f V f r v REGISTRATION AT THE CITY F r-i Ji. . CLOSES AT 6 (tfCLOCK; TONIC t k , v K ' m IV KLAMATH PALL1 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER uu., i.-ai.j.wij.ggg . ,T mt.Tj . tLf-Z-'2tlist.i u .-" j ( 4k?Hsb1 jeu0tt!tt0 4H I tt I ItV I KLAMATH COVWY;?: XW-i Vwi V & KLAMATIf FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 1$, 1915 CARPATHIAN WAR HUGHES ARRESTED ID TWO WAYS; FIGHTING HARD MCI'I'M.I.V RAIDS BRITISH TOWNS AGAIN ON THFFT CHARGE MMUIj .MAX IH AHHKHTED AT; GRIFFITH LATERAL ENLARGE.! MK.NT CAMPS OX CHARGE Of' TAKI.NO ANOTHER' TEXT f "Liars!" Cries Billy Sunday, Evangelist, to Newspapers Utile Damage la Caused by Till Raid. Tmci Mh and a Woman Klljthtly Hurt HuMbiiwi ami Ger man IMpnlrliM ItepmllMg the Hat. ilr for Hungarian Moil Are Entirely la 1'oiitllrt mm to Result. Churned with taking n tout belong-' Ing to (,'linrloN Itnnti, Joo Hughes w-n arrested this forenoon lit thn recla mation sorvlco's construction tumps nlntiK tli (Irimth Inlrrnl. Deputy' Sheriff l.lnyd l.ow m'ud tin art-M, Hughes was brought before Jiutlci' of (ho Peace Qowen, rind IiIh licnrliiK was set for 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. JOHN BUNNY III; MAY NOT SURVIVE Catted Press Service LONDON, April IS. Conflicting report regarding the progress and remit nf t ho fighting In the. Car pithUim nro being sent In from Petro grid mil llcrlln. Ocrmnn dlspatohes assort that ev erywhere the Ruaalans have been bestcn. They claim that the attempt. WoM FAMOUS "FUXX V RUXXV ' of the Ctnr to uae hla troops from OP VITAGRAPH MOVIES SUF PKHIXG FROM A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN' IX HAD SHAPE priem)l for. Invading Hungary failed mtlrely. j t'etrngrad Insist that the Austro-' (Icrmnnn nro everywhere preparing to retreat, allowing tho Ruialnna to ad unre further Into Hungary, Thoy My tlio light for Ussok Pau la pro ceeding fiirloiiily. Amidmin IUM. It Ik believed that the Zeppelin bombing n row British towns laat night nn the Z-9. Revised reports nbnw Hint two men and one woman wero MllKhtly hurt, one building was. mmmmmmmmV nmmmBBBmmmmBm Wm WmWSmWmmmmmi aaaaaBtW'BBm aaVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWSiaaaaaaaaaaaal IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBkT 1SF?rV'?mmmmmmmW aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaa'wiBBBBBBW BBHiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV aaaW"r7aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW sHVlKaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBB MPBBBBBm.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV WP" 'aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBA'kaBBBBBBW BBp? smmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmT! TaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeW E. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBV1' aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV JwlgBBBHHIBBm. sVBaaBBBBBBBBBBaHglBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBbW aBljV,gaBBBBBBBBBBUllganBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV wBBBBBB), HaPJBBHlLmmmmmmmmmmmK J BBBBBBBBbftm. . BBBBBBBBVBaaf VBBlBf5r w vc: United Presa Service NEW YOltK, April 15 John II u ti ny, whose face Is known to more peo ple In the world than even tbnt of Kaiser Wllholm. Is critically 111 at his homo In Flatbush. Little hope Is held out for his recovory. This follows a nervous breakdown (lcntni)wl mid thro damaged by thenlout a fortnight ago. Since that Attnck, which lasted In nil about 3d minutes. r, An niiimiiit was maao to Sinn mo t " l'r.;i tntf Tilnltoi- Tk ". -- 1m. ,m .1.. A . 1 ft...- AL utjniiui iu uia iuk raMinoaa, out I no I 1 "I'hM prnliril iihIbIiii.ajI i. v '.'-. NEW YORK TRAIN HEIO UP, ROBBED SCOIti; OF MAHKKD IIANDITfl 8K Ct'ltK tiH),OUO WORTH OF HILKH AM) MARK THKIR KSOAPK IX AUTO TRt'CKH time, the big comedian has gradually sank. Runny Is n member of tho Vita- graph Stock comnaBr. His comedy roles In the rntfloiria.lllPJ HflWBWfl by this company have made the whole world laugh, and la addition to his dim success, he has a great record In vaudeville. Dunny'a claim to groatnesu Ik his homeliness. He realises this, and has capitalized It so succospfully that It can be truthfully stated thut "his fncu is his fortune." UUFKAU), April iB.Twonty mesked robbers this Mornlag held up the New York Central fast freight near Hanboru. and escaped In ten auto trucks laden wjth silks valued At $60,000. KiiKlnccr Morris floss cut tho on sine loose from the train, and under Ore rnn to Suspension Bridge, and ummoned help. This alone prevent ed a moro extensive looting. Northern Oolf Reason ,Opens United Presa Service ATUANTA CITY, N. J. April 16. The curtain ralsor of the northern golf Hcason was tho tournament to day at the Soavlew Golf Club. It will close Saturday and pave tho way for Inaugural spring fixture at the Lake wood Country Club. Oulmet, Chick Evans and Jerome I). Travers were expected to clash In both opening tourneys. :yc-.!gsf There wus Jtmt on word tn the Kngllsh InngtiHgo to express Billy Sunday's opinion of nuttHpniiers which printed Htorlea nbout Ills first few meetings In I'atersou, New Jersey; thut ho had been received coldly. "Liars!" ho cried. I lion during Ills explanation he spoKo or tho twenty odd men who wroto tho stories for New York and Now Jersey newspapers as "stinking Utile reporters." Ma Sunday thought WTWoTThls 'photograph gives some idea of tho way Wily looked when he exprebscU himself. i Hilly was on the last lap of lunch con when Ma Sunday Invited the nowfipnpcrincn to enter tho dining' room nml rccolvo an nuthorltatlvo statement to controvert the "lying" stories which the newspapers, par ticularly tliosu in New York, have Is u liur," bo exclaimed, as he pushed ills cbalr back from the table. The diamond stickpin which fastened bis bilk, dressing gown at the neck gleamed in an agitated fashion, as both Billy and Ma expressed them- 'selves In unmistakable terms upon tho character of the miserable stink ing reporters," w ho wrote such trash. I never saw a meeting start off with such a. fine spirit," declared Sun day. "It they (meaning the report ers who said tbere was a lack of en thusiasm) daiCt want to support the movement let them keep "awayr- I never asked a newspaper to support mo In my life. Tbey can write any thing they like and you won't bear n peep from rrSe. Anyone who wants to run down these meetings Is a ca lamity howler. I am sick of these stinking little reporters who write such stuff and try to frame up things " - . RffflUIMF y IBFYlMlifiSMKl PALAIUftlwVtftvUHNC' K" HIIFRTA'R ARRFST '- - -k j&JW.;-&a&.-! &&'- R. H. 8, DIES AT NOON FATHKH OF LOCAL BUSIXE88 MF,X PA88K8 AWAY AT HIS HOME AFTER THREE: WEEKS OF HEART TROUBLE MRS ROOSEVELT OOE8 TO OPERATING TABLE United Press Service NEW YORK, April 16. Mrs. -i ! a surgical operation this mora Ing at Roosevelt hospital. The physicians did not state tho nature of tho malady. They report the operation .successful. AND PUNISHMENT M vj,...?,. , II a IV I i:k & Waiij (V"sft' r, Jiil T,rCALL HIM 'MODEBJf MKRO'AJIDy SLAYS TWO WITH HATCHET BLOWS After three weeks' illness, R. H. S. Browne, father of the proprietors! of Brown Bros', paint store, passed away about noon today. Heart trou ble was the cause of bis death. Mr. Brown was 60 years of age. mid n native of England. He ramo here last September to be near his: ' sons, and purchased a residence in jLOS AXOELES MAX, AFTER SPLIT- Tfnt flnrffl AiflfHtfnn HmtnrA nm.' Ing here Mr. Browno resided at Pen-, Idleton and Spokane for thirty-one years. ' Deceased is survived by nis wife, and to sons, C. B aqd R. W. Browne. No arrangements have as1 yet been made for the funeral, ' MURDERER': atfAsL ' . j. . 'r. Ty --fcW -,; to.-- MaoVro (.'lab Telegraph Strove y ' n rt -mn iHtioaw to the rifulilfiit RriiaiialaM j T ti&m 1.t. ''ja," -r tv ? . v. Mexico's Former Dictator HefmUif of Los Angeles TJwes'Regaritog g TIXG HEADS OF WIFE AXD DAUGHTER, JUMPING FROM ROOF - .. tJW J?!?2.. JaflMBese Xaval -"PwntnHo- to :A Turtle Ray Not Taea'ttrtsslM?fcff' .- . .' efi Jt . . r, m a s v - Trtvnn k ti -us tiLljCiatalJTTW I ,Hu.ru a 'mardarr" iUmlmSM rsvNero.the- ntemkirVtaar5af' darn flnh th Imr ialauU.' aI'IY ENDS LIFE BY United Presa Service df ' ! ', JLJSili jM. , .f.?ii.iiJi; .ii1 -j"l . "TW. ."jt'l E '-.! S- PAY ON FARMS LOWER IN 1914 AT THAT, THOUGH, THE PER MONTH AVERAGE IS MORE THAN THE AVERAGE FARM HAND RECEIVED IX 1009 ANGELES. April r SMSSSiSA ged 65. this mornlagfataUyj.! .? "tj!S'Si ;&V!l z?r I LOS iriti cirr..rr-rs.ys . uu u ..to uu uuuier mm .....j-. j- . i,'-Ar'.VfjA:1.vaff a hatchet, and then committed Mil."""""""""'. lu" """ywfTSSKSKW. tide by jumplngftom the roof of h!.4h,s, P""1" 'MrMM house. iui incMHrj,igr isa iswrs W The daughter waa killed slept. The wife waa attacked me uaicnei wnne sne was preparing . " w -P&rfi & breakfaat. i ll nla vnt wMai . WfTr..' i l .nr.oniunmnu.n n ' WM vl?'-J Tho wife fought desperately for "?.on":Sv",! .YrjV"? life, received, with blood during the straggles. d.iii.. x a.tta awm- i - w-w w wo- ,A.rf rUllIUH IU Kill DIB WHO. JalUlVt .. . A-H-' -?.5T2 dlmbed to the roof, and shrieking , 8"y ?aLSKtofil2& despite the rvere wounds ahe'Th ,tete Md B8"iBi iwea. ine aucnenwaa coverear ,' j TT-37-Tr"TTTsil .in naicujinx toe reoort BTHueajsi tae.--i iLoa-Angeles .Timea that tteapaii'v (United Press Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 15. Farm wages In the United States last j ear were less by 1.7 per cent than in the year before, although 9 per cent higher than Ave years ago, For the whole country, the average wage" without- board- ia''tapaal. year waa $39.88, "as compared to S 80.31 the year before, $27.43 five years ago and $19.97 fifteen years ago. Nevada averaged $56 last year, the highest1 among the states; South, Carolina I averaged $16.60, the lowest. Where board was added to tbe money wage, the average for the wildly leaped to hla death. A doaen'. people watched him Mills has been complaining of se vere pains In the head recently, and It la supposed" that he, became suddenly violently Insane. Turtle use that ftarr base. Bay, in LoVr.CrUVrifcWffe t harber: MV:naTilW:Brf!t- 3- Admh-al 'Howard with the Mexican t at the story. j ? While Jntrerted.oaklaJavwati Ml Isn'eloai'toichi-r, i" r"f " L2" w'- :oa; uai taagaa.'Mi.:' pswum noiuse excuea . ey- laeareBorv-.Tnair -.s wim.-l-,M.M PIWHIM.J 3iv29k ' tiril f f iiuji WLT a. i, 2X'JjSr4V''?-': JiiS'S" WBf '- lev og .nnriT rirmai is mm vms&s&msim IVtA. Ml trt v ' TV-.JT JL -"''J- -I w ;w.'i- 2Ss:il & WKjV.v I J '!. T7-it--n-W13l """"",' !? Jr. vH5T?6rt'l tl mba"'!' w, T j C'bW HourH of Father's Death. L Mrs. O. M. Hector today received the tiewH of tho death of hor father, J. W. Langner, in Sacramento. Sho will loavo In the morning for Cali fornia's capital to attend the funoral services. ......... .- .... .. r - iiiunor wage, me aventae tWhy do tlicy He auout the community United States last year was $21.06. 'compared with $31.38 the year be fore, $20.01 five years ago and $13.90 fifteen Tears ago. Nevada's $39 was published. Tho evangelist quit tho task of dls-inn"1 misrepresent." posing of n dish of stewed prunes' "See," Interrupted Ma, "that's just and smoto tho tnblo in a mighty wal-jwhnt I told you ho'd say. We're de lop and made tho crockery rattle. lighted at tho reception we've re "Any man that writes such stuff I eel vod." BREAKING DsM COUNTERFEITERS KILLS EIGHl! MBBEO FORI). S. VICE QUARANTINE IS DETROIT METHOD ict 'iW IvSf4 I s. 'nlted Presa Servlc, t OBTitOlT, Mlch.,'Aprli .-Quar-ontlno as a weapon against the social vies Ik an Innovation which may he tried nut In Detroit. Polio and health board omcluls, who have been co-operating in a plan to check tu spread i dlsoase resulting from wide-open londltlons.in tbe red light sections, are about ready to launch a new cam P'Ki. it was hinted today, Tho new plan, which la expert nwuial tn nature, will be the qusran "ning of any retort which U reported to the police as a menace. The quarantine method, It la said, "ill be employed ae'a.aubetUute fer he old Police method, saw dluunUd. f closing up Tesortahleh failed to I:;;'' tlons provldbMr'fer Wu-.tliad v medical laseeeUe., er rtlUMM te report lumutes sufforing from disease. "Officially," Detroit has had no vice section for the past eighteen months, the resorts having been closed by or der of Police Commissioner John Gil lespie In October, 1913, It Is an open secret, however, that tho pollco have found themselves unable, under pres ent conditions, to eppo with the scores of vicious houses that are op erating openly In many sections. To meet this new condition, without offi cially recognising the failure of hla 'elimination" order, tho commission er Is said to favor a trying ant of tho quarantine plan, Under the propoeed new'ntethod, any resort that Is considered a men ace, will bf .quarantined by the health officials, placarded, and In other waya treated, as the.- emallpogor some highly contatleua disease existed there. ' FLOOD WATERS IX NORTH ERX ARI.OXA CAUSE HAVOC RES ERVOIR COLLAPSE IS RESPOX. SIRLE FOR THE TROUBLE TERRIFIC FIGHT ENSUES WHEN OFFICERS FIND MEMBERS OF GANG ASLEEP ON SLOOP NEAR SAU8AUTO ' " tlultfd I'ifss Sen no PHOENIX, Ariz., April 15. Eight nro known to be drowned by tho breaking this morning of the Lyman reservoir, twelvo miles above St. Johns, In Northern Arizona. Seven moro are missing. Tho daniago from the flood will be heavy. It was preceded by a tor rlflo roar, which was a warning to many, who narrowly escaped. Among the victims are three grand children of Mrs. Rachael Barry, a member of tho state legislature. Two smaller reservoirs near St. Johns are said to be weakening under the heavy load of water they are holding. Veteran Federal Officer Quits (Jnltod Presa Service WASHINGTON, April 15. Otto H. Tlttman, superintendent of the United States Coast and Geadetlo survey for the past 15 years, resigned today. He was forty-eight years In tho gov ernment serylce. Dr, B. Lester Jones, deputy commissioner of fisher ies, was named, to succeed Mr, Tttt- UuHed 1'it'bs Service SAN FRANCISCO, April 16. Se cret service agents this morning ar rested Thomaa Boggs, William. Young and Frank Harris aboard the sloop Barnacle, near Sauaallto, charged with counterfeiting. The prisoners were caught asleep by the officers. Awakening, they fought desperately. They also at tempted to throw overboard a quan tity of counterfeit coins and counter feiting machinery. m The officials declare that the sloop, upon Investigation proved to be noth ing but a den for tbe manufacture of spurious coin. Outfits for making five dollar and fifty-cent pieces were found, There were rifles and ammunition In the boat, and IUe the, belief of tbe secret service that the sloop traveled all along the coast, the, crew passing counterfeit at all places. v i the highest average, and South Caroline's-$12 the lowest. The average pay, without board, .for day labor, other than harvest labor, was $1.46 a day, compared to $1.60 a year ago and $1.29 five years ago. Montana was highest with an average wage of. $3.64. ' Day; wages with board averaged $1.13, as com- fpared with $1,16 a year ago, and $1.03 five years ago, . - Harvest time day labor, without board, averaged $1.91, compared to $1.94 a year ago, and $1.71 fire years ago. North Dakota's K average was $3.26, highest in tbe United States; Mississippi's $1.06 the lowest. The same labor, with board, waa paid I $1.55, as against $1.57 a year ago and $1.48 five years ago. State av erages ran from 82 cents In Missis sippi to $8,68 In North Dakota. Tho depression In the cotton mar ket caused the South to experience the greatest reduction. A few states i nowed slight advances In some lines. MOVIE PRODUCTION DAVIS' IS GORGEOUS, AND SCENES AXD ACTING ARE SUPERB " bile owners; la'the erty a. V mnlt the arrival of a.oartoad o t Mwta ears ; A MARKED WOMAN," .,tm ovnta ni,n1UrjJ )lUl . or ow " ":i? L7jaTM iB agent; sha another jowijloeveemlag Here oa Business. Fred Q. Brown ishare from Crystal attending to' business matters, Xew Candy Man Here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Buckingham are. here from Medtord, the former to be the candy maker for the Sugar Bowl, Mr. Buckingham comes highly rec-l ommended as a manufacturer or con fections. ' Home From the Sotrtft, Mrs Charles D. Willson Js back from San Diego, where she vlstted several weeks. In a shorty time the Wlllsons will go to Rocky Point, pre paratory to re-openlng that popular Upper Lake summer resort The population of the earth at tbe present rate' of galwlll be about 4,000,000,000 In the'year 1014, V Nearly 'Recovered. Mrs. Dorothy Luce, who waa oper ated on at' Blackburn hospital a few weeks ago, is recovering nicely. She la up and around the hospital a por tion of every day, and will coon leave that Institution. i ' t'A" -iV :rasrt ii The large audience that waited a delayed train that they might see the five reel production of Owen Davis' greatest melodrama, "A Marked Wo man" at tbe Orpheus last night,, felt well. repaid for their wait, as the film la the best of Its type tbaf has been shown here. -The scenes, laid mainly in China during tbe Boxeruprislng, aie splendid, and the costuming Is little short of gorgeous. This film is the ,Shubert produc tion of the play,, which" the Shuberts featured over their circuit, but being In motion pictures the scenes taken vt&l ,nni TkaiurUtfaMJ an attractive car besides . being mod-f-. erateiy, pneedana K-'-isatwaetrngv muchttentlonj k3'dMh ff .. - As. r... r .i i ." Ariciz? Married tit, CIUea). 'd KM Plngle tLorenr; h.-,eeirremr;' a,' sojourn" ln" CaratiAsMwaeei panled by Mrs. rent;yfW)wm4J jg; marneo, xa steniereKtwnjie-cnwny.jS'ffiE Mrs. Irenfwas foriiMwIy MisalCathiSft? lean Wesell.. The connle attended v the exposition- ..ajefetitteaalnlttf-toM Kiwuiit-A, .fjz&ssgmm. ii ' i i I'faxs from, rear. lfeniweTe;wttatausW' the stare1 prbauctlohiBarhaH'Ten-t nant baa the 'dlffiouHjroleand'playsM If nlendt11v rThft BtetarMwUrJhVil -T r-T -.... -T-T m ".".7 t) - ".1 ",-" t ii . .v-iii ' . 'JXStt !L ItJa Hnuwn asBin iuiw eyeniaa-J: iZFVZ --,.., , ' ,,,,,,,,,' "III", , ...,,' ., J,1 ,J1 3$f mi ii gm "i - iffV ngsj af y'--f'J-: rTvlIfafmBlT M' mf sHJ - niBTI,.l MMj,- I v&z I -W I I lf II M 11 IHI l h m m mm' . u h . . i. an m I1U11X11U UJKUlI,i,iafl m - i - ,. - .sml "" ', .WsteL WrvSr Vv,i-,V-,S.-..if?. n?-i.i-&Ds!'. -nx- ''j-i-r' vii,yiisgygfg' isssaii Dl?riNC I'MMnUVIIU " ami H mm -mi ,... mVamT'SH aaVam,imWlaml salsmfiny V .!. .nrkLiLt iiT.. , i.r"-ii..i!. cuaran'MxrawvHiiasw- ieijsa,jwf.isa Tomorrow and Saturday are "Clean w - w ns Up" days.. A proclamation setting them, aside .for city improvements hen been issued by Mayor T, F Nlcaolae,' Tho clean up Is to be taorougkvaa this ear the school children' have been enlisted in the mpvement."; Ther wil bedlsmlssed from school" early tomorrow that they maylwork la cleaning up their heme' premisM. and all children who .work pr the. "city oeauiiiuiy in,tnw manner win oe re warded hyAtlekets.to either the Star or Temple theater, the, gift of Jean v. Hwwttesu , ' 4 A'MUk; .etc.; Intended for the garbage dump ahould be put In sacks, boxes and barrels, and'these plated at the sidewalk line, where' they W be seen and handled' with no;eafi Teams mpnteynd; theeRjririat TheiproelewUwef'Maer'.Nleho.A - 1 -Jr .."S,- uejMfiews: $,, r- - y it 'it at mT r Whereas.dlrt U (mee'he;irreat' est "enemfes'-offc mankind- IH because ; It,! . breeds .disease- by. oBerlng-f pwcea'ffor the typhofdjlly an other f, peeta that earryVlnfectlcMlrjiigflTf to human f . Whereas: dirt si daaans' wJ'oroa-W' erty becau8e'of;tlie dangee frtwi Ore that acco'mpan'rabetshiwlegi now. i. -t . ."- ,ilVM, df - ' er niematn, rus,e- -n Ity vetUd tnme by the .! 'Vt.kk 1 Vtv V smigmagmamjmj , lutlon of the;- etty, do appoint! - . - -1 j i. t ... amuraay.'AprH fN..ieWsrj n sitjsjtiiiV ii isffT smnaretue'-; V'PilPIWl nfwPflr i 3S II--' TTrJav fKKAAa I a Te cam sm ma miAimi '. r r . . t n V ' j over one-hair of teetotal faetery aewr.te tewn aw.nani awyiree ,f)f.owis)apjp sMjn - r x v r V iU . i !. iP- T" fi-x IK.-1 Vi