. ttf ( fl& tJt 'X Vr J 4Ft.'Ji&' "i i , y ;a3 V .,'-' I nJ iKtAMATH FALLT V -.. !brftClAt NEWSPAPER bFnciALEWpjwr; iEupnutn h. i i itinalD JfBRATION IN JULY WILL HAVE MANY FEATURES " ...... i . . i , . , ,, Belgian Girls Work in Coal Mines KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1915 B.iW!W. & tJ 8IXN01T IH HPEAK INVITED TO '. '':. . jTilirt Awi AU "' lU M"d,? IO 'k1 ,1m nmli ' loiM"!0!1 ' Xiltlor, Who Will Also Take Local rWelc l'l Flight Weed lUfiT aa Ball Ttm Am Also to be I nn to Cmiir. j According to l'ln dliuiiM4 by the J lZ relebrntlon committed of thel ... .i. viii. iiihIuom Men's Aeso-' Irlatibn, the celebration to be held here . i ...III aaIImba anvltilna-1 jiw . """ '" '"" ""' . a the kind over attempted in souin- j Oron. Already nctlvo worm l.tmrd tecurliiB distinctive Jentnres b nttt way. Th iro(iit tentative plan la i( hiVe high rarnlvnl Friday and Batur ixj, July 2 and 3, and n "aano" 4th. I Patriotic exercise will bo hold the ( lib, and thin. In n possibility Hint Ittapwwman N. J. Hlunnii may no, '.iwe to deliver I lie Fourth of July lln .? An Invitation has been extended to 'litonnrtiiiiinii lo vlall Klamath anil riprtk on Hint iirralmi, and through u many mirrcs lis possible pressure lnWliiB lirmiBlii io bear to liwvt lihn ttt;i. Slniioli iillnlned fume for klh i-lwiiieinv ami wit before hu be- rune u imtUinal legislator, uiul III' rKnce here will draw a Inrice rrowd otrmiHUtiii'iilrt. An aeroplane may uUo Hgure In Hie tend celebration. Inquiries nre bring Ml ml to Hcniro nn aviator who can "leeHW-loop." and do other nerlal tfcfllNt, It Is nUo am nented that nr nunuMitu lio madn to have tllRhta kttni tlrom n day Friday and Satur iu. with local neonin Klven tho prlv- lltce of roIiir aloft an aerial paaxen- The fam erle of ball camea biv liMn Hie Wen! and Klamath KalU tMm IftHl July were'an much enjoyed OLD TIMER 60NE TO HIS REWARD H. II. WHITMOHK 1)1 EH AT THK (OL'.NTV HOHP1TAI LAST NIGHT AtTBIl A 'LONG LIFE IX THE i KLAMATH COUNTRY Thtw Ordered to Matteawan Again :- rfc; H. 1). Whltmore, an old time real Idem of Klamath county, passed away 'last night at the county hospital, after a short Illness, due to senility. I Whltmore, who Is $0 years of age, has been living In the eastern part of the county for many years, most ui which lime wna sypni iu buiiiuu, .where he followed tbe trade or cob bier. Ho passed through this city ulipn there was but !a station here. und although living 'for many years .In the county never a(atn visited here l until a short time ago. ' Ills surprise' at the growth of (Klamath Falls and the many wonders jto bo found here, pas' a source of amusement to his friends, as the old gentleman had d quaint way of ex pressing himself. His remarks re i sardine the moving nlcturcs will be 'long remembered by ihoso who over j heard them. It wasliho first time he had observed this twentieth century (Invention, and his astonishment was (Indeed great. ! While .Mr. Whltmore left no Irame idlate relatives, be left behind him a j larico circle of friends who will long 'cherish a fond remembrance of the axed cobbler. -gXflUJHgXL. s MUCH ,' :.i. -it.1 ' li r-ir, v i HI M d"WlTT IiTignY gVYOi"? '. m m m m mm m -fc., i'-' k - -- t- 4 vry- v-t x XW& u ft'wASil . . It- J t B.Mla. J u& fl 4 t r.i' Sttfl i.. ii ilea rrai oim i- ,. l'SiKi, LONDON,, April il-Jtbe cart coast. towns and Obndoa are nMhl today from a Iwd case of "Zcppellnltls." to every .village, the ajbjtM! nro much excited, and it Is feared by some-that cveity' , cloud, coid" '&', , s dirigible or an aeroplane. ,,' r, ; J There are v.Ud rumors, all oveIiondon and the IsUads of' .QanMg rains, in llic HUUH mew mrv naomniiiiru. - '"," TS B'' 's A raid npon London was' expected last Bight, bt M,'mHtmttttf'j There arc also numerous ramors that-spies gaided the-Mrary-sj.j. ships yesterday. , B ' " - .ttM . -, oB .. , , - --.- .fSfc-ra -flll?. ft ." . a "t.'51'.IlJ.J. i.ft i jjur,' "-ctij-. "5W5 t'nlted I'ress' Senrtee PJ -5L Hvi.-A i?l jjrf,5'lJI w i.-- - ''JiiSWiSBiavi jw .. (.- .. AibU . '8i'1ii?isWii COX8TANTIXOPLE, April 17-It Is offlclally anaouBorf Ikit twMp ."WA'SriBTlffTl ironclad bombarded tho oater .Dardanelles fortii' yeaery,.A,Tia.liii!0 . . . . ' .... . . -.:.. JT.-'?'J badly damaged, it is stated, was pat ont or action, ana sieaBseu.iowiw.js- IVHCUOT ihuiiius mmc m iwun. - - f'ifajLt ft i J'tl.;'. . 'irf1 ltusstan vessels In'the Black'Sea bombarded the Tnraii' torriM.t of VILLAS FORCES . i ARE IN RETREAT lb , ai.elr rmbora. I.usb.inds and brotli- auO nliovcl Just Hfco lh nwn. and em In the war those of them that come Imth grimy n',lrt- sk,rt" hnvenot been killed by the lnv,.dlng,aro.f coume. lmioblc. Tl.-vmusl ln....n. thn eirl. of Ilclaluta have'drosH like miners to do miners work. tho women have tak If tho war continues that crrortH w III lie madn to bring the JL Wen sent down luto the coal mines, ami accordingly .. .. . . i..u.. . ...A.i. rt.i ah I.. lrniiRirH. for llio rniigneii ainu oi um. ....i,. - -. ,.i..i.. m. i....iMt n.iirii lonecr these girls will work in minors nre jirovi'iuiuuj nv ....-. ... .,.. u ,. wurNra. and these girls, mont of the mints many years after It ha. whom should bo In school, must Hike ended, for there will he fe men loft up ihclr task. Thoy work with pick In llelglum. Weed team here for another erlen. The Weed hand, It is believed, will bo tniaied to play during the celebra tion, In addition to tho Klamnth FnllH hind, n ttirre will bo no lack of music. A batbecim oach day la planned. War dunce by the Warm Springs In dians may nlxo ho dally features, and hMldr llii'M', thero will bo races, dinclng. nriiuatlc sports, and no, end ot fun, Hpnrt and amusement.- SALOON LATEST CITY UTILITY LUMMOX, HOL'TII DAKOTA, IS one saloon Is $1,000 a ML'XICIIAI. HAH Take I'rUflner XoHh Deputy Pnltod States Marshal, W., f. llsrrmun Infl llilu mnrnlnir (or PortUnd with iko I.lvesay, who must , 'm a fctiornl grand Jury on a chargo' effurnlshhie liquor to an-lndlan. Ike 'I'nlied l'is Servln. hu been hold In the county Jail slnco' l.KMMON. 8. D., April 17. If busl Much 23, nwnlilng transfer to thenoss keeps up, for the next two Wersl. tiuxtlli! at Portland. , months as It has slnco last July. l;om- -m.in'H niunlclnnl snloon will hnvo PKlyiliniiHiii,,! iii-iiimI. rniiu-v mnn pnntrlbiitfd ainiroxlnintoly $12,000. Lemmon'a month. Defore the last law limiting the number of snloons per capita through out the state, Lemmon. with a popu lation of l,2r.O Inhabitants, had eight saloons. Competition was keen, and lo make their respective saloona "at trnctlvo" somo of them became the lowest manner of dives. When the per capita law was paes- MKI(J A THOUSAND DOLLAI18 od. Lcmmon was allowed two saloons. mahi.m .x iaw intense rivalry for the two A MONTH I'HOFIT OFF OF ITS llccnges. a proposition that tho city - .......i.-' l-JlItFl'L LK8T XKW8 SHOULD LKAK OUT, VILLA'S FOBCE8 KIDNAK NEWSPAPER MAX IK. VKST1GATK TL'RTLB BAY I'nlwil I'ress Service UKOWK8VILLE, Tex., April 17. Tim Yllllstas arc retreating from Mat- amoras to Monterey, Intending to Join Villa and his command at Celaya. The cump was deserted this morning, and as n result the Carranslstas In Mata- moras are wimiy ceiooraung meir vltcory today. H. I.. Morris, a local reporter, who visited the Vllllsta camp yesterday. Is missing. It Is believed hewas kid napped to prevent his divulging news fof the retreat. KicrU and I'ngulrtak. The damage was slight. yi'&Q'. A I m, i )1&T' onnvccti i ed uiii i InuE uiBiuf m IIUUIILI LLLLIi HILL UI1L llllllui .iV'shA'w it PROBATED TODAY Harr' K. Tliav - j Ufiilt-il I'li'.ss" Scrvf NEW 'OHK. Apdll 17. Harry Kendall Thaw today met a reverse In his court-fight, to be allowed to return to New Hampshire. The appellato dlvislon.of tho supreme, CQ.urCp,t.J'JeTwi York -sustained thcTunng oi justice Page directing that Thaw be returned to the Matteawan asylum for criminal Insane. It Is believed that an appeal will be taken. j . ESTATE IS WORTH MILLION AXDBBOTHER mrr .1 minm .1 I lis. a, vi w.w-..r OF ,MAX NEW ROAD OPEN TO PELICAN CITY COUNTV tX).L'BT TODAV- - ESTAB. LISH A ROUTE BETWEEN KLAMATH FALLS AXD THE .MAXUFACTUBIXG SUBURH 1 A HALF CHARITABLE, IXSTI TUTIOXS AXD RELATIVESARE BEXEFiaARDXS . A iJ.ii AK i . sm . -JjS-,:a -vs von TBT.FT TCT.lTS-ilJRYTrHAtf dES. "jS. . . ' ,'....& "vL4WC.i&t BF. XOT THE PRISONER. tWA ''&? I v - " -- -. -.--. L-.. S UkSN' itFOix the avaaivjaaxnr- yiM spi ijj rxi-- ". nswj ?fflwm t After Jack Hiixhes tesUflsdto.-.tkT-i f---v T-- r ' .j -,- .--.. 'r' -'-J.-r',.-S'--li'T.-ftrtr. .?" UH-inMr.te1-litAAV:iki IlhlsVJr'J?f. YORKr April 17 Ttteill or J ,,"fc?r v v" u - WFSBSSS D.' Rockefeller; dUpo!n; o.i BW9 "?' fRl . - Mil irnna nrrnsion inr inn riinii mi-mimi 'T-h.h- ii. aaaE3W.rjB5 ,r, -. -j ;;,'- j. s t'nlted I'l ess Service - , NEW Mrs. 'John - of an estate of- ll.50d.uou, was pro- "-6-JJ".vv:,- ?z.,-zzz?z istj ; bated today! - innocent. It tobfc VpMtopm &$$& fM Specilicuequosts dispose oi ,oUU.- - - .-.- KSTTTto . n - m-i S4An Ann AOkl. " - - - ? -- - uu. an? ii ." r";"i::ac6ulttlng,theVprlsoiii$r1 Jr., Mrs. Prentice, Mrs, McCormlck.' -Hugh w.arispt4tw9Wttii$&'j -i .... ,,..,,,. u,,i lateral works. Thursday' uponf,com- .j? - -s HIIU Strong; she left' 10 uvv iiuBuajiu, hud. awwav.v.... , - left "mr old ruby diamond ring." and - 8 3 uincr mumcuiua. -z " 'JT ...,.. , . , Soccer Cfeamps .Meet vw- sf & Mrs. Rockefeller remembered many - , . -..iv A ftrfv.' t?u fc-vi.rft.i inci,,inn9 .ho th dtsDos- ' uited Lesa Serylee.iWi 71??" r1 ln.:-nr 1,.. -nriHiv rflnd9, ' ' 'VAILSBURO.NVJ...Anhia7rTliefi-a4."lv huslnaPrpuhd of;ifij; hV?'i-jV '. '.T Inc'of her worldly eoods The will named as trustees her band and son, and Mrs. Prentice: go Into tho saloon business was put to a vote, and failed. Then the Lemmon Civic Assocla Hon was formed after the city last spring adopted tho commission form of government, The association In cluded mon of many different walks of life and business,. Ministers were 11 in nn ir tho membership. Tho association was given a saloon United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C. April 17. Naval Secretnry Daniels today an nounced that Admiral Howard has sent the cruiser New Orleans, to Tur i nv Lower California, to Investi gate the reports of naval, actlylHesj there by tho Japanese. rVi,..tHla rPAvinla fiMIBAtt OlWnB lifted Pross.Sejvlce .'X -P!!rk hcveJT0uf &W-$R NEW YORK. April ,17 line real ana, -ine dcuiuju -vjuaitM,,.- w m r - r - . ' i ,l. ..-.. a-I. t...i.J j'WV.fJ' 5) Joined, or rejoined, tho colors when townrd tho schools and municipal lm- jlocg0, a manager, one of the strong er was dcchircd. proyenients. The monthly profit of 0t prohibition workers In the city, ' -.. nnnn nted. Ho receives no sal ary. Tho two barkeepers receive auch good salaries that graft of any kind is eliminated. By.the association's rules the sale of liquor Is not pushed, A blacklist n,ii,in tho names of persons who i.nno buy llouor hero. Patrons who nntA .how a dlsuosltion to look even one time too frequently Into the cup that cheers nre blacklisted. Known drunkards may not, enter tho saloon; neither may persons whose families . vnnwn to he In want. Mayor B. R, Watt la one of the strongest boost. ors of Leramon'B municipal saloon. GROUND IS BROKEN FOR HOME OF ELKS The drat ston tnwurit thit nrlunl eoiatructlon of the now 50,0'00 homo Klamath Lodge No, 1147, Benevo t and Protective Order of Klki, wai ,en t,loftly after 8 o'clock this f wneon, when ground wsi broken it t aim Third streets for the sin Htlon. rollowlug this start, the work Is to ant 1. noPiw 10, Vi A, Ar. lion voftt .-. t-.'ii.t-.- FK.'i J mi':'": " ?.' " 1 'jhzra ', 'im. - oimiKiag, 9( ia grvvMi t - r..vHsa By a weu.'MHrtMwy, which was attended by about fifty people, Elbert Tl, Hall, chairman of tho building committee ot ine ioage, turned the first apadeful of eartti. rtafaro doina this. Mr. Half made n brief speech, telling of the dreams that precede nil enterprises, great or aaullj and of the dreams of the local "Bllla" of aorae day havinf a uome for their lodge, The tlme,for actual n.k harf arrived, be said, and he started actual construction work by spading. ,- 1 . r .1, Other members of the locals lodge then spaded and picked,' loading a wagoa with earth before deerttln. . X. Y. V, Alwrml DIbb PniiPil I'iesa Servlt . NEW YOBK, April 17. Comptrol-, lor Prendergast, cnanceiier , urown and Chancellor-emeritus Mccracken win sneak tonight at the. annual alumni dlnnej of the New York .Uni versity. r,- The county court this' afternoon missed nn order establishing and opening a county road Between Klam ath Falls and Pelican City. This .was petitioned for some time 'ago, and takes tho place .of various rpttdsthat have been used In tho; past. The route Is from tho ,clty limits between North' Klamath Falls and il,akevlew Addition to the south line of tho. Southern. Pacific right of way. It follows the railroad through Pell can City- to'the sawmill. Yale Meet Pekn United Press Service PHILADELPHIA, April 17 The vniA hiuAhall team this afternoon meets the University of Pennsylvania on Franklin Field. Jinett.Barrows, A marriage" license wai today le- sude to Albert Linn Jinnett ana Oraco Catherine Barrows, idur- .3 j American Footballr'AssoeiltloaKwm fcaVf S? ..,..:-;.- Kiz-"ihi&&fowzj$ JJiaj-KU UCtV 1U1MV.4W.W. nbi 'MVV' -V V New York University team' bad weather and snow socmen couris.t the Columbia court experts' are in A .wm & ' ! UUU IUIWI .fij.;is!aw4Sf!fful'ri,vG6 llMBflliH VM. 11UHUM " . ,.r.--j r,.V-' o;.ii!- T& ' 1 vlYS3Wv K.,i r. b.ttii . 'URBAN'A. Ills.. April, 17rThe,UBi-f'T - .The sultot John D. Horn vs. L..D.tversltjr ot, .Illinois 1batebaUeat,tia -a was settled out of courtand dia-, afternoon met ' w&wnjmr JB?f&:iT&l?t ftodayv Both men are resl-FIeld.; . w-.vW"K4ftJ'j .. j .1 ll .. ' .-,.iJM!uM..4ii 01 uonanza. anu uuauuiai mm.-. Takes Cattle to Marsh B. 8. drlgsby left today for hla 600 ranch on Klamath Marsh, driv ing 400 head of cattle to be pastured there thla summer. J.'R. -lenta will be foreman of the drlgsby ranch thta year. Reclamation Men k What are you going to do every evoning after the ditch work is throughT Why not buy OM.pt tboae little hornleee 117.60 colnmwa oror- nnniaa and a bunch of good records. gold by Shepherd Piano Depot, near postofflce, on easy terms, and. they keep the bluea away. Visits county Aarlculturlat H. Roland Olatiyer and Forrest Plel are Bonanta vUltore teday. - ( Northwestern. Xowa Weekly ,i This morning's Northwestern an nounced that hereafter the'dally will !be discontinued, and tho paper will appear' as a weekly publication. This leaves the Klamath county dally new nntirnlv to tho Evening Herald, which waa" the first dally established In the county. ' Amateur Mat Grapptera Meet , United Press Service RAN FRANCISCO. April 17; The cream of American amateur wrestlers gathered here today for the Amateur Athletic' Union wrestling, champion bin tournament 1 at the exposition, Tho pick of, mat artist were' weeded out to meet, here at recent eumina Hon and In tho 108,, 116. 125, 185. 158i 176, and over 76 pound classes. Burk missed dents ters causing the disagreement been nmlcabbadju8ted. HEARING OF CH1LDS IS rVll 'ii;n s' " . r..-T.s rt.i-n ,jr.-"., r- have' Women In, Saxony ..Vote on'ir the .!;. . . --,iv i.i-.iiV'.i ?f'"'1K.R"!:jY. -a - .' kX WfrtTjri -1 ' .---Ji .'- ..WJi .1 sESK "-?? ..&-- ki 'ti'tai.:! SS ij&S&S : Jii-"a.?fc."C5 r?.u nil, J - ..n.i'Uxi. .'....,..' I.X..a Its contests clh. rfew York, Chicago Be'ggipBgoay.-iudlcatlons-are that thie city. ' Event scheduled are the triaiwlirb'engthy., " lio 108. 116. 125. 1S5. 158, 175 nt.iM.-io nhdraroA''wlth anndlns tn STMrttiOlM " 'no,cro8s-ouesllonedanyof.theeewR-iSSK3Kl, , Josephine 'Horn, who irmm Wi : vear term In San Quentln penKe-;f4jWi. tMHi:m?Ammi.m riri'.taiHimd thdtU?:riM.. 'A lm1.i?!i'l&' ; .C PIWIl; r r . 11 I.' United Press Service SACRAMENTO. .April 17. The committee appointed-to hear the evi dence ln. the 'luipeaehment charges brought 'awlnBt 'Superior Judge Among the auppllea taken, o board hv the Qerman cruiser Prksi -.Sltel Frederick at the Virginia Oajpee were 60,000 bottle of beer, ; UFromMt.UU a. D. Addison and J,4Mlae6oMih are In from Mt, LalilVn buriaees 'mat ters, ,$&$. rialiila'la nhara-nd 'with sending" in-! nocent uersona to the penitentiary, and usjng his ofllce In amanner not tUU.aUCllS IVI ,!.-.;;-- ' "A number of convicts .nave peen called" '"to testify, WlMi the ' XIbI. lT.n ii Hary'on charge p In n: wlmft'iti Inat- a-' I nhlld's?ins'l8ted'Vrwn'trilinf' L .. .- -'.. . ;;.i." ii"iwiwj4j1afe. MLiri aner-.ne nan (apiww wtawa aw..-a;, , she waa wa. guilty, &fe&..?fr '; J , J, PBmirjM,'whttlifJM . r.- . .?. - ,vij- i. j"jtjji -j- " el .v '. .. .-am CHliatBUW ., BUUUCT,. HI te-; 'testified' that1 IDA TTATmTifir' IB nil CBaaal eitryiin',1 JfW'rWSiW' jaajwaaaiBBaa .aBM.-K.-so-J lSET,: . .JB&ms&pj far, be' ns not ppjecieoo,taie.ipnBOOTaaijsa1wai..:.. z-,vXZ&JSm.'i w &?, .'.M-f "...r ., I .C!'9 A,"Hr 'Wj... "Sw-