W-'.k - ' i& I -t - J firs -- -.. y .. -iV. H"B5 kfl ', "sr"i -il &i -i-.rf. fc.. .VlH-Y- . .- KLAMATH FALLI' KLAMATH COUlWTil FlCIAL NEWiPAPIR OFFICIAL EWiPAlto' J'A'i'VaWw- i. l.i .1 . ,? ' r -, : iiri "ziijLJfc.- Amiw: . -, w' -j yaar No, CtMN KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL; 19,191$ lODSEVELT TRIAL STARTS TODAY IN T 11 FALL, German Zeppelins Fired on British Saving Crew VIUTIM WANDERS SYRACUSE COURT1 . ,.. . .. r 'isjmiuwmnjiiTixjmm 2i& r.nvimy: 1 . i.aa. - rrt&m TEAMSTER SERVICE ii? o'VT' en. . 3-S v 3,7i.4i!i$ WORK FRACTURES I icMm vJii 't (Th iturttmn ittrralo l: . 4.. t " Bt,-,'fi " n-v. ." - " " Jr unx . fwSiYmT-rrLiirrv I i t i nr . .S...V '- lt.-.'.S2zltAjl .'' ..-.'" ,'a J1 ?' 4r!f"i' vi'-'' .'! .2. I6ERMAKHIP HUR ! AtLIEHWi Il LlUUIIPlllllal AAA1AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAVAVAWAAAW''Cii7MAAA1AAAAAAB l BimBr a.H'B v ,. 'J. ft taw)v i CHARGED WITH LIBEL 11V I1ARNKH 'i Aftrrnutlti f IisJImoiBBjr'e Cwm aaljpi for lrelcles ia Iwit I a gll to KworW 909.000 Itemagre. RooM-rll Charged l. . I. Leader Was Afflllatcd Willi Marpliy In nn I'sdergrouml Manner. SYRACUSE. N. Y.. ADrll 10. Tbo trUl ot Theodore Roosevelt on libel ; rltft e preferred by William Barnes tUrted tlil forenoon. The court wit packed, nnd bodyguards nccom 1 puled (tie prlnclpalN to the trial, to( prmnt annoyance. After five Juror wero excused bo-j csuie thoy did not desire to servo,! nty moro wore sworn In ea ataaao. , All arc being niKoa u poiiucs win in nntnr l heir verdicts. During the trial Roosevelt promise toojien republican atato organisation cloictn nnd reveal some political kcl-i don. Barnes It, aulng tlio former i hi SBBtt.UT 1 i r l BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVj iji W BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.BBBa wbJBL4ad4?'lf", TdaJBBBBBBBBBBBB Bf MllAK'BnTmBBmnBmnBBasEBfcS n Emmmmmmmsnmmmmmmm:5ja&w; MvflaVRHrVHHHHQiHiHaHMBR nniu inViwu, . T..-.HnLIs ATTArKa IX,. WHKi AJ?tf', TO TOtt'.V SAME DAV '-! i .kM.mW . i '"- - J- .. V- -i'T' X(Slfel Lionel Maybeatad.46, a uaawterj. Aal.1.1 -. '--t' - " MkaaV-HtT'i .mnlMWAii m Ida riHffifffa ttAtfll Att. I - - A jf ri ' feia. ,,J'lWA' vwviuj vu , sa av w .i. .tt "'i 1 p&'-:!:'!siw!ss BMBJ83SXSaKKS3CT7!5"Ci ssjtin i this rcmarknuio pnotocrajiu inowi iiriiun torpcuo uoat in tncir onoru io savo scores oi ucrroan nnnors irom a oauicsnip uini was smKiag nftor hIic had been bombarded. Hut wlillo the torpedo boats were bardnt work In the heavy nca, with a terrific wind blowing, Zeppelins dropped. Ilnw m nnt rirlllRli nnil normnn wprn killed In tlilw wnv Will never be known. But both sides suffered, and the bombs. con rue, Interfered with tlio rcHcu c of (bo drowning CcriniinH, Tbe photograph was taken from one oi tbe torpedo boats, bra sailor, and It has bnmbK'on them from above. ot JiihI reached tlio United States. larajeaient work, U at tbe Blackburn' hospital with a fractured skull, tnei result of being thrown from a wagon j Thursday. Or. Hunt, who la attend ing, believes tbe, patient will recover.' Mavbe was In Klamath FalU on! Thursday, and It waa oa his way back j to .the camp that tbe accident occur-' red. He walked back to tata city that j evealna. told friaada that be bad been beatea aad ronbed en 'to tbe camp la a rig. Marba waa la a bask camp for thirty houra. Laat alght Dr. Hunt: and Deputr Sberit-Lloyd Low -brought hla to the hospital here. Today Maybe has recovered hia reason, and aaya he waa throws from the wagon. He .wore glaaaea at the time of this accident, and ua- tll this afternoon he baa been almost blind from the loss of these aids to sight. CliiMaas Hare ;i 3y ;s;ijm Z'MM tjtln M B t,'?C. t -f ftS,' i'JWJ5 tiWi ' to. ka iVriti Li'llu, VtAmtM tm'iUUt; . ' ' f-l-S .fe-ifd&ii g. iMan-amAiani for rkUit imilivw RHiH ewsets's l BasBnsaaasnsBBBBaaaaaMBaaaaM ... ' -' - . , ; ' - f I kniliv lllli l uiiwv, iiuviiiniwvyii niiw damages for nlleged libel. rrtln. Itt'porU ' vrom Albany de- Amldit lis nriveloctlou nctlvlltlcsl . ............ . L..i . . :. .. icinrc iiiri iiiu uciununui s caunwi nu nnMAHAie .InJllltkAal ItlHM S IhbN H StlAA. I I ,w.,l.tvv.m, .,.....-.. .-- M,ortld n number of subpoenas In mrnt nlaled In this atato between the,lhllt ,,,.,, Tllo indication is that i republican and democratic organlsn. ,(o rc(.or)s of ,ne dolaocraUc pr0De. llon. Ho Hpeclllcally accused Uarnw p worn yvan n nto Mbtkay.u of being pollllcally leaguod with ib l0,jtfH w, uurt .rg0 HCnrch Charle. V. Murphy, Harnes, although cxnm,nnUon. , no longer rcpubl can state committee . . .. . ,.u ;.,rmnn, M reWrded aUI, a. Mat. JM,. wpuDiicnn loader, Murpuy, as ncau i.7...., i '.fit Tammany Hall. I looked on a. 'e," ""il tL. , n ...j- ! --'centered on today'a trial. Barnoshaa! mm .njiiiwrnuc leaaer. fuiiuhib.,- . , . , mot nt New York, while Bowers ft ... , HILLS IN MONTH A CLOSE SHAVE II. 1-5. MOMVEit, 1HIWV HWM CRA-JI-OC TKIt iaKK,'MAVH THKHE OTILIJ F (W Colonel's cry of "combination" against liaraM, th republican leader uutlluttd his present libel action. Btrm-it Unit petitioned the caio'a trill In Albany county, tiU place of residence. Iloforn Buprcmo Court Jmtlce Chester at Albany, Uoosevelt! some weeks ago moved for n change ' of venue, Tb Colonel alleged Barnes controlled Albany county, and nn "lm purtlul irlul" wna Impossible for him there. Justice Chester denied the mot Ion by tbo nppellato division at ' Saratoga, upon Roosevelt's appeal, fixed Onondaga county an the place for trial. A prevailing Impression Is that tbe , present court proceedtnga la rich In ' poiilblo revelatlona .alecttng not only Albany county and New York city pol . Itlcs, but also stato and even national politics. According to some political observers, the trial may tell uu In - KtreHtlug and Illuminating story of all ' four. Itoosovolt'a frllenda doclaro that be, us Now York's former gov IS FIVK FKKT OF S.VOW AT THE) HKADQUAIlTliltS OCAL SIA.V MI8SK KW IXCHEM WlHKHE LKAP, Ell FROM SIXTH STORY HAS FRACTURED COLLARBONE Hand ot the metropolis represent Col onel Roosevont. After a month's lonely vigil In In addition to being badly cut and unowbouud and Isolated Crater Lake, bruised, R. M, Richardson bad his National Park, Park Ranger H. K.J collarbone broken In hia. jump from Mouiycr came to town Saturday night, the sixth story of tbe Imperial hotel Ho leaves today for the park again, Unst Sunday a week, according to C. coming in for provisions nnd to nt-JF. Stone, who visited Richardson at i....a i.iioinnuo mniinrii .tlio finnd Samiirltnn hoBtiltal In Port- UIIDTO liDlliCDi Tlicro ts Btl11 flvo fcot of HI10W at Iand Hllnlal llnlafrn I headquarters, seven miles from the. u Was certainly a miracle how IfUi I W 'a "'rim, according to Mr. Momyer. Hc.ijjek 0SCaped with his life," said Mr i .. . - . i a statoa that thcro haa been a two 1001 11 II1 .t utiAtir cilnrn Iim U'nnt Into thi? RUNAWAY TEAM Claude Davis 1. at home nursing .. and that until yesterday there badly bruised bond, arm, shoulder "" "" -"- ,.'" " ' ' , and leg. a. the result of a runaway tbo melting of the no a.t slo thla forenoon, Davis waa driving the P"p' -',, Mr Momw delivery wagon of the Independent; - ' " .:r mo,t e UOIIUlUfl. v -- " lrn romnnnv. and while turning the wagon around on Crescent avonue, sriuriT&srJSMr h0W, -., ... mr.i "Winter travel Into Crater Lake Is UUII4 vatvui'v ---- -. Stone. "Richardson 'jumped a dis tance ot live stories through' space before he struck, any obstacle to tirenk his .fall. There are .only amall I windows in the floor over the dining T I I. ,...4 l.nnnAM.. that DIMt- TUUIU, DUU 11 juct tiapyvucw w- ardson struck one of these windows, which are covered with heavy wire fast, and If there Is no more storms, lnetting and glass. It; no bad lauded . a. a - tin nKU vn arnt I.. . - . .n .. in. looks for teams to bo able to get Teams icape from aeatn was nwr-. every year." rnor. used hia oDDortunlty to loam vellous. Pcoplo In the nelghbornooa ; Momver. "Thus far there .: . . ......... i .i. nMmii liuiinvnn hi nrai - - -- . . . -r,.; ii.,d m:,n have been forty-six tourists reguuereu mor, useu ma opportunur iu vi ,.. ... -"-,-- ,. . , fl. 'says Mr. aromyer. the Empire auto's "Inside politics," neelng the accident believed j,t nrst "ay. ... . . -. . . i.i i ii.. t,a wna kiiind. tuo iniureu in;iit ----- . . , nu no sianaa reaoy to inare i - - -- "" ,-.". -,i at headquarters, inose iwojnu tcged knowledge with the public. " attended by Drs. Johnson nn(,jcorae,n on keo8 and 9n0wshoes" That the dofense will probo fleepiy uataey. nil Local Musicians Are to Organize City Ba Klamath Fails la to have a splendid, harmony as can some bands of twice- oll oisnnlied and trained band this mmmer, If tho' pinna of lecal: musl dans nro carried 'out' successfully. Talk nt ruumiiiiM iha Klamath Falls Military Band has reached such point that h meeting of musicians Irns boon called for tomorrow night. This meeting will be held at the Alt & Bodge tailor shop on Main xtrect, near, tho Star theater. Rvery miMlfllBtl In tUm, .,' Im ilMKAil tn At lend this, as the question of forming n nana depends largely upon tneao ' m.nv niAces. If this can be done by a few men with no practice what ever, there la everything to oe oxpeci ed from a band of twenty or moro musicians under ft director. Local mualclans realixo tno irapoiv imco of a paid dlroctor If tho band la .. . h. h.t results. With this In I view, they annbunco that a hand load er of great ability win soon o .a .ltlnM nf HlrtfMM IfRKD STARR, FORMER KLAMATH FALLS RESIDENT, THREW WA TER OX WIFE WHEN SHE niK-.fi HHK (1ET8 A DIVORCE three Inches one way or tho other ev cry bone in his body would have been broken. Richardson evidently made a run before he lumped out of the window, as he struck the glass twelve feet out ! from the wondow from which he leaped. It will take about three weeks for Richardson to recoverfroaa hia phya- Ical injuries, but nets sun laooring under the belief that he-Is a prophet of God." ' i ( demanded a 'demonstration, when the car arrived. i Unfortunately, tbe proud possessor. before starting this demonstration. had .to go to bis office. This was Just long enough to' Allow the' other men having offices-, la.itbe' building to. tear things up. Then alL piled In, and talked of the car bo loudly that a DEATH BY Ithrong gathered. -. . ' With the coolness! a veteraa. ttte amateur motorist flipped oa the gas, spark and .other necessities, and shouting "all aboard," put hia, foot oa tbo self starter. But although the car bad tbe appearance, of being real, the noise that it emitted did not sound like the mutter of an honest-to- aoodnesa busr. Instead. It bore a startling likeness to the exhaust of-a woodsaw or heavy duty marine en cine. Instead ot the .staccato-like purr, that resembles a machine gun, the exDloslons came with the rapidity one could' expect from a inutile-load ing musket manipulated by a one- nrmed man. Nonplussed, the beginner tried It again samo result. Ts that the best It will dot" "Will tho blamed, thing ever, run? '$ "And you paid good money for batT" Thsu onrt almllAr OUBStlonS Were pelted at the demonstrator, and the crowd crew." Soon, little by little, the autolst began to repair the,dlaconr nectlons. etc.. but by the time ne naa her "shootinK on all' four" and In running order again, allot his paasenr gers had departed, and, they still in sist that the boat can't run. MANY THRESHERS SOLD IN COUNTY .-,-...'.. .vSgfl. . W4sTBjlWTaBriaBiiBiwBna-t.psswi fu of Tlcti.l,ta' wet.fU;aaia,c::: ery'parttetr." ..'feM n war mr- wmm.-.r. British kvea'.iriT-'irioail;tJrW ! advanced tiMhea.wa;ieaf.ssjK, Thla, It M stated, M ssswisyssyasiYl i .?",Tr" Ti 7 iviiii!...-; ihA 9mmMm :tim ! aw uoakai mm&zr.v. aid to. haTeiaUeCi $&$M . Artulerr aaemag u.repwrtN lajf-a;. FOUR NEW OUTFITS AND THREE SEOOXd'hAXD OKRB AW BOLB TSrOKUS A ' W ,TP! COUNTY FARMERS , ... -... . , k, 'rsivjwW , : 3.". jrf&sg is-iftto,'::''. st?iP United inr captalnairt'drew: of , tkeaiWitHi r Olanda. uadesl here.4ey. TUmtM .u.. -.. u.i.i iiMr:vii.'mm m.r - - -J !) United Press Servjee' J- . if c'-.r r-ztxtvz&Ej.w Bnvri' intii ii ftsMima fsas mM v-i of troops la tte.CariiiWa:feS! lrepeted.'thai. the iaetriaa jKaU rail- J m way 1 .topps4.r4c.r,i4U-:; bee.uw ! .MfMMamom With more lands planted to gralav than ever before In the history of Klamath county. Klamath farmers are preparing for the increased har vests next fall. As a result, aereo threshing outfits were sold here, last week by Mr. Mack of the A. H. Aver Ill Machinery company, assisted by Robert Cheyne and C, D. Corpeaingi both well known residents of tbe county. All ot these outfits, are of the Rus set make. Four are new outfits and the remainder are second hand., Each will require a car to ship it .to K3am-. ath' Falls.' . . "GREENFIELD" STARR SINGLE m, nolo OUGHTO; THIS ONE BUCKED .& .-.- . ...fiL'-NstrairSCi-iUl Taiis.'it: lsi Hsgy .-. MMWiu a- mm m ,w aue.pt U to. aud.,to;TaH:a:;-:h vlaf ltldrwr&:?&?&f,te$4?, ntoreaient'wka; -tlaeteliMrsg5j .Moase Ft a Balsas ,.JJtJM ctaerw, iiv. ", night froaa Salem, a yonth to.the.reforsaatorjrj, Whttejtoj Salem. Sherlft'.Ldw tetfltosj nnilarv tn IM tr.Rnh rAttltS-AAAW.":'. ..-1 'ir? 'lit-. laanrlnnAAA'rA4r lrtll.ri! i ,- Atfi-iAASlfKflViiSAalSAf-'a same Pettus held, on; a'" sUtatory .. n- . 1 1 1 I 1 IA i !! "f cnarae. ne iuuuu ua ww,"t","i ' Avmy-'to-tsaFaJr': XSte-M V4 7l "if-" s An Indlananolls bank has a womaa social secretary whose duty It" la to look after the welfare and comfort ot the bank's depositors. -' r-snv irst jinkiSEfi" tMrrmirr rrtw iivw.ai iuim vwwwksvi' be of'CbaimeJeReaUrialMl o'. V..Ala-A.-1 BAM -tka. riBAAATC; k.;lKi tA thoncbt br.i aim" to ae -' m.wmtu---m tut -gi-ml'. 'sass-wssssssiift tone, to.two .weeks; ie. WMUMJ iww.wm 1I AUTO TO SEND 'HOT THE TROUT e v STATE COMMISSION PURCRA8E8 CAR TO BE USED IN CONNEC TION WITH TROUT. HTCIfERY ' . V" lA. . Row Unde;:yi)iP3 , rrepanng pKffiUHp j. - n. .Vtf ., 'JT.';ir5iarCtM3f: J ON SPENCER'CREEK ' EMBRYO BURMAN SUFFERED i j rl u-T--i iirom foruuuu. nw w-w -MUCH; EMBARRASSMENT IN meetlng of the state 'fish, and game commission. v An appropriation wbb made oy me SHOWING HIS NEWCAR OFF TO A GROUP OF FRIENDS " ' Hon In Iran tkl. tlAaa Klamath Falls haa more real musi cians than any other town of her aise. If an ofiAailnii Au'JJAal haha un de-' mandlng s.Uflc,a hoarla eJfort will icure un tM or tWai'va hakaasien who are so proMlsit in thtlr aiusk that thav Mn'ut taulliu' la a AalautA ABA furnish as Hash MUlae aletedir a4 VI '" "'.. ,., , HlKaAl.1 in take UD tno proposmuu ,..- r- - ....... ,. ng Klamath', musicians. .comers tnrew vo .- Thnra are man? now iw ....,.-.. . ,-.-.- , .... .j ..... urvod to turn According to a Pacific Newsservice ,m.i,Ii Prederlch Starr, who to, , merly munaged the Greenfield farm on tho Merrill road, and whose fussy, chaps, peakod sombrero and movie- Scuou. in t, yZo7rt Tnew" posed to be an expoilUen ot It. good conspicuous iu iiiw , ..i.u,intA. nnd m show how slmnle. eaay ,....., .- - - , - - - and economical iski arive tue car A domouatrntlouqt'an.nuto Usup- the city, aad these are urged to turn oattptorrownlght. inl sway) will he,possioio w.b ""---'"-material already at band, and deter mine what instruments will be need- ed, Several local eonesras yv v... d to furnish employment ,to rnuil class brought here to play la the " ' . . . iil .. In cry" she waa nayiug at mo Bo)aoo county, where they were jih- Ing, Aa a result, sne was itow divorce In Ban Francisco Saturday. The couple were married in Mam- ath Falls In, 1918. Prior to her wed ding Mrs. ntarr was atane w ... and was a stenograpaer m " business house, in nuesUon. But a demonstration given Saturday by a new autolst waa n demonatratlon entirely different un exposition of what aU cn Happen to a car. " For weeks, this autobug has been, telling other proteseleaal pen of the car he had coming, ot Re merits, etc., until all bscame Interested. They ! commission for be purchase of an automobile ,for use at tne upeawr rab hntharv. This la to be used for transporting supplies to the hatch ery and also for tne aisiriBnuoa -Anaaviinar trout from the hatchery, to tbe streams of the county later' In. the aeaaon WASHINGTON D -....,"-'': Across Jhe sea, tneyre wagip1B ww Dut ,ita mpeuy,.BB;T"i - derground'war, . ,' J No orancn- or, tae,varioa, " mlliury services haa come l"atot any ATAAtBr nmaalnanc than' that Of their ll.u...i. .i la aJTort to saeat thla advance, the American navy, has " - , .fcfi organised a aavai y.t v y? Penscola. Florida. wMewLthe PSN tor UUCl- ftmm,mmmf ft Thla ciass f or ayera wm - .in nrk it will "ho eoaaDoaeil et.tan officers and twentyeaMsted 'mem, "Ttetiy are the men,Dest,a.s naeaayawBwy and menwlly'for the,aviato work, it Peasacola there, are eight student aviators 9 Miielaaa,,9.o(cers taat wm termed last' year.' ; .v 'a . : llv.t A , .aallaatlAAA ja wit anivi - v arr-r.T' - . .vi .v ;';t'.(.- : vfr',?i April l.Tt, whkh.the .sMsKWV:.r - - -'. . .- . -a ".m. i a - ,i uSiaa -- - m Baaiaa:. at tae? reassneiB,; apaaa;,-.vi 3 .TTTis -vs.-s STViii-.,-f -...WJ.-. i?a.,J iana.-rsj7WSTC?:jrsr-SKSi ; JMt.Jeim - - .-ryiw.'' ,.,,! r' -JU..f'f'im;-, .atVtaetaaiMltlpt. ' The work is hard..ad:sla4weaai:AfJ f rasa osaasm uinn of the navyand An.appropriation waa also made et -eArt.ea,lalmdy miM :x nnn fnr InilalllnK a' COld BtOraM .and tee plani at the BonnevHU hsAeh; ery. It is Dsnevea tBBt:."eieP"' slon;caa make a MMMmUt? Miimt by, maaufactunng aa,AtwBj -. food necessary tor the tek at the hatAkArr. eferelthft cuWto Saally ferme, 1st Jnner.there erjii.ee etasr apw-. tfl,eesMler;aad;aeleef., .&$&& ' tva "mh. arf,iassleB. leele. The . course eitaatrnetle .fcrl.ejf-. laaaa atl tttA AVUtlAB . ef 't; weeks at1 the meafajHla 'the slightest 'detctjnjl: m.... I. -l..".al.''aAV lAJtaaAAA-r-Jl. J v .mmv w,.a.TO,w.-.wiijr-,--.'.v- vk .M a anna ' ,a,y it ' i qualified under the fewteWitlieFI receive a.-irwa aaa.jap"RV; ... Ha' taarAAAAd --leVBA aMtlAm-- r"', "".-"; -rjr7;ir.- .,-wy svt)i i TheTaayy has j war .'-aer opssawr-aiai. j the Peasacola avlaMeaiefcoel :. ial.l A . . A..-J. .Aj . A - . Mia . " w,!" STTTT ; V !J MTM.-: T lii ' nuNsaahlmNBsm!s j s;wRhir!lM-;iMil. ; tfwv: will e oreerea lt:.....-'4-'iAa-:- tw,l t,iaa of the avlaWssj '--... t.i...i' tav?(;an,jwaefa.' x?rw mim MaSSUM WBSJPSiS' 'P a SJSBSK wBBA. . .vWiBj l-aij; -vKmM .lawMW. ,. MAiiiAi, .. . u ' ' ' - v vi . "t.(. t , jiV'.. w i ... .-ib.2 fc. ' it rnan iTTr kj I 7 V .t