" ? V. Vfafar,.nm!K.9W; nLrtiMiiouyr ! ... t,v 11. ie pawr, KtMMth JLifimont More, IMt TO, " HARDWARE ,V KMU.KHH VAHIKTV For tho, Farm For tho 'Home For .ho Hhop For the Mill' ii Ihv. IM t. !t mH I". HKH UN FIHHT h- r Robertt&Hanks Hardware Store tn .Main lliti-e If ft tficro like it duck. tiU UK. IJVKItV I'KKh r HAiiN Ihiifc" IimmIHI, I'n'inli'irn- ,5 sa Learn to Rm a Lawch T-EKPORD & SON Will nut )mi m Inunrli, nntl icitili yon lonm It The Motor Boat EMPRESS Daily Service Paggenger Bmggag Upper Lake Points Bus leave Western Transfer aMre every morning at 7:lG,i Win. C. Bidder, Mgr. ww,WMWM'WMMMwM OlR FINISH ON SHIRTS Cnnnot bo surpassed. Our col lars are handled with tbo great est skill and care, Wo call for all bundles, rough dry or fin- lihcd. KLAMATH FALLS i STEAM LAUNDRY j " w,sWaMWMMMJddMWWWnoi Kbmath Tranfar Co. I0 Mala Htreet We handlo passenger baggage nd freight for Calklna and, Ham ilton to all Upper Uk polata; also Imvo storage room In con nection, "us leaves office, 010 Main r't. at r.aa n, in. Phone IS8J. Have Ywr - OMt Finished WiitaeNke Mfitt I'liKNTV UPACK FOK ' VOURTIB . WDolt Suptriar Uaiiry ?i A ' 'Mid" A .1 rr vv tmmmmmm The Exploits of Elaine A Difctt Nl and . phtwm Dramm By ARTHUR B. REEVE TaWe..Known Novak and (he Creator of theMG iKe.edy"Stori Presented in Cottolwretien With Hi Fat.. May.,, .nd Ik EcUatf. film Company Crrtih. Nil. It rtw la, Ca.., VNOPSIt. .21" ? v".rk Urr urn mvMMml by a MTt r i.iurriw.'r '. '. "?."""" "I n. Tha wihi h "ciuii-n hit limiil ' -ii- i........ ..... ii'Ji!'f u'.". "J'"irloim immiMln la Taylor. Dmlito, ilu nllil.llll'r. KimiH. ..Iliti!,.,,, Im.I "'. -"-"imihi KIIRIItlllll, I III lllMIII-(iiiiH a....!.... kiiit, kia no. crnpUiyH criil Ken- iiiy. Ill fMHfoiiM Mlr-ntlm- il-li-.lli... i sslr. . """ i-sa'Vi.u'rSSd irr u iinrrii'Mi iitM ............ ,,-.. .:.... :. "",';": ':,"" rvv "'?." ?""' m- ...V.'V. . . .,'"" '",r"", IIHIIII, Mil re. tier , il.r'.....V." .iT".". "7." "TV." '" i;;::, mruiiKii umiii until iinthnJ mi unit nf Ilia utiokn. li'Krtu EIGHTHJPISODE The Hidden Voice, The a ... T . ,"nH I beglnnltiK Io tell on me, for It was keenlnit us at work n ii i,i,i. -. "-" " " -"i mniT wui hours to circumvent the Clutching"? Hand, by fur (he cleverest crlmin.il with wham Kennedy had vr had anything Io do. I leaped out of lied, At 111 In my pa- JamaK, mid aloml for u momciil staring abcut. Then I ran Into the living room. I loftke.l -ubnul. ruhhliig ihy ey. startled. No one was there. "Hey-Jameson waku up!" II was spookv. "Where the'denc. are you?" I de- muniliii, Suddenly I heard llio voice again no count about II, either. Ileia I uin -over on I he couch!" I scratched my hrail. puuled. There wn ccilnlnly no one mi that couch. A IiiurIi greeted me. I'luli'ly, though, II came frniii the couch. I went over to It and. rlillciiloini in it seemed, h( gan to throw aside the pillows. 1 There lay. nnthliiK but u little ob- long oaken box, perhaps eight or teu nicues aqunru at (lie ends. In the face were iwo peculiar square holee, and .. ii. ...- ,", ... '.7.1 1Z...I V ,i""7 ",a" a""' about Ike lc of n wntcli. fastened on a swIngliiR metal urm. In the face of , the disk were several perforated holes I picked up' Hie straiiKe booking thing In wonder, and from that magic oak box actually came a burst of laughter. "Come over Jo the laboratory, right away,"' pealed forth a merry voice. "I've romethlng to show jou," "Well," I gasped, "what do you know about that?" Very early that morning Craig had got up, leaving mt snoring. Cases never wearied him. He thrived on ex citement. He had gone over to the laboratory and set to work In a corner over an other of those peculiar boxes, exactly like that whleh he bad already left In our rooms. Half an hour afterward I walked Into the laboratory, feeling a lltllo sheepish over Urn practical foke, but Bono the lesa carious to find out all about It. "What Is It?" I linked, Indicating the apparatus. "A voco phone." lie replied," still laughing, "the loud speaking telephone, the little box that hours and talks. it talka right out in meeting, too no transmitter to hold to I the mouth, no receiver to hold to inu ear. iou see, una irons mltter Is so sensitive that It picks' up even a whisper, and the receiver Is placed back of those two megaphone- Mike pyramids." He waa standing at a table, careful- 1 ly packing up one of the vocnphonoa ,und a lot of wire, I "I believe the Clutching Hand haa boen shadowing the Dodge house," ho continued thoughtfully. "Ah long aa 'we watch the place, too, he will do nothing. Ilut ir we should seem, os tentatiously, not to be watching, por hapa He may try something, nnd wo may taxable to get u duo to his Iden tity over this vocaphone, 8ec?' t ' I nodded. "We've got To run him down somehow,"...! agreed. v "Yea," ho said, taking his coal' and hat. "I am, going to counect up one of these things In Miss Dodge's libra ry and arrange with the telephone company for a clear wire so that we can listen In hero, where that fellow will never suspect." ' At about the same, time that Craig nnd I rallied forth, on this now, min ium.. Klalne waa arranging some flow- era on n stand hear the corner of tbo Dodge library where the secret panel wn In which )or father hud hidden the papers for the possession of which the Clutching Hiind hnd murdered him. She had moved away from the table, hut,, as she did ao. hor dress caught In aomethlng n the woodwork, Bho triad to loosen It and, In so doing touched the llttlo metallic spring on which her 'dress had caught. Instantly to her utter aurprlse, tho panel moved, It slid open, disclosing a strong bog. . ' 5 ' Klglne took It. amused.-.lookod( at It a-'mement; then carried It to a taWo andaaonod It. f Inside: were some pagers. W an aavaloaaaBd paartod t"LIpy rni raajgiririatalalasal " V ,U, They must be thavClutchlng Haad nnparst" aa oaalalmed'to'liaffotf, haotutlag a ajoaaMtta aoabt waat ft! tnl'fJiuVufiri,'.? ."' "'"''.''f'r u ' Wan" , "' that you, Crnlr she asked ex LW''r .w. ll? ' ' ' the vlcUin, ilaiud .cllcrtlv THE EVENING, m Aiirmnnn,iuMM wmKiKmmMmmmmim She selicd (he telephone and eager ly called Kennedy's number. "neiio," aiiiworod voice. --",- "N'o,, IIiIh Is Mr, Jamcbon," "Oh. Sir. Jni,.,.n i'i ,iu..M4 Hi. (lni,.l,ln. u ., .. .. .. --. dp..iv.,,,n ,lllll unm'Mf. BIIH UH- gao, moro nnd more oxcllcd. "Hnfii vuii rend them 7" camn hack the voice iulckly. "Ne: shnll I?" "Then don't uimi-ul them," cautioned ' till) Vllll-n "Pill Hum k.Al. ...,!., .. I you round tyem and I'll tell fr. Ken- ",fln, to. c,can ,tho vh'T f nedy the moment I can get hold of'jL"1 t,,e bogus cleaner, touching his ,lm , that In a way quietly io call attention ! "All right," said Klolne. "I'll d0 Vhe wrtV.n H ""d dMw,n frora ? that. And nle. e . T n aoon i i.i .,- you DOKsltilv can"" v HIKI'kRl miuu mm I "I will." "I'm going out rhnpplng now," sh returned, mulilcjily, "Hut. tell him I'll i bo "'" hack right nwny." t "vrry ll," """"In "P the receiver, Klalne J d,",f,l,,)r replaced li t-npcri In the ?" reiunied tho box In Its secret h,,d'nK f'"00' ,p','l,,r '" !' nnd ,IW,I,B ,he panp' sl""- '' ,. A f?4' mmte 'later ilu left the house In the Dodge enr f 0u,,,lJ' olr luborntcry, leaning up nxalnvl a ralllnr, Dnn the Dude, an U""arr of tlw Clulcliliir. Hand, whose dresr now rnntly belled his under world "nwnnlker," hnd been hadow Ing us, watching to see wlit'-n we, left. Thi moment we disappeared, he ralre.l his hand tutf fully nbuvo his head and nimte tht dIkii of the Clutch ing Hand, Kar Joru the ftreet, In" a cloxi-.l car, the Clutching Hand him self, his fare mutkrd, gave, nu an swering sign, t A moment Inter he left the car, gaz- Ing about fleitlthlly. Not a soul waa in signi ana no managed to mane nis way to the door of our laboratory wlthout Mng ougm.t.a. .., 1,- .v...i,. n,. .1,. .... pers might be at the laboratory, for ho had repeatedly, failed to locato them at the. Dodge house. At any rate he was busily engaged In ransacking drawera and cabinets, in the labora tory, when the telephone suddenly ' rung, An Instaut ho hesitated. Thcu.dla- gulslng hla voice as much as he could to Imitate mine, he took up the re- coiver. "Hello!" be answered nis race waa a stuuy in an mat r .." " ""-. ",m-, - - . was dark as be realized that It waa 1 apologized Jennings. . . They've gone out." ho muttered,, Klalne calling. He clenched his crook- ed hand even more viciously. "Have you read them?" he asked. curbing his impatience as she unsus - pectlngly poured forth her story, sup- possedly to me. . .i.. ..-i .1 . . 1..-. . . . .. ' . . ' tened to reply "Put them back. Then there can be, no question about them. You can open them before wit nesses." For a moment he paused, then add- I cd: "Put them bask, ami tell no one of their discovery, I will tell Mr, ' Kennedy tho moment I can get him." i Clutching Hand studied for n mo- ment and then grubbed the telephone !?'.. . ... .... . . ,a low hurried words In a low tone and "Hello. Dan." ho called when he got j,he drlvr nurrle, otti hla number, "Miss Dodge is going; A fB... m,u,t tt,,icr n,,, dn. shopping. I want you and tho other ...iv.. u .uuu .., .,, .ic-. Dy -drug, store nnd going Intp the tele you can, Use your own Judgment." ,pBOdc 0 wijhout a jnoiueufa It was what had come to be known' hesitation he called upon the Dodge 1 in his organization us me "orotner- house, and Marie, Klatne'a maid, an hood of Falaera." There, In the back swered. ''''' room or a low uivo, were nan tne . Dude, the emissary who had bcen,lol- tcrliik- nbout the laboratory, a sun- man, Dago Mike, a course of women, ' slatlernB, ono known as Kitty tbo Hawk, and a boy of eight or ten, whom they called Hilly, "All right, Chief," shouted back Dun, their leader, 'us he hung up tho telephone after noting carefully tbo hasty Instructions. "Y7e'll do It trust us." With alacrity the Brotherhood went their separate ways. Elalno had not been gone long' from Ine house when Crulg and I arrived there. "Too bad," greeted Jennings, "but Miss Elaine has Just gone shopping and I, don't' know,, when she'll bo back.' Aunt Josephine r reel pJ w. cordially, and Qralg set do.m, the vuiaphono package ho was carrying.. ;Tm not going to let anything hap-' pen here to Mis. Maine again If I can help It," romarked .Craig In a hrw tone, a moment Inlur, isiulng ubovttaa library. l "Vhat are you, thinking of doing?" asked Aunt Josephine keenly. "I'm gcjng toput In, n vo'caphoaa," hu returned, unw rapping- it "What's t hat !", she asked. f "A loud r speakiiiK lelcpJiono ooa nected with my; laboratory," aa"ox plained,' reiatiag' what he .had al ready, told me, while aha IUihodlai' , most aw-at ruck t the latest scientific ,' wonder., ' " ' t '' " -. He waa looking about, trying to 'r ure oucjubi waore-u couiihi piossa ta bait advantaaa.'whefi he approaehod tk salt of anaaty ," "I too rati Itavt trnntk aaak, tM H ' V ' !siA ff 'Which In raanl 'aMaclhfur "ind VM. .- -.V-. ,","," Jmks, nr a-fdsMt;' - I , There wtu iw combating Ml fltaMa- I Mix. HIo overwhelmed all ai by (lie very exactness of nfcr fmoa- ):. "'..! ..'iA ( omiiii! anynriR, pc(ciuM.t. prop erly nquflched. folio ed tiy kir cuf- fer. ' , "" Meanwhile, cloicrt cr,vuchc hid stood acronN ram the laboratory, had drawn up not. far from the Dodge house. Near It wan a man In rather ahabby clothea and a vlnored cap oa 1 which were the word in dull gold J lettering "Metropolitan Window Cleaning company." ilu carried, ' 1 bucket and a imafl cxtenolon' ladder, In the darkened recv'tneol the car was the Clutching Hand himself, maiked aa usual, Hr'liad his watch In his hand nnd was giving tnoet mln i! InslruclloiiK to tliL" wlmlijw claa- Pr a"wt "melhirtg, As tlie latter ."urwn io ko, a snaiD.olinr.rver would tinve noted that It van Dun the Dude. . ' mill further dUgulscd. A A.'rw 'nomqnte later? Dan appeared ' tat the servants' cut rnnrp nf ilu, rv,lrx J house and ranir the bejl. Icnnlpas, , i who happened to be dow'n there, came. I to the door. - ,hl! ""ed written order, . MAtt JL. u ... . ' w" ""' noiincn icnnings. Kennedy Shows Elaine, the Little amlnlng the order and finding It ap- "Parently all rlghti , Dan followed hlnrln. taking the lad- (1''" and bucket vpstnlrs, where Aunt 'Josephine waa still reading, ' n- very well." she nodded., taking ; UP oer book- ,9 K , The"' "? ' Ilne '"ent lnjunctlona of Kennedy, . i"f P-n"Be" ? CUUn ,0 "Pe"C j ,uit'y to. Jen,,lns-. - M . . ,8y e "" Vatch him," she . whispered as she went out. Jennlnn nodded, ublle Thin onened a window and set to workl Blaine now decided to no home. From his closed car. the Clutching nana gazed intently at tno uoage hniltttt t?A mllH cote nn hn ii laA. dor, now waKhlnc the" library window, f hla back toward lilm. Dan tnrnft 'plnirtv ntirf mnHA tha algtl ot the hnuil TuVng t0 Ua 'chauffeur, the nu-stef criminal anok. 1. misj,fhavc been tefn entering 'tuiicar- "U Jennines there?'r he asked.- , Tell him "i friend wants to speak to him." "Walt a minute." sho answered. get him." r I'M 1 ' Marie went toward the library, leay Ing the telephone off the .hook. Dau was washing the windows, half In side, half, outside the house, whtleMen nlngs was trying tiv'beY'ry busy, al though, It waa apparent ithat he waa watching' Dan closely! 'A, friend of yours wanta to speak' to you. oyer the. telephone. Jennings,"; said .Marie, a she, came Into Jtha library. ' '. r' The butler responded' slowly, with a, covert, a-lanra hi ntn "S. V - " '"' ' ! No sooner 'had they gone, however. than1 Dan climbed hlltheway Into ta! room, ran to tneaoor and (akd aor- them. Then he ranvtoctaeiwladow.' Acroa and down the, strait, taa Clutching Hand waa gazing at that aousn. iie nna seen uan aisappear and 8upacted that the, time had com. Sure) enough, there, was, the, sign of the hand; lie hastllygot out ot the car and hurried up the-at reet. All' Wlu tlnio' l.n nkmffn.' i l...i-l. ....p vnv vHnnnvH, WAR ,kuvjiiiik . lunnl.t. I.hW ,.,M 'nkn. An.flna.ln.MM na.a.W-' some trumped-up aianrtl v "H r" As the master- criminal oame In ajr. the ladder through' fa;afa window, Dan was on guard;-;llata4g down the hallway. A. slgnsJ- frasa-Dan.'and plutchlBgJIand slid baekaf the ior-' linkBuLnl TnknaMl.na.1. II... MAUn' viva, impniu niimMWH. " "I've flntshad th'aaovtiiaawa . an. nouncod-Daa as the'bttilorraappoared. Now, I'll i cleau-tthaj hall wladows " Jennings followodj llaiaaadow, n. -aoosier i Clutaatar Hand aohwd tha HERALpffil&MATH JjBLttj aOJJlOON MMLmmkm. lmWmmMLmLW& r aaafiKiV .daLaL. 'aLaflaasCflRHMmiiw - 'StHmH mmMMMMMMMT jtWLWMMMMMMWMWmWSSSMMMMMMMY' ;:nttaaaal"':JsiBBFIl QmWmAwmP2kmfo'b?mVBmM. mWmmKKnmV&r T 3aPBBPBra-Br3!gaaam - MMMmmwummmwKraMV'imW-r H I Mmv'rMmMMmmOmmmLmmw'dlmWmm1mmmmmwlmW ' aaaaaaaaaalSaaaaaV VaaBMaaaaaaaaBPiaaaT:iS aaaaaaaaaa VjBBBaapMMMajhl MmmmmmmmmL! snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV, LaaaaaaSaaaaaaawlLaaaaaaaaalaVfH gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV aaaanBBaaaaaaaafMSBaaMBrJV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH BnaPaLVBnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaRSnv!KnaaafeS gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH aaaWBnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKH&iaTgVjB snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV saaaaaaaaaaaaaardnfPPlBPI-IB naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaf BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVJaBWadnBaawSoMBQgW XmT.),im- iiIY:'''?. 'yffy.l""l','.lij if away pssaa-ap- apawg.-assiwuai .aaakktbrWma taai"5iWM!WW!flR ?ll!.llla.:aa-iall4a ratUaV! portler.--:" ,iV . ,V 1 . .(WMlitWlgTV'rr nTV V4-. !" T ' P fit m M niiai l ii HI .?,' " $ One ol tha ma Ida na ' aasaadaa hi tha hall aa Dm. WNt.lgirtriilfeg whv. dow, about f(H.'il:W.''f.h "I wcdor'irlrilit)M'teM wladowsf'j w&mimm.im; l ing lo.th.lliHr.''gWT': te'gMllt.w.", h", HalMd takM mly a tt -toward thallMMy adpahi whea Dm watehfaily caa'tht M of him. It woald never do w imto JasBiggs snooping around than MW, Quick action was nces TWi"- w wror tu"uy WWVTOTPMI.,, I "4,mn fmsy see what yon'voq donol" beratod Tennlngsr starting ,tij! men np,tno;pieces. ,,.;; Dan had acted nls part well, and promptly. In; the library Clutching Hand ws: busily engaged at that mo ment beside' the secret panel, search ing for the .sprlnc that reteaaed it; He ran his finger nlong the;woodwork, pausing here and there without succeeding.- t "Confound Itl" he muttered, search ing feverishly. Kciiiitdyj liav!nr, r.;Jc the arrange ments with the telephone company by which he bait a. clear wire from .the Dodge house to his laboratory, had re joined me there nnd was putting on the finishing; touches on his installa tion of the vctsr'"!Tje j ,, , , ? Every now and then! he' weald switch It on,; and wc would listen" .lit it as' ho. 'demonstrated the wonderful little lnstnnn"tit o me. We had In sUumantThatf lived Hor Life. intard - the window cleaner and Jenr 1 nnga. mit -tnoBgkt, nothing of. It at, thetlme: ? Once., however, Craig; paused, and I. I saw him listening more latently than anroiyuero la some one in.the .WT; - . V. I stened. too.. The tWngwaa so sensitive that even a whisper 'could j be magnlfled. and I certainly dldOiear ! something. (Continued. Monday) KEEP URIC ACID OUT OF JOINTS HELLS RHEUMATISM SUFFBREHSl t t - - - tr TO BAT LESS MEAT AND TAKE S.tT8 Kheumatism la easlorfto avoid, thaa to cure, siatea a well known,- author ity. We are advised to ,dreaa warmly ; keen th& feat drv- avoid itno.u elt less meat'., but drink, plenty pf "faier, DnAltninllom lu u .llni.VA. ..n..u..l, .. i,,UHHIUUaW U, SV llOVbllnlHIV W eating. too much meat, and other rich foods that, produce uric acid, which la ubaorbedt.by tho blood, It.ta the func tion of the kidneys to niter this, acid from the blood and cast it out in' the tit iuo; tho uutes of the akin are also a menus of freeing tho blood of tola, im purity, In damp -and cUIUy-cold weather, the, akin pores are, closed. thus forcing the kldneya to do double workV they become weak and sluggish and-iVail to eirralnate'tho uric acid. which -keeps aacumulaUaif aad. circus luting, through, the .syateai, avaa'taally acltling In tho Joints nnd muacloa,- teuualng 3tiffueavaoreaeaai;attd, pain cftlledrhoumatls"m;$ $l?kti k"i ' ... II In. . ..! '- -v...- -.i ny tno, ftinv !! Ill ipiniUIHa, get "from any phar apyv about f par uunces 6f Jad Saltaj iiutUbleOo:. nil In a glnsa of water, aud,drWk fore breakfast each' morning. (,for a week. This la said to eliminate, Urlo ucld by stimulating the 'kidaeya to uormal acton. thus ridding the bltfod of vtheae.mpurltiasU: v 1 - . , . . '-( '';r .s,'1'!.-' i t,' jau oaiis isinapeasiye, naraieM., d5'ltf'ade'fo;;t4e';.aclVof-'iraaa, and lemon Juice. combiadwMa)ltH)J and'U.used wth,excalat,raaalta.B4P 'n!?;0.!."; in-uHatissB. nara jrviM bat- .pwaat ,-V' . 1,, . :vz rV? Snaaaaf . JaaaaaaV.''' . Jant, 'ataroacant ..UUia-watrvrrak' . 'itwhlcli taalna nvaraoaaa aaia?aaa.ia '-".Cr.'i.'-l...i iu.... ,.'.B XlBS I --&a.. J.M Oet yewr . V. D.'a ad K.XIT. Wfw. i csa kt.nTMi.tre Wii 4V, v '! Hj?'-rj-s i. 5ii.v-. iv 5?SS 77 7?7?.Tr -i-.2r ST'.Tr,", AurM "llkh tMvMrJfawVMNMr.ffeih Hi.ttM tkm ifer Xll'-for'!jCeai.-f Hctiion 33 of aha crff ywf WW "that nil non-rartlsan petltlo. for nomination snail ro aiea witntno po lice Judge not lens than twenty (JO) , no) a aeiore me aateot election." election In tho'WAltD froM'whlclT.tlw nominating petition Is Died. ift' ALi.-LEAVITT, ' j-y" l-3t '? iS,.fi K Udlt;? If IIUBV, -Notice of Mortgaging and ffefejef Real fnfntj, trnGwtfdW In tbeiciuhty; Court of ' the flliUe of 'Oregon, inland 'for Klamath Ceunty: In the Hatter of the Guardianship aad Estate of Lawrence Horton, a Minor.. . U Notice is hereby given that in, pur suance of ,an order of tha connty court.ofJthe-Stateof Oregon, In. and for Klamath, county, and under an- thority thereof, .dated March 27, 1915, the undersigned. 'as guardian of , tha orson :ancl estate of Laurence Hor. fonnmlnnr'wlll.flrstln6rigk'ji;eaai ineroaiter, son at private aaie, tno a .-' a - -. i. "" . .-'1 follower descrlllrearproperty:.: tuThc certain real eUte belpag-j ;iiig.ioaia mMersKnatea w h way . am county, sute orurogoa.aM doseribed as tho-abuthweat tuu-7or at the southwest quarter, of seetien i , 23r;aadtthe, aoutaknarrer:- f v l&Z.JLXfclZLt K3L.2rniSZJi-rm. or, oifierlsdeMibod-aa .15M .Winn OlniT.U1,' n n. J .a ..4 nl.. cvtiuu 1VIU X, HUU ,a U Bajiiutt 28, and the northwest quarter-of " the northweat quarter of iiertloa t7i all In township 39 south of range f 1114 east of,the4iWlllaniette Merid ian." . '" .' ". , The mortgaging andf sale'ahereef will "be made on' or after April Jtjl, 1915, and bids will be received byhe undersigned at his poctoflce address, namely, Htldebrarid, Klamath county; Oregon. - , The. terms are as follows, said real 1 estate will first be mmtfmmMjm. ..,vi nu ant -.ZJfrji- .'.'.-"L1! less -than one yearfroa. 'taV 'datal- tald order, and VIU, thereafter be sold prior to the expiration of such year. Dated this ,27th- day of, March, 1915. " -, - , , CHABl HORTON. ,' Qurdlan of the Persoa andKaUtoot LawTenco Horton, a Mlabr,.;, S7-l'17-t4, . ," "" . PH Notice af Woa'-waar-aavi. nleniekt nmartitci&&l In the .CountyConrt'oftholBtata.oti Proton.orih"eCottnty:ot:jCla ath.- - ' ";"' In the Matter of the Rtate of'joieph r Q.PIerce. Deceased., - ,J1. ! Notice Is hmbViaVnjrHKtfAgla i irn.B, e.uiru ot ineesiaie, ana last will of Joseph' O.PIereoTde-T w, ubs -iwnau (ireceaiea io ine county court" of tbo state of Oregon for Klamath county, her petition fr final distribution, and has' rendered, filed and presented to'such court-tier final account of her admlnistratloa of said' estate: and that' the hearink oif ihe.aamo haa beenappolntedarid fixed by said courf fo TuesdaylAtirH 171 ' 1915,'at lO.'o'cIwtlBjtliaoyinooo; ol' tho n . nl'..i,f.'J.ii'.tr - H. . '.,. ,r "''',.,',. I 1 terested in said esUte accordlag'to law are hereby notlfled;thea and there' to appearndahow causehfanyrthey' have. wrby. the: Safd, petit tonrshowM not be antedSnd,thiaadJ,accoriat;'' it .?."?. ""ftaaa; anowaa.rf,' fc.mH.il- aa.i.5 j. m "-. -ki'aSv- v'fP S?jH'Sf '' U'lf h VOUJ, " -0" 3a.1 - . AfiSffl -;oir sie aaay. oe naasetl. irtfened,sto n,'ria -a7-if yo?i.U&jMM .2- wvl , -.- . 'i vv.-vt f: - von cub doaoar.saMshglsaV a i ii.,Jii.5.Jti1,i..'-. ,-t----- '?' f'aionaUy' at t drag jm twa- a v"aa. a anmmajmamamBj MiMUiistlMftrsieaaai ' 3 .'Aifej''iSOjMt-SnC.iV DCVll tv'---r'S."'lHI ia. aSl gaga SJBJBJB. laaaaW.?U"Xea. V - - B,rY.-".T P V -.:la . ,'i-'.lk la f I l '-lii' A - IIKIII. Ill h&&&&m$. iBsr. ?- iff ''PjeHllnvdi fur m&mlmmttMm n tiktjkli "M le;tk;lve ce oftlrt ivote'east for'wayor at tlilakkiwrgl vr V mm mwwmr MM ' mmm WmmTWrnW court house' at"kianth?P'aiis?ln,;i)te county aforeaaiauaB'drallfperMna?. - IfflLtWf ;r a i i aaiiasTaaaaaa igaaa.gri aai raasiiT.rr'B anaasaamaBmnawxanaBaaaanans-aBnaantaataBnatanHm -" "-:-- ...j.. .a,,,,,.. . , .i i,i3hHHV'h.-2hPHk OHgKB ' It's tr oy 01 y lam-i d "Tfii 1 1 'rf 'f : J .Tttltl llsl IMsT - ' ,-, vor mo ,Mrsl fr-frmgH; .VI .tan risK fcVwr.'iY:.:-? ;aaJr3P I K.Oar-, nMMa alwaaa waililsia" M w- -' ------ i " -- i-t - - - , -. - , n, BI1 Xtnl iTt ,.il L --. u j,-'-k'w' -n.-. .. h. ir".., B, Js.y V'' v v t 1 X-. 1 t v L !. ,-r, ,r ': ' y ,f8-v ' .V '"AV5:' " ' . ""j; '1 ' ' ' T ---"----- I sai p - 1 1 a-w . t- If ' -ill 11 aims , laa rVaaaaaB . tnaapaa i aanw ,-' -aa aa HI. aaai mT TV ,"'""" " " - imVi'i I I iM' '' - '-''IMaCiaiaiai 1 -rtii W"j"n""aaaB"janr"a ' : -?':naaaanaV L.IS3BW wmjw&w&i ...ll '.i-.iifa k- mM. Rwau-im vyvm 'iimjTi t mw mmw : sg.,of your aa.d are e can breathe f reel,-No or 1 UMsTIMSHIMMisrvl Irvy, . .awia aaaTBr bottle of Bly'a Ci draggfat now.,. Apply? tragrnnt, antlsepilccr nostrils let, Itfpoaetrati ory air, passage 01 ; m .' -- l-i:. '...Tli ana neai tna iw iiie,!-, eous membrane clYioff, relief; Ely' Creant BaMi eerr cold and eatanhf been seeking. It'sjaoti it t (PaM AA "V f5 j W -j &&, ,t; l&Lr'A? ...Jittf'iiLiiiVir. .t Al. 1ZA 1 ' ;L"--'"fJp; ' 'jy fHOLN '&&&&&&& a u-k t?:.. .t.'-t .v turnisneaKKrooi . siOUiiekoeDfiiffr sii7iiv'i,t'v'i ' :i-irrr' . ..AvW,t' !. ViiomthervQiiMmMM cv-.aA'- 'xw. .?r?, a-. ti, sst; T "' i wZ7jj,0VisrvKis VJti 5-J--V S,1L..VNCP' U ,' ft g-2-f&iP ssivrxvfw .ywyi- .; z&EEn3ti&ZEE, -i'Ta-i-4-:;".' mmmmi ipKAY:DAV18;sU.CTJM0 mm &siig lk?Uif.-r,,fc l .av..-',ii&toi'"? -SSlH .''lifA iyvt,SHW ;s??fc, A , 'jf2v . - aVvavisrFeisssSBVa' .vie -nsspt p. ae Rwirtwrt'i cpfi ;at-i:Mtl ift IA . "7r TJh-. -Wi 'rnaasaatSB ti in yiisti iiiiw aoo,vf aiJBJoaa , nbj bmt'aalttywr,edl ia5aJnJ9SS&n tewfflS,rlm1Li iswn M r ,-!. .bi SKSEr ! . .jm W".A is. Will jVifCg J hrar.iiB. nail y- V Jg?-51-, . 7- ajgaava .Etf . '-.-. AdmV, ,wl jostnoita ThatOrAfc. mmwmmmm:-- -.ri laMMaHJLl . -'. VAN RIPWjglH ' 1 '.''H.'t'tfaaUtf 5Haia i .,. y y Jr,-4gfn'j!.yr.iaak ' : .' s- '? . ' - 4 f J ' ANT.TIMaSiffil .ii . ' p.- .IC'.TRANaTpmilgiK " .--.yaw'gw'ahjgl. v r "rrfwr"!PB5Sr'. 5w..l, . W."E.:.'rtT!a.J-; -- .-. ,Ma-4-i , alao liam C4.L .Yonaaaf ' ?-!s '"' ' 2s " ' -L. I.J...L1.- ..'- '". v . - --BBr " M Wil, ? IRK-, -c ajnii k t, tofli GEORGE BIEHR Ariot -."'.' ' -i;'J 4.. ,'j '..'.'.. ; jmiift.1" it1 if1,i . . , ,. ., .- , .i., T. --. ,- it- H b,,yi'r!tiir j 'ISV-V- lwflc"Mfe:' .- - 'i V"i:MIMBEWmiaOIMM '&& g jjK a sisali ' ' ' ' a-k. KTW'-AfikJIfcrfl -J-. ..-. ' .j -f-aifWSa-Tfesirr "4fl iiddfiCJ H1 V NQ.dJUXU .gJB-l., -.ia "-flaaMt 1 Hk ' it - i w. " ai r ,' i nmvp aai aaaBB . w. w . lV H ', .K-. i-j kaa . A Aak.nM.-.-Hr fw tscr . M '. 'i'if If V ' . r -4 .-" :s --'tilsl 1 Unfit , h ,i(Jfi ri ,f- a1' 'U -i--.it'!' ,;,' - &4V f '' '-w-..-- sffiyAtek -kw t-svMfmiaiiat j liiMiM