- ' . ; , 1 ' immmmmuy .Sf . " " - H'' . ' r"- "r-" "T""'" n S9r W isammvmmV j . j et ; '.-. , VTAUATH ffAM.sV I 41 W " 4)Smf I -! i 1?&td1lr4&t ,-,, . . i niiiriii id ii f . .' tVfcJvA. T.SMasr.-sAiiV i : m& g .vawn m?3,f ra. irtKriKte -- j-2 IDTM!-. a " BBHfc' ,- ft . si i2 '.' KLAMATH -SfcAOf Tj jSsfiSStft'? ne , , V' i am nun I awsuar mnnv . I --bm .ata. - - .ow;- .akij .. -.- .-.' . j. , ;ViBs asn,, . - ..- saa.v; v,"emav r-mvn. .. - "WWW H H.-B-J -.--- H .... ? H VH 4W ..,.,,...... I SB g I BBJ BBS BBJ. BBlUBfl SsUBjr V B' mur-SJBBeBWCJsWm.iaUBV:eBBUBt- -" '-" -- - - - - BBS i-.BjgB, , L"w j 4.1: . IWilf iirill - ITKFiliJ .w - -?w " - -- i.f"itvv 'I VI..H. VmimNo. MM "' " ' " ii " " - ' ' . - FOREIGNERS ARE BELIEVED TO BE IN GRAVE DANGER 'I! !" "iMiniiirn victim IN IN PKOK OP TROUBLE . I 'nl Kul Press Service v wahiiinotON, D, C, April . Hflcrotnry of HUto Uryon lo- dny liutructPd Mlnliter OoniBlod 4 f Cuba not to Umio a pinwport lo Jnck Jolinton, TIiIh In upon the (round thnt ..urw.tv iviHit aoaiv mmi. T ,D0.",C "ntnipr Ii convicted of "' ! ft fOlony. Illlll Im It fllltlvn frnm I Kit V. N. Vnkc VanhlHi HUtkmtil Off Vrr Crui to, lie lloftdjr for KmMVfiirjr. t'rrnnM ltctor1 Kurtlicr IVfmtN .tdmlHMoml lo tlw VllllolK 1:. IMH-tnl that Ilurrta, Duo iVtmorroH', Will Want lo Hoc Wlbwm. ! s? Jtitlco. KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL ,si15 iwO jt v "V5T,;ifiii si fan Fleet May Go Down the Bosporus, It Is Reported V WAr.HINflTON', I). C, April 0. Th Currnnitiita jiuilii lodny MrU that Villa lout S.uuo wen In' tit bat tlo of Cclnyo. Uailde thli, It Ii Mid Hint ninny prlionem wero taken. Ci'iieral Obrvgon uiwortii tliat tho (.rliuuicrii declare that Villa wan the t rtnl to flee when the battle waa lost. Dltpnlchee to tho itato department am contradictory to tho Carranta re Hutu. They dcclaro that CarranBA'a troopn aro retroatlnn from Irapuata toAiurt QuoroUro, havlnn evacuated (nitirtaUJara. Tlio famine In Tatnplco U bvcomlng kc'Ioiih. It la feared that the for- rvUncra thcro aro becoming endnn t ierd. Tho American warship off Vera I Cm pre prepared for any emergency. lenuer Dictator Victorian Iluerta, I who fled from Mexico City lat Aug- lut, l cxRcU'd In New York tomor row from Bpaln. Ho may como to VuhtssUm and attempt to ee Preal- drut WIIhou. LESS THAN THIRD ARE REGISTERED FIVK IIAVM I.KFT TO ItWIIHTKn IN, AND IIOOKH Wll.l, UK KKPT OI'KN NIOHTH AT XKW C1T1' HAM; IIV JUIXJK LKAVITT ": I'tfe-liooltmjr AthlHra .Comftetr lUulitd Crete Service tAN KRANC18CO, April . Byd- bd nthletea from high, graded aad prep. KChoola were the etar of the Iclader path at the Expotltlon today In I the Pacific Coaat Inter-acholaatlc track and field champlonihlp meet. Aro you rogletered? To IIiIm question two-thlrdu of. tho number that votod laet year muit anawor that they havo neglected en tlroly their civic duty. Laat year, l,r."r. people were reglatered for the city election, while thu far, only S63 aro rcglilerod this year. Itcglatrallon cIohch April ICth. Till given Jimt flvo dayii lu which to regis ter or be jnollglblo to vote on tho Ankeuy canal abatement amendment to the charter and for councllmen. In every ward, thore Is a content, add the scloctlou of a council for tbe coming year Is a matter of Importance. Pollen Judgo A. I,. Lcnvltt ht keep ing hl office In tho new city hall open each evening until 9" o'clock, In order to accommodate those not able to register during office hours. Registration by, ward follows; NVw llniMPNhlm Govwwtt Hpeaka lUnlted Press Service aoMKnvn.i.B, n. ii., April . (iovcrnor Itotand II. Bpauldlng of this state Is scheduled to speak tonight at reception and dinner of the Bomer vllle Bonn and Psughtors Club. First Ward 60 Second Ward 180 Third Ward 1S7 Fourth Ward 83 Fifth Ward 9 Make anil Moclcty Tango Together United Press Service NBW YORK. April 9. Stago stars and society leaders will mingle to sight at the aunual ball of tho Allied Arts, for tho btnoflt of tho Actors' Relief fund of America, nt the Hotel Astor. The I.ambH, Frlur, Players and Screen clubs and other allied or xanlsatlnns will bo represented. I A C K fc A I "mMM$, W N eK ',l M Ift. JjSi' ' Zl!lv8'Tk ' S E A OF TV MARMORA mjSb H DIRECTORS MOST PAY UP DEFICIT AI'I'F.LATK.IHVIAION OF THK HU- I'llKME COURT HANIMS A BODY lllX)W TO FINANCIAL MKTBOD8 OK fJOUI.D AND FRIKNDH 1 V VV-S.M iraWsiMBjBjsMssI 1 sm' I' II sH ' v aTioT1l!aBT"BnSBTBV 111 I IHV I NRIIH1I rii kmvkmmA m - twm m;MmtmimimsmMm A -" m - m mKU ll osssCH aaVTafilV ''si V-T'V-Viirl h r - . .'., iiiLAi iiini.i vv r....-k?u r-.P WF' ,s7-;' f..-t to iTKi IS. Ti f-MaVfM S?i8S3J!si(! ' - y,-aVWiTa1 A'W .. v'i- Aiiwiiiia .5 - IA-II. I- Im'ilflM' ;i iuu m imstsra rri infiwrit,. r -I .tBKifc f'''-a Knvsawan? 'vw I'nlted frees Service . ) ; v ... I NKW YOUK1 Anrtt 9'. Th aooel. j ate division of the supreme court to j diiy held that Oeorge. Oould and the other directors of the Wabash' rall-jv road are personally HaJpte for stock, t worth over 6,000,000, which was I wrongfully issued. ..- ' Tho court ordered them to pay this, money into the- railroad's treasury to mediately. ""yv-'"" T- '' --JSK La?i iP'W-d&'-'ft - ii ii i iSjj,. ?- SJBBBi iSm; BJSM SVi ' .byWBbW ' mLJMirwm i&a & !iaaEiS!- to .i'i'f!4' -: , LVrT -1 s.tesi m-.VreB,T- m-ma - "vj .TrtJ'r'IVi'- Mighty tf fort Bttng Surrender,, IWpc gftg --aa. o:a KV? :.-. i',ii ,-" m;m.wmm ladertowli -wtwir -igKsvss-i.i'JSvi 'B' Kft f Strewn With GofT3f INSPECTOR IS t jilted Preas Serrlee : LONDON alliea ar m;'v. a .1 , ! '"Wt -rt t- .,"r' S9WrfWJW4"?- ! W ". EXPECTED SOON WIRES CAPTAIN LESTRAINOE THAT HK WILL BE HERE MO.V DAY NIOHT-OXE FRENCH OF KICEB ALREADY ON GROUND T " tT . ' "7TT ,T TT Tg afgai Ills Vief .. ilar, ics:'!lasfj!S" no wVevni i!.1SiSt. i-i!t&lyivtlfl, --a. . . :M ., Li,,"M.?3S5.T. '!i-.7'"-Jt ' x f ' -tj. iTh"- 1 j? jUibsiiPIIIJIHbI Riiasla has 2r.,000,000 horses, tho United States haa 24,000,000, and tho world contains about. 100,000,000. Atlantic Fleet Reached tTheMtpeakn ITultcd Press Service NORFOLK, Va,, April 9. The At anile fleet, which recently completed trget and fleet practice at Ouanlana so, mum, is.dtie to arrtvo at tho Vlr- Coul cxiiorla from South Wnloa for ...-.- . ... t. . lints capes today and anchored In 19H show a decre-.se of nearly seven anxlernay, to suko ready for target' million tons as eomimred with the Tacileo outsldo tho Capes. previous year. IERRILL RECORDER'S COURT IS IEL0 DY CIRCUIT COURT IN DECIDING THE MINE AFFAIR Europe was startled the other day to learn that tho Russian battleships of tho Dluck Sea, which had been in hiding slnco the Qocbcn. the great German battle crulsor, had entered It, had begun their long expected attack, on Constantinople. Tho only way in which it could bo explained was by tho assumption that three new battle ships which Russia began building obout two years ago, had been com pleted. Word camo over tho wires that the forts at the entrance of, tho Dosporus Karlbjob on the European side, Points on tho Asiatic side, and tho batteries at Papas Point on the European sldo and Anatolia Fener on positions some miles at see, and ibe the Asiatic side had been bombard water planes are observing for them ed. How much damage was done Is ond correcting the aim of their gun laid down on September 1 of tbe same year. - The Petrograd correspondent of the Dally Mall reports that tbe announce ment that tho Russian fleet to nt the Rosporus has created intense excite ment at Petrograd., "It shows," he says, ','that the Rus sian fleet still commands the Black Sea, and proves that the co-operation of tbe allies Is close and effective. MoBt Important ot all, it will compel tho Turks to divide their force of fortress engineers, which is small, and bring part of it from tbe Dar danelles to tho Bosporus, The Russian ships are firing from Captain Pelletier of the French ar tillery service came In from New York last nlgbt In connection with the pur chasing of artillery horses at the J. Frank Adams ranch at Merrill. A wire from Captain LeStralnge, who will make the inspection for- France, states that, he will teach here Monday right "In case Captain LeStratage reaches here Monday night theraspectlon.of Borsea win beJ&Te4jr,mema. and continue. over Wednesday. Horses that are accepted will be bought for 8120 a heal Captain Pelleiter went to Merrill today with Mr. Adams to look over the animals offered, and await the arrival of the other officer. jtJaa.I to rem .The alUes) are seowtr awecV --a m-i'. lJ.'. lit 2-fl"A.'. Ti" ! " MS JUI ' Russia's aatgMjr arsajr m .CarpathJaaa. pearly ereryirhe .the AmroJmJ:t?i oerce enrea IBM tae iriaaclrtsaBw?lss-tsssBaassBa swsmm i -i rwHWM ate. -mantes asm rr I aaM jr SMsltea saa la ili...'., a-, . i.JL!lAji:.r..-. .1 JrV.':.T?'??'. tho Oormsaa to seAattsoalaa-ajefe WfUth there ska scesaeBrB'lasasi the. Baa-waacaa-llsiajsi They are demaadlag Uiat Enaerar Fraas : Josef : UFA tIgaMldaa -. T"-ur-wJfctr---lL"TTrjiriatii-. i.r .ri iiiii I ..,,, r ' u-m-j&&&m& ,., .-.- sssauiiuisi nmual too psl. lire. ' 77' GERMA.V BODIES CSOKETXBMHKS'. Cuited Pre Service ,.-?-. PARIS, April -Oeeial aa I 8te, MJUel dJatriet m se eaeaast vrtfl. 4e ara.JHsaata.to. oecaay Utssa. ' -., w :.. ',. j,t ' - ia aaaHJoa to-tbia, Mrewa with taa bodleaaf , .,, -.. v; - i-.s;-i .; ; i: '-,i saos aj aassi IlimllUi' mmiU't "---'.J- .. - .- " ' iJt-.. 1 IT J Tt T? tT figaaac wa eoatlaaea, aata sWaff UPJ rho case of F. H. Clublne against i City of Merrill, writ of review on ai from proceeding In the ro ller's court of Merrill for violation -Ity ordinance In keeping a saloon n on olectlon day, was today de ' by Judge Noland affirming the coodlngs of the recorder'a conrt. t the request of both parties lltl I', his honor rendered an onlnlon Ftlio various poInU Involved, such' ""dlly ot the ordinance, proceed m in its passage, title to office of Mng counsllmeii. ate. th eltv of Will being naitieuwi Wmu& nt Ms Informatloa, to auble.tkam la mure to Improve on such things, it The OOUrt hald ha wklloiiu nt the memberi TOtlaa far th. ordiaaaM Wat not Judldallv HII . hAM nt. FJJ. m he was actually acting aa umncllaun. and nitu kMw.Tsad. lid bis right OOUld 'aac aa aaaktkmed wpt la dlreet Koesadtac U remove la other wards, taatwaUe hie tltlp to office was bad, his official acts could not be challenged, m the well founded rule' city government for Its successful administration, like an forcement of nny official powers, re quires that when an officer performs acts In behalf of a city, the act stands, where the official holds office unchal lenged. Tho trouble In the city government arose at the time our prosperous neighbor wont dry; and half the coun ell and the mayor stayed owny from all meetings, paralying tho city gov ernment. Two councllmen. out ot four, met, declared vacant the offices, ! or the other two ana appointee men to fill the places. One of these men thereafter acted as councils and thereupon tbe ordinance regiilrtlag Ml ot Intoxicants waa passed, though It required three .councllmen to de clara aabfflee r vacant, Or to' till, the same, or to pass an ordinance. J. 0. Rutealc wan atternay for Mer rill la the DroeeadlBM. not known. The Dosporus will be very difficult for tho beltlesbtps, even if they overcomo the forts and batteries. Tho dlstonco to Constantinople Is more than twenty miles and the strait Is not more than a quarter of a mile wide at some points. In fact, there Is u strip ot more thau thj-ee miles whero It Is perhaps less than that. It Is said that tho Turks have gone so far as to hang chains across In some places. However, the bombardment will compel the government to take' some pt tho engineers from ita fortifications In tho Dardanelles to care for the Rosporus forts. That will help the allied fleet In the Dardanelles by weakening the defense. Whllo no mention Is mndo In the Petrograd dispatches of tho make up of tho Russian fleet, It. Is probably that the three new dreadnoughts which have been building at Nfko lalov havo been completed and are now with tho oldor vessels of the Black Sea fleet ; These new ships, the Imperatrltea Maria, Imperator Alexsandr III., and the Ekaterlna II. are 28,600 ton, ves sels, with a speed of 31 knots, heavily armored and carrying twelve 1 1-Inch funs, each In four triple turrets, be sides4 a secondary battery of twenty 4.7-lnch guns each. The Imperatrltea Maria nnd the; Imperator Alexsandr III, ware laid dawn on .the same day, July 7, 1918. ners. Tbe fort here are earthworks, and too. near the water to be very ef fective. They are armed for the most part with 6-Inch guns. The German gunners, however, have been busy constructing new batteries; behind and above the old onea wherever possible. ine mos. dangerous rorts are the two on the Asiatic shore and one on the European shore near the entrance: These have 9-Inch,-. 11-lnch and la- Inch guns, which command the whole northern part of the. atralt and the open sea for two miles, it is against these that tho Russian shells are be ing directed." Smith CoUece'Oetebratea United Press Service NORTHAMPTON. Mass.. Anrll 9. - Charles Francis Adams of Boston will b the principal speaker tonight at a patrlotlo reception at Smith College In celebration ot the fiftieth, anniver sary of Lee's surrender at. Apeotma .ox. -. Canada Wheat Moves iniled Press Service WINNIPEG, Man.. April 9. The Vancouver Milling company Is today working Its forces overtime to deliver 2,000 barrels of .flour to New Zealand. Wheat movement direct from Saska toon to Liverpool has Just begun. The British Columbia government has just completed the purchase of a train load ot oats and1 wheat in Albertatfor seed In British Columbia. Oats are not worth more than ?50 a ton in British Columbia. IHtaots Ploys Vaarieratlt. NASHVILLE,, Tenn., April 9. -The University of Illinois Blne.tpday pl'aye Vanderbilt University on the former's southern spring tour. ' , i. "' SIBMARIXE DESTROYS A FRENCH United PrM-T SLirl- " ''' HR'JJUHF "'ms ssss aTVSRaajsjsBBajssaa,-' . ".'-'..r?. rfLRjVAjfcl lit( . ,U.,' .. ' . r , K?a?.ji'S33S VS'JSii- "mmmwww mwmmmmi i-mMi-i''Ji-' . JSrf , ,s?.K- skuxsf &(rvsxc - v . -. ttetwaaaa la-the ---v----y . aaaassBaaBeaasaftjMsivpBssssBSQ .-I-t-''-..-t'--''-,'3 vnsx- tSt.A!7?aBSBSBH,ffHeWSJSa -i .ama.Br?.. . i ., 11 i tut ! i n r r vj ' -T.'i?--mF."arapssipBjB, jjut -rrrr- ,tWSMir. ivmmHJB&timsms&:i - ' Xm'&VrA - - j -r .. K3yi;r--jiji-3,--'rvr:,yt;ri.'- LONDON. AprH ltQUimWmmi barK;Fsoas olT St Catlttvfae'a Petat. TtwitaeT tried Ja vain to ram .and Wc the seal: tlie aaiHjurea IIUYAN DENIES ANY I United Press Service WASHINGTON, D.C., leaaatv:JsaessS;.tiM':safc sasassfsaa. $ .TJaVapSjB)ss aaaasedl, ?EACE NEGOTIATIONS WL9ikT&m$m '-1 mmmmmmm mmr: April -SecrHury Bryaa 'tadaJTi niol tho report that Gemaar hat asado r- oilHTwIats to Aatcrica. '. 'v - i?t-i-itiW?iV- ii4s mmmwmum sa aa a ai -;,"-: uiimbii ..-.rfr IBlliP -.JBPT.,- t-JtI9'r.'- 1 0 .. TPIIQ '-.". .r.j ... T.r.-ir'7L,r:TLW.S" :??Mmmm r& an tk sss. in-J' . a I a. V ,3-?.'iT-'.. inn - 1 1 nv lauiuuaJi: Architectural Exhibit Opens United Press Service "v""' "j CHICAGO, April 9. -Tna .annual Chicago architectural show opened here today at the Art Muaeum,-under the auspices of the Illinois chapter Of the, American Institute of Architects, the Art, Institute "and the Chicago Architectural Club. , . fef . "- .v guys HMbaad 'Beat Her. Cruelty is the grounds upon which Mrs. Effle Brown bases her suit ror divorce from George Brown,? whom she married la Klamath Falls In 19. In the complaint filed in the, circuit court today by W. H. A. Banner, Mrs. Brown alleges thai har. husbandhas catted her vile names, beaten ner wua his flsts, and recently drove her from home, beating her wth a tug, '.ana threatening worse punishment. should she return. nUfl Rii. drbll . ... '.; .- -jisf, Sl '- .Wrowi4yiv,3:.ar&Tv; WAS AFFECTED BT litf Uffl6KflUT m; 153' se JiJ w '1 fy'lp.''. , Jit" -"f , v - 5M;caWELi t, :.'j'V.ri.-f'4iftif'..ii' vzfxs&r,? tzxn. i-jr m ..'. ersjFJ'Vf .- ?" Witjmtesm&;- ilx&'MA '' -.,-. &. - -a o a iKi77J. wt ri. -a.--S,faMi ft ' ru -t ,- - -",tf-jr.jr (Wrlfteor ,-. ,'l "'', Apru v. waea.a WO-.tatspMeaaajiaMr.taasTaiaaBaBaaa a ' ..V -., ,i. r" ':i ''"." T ' ' '7l ffp.k .aytaaj t More than 8,890 miles In length, tbe cable from Lleaea'toPernambiie is tne longest croslag;the Atlantic; 11 IpMAa nlanisul .nlAtlsY tKs t- il agvve) sBaav wm " .- SI ' . ' a a. ii Att.sl streets of a Maasacnuseus otv tauva " 1. u.'l.l. - General' John Freaeh, commander or the British fareas a(FraBce, has announced his eonvarslon to suffrage, brought about; ha'says;; by the hero ism, the widuranaaiand.organhjlng ability, of the wsaaasi oa tha aattlalihuttlt aaaul ni th rattraeaa nf ni..' i..,..i.. it' -i U.u: ., .iliiij-.L-.-.V - l..-' j51Za rv'.i'.'i1-jil----t-vvT7iiir .-w.---4 .,... wot u frufe-Mataswi .inweaannr at laaiae asnc.j -sw to show any growth la two suaMv yearts ,Tnan'oa or iaea ware.aaa; UP to be: transplanted, and 'It waa faund Uat the trees had haaa pUatad just as teay eaa f rom Ue naraary, with the roots nil banana twtr and wrapped In buriap; B ,?l,1 i.i ;? .,m i - . .,iifi--T--e-(.'.Mn M fc;m PU. TrS: m.W 'l,n.k-l ,.- iVI- "-.vi' -uuu nivux mp Bfm--i. yiipnn j,., ; At " i' -' ? j a uiwjwi ise iiii. 91 a man wao,ter years' has' been the leader la, hjepro-: fesslon her thought aatarallr'sTo bat tothe woman who is the moat v'ilal&'J interested, i r ';" 'vfR- So wbenrJack Johnsea eatleraa:taa ring here Monday, eafesitvaa,''aa- sertlve.I turned to the rlaajsjde'hBaaa and aa 'thav waa'atoWB:;,had bound upher'Mfe'wKV that at'tha black exiled' frosa'har owa tasuUri ber'frsMda an!har eekti 'the pretty; perhapa afllttlafswigsiar 'ha- causa of tamlMalltjc.with' tha bouie vards of PaVto'Md'a-Wos Ayras, but neverthelaaa'Bha hva woaian;' wrththa feallnga' 'woaian.A; tttki crUU of ate life,ar. ewa a, mrt laali out 'thV haat ot aadstiiia'itdtaa- .iIVaIjI '-. i.-J-.ti'a-.a Lui-jiUh-i : .b1l . La 1 fc aa a i ii,,,,,-"V., ' .-y -', atiaa-:ll'. tl i' 'VVt ,SW ?" i '"".V' wisan'saar iej.atirw leaks aa her partaar 'la 1110, want' into TarikTahaanafi Ji?-'5 -V-A,-Ji iilxiV.A::'L-:i--'.ii". 7 r. .",". ' .TI"2 taa eenaisa .aar, .was to. easaga aus i Sjat Sah tar at 1 vary, tartv was fallowed ay tWa thaaa-hU. t .. iih -k' -. i i'-"t:.i-'ii s, a ."k.'.j "- "tt""- : - i iiyaar-oM ,aw,.ira,,na;vfeatgnja ajgaj.4M:wil were tb saata aajale IhM JaaJtaaa'amatlM the , JeatTovthent; mtld iwhiu W bo aaa ta . waMfflwS5 Pis.- W4AWLr. -Wt . f!N)lMifW3 , aaassESi itrsUe -i-Se 'W ?7Ti7?jTT5-T; & KttCU .""Tar? ' .v A i "t" ivV-iv-is . A'. . MM, f -WU ,! tba-th.ralUec-"th.bala ff'.Wfrw1rWi ortna'wiraa ksWUal rrr. tie Vent past the ...wa.Ta-.ii .,i!. aM r-aiaraaai ssssim .. ."";.,' )' fit J, ,y S K 5v rt.ft