$'' , ' Hf- r m J. - M ,.. Jv-1-t-4-.v,w. 4&ty.iT.-'.e iitf gaPH 3 , ,-i-r , ,i..l , ,. f - fry -?jH.,WPli). ,, '33 jrvcr-So.,W KLAM.ATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 191S, - . . -JiSj f I I I It CITY IS BEING SCOURED, RAKED TODAY BY KIDS: HCHOOti WAN DIHMIHHKII AITKRXOO.V fans llulllifi Klc, An Itelngj Oather"! I'i anil IMM .r Hlilo-. lk to ' 4'nrtMl " Hiwl HlnK I'lmc In "y I'ump Hm, awl Bon. Him A iv lcIHrlnK Other RubbUh Tht Hon .UrumilUtwI. There arc a lot of bujr klddlei to dir, dcAnlns and raklrig up yardi. Tkli l Clcnn-Up Day, and In order to Mke Klamnth FH ''Spotlwii Town," the icIiooIh wrro dUnlued tbli after noon that tho rubblih might bo din poiedof. Why no much "nctlvlty on tho part of tho kliU? Ilocauso thoro In n ticket to either tho Htnr or tho Tcroplo for rich jminicntor who help oloan up bli homo ynrd. Theto nro donated tiyJiilm Koimton, "king of the Kldi," to Dinko tho rlcnn-up effort more thnn jut nm of civic pride. parti of the city the work nrj"nwlew from lb. Malta achool, tor In all flMtilnc up premlnea and piitllnR thrm In Hhnpo hna been going forward fomot'rnl eokn Cans, bottles, etc, aro poured into ,.V, hnrrnl, nml toies, and are piled at the sidewalk IIdoh that thoy may be gathored up ami hauled to the garbago heap, and J tho parts of tho lota which wero onco can-llttored aro now spaded and planted, In many cases, to garden. Manr Nicholas designated today umi tomorrow as official clean-up days. Tho city has secured teams, which will make tho rounds of the ttttenco district, and haul out of Mtn all rubbish that la placed In rtetptaclog near the property line for quick hauling. MERRILL TO SEND DELEGATION ALSO From Merrill conies word hat imi delegations from Klamath, Mo doc and Hlsklyou counties meet In conference nt tho Stronghold In tho Uva Hods to discuss a road through that Kcenlc and historic region con iicctlnK tho three counties, Merrill will ho represented by a bunch of llvo oiiph. Tho Merrlllltes will meet the Klamath nnd Slnlyou delegations when thoy leave hero April 22 for the Un Hods, and Journey to the Strong liold with them to Join tho waiting Modoc county delegation. Owing to the fact that Captain J, C. Itutcnlc Is called to d rants Pass on business, W. T.'Leo has been named In his stead on the Klamath county commltleo, Lee Is an actlvo rustler nnd n good road enthusiast. There aro over 800 womon nrchl ects In tho United States. ARMOUR SAYS UNIONS NOT NECESSARY United Press Serylce OHIOACJO, April 16. Ogden Ar mour, head of a great packing Indus try, was examined today by the mom ers of the federal committee on In dustrial relations. He was chiefly asked as to hla viewa regarding un ions and about the condition or his employes. Armour gave It as hs opinion that "ado and Industrial unions are entire ly unnecessary. -. He lnsltte;tat htag the. welfare of hli empleyes and their 'families uch at aeart. n, admitted la an wen to auaatlOM, though, that be h-BBgJl .wo. law uiBjGERMAN AIRMw United Press Service VIP.NNA, April 10. Today's ofllrtnl statement says! "Till) ItiriHt glgnntl- Ijnttln n tho history of tho world resulted 111 IhOjCompUte defeat of the KiikkIiiim attempting to rronn tho : ' i , Cnrpnlhliiim linndf gury. "Aftor four HeekM of lln innnt ili'Hpurnle IlKhtlllg. In tyhlrh 3,r.00,000 men participated, tlc rllniiu wiK reached Hevnrnl ilayt iiro, Tho Itiisalnn offonRlvo wnn ropiilfccd with mom upiullliiK loiKcn to tlm enemy," MAUN KIDDIES HERE ON JAUNT I FORTY' YOUNUHTKRH UltOL'flHT lli:itt: FROM THK UOIIKMIAN V1M.AOK VIA AUTO TRUCK UY I.IVK MKRCHANT Today In nomo day for tho forty N'umlnK to town In tho big auto truck operated by A. Kollna, Malta's live merchant, they aro aeelng the sights n"u -'"J"S lunuwiiw uuBvi, tuc; AtHl kH Iflllf Ms all W Altfftl A lKftadl fll br0,u,1,t n,0,, elr lunchea, too, and " " "-- ..-..-.. This Is the last day of a successful lerm or scnooi ai Maun, as a ircai, the youngsters wero brought to Klam ath Falls, lit charge of Miss Charlotte Ernns of the tesrhlng corps, and other ladloti of that district. They visited tho Kiammar achool and high achool here this aflernoon.and In other ways made the day ono long to be romem bsret. A visit to the moving picture thow win mndo late In the afternoon. I'ubUc Golf Uuka Oiien United Press Service NEW YORK, April 1C Ootham'c tbiiHi big public golf links wero open ed todsy, with tournaments and other npproprlalo.exerclscs. The Van Cort land Park, Mosholu and Pelham courses are nald to'be among tho (In cut links In the world. Kiiiiuo Uloodhound on Pnnid United Press Service NHW YORK. April 16, The 23d annual horo hIiow at Urooklyn opens Its doors tonight, with promlnont horse fanciers filing the stalls. Thoro will bo competitions In .12 classes. Tho exhibition will close Saturday night. Havre Do Grace Race Open United Press Service HAVRK 1)K OKACK,-, Md The real 1915 spring racing season of tho north opened today at the Havre I)e draco tracks, with a big attend ance of track followers from Balti more Philadelphia and Washing ton present. Tho Inaugural handi cap was the big foil ure or to-tny's card. has never visited any of the working men's homos to ascertain their con dition; Asked regarding wages In the plants operated by the Armour Inter esta, Armour stated that the average weekly wage received by the -men Is fl2. Ho stated that he considered this sufficient for their needs. Only three-quarters of tho' employes have steady Jobs, The others are em ployed periodically. The Armour Packing company Is capitalised st ISIJQfta.QOO. , ' Us prolts last yeai amounted. to 7,600,000, I'nlivd I'rm Danrlni .. " I fllll ITIIIIl 1111111 ' 3 .r . rfrV ssMSSSSI i i William Hale Thompxon, Republi can, was elected mayor of Chicago by a very largo plurality. Mont politi cal sharps thought Robert M. Swclt ser, Democrat, backed Ijj Roger Sul livan, would win. The statoineut has been made that the women voted for Thompson two to one. If they did that Is what elected him. Mnjor-eleci Thompson wiih born in Boston In 18C8 and was brought to Chicago by his pareuta the following year. In a biographical sketch, which ho Issued prior to the election, ho REBUILD HOUSES HOCIin'Y 18 roRMF.D lV WOMKX TO RF.FUHMKH THK HOMK8 DI-WTROYK1I DURING RATTLES OF PRKSENT WAR (!nlt(l Press Service PARIS, April 3. (Ry mall to New York) While tho French govern ment Itself has undertaken the re building of the thousands of homes destrojed In tho presont war, tho wo men ot Franco have just completed nn organlsntlou to Insure their re furnishing. Tlie population In the invaded district h, thoy assert, will be as helpless to tcfurnlsh the homes as they would be to rebuild thorn. Tho "Union Fraternello des Fera mes" Is the organization which has just perfected tho project. Madamo Amolle Hammer, l ho president, has Just explained to tho United Press what Is to bo undertaken nnd how It Is to bo accomplished. "Our work," nhe said. "Is to be as much moral as It Is social. We pro pose merely to help tho unfortunate and n.ot to glvo thorn charity. Every person whoso homo has been destroy ed and who Is unable to refurnish the new one which tho government builds for them will have help from us in just the degree they need. "If absolutely Imperative, we will furnish their homes without expecta tion of repayment. But the others wilt pay us back In Installments in conformity with their possibilities. "While tt Is Inevitable that Paris will bo tho center and hraln of this work and this organisation, we have already perfected-tho details for oth er, centers to participate in It. In all of the provinces ndjaoent to the In vaded districts we have arranged for at least one city to be a depot for supplying the furnishings to the new houses. This will give a quicker re sponse to the needs or the destroyed Villages and'lsolated houses, and wilt also result in a distribution ot the work? that"wlH be involve in the manufacture of the household necessities" MMBT ff, gy .T?!swavavavavaWlswavavavava WTTTliOtir ' wBFl nyM .BBwavjwavjwavjwavjwavswavJBBBwW" ILawavswavsW LHk. .aVaVaf'BVaVaVaVJn N WOMEN m nAifn nnimt iiT wk hh Kl llflli r KKi I Alnl yl BpBBifll TARIFF BILL, AND RKPUU-i wJWtW JM JaUass-' Urn M A JL lli AJt,, KSHfA LICAN LEADER FOR THIRTY" Atia& ;i; HfHH .. . . stated thnt as a boy 'he sold news papers nnd later went to Wyoming and worked as a cowboy nnd a brake rami. He received much of his edu cation In the public schools and later entered Yale University. He la a dealer In real estate, hav ing succeeded to the business of his father, who left n large estate. Mr. Thompson Is also known as a yachts man and formerly was captain of the Chicago Athletic Association football team. Thompson served several terms In the city council and also as county commissioner, v ... REMEDIES FAKE NOXK OF PATENT PREPARA TIOXS TESTED BY U. S. EX PERTS HAVE ANY PROPERTIES FOR CURING DREAD DISEASE (Herald Special Service) WASHINGTON, D.. C, April 16. Aftor investigating under tho Food and Drugs Act, a largo number of preparations advertised as consump tion cures, lho Department of Agri culture has not been able to discover any that can in any sense be regarded as "cmoes" for tuberculosis. Some contain drugs that may at times af ford temporary relief from the dis tressing symtoms of the disease, but this Is all. Since the passage ot I federal legislation prohibiting the Ishlpment of Interstate commerce of I medical preparations for which false and fraudulent claims are made, 1 1 hero has a marked tendency to label those preparations' "remedies" Instead ot "cures" or "Infallible cures" as they used to be called, In many cases, however, they can not even he regarded as remedies. Kansas Cleaa-Up Day United Press Service TOPEKA, Kans., April 16. Today Is fire prevention and clean-up day in Kansas, by proclamation of Governor Arthur Copper. Maine vs. New Hampshire United Press Service DURHAM, N. H April 16. Maine University's baseball team ioday will clash on the diamond with the New Hampshire State University. Grain Dealwe OesivenUon United Press Service OMAHA, Neb'.,-' April 16. The Western Grain Dealers' Association, comprising prominent trainmen, of Iowa and Nebraska, today opened a two days' convention here. The American BMn's tobacco last year was 11,166,000,000. hill TUBERCULOSIS United l'rn Serilce ' NEW YORK, April 16. Nelson V. Aldrlcb, ttalted States Sepator 'from Rhode Island for thirty years. ' Aldrlch tariff bill, died suddenly this iiiorulng at hla borne here. His health lifid hotn nrut tf oatFAral waala fin his rondltlon was not thought, serious. I Aldrlch was 74 years of age, being i born In Foster, Rhode Island, In 1841. I Making the best of scant opportun-. Itles,- Aldrlch worked with success In vnrloui. activities until the civil war, I during which he served. After the nor he entered- politics in Rhode Is land, taking a prominent part In the legislature, and being speaker of the lsnut-o several terms. in 1878. Aiancn was ejected to con- (tress, and re-elected two ;rears later .V 4fl 4t J&VhJhA 41 llHA AfeM Ia4h I 11 resigned in 1881 to go to the sen ate, and until hla retirement In 1911, Aldrlch wns one of the foremost champions and workers that ever es poused the cause of thq republican party. With Sereno O. Payne, congress man from New York, 8enator Aldrlch araitca tne rayne-Aiancn tana dim, uhlcb was passed by congress ana used as the duties under national schedule ot ' the protective polllcesj of the republican party until the adoption of the Underwood tariff re-j walon bill. HIGH SCHOOL IS SEEKING GAMES PRACTICE SOUGHT BY MEMBERS OF K. C. U. S. SQUAD FIELD ING IS GOOD, BUT STICKWORK IS VERY WEAK Games are wanted by the Klamath 1 County High School baseball squad. Games with a ball team of any sort,!' as practice tor ootn teams win oe wel . .... . ;t come, according to Coach Motschen bacher, who Is whipping a team to gether. This afternoon the high school boys are cleaning up Modoc Park for play ing condition. Later In the day they may play a nine formed by members of the 1914 Klamath Falls team. ' While there are several deficiencies to be filled or Improved, there are , some boys out for place on the high i school team who play with ginger and speed, especially in fielding. In 'bat ting there Is much room for Improve ment. I Later in the season, games may be played with Medtord, Ashland and Grants Pass high schools. It is be lieved that the trip will be made In autos. EIGHTY-EIGHTH FOR MT. LASSEN FAMOUS MOUNTAINvNOW WORK ING ON SCHEDULE TIME, AND THROWS IN A FEW EXTRAS FOR GOOD MEASURE United Press Service REDDING, April 16. The eighty- eighth eruption of Mount Lassen oc curred, at 4 o'clock this morning, the same hour aa yesterday morning. There was also a' Spectacular erup tlonhynlfrt -ft ' , I i .. i s t The' BrlUsh arsiy 'dates; aetwf Ing force, from thrvtefctkp1 of iCharlee.H. It) 1666. I tilted Press Service AMSTERDAM, April 111. It is 4.nled 1) Hcvcral huge, Zeppelins, have reached Cunliaveni that they are preparing for a'dlrcct'attnck upon London The German airanen are extremely Active. "' Thle morning three dirigibles participated in u raid upon Essex su H,ifY,tllr. A utnt, mttjl A frll irom M.tuiilMl lrllli.fl Hnit II.A mmlvirf UiA 1m --,ao.00w- O Zeppelin Invaded to a l'i.iir..i llr.,i,j VaohIa unsUOS, April ia great aerial raU, upon. London' is xecdw'' "& soon, ax the result of several small Invasions, The aviatloa, i Miiiiiijsnjjia -4,;! have been summoned to meet with the the beat method of defease. lllo authorities are already taking stepto.rWlst any fwtsir atfaiasv4;'bl Kpcctai coMtoWes will patrol UwosrtsMrtscrer oa the alett.fen'iWssqVfB' A Chatluun dispatch states that . -. ..': tavoiniiaai and HtttingDottrae una anil repulsed the attacking craft. There was no damage caused by Imm SlttintftimiMM tinrltf1- and tlv thpUta ttltt tar mboe rit W Lolled l'reas Service HHEERNE88, Knglaad, April ie. iiiu aiiemoon. ine aero guns ureu at slightly, as though lilt, tlie crowds in fl,ln.k MMVCArfl ifa hMlsnr. hnwATAf. v...-... .-vw.w -.1 -.. ..v..v.v., Vuited ures. service , ,y PARIS, April 10. A Taube last night Callas. One civilian was slightly hurt. I'nlted Press Sei vice BERLIN, April 16 It U annoBncel that French aviators bomBsjra)sil! V inrg, killing two men and fowr children and wounding tUT?ifB Frleburg, -" v REGISTRATION IS BEL0W1914MAR CliOSING OF THE BOOKS LAST NIGHT WAS MADE AFTER 1,135 , PEOPLE HAD BECOME QUALI FIEDTO BALLOT Tr 'e 450 Jess people registered lfr c,ty election to be held May 3 than there were for the 1914 city elec - tlon. The registration books at Police Judge Leavltt's office, which were closed last, night, show that there are 1,125 persons registered. Ot this number 372 are women and 752 are men. By wards the total registration Is: -- L First Ward 135 Second Ward ,317 Third Ward .,...-..... 365 Fourth Ward , 110 Fifth Ward ,103 two San Francisco has deputy election thirty women assessors, MfTT par visnprwi BIRD ISLANDS NOW f. 4 Until the eggs are hatched and the young birds are sufficiently matured o In a measure look but for them selves, visitors will not be allowed In Lower Klamath Lake bird preserve, where annually thousands of I peli cans, herons,. grebes, erases, color ants spend the breeding .nesting and hatching season. Warden J.3 J: Fur- ber received a letter'to th!sveffect ttf- day from H. H. Henshaw, chief of the blologlcarsurvey.ot the United States Department ot Agriculture.1 In the vast, visitors' to the bird islands kave Involuntarily' caused'the death of hundreds of young blrdse'f- fy.aeafOB, some or tnis was aue w frightening the old birds' from1 their neets, and cauilagjthVeggs'to chill. Aaother cause was from frightening tie old birds away7 when the little pies needed their protection frem'tlie rys ot the sun, etc., "" s A&i f reported that Count Zeppelin, It i believed point within eleven miles of Loadoau -. - - f-f admiralty in a conference regarflisur 1" Vf' 4 ts$t$s3& German ueropaa dipped bsssHM fm. atternoon - - Hrmgnaiiaseis - -Hf i .'& j; these attacks. Tare BritM) MfrhlrM MrrhasiffMl UV m . "-. .v?.r7. Java. S '; IJ. ? I J? W, f Z & A German ntonoptane' pssseejbere, f 'we vuiinr, jwaa .ueai .Juiavfii the street cheered wildly. The SS. nnfl awmtmA. .t. .j mmm - Hrfiy. M -NVI ( j.t ..!. ii,,. .-vri' $m M Hi. !. SLh. -? ti seven" bobsBm SMSir" ?. &v&iM'$t 5 I 'm, , n ' fStorJpiS DnPCDir TDIIISi niinrnti hmhi v .Sjs& is pnsTPmiFn -i.ASHrf f-feC.l SW S WWM.-VlltiV.fjS, .." " ... ::eG,fni MAN WHO, HTTOTBllNTHOTipisrti jft LETTERS TO GRAND iVHWWOuhp H.WTE A HE.AniNa,XEXTlKON-?A DAYr MORNING .ft.Kfe , United Press Servjce,,,,. fcf uyo muuiUi jprii-fo. juvge 5 ,1:1 Wood,?thls,jmorrtligoa5oa3"tll i Monday morning the arraignment, of SebastlanltorJ'RogoMro&pi&4i-t4 UJCUk KUKlUfit UIW m IUI' I Intimidating letter.to the- grei H$ RUNNY' RALLIES AND &4 OJ HAS CHANCK.TO LIVEr; I T.i. ? " .'- S. A' j ?1 tiivai iraaa kapvia w -,t: .. r v NEW YORK.fAprlI t: AJfter.Ueli luuciura luuuYi.iiuuuunvwi iat. inw todayai . - t.jr i. 't,2rm..r,vs .wan uu uoye jvuuiarer iDr.nm, j f itsuny.BeuonvpiciHTe - kaeuNjitssr," la'te this "afternoon, and his physleUns now expect his recovery. iln'rX .s mm i "-. 4.4) 1fi, vyytt V Mmm Act ," - . t atmzvmtri AssthpJlrd8 growsUo(BKti visltpra;wUliallowed,,.B(lhlyf m.uv. (iuuuuvnin)kvt HWrKWWifl -. . ki- -iii, nr v-.?-Ii.j.'I.il Mute w .vymtu vtaiva rinmmi.wmmnm-f J . :m r.r.127-. . Jj, '.iWtll I2d.J.u.a-4'i i unt, ii riB-imviwv xorjA'wevie"y contempJating'vlsltinVthVSlrdeilk: eriesuo see Mr.-FurnerMiiiie-Bievvi logical survey forbids parties tfmm there unloss'th'e wardeniriifiTP '?? , . e ;-r 5 Mm?mm .. par, nensnaw s jewer ioiws.?'r 1 "You wir,permltnpTvlefW'6 on the nesting grounds of IlIU MMrv tlon' until thets'are-n6eslrd the youngT.birdinsrereld IfcfcBA'lo that no loss will he 1 birdfbe!nfrtem td Sunday ah pps-lblo, .out;Wj se auoweuie lenvenleni tswm,tbut 3WtMtf9Bf 7?,"JfK ATt f L-rMHSSJan gig I rTW-.,P ''WfP tMlv'lMaf(4st-SaBv immrtm." f fVl, i v, kdy. "'? . tf i-i Wl m& I .. as -x, 'i I n "i mi X I ci 3I '? !K1 mi .Wrl t'K so. i 55k v 1 fr'4 2 i j v' 'Hi 5sj fji .& 5; $?)$: zE$imm l ttr' ,1 $h M J,A Jffitp jf!'. ;vJe0m