'V '-.W .n- '& 1 '' JTtTT.'J. - J. T' ( "AfJXk. .' ' Mw "", x .a,S KLAMATJi FALL!' " " ..Wi;',iC" KL"AMATH1Cbllfrt,Yi OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER j".- ii- iSKiiV OFFICIAL NEWSPAPtl ' V i-IJ 4 : m V h;. Ninth Vcnr No, ,411 VILLA AND ARMY SURROUNDED BY A BIGGER FORCE THIIITV TIIOrHAND .UlAINKT TWELVE THOUSAND flrcil Battle, Willi I III' Pi.llili' Vip inn f Villi I Imminent For rljinrni Onlenil In I'nvi linnyntix Before (lit lloitiltaiilinciit of Thill Clir In Hliirioil by 'uttllullonullH Troops VHIa'a Power Waning. IU n1 i'nm K.rj-i ' . ' - WASHINGTON; l).i:;.'.ir'll-". . The Mine department lint received mric.iKOM which lends in I ho belief tbnt ao.oflo CarrnnxlHtas have 12,000 VlllUtns with Villi. In command cor nered about llilrly miles from tin town of Irapuato. No ntlvlif have been received lo tto), tun the Indications nro that a Krrnl battle In Imminent nml the cn luronf Villa possible Tin1 constitutionalist agency an nounced today thnt Ilia CnrrnntUUi minbont Guerrero reached Ouaym.N on Monday night. Its officer-, warned all foreigner, to leave the city boron the bombardment commenced. .Mobs looted Gunyrnaa and Hcrmo hIIIo shops, nnd a general chaos reigns thero. The defeat of Villa's troops at Tarn lilro I blamed for Vllln'n plight. II I, believed that tils northeastern cam paign bun collapsed. Men Who Conduct War tor France '! i bbbbbbbbbI bbbbbbbbbI. fflUBISKH gggggggggggggggSagUMgggggggggXHggggBw.vggggggggggggggggf gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggglggggggggggm.4'fgggggggggggggggw dSimmmmmw Ti BBH aHS'waawBHHs JFHma a tsmmmi aenBw.HBkBBBBBBBBBM .gmmmf i mmmV f- iiiV'SBliiiiiifl m T BmmmW BmwSai ' .aaW'?ivs$i mlsmmmT Mm IbbbbbbT1 v W ' 49 fJ'W HbbbbbV si5-; -B " "iV" Wj ": 'MB i - fir i KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRfL 7, 1915 . -i w? . , ..T--f'r ,ifl?alffiata't mm-a iw STORE AT WORDEN LOS BY FLAMES K.VTIIti: HTiHlK AND Ilt'll.OlVG IH ItV I uti: IIUKAK- Closest Friend of the President After Peace x DiKnuvi:i) INO OLTUaST MGHT VM:K WAS III 'IMi'"' i Kilo AT TIMK AcconlliiK Jo word rcclVfd lofinj liy 11. V, .Clubnion, n proinliunt Wor den mcrchanj, Ills general merchan iIIhv lloc,thoji deislroyud by Urn ItiHt IiIrIiI, Itr. (Miiipmiui nunr- li'TC on the ovcnlnV trnln laxl night to sit-, tend 'to liiiHlnf H mnttcrx, 'I'lio Htoro.jind stock rcprcucnls Ion of ii'jouijia.riOO. They were In-Hiit-H for alxrtit $1,000. "Prom (lie (itllo Information I hnve ''recelvrd. I nnunulile to tell anything fioiit how t hi (Ire Btarted.f .; ild Mr. Cliiii'man today. "Owing to the root-' nfMM caused Kjjthe rain Inlo yesterday ' hnct built n'lmall lire In tb move, I but HiIh wan "'practically out when I locked tbo store to come to Klamath i Pnlla." . H There la no"re apparatus and none too much water at Wordcn. . VMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV ' , n 'fir ' aBBlgaaaaak BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamJaaaaaaaaaaaagaaaf 4 aaaBSiBaaaaaaaaaaaaaigBaaaaaa. H HrfaB!aM JKSflgMggwEggCUgfl I WrteaV tftwi.' OMaW1 .. THOUSANDS - ff . . jy TTv?ii:5liI-,l ' BM gS gr F i iiurn ft -A AAtajMaMl PRISONERS BY THET WTafl- ,T-i5 "J-. -'I'JS?' SM'K.ly'-ru-J isaJ .'JSMfa1".' .re-i ,-rf is. ,'.r,r Wiag;tta-a ivty 1W &-?a 3 J gr' gf i 4 -gam get gtaa CM amm. 4aW Ktai aaat Vta iaal AIJVANUNIi M.A -Bima ...i-ar - amiim vamam r-fe-av -aw awaav aw",.vi-BW. 1 - -AV-S.--T ?d w .!-ajetr j tilled l'rci SerTJc ' TSSWi: l'1-mtoon l. April 7. li la offici-illy ,nnnoiiiirei tonight .thaty'tbe .......;. . , .. ii. . ..:,.. -1 v;. a,ii.iii iruiffra 111111111111, ill lliv siiv,ibbxi,k r.ny iiii(inK ui w?,' I .ilhlntiN liiKt week raplured over, 00,000 Auitrlan aad Gerniaa Menff.3 At I'czok Tain nlone n3,15S men unjLaso pRIceni wefe,lcat-aj-i--a.,ltlf,V - - -t cSuf-.sC-i rnlr.n i-Mnnnn. till ranlil HrA . MHil irwnt niiinlltlftc ,r unitoiiimiilAM? .ne taken. " '-'- .A' 'ififfig The Muscovite were alo ylctoribat iBilHir,licW otcBlrc.tartt'4aU- inr uoKUHina irrruorjv ueaermi iranon anu ni lorcoi caprami UKMavMM ZhlriOlli'lilnp. ffrlrlnir llu An(HB fnwawl I'rulh TlieotHcUl aBnoiincemeat wy of till dgbt: POlCL chief IS IN TROUBLE Prom loft to right li'iinil (?iiKtelim u, (Senertil JotTre, tli-ncml Pan, Here In thu great war trliimvlrnte'tiTforu with their method. Juxt the of Prance, Cencrat JotTre, comuiunder other day Oeneral I'nii wuh dliipatched and chlcr of all her itrmlc the man to N'lsli, In Servhi, to confer with Scr whom many Pronchmcu think will tic vlnu generals on the war. He prob enme king the day victory In vlgiicd ably carried authority to make any and hi aided, Oenemla Cnatelnau and arrangement ho chose for concerted I'au.- The French conduct of the war attacks. Ho will likely visit tbo Hou Ih not hedged about by rod tape which hnaiilaim unit llulgitrlana, making ar Komcllmcii bothera the Itrltlnh and all-YatiKcmcntirwIth them In tbo event of ,'other nntloni engaged In It, except the their entering the war on the side of Herman., flonorala Joffre. Caatelnau tbo alllrR. So absolutely harmonious and i'au hnve full and complete con- nnd complete has beenlhe control or trol.'nnd they do not let the polltl- tbcthree generals thnt almost noth clana nt I'urls, nor even the Htntesmen lug Is heard of them in the news or the cabinet, dictate to them nor In- papers. Middle lUllle l.tillitog lli:.l OF UH AStJKI.KH OUAR-l u , 7 M.'iilttd Cross Hervlco IUANH OF LAW IS AmtAIGXKI( ANNAI'OMS. April 7. The nnval oT:nAiiaKOF."ONTimiUTiNci.n"n"c"1,y1,m,,cbn!1 '"I"' """, ,,h' Y"le jnlno clash on the diamond hero to TO .MI.VOIfH IIKI.lNgilKNO (day. The Uliies return lo Now Haven tonight. I United I'rons Service .MiM'lIng Tliiimduy. I.0S ANOKI.KB, April 7. Chlel ori tlnico Methodist Ladles Aid Society I'ollre Kebaatlon waa arraigned today will hold a business meeting Thurs on a charge or contributing to the do- idny nttornuon at 2:30 nt thu home of lln'liu-m-y of a minor child. .Mrs. Chits. Martin, Walnut street. Superior Judgo Wood net the date (or trial April 10th, and It la expected New Vork City has more women the trial will end oerore the munlrlpnl I wage e.uners than the totnl popula primary. It Ion or Washington, I). C. INCIPIENT FIRE IS CAUGHT IN TIME HO.V OF AHIlKS OX HACK FOIICR .STAHTS A MTTLK ItLA.l'. AT SIXTH KTItKKT IlKSIIIKNCK II fT OAMAOU IS 8LH1HT No Fear of a Shortage Government Report Shows Wheat Supply Ample (lulled Pmni HUffCorreapondenl) WASHINGTON, D. C. April 7. That 1,000,000 bushels or wheat a 'lay can be exported until July 1st, lu I'MKIoii lo supplying this country'! needs, H tbo reassuring statement 'rom the Agricultural Department. llofore July 1st, the department points out, the now wheat will be fining In, ao there need bo no rear or a shortage which will actually de hrlvo thu people, or this country at bread. "ad It not beon ror tho war, with he closing or the Dardanelles, which l"kod up Russia's surplus, and had It not beon ror a' world's shortage out xhlo or the United Stitea, estimated nt oo.ooo.OOO bushels, tho farmeri r tho United 8Utea. Inatead of aelllng their wheat at high'pricei, would real ' bo in a serious condition, the de pnrtmont experta.My. They would h looking eagerly lor buyers of their wheat, wjth prlcea probably way down plow tho coat ,ei production, Tho J 81 4 erofTof the United Statos was ostlai'ted t . m,eae;80Q ' biuh A box of hot nabes on the buck porch of the residence of .1. C.Smolt zer, instructor of the commercial de partment nt the Klamath County High School, Htnrtcd a small Are there lust night. Mrs. Hmeltzer was aroused f i om sleep by thu smell of amoke, nnd tho family extinguished tho tiro before It gained any headway. Thu house Is at the corner.of Sixth iiikI Washington streets, and Is owned by J. Friink Adams. The damage was very slight. . SWIFT LINERS TO BE PROBED IXTKRKTATK COMMKKCK COMMIS SION WILL MOON HOLD A HEAR ING, TO DKTKHMIXK OWXER SHIP OF S.J. STEAMSHIP CO, XT rtitted rrt&tf Sai-vIc ' . - , - ) t - - . y Jtwi"wr tf WASHINGTON, p. C. April 7. The Interstate Commerce Commission has announced that it wlll'soon hold a henrlng to dotermlne the ownership ol the steamer Great Northern, oper ated by the Great Northern Pacific Steamship companybetween Portland and San Francisco, The date or the! hearing has not' yet been decided on. ; Incidentally the Investigation will also determine the ownership of thoi sister ship. Northern - Pacific. The ownership will remain In doubt until the commission announces the result or Its hearing. Certalu authorities questioned the right of thu boats to pass through the Panama canal, but both have been passed. It Is supposed that the boats are owned by the Hill Interests. i;. M. House, formerly of Texas, who is the closest friend of President Wl son, according to all apijearancjs. is now noroau trying to learn un-i HJlIlclally if the wnrrlng nation will conitder terms of pence. Tho report of the purpose of Mr. House's visit has been denied In Washington, but the evidence In Europe that be was sounding premiers nnd chancellors there has been unmlstakeable. Mr. Houee Is one of the mysteries of the present administration. While ho is a very close to the president little is known about him. He shuns notoriety. Many times the president has stopped at his home when In New Vork"; and once within the por tals nothing can disturb him. Efforts ot politicians to use Mr. House. In getting into thu good graces of the president have failed, r.nd now no one. makes such effort. Yet it Is ao- poiwnrloWaBingtoB.tbat hel8 thought so much 'of- t'hat a recbm mendntion from him would go farther than that of any one else In the nation. "00M PAUL" NOTF TO MANA6E KADEE FORMKIl LOCAL HEAD OF KLAM ATH DEVELOPMENT COMPANY SAYS AVORDE.VS SUCCESSOR HAS NOT BEEN DECIDED UPON PEXCHA NT PUNCHES PASTRY PANE PAST PANEL I eli. In addition to this It wus esti mated that tho amount or wheat car- pie rled over rrom the 1913 crop was 7,-. 000,000 bushels, ho thnt there was on . , hand u totnl or about 007.000.000 ( '0 all heard of tho pies that moth buahols. lor made, nnd tho pies thnt caused men The normal consumption or wheat t( lctlV0 ,ome. Today let us .present In this country Is about fi,3 bushels, jt)lc ,,Cg (int cn,iscd burglnry. These mi that It would require 520,000,000 iwt,,. two pumpkin pies in the bns'o btlHhols to supply tho food required j melU 0f Tuo sugar Bpwl. by, the United States, besides about! Th(i mo,.nlng lt wnB covered DO.OOO.OOO bushels needed tor seed, j.. , .. nBg do0 , tho rear of th0' Thus tho surplus remaining ror ex port was, roughly, 357,000,000 bush- els. On January 30th about sin.uuo,- 000 bimhelH had been exportod, which loft, at that time, 40,000,000 morq bushels available tor export than tho' avorngo nt (hit time during the last, five years. Mr,- Fkrmor, much as ho, may de plore the war and tho slaughter, may at least bo thnnkful that .something prevented him rrom finding himself with what would have been n drug on the market on bis hands, Instead, he. finds himself with tho highest price In year, for,.hU big money crop, ., v ' -v LINKS TAKE TWO FROM SHOE TEAM VAN IIELLK.VS REGAIN MAKE A GRANDSTAND FINISH, WINNING THE LAST BY FIVE PINS. BUT FIRST TWO ARE LOST bnHement was open, indicating a forced (intnihco Inst night. DIMgent Inventory work fnlled to bIiow any thing missing bosldos two pumpkin. plea. , 'A Boom ror "Made in U. S. A." United Press Service . ' WASHINGTON, I). C, April 7 The "Made In U, 8, A.V movement was given a big boost today .when plans ror furthering tho "home pat? ronugo" campaign were made at a general moating of the national (con mtttoo or the Woman National ''Made In U. S, ASLeague. Aftor being trimmed in tho first two games, the Regals last night sav ed themselves from being whitewash ed by the LInkylile team by nosing out Ave pins In the lead. . Tho scores follow': ' LINKVILLE . i . a 3 Ulco :..;i33 241 171 Sholl ....200- 13S . 136 Bremer 140 168 . 17S Boyd', ..155 169 123 Leavltt ....,.'. v.. 148 148 140 ""-;,' i-v. -e- , . Totals .... ...n-776" 861 742 ;' REGAL ' :tiA; ? f 3 Van Hellene .116, 1W' 148 Jester V'.'.,VTl40 136 150 Littler tv.'fhia 113 334 Elliott ..,1.108 148 118 Houston ....... h lit '. 161 189 , Totals ,....,.& 614;-. 716. 747 All la ready, for the complete mobil ization ot the;Ullaa..araar Seven complete clasttaTaVa" already under the.color.. $$ u- W. Paul Johnson formerly man ager or the local offices of the Klam ath Development company; and one ot the directors of the concern, la here from San Francisco, attending to busi ness matters. He will spend several days in Klamath Falls. "There aro two things about the management of the local offices of the Development company, that people will be interested in," said Johnson today. "One Is that I am not to take up tho management again. Another Is that tho new manager has not been decided upon as yet by the officials." Momn Wants to Meet Wlllnrd United Press Service LONDON April 7; The new cham pion will not be Idle if he listens to all tho calls that will be made upon, hlra. Already Frank Moran ot Pitts burg has expressed a desfre to meet Wlllard in London. '" I envy Wlllard," said Moran. ."He caught Johnson at the right, tlnie." United Press Service HAVANA, April 7. -Wlllard sailed ror Key West, Fla., in a chartered boat, crowded with trainers, .movie men and hangor-ons. Patriotlo Pageant at Loxiegton United Press Service' N . tLEXlNqTON. Mass,; April ;7, Plans' for a" great patriotic pageatjtito be held here in June to celebrate the commemoration o 100 years of pejace between England and' the. Uatted States- will be 'made, hera.at iet ing tonight ot the iPiimotevThe proceeds will go,U.thaIlW.faioektor proiWutlngits'Baropeaawarwbrk. j.ixteiM -jrjfi - " M$k "By a furious bayonet attack or detachmeBt carried the emrmiS, Kiiiun, nnnuuuiiiBK several miration.' no took aa eruoseni zi oicera --.i; WvJKi3a?tj! ,. . , .. 3. . ; .' rfHr zstj $&wm ' X fcl"rJV?' ...... ..." m .-1 . A'. '' ." t.? i u urn rresa Dervice - - jr- - -k ..v.-:.-.Ar..'.-i. v;ju.A!- m WKM At. L-w ' ftMuf tm ' l.Jt j .- ,-. -iL "miA t 'T. uuiaiiii, --in . itniuwr .iiuiruu, .iBiuum 01. wmwibsi ,m :', reported. Ten thousand report Czerotvltz la ruins. I, OOO .men. Besides, this, we nicked an cfcht.fleid nieces:' ''-." . ' !(.. refugee from BakowiBji arrived toemrijrii'ttimtS- . l w&&Sii&L EITEL FREDERICK GIrEN .NO CHANCE TO FLEE. ,...;., ... -,- v-f X iiiicu x rM oerTiuv t i y, ftC t'SM&t- "-- - . -V i'!it m NEWPORT NEWS, April 7. Late Ihfa afterooaariparalleaaweifr nentiy complete lor tne ucmsa auxiillarr craiser PriM'BterFrieaerWa3' tlfitttnt 4n '4UUAUk fflA tmt i ,.m r rft - f w Mta, IjIi-iI-; V t ,rt ,- "S fl-'iAti' 7? Tufts ti wtiuifi . miv 4Mnac( uviumK) iicr.tu uiciiwa, Tlie guTeramcBt lit determteed to Rive .i&Bveftael -"ttt "JfTJif frfi &x pp "exa ,war,j?jh a I IZ&lf&f? . iur ?yti .T -"pe. - .,, 4 VJ.,U. Commander McCrarkra of tneaafval rag; grsw tWjWl, is aCei r lf A ' A r ' t. '" -' " 1 " V I. "J" Trt-li E ijm, wj iwiiijnre on mny it aw. g - nynwA wni ii ito - bwwbtb, .ermaiL ataJaht ukioat lull rua.i TtiSM &ZX?7?ei - - 1. .. w - ------r -i-T,yjj.-Mw-iu.Tfcfl.Wi--,wa? as ahaouBcJng yards of the.GerBMOi Tlie uavyfand treaaarrdt pai taaenU airaM'inifaMtadjertt .lAiHH OF V-'JB, IS ADMITTED. t:btiitea:Preaa garrlee -r Jam I' ?rwu; 'afsa-isstafli iiiariao -. SaSS!! BOrr!waaaaBklardi 9tft? . S&t$ ' jfe Meot Tomorrow. The Aid Society o'tthe Christian church will meet tomorrow' at the homo of Mrs. Hawxhurs, on 'Pine, near Sixth. Pennsylvania suffragists jvill re ceive .a donation of $10,000 provided they can raise 150,000. , ?-... ;..&A.i,B. S'iaSKAW1 There la, tcybe v meetlagi'o ,taa, ladjeihe)congreg4cr!l noonat 3 o'clock' atv.tn;e!home'6'f afifsvi Fred ?Honatorr corner' Flhh-aBd?Llii- coln-streefjj. Important buslnessvla , to be transactea anaati tne lautes are; Urged to attends & Vstft ' ; Mi Salisbury 11 - T- .W a au2rt'jr f . ffS rilm Is mm sSlA '-'- - ill.v , f4S j?J ' iAy& W R - . ' - BTAsmnTftllml SaVaSaMtmrVgaKam When theHnal reel of the Salisbury wild' animal pictures Is finished, there Is only one regret that there are not s'MU more reels? Seldom if ever has rl with an ; JZws?fiia At rL .'& 3c K ,1 -i ,, "i&j , j Many of the Scenes Shown iri JfJiai l angler la. many r nteret . rie SlsaonkTStckai ' f 4.-J- 4. Fr -tf much In'thls, phase of thepM- picture been shown at the Star the J poruon ol inoiPicture.ttatjap-: ater thaVtaaa receivedas mwh'Mfcl&&1VW1WJtak&yf: Hon as thla'feature, and all who at-1'.-"""""V""" ""itv londAit the nerformanc v0stewlVi"uJ,PK,yVi!aiur1 j ... ...in...: ii.i- ..i- .... . .. V t usedc "and their "polnta"' of inma iuu minus wici iireuuo uui iu mm .i., ,."..-i. .i' ".' ' ii" " lii As Edward Salisbury spent, several"6 " !5iB!' ."-... .u ." . ' " Iman could desire. 1' g &&' weeks in Klamath county last year! .. i... ; j'-Ac&SicA' ' . i. ., .' , - ..' I nw km mo piviure wjwui;aosM) securing.aome pt he bird films, there, th fiiim Is of course local interest In the show;. ?. ..j'.? .'..-.,--. -:T' ?.:T??" from that, the film has iSSSSWSSS 1 value and we are iSsmSS. mW&JJ. views ofthe home Jlte qfi. - kwhMi.,iiv0-4.iwiis.' many or our bird, that we never knew. M beMt'lV'2 "";"'""-"' ? ---- S?. throw It down-was one thrWJ'ii'Aii-: C.ear P other wa. fu.shcbytaaiSSr fine. Birds from the egg to atur-l y . . . i-,- -r-il-ls1',: ": .. v .,- . ' v. lo near. and cougar outoi:.t!feea.',,4i- llv. nra ahnwn ncttnSi natural hocauaai T . ." ". !,-!. v. J-.Hv! unaware of the ob.erv.nt nSSSS carefull? hidden clow by, , . uQn 0rtmenw slsliV..t J?om A spienam.viewor Bagie Btdge tav- tree to tree with atteka..ae? While em Is shownalMcolpred picture cffoi-tB angere'dftbeTania&H or Mt, Pitt rrom-thaRldge. It was on ,t yowIed contlnaallyktherifailiill'lS - , vr ..j" -..a ...-j but aside. educational Intimate, views this, ridge, that the eagle pictures were taken, .and these show Harry Telford, a local ornithologist of note, standing up in tho, nest, holding up, the oung; ters, while the parent-olrds whel and careen perilously close, - .. Jack Furber, who at the- tlrae,.the picture, were -taken was In the game service, and rendered Salisbury Val uable awlstanee, Is also shown la.the pictures of bird Hfev ' "k;k: The life of the. trout Is showa from jhe., spawning tlma uatil .the. dislodge it., .Therefore 'a man ajeeajd ed the tree and'chepped .tw.llmji supporting tne maaHaeaaa lunonf animal, it fell iBto tlwrjyer beiiaat. and -here easnWiarjMt'M, betweea i .1 . -v -4. . .-" with , dragged and hipped, irk . aLi. 1MO ! Intense IbI wlll.be sh t.. JM r nr I1W III Mam II Ufllt &mmiim MnH&Mam UVWas boajal mg'MW' 'i MlHim'.IH M JSI laiat. W-ftaiTdaWy. H V?mS'i r-' fMSSaaaaM Jj.iA1 .-.-- 'V.l fc WkTSVi "sWrvg.. .. -. . '' rV li .UBVEgffBBBBl . rV-1 a - . a ' t jfyrrW v - wJ--gSgjcBS j,)e , tivu- v;Jt yVrmWiaB