J a -i L M . I"j; ..-. " r- . .. '-tLr- . . .". . . . .r - .'-..." K'.-. " . I ', of, negUet. the mitirriZ m,,,r- J. ; a- eadly dltopldated, tract; iOAJSSM fci " to the wBBity:1-Thei.!jift,iaft-rt.- W,fM?ll'l mw5m&sfflms&8&imm; v. a Mayor Oonn Ml Roberta of Terre Haute waa sentenced 'ln; tho Federal Court 10 serve six yeara In Leaven worth prison. To this was added a fine bf $2,000. Roberta waa the chief defendant In the Terre Haute election corruption conspiracy- trial conducted by the government. Elev en other officials were also sentenced. Whoa Judge Anderson asked, be fore pronouncing sentences, whether any of, the convicted men) or con- fpcasTt rinfendanhi had anjrthlHK to . ,y II say, Mayor Roberts did. not, move. but two. ot the convicted men, George RhMntinrilf nnd Tainr.. Hull. al' tamnt'orl in ahtnld Roberta br declar-! ing .tnap.wDiiftjnauceui, ui( un ,' cnargea, idcj- nau not owu juirp nil' a Inner nnv llnm nrorlouK tothe From yeara has become a' disgrace Ladles of gpragueChapUr, Wei Relief Corpa latead to, la remedied, at .oaee,-aaar mm re-ponalble forithU)geaHHal.eaJ To raise money for taaaetary Ing, tbe.Corpaaaa beea irrtas nf silver teas at tks hoifliea of bers. . Last alght.theaaatter wa, BVt befere: tne couacu, aaotae iy vowa $100 to bemused in thta dlreeUcm.. i Mm. 8. EdwardiMartla, Jira. Carey M.iRamsby, Jfra. Bert B. 'WKarow and Mrs. O. W. RehertaoB. apptawd before the council and aaade a reauesi for aid. The councllmen all declared the cause a worthy oho. 2 -- In the 80'a. a cemetery aaaocUUoa waa formed by E. R. Reaaaee, Jadge Baldwin, C. 8. Moore aa otaera. which purchased and platted a attd and aolda-number of loU before loa- Ing the plat, the Books," Me., years ago. -These men aay taetr. uierew In. the' cemetery la aa,traa4eeava ther are wllllaa to have a: new org- . . - . 1 - - . - - - - - - laatlon take: tWa; eTr.'Bivi4a'f raBseaaeat. la made acterted the latWiiHw 'litta -, -. talted aHatea ttl aevlded afcawtf v lai. slMrhew.-:.: , -. !' - ' -1,. -t..S-..- -.--- ,,t , the', irtiee of real aewttt ay aa. He -IMM' K: iOja,aaajaayj.aiaiaiju ikW '..' eaaa toAtWajtaancKBmiaf syjis:''s'Mig:'r:.. ,- rlW.afWlajim ? 4teiayM?ayaaltta;.s4aK. i tmrnttimf mmmSwr-ttV' afftMVam, MPat j af"1 .. ' toiy I !. -warn HMtaa: Jb ; -t S ftUttnrRBftaVLftSSi; .: PPI'S ,.i,fl ;; nnim .4 ' ft (- aW ; ' : iS The real snewi br - L,-..' -.. v-i!-.-- cr ftBftsi n.Hftr.' aftivi v ft.J.i-ft.v- .'iL.-iv--;-fci': "T', JRS!"!5'TS?l!iSJS.!S5a. r, ' r-jc?'. .-' .ftn -t" i?W--i "': 'v.--' aaaeej' Jlilen of Imr face and became, un ctawlout and that her back waa vrtached nnd sprained and the bi.kIc. thoreof torn loose and one kidney waa Injured nnd loosened from Us bed and that her rich! shoul dtr im Injurod and tho mtmulea of umi were 10m loose and aprnlncd, and till ot ald Injurlfs remain por-i ainrnt from Ihence hitherto; and I (hat said fall, further produced n. (noral ahork nnd breakdown of COUNTY COURT SETS PROGRAM masflM of tho right aide, arm ,,....,., M,VjClKli Dyrt to lofore. meotlnga boulder and caused aevore pain In HKHMFTMt, Hl-hClAU uaih n Jnonth said xldnoyn, back and shoulder ana ' ina." v ' A demand for ,10000 damages waa made licforo the council, according, to tho complaint. It states that the natter waa referred to City Attorney J Rntfinlr nml Hint h In an nnlnlon each month. This la In accordance with n uow order of business Just mlopted by Judgo Hnnka nnd Com- 'mlHslnnera HagelBtoln nml McCor nnck. 1 Tho County Court will convene the first Wednesday ot January, March. Muy. July. September, Nov ember nnd Docembcr hereafter. Here- wero hold every UK 8KT A8IDK FOlt TMK COX- HIUKIIATIOX OF CLAI.M8 OX CRHTAIX FUXIMt llorenfter, whon probate work Is On the llrst and, second doya of each torm hereafter, general fund claims will be examined and ncted upon. Fridays will bo devoted to clnlrns for road work nnd Saturdays to miscellaneous business. Another rule adopted by tho court ATTOBXBV FOB G. O. I. BOSS SAYS ATTACK WAS CARRIED OX BV BOOSKVKLT 'KrEX IX FOREIGN' COUNTRIES .-. -. . . -i-Al-ytm nri Binnff nnr iinGB DreTious iB.iwjr.7ri.:" "-v . . - -i election. , The'' Werantentadi Saturday alt avljrriave,iii charged that RoberheJldJch;ri friend lur uitfvuuu iu.iw.iuid. MAKES LONG RUN ON TiSSu i-yi. eoarae A ilL.'i- CL.' ." :foi loHif,;Vft.a iflagrreUUveaVAB jl'inenaa amrMavatercmre aaww : trp-the- giuaagwoBB.thaiiajgiata'fc 'other vblnkteera wJirwOTa?toi.oUer ' 'grave and tlw.Jeiiee aiad drlreway. ':titm$1M faiaaCrTraiMriataiielrlBa';, .-:-. ..-JaL-fc--l& T ."""".-." 'y y slTxr Tmrm7Ww:&T)jgmiw &Wtmmmmj J. - -l.'tT-.?' "r ,rl . "r '-"itt -r , ,-,r 2kl:...i:.' ... I , J- . i I rrm1 :wa be put. in-good conditio. .,? - y -WfTfl i"- wf " 'i.'aBBBt 'Ml. lyMmM- l-SHl;;' ,? ynmenvniF I W V F F,IVsfJV F,VaW la not done, the claims will be laiu over"nntll the next session. stated that he believed Che city waa. Hereafter, wuen prooaio u cMms agalngt tho county partly responsible, and recommend- to bo nttcndod to by the cBt'r I mUBl bo filed with tho county clerk tag that the city settle for HBO If Court, It will receive attention .,Ml ,n(cr Umn the nr8t of tho month POMlblo. . 1 first Monday nnd flrat Tuesday of.,,, ...ch tho court wceUi u tnu LOCI BOX FACTORY GETS BIG CONTRAC i.niled l'rba Service SYRACUSE, N. V.. April 20 That Roosevelt denounced Barnes in Snuln. South Africa nnd South Amer- Icu aa well as In the United States from the tlmo of the 1010 New Tork Convention was one ot the. charges in.,!, hv wM. lrvlns. Barnes" coun sel in excoriating 'Roosevelt in the opening ot the 150,000 'damage ault . .... - 4 rZ-i At against tne ex-prestuoui. Liim newspapers and magailnea contain ing the nttacka nro to be onerea in ovideucv. ' " v In the taklug of teatlmony for Bnrnes, Rooaevelt waa called to .the stand. He admitted Usueing a state ment against Barnes, and this after noon, the Barnea attorney aeeka. to prove that tho charge waa merely "malice." 4B7 Aft. .&. JIUWHWll tmrmv im 11 ill. , 3 I'M ! Mra. NetUe'Godard and aoaa, Saaa 'i-Rncki and Far.-returned laat night ifrom Jonlln.. Missouri, convinced that f Klamath county beata taW part.of 'the "Show ife" 'ata'te. They aUte ABCHTTECT .'that conditions there, while laaprov- Inar. are not as good as here an all TAKES IX BOTH KXI-0mu-, - ft wk , to Wlmll -. rmi.'a nnrnvn rni JTTKA awnv the (lodards loaL no ODDOTtUn Atllf Mli4C9 K9V4B.WAM - ww.-..-, " , .. . i v- - .... . ft.. 1 Yl,M..l. .Mft.1 thft M. liy IO DUOBl IftUWUUl, . ! - IX OLI "MEXICO pect, a number ot frienda to coajte here to live.. gvllllm.eauBBl lrH.ini v:..i '.',' KLAMATH FALLS t' trwaaw.K rry. ftrAV.. UiBtjJFlMBt.'-, i , i-i3jmrim3P-YM I- - ' ft?r.i"ft.'n TvrTcttri:fivlTH' i ,nj v","4-7"V!.r1's,:TTr-iuisss, '4- 1 Earl B. Veghtereturned last-night Tbe Peking Dally News atatea thai HIGH SCHOOL Klamath Mf g. Cq. Taket Over Butincii )" of Bray Plant Meant More Equipment and. Men siv TO PLAY FORI TEAM hCOAOH MOTSCHEXBACHER'S I BASEBALL BOV8 WILL TAKE i OX THE MEX OF WOOB RIVER VALLEY SATURDAY ODD FELLOWS TO ATTEND SERVICE . H ftftiv vw.ft .. -wnT w - ' r from a 3.300 mile jaunt down the, the" Chinese govenamenVPropoaea ;to coast,-utade with ?aT motorcycle., and publish, a weekly -,giteeotthijlMt i. - if - .- - ih. 4iiv dnmn M Lkaaor- ;, I'ho annual output of' the Klamath '"Manufacturing Company's box fac tory at Bhlpplngtoa .will be about aoiiMcd horoafter, aeeordlng to the head of the concern,' Robert A.John n. who returned laat night from n huiluws trip to tho south., Mr. John Ml. Ima Just taken, ever; the, lumber d shook contracts pf tho Orr Lake wmiier Company, whoaa plant at 'Sfay-wna destroyed by fire n ahort aafMO. ' i '; W Wn contracta are taken over per- iaeatly by Mr, Johnaon, and th IL. .. .ft ... '. . - ...... tho .output nocesanry at the proaent ir" Jrray WKunot na resuut w W.th.:TI,-ar. wQtHlit'lK- irttt of output a yaar, which la aknt rim,. tnv onmnany'a other contracts. Th "handling of" this Increased liuslnosa will necessitate thei opera- don of the box, factory longor man contemplated onrllor In the season. It will also mean the eployant of more men nnd tno inBinimuuii more equipment. 0,? A, Krauae,, wno woa tomvm with the Klamath Development' comi i.uv for two.vaara, haa, aevered his connections wlt bat irm to accept the office management, m, wi ".. nth Manufacturing compiniwhlch position was recently yapattd hy, Ar thur J, Voya, The "llrat game ot tho season, for as srssjszssi eSt.u -. . rr ii.ahnii team will bo played Satur day afternoou ut Fort Klamath. Tho studonts will that afternoon lino up against Mukey!a FoTt Klamath toam in a a-amrthat will be a practice con- toat for b'othr teams, giving the innn- rigora n chance to, get a line on tne antcs of this or that hopeful under, are. r -' '.!: . .V-' w--' Coach Vernon afotsononoacaer u n.. hn hih school .will have a fin team thla season; tne piayera are ail livening up and seyeral shifts made 'In the laat few daya have cnud the aggregation to' pjck up, a great deal ot speed and teamwork, MEMBERS OF EXOAMPMBXTj ODD FELLOWS AND REBEKABB ARE 1 A fK TO GO IN A BODY TO. HORNING MECTING AT M. B. CRURCHl "' '.. - $ Vniiowlna their annual-custom, the members or Riamatn i,oage n. jli. inn. F.. ProBDorlty Rebekah Circle ., . .. -. . . ,3-1 ... DaUMftWM, Ufl Aftt ana eiwaunu iMuiiiT nv.jt.-mw, I, O. O. F., will attend dlylne nervce flundav. Thla MartkwUWpre- ent at tho morning; aerylcea.at Grace MB. Chilrch. -, The membera or tne tare aniBCB -.;. ft... .tin r.v,.. w.n . ltj:80. They will arhi;ln pwh , j.--. .v.. h.ll i&ii.'ft atmrekr! " t. t Tut.. l: -. ... ..... .i;'L . ..l ...r w. .. . n.... renorta or tne aaiir voinas ws' the tandem aeat tor 2800 mlleaofUhe ernment, Thta waette JgJ trip. He has, aeenaway alx weekajt? be, circulated among Chteea Nat- and reporta a grand and exciting " ,rln ' - i.nvi'ne here. Veahte and. Powers. shipped the Harley Davidson' to Red-7 ding. From .there tney went iprou California, running beyond TIa Jua un, , Mexico", before atartlng .hornet word! ' They attended . both expoal- it!on8j and San Francisco on the return trip, Powers dropped ven: to ! remain., Veghte atruejc roada otJaU kinds, and'he states that despUe the Hlahwar talk in. California, ne many times vBheddeeply that he was traversing mii ...j roada. - . X. Horace Shldler and Leon Decker, motVeghteneariMontaguei!.nd:cam,e i- with him last nlaht. '- f isr. " -" - jj-- s .J fe,' i L r.- .- -v - - Plain Worda, Trely. Th Rntppnrige will stand behind 'any recall movement directed against iknn members of the council wno c.iZ. ...in ili.vr1?the lmWoveaient of Main Btreet, prbvldlng.man eal. dnnOKifaUaWmH ,-sJK -V-f .srsSSiiiLl ', aHijauaiiaTaaviiaBveks-i ab uiaaiE DiRaM7roaa. ,J-.T"-" - ST - . -." ' TTTi.. -T .-7 iMi'akiiV'.l.lMlsMHS r actlonoiii tne..seWthjBtjit( . . .v t, i ';- iv- . '..t.ft'i ior tne a, mhort " . .-.'. .--r i'"'' ? ;-ftii.i'i?i.-iji r.T.v'. of the aurectora.,werejftiageW,Bv .w'; -. ir-T,t -.--. .,..' T.T,?:ytSi.:j' - tTA y. .'t-rti.l.ivjA new. er.,;;iwK?;..f..'c: -Mettlnc-wWhel;'a.-.aa.vV ' rtttastloffWfeSt We4Bcay vtlng;.f:At;tltt Mas itfbiufettl.i'. atoi towaJFtBwlaetlHU.Otir'fk. p- tl5ll5v"Sirtiaa f p? H i . MttlllllllllllllllllllllllMititllllllMiiliait.......t...l.... ft.. I -. B ?-- - ... r- . .JJ- ft.-.- "Tf7"", '- -, - ''jaTTw -,v m'. ..v-rtjit flfi-,-iV.tv',Ltfti'''' . l-' . '-. . crmNf. MANFY FftR DAATsTA I AVA DCTIC 'j 'i-av-- vWi '?. yisBO:-J'.aaSW.sfefi,l-JI V ,i? 1 ,4fi- - -7?ftrryiyfta'j-" -- - a, , i r -v ,. -rOTIiOBMffMfe?MltV - ;J - SKL.i i..I,i.i-. .iiM...W.?ir.i..j; .. doe and BWOy'etr-Fi.Ml!r-. ffi in confere.ee Thmit 'rt. fdj aamaiaaiBiawai ubbbsbbi mssssm. 1.11 vw " - t ... "W -a- 1 .- . aaia asPftKaawaeat r. 1 w.wc ;.- l?hU tried to pave Main ateA,?M'WfLR 15 H'SFl r. rha list three year. Too much talk and too UtUe aetnnl work : have Kllledrtihe imp'rovemahtiand; a; vote. "- l. ...r n.l'..J.W'tilftthf or ' meaaeera vru", ' practically delayed, a ww atrfaat-ftw, another 'Vyeir. .Antioa that once riied amuaeaeBt..now retard., the L . ? V .aiv Ak fthsf ftftjBAuAda avaa Aw sBdhWftBkftm pfM9 ooea am trBf-w w,-' "....- BIABl last IMia .VBi -meMlir asw' arw-pam .?,',.. v aaMt!.to goid' WvWaa.'.WitJa ,la' W .T-w-wtlJ-r .-I r- . ttM"lMida tt prr view. -w ,. V' ;:" f 2S-ii aax abeui the aT.A UMftkftK baB FBBBT .! XftBLEISlin ftw TT . - v .- MMrBUa.II Will IBS a-M BBtwwm . . ww w -.-.-. w Loat River Mctlon, atif(ssartey. m the1 eouity teat on twaiMM. Im . W-VlH,. 1- ft.. :., a !.-;, ...m , i . v )'S'Sl1.-!",,i - road througn tnw.niatetwnB)! aoeaic rea,opeM;t'wtwftP,,i tu'mnaM tfp!v rSiTti-aieittUwliatTKIa MajjaMB 'i''7M'Z''.l'viMi4ia'tW;Baaa da. tkaw'.vti am:-?msmmm &m&L& mifvsm&gssMtttEm r !.' f-tgAjSMigajavtMm 'mi :"Wn,-KA.fe ?tta'' fftSsMH asBB ' Vrf r ij- . .!.'" -T- t. V.i.5. WL ., . 1- 5-t.S'1' jSW '' .IVjA. V5 .i ;Si.' .fcI ivTJ ' .VJ t"ft,?r J t " v ..j. . ,'iWj tit j, i, ... a 'I,ft?WAHKHPMaBssssssl