lI.,! lit .. tit ' J ' ' ', (J1 lTAKBWW' -J-J- -1 J .!,. ..!' ... .Kiwu tJAt,l" . OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWPAPR I "" .1 MJt'IOr.'f.aSi-'f'rKlEfa .' . K, ;k. wig.1.; jtf ! j jiv J.m; i.u .ass se "' . i. ... y-.-.yfpy .Ninth Vrni- ..v. jm KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1915 !SS RT '-MHHHBHHH Ki ., , ITIIm..., . , i , , - . ,".5" ' X V a, V mi- P&4Q ' w BIG NEW SAWMILL WILL COMMENCE 6IU SEASON SOON vilt'.VV H-V COMPANY'S PLANT ,,'j ,wjj. IinilANlY r'i.-. jV German Raider Is Interned at Newport News w - . ' uvLiiiruii MtotBummn . . x.ffv"?'! "'" f BBK BBM1' . -" ' ',M 1U MUmLUL iv'W TTf i ?; -.i i OPHXH THURSDAY WrHI Wlilili Wiin llculriiyrtl ly I Ji'.'i 13'' 1,-ir,. jii tW lln llwii llfbulll, Willi l.'l'l""(" ""' INMIIIirN II" KiniHT ruiiiwhjr--In Sow All lo - Turn Out l'i M,HM,IHH Vat ol I iimlMi1 ii Vimr. T!iiir"l' inuruluK lli ' univuilil tod pluilnir mill of tliv I'ellrtin liny ,umbr ii mi any will cninuipnrh oi enllotiK fur ih a.ion. K. Illll Hun lr. tint ciiKliuier In clmrgo of I lie toMirurtlon, liu liml mon working fay suit nlRht' of Ute. In onlr to brtnn tltlri nbout. Abniit flRhty mon will lie employed In the ptaitf- to Iwgln with. A thore letntnuliitf ilry lumber for worklnn In tbo plnnlnic mill, nml work In the jrd Brown lurgor, there will bo em ploymriit for ciio to 12ft mrn. At prcnont (lib pond U well lllld with Iok. nml little IobbIob I'm being carried on. When thU iiijiply In ll mlnlihed, thero will be about 200 men cmitoyel In tho woods nnd the etmpt. AfuT I Ik- plnnt U In full running nnler il U llu Intention of Provident II, I). MortciiKon to net atlde ft dnr "vlnllor's ilay." to bIvc fill who wlnli im npiiortnnlty to Inipect tho mlll.j which Is Die lrit la'Houthern Ore ion. I It win i,y than a year ago, Juat Dhw llic ncnton'a nm waa itarted, tkitiir I'ollcnn nar dumber con pa ir'iMwmlll waa compMely dettroy id by lire. Before tho rulna had ttu Kinoklng, the rompnny an Dounccil It Intention of rebuilding. md since then work linn gono stead ily rnrwnn! on tho orootlon of n big-; xr nnd mora up-to-date lumber mill. Tim milt iiixi rnvml tiv Are lnt venr l-cut feet of lumber every twenty hour. Tho plnnt that will mart Tliurmlny will cut thnt amount ' of lumber In Jimt half the time. A twin Imnd mill ban been erected this time. Both are nlno foot milts The logs will be brought Into tho mill 'out from Philadelphia, with four lum en a single clwite.and they will bo 'dred notables on board, bucked Into desired length by a' Tho tmsseniters nnd crow are bold i drag saw before they ontar tho mllU;in (uiirsintlno on account of a mild I Arm kickers will throw tho argo logs to the carrtngo on the left hand side, and the smaller ones to the right band carriage. Throughout the aaw mill, the machinery la completo In rry detail, Tim miwmlll la operatod by a R0 borsopowor steam engine. Tho'ptan ing mill, which la about 300 .yards IN TIME OF WAR FRANCE PREPARES FOR PEACE fiY REOPENINO ITS MILLS, SHOPS AND FACTORIES AT THIS TIME (United Press Staff Correspondent) ''AlllH. March 24. (By mail to ew York) "lu times df war pre Pro for pence." , This is to be tho, slogan hereafter "' a, block In the French-chamber o'f deputies, hoaded by Deputy Frederick "runot of the Department of the 8fino, Just as France possibly made nilstako in times of. peace in not pr. irlng more fully for war ao Dep "v Urunet deolarea ahe will make ven a greater mlstake'now that ahe " k she falle'fo'Ulte advatf 0f It for a thorough preparation for With tho certainty of afvleterloua w Peace only a .queailenofilwiv Prunet loclures Frftn9e,,WIlylotoiiv!iot. a BatBBBBBa! B 71 u&fl tallri TIiIh h tho I'rliu ICIt.I l tfntlfffili the riermnii' , tt.i.ii .1 .... . a.i. limi ii irtit .i.M...i i i... ... . .,..., ..vv.... .. ... .,.,... ui. ie- pori jMittH until mo end of the war, I loaded with wltwit foiiHeaillo( for .Newport iN'ews looked .battered and ' mei chant, ahlp with the North Ger tnicr tluin try to exoipo the Ilrjilsli Liverpool, Sliu had rilK7iink novcn worn after neven months on thn hlh man Llovd. and Cantain Bauer (on crulHiTH ttMlthiK (or her, lUiforo the war HiIh vvRHel btloneed to tlin .North (aormnii l.loyd lino. 8ho arrived In Newport News with Information that from the nnwinlll biiildlngR. Is otter-' tited by electricity, llosldes the plan ing mill, tiiero Is also n lath mill: i II. H. Wood will resumo his posi tion of opernting tuipcrlnteiulent, and. the personnel of thn crow will lie largely as It was .before tho flr. i If run night nml day continuously,, this plant could cut nbout (.0,0(10,000 feet of lumber a season. EASTERNERS ARE HELD BY "POX" l'Ol!lt llt'MHIi: I) PKOPI.R MAKING when students of the Klamath Coun- -'y High School will deliver elocution- TRIP THltOt'GH AXAI. TO E. POHITION ON FAST NEW LINER ARE IN QUARANTINE - tflilti'd I'resB Service .. '; KAN DIKGO, April 8, Tbo now illll stenmer, Northern Pnclnc, nrrlv- !cd nt this port today, thirteen d.iys case of smallpox,, nnd will probably bo detained ton days. All on board ' iniiHt bo vaccinated, ncordlng to tho! federal and local health officers. " Tho I'ustom has been started In nome Westom cities of. printing tho'Thn FlddKTold" ...Nova mihlnn mime, of a" woman after that: of her husband In the directory. self ut toiiiy unable to copo with, the. gigantic problems which will then be presented unless she begins liuniod-l atety hor preparations. Already Bru-1 not lias propnrod ri aeries of proposod laws to this end, nnd theso nro to bo Introduced at onco Into the French t parliament. ' ' ', Whllo tho bulk f tl(oso proposed, measures have to do largely with tho mere material advantages and prepur-'j atlons of peace, Brunei has also mado ! nrovlslons III thorn for what may prove the beginning of the realisation i la prance of the dream's of syriillcal-f s"ts the word over-r-tho establlah-.. ment I of. .working men on a basis, where, they will share b tho profits of their ofi laYlen.., p i r -. One of tne nrat proojems ,whiiii rf. .. r-, ".".' L ..!. ' . - V Z.JZ LlJL. .-. ' (Contlousa oinagV ) EETRI uhn I nil uinllf Hi.. Wlllliitii I IPpt'M nn m .ii. . i ...'. ..... . ..i.u... . . a . J V, M a. .....,... i .,.i. a".. a r.... ... i...i. i.i-u puxcii Kim,, ui uuiii,, njiiun wuii Ilrltlnli nnd French vckbcIh. Diplomatic nuthorltles In Washing-'side wan pnlntcd white, while the 6th- ton consider tho sinking of the Prye'cr waa rusty. Her smokestacks and inn act of wanton aggression so plain- UPP CONTEST 18 mm; high sciiooi. AHK I.NTEKKO KOIt THK GOLD MKDAI.S TO III-: AWAttDKD I-'OR l.i:CI..MATIO.V WORK Much. interest Is holng taken In tho Upp dcclnmatlou contest to lie held, tomorrow night nt tbo opera house, nry numbers In competition for the, TOMORROW NIGHT 'two gold medals given annually by tho well known local Jeweler. Frank jmfiT .11, u(i... . i ; There Is no admlsaloii charged. Uo-' 'sides tbo iluchimatlon numbers, thero t i will also bo solectlons by tho High! School. alee Clubs nnd a solo by Mlssj Louise Benson. The .irogram .In full j I follews: "Onco In a While'' ....... Girls' Glee Club Czlbulka , Unco With tho Flames" W. H,, Murray Kulhorlno McAudrows The Ambitious Youth". ... .Burrett Mnry McComb j i.litln Oriihdn Annie . i I , . . James Whltcomb Illley V Mary Hughes Franklin . riorenm uto 'Skeleton In Armor". .. .Longfellow Emma Honzlk "My Ilni.a.1 i. Tliv Su-Anl VnlriM' fl.... .. . w..,. ...,- , ' ............ "Snmosn and Delilah" Miss Loulso Beusou "lioby ShAfto" Anonymous' ; Freda Stolgor ;'Tlln Shophord'a Trophy. . , .OJllvant; i, ' Hasel Fry j "Chariot Race" Lew Wallace 1 j Wayne Keeseo i "Immigration" ............. Reed) , Charles Door j .".Come, Brothers, Tune the Luy" t 1 1 .- ,Moschel08 j Boys' aieo Club Presentation, of Medals, Frank M." Upp j DRYDE IS 1916 DREAM RVANH' STATEMIJXT THAT THE PARTV WOULD tlPPOHBlilQUOR IXTK.ltKSTH IK THE OPENING GUMS TWP CAMPAIGN , 'United Press.Seryice WAoHiNGTONi-?D. 0., Anrll 8; tV" ,. ,;' , - " MOCRACY EMTJJ l. .....nM. U..V... t ... ...1 .. Ml I U1II L'U ..UlflJ Hill li(rillMll (Ff.-. ' ....., .: "7. "T.T," " ,..i... ...... ...-..V i uu rrinz ftiiei. wnen It entered reas with no chnnco to clean up. Ono nil Iron work about her were rusted', democratic nntlonal committee after tho next convention. Dryans publish ed declaration thnt tho committeemen should oppose tho liquor Interests is accepted politically as the opening gun of the battle between the wets and drys for the control of the dem ocratic party. Tho drys assert that President Wll STfliKXTS son will be compelled to take'a posi tive stand before, congress recon venes. No commentihas come from thohlteHouse""a8', yet regarding Oryan's declaration. '" , LOTS OF WRECKS nn rinT niiifiT IIH K .A ll LflU I UUflU I . ; j. J VESSELS WRECKED OFFB,cen,c PonU in; Klamath county to XOltTH C.tltOMNA, AND EV - ERY AVAILAULE ' SENT TO RELIEF'1 T '.United Press Service ' j WASHINGTON. D, April 8 Tho1 coast guard service-has ordered ; ,i ;evcry available revenue cutter south jof Boston to' proceed to Diamond Shoals nt full speed, to aid eight . . , .. . .ar vessels wrecked off thd coast of North , Carolina. , Tho schooner Allc Murphy Is cap- '.slsed, the schooner LIkIo Wiley is I, reserve territory wlthla ;thecoanty; inground, two unidentified ships are'ond a portion of the AahlaBd-Klam)- overturned, nnd another nas aunK,i.i "' '""" """"""' -"?; w.,.i0 three others are reported,Jo.'dls - tress. It Is uncertain at thla.ttmo whether t. ,B ,.t,.u w.,, .liaj.liuu , or not there havo been any fatalities, 'but It. l believed llkfely. jt a the worst disaster known on itho Diamond Shoals for many years. GRAND JURYTO MEET ON MAY 3 'Si &... 18UHPOHNA8 HAVE BERN MBUKD IH)R SOME. WITNESSES, AND SUMMONS SENTTHE MEM - HEHH OF.THE VENIRE ' Members of tho. Jlainath county grand jury haveYecelyed'summons to convono May 3. Atratjtlme inves tigation, will bo raadre:a"number of matters (lending thai'tjriay bo dis posed ,6f, ao ar as ;tlMiK!gfy is con cerned, ' before he 'Jjiiijiirmsor the circuit eourt.rwheBlthta.graBd jury will be dismissed, !'1laMtL Mombera of the lury 'are! , I - - V '..TSS, "I. -i. H. R. C, WllllnutfMMBU. G? W. Houstop, Jps. L. artjiw; red Mc ' "T - '!, Kendree, R..C, CowJey.W. Peil, F. R..Matt. i I ... a . II f. IWI. C1Illf.' HIIIBMjWH Ifll l.UIIIUlll . ' . . ..... " '"V " " ' '' L . . v . ! mniidor or tne vessel wnen sne waa a the rlaht. Ca-ptaln Mund took second place whon Captain Thlerlcbsen, a navul officer of Germnnv. was given tbaigeof her. ASHLAND WANTS ROAD TO KLAMATH MRMBKR OF COMMITTKE WORK ING FOR DEAD INDIAN ROUTE IMPROVEMENT HEUITALKlXa WITH LOCAL PEOPLE .With a view to setting- assistance 'here tor the road the, .Ashland Com mercial Club proposes to have built jover the Dead Indian route from Ash land to the, Lake- of the Woods and Pelican Bay, thus' opening Crater Lake, Upper Klamatb.-Lnke and other ' Ashland tourists, H. G. Enders, one j0f tho committee in charge of tho REVE.NUElpreCt' ' nero fr0m A8nland According to Mr. Enders, Ashland . 'people are subscribing from 25 to 1100 each toward tho construction of I the road. Besides this, twenty-nve j or more men .havevvoluateeredto do I'somo work on the. highway. What Klamath county people will; be will ling to do toward thla project will oe - a J . a... ar.1 '.f- ueierminea snoriiy. mere is n h slbillty of help from, the county court, as there la some money on nand from forest reserve 'timber sales, which is to be used in road building In forest t'er tanos. - f Besides the tourlBt advantages to Jboth Ashland and Klamath, Mr. En 'ders points out possible commercial 'advantages. He believes that thla route, which is less mountainous and moro easily Improved than tho Green Springs mountain road, can be used advantageously in marketing Jackson , county fruit In Klamath county, and .Klamath county potatoes and grain in Jackson county. Aid for PolUh. War Victims United Press Service NEW YORK, April 8. To secure funds for war relief work In Polad. the American Polish Relief commit ftee will hold a ball tonight, at tne JS'S - Another pageant la planned next week. Home Front Trip. ', ,Mr; and Mrs. E.; Tk Shepherd of Shepherd's Piano depot, came In last nlffct: after, an abence of several mwitke..-Tfiey spent some .time vis Ring MWshephenl'a paronta at Roae- iurg, and at1 other points In Souther Oregon.' Before7 returning they at-', tendeil'the, Psnama-Paciio exiwltlos1 ' .. '!' . riiM A '. ... . -' '.,. ; Tonight is wiaea-ntgnt clubroenu: mrooms, a, qanea.iB;..! .f-.-lWl feWK "d refreanmenta wiuj mmttm. mws nw,w;fii,fp rVT",7lOBRaS ARMY UN i.-'':kl:nUd?raaB 8rrlea IX).VIK)X, April H-VII1 ii)orttlmt)eiWliWnn'dHo1lidWBf!-t iriiiKnliiK iroopw along the Oatch-Helgtan froatler,'copWi'Bclre', riiniorn that Germany Im Abont to iaTaile, HoIIjuh) arc rximlng in.trfmffimtf: .. . . ... . -..-..-. . .. .-i.. iiMi notirrew in inc hakup, .iniMtiMWiuni oiner cuicw ib ticwiawq.AlY vgy. Krotn neurhl iUnHeni lt Uletl tlwt tthlle puWlc fpMio;M .t-iiicriiiiii'fl is uremiy runcernen ot lriK. tin- llunt Ion dotwnot warrant .v. - . . .. Ji: -T v tli! reaull ft In rvmnrttnt tlut tlm ImWnmi the Itelglaa-ttatcu frontier, br Germany. These troofw are eMrcveMafcjl lrom The Haaae it to reported . 1 . w..l ... - - ' r - ...a a. m . . Ma a wun laianur u aruuery. w" - itaa 111 ganfMKHi commw a iorce m IMW.UUU, I United Presa Service I.LOODV FIGHT ALONG" THK BERLIN, April S. The Freach onsUnghts against the Oeitaau posWionsbrtweB a MBeaeJwa These assaults failed. Tbere-were Fresch, and the woods are strewm with corpses MORE TROUBLE IN ALBANIA. t'nlted Presa Service BERLIN, April . Dispirtcbea attacking Durazzo, g. . , shelling the. city. - . " HAS FULL LIST " "is-'," aSB ,- , : GLAISVER IXNG THIS LINE TO hD.AJRVMISNVIWO.3- County Agriculturist Glalsyer "has , . . ---. , .I,,'- - ------- t-- --.- r aVM .isi-v mm - v v bisk m-iwf?j. n m niar Ar'-iVflBim sib NOW ABLE TO GnK KLAMATH HOSNCte,WW V ALU A RLE INFORMATION DESTROVEDBVHRK JWCWfxVSS Just received: from Professor' Powers;athHt StiriBfs,jwWhireeaBr, head of the denariment of animal hns-idestrojediyfnre,iWHn bandry of the Oregon, Agricultural College, a complete list of all the rell-rlng abio .breeders oi ail classes or live-, stock that are In the Northwest. Pro fessor Potter also 'sends' advice to 'The lllst .of breeders able to all Klamath county farmers, etc., desiring animals of, any strain klnnltiit tinlnl FVtl In f Avvtaf Inn' vrllt ho hrrfnllv furnished bv filalsverJ ' .vMIss .Caroline Vlerllng- ia president " ' ' -. - 1- . . ..-. .-. l or.a nig iKHUWoras in, umana. . LOCAL SCHOOL local . farmers and dairymen' to keep resort, is ,ttie splenldid.yprlnglWu'JpS1-, close tab on the sales held la Portland fthatcaji..le ,0UJBfiovCrecWS and the Wllamette Valleywhen Wood- andrKIamatkr.RWer:.Belwer-p ed cattle can: be purchased cheaply; f ul" propertiwUnftelWU miimiWi:& v" ?jjgm$& INDUSTRIAL CLUB: ENTHUSIASM; BI6 Many a Klamath Falls mother" have no cause to fear that.her'aon has been drowned ai theu-swlmntlB' hole this summer, thartie ta ruBBlng around the streets or getting. Into migchief, These, sons, llkemBy of the daughters, wlilbe preUy-buay youngsters, gardening,, bak ing, sewing, potato ;ralalng,,tc. They have Joined the, iniuatrial clubs belnK organlWfby the'sUte'departmsBt'of eisieatUm, nwi Jf , present enthuBlasm oounsa for anything, the rent off'the iwmitaye to hustle lq 'wlntany nonora vat;ait at tne staie iar. . li;bt, the Intermediate nnd. gr; bhu-v grades at the locataonopUlinye Industrial .clubs with good aaentb aklpa; -The. boya and girttfwsi..iiMsiit kks u wltUe-pMilnnilnVii miiiibu gfll bb Mgk bbI al gal aa. IM V bbb "il-i --'. ."sasfa:' fssk'M' . r- . . '- .r;.r.-r.-'.;..t-;.".'rr 5-jJiW '" - - :... ;.i . ?t-'.' kTT.'-AT.'. , mm1 jvnlrif-'JmB;hiM''l thar 0rW the mtetfrtalailifcl: -.'.-' -:---..-'- .H..-iv"i-iS - v V' 1 -j . v. vrf,,.. 't -f' .-.. . ji-iiZJj' ueea earned oh qatetfmu mw awMffl ' .-., i.&Av.iCM$J a " i:.. ..M'. . L. '.aJa. ", .."..".3 ""w.WWLaM,wiMji JHlJ-i&- MUESE. 4&W82tWM heVtt&$M troops yetrterday renewed. tkttr,K '"- 'i"VJIJ..Kj-l S,SSSSVAlf.l enoratoas losaiea' iaMcteil report a thowwiid AlbMalaK wmH-mims''- 'rmmm ; &m&$&&mm, t ,- !:&. ' a&s?iv inmaast iHrv,nre irdkhihi wh WTflnuM mwmkh ibbm :m:;t i J " v' T ' 1 " ' ' liS' ' i J- '! i V. f . AJ&TSfSSKK fc K -Saf- .a Jfl ' - -a-",. aaj-a I.yi. aa. a T-t la.Jlf M V VwcWjJsw TiCSt" x I ... .g imsq Jjgl&$&: .'tfr-s.,' ,-vi;- 'wteiTsiatsr-sw-' r (. .jr- ,. .a . .i ...u. . ,..i..t at."5 "V-.'.'-jO : fa. .!.' ...-',-'. ai?ta; i. Jill'VW'raS.'. W4JV L-jESz11 The hoted" summeVrfJoHiOw '. , .t. T1 VAyst ii WfrrW&&tb&?& IIIVFKIIIinil I U lltUUILUini locals ly, oBRjmasaLiAStolTaalm . im smm nan i -r-i"-'--'- ,-" -t- 7- , r,. 'a'"!SB5!!fclS;M ' ' -""l"""T 'J3BW r, -. iw c'V.rt.'.... .,iA: ' j.) v. vv'.iJkfWjiU a much" larger scale durlitg! tne' cot-.r?. summer; andhen eampleUCwlllM ne one oi.ino mosL;mooerH'nois iB-;if,V hem:Califpg.S Oak of, t he; great attn(Mles: it-this f.S .n,m hi nvaivj. x?;.-Jfriir;;im.ii"'i.i'-je,.fi. .- . a. IV j'LV..tT. Ha, 1 rf" , . . .I ,1 , .- ---l, . .'.K.i Zl -- iT" at." " ' "" .".i J "J Vw inu TJHt ".JJ3TAJkpi25j. stockmen, .-state raalie a :poBi;b;tlbl;liioniiS, to purchase as soon astlwtfftBhligifswSsS at the nearestkrouC la;nllowedbliwl4aSfl Mr. Brown, targe tents placed J-.f '..- a.-' ae.d oW thJiiWt 1 ..- , . .- ',. . -.- :-Z,r . ! j. ?v .;- I mmxvivmmg. (the, club room. txreKajourna - - - - i7V--. -'-, RESULT CERTA4H , ion a- aiBiBg,rwtBa.-rri3wS. i: -J- ' Lc:-.-'5K .Kff-a.iTik.'wwVT.-i. - alT".- jrf '!,-.T-u.,!a:W"''3ii'f-V1 J-M'TiT w. ,. '4-'"4.yfe'v&S RH inRFN TIKF IIP ms&m WUKVWIIHIUUH in n ' '-' t i,i nil. .-... V. zj& jm&sm'& WK&j&8. rekHan:iMofrtelJlsiiM:owW; eii.:Mdenlng9.,;l 4J411 WC11,MWM, VH1I ir.s 'i2&w. : lOtrixK flTia-J'iflMV '".," '";. "?:i2?J Liunayi s.uorowyS Moktall'tia." iiVlir,.. $sb$$m 'MtP tVeoaeiBi i.;.w HaliM" YRdeB'KehuetlL' iz r.e-vj: ',i.OL,,.'n'i,..' -, ,;Bia,.unin. ., neJdsFrled,B AtilWklWI . ' fa. ."7 ifiTffr-TfliTVB a . 'i i s. ji. - -' . .'OBflnsE- -,.,m..-iw... ' at! I V, . I fflsl tt'-.i.l 't.U S- SCT H& wmk XrafltV, s ifs. a-A'l Thet'drys" expctto capture .the , ' " "a, ' ' v"" WKB , im Will MM, MT'- 'fiff ',&$$&&to jt IK j V" Jfi Ti i l . ' 'IT' .;.?.' fa:l ..ft