fc A- 4"4J" im:: Vffl&torS ' A jan.-- -fy L,i ; f ft ri rf -Saiaiiyr till F wS&A KLAMATH PALLI' i ,n. VtrAitAl OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER , - ty; ofcjww! mmmmmmmmmy 7"nBJ " BW mmmmW.mmmmW -k. . i .-r . . Tr , ,t ' .! BZrrai aaH gaBi Anal nM bbS "nav nnaannai laBaBBr bbI LWWW Wm B.V PBIr vW HHIH ,VAMBW aBaaVanaBir ami rB,. .xij liLiiFninii inii'iiii a - r iP t ' iH i 'f r ,t j f v ' ' "L? Ui...k Var .Vo. AMI . " ... ..-' ' n v" -r a a nail 'i. , i-.-lu-h l-u-," iBsMcasantsraraai JTJ mMATH PALLS, OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL' 1,0 i15 ill " " :..,; M&MC ".T 'JV' vi " --t MEOFORD MAN IS CHOSEN AS HEAD OF HIGH SCHOOL i. ii. iiowm.w i:lkc.tki today &f HV HOARD American Who Was a Victim on British Ship Sank by Germans f J0HI Who Will Hurieeil 1'rimliMl . jtMunlit l rniiMi or mo immi NUI NomimiI I'nlvrmlly, ami Hum ' tin n IVnrliliiK In Hoiic Hhrr .Mc imiiioIU I'roftMor Itnwnnl Ifi1. (Ilmil rixllhm Offi'i-ril Him. .M (i miHIni,' of Hit County lllxli 8choo! hmnl lltfM iifloriioon I'rofoMior C. R. Iiminnu 'u iIiukuii n rlml ft of (no Kliiiuutli Couuiy High Vchaol for uvxt ycnr. At prmonl lro (ruor llowiniin U prlnrlpnl of (ho Jlwlfonl IIIkIi HcIkmiI. rror'nr llownrtl, formerly an In ilruclor licrc, but now hcnd of lha Coqulltfl itrlKKili, declined to nccopt ike Kltlon of prlnclpnl, which wn fendcrpd lihn by ihi Klnnmlh county boanl. Ilo i:nvt Hovcrnt romoiiH for (httiKlnK IiIk mind In iho mn(Ur. I'rofcniir llnYtmnn him boon rrim- Inondod to, I ho local board by n unm- llxr of iirniiiliii'nt (tluciilorn on prlu- rlral of moro tlinn ordlnnry nblllty. Par limn yearn nnd a hilf ho htm n tln homl of tbo Mrdford 1 1 lull hool, ninl Hint Institution Im mndi , ct uilvniirmpnt unniT hU dlrcc, lion. Ilu U n irrndunto of tlio Illinois Italci Normal University, flnUhlnic In, 103, nnd him been tonrhllnK with 'crew over iilnre. It U the Intention of tho now hiRh rhool licnil to move hero In July kith M Hlfonnd young daughter. , The nrlnrlpnlitlilp wh the only va filled nt today'a aeealon of the Kknoi board. The other poel lire to bo filled later. aBBBBBBBBBaM-.r-'' v,: ''iLIL'aSBBBB BBBBBBBBBfBLBBBaBaWaBaBaBH BBaBaBaBaBaam'aBavaBaBaBaBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBru JaBBBaBaBaBHEBBnaffaBaBBBBaBW BBaBaBaBaBaBaW1fnP.dBBui01am aBaBf''ter-S 'tEF ' BBaKriaBalaBaBB aBaBaBaPK-XI amKkMaMiBar ''iaBBBaV aBaBaBaBaBaaBPaBaBaBaW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVV4 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmkw J!BaBaBafllrP.BBaBaBaBaBaBfci ibbbbwbBbbbbbbbbbbVP( ' Jbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb .BBBBVaBaBBBBBBB 'y 'tBaBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBvPaM amaK' 'kBr-1 ;-BaBaBaBaBaBTiff' .iBaBam7ain aBBBBBBBaWBlPr .mWV , ; aiBaBBBBBLPZr .BBaBBBBBBBBBBBH'aBBBBBal " jVaBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbbCbBbBKA .LBaBBBBBBBaBaBaV'BBBBBBBBV MBTKKB BbBbBbBV ''.aBBBal ' .aBBaBaBBBaBaBBBaBF BaBBBBBayPBaBBBaBBBaBlaBaBVSBP BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBV&.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBWBBBBaaBBa MaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBPiaaBBBBBBBBaPflBBBB 9BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaltBBaBBBaaBaBBB ONE DEAD, THREE HURT IN; WRECK HIIKMA.V FATAIilY HOALDKD. I i:filNRliH AND MAII, CI,KIWH ? I IIVItT IX H.UAHHVI IX MONTIS. ! -nkv c6.vii I -Southern Pa No. 1 o wan United I'rca Bervtce BAMNAS, April I(f.t rlfic' )nnongi)r train wiecliod early thin morning liuar (Joa zalea. The engine arid fivt- conches Iworo derailed. Fireman W. Bprain wur badly h aided .Hid Injured Intornally m se verely that he died. The engineer nnd three mnll clerks were also In Jjured. 1 German Who Drove the Russians Back ,j AUTOS CRASH ON A CORNER i I HIGH XOUWALK lxUKIt8LUXG TKLRKCOI'KH FBOXT OP FORD A.D IinKAKH AXIiRpFATAIilTV XAKROWfil AVEKTED I When the German NUbmnrino sent live In Hard wJck. N'o icpnucutatlons e w i Li, liitiftifeh & tl... a.i.A.i .s. in.... .... . Drltlih life Insurance companies re alinut 38,000,000 policies In to the bottom of the Urjutol chnnnol the Drltlsb ship Fabalu, March 28, with some H) passenger and crow, they caused tlio death, It Is belle ed, of I.oon Chester Thresher, an Amer ican. Mr.. Thresher was n mining en gineer on his way to West Afrlcn. Ho was about 31 years old, and as not married. Ills mother nnd brother bno xo,far beon made to the, state de partment nt Washington. The Oor mnn killed hlra, unless ho Is among tltono wived nnd yet unaccounted for on n peaceful merchant vessel. The attitude of the administration In Washington wilt of course not become known until tho case has been Inves tigated RUSSIANS BRING DP j i 'I i-.W f.h. -6 c i - -f - &&-, SRS-a.tS &&:& s J c - lll I HMMflHI bib ' rfta-fliwBm a . &" m ftt .;fl "a aA-l.A'-ivs;"M', Hi- Aisa '-.r. ."i 3Kff 9 J&SK&J M.' ;m1 I 4fiJv. . r . iHiAt. tmmm . m. a "i MfcT? T-,".M"BI K'traww, iTfin rlr, wwiasf " a ; '" ub biblh.iibj . - w:teBiLVir." 1 U rUIYLL rrtiM Y.'.f . " ' . .. i j biiji m. .i.'c " it 'i j 4 . . "!- f iv . t: " . -rt 7Ara".Vi T-W J . J T- t . HV-l . ffVld TL" t i. rl? Uolteatteaigeefieii FETROGRAD, April 10-Tbe opposing -foro lax the Cwaathla ate; both prnrtlrally exhBMted, after the meet i to iittf. t . . V -S.J 'iTil The RomIm forces an nuhlW heavy evUktenr ofwUffafSfJtff lighting Ib the worM'a Metom s ? ' VSKL t ?VVfSi.V ay ii Haul effort ta ctre Vaeek. 'TMe Is the nei lasgofteaif raw )r pathUBw from the fiJyohiief the KtksaaJk' tavaetoti o r if.lM tf ' IJIli. A. - . A ' ' r .IT-t 1. ' ..- UJOiBU. , I ft I nuuiiiuii iv urnn ap uw ion jicwiiw rw HH nsHaaj W9WPXru, ATI .... - t i ;... . -..' '. t 'w ia3K"i. iinjfi-J uk hihiu wwmi naaerv.ia nsw BaaaBK. ... ., -.y,4 i.-i;'" &' t. - I f S Tt hhm tolted Pi V i?wfcii,i v-itA-LH- ;mmmm V,f J0, S'iKTi ,ft- - --.- - g . t... -. . , , ?7il IVSaBatV, Z. fi.vvm,tt dBA-' ibt-t-fi'.W - X MT- Its-.! VnrssB.M'-siBK'easi 1 -v" )"5tIJ, I General von Elcbora A coliulpn beUeen u.Norwalk un dcrslung, driven by Chas. F. Stone, and a Ford car containing three wo men and a boy, besides the driver, Mr. Powers of Keno, occurred at Sixth and Main streets this afternoon, aad although bystanders believed a trag edy was Inevitable, nobody was hurt. As a result of the cmashuD. the front of the Ford was badly caved In.lCory nto rtlcle about vthelr In - - and the front oxel and attacbmenUiTB,,on naS vn. air. corey, wno aio ainner witn uenerai van Eicnorn, said he was a kladly,oJd ajaUletnan of To General von Elchorni command er of one of the armies In East Prus sia under General von Hlndenberg, hi largely given the credit for' driving the Russians from East Prussia, the Russians who burned towns and at tacked women of whom Herbert JNDSEY AND "THE BEAST" ARE ABOUT TO FIGHT TO A FINISH lolled Press Service . ey attracts nttontlon. but they are. lontlon. what ha had m v would DEXVnit, April 10 Picture a little 'really only Incidents In the general eenso to attract attention. Ian about flvo feet three Inches tall''nM,uU w,',ch, M JuUl L,n,lsiy w',' The rocall was first tried In the M weighing 110 pounds. In repose' ' J OBB,"u"a ' 'nr me full of 1913. Judge Llndaey has just i Mofi n,,wn ii- j ' i'riii mo. nnysicuiir been confined for three months In i Hon spoken. Ho Is a Judge. UB W0, 8 financially." . , i..i..i imi. - A low years ago ho began to ex- Tho light against Judge Llndaey iew and recall petitions were clrcu und the theory that boys and girls has not only been condjuctcd through ,eil uut Tho Beast" could not get io Molntod the laws nevertheless I he legislature nud throat'enod recall onough signatures. khiii, ne ocuovea titat a ooy in 'elections. r. jintcs. testifying be-l Aaa a ..... .a. I. .. . . - ' on trousers or still In bis teens foro a. special committee here, ad- (o went ostrny war not necessarily mltted It "was sort of n submnrlnoi , :, . , . k.i i.l T !"J W-'r!!"'-' J"d "" -J t0 -callTdeL r- iiivto tururiea inw iirnviire. nuw ni nns rereivcu luiepuouo cans Things that he said began to carry 'at nlaiit nnd ban becu told that you nit I'lht. People listened to him, and 'boys or glilK have been found In the I Quiet, little Judge, whose heart) red light district. si out to boys and girls, began to licuver had such n district. These It developed that the samo IIUA which snoke only words of ouragemont, advise and cheer for ends, tho Ju tge learned, were made In hopes of ttupplnc him. Every thing had been nrrnnccd to "catch" ward young folks had a veritable 'him In a dlsrenutnble resoit through flje for certain grown-up. 'trickery. ne ilttlo Judge 'wrote a book. It called "Tho Beast of the Junale." ppoied ono of the worst conditions olltlcal corruption In tho country. corruption waa right In the p's homo town Denver. terrible wall went up. And for ro years now Judge Bon B. Llnd- 1" tho Denver Juvenile court ft Is who this little Judge Is n nghtlng, twelve years Judae Lindsay has forced to run for election aeven made fights for aDDOlntement times, and has faced theoro. lt two recall elections. Neither o, however, progreee4 to the or coming to a vote. But that !!. Every ladalature since has broucht forth sort of tt-Wndaay bin, Thla year was Ptlon. on new attack upon Judge Ling. Judgo I.lndsoy's hands are tlod bo far ii combatting this sort of at tack Is concerned. Owlni; to the statutes, a person oannot bo charged with perjury In Colorado for making k false affidavit and tho judge can not roach tlioso who sign tho affi davits or thoi e who cause thorn to be slgued. Tho liarasslnu part of the thing from the standpoint of "Tho Beast" has been that Llndsey kept right on talking, and every time he, talked he hit somebody. Tho cry waa taken up that the Judge waa giving Denver "unfavorable publicity," By e posing corruption and bitting at the grafters he was said to be giving the city an unsavory reputation. So the fight has, been conducted on the theory that if they 'could remove Judge Llndsey front the Juvenile bench where he first attracted vat When tho Judgo went East with the lwtv.es of striking miners In the spring re tailed again. In addition to being elected seven This was' wllcn,t'rac8 tn0 udg6 ha" n,BO boen ap poiniea mreo umei, iwice oy nosuie bonnls of city commissioners nnd onco by Mayor Robert W. Bpeer, one of his political enemies. Two years ago Judge Llndsey was elected by 35,000 majority out of 00,000 votes cast for the office. Tho bills Introduced In the legis lature directed against Llndsey hare been as varied In character as the different angles of the fight against him, When Judgo Llndsey has left the city on speaking trips be has employ ed a Judge to take his place on the bench. One of the early bills, there fore, was Intended to prohibit the employment of an outside Judge. Another prohibited the juvenile court judgo from leaving the state except during the month of July. Then came the attempt to place the Juvenile court under the ilstriet court. This is the step the present legis lature Is considering. The Mils pre sented provide for1 the appointment of a new district judge, the transfer of the Juvenile work to the Jurisdic tion of the district mrt, and the were entirely destroyed.. According' to Mr. Stone, his car was'aJso dam aged, but he was able to drive it away under Its own" power. Stone was turning Into Main street from Sixth; Powers was driving down Main toward Seventh, Bystanders tell con flicting tales as to who was to blame. PHONE LINE IS, CHANGING ROUTE XKWLV CHRISTENED ROUND LAKE TELEPHONE COMPANY ASKS PERMISSION TO STRING WIRES ALONG COUNTY ROAD A petition for franchise to main tain poll and wire along the county road between the William Brown resi dence and the city limits was present ed to the county court today by the Round Lake Telephone company. This company waa recently reor ganized, and Its name changed from the Clover Creek Rural Telephone company. It plans to have Its lines along tho road instead of across pri vate property, as at present, aa prox imity to the road means quicker repairs. Princess Shakoveky, who holds a flying certificate from ,' Johanlsthal, haa been permitted o Join General Rossky's staff as a military airwoman. This appears to be the sole tnataaoe of a woman officially recognised In the army service. '. " -fe Miss Hattle Halght of Groan Ridge, Mo., haa taken un he .ralslns aa a business J Besides giving a great deal of her attention to the hogs, Miss Halght haa over 300 Leghorn chick' ens wnicn laaea mucn ex ner ume.jt fi v Linn county will build ia f 80,0 wood and steel bridge serosa the San- tlami scholarly appearance and methods. He looked and acted anything but. the swashbuckler which some German of ficers are pictured SIX BROTHERS FI6HT TO DEATH IN THE PRESENCE OF MANY REL ATIVES AND SPECTATORS, ROW OVER. BASEBALL GAME HAS A TRAGIC ENDING United Preaa Service LETART. W. V.. April 10. As the result of a feud starting over a base ball game many months ago. Earl Shirley and Urson Bosworth are dead, Jackson Shirley and John Bosworth are dying, and Harry Shirley and Tom Bosworth are seriously wounded. v The men represent the brothers of two families, and paired oft to fight tho six-handed duel according to the age of the contestants in the pres ence of a crowd of several hundred men, women and children, many of whom were relatives. Earl ShlrlejS (28) and Urson Bos worth (38) cut and slashed each oth er until both dropped to the ground dying. Jackson Shirley and John Bosworth are expected 'to die from their wounds, while Harry" Shirley and Tom Bosworth, mere boys, are each aeverly wounded, but may recov er in time. j j. c tir i mk naming of the new Judgo provided for to this bench. Judge Ltndsey hat the- "ftgetiM- est'! of his flghtlag oiethee on, new. The fight will probably M Judge Llndsey theeid. wlllhe htttMng to " South for Relief. Harry Richardson, a local mer chant' left this morning for Ban Fran etseo to receive treatment, at the hands of a dental specialist. The war seems to have a fascina tion for girls in Russia, a no less than, IM of them have already run away hi bey's clothing and tried to eatfet ta the army. -. Two' deeps' in the Atlantic aad seven la the PaeHoave depth exeeedla 4,000 fathesaa, forty- sewkhmge'la depths greater than Ml fathoaw having been recorded to'th Kea- ent ROME, April . Presssd ay Che Aniftiaa liaa huarTnanrit fcaar Aanaw fasri cffrcacSedlte: t V& iiw uwini ibm vamj bubbocb swum) rentrated on die Italian frontier; till costiaae near the Uae. According to the fcV.H I ASi. s I li3-v-: Mttkanr.i ' - , . . wl!g!ggtg"l7."g haa DTOBoaed aeaanta nnrnTr1JftBail bbob tka - - - - nn'iT-i'"-' 'I " r . - - . -T-i --vEpx,r-" '-7'7N"J;V7-5W : fplHIL9. i. &,. vtrs w nmmmmtb'W 'xiehoUa protect Anetrl i part of Italy. :aar tenltorial'ertisisien' Tlie daal aMswrchy, acconaaig to this ii ui i reawadeBt, anreedtise, eaaV W"i.rtr k iW-uHiH?.w. &i f4S3tt' ' . ... - .,.. ..J CAh,1lJttt?tit'' iaMilaal umwmmli ia ttttttttJ Gallcia, Bosbbb aad Heweffovaaa to Ti-eate, Istria and TraavsylvaadaV "These are i ':-' IUly to seektag. n ' uiK WAYNE KEESEEr; ; WINS FIRST MEDAL j- .NUAL'JktLAMAJION ,' $9". ft-S XV.wT paaHpaaHaBnHH'PT SIMOCHK i ,- 'K rj r.. &' texts !&. "? JTi- ' msm m h 'Y4rPQK ion cowbwtIbq, vwvmMAK'Mm won mamaiiMfSm3m ..-,,'- THRICE GIRLS TIED -FOR SBC-k; I'ALOALTA CO kWSaaaMMWSMI-. A? 1 OND HONORS SlS'll,lllBlJaXBS'lBaill m rwsw: i l-Afeiw&j&gSfvrSA OAKLAND EsJTCAErFfeS'Mfe'. fiVyVwijiavrttojSgJ. .'.rtr,.i..y 'j'l n..' ' ' fk Before aihouse packed unUl stand- VnuUsU Jr"t4;ferjrlea ' $JZj:M mrnH, -OAKLAND. 'Alirll.1' 1 B. . .-"i v . . ' . t j c :-; - OB tW 't SSEI ui pjviu fHoan. a. irciaitfa night, WyneKeeee.ta Junlorwoa firm nrlfua In iho annual TTnn Hil. fOaredfrAOtifi. n tha OQnTlBBJf Fl matlon contest for Klamath Countr-thls'-morBhaW- 4 'Wf3M.-S?X High School students, when, he dellv-! The Varsity eight1 weby;aIeBgtiiii ma Im 4t.w411lM a.M.1 rn..lilnH M.. ioniV M half PtA W, lllllllB sllit M,i SI.!&t ner the "Chariot Race" from "Beu Hur." He was awarded a cold medal by Frank M. Upp, and a half. The Freshman eight von 'V four lengths, mj lcZW&faX,fjsg& vria dwlr esai-.,.-? 1 University onWaslilagtoii took-wc-iwi ,ond in etc race, CalUot-Bli erewv . mmxTvmiMtSiS$,$ .If INK fat lWU'TL'flW.Tlif . no Flor-jCiaBedthelrcompetKorsf'iriF?sfj'4is .waajThoL -fes: H:.ui:r:mmmm . whose aelee-rara?V.t.ra am aan ai n am ana aaa r an aaaan m awaa r? i, rw-. ; v iKNinimus te ? h&t4XiJii&. ws 4v3c v9. it ft . 1 II urn I ILlrl iWnBVaSBBBM-? iiMiHi.yihbibiI ; Ai iJJ!L.7!LTjrd-CTKaS .- w J5 to&ft v;M$w&m:- "... HJimmemm, nrixyukEwirS for between a crowd;unlnterested.f X'fS& noisy, restless lltOe-boy. In the gal- f irr Bniinra itfnwBaMfiin mttTMii of . spit- . $ Eh7mwM?Stm ' .ot oung- ' csAis Mmssm&i, '.ppora4t of :..-: iea'-.-',::. WJ For second place, the judges were The Stanford unable to. make a-selection.' ence Boggs, whose selection Fiddle Told." Hasel Fry. (ton was ''The Shepherd's iTrophyt" r and Frieda Stelner. who recited "Bob-f ble 8batto." were all declared to be In line for the second gold medal to J ' do given oy Mr. upp. isacn or tnese" young ladies will receive, a medal for j n Ml her splendid elocutionary work, the school to furnish two of ' these. '-wS- It mignt be sata that eacn one or ORDFJI. Airrois lery. who sought to keep others hearing or enjoying the program their racket and throwing balls, etc.. another bunch sters who could find no other waytofcPetltion.Jorsthi n ' ?v -- '. 1. , S '. ft 'i'-V J'-'.'Vii.' may exoeni to run wckus ranniamwutnwri ibtaw ' .. . ... . - . -m . U' "w .;; si --m. across tne wooaen waia in ironcvoi iio-w, r. eBiun vw BaatvWB7.M.'r'. the open door .of the opera houselln the county c'ort by RolloJS. MsaV? ? saouungana yemng, ana enuiese oecK. 'oira. ii. jcuia,.aFwa j- shuftllag and Jostling at the entrance, ot" thewmftedVwaaMpoUnl mi'i tney were piscea nt a aeciaen uisau- ,BiinisiraHixs!r t) ii;Vi"--' ;-'-vantage; and this unnecessary Inter; J J The'aejUrlaAliiefl T3" ruptlon at times made H impossible noo.iBlam";thlt,natajaaa-, for many to hear the volcea plvUtoJilfe muranconoMlMa.W4f '- '' speakers. i" .-; ', ,Jl,AJrtKM All of the contestants havcreagon AvHvpry carving' la, SLn;mneHaaT & . a. I.- ...J .vl- .At... .kk..liuM I.M.J11. rrih.jua.fa.M.jl wt. i thav won or boL Tne contest "demon-if er to UFe'vAfrlcanMveifyrathejrtaaai, - m ' - -. s -- . i- i u-V' . - .T- ,A -. v '"- strated that Klamath high pupllaare possessed ot real dramatic talent, and every number waa enjoyed by the audience, In'addlilon.to the recHatlOaVt here was a iblo by Miaa Lonlae Beacon and selections W the girls' aid Wi! glee. clubs. There were .well. rendered,'., ' 'f "i ' '" J '1 4WW Anlhtawnlena BMthed of nVBkJag nte of a shot m aVlret W;daTtbed ta an jlavwuV the'.v Knglteh paper.' It Maaw to neonenin tairaaa u aoro 'iMMkf"tmmMmmnT4N:X") heiee'taan selderl-g aad awe eateWy t-; Ta.terrry to uFevAfricanMvwthar the. nailve'iirodHce,,Ks-;tt.-nl Ivory lJcloBr;lngtaiaV ltablato'turn'yeMransl be HBerieVlnnwiyf: "J 1 '' . nntAfcVta-la. OeilBYVfAV JJaUnW.WIInW. offth'e'-ArteVn';ilWhaTi.:!.. ''The'act!'-.el.th learV:las savrageai . . .i t.. .I r. i BWBB1 n . aarisn Fwey ttgjj !P "! ' ttrl time. , w' ' y, rggtaafanaai.w'fx SllWmW!&mawLmmS 'V- VK1 1" u, -)" aS88P 4d:lglki "."'.. M Vi J. ?k i ' i - (-v- ,, - t ,aiw,'yn. , , - ji '",.!-:;