& MS St v 5.8ft. 'ii ni .' (am w a1 m :. m riLu" f c ra ; ! m to I Mrs V- V.f,' REGISTRATION v KLAMATH FALL!' OFFICIAL NEW1PAPER RUSSIAN RIGHT ADVANCES TEN MILES FURTHER SeLy $ESr --,.xj iu iiMwininiii mi i i "ii i rn i i i i i S,..miu i.4mm mckxk ok maw ., """"" J DEATHS KlxhlinK I. Ho Hut HmM Ad. vnr of CHIirr HhimiUm Fore In Ilvlil ttnllrt' I'll AnmiinK iKrciopnii .....,. 1. AanlMlatMl htl''ort IIOUNtOD. I AUnhliiK Off of PrwIpIrM ttut. ' l, ik-c. Arc lrgr. 1 . .. o..i Vnltfd I'm 8rlc I'KTIloaHAD. April H.lt Ii n- nounrrd tlmflho ItUHaUn right wing In tint Cnrimthlan campaign hai vsnrctl ton mile into Hungary In thej lt U'W duya of nghtlng. Tlio uilvnnco Ihrough Uaxork l'aiaj hti nut Iicoii aa auccoaaful. Pending! the ouH'oiuo of tllo atruggle there' tho! drann Ihrough I.upkow l'nii I halted. i Doth iirmlm nro lonlng honvlly ln( Ibo floKo lighting for Uaaurk raaa. Whole compnnlea of Ruaalan ,roonB,:ijn.;ii preclplcH, which aro maaked with n licavy ahelvlng of anow. The gain of the troop around Lup kow wa made with alight low. While one Hlnv nrrar held the Auatrlan troopn nround Ilartfteld, a aecondj nrmy inovvd aouth from nviania, ana penetrated to beyond Rtropko, tinltrd Preaa Servtee IIKUMK, April H.- A aeml-olBclal utntment place the Ruaalan loaaea In ino Carpnlhlana at half a million In tho campaign now on there. Since the nnr Marled, It I claimed, the tf'Aaulnn kav tnat 71011 olleera. jrr lilted l'rcwBrlce LONDON, April H. A Rome dla fitch to tho Eichango atatea that tho dltnallon In Vienna la becoming more mtIouk, and martial law la Imminent. The population la roatteM becauao t tho Ruaalan advance through the Carpathlani. Antelope Co aeci ration Unlu-il I'rou Service WINNIPKCl, Man., April 14. In rit(r to nave from extinction tho di minishing handa of antelope, tho t'nnndlnn government will eatabllah an untolopo park near Lothbrldgc, Albcrtn, It became known today Bey eral nntelopea have been feeding there nil winter. They are exceeding 'ty Inmp, and are numbered among i lie few Hurvlvlng antolopea In Weat-jtho ern Canada. SEASONS OF MAJOR LEAGUES START TODAY, WITH EVERY MANAGER SAYING HE HAS A PENNANT WINNING BUNCH )44 OI-KXINQ GAMJM National taj-aew . At New York Brooklyn. At Uoiton Philadelphia. , At Cincinnati Plttikurg. " At Chlcago--at'. I-oujii. American Igre- - At Philadelphia Boaton. At Washington New, York, , At Bt. Louis Chicago. f At Detroit Cleveland, . -yf , -, y hal maaaoA t (Written for tkt.'jrnit Pre) ' Y0RK; April M. Theirtr l 5 toda'r' Th chat for tk mt i.H,Bmplonhlp began .When tk N- S"" "a Aiawloaa'UagM. opd 3vr r leaaoni. gVM MMtk Of b- AT THE CITY HALL CLOSES AT 6 QLQGK T0MQ4feiWMMili 4-JBmffr b7 BK.tam l - -v. "W& i&feiivitWSr'tfe- .iffl mhif . minium mvr cuaHa --- '- ' i " ii .j .,.. , ..- ,: .,,, ,i- J.. . -, i-..- . MMI BROWNSVILLE IS IN DIRE STRAITS L'ttUTJIV f.ftf.U L'fltlUUIt ' .rw.i ., i. n riiit,nn niuiu CUAHTKIIH FOIl IMPERILLED city iiullkth from over the mm: falling in c'rrv ('lilted I'raxft Hervlie WA8INaT0N D Ci Apr ,4 Tim ltuntlnn nt llrownavllla l o lllirwiteiilnK llmi (lonoral Punalnn hi wired Hint ho Ih olnn there from tiio imttio nt MntnmorMi, ncroHt (hn bor(lt,r( rafCd u doy Tumiday i,,,"",t " WMt of nrown.vlllc, and ; ( fiuiuiy iiiio uuiivia mil iu ma muiiiiiib .iitntion nt Urownnyllle. Jt tho Intention of Oonornl Fun 1 ... . ; l - - -.. -., bllt ,t , doubtful whether thli will ,0 compiled with, n the battle la a ad-lle)ernte one. LECTURE WILL BE REPEATED ,Ii:it IIAItLAX AND HKKHOH.V AMI JOIIXKTONK Wll.l. DKIJV Kit IMiVHTItATKI) TAbKH AT MT. I.AKI FltlDAY MflHT Friday evening Elder 8. D. Harlan, W. K. Reehorn and. Mr. Johnstone of Wlllls-Johnatone company will jour ney to Mt. tJikl, where they will en lighten the people regarding Alaaka, a portion of tho United State that baa come Into great prominence, ow ing to railroad operations to bo start ed by tho government. Eldor Harlan haa some splendid views of tho northland, which ho will (lash on a'screon, while Seehorn and Johnstone tell of their experience thore, etc. A number of Alaskan curio will also be shown at the lec ture. i Interarhan IJne An nuto lino haa been established between Medford and Oranta l'as und will commence operation soon. The company ha fourteen passenger bod Ion built for tho cars which, they will put on. One and one-halt round trips wilt be mnde dally, tho stopping over place alternating between the two cities. This service wltl be a great accommodation to tho residents of tho district between Central Point and OrantN 1'nna, who have been un jnblo to mako good couuwtlona since motor wno Uken off the railroad, '' Aahlnnd Tiding. fto, American fnndom today. Seasons In both big leuguea close October 7th. Then come the woId's series. Great celebration today In cities luckily drawing the opening game were held. The usual brass band parade with mayors, govornor and baball magnate towing out the first ball were scheduled. President Wilson Is slated for this duty In Washington today If he can discard care of state for the call of the horsehlde. Old Dee Weather was tho big fac tor In today'a baseball debut. Fan ianvlnii-.lv (anrwil the Iclauds this morning. At most cltle the click of the turnstile wa begun at noou. AH eithw reported utandlng room only" M' advance sales. v ., Mayor Mitchell promised to to out tke Urirt l)all today at' the polo ground, where the Qlnnta nd tke Brooklyn Dedger ha,amtQtk orowd awaHhtg tk ottuig f t geg. KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, WEDNE8DAV, French General Kissing Lieutenant i . MZ v I PVHgeF ggrgggf m A a I M v M aga tt A'OttlflgK HBggggggHagP ' J-mm -gftikgggggK V. m uBBM jm BHHllM KBBBBBBHiBBBBBBBBBBVan .M TiJ W' ? V:' ' "g .ggHK!BBBBtoBBgBBgfl ' gggggggggH SaiggggV I gggggggHl gggggm. gggHBiggaV BRmBalBHgH - BBW BBBHf .BBBIBHBVBggBBgl J.gl ilkw?wiigKgfF rmP- Oenoroui In the United States army ji)6 not kltia lieutenants, but thoy do in France, and this la proof of It., For hero Is shown (lenoral Reverard kiss ing l.leutcnnnt Kula. However, there was Home reason for It. Lieutenant Ku!m la a very bravo man. His crutch bears witness to hia wounds. He proved his bravery In a way which ANOTHER TIMBER TRADE IN SIGHT (ilLC'IIItlHT KM1L0YES CRUISING IX THK VICINITY OF CHESCEXT IDEXCK COXCERXIXG AMERI 1'RKSU.MAULY FOR AX EX- CAN VESHKL SEIZED BECAUSE CHANGE WITH THE SHEYLIXs! CARRY1XG FOOD TO GERMANS Representatives of the Gilchrist , Lumber company of Alpena, Mich., who passed through Bend on their way south about two weeks ago, are reported as being engaged In crulal&g tlmbor In the neighborhood of Cres cent, us a preliminary to an exchange with the Shevlln company. It Ih -understood that the GUchrlat holdings wltl be further concentrated to the south, while the Shovlin Inter ests will take the uuennst umoer nearer Bend. Bend Bulletin, HE FORGED THK FETTERS USED ON CAPTAIN JACK ASHLAND, April 14. Michael Powell, old-time resident of this city and other portions of Southern Ore gon, left for the East last week to reside permanently. For many years he was In tho government employ as a blacksmith', and while working in this capacity at Fort, Klamath Agency he was called upon to forge the fet ters which were, placed upon. Captain Jack of Modoc War notoriety. Powell was a quiet, uncommunicative, char acter, Industrious and saving, and he had the reputation of being, the hold er of a snug fortune In government bonds. He distrusted bank, and had no use for bonds and mortgages. Coal Rate Under Fire United Pre Service CHICAOO, April 14. Readjust ment of coal and, coke rates proposed by Western rallroade in the "Western Advance rate" caiewa argued today In the intenitateCommerce Comml slon: Investigation. Larg cbal op erator ot Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Ok lahoma and otkf7.MllWUrn state opposed tk prpod rate tr pealed so strongly to the French gov ernment that the decoration, of the Legion of Honor was awarded him. General Reverard, before a large group of soldiers, presented the dee oration and plnried It on the hero' coat. Thereupon, in the French faah- lon he planted a kls on the cheek of ap-4the lieutenant--, WILHELMINA CASE BEFORE TRIBUNAL ADMIRALTY COURT TO HEAR EV- United Press Service LONDON, April 14. Trial, in the British prlxo court of the case of, the steamer Wllhelmtna, the .American food ship detained under the British anll-Amerlcan food 'embargo, waa scheduled today. The case Is among those on the calendar for the Easter court term, but may not be reached for a few day. Counsel for the St. Louis owner of the Wilbelmlna's food cargo today outlined tho United States' cases, which was the subject of, sharp pro test from the atato department. It will be contended that tke food cargo waa consigned to tho American own er at Bremen, and therefore waa not subject to confiscation by. the German government for military, purpose. Great Britain, on the other hand, will contend that, the German,. military authorities could have seised the food and thus evade England's "starvation" policy against Germany. The Wlthelmlna Jtself 1 net: Belied and,' It her cargo ls'coatUcated, Bag land will "pay her owner for the food seised. Smtoay School Worker Convene UnltedPre,18rvle', BATON ROUGE, La.Aprll, 14. (Practically every Louhtfaa Sunday, school, waa represented xteday in';tk state Sunday oh.icmventIon, which met here. "V" "!' Giant Battle; United Prew Servlc)'; AJ& . NEW YORK, Aprilli. Tk Nw York, Giants today "keldtkelr inal "before the battle' nraftl' at tke polo ground, with tMTTgH'M tnr foe,, preliminary tttt'JBgnMi'g AWML 4, 1915 J SHELLS FLY FAST IN DARDANELLES; VESSELSDAMAGEO HO.MK FIQHT1KO INMIOE SmATTH KKPORTKD Itombarriiaeftt, ofTwkieh torte Re. KHmed "Monday, According to Die patches From bedeacliatch BrlU Ish HoiMe of Commoma to Settle the IVohJMUou QhcUo-. Fremch to Hurt B OftVaMrcat 8te. MUiiel. United Proas Service LONDON, April di. Dispatch from Constantinople state that two vessels of tho allied' fleet- were dam aged by the Are of the forts guarding tho Dardanelles Monday. The offi cial press bureau say this I not con firmed. From official and unofficial source, though, It is Indicated that the latest attack upon the key to Constantino ple la of greater magnitude than any assault made since March 18th. Constantinople reports say that several vessels entered the, straits and bombarded the forts, but with no great success. Turk land batteries, It la stated, forced an early retirement. All correspondents from Dedeae- hatch Indicates that the allies bom barded Monday. ' United Press' Service BERLIN. April 14. Today's om clal statement says the French are assaulting from both .sides of Ste, Mlhlel, attempting to. force a wedge through the German' line there. The fighting I reported aa most, violent en the north" slde-'bctween- Maisery and Macrkevllle. M is admitted that "the French In: fantry 'penetrated-the ,Germaa posi tion sear MarcherlUe, Later, a re inforced Germaa corpa recaptured this point. United Pre terrier LONDON, April, 14. Premier A qulth announced that the cabinet has decided to leave the prohibition que. tton to the house of commons. Beer I the only intoxicant which will be permitted hereafter In the army canteens. This Is interpreted to mean that parliament may pro hibit the sale of spirits; but will per mit the sale and' use of beer and light wine. Few Edsxatorn Meet United Pre Service PHILADELPHIA., Apr. 14 Prom inent educator, from all parts of the country arehere todar to attend Schoolma'am'a Week" at the Uni versity of Pennsylvania. The aesslon will continue through to April I7t&. Educational questions win ne discussed by specialists of national reputation. The session will be .de voted to the problems relating to. the training of, teachers, rural school problems and matters In which, tke teachers, .and high schools are con cerned. Peace Dneegnte Sail United Presa Service HOBOKEN, N. J., April 14. The American delegatea to the Women' International Peace Conference, call ed by Queen Wlthelmlna ot Holland to meet at The 'Hague the latter part' of thla month, were scheduled to aait today on the Dutch steamer Ryadam. Jane Adam ot Chicago chairman of the women peace party ot thw country. As a result ot the war Italy Is suffering Industrial depression. About 1,000,000 Italian returned, uurwg normal times Italians abroad, send home 180,000,000 yearlyu This haa dwindled to f700,000 sent home In 1914. TourlcU.spand $150,0001000 annually; and this source of lacome haaetoafed. t ',. '.rTTTTJHV TWUHUH wif' t India, rvad., but frnfjUf.f. pulsed by troop unaac General Fan. Two hwas kllUd and ! wmb4) M Mm -Ttm ii... . , j" j" "nj.n",' i. '.. j FnTaH.t kb aanz " Bsnar " ' ami.,( ibhe ! m r.j.tj.hsrnnnnnnnnnnnrmnnnnv H4. .sH'S5 LOCAL MEN GET MBATINO, PliUMNXG, EXCAVA. if TIOX AJfD HLEOTKIOAIi OOX. TRACTS OX JkXKSUILDIXQ 4 7 GIVEN BOMB iyW :t: r i - - i wi . SUB MRACTS Bivmwa. ptoT&jV&sa&SfiKSfi the .sub-contract for the. and heating plant for the Elk new) home brLeDoBX A LeDour. Th,wir - Ing and .a -,,. .i -?iil'. fc-SVJTVSplffiWMf ,( . . fi . .. . " -.: rn. Ilf Id. . . V.i. MH,.,,..-.!, ....,.,!, w-j-ht ajyin-i,! eompaay. t -. "iH S i Cofer Brothers of. thla eltxirlll probably. frnik -ike common briek for the .building. , . a wj The contraet for the soavaUen fer the building will ' let thk ertelng, atsial KIi aru-lr .1U a hm Arumm.' ' hilsmi Mr., LeDoux" will tear la the atrarniag $$ S???; ia. Dn.n..j ! .. , i.' i" . nth cltr.nall. " Mii, fT ' " .iP -., i- i i .. '... SILOS WILL BE . tn. . WO .k TRIED OUT HERE ' T 1 " ' FIRST SILO LV KLAMATH COUNTY -iv ran rtrB-ar-PBVi, -rtaia-'-vrj'f.Ta'' . 2 - rj rj u.A.t'.urwiwuMiuAS.; VISE INJWORk :' v ' " $: ""i. . . -.. 1 5 -'. The alio, so familiar. In otaer,ee- tlona of the couHtry, te-to make-lU appearance this aummer ,in Ktamatn county. At least4 one", and" poMRtly three or four will be birllt la,tbe'-val- ? In these the ,iUg,wiUjb;ijtye parts alfalfa; or clover-to,oa.-prt rye or Aeld pea. The Walts will' be watched with grant interest' by.aJl dairymen ot the county 'and rltth result attained' are what, are expect ed there 1 reason to .look, for, tn ouiiaing or many suo in ipe-next few years. .. ; u County. Agriculturist Glalsyert offering valuable 'assistance to, those -1 U .."- - ..'-' "" .'..'' t&M 1 contemplating uie erecuon oi sium, as he believes these will be a Jgreat benefit in the feeding fit .dairy, cattle. The silo, or silo to be built this summer will.be In. the nature of dem onstrations,, and., results - wilt, be watched by other farmers. In to make the silos all they, should Glalsyer .baa arranged: to have tba type of sUothat Klanwthoottnty farmer can .use to the beatfadvant- g . 4. , jr. -. ., fWKCAj H(. ! " S5"'firiS .,i,';i PM 1 iWi' uu - n - iiAiap. Llll IU II UllaalL ruiivo numt : (United 'Press - ' t. - ?,i; LONDON. March 84 (By mall, to New York) The human aide of taa trenche and firing. liae. with tketr, pathos and laughter eemklned, ;1 no better told.tban by tke VTein'f. at the front. thouna.of wkoaa Mter are received weekly by 7,! tk., folk backhome. J . vtaM 'Sw.CW tv, ; VMsfif v Though, tntert:tintn..ln:tke big new dylopmento, seeond to titia come tke.. ('aaidlar latter UetkH, la the daily j nawaainra.' andUeolamn appear dal;'vTk;r'Brtti. ';cfor crunnioaMy- aauaai; air'sseawia Of tMoi leWlOM "tjtlW M(MMlj lHttitkl lata todraet --n5.t;ign; trt In tk wbj mattwr, v " '1 :-:Hawnn'old' Belgtoa womaa'riiHd to Imv ker aontt, though Oeem kaaim'kaTa'eat sanaac kola in ker.A ;rard7,w"rd;ky;;a private li Ik PH'WtitJligtaawtii," rwfMkr.CwmUwaM.f ressor nam pr wiicrVMfiHr!L3SV. oL OngaikMItaWtat1i , here. and. after ' ln'vestlgatlen. - state! gameiwRb, iaJpjf PliHiJJIf . FROM WARFARE AS IT'S PUlffiW 5 r Rv WTLBDR ' MssijsaW' iKWofeWix . 1 1 i ','XJ i 1. i-.";V-' Uk'j' V-l-iivr it -J..JJ . '"' - Tvii,.r.-ir-... ,, ,. .. jj ,'ir,.'iv - ;' SVi .ojv;",, BlinW .Ml I l : (JCffc, IbHULMl !, '...Ilo."M'l HffiMB- 'V- Mt, ii&y:-&L 't-'f : Liidfit&&:-i2-: &!: I'... .i?... ;M ".-- -xii..i.'--viit. v JK fcc-Vf?'Jj-&ftrjf;-t-r exjEVKktm' iwji:m 'H , nt --iotfj''! l-:. 3 . - r " . xi 3" 'rii H'ear"tki(IV WAHJ .,v.-J-J--...---.-m. ,Jk.mrMK'AiM '. Mfmt&Mii: 'tWiSgsk -siud.iii "! -itS -4. . -vr.3 .rir" " " ? . ':.t1ei'Ttat:' - a: jw.m4&-S41 K.--.-kA.T;..a,ij.iiiiMii j.'fat nrfWL JiZiiLKi&iZiZM .t . " .tret. ilr-Au-j . i.-vi ".TT"-- .i TMttit:eite)'w4iy.imiim- "T14fitf flag PoUm JuAge Li t J.-,A.KW.vU'.tL st. MIltod' aair. rntr OCniOTOITIfll ,.fr3..iT . mriTZ$V!2 Vv- y!u?TJ HPIKWl'i' n-;W-T.''2sitata. V1.J"-- i u m&se'ttrjismsBtiBL-, 1rQjz!P?n&ix A.Wrted-titfk MVlU. W - as. Vlta tkolwJUIW'4C.tf "Pi.'- !--A.ret.Mbo,ln,tb. ngnt. , At 2 YO -tnM ;-mnM P taio-sH 890 wera-jregAaWMdTlsIglttti: v-r t ratio, . 'Seeokd..War i-i':& .Wj Agasi:-r-iit - ,,'V. ftrtB.- twit ' .-yr-u-tCVi Tam iJ ir4.!-J-rf!rTr"awik .UJ V.aj wiias, FonrUu.Wi .- "jr . -Jrt1JM--z.:7l. - .-m-w - ciJMffcar-i? j - 'Wf 'T-JP W i .". Utpttsllng;the ;Jl?i!0enl . Tl, are-aln.;;eefUa; M ' oce f of; .lluiv , tsf t -. aty warda,.a4tetM.tlJAalir eny eanamnt;lt n rt wra. i.'i fei""ffC-W .. ."""ST ter.,emawrinCHMfouMI.,0;.l lulu B-jlliHiiii fti'ir'niiiiiMirsiaa acaukdtionVefta-waiwrew Tw:;oelo,;bTlf w.Vd...7rerkrioA - . i."- V"" "-". '.".'' .i . e-vwi. i !.: .'-it?ii?sJSii4ts-!aae-... : JFlttk5gartJr.sT.';f,J, r.A. j-.1 J1 ,Xl. -n.-'T a .- . All; bf:,tk;eaniilai . i ir.i '"'m i st-flilr ymiiiisWlnnnsifsls'KnknslBii - 3JJR 'iT J, r.i&z' teeoaa;wea Ld'JTaDM-itlrfcUBl-- . i-,TWrarttSH.HiMB0far cumbM);ClafenH&UndfwoI R."'8bgJT2f,m Fourhar4VPwsi(Ing cuibentfeb;4M: . Fifth ard4:Hjkwo?A(ta:gr fc jSiMESser- t .- ", 'v.T?.iL,ltt.i. .r.MM f r-'i ifeSSCIii' -muSMSm emu teas, tpawr,ftai jm mgmf- gin;lts seaon:en-te gifT.7, It ... ,UimllaHn: iZsallisftZZOTiiillZlft tu i l n vmiiitnKsi ij-- Ltf-tt nxiiin ' dil rsmldbJtn J' ' V'lUlU Ml sTlU1liSr ivS M o i iir k; niMiaUIIIH iWVrfS . ;, .i 'AJgglJITIflKi . ss a." ? rr -. i;feIfc'sl.?-Bn. 'jl'll'iU.Mt ki'maiw',toUy:'t,;a' iookianen,u':l;aon,ia)1 4 WirnBjgiwysir-Bnn'iMfn mMifMtmmrttimmiw2U' i-.j -.iam&SjGMra.l?Kr. '3 ij!i;9i,ptf-trAlUfiite .i 'i.ii ,s d .- .' ii t nnni drle oar elothlag d. even. wa. . VI 1 ' I - ii'i leal I'-nf ' III' rials i ' lfiatii . VA1 IsmaAv,''. nH,f 4liAi Ubored'Writch a nieaof .Danar-wlth he allpp. 4: fWl lata ''t mud;ln,tk 'bottom i crawled ant, a k lak kla Vetland 'ih nfBmi mmjsFmi fvagfrnfansmman) muMm j WTM u; ' haaaa-'an thla latlsr" . , ;VA4Veun4i Wl ,i -J. .1.5 -m. t.'j Ham JlftrsBamaWKflsV..it ?-t .-.-A-.-aiaa :"'. J (iMdajsguJB.'" ('.? 10 Vjva , 5f--..' M',' ? -. 'M'"V-4J MMM",WJllJBJW viJ tn "M'V,ikMW opMlag toaerraw.... ;r:v .-iM"'' . " .:.WjifiWy" T:,lWr ,;P7" . - v x ; . ,v! . 'o ) 0 . 1 1 '.-!, .v !frWK -'' ' . - ,' ', ' TM!r7fg r .'r -,.. .'t "' VjXii(jW(iC...'.:'" ''?! ' . ' - i. . KS-k ''&. A-''--zi-i :.!i ' '- rL-V V--rf V ;fiy