v.- Vj.u, "ft-' " - - ?n?w Xy M Sssm,, nmmsmmM 'fuIFIgS ' TI V T" "- J .T W V w V IVi' - rvJt w J . Ya" I" iiL am an KLAMATH FALL!' wtv); ; KLAMATfiCOtn OFFICIAL NEWIPAPER A?r7,i' "J'1' smmmw mapamsmmmBBj ssaV laaanm ananv .kaaw naaBv am .;nBw2.f.A,; Pin wX.mB &-: Si lis mSBd .ST .gin am BBS. SB? L . am am V Bm Bm.VSB am SBS gar EJ . Bm aBTT am A am . am am s. amvs n :BBRr BRB'BBh BB J'W r- - $ J rys&mmm, ; tt'Jj yijjjaaj;t.;.Ji-ll.ia-,g k Ninth Y""-" No M,IW KLAMATH FALLS, OREGONi MONDAY, APRIL 12, 1915, ' -A ft-" GERMAN FLEET IS RICHAROSON LEAPS REPORTED TO BE FROM SIXTH FLOOR FIGHTING BRITON Unnosaihno w liKAnn M THH SKA l s 'LI' "Si from! i KLAMATH COUNTY MAX, TKMIf). IIAIIILY IXNAXK, LKAPH FROMi WIXIHW OF IMPERIAL HOTEL.' SKYLIGHT MtliAKH DKHCKNT Captured Cossack Presented to ,r Kaiser Wilhelm at the Ftorit mimxmmismmmm& t.y a '22ZiiK, tivSa&Uti mji l'L.u. ..-ru- l itauM ...Km ( """', ,,,'" BlfUMI .-- -I - --. I nk) HunKnrr l-Yom Two Ioiat t;i iw I'M-.to-'-Hf "LOS'DON, April 12. IDLEREST WILL nrnnmrn annul dc urcncu ouun "llH i romi.AM). Aurll I2.I11 it nt. of. ih Hliwulon. K1H of Might. Irraiioinry liwitnlly, itlrliiiril M. itleh. Lhm r wui wnbiM i. :'",?" ,o!'!,".", ':nrt .re,,or,er ,or '.-" ,inu ivminnii-i.ii citcuit toiirt, yon. Wt (hit From HchiIIiuiIii Iiii tordny pr.i from u Hlxtti Htory win. . Mnw I" Wn ImiK'iliil liolol, Tlio 1i U-IUi-l""- l'reprlMB C lii.,WftH )n,(j fron umm wn(ow UIcIihiiInoii landed In a jtlttluK )' tin (i on n initio In (lie dlnliiK room on t ,ho ground lloor of the liontilry. Ho !crnNhd throiiKli a Hliyllght In III do- i-lt In rnportod r'," which brokii tin,' forro of lil kw.tlui U.n iprmnn Hqiin.trop h.. Mflom tun a fa Jc iptd trom tho Kiel liao. ond UM,IU(1 wuon n(B jm,,P1 fro,n , w(ll. ted tlu iiritin wamitip on ner iiotv, , Norwny. Tito mimirnuy win f comment upon thli report, . 6"a.,iinv(iin mitrclinntmon rooorL " .. . .. kifhtliiK (Icrnmii wnmmpH in mo' fiortli !i Tluimdny. They woro 460 alios (rum Heligoland, nnd lucre I Lrc lictwocn filtoen nnd twonty-Ovo Ml In tho fleet. A llrliUli cruliwr warned ono Nor- llan Mcnnior to hog thn roait lino Mfoly. I from Norway cornea a report mni rc wrnt n nnvnl liattlo oft 8artor kdnciUny night. It la claimed that BDonndiiig waa heard, tho flaahea alvna were noon, and windowa all Iit thn Inlnnd rnttled. A dispatch from Hull waya that ry rnnnonadlng waa heard Hatur- ly night from the North Sea. Other llnPfl are nUn filled with rumora of aivnl engnicenient. 1. IJffi. trrcoa servlca f HMLIX, April IS, It la announc- anced that tho French have abau- I their offenalvo In tho region of K. Mlhlcl, l'ont n Mounaon and Ver ity, at Irntt temporarily, in mo kt tho situation la comparatively Diet again. ' In I'olnmt Uio (lerman troop have bunii'il thn offenaWe caul of Marl- Impol. I'nttcd I'reBi Service l'KTUOdltAI). April 12: It U ml-ofllclnlly announced that tho luMlan lino extenda from tho Car- Mhlan region. 200 mllea to Rumania. reparation Ib being tnado for an ex- miIto offoiiHlvo at CicrnowlU, and U expected that Hungary wilt bo inded from two points. iejajgjU'wjsHI m gH?igiaaK jjwEB m VOn lAiVAh HPOItTMMK.V, Wll.h MAKK HVKCiMi I'ltOVL WIOVH MA.W IMl'ltOVKMKXTH TO UK MAIIK THIS VKAK ,- This photograph sliowg KalHor Wll IliPlm on 'tho Cant Prussian Imttle 'front, whero a captured Cossack baa HI'IXKl,vou 'ni'" before him. t is one of jlhe few photogrupliH of tho lialscr ac- i tually on tho battle llrie. Germans took many thousand Cossacks when they drovo the Russians from East Prussia. Many or thee men have been accused of vicious, attacks on Trout are biting flnv at Spring Creek, wiy anglers who wero there yesterday, Moreover, the Spink resort there Is to bo openod at once for tho beneflt of local sport anion who wish to fish In this great trout stroant. R. C. 8plnk,today announced that ho will have a nnmbor of tents erected for aportsmen, and havo a cook to servo t meals to guosts. An auto sorvlco will be operated between Klamath Falls, and Idlerest. nnd tho nuto will olno meet tho Chlloquln trains. . i YOUTH IS HELD FOR P. 0. THEFT .7 WOIHIKX HOV WIIJi.lli: IIKFOHK Jl!VI'.XII.k COURT ON (-1L1KOE OF TAKIXO 17 FROSI L'XCLE HAM'S TlLh I tho women of the. eastern frontier of Germany. The war office In Berlin Is now tabulating the Instances of burn ing and pillage to present It against Russia when the time comes to dis cuss peace. try naturally there is in the United States today. I do not know how they Intend to act, or what they have la view In order to pay a man, but the propor caper is for the supervisors to make an ap'proprlatlon. If they doa't It Is up. to individuals, and whatever Is done you can count me lu. I think ou could make them a proposition to come here nnd furnish them a man.FHKXCH ... OFFICER TO . HAVE for 1200 per month. This count v has'' --- " ' - paid to dCo ioSoO. " V "!WH TH CUMKS IX FROM SEATTLE TO INSPECTION TO START TOMORROW H Churged with robbing the Worden The early demands for reservations toUlce. Willie Jones, a IC-year-old women uoy was arrcsioa mere inui morning by Deputy Sheriff Lloyd Low., He will bo examined beforo have caused Mr. Spink to hogln prep arations for accommodating twice as tunny guests as ever before. Ho plans among, other additions the erection of j a uancing pnvuuon, wuu social nops Saturday evenings for th ntiKlors and thnlr ladles. I'enn Nino Mreis WllllaniN fulled I'rf&s Servicn I'HII.ADKI.PHIA, April 12. On Franklin field this afternoon the Uni versity of Pennsylvania ball team ploys Williams College. Ilnquent child. Tho theft occurred some tlmo ago. It Is alleged that young Jonos pried open tho general delivery window, put his arm through nnd took $17 from the till. UN BAY1I1BER CO, NOW HAS UMBER TO CUT 45,000,000 FEET YEARLY FOR FIFTEEN MORE YEARS KLAMATH NEEDS A REPRESENTATIVE OAKIiAXU MAX SAYS THIS COUX TV IS USINU A GREAT PEAL ItV XOT HAVING A MAX AT THE KliAMATH COUXTV BOOTH PW i ; - After announcing Saturday after- vn mat t 10 IiIiIm tnr Ihn lui Im. e triictH of timber In Klamath ty would not bo opened that day, Ills bid was 13 per thousand for the ' An Oakloud man, well kuown to iiiiiny in Klamath, writes as follows to Captain O. C. Applegate: 'I was at the Oregon building on tho I'ollcan Hay Lumber their exhibits Still be is em- hIha Im llw. rlaol tsnll ,tA t 9 fl tnv hat,.uthes,ondunl'. " l TILSJaT "Tho addition of thoau two units to " . l 8ttw Kroba8h fr0.m .A"h- -.Ur.ctfore.fr late Saturday eve-.tho Umber w already have n.ves us ; Ho J. - -I'wieu 1110 uids, awarding the .timber stitliclent to last us for fifteen ,", " "" J ,JI ,. tt.u,H ionic .., i AAA AAA . .nHnininUIHtU " M M. ..ww. - years, cuiiiiik i.i,uu,uu nvi uuuu-i ., -,i Ii, ii ..m .. n-i,A nw'aftcr that county and "; ri." : .r,::.",": .::.; "ifor Per month un.l 01 n.w .uu.r ju... .w .....w "", , d b jnckaon county ftna cou,,, a:s.Sa5 ss county' new timber, wo contemplate extend-'"I""1. tor V5 a menth: M ing our railroad six miles further. , "This county, Alameda, paid a man "ft will take us nbout threo years I for Installing nnd looking after the to cut all the n'luo timber off tho" nrat county, $15,000, and ywtarday the unit of our now purchase. Until tbHuporvUow appropriated $6,000 and la all disposed of, wo will not havo to agreod to Increase It to $10,000 if re- tap tho larger aecond unit, bo at quueu. . m t,A nn nnitn nlsns for "Klamath has transporting this timber to the mill." The eoatrgct to be made wlUi the government for the purchase of tliW leer to PWny, (ho two tracts sold there are .000,000 feet of woHtcin yellow making this the laraest amount tne that has ever been sold in tlio hy the forest service, o Hist unit contains about 8ft,- Pu feot. it is located In tho r l.nkii nnltnnnl fnrna) nlnnir Mile, Lost and Wood- creaks.' miles from this city. tho second unit, which la main- me Paulina reserve, oa the hed of Dear Creek, between r Uke Park and the Klamath nation, are m,'000,000 feet of T, 0? ner Pini nt whlAk'ia ,.!. iKne. D. Mortnnun msuljal If Ik. u Bay Lumber comaaay waa. In and When tWtitila M'naMu' a nice oxhlblt of mounted horns and pictures, which. Is all right, bi tar as It jgoes, but Jhere II I1UUND IV. .It TO imwiasawvii w, mw- timber gives the Pelican Ray Lumber yertlslng matter, l know nothing of inesiUt'aBU& niawAVHuuni; iwwfwiw company sixteen years to out the tm Wi. ThM-a is provision also for a regard to the fair, but 'l do know thty !-t... ....nnHiui of the timber should have at least two men there, :".'. nt . ih. nd of tWaiva nnd with other things, Mgplolt the 2!2 county aa the bwt atock raising ooua ATHLETIC BOY IS TOLD TO GO SLOW IllLli HAYWAItD WARNS HIGH SCHOOL' STUDENTS, AGAINST HARM OF OVERDOING THEIR ATHLETIC TIUIXIXG WORK ! (Herald Special Service) UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu gene, April 12. Directions for school track athletes who have not the ad vantage of professional coaches are being Issued by William L. Hayward, track conch of the University of' Ore gon, and will be sent free upon re quest. The Instructions are InUnded to nable any boy or young man who wishes to excel In a certain event to learn the form for that event without the aid of a coach. - Tho events covered are: Sprints, 220-yard run, 440-yard run,,8 80-yard run. rfllle run, running broad Jump, hurdles, high lump, pole vault, ahot put and throwing the discus. Preven tion and treatment of Injuries are also dealt with.. " w ' "Generally tho boy between 14 and 16 yonra is apt to overdo himself and should, be watched; carefully;" JW: rvati Vfavornrit "1 haVAftf tan Bonn boys who had natural, athletic ability stay on the track all day and chal lenge everyone who came along, Just to show off. "Needless to say, these boys did not last long as athletes.' Their nervous systems' were, torn down .faster than nature could build them up. 9 "My advice to all boya who have track, aspirations Is to mafce haste very slowly." . ' L06k;0VER KLAMATH STEEDS After several delays and postpone ments, the second inspection and pur chase of Klamath county horses for service. In the French artillery will be held tomorrow and Wednesday at the J. Frank Adama ranch at Merrill. Comte do Lestralnge, the inspect ing officer, arrived last night from Seattle, and was taken to Merrill to day. Captain Pelletler and others of the Inspection, board are already there. HUTCHISON PRESSMAN AND MUSICIAN GOES SATURDAY TO ACCEPT A POSI TION WITH NEWSPAPER IX MICHIGAN Charles Hutchison has resigned his position as web pressman for the Northwestern. He leaves with bis family for Adrian, Mich., where, he will have"cbarge of the pressroom of the Adrian Telegraph. I "Hutch's" departure wlllbe greatly regretted here. He .has .been, promt- uent In local musical circles since coining here, and besides his band and. orchestra work, his trombone ) solos have been features of many en tertainments, cnurcn programs, eic. He Is also a Thespian of no mean abt'l. ity, and coupled with, these, has a "dlsppslih" that has made him hosts of i staunch friends during his. real dence in Klamath Falls. " Meet at Pelican City. , ", The Woman's Christian Temper ance, 'Union will meet' tomorrow at 510 iittho home of MrsH. NWoOd In Pelican City. A program has been. prepared for 'this occasion, wmen u tbaurtr1y; mothers' meeting. Those. aesinng to nae 10 reucna uuy wm meet t' hi Christian church at I mag wwB'iB-ewef;. '! . Ji IMsslsslial.Cowmlseloii Meets United Prea evlca i ST,. LOUIi. April tThaMUil; slppl river improvemeat'Coawajlaso met here today for the, aaaaal "saving session. Prominent coagreasmea-ta: terested in river lmprovmea4sjare among the., commission,1 wwaa. whi sail down taa rim $ol Nsw prteaaa j v.l k..- .-.-.' '-':r KNW nvm hwwii mW' SAN FRANCISCO FACES ST RIK cJ "IS- ULTIMATUk IS JHSNT TdUNlTHD RAILWAYS" BY, CABMEN'S UN ION, DEMANDINa BBINSTATB- ment of vmotatmP ItnltA' Pru Slat-vlaa .. . t 1 - A" -Mv.p-.-e- -A. A(ri(t;-; SAN FRANCIHCO. Aorll II B. 1". Bowbeer, general oraaniier fo'f tae Carmen's Union, declared that an ul timatum would be sent to ' the Uilted Railways at a, mass meeting of the employes, demanding the right to an ionize and the. reinstatement of the men recently discharged for union ising. ;, , ti s If ignored Bowbeer says that a strike on.ahUnited RailwaysJiaes -to certain.- ,t.K & R , . s S i tf lV'S''4.5i'.i. i- "'" , -"J wsd.lt,'ia-BaMss1'JasM',tsXaa-daWt,. Jl2(MM$is&m r?T3T- -S?-'!Hfli . Vi:fJ 1 2 M RAILROADS ASK ' RATE REDUCTION USUAL ORDER OF PETITIONS MS REVERSED" BEFORE COMMISr a 8IONERS ITT WASHINGTON THH . ' t a ! AFTERNOON) - ,n "i continental railroads before the la teratate Commerce Commieston. i 1 ... -..- Fwav JMe ' Pf ANDTHfl fci7. IMP ;! 'i '-j0)Mi't " Vfc2S?k n flSBBBmfmaBBsvr . samklsmnv BtsSnv ama BBL'BBH KamBMaBBBBBUK. . V r n n 11 1 n iS'n -nnammWii. MA Y CXMST IWtWsM CWMMaJTa ; .' '- .M.BBBtOBEi3jin1)g . . .j .. . 1. .'?. d. 1 il.".J V. 1L. ?.,.. !!. J Cvert Tes gatfe.assssajj: .;:; ' t-i-. .sa.Sff. '.:-j,;a;?,.baaa.-'-"i;r'- js t r- .vyss-j.iS'. t'sj-' 'iA.;i!!ifftJ SmW1- ,12-' 'TCVliTii-iii -?W&.' s,v . -mt $?&?mmmmw t' NEWPORTrWsirB'YaSAai' ii. -"-l,a- ,i-f-T'a-Al --JT1 iae iaten usraMA vasatLf iH'Tt''V' ""(' ,oi'', VSjnMBf f JMHPwV,' V3; harbor far is sail s .Tht.-'hi-SiitiilvWtl T."VT i-T, -. rmT7'mmufwfJ' vsjr.froax'a;BaaOwg.lJarJ hiiTUrr13aTmaSS&.. ' ; According poT(frptfo-Talirpi( & . V the vessel wlU-be rerty, tor la ih- sea wHaw a rortaiaat; iv jg wmasc -Am, 'IPiSm -1 Inert a J." m r AJ ? TJi?n"r rf'Jv'"i"a ttl rir wbob sne.ien s xaii.;, ThMrjreId4t vr ti. ''-" f wam Wr-' 'lafamaKB 'R ? ' !.. - , .itwti Brcaiea' bntaUlAa tkat k'U:t ,fcfc5 .'- i- :?i '' iV-r-T1 - '.'i'"i" Jc" ';.i A'i - Amerieaa naval oWeeia jia' tbstthewnhl;:uka"tsis1W erlen,Vb:itrarin4 ,nftmm,- mmtzjn cnms.. " ' - 4 t United Press Service . WASHINGTON, April 12 J Rate reductions', instead of the uaual' in creases, were aonkht todar hv "traSLS- .' w- .a.-i ... av.UJJ -' .Ui-U wa;M Bo.Baaaat smhw They sought permission b redace I rJVSSH .Vh. . ii-e, ,-A-ia.lAO- 11 Bw.nare?oip Chicago, and the. middle west ; to the Pacigea,Ceasteth'4evalit-saViwaier rates rrora me eastern-seaBoara ana through the Panama Canal. 'C'L. The. railroads want to meet water '.'.'V ' e '.-'i. .1 - x competition, to, avota losing iraiac tarouxa a posed tire Pacific tabllsh a r- '"""" "-fw ij??;:e; iuui ut.prereBt ta r. tatsaai r w. Tmwlg,'.1?', fflsrr.-Ci.-.vi SMicssatrenaajata f x-"- three gets p. ' MBaa'aVtaBD tUamVamaar " s&rere.:Jt;to brtsSt! Kla asmU4nmna f . tfttl aUBstlrall COantlinalBTt . . vZ :-r t- .: .. . . ' PS..I .rr---r"" i.. . mmmatymJt isSi52i?,Vf gS' "i -"' Muadroahts . M.rtVj.iM'! vl I -t tf-'lH'.. -f;i r -k --; 7r - i '-:if-",v-r-.';';-v'. 4i. 8.ta mjro-ri - Ansawr arises. as nsssiiD 's twa-jsa-tft ? reduction would effect, theinriUniteA'PTessSeiTteeMts I trade .between. .Chlcagoja'nd the.. NEWPORT NaWSS'lPiBSS Coast sUtes and, weuld: refee-jirhaa from Uncle item's -Vraas1namnsan a competitive rate market: shook, the lVirslalBaBea;te4uW , ! : ' 'AtUntYcvaeetris'rAs ij-este'rday;ffoHaTanaiiiaj5sW''b flwriang'inkTaartartara Playground Seanon 0hh I'nited Press Service BOSJON. April 12. Almost month earlier, than usual, Boston' playground season was formally, open ed today. Thousands of children hall- . ibtOMW$Wnl , .j w.77 olr"t&Tri.u'i'mmwM s otherjWashington :-6aBiaIajsnis1iiiBllVr -,e4 to' visit theaieW4urliBii?Slv' -weeks', practlcefmx)grankftJiSS.;,ff& , i ed' the event' vociferousljvaf the twortyw? aS- - score playgrounds mtAlffls sport and other programsweVenfttlmpTstoraVSn'iV joyed..- , -- tflmmmmMK, -" ' " rSVrzz--v u:i-j:-i."j ',. 'iiWMF't'.," V . A .ira-. C '.rtWWW4i.rtW-it,fti,Wt-. l 10 LEAVE TOWN CONGRESSMEN ARE TO VISIT T(E aiisnBi m sastsairt'sBBVijI .i.'j t i- i' , . 55 i -- ;"r-.;s. w. a fWf 6W,1 - al ti4-' ' 3 " 1 f JiSiSf;. KUhITH lii uiir l;lHf. ii .i&l yrju PRn.lFf! fiFT IINfnN PBn.lFfiTFfl5 taw; igi NivifiJ IISM. TO GEililiiilOil iv'? 'Vi'i'ni M'J ' L wm, a view -n ' I, ; TT T.xl' fr Ttjurrli ' '' Information about tbe'Heeds and con- tbe'obstacJes'i'to'-'Bss-'aaV " rrt ditlon bfevery: reclamation projei-.in?jectio- the' countrymembers, of e house .JrIainM 4 ' ,t committee'.apprpriaWf wlllf.lC make. atour'of 'the projects. The in-;baavofsinaiM,l1i nMttii fe, forma.loa thus gathered wfubs ust'r ' TheVwlvesVot'aoiiSfeOf s?', .-- la the' future appropriation work;foH.vtee.:o.e4alsi:i the reclamation serviriev ' ' Vtha aanipwalusu aongreasmen jsusri According' to tafornoa wsTy by thelocal reclamation ervloefMa-IJaMwao quarters, the commitiw UlXvlit?.iawwFjese Klamath' project June i ? Thlsdate,' of. course, la only tentative and may The present plan ts for the 'party leave SlKon.CaHr..'lnasieeUl' train for Klamath FaW the marntni of the ltwTa!rlr3wOlnit.at:'-tBa station here: hyaatom'oWles. Wd tak- 'i6lNV'okrr6i,waaw4aTaltoV ' i .- -.." .. '".:- rr. . i ."-. ?Ub93NjEam9onw' li'im ,aay;.to,icasa-i eaSoter lateVln ui-'-.i-i-..k'.'i'-i...iiij!-, V,T i " 5 i" T?i 5- taaaerth: rHaa4.'''i...i v" -1' '7: -. -v:. ,?!. ; . .-VlftM-i viwriag-me view mum eeaimKie to the dlffereat proJee:ta lc aaV the, ihelltBatlM,a '"." T-. . -,' T".T: J- "." V. . thereuglyasisWe.;vNeealyta taty atawiasaa j aa bars f j- the. hpuae.'.eoBsnuMae -htihi tWkyChssrjBartlettr-t .: UfMasm.Mlsah WSrjSatwwWi uaorga w niw, umot gv aedvuiiBaTS.-.sjBt I Ulll 1li'.kVB I Pkl U A Htmrn I - - J- i. ' Kfl(t' l ," ?; .,'TTrr' : ?i r - ?rr Tv,i?7.rir 1 1. ! jr.-iH.timebaogh. -'D Hsja:IcNMIcUJV 'V' !- -4yt -. - -BBM ' ;.- -- vVl .. 1 , .'VlESal i ' "A V -7'1 I M i."; r.t T "' ";&"&' 'V -Tt-,"..?i ' fe n ., w years