' ' rT7pe . . - . p. a .- i 'trn. . .- t" . .' f ii t rA L.wfiKr 4 fty $. KLAMATMAtLr iefei."jir Kfr I Wi. - OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 4 SSfe r. , am r ma i "-vsBaMi'-namr- - ', -? " ' - t--- - -.. -.v- -. .-.. ..r.,,-. -.-.., u,np ittt ptttttrt . jm wraiski v-t . P U3 , ntaWjwumi.Bijn?g?rsia -itss- .Xlnth Year No, PLUM CO, IS FORMED; WILL S7ART MILL SOON tHK pi-ant w ' ,K t'iir XKAII OLKNK H. II. Edmonds Lumber Company K' .Vsine of I In Sew t'uHiorn, and Mr. IMtmmiU, I'. ' llli null Thomas Hampton An the Inrm-poralor. Machinery fur Mill I Already on (IromiilMIII Will Chi This toiison The latent Klu unit li I'oiinly cntr-r-prlio in Hit' II. II. Kdmoiid Lumber rompmi), niikliM for IIiIk cunt-cm bo log Mfil today with (lie county clerk. Tlio lmortorilor uro (II, II, 'i:j. nonilii, I.. II. Until nnd TIiok. Hanii non, all prominent rnddcntM of thin city, nml dio compnny'H cnpltnl mock li llO.ooo, in 10o NtinriM, nil of which in paid up. Tim oWeorii if tlio cauiiauy nrc: ITHi'ti'tit nmt Kenurnl mnrmnor, II, II. WiikjiiiIh! MxroUry-troamircr, I.. II. Ilmli. vlcu pn-iililont. Thou, (lump Inn. Tim company own about 20,000, noo feet of Cnlirprnln white plno tim ber In tlio vicinity of Olene, Tlio mnililncry for tlio awmlll la now at tlti i-ltc nolcctcd, tbreo mlloa from (Meno on the Dairy road, nnd tlio worli of building the mill will nturt tltl wtolr. It li expected that the plant will be completed In time to allow the cut time of 2,600,000 feet of lumber thin wagon. The full Bctuon run will be r.OOO.ooo foot If the market Juatlfleo thl. ' ' Tbt nuwmlll to be erected will cut fna .1S.O0O to 60,000 feet a day. It wilt give employment to forty or ' fifty nun In the mill, yard nnd wood. Edmonda nnd Hath will be at the mill during tho running aoaaon. Mr, Hampton will be In Klamath Fall, Klamath Fails, of the yard and mil will have charge the hniidllng of the upper grades or lumber. The company hns nrrnnged for tho transporting of their lumber from tho Miwimii io tuo yams nnu raurnaii lure by auto truck. They will run a rrrutiir udiHtflitl Tim liw-ln- will . . .... ' . . . . """ W"n ,0ttmB nna "0nKC Pn- name, and like Mr. IM.nonds. I.I. tng to tho la.to.t reports, will start An of .h mi, r,.i with .h.. knowledge of lumbering Is tho result ' April 19th. This mill Is un All of tho men connected with tho (,xnorcnco In tho biislneB lorgolng repair nnd Improvement, company aro experienced In lumber. or WW Perionco in mo niisiness. and business circles. Mr, Kdinonds " " rora,W In Saturday from has been In the lumber game for 'rnttlt.K Club Meet. Crystal Crock In charge of Captain thlrty.noven yenrs, and hna had much, The Tutting Club will meet tomor-,J"ck nynn, the steamor Annie l.nurio cxpcrlonco In management. Ho was row afternoon nt 2; 30 ut the home of left port Sunday afternoon. n8ltnnt manager of the' Pokegnma. Mrs. Frank Ward, Third mid Pine One of tho. most needed Improve- Sugar Pine Lumber company before LOCAL PEOPLE WILL BE FAVORED BY CONTRACTORS CONSTRUCTING THE NEW DOME FOR KLAMATH ELKS Work Is to commence Immediately on the Elks' new1 hone, according to F X. UDoux, senior Member of the contracting firm of LeDoux ft Le ux, who arrived Itit evening from Portland. -,, ' f, "I will return to Portland to hlp r mnchlnery and outfit In two "V"." sold Mr. LeDoux todny, "bu I want to get tiie excavation work Urtod before I leave, I will be glad o oot anyone here who would core o figure on tho excavation for tho building. I can o found at the Hotel HU this evening or tomorrow. "It Is our pbtloy to employ loeal orkmon If they can be'secured, nnd l can assure the buHdlng committee that wo will not send outside for help inloas we are unable to.securo .com Went mon here.' If. bids are satis elory the plumbing, heating aya 'en, olectrlcal , work, ...oU, will bo mm by J()crrmf.V,Tk:iHrWtwork " e aone by.K wb wtroetor, but o will employ ;iei if tkW fclMWW m i ! Accused as a Spy by the French Ituymoiid Swobodii, u inyntcriountnln that lie In an American, nnd that character, who mny bo nil American the Iibh been soiling goods bought In or h Ucrmnn, or n Frenchman, la.nowUhe United 8tnten to French contract- under nrre.t In Pnrls on the elinrgo of having tried to ncuttle the liner Tourulno, which cnught Ore off the j IrUh const on n trip from New York to Franco. Ho nnd his friends mnin - ttielr plant nt Kluutnthon wus de stroyed by fire", nnd be wns heavily Interested In tho Kdmonds, Hall & Horn dumber compniiy In Siskiyou county. Mr. Edmonds was ulso.Hiiper Intendcnt of tho AUoma l.umbor compnny'n plant nt I'olcegama, nnd rur Home trau ftf(cr hk rcmovn lAlgomn. north of hero. ul to Mr b1i g fcnnwn ng fl ecCMfu,i nnd en refill bUHliienit mill, and 1h con-1 H,l,,.rtl, nn ,kn, , ,0 guldo'tliolcollcnn Bny l.umbor company's saw. Umlcn, ocstlnles of the concern Mr. Hnmptoii Is so well powted on Klnmntli eounty tlmbnr Hint ho knows' nrnctlriillv every tree Uv Its tlrfct streets. can bo tocuied. I expect that It will be uecessary for im to bring a fow skilled workmen from Portland, but we prefer hiring local men If they can. 'do tho work." Mimnn Roberta, a well known en- Wlnaer nf Pnrtlund. will bo BtlPOrln- tendent of construction for' tho archi tects, Ho will nrrlvo hero about the first of the month. Mr. LoDoux expressed hlmsolf-aB conlldent that they would bq ablo to complete tho, building by Soptembor lr.th, according to contract. Klthor ho or his' son will bo on tho job all the time. Mrr LeDoux mot with the members of the building committee this morn ing, and odtllnod hU plana jor the work O, Fj Stone, who woh a mom ho. n th rnmmltte hefore being elected Kxaljed, Ruler; appointed Geo. J. Walton In his place." The committee now consists or ., au j, w. Bodce. Chas, H. Moore, ueorge j. Walton dWr O. imlth. KLAMATH 1'AI.LS. OREGON, TUESPAY, APWL 1V1915 l or, who nre supplying the nrmy. HU cbbo will be taken up by, Iho state de- part merit at Washington just or soon tan he shnll novo maue protest against trio action ot tne r rencn. aumoruies. TERSE STORIES OF SHIPPINGS (llcruld Sjieeinl Service) 8HIPP1N0T0N, April 13.- -The milt blow Its whistle yesterday noon for tho first time, It. will not be long before tho plnnt stnrts, with n good payroll. Tho Long I.ak mill, accord- mont8 Iik tho environs of Klamath Falls Is a sidewalk from Falrvlew to shtpplngtou, concerning whlclf we In tho Inst fow days have had heart-to- , heart talks with prominent road men, promoters of tho public weal, very noar nil of whom recommend a cinder path, solidified, with oil. Elmer Smith. Wn. Mnson. Councilman Owens, M. It. Doty, C, D. Clenden- ' nlng aro all progressive cltlsens, and 'all concur In tho bollof that thla (would bo tho host nnd most durable sldowalk that could bo made. Tho stenmer Modoc .loft yesterday morning for .Odessa. They carried a large logging truck to the woods there, und also moved Mr. Rowley and family to .their future home on n homestead at Odessa. Professor T. A. Barton, head of the 8hlpplngton school, hns moved from Pelican City to his spacious now homo on Buena. Vista Heights: Contain "Jan" TaVlor of the steam er Mnxnmn Intends to launch his boat this oftornoon or tomorrow -for the summer's run to Wood River .points. iUclinrdsott b Better. According, to a tolegrnm received by Mrs, Harry Richardson from her hnsbnnd, tho popular young local mavolmnt iinilrrwsnt n sorlOUS ODora- tlon .In deijUT surgery , at Ban Fran Cisco, Wdni, all right agln, Rich ardson haa been stitering from a compact molar for some time. ,.The baromcVtr ifwaa Invented In 1848, '- -- Rr AEROPLANE RAID ON LONDON, SAY GENEVA PAPERS Tltt;.CH CliAIM 1IIU OKFKXHIVr-: .,,:'. '. . -HTMtTHtiOOS Will He n Kfcoml AkMi.lt i;ion tin j Utrman 1'o1iIobi. fn see. Mllilcl. i . .J Grraiiinx, Aiiorillug to ItiwwUrtK, I Htail nn Offcmlre n'l'oluiiii In llicj Hope of tllverilsc, RumIam Vnim Ciirpntlilan. Unliod Proa Service ' . OENEVA, April 13. That Ger many contemplates a;,Zepplin,rald on Iondou sorao time bVfore next Aug ust with two squadrons of Zoppellne-, U tho text of the intorrriatlon given out In an Interview with Zeppelin's secretary. He also said that sixteen armored Zeppelins tire now, being built, and that tho 'new plans will cause tho utmost perturbation when tho kaiser orders tho new offensive movements In tho spring, 1'nlted I'ressi Service PARIS April 13. According to today's official statement the second French offensive movement at Ste. Mlhiel has not been .started. A re distribution of the forces Is under way at thla time, and Paris Is confi dent that the next attack will drive the Germans, to Metx. The French and Germans are fighting In many places., PETROGRAD. April 18. It is seml-ofllclally announced 'that, .the new German-' offensive move will be from Suwtlkl southward to Vistula, Tho bombardment of Ossowotx has been resumed, while iifantry attacks are being' made elsewhere. . Tho German charges near Jedvab- no were repulsed. It Is believed that the activities In Poland are for the purpose of divert ing attention from the Carpathians, where the Russians were victorious. Oakland Gunners Coming In June The following Oakland dispatch from the Mcdford Sun will be of In terest: Final arrangements for the sum mer campnnd maneuvers of Battery n, field artillery, N. G. O. of Oakland, have been doclded on by Major R. J. Fnneuf, commanding the 'field artil lery of this state, and Captain Yule. U. S. A Instructor of Meld artillery In the California ralUtla. a It has been decided jto hold the camp at Klamath Falls, Ore.,, on the government reservation, and a. bat tery of regulars will be there to In struct the militiamen. The men will tako only their personal equipment, as the horses and guns, of tho regular battery will be used for drill pur; poses. It Is Intended, to start the en campment on June S,and a school for non-commlssloned officers only will be held for the first, ten days, after which each battery of the California, militia will get Its two weeks, of encamp ment and drill under the. guiding hand of the regulars." Fleet Going to tit Kxbo. At last night's meeting of the Klamath Chamber of Commeree, the directors Instructed Secretary Fred. Fleet to go to the exposition,, and make a 'personal Investigation of the Klamath booth in the Oregon build ing. There are conflicting reports received regarding thtssorae saying it is good, others, that: It is of.no use whatever, nnd Fleet is authorised, to take whatever atepahe deems necee sry; to rearrapgoj'thtiiekhlbit and mak the display one that will ap peal to the people, Ho 'will bo away about two weoks,-ieavlag"8unday, Wedded Here. L'Lk,? Sunday Justlco of theFeaee B, W, Gower, united in- m.rrtag; Mis. ou'; '..'- 1. .:..... -' . ..tV.'li uunnivan or ufta, jihi aaa Aiirea i Gordon; who'i, aViwbmlaont "Wood River Vallsf RsaWoat Admiral Fiske No Longer Naval Adriior sm ggma BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbLi', aaaaaaaaaaaaggB P " j aaaaaaaaaaaagBBBS mBBBBBBBBBH gSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl i aaaaHggggggggggggggm 'u gmgmaw aaaaggmB . gggggggf BBBBBBBBBBBsB'1 gmgmmw SBmgmgmmmw' ggggV gBaggggB IfigmSBBBgmSBBBBBiggmH iBH'ggggggggn BSMHgBgBgBggglgBl 'rir J Admiral U. A. Fiske, who has been chief adviser to Secretary Daniels of the navy deportment, will' not act in that capacity longer. The reasons for bis getting out have not been toldl. However; ft is assumed in Washing ton that be" has come to a serious dis agreement with the head of the navy, over the policy being pursued, at this time. When bo was asked to testify before a house committee some time ago abont theicondltlon of the. navy1 ne saia it was not anywnere near. preparation for 'war, WATCH HUERTA "i " CLATMrn THAT DAXKINO FIRM IX XKW YORK IS HACKING HIM, HUT THIS IS OEXIED BY HIS FOLLOWERS Unlted.Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C. April 13. Mouibers of the Mexican Juntas here are keeping a strict eye on the actions of one yictorlnna Huerts. and are trying to figuro, out'hlsPmoves in ad yance. That Huerta did" not "return to America merely for pleasurels the firm conviction of all, and Just what ho intends to do Is a mystery up to the present. One rumor nas it tnat an Internationa banking firm in New York which hns been suspected, 01 Hidine Mexican uprisings heretofore In n financial way, Is backing Huerta for another wrestle with fate for fame. This Is denied by" tho friends of the erstwhile dictator, who say that should America Intervene la .tho Mex ican situation, that the various tac tions In that country wowu unue;,io oppose the Invasion, and that Hueria would be called to lead them. -y . While it" Is admitted thtiHuerta will visit Washington. It is not. Jf; Heved that President iWllewlU' re ceive him or hla deputies. fv A Tha situation at Tamplco Is still a grave one. - United Press Service UROWNSVIULE, Tex.. April 18; i The schools 'of this city' have, been dismissed on1 accqunt of tho fear, that they ;may be hit by the, artillery ire from aeross tho border. American troops, are patrolling th border, and the hattte at MaUmojaa is still la protross. . TbeN .force, s qt ..J.'WiW Carrania in emerged from their trenches. aadro vaMtaf ttwart ilia's; varmyIlMMtt Mite int. vu . ... vii "'!( .- ""yr - ss;, .; Tho battle, raitot,?rsoir, awl ideeWve results ars.aaUtad. iKir. . MEXICAN LEADERS . " .. - . -ffft .'l,'. J-..-SJ JWZ iUl.f i-.:.l " . ,SVl,,.y-.V- '. ij.LJ-l J .. S , ' ' .. Bg SssaSBSBSBBBSS " si .i - 4 s THREE HUNOREO JAPS DROWNED 2 ' COLLAPSE OF GALLERY IX COAL MINE V.VDCRXEATH THE BKA HUPPOSED TO BE; CAUSED BY I'nltcd TOKIO, April IS Three hundred!'. JaDanese miners -werei drownad to-! day at the Ube Coal mine In the Sbl- uw umwn. yt -.urn yuiMijnre, u, , thn rnlt nf rallArlAa rawtimmnrndmr iieath.th-.ioa. , .J Xr"! There is 'but slight hope fbr.thOrre - rnvorrnf their luutUaft - - - i h Mlln.i M.al 'mmM ' W J' m galleries. followlnsTHi verr ,rthvfai of cosl deposiu hMMtkT&o si. The galleries ,were .drlveaXintos.tho rock, and several --' - ' - - were employtd,..wlthno thought , ' fMf . r'TrMffl' f1, L; KARTHQUAKK KILLS ,KA1C - V.' t p dLJm 2ZmB&& Ej i Press Herv(., '' .'vmm it..J't:Lt'W'-r-7it!ir' uiiiii MmmafrmsfmsmmmM llUnll mUlLlllllll -H -4- si I rl LAONCHED IMIsY 1 1 II arm I TOiwnmi uiii'tinnu iiwi-'JlITelopisent; ...w. .. ...., ,.,(J,: 't-l.i"'--. A. cal coMxrrrKS, axd rr is ss- .fW CEDED TO IXVmt SlStOYOU . it : w , UK-JL.1A XSWtUAMJi: , , -fr.- , .,-A , ,, - . M. R'..Conley wlMUniigssBiSSa!SKaL Xkodt;tCiaif.flsCthe:hUrss.cfof,l? ening the Loist Beds' tetoarhk tessIilW.sai;mtjiOlB'jB' met tbto;sUoosi.'at'tWHotsIiHall with . o nuJ. .mj-jv WwT.l ChamberCoaBserMmssIslsroltl;!1! W. A. XMtaetL9J.:c rttBJ,AfSnffiBM! ir niwtAv. T f 't iiHHliiawi jh aJ T, UUlUUUi JmH -TBBVUEDBS,SBa,S9 smsuM . aotftor., SB.. V w rm- z - ' 'Mr; Conley rep'rewntsf tte:G6oX3W,-ifg55 R6juU AsMmV ofa6ok6ntijgai!gg!!g beUere. that .with aMlttle. coHl?!?S atlve,work on, tho BitomeTpeopIel?! Klimatii, -cbiinti (f of Modoc ind Improving the roads into the imar:?S7!SKu:m Be,Htfttt3'peVts I Wccntage thetS'uri?Ve W5SWJH1St i . ni oi inesecounues, .It. was decided to, Invite SlsklyoH county committees will meet and from Beds' for a route interest. Youth Is Commttteii; ,..". ' ' ' 1st travel! can'be diverted to- tilHteFP?fr.&m$& to Join the movement,,and n-tiihsn.'iiSiirut- from, the three, .counties Utx JStritdt-iiSiCiiTSr in Klamath FalhvApril II, " .LTAi&ftilEZ&2E& here 'Will go to the. lM.A&?-'-&i&L!l?&T' the prpose-.'of 'muijimiEmMmfi-: coverlnr the main; alBtiWSSi5222SffiV22Sn'-J . i.W Marlon Hanks as Judget venlle court this afteraMnTcoramltamtikVthe CalMss Juvenile court this afternoon.' commit- ted Willie Jones, the, 1 4-year-old totrslBlnrVcbrnml-ton.'- T TUDCC IN I IDCp I nKrr IrlslllliFii - f !" .ls'' . - .jj ",- i. :"ti3! ffiffJAflti,J5t.jrv.rA.v--jfi. ;t lllll r sml gaaB bIbT sl bs bshUss I ''sssl7''i"BatfsJgl ?Qsn P-v nnrii miiiimiifiii r,v liii nur SIXTH ,:e: rch -i burn hospital with a fractured iter blade and other' injuries Hartiell U la the same last ttuttoa with minor Injuries aid CeellMllier (Pinky) has a oaadagod. ija'asfai' tha ,- i.-,-' result, of a colllatoa , between 'two motorcycles JwH bofore 1 o'cloek'thls atteraoea'''- ' ':' ''"? ' . 'sffrooiwia'wewsi -rT-.'.'Tr?.'?';"?r.f.n."r5 stogl-rtrVsHU ww.'tolag-Valu Bssm;tH,towartalonr-tHaf. Crr'".VTS-?YT!!TriiBMS'W:tl?iS r"'Hl. ti mil . nrt' Stllh .r. trnilmm '-'.v-.Ji.'v ..iuu. ''!-. 'J.'i-.-.'-r' W' )Pf"H. sW"iIWss eWvmmsTmsjflBammj, j spsmmsf; 1wtw.oaVtsway3to.'wr llu.ak ,'UlMull'l . oJlijSASeffP'.s,.: wM:Hdla4lM;;to)4Blsl(mts4;as ; stlka's: s,olorisl.W ,ljs HagUg !"T"r . jfm!.r"" ;rsaatyo Ulllii had kM 'pssiiailTg sfJas fJUtllt M tl-lt H!.. -Hr.JWWjtfcaiOittMPMiilM gaUnrAUfflffid V:,$ i .in.. i . .'..... . )'" ,' V't'"'''i."ll'llLlBIPMU , ', t' P Sl",' t,W. ,B.' .V,- jt i 0 , vlbFiK xwaP MISIttlEr s M , w:z?MP&4fr?rA r. -. 'Sir. a i'-U a W.f '.-" i .ni. . -'A Shu.' BKSBBBBl. H.HWS1 raff ; 4 " i.nruri iingmUgmir iu iirin iiTggiriii iiii sv stiii w vwwtsf m wwi ' 1 1. J i JV XKi:tLs17 V-r TT. WlH Man - -.-. -. rw. mJ . v !- ft id i jfii-in, w. . , -' $i&2m&&& isT'eBBBSBai.' fj fea$?Bgtft'i i'- ...'rA.."!.-. ' Sy-fc 3 . W-' '"V, 'aeWM;BS4:'t4aVwswsiei0ismBB4: J.;W;:4-mriildt 'c tiflrlrtt lMMr .aac;sriBa lailTtftrtftW1 Ajrft ' ' u--.-i--- m, JSla3HsJifc -.-. m -- 2. . . . .?.- y . fcitai-n .1, it,' 'the- keaJUew: rHe ts mtl T" T"-.' -T-.-''CT-wlWWBBVTl UgM;tnn mtiUiiUmJmiiiZr-UArZ4k ua ----- --- - - - r"" : j " t''i, .rfi. w.i BA.ilL- SSrtf 7Wtf!!&M&!&, imwsjBi,Tai ,, , wsfessfl. .LT "TTVJrTVTs? 'ttlRrSHi SBBSWl XbV,V 4 the jtRcmgb.-he. is deteosls, sM stmt ifc-!tuii Jisa-att. sstfc sf sssTsT m liiT m FUIn; o:ofi;lsjlB)t 1 ioCc.aoatberni'Orssiiisi r;aV.;..v--.. - -i . 4eempsy:(Mridtagpriats L04s4 ! ti WA,' g1rr!W;fcspt of mmih i ; -j. -"--::A'. r-. '""1-t-. . '.-. . 1 lr'-JW'-' r- &m. a. ' ...n c - b,j.ii . - ii- - - ... -ii.- ":..,.. - iJ ?'r-7;Slv;-s.--vliiJs,l WMhB-ivk fr . . 4 t r..jv r mmj.' i . r -. ti, n:.. :. . . . . - v .- . it iv&dstAieVnAvXtlBAVAsTBBmagBaa ti Hmh"iL fAttoraJiVssleWlt?ria" iflMnia ltsitiii Lr annrnseiMsis -f-Tla siT 0 lirTV y-Tr.frs"" ,ii"7 ?t,J9 mmrim, w .-w-J -tJ" J wtdras ss. i 1 1 , IgBBJJ , amlittVthe Cal i company,, to be heart to ttl ONFinilSlY I vt-. ''vrt.i's.. -' ", y,?Kjsi&VAiv7?'l'4j .FeliM' i tr. flr.jr ' J T l.1 '?'? ".irrtZj fci-fi!r.a. ,W - 'iq.-TKSS4rfyi S8S.i,t'i5t ? J , J! JlL . yX. o t n rrT'? y i " "n-Miifi w& m rr ?'i"AT -ttf mmmm .e'sjspssa, isi UI I'aad.HartsOll .(int,;goDg;io;ka lait'of M. ,: alar. As; they; turalti ',' jciiii, pr. ctpryr,om,ta rsfnt 1 l1- ., . ---.--.r':. -.. . .. -. . jbo sireernanaeii jsmval f?f?:w',t-8c"i-"?? j loreyois ciususa naw ".sUfi t lZSl'llT'Ct.;, a VVMI-. n '.V A raiHE'r-- treaUd hyjpia.' .MmrtBBll te I R-TT'.'TTt-- Ejj-"; Ml hat not Ta treat ot let aSVasaasut. ""' fl'iPssTsBi- t:-"ft .M. . ''''' awr --j a-asa.s -n swiishi"J .-'i ffA' .' "'I i 1L, iVaa.ii5, .7 vj s ' '"ti-