lpt-,' J. rs-f fcj.iVi." ? ' nt -IV Mi OAIUKUAV, AVRii, - &-, TH1 EVKNlNOvMlJtALD, KLAMATH FALL! OREGON v r-.fv I tip mrTiT .'riinTTn IT" - MM fttta, at 111 Fearth Mml ;;Hyt-itiigiit in 'fi? r ' ' 'l,,i-'.lM'H:-'OlMUWt- , iMvy' ii '.. . i ' i in i i iKi.y ft&e --- 1 , -a'nii - &;- ;v:.bbbbbbbbbbbv .. y-v mn Wfj ,' ujuun FALLS . - " - - . MSUWWCTION OP HOPS '.v'i'-' -.V $. lli ;flfW I s v.: $&, 3j 5fiSJ 'WW "TvSi .. . - -1. RENT r :.. V". $m a.v.w fe2 tfimeMni: Mlf . aMil MMUMg MlKS'Aft afcgatafaTBBfa 1 4M" tataa Ii fat t yeaf ehatee.;. t, mrto ".- ''NlOHuT'raKNttKBD'iUMl heated $ffieaaitf aVtfc. inkdnuy' ie.t. Mwrwmwi mwi panvra-i pASViiR SUNDAY it a ky of the frotest importance ffl mm - unnaiMmty, tor upon tne nonous resurrection trom tnc tArith liv'tlw fMtl KasiriiMwhn aravo ItU life far tlir rrHm. (ir h of Mankind is lad the belief of every Christian. Had this resurrection not occurea as iwopnesied, the teachings oi jeaut anri his disciples would have all keen in vain, but filled with the Holy, Soirit.- follewin: this indictable manifestation of the Matt'God; the humble; followers of 'thet Savior have spread the Gospel He expounded until it has devout followers in every portion of the world. ? , ?V 1 he gospel of Jesus was one of mercy, of foregiveness, of love for God, and for fellow men. And today; nations representing the -highest type of civilization, apparently forgetting the princi ples of the faith that has brought them gradually, up to their present standards of perfection, are engaged with insane frenzy' tkiBliHi && !- & ! It- a'an1 a .. aaa..at.u ' ill wicukiii t ciiKcauic vj nit .iiiu u) anuiu ujjuii uiic aiiuiucr. Mercy, love for fellow men these are all cast aside now. Only .tu intense hatred, .a desire to kill endures making a mock- cry of Christianity. But 'Easter recalls to our minds, horrified by the stories of bloodshed, that erring through the human race has been since the days of Eden, it has never turned entirely from God, and that the love of the Creator for we poor mortals has been so in tense that He allowed His Divine Son to become man to save ui and die, for us. Easter marks the resurrection from the tomb by the Savior. It instills in the hearts of all Christians the hope of redemption. This year, it should also give us confidence t liar our civilization will arise glorified from' the death struggles in which the, nations are plunged; glorified in-the possible ces sation of all war, and in the determinationto work, for -the ad- iVnncement ofall of 'mankind, not for political divisions and fac tions quarreling and bickering over, the locations of imaginary lines urawn ny men on uoa s green eartn. t- "T".' i it i r WEEKLY SERMON "Tki Rmn S$plckn" tm . i Mt do not know. It In n P flUMtloa Alt wo know '! tho fuel. thy ar t.M Th nibla U nilitd with It. The problem ot the Itible I lo rtllve It to rcllovo It In every mnn p euro It. "Our frlnd l.niaruti ulcepeth. Me tit rteen from the. dead Matt 11:7, " Notie'cai rlie without he be dead. Thor cabe o Raeter without a a tosh. There caa i Iia tan mnMiln with . but a night. Thoro ht ' '" k M Z !l. ao halvntlon IP." " Jcu. to h ta dl.o IdIm. eept thero be .In. Then the word aw. '?? "lie Ih rlien trom dlclilen, Urd. If ho hIood. Iip iihnll the dead." w the (do well." Then said Jeaua unto thew Scripture.. Tl I'IV. "Unm dead, and I am the Qoapol. All hMRM ' "nkJ'H ,hnt ' ,"". bcon focuilnK upou'thro. to tho Intent o may beleve. it. All th mliory. wn .'".'"""i. .--, taffij SM GET AFTER THESE DOLLARS ;Uji;liajid. 'W......,. '--- . JKrzwr? -""". WaMeMdc ltft laPs3?jssr FOR SALE MMMIMIM LAMATH FALLS should get all the trade in its trade area We don't worrv about Medford's business. We have ! enough to do to take care of our own. &::wsm ICaT-Cl .- -- . A.. .... .. - - - - ?4iuAtaiitaii .ii t-.1 Bu'Oye -should get all of our own, $CeiiavtMBeeaaHaHlcii.sLt How about these dollars that are getting away from us? ).Uout the dollars that are slipping our fingers? 'WtMf How .."'"rwCT"r"0, Ve h.nve-thc poocJs. We have the Values. Our onces are 36:-A-rii'T2LJi'-' j-.. i .. t -- a -- - - -- - $ JBI5 weet e( Werdea, tSacres la ni-Mttai. '"liriioii-M k mttlnt ?f e: to e4.eaeeth Ud; reet la Urn- IrjeiryNieaiHlMeaMedwell. bara i.:a4. :etber ewtU4Iai; II 'aerea J . , . V - - "VSSrJjliV. .'."! ?ia Inrit'treee; QtP.WfceeIer,''.Wer' SSW".J. tight. And yet there is a lot of money slipping away from us constantly, ' , 'Some merchants are content to send the newspaper clippings containing little tirades against the. mail order, houses. And that's as far as they seem to want to go. TJhey don't consider f hat "tnW micht interest the people in THEIR stores, if they ,-lt I just, adopted the method that is causing the money to flow into I the coffers of .the mail order houses advertising. Alan oruer nouses are goou aaveriisers. na iney arc aiso J fcfl i-'xtwTf .jji' ESSffirS ti iv: ! iiiaking money as a result. Why not spend a little money in edit casing the people into the advantage of buying at home? WaefMidl creeerr. Cf. M. Heat. ?1 vi- t .'y'Wvfi, . TMK LORD'S 8UFPKR a'HriakManreutaaiAT rADne .-S-'.''5lr.-,'f',"wCT, """ VJf' 'ij? -VZf.uZ. J'- 3BK tCiTrAiiDLCOUNTy COMPANY .ftal. kV' SMV' ', mia ' i'' '.ettv ! waratooK UNDERTAKER ?. sw &?' EMBALM ER -; -r BMtv Coranir ? asVKfef' ..fj!& " Now I pray you brethren that you remeatber e 1 ail thiasa am keep the erdlmaacea aa J delivered theai to you. I. Cor., 11:1. ' To Be Kert aa a Heaet. , Jeaaa .Uughf by. exaaiple'aad werd.jeqnlaox the sua carnages troat Wood! Wood! vm 11.7 few fv f"tj ejaajile loai.vi'.,, i .td.0 VAkute4y dry'alaee ; . .-, , .fi.ii Vcih'hui)-,-'-- Uji.'.'1'". VJ . ' . , f AtiB-iaea ;; . uat ; 4Tfoet fftedy aid. Uaih JB? ' Weed Wood Oeal' I AetA --- ' - .A.aJb.lW.A M.uaA wMjiittfldaii'.,; ' 5SWIIWt. f I WV If ,'!"' 1f 3v-"'W P.CCAJIL30N - t - - aad'Jef t it opea to be fulfilled in the kingdom otOod. He greatly desired to keep It by eating It with tt.es be fore he,Cered. Lake, lid chapter. ' Paul taught that Chrtet oar Paaa prer Is aacrlficed for oa aa the rea son. Tkerefore let ua keep the Feast I. Cor.. 5-7-8. Some claba eloaeaeaa la baptiam; otkera clalai cloeeaata la the eceamuaioa. But Paul places It in the Lord' Sapper. la I. Cor. 6-11, he aaya: It aay ataavthat la walled a brother be a fornicator, or coretoua, or aa Idolater, or a railor, or a drank- ard,,or.aa extortioner, with such a one aaow not to eat. ror waai aave I to Jadge taeai alao that are. without?, .Da act ye Judge theat that are within T IhHW ;tKi tit ' n ,0 - Civ V'AtetS't5tt- Horaee .bought. aad sold. Har- w'.,-t "' ' ' HMM'Aaa hummUm fAr Ml AaaJ flW"i . WWW VP MVWf ".h';-. : ".'.. r"3 i -i . J p hay aad grain fer sale. . '4' aaMMHa .iffc''-WLi' '!. .-. ' " -- . Mafj!' ftiJ,???" , ??Wt;jarf. -. . -" -r '-. !" PCJRft"Rffa?;i?! a t -BaWanaaBmsBaW 'i A. 1 a Q3BNijlamJfcnr. w . J1 IT Paul at administrator and the hers' are to decide who under una scripture are worthy to keep, by re peating tne yearly use' of this aug- alflceat sign aad Joyous pledge and proaiise of the Brldegrooai's Sapper. The Bride' the Lamb's wife, stakes herself ready by being clothed with tha righteousaees of the aaiata. . Thia iaetaaes allthe ordlaaaeea that saake vA awSsf saaa'SaaBapaBl the natty of the brotherhood la Christ which aseaas all the aaved who lore aa Jeaaa knred, who came aot to de etroy the Word Lair, but by the New; Caaiiaiaadaiiat Lair of Lore,-to make tfmnmtnmormUM. ' v Than the BIble-aeesurad aaiata are to. fallli Bah. l-l-lt, Col. 1-11 aad l-lf,'PhlHlpiaaa,M-l-ll. Sphesl aas 1-17. Aad present k to Hiauelf a glori ous ehareh aot aariag apet or wrtekle or aay sack thing, hat that it should be holy aad without bleaiah, The Christians of Aste kept this supper oa the 14th day of the first spriag ateath at erea. Olriac Peter aadjJoha aid taa'aaiple of Christ Maatherttyforse4etag. Z(M Smith's WhWDiHleBary. Art. Paaterer.) 'i Thle shows that as the 14th day of raage aad chaage of aear a moath to accommodate It to the Oeastre ot the vaermaa goddess of spring generative prladpte. ' Than we ahow the eatenablenees of the settlag, by which la destroyed tke eharaetar of the feast la the thai !iaiwaejwPMMnM:l 4weii ii i . ''ii, ' T ' i '," 1 tlavliefaid- dsmaWd --'at MX' I 'ttfiMaW "s $$&$$&' ) Eaasa 1wpw w i . . BWftuB ti . ,-'.) n !. - . .WM ' ' I the awath ehaafles Ue day of the irftrti7,-7i ao ao oae of the dar af ;ta week eaa hare the beaor ef the Lord's Sapaer ts'aaTaa'raan. Tfca Kiag James rer- elea af the Cagllfw Wbie, by aaeptiag the Oreteriaa i(Nml)'Mia af this Saaaer, plaaia ltr aaga-ifif K Matter MsMr WKkVa dark side of the year to the bright elde on its passover. As onr Pass over Jesus took the Egyptian aad dark side of Cethsemeae and Calvary. That we might have the bright aide of eternal life aa out part of the equinox of the awful Passover In him on the sunny side of time and eternity forced from. thev dominion of sia aad death and satan. "What! Have ye not houses to eat aad drink In? Or despise ye the Chorea ot God? And shame them that have not. Shall I praise you la this? I praise yoa aot There mast have been aa orderly observance of thle aolematty by a portion of the Cor Inthlans to have merited the praise Paul bestowed upon them la I. Cor., 11-1. at the head of this article. We read la the Acts that deacons were appointed to serve tables. Acts, 6th chapter. Abuse By the other portloa when they come together la oae place they disregarded the Lord's Supper. They changed It, into a, drunken picnic. "Bveryoae la eating Uketh before other hla.owa supper aad oae Is bub- gry, aad another Is draakea." Verse 1. Thia shows they disregarded jthe work of the deacons to collate aad ar range what was provided aad aeeded this .they kept to their owa heads. That there was enough oa haad to make bm draakls amp shown In this passage. Thas they shamed the chat Hr character of thle supper givea at the first Passover as well as at the. erneilxloa, which waa for all. The years sinee the eatlag la Luke, ltd chapter, has farther perverted the para trait ot the viaa-lato the fer latoxicatiag jabetltato also Terse II. The CommuBloa is a sip of the trait .of the viae aad a bite of bread eMWTBWM TIm Passover .Sapper was aot eaten before dtaaer. And the amount eaten wag aseanred by the Greek word dlepaoa," meaalng a satisfying meat, fan ateal. Tha Lard's Sapbar recog- alaes all Chrmtlaaa ag a; family at Ood, far they aM are'levrted to tha Brilegrosm's Sapaar. 'Part1 of thesa have erossed tha Klreref Deaah aa4 aart era erosslag all tho suffering, all the death upon the cross have been to bring It about i la any driven with storms, the rising fro mthe dead is' for him. In and buffeted, Is anyj drlccn back, la any downcast, la any broken In body or spirit, is any per- necuted, Is anr" in woe. Is any facing death, la any losing power, Is any blind to that he csnnot tee Cod, Is any deaf so that he hears not the sun small voice, la any utterly lonely, It any amid the wreck of lost fortune. It any bereft of friendship, la any pollut ed within, la any at war within him- tuilK. in snv uttsrlr defeated the ,'reeurrecUon la for him; but If he to hlmT l.lfe rond hat been, rouali know none of these thln he needs mid our feet are limited. Our Men no Easter, and he hat none. Ho who falter many time. Our very vlxloii I wlll'not endeavor ran have no re-'dlnimed. Out to Kntmnus walkcd.the auka. He who will not strive can disciple. ly tlielr tide wnlked the have no victory. If he battle with nv Christ. The women enme to the clear head, a clean heart and a conn-'nepMlchre to anoint a dead man. They dent trutt, to much more Is he apt to found an angei, wno taia, ue.it nten i v4nr tint riii nnri bnttln from the dead." They turned and he mutt. 80 we have a broken temb: , Je.iut hlmaelt said. "All hall." U .n wA hum n pr rfi. 'cournced. helutetH. defeated mi", to You aay, then, sin and death aroiyou lie cries thia Katter day. "All necessaryT No, I do not tay that Weil.all." Worship him. returreetlon mid for hit own. ua wn heralding the greatest of victor ies. He wa ushering In an Katter dnr. He was typifying salvation A tomb It a dreadful thing, but an entombed heart It more dreadful. Jetut wn a heral ot regeneration. Mnroovnr. he wtt Itt meant of ac complishment. "In him wat life, and tho life waa the light of men." Oh deenly discouraged man, Oh soul of the battle of life. Thou who knowwtt defeat and tho power of tin. Is this Jotut a Savior or I he not? Does he have power above the power of men to hftlnt It he the door? It the crost lifted up? Will It dra'w all men to Itself? Will he draw all men .B' arm i -m . Kememoer 4 WESTERN I'liette 1ST. 187 Trati TRANSFER coi v : T ,? r-w '" aad abai I SaBaasBBBBBi INSPECTION OF HORSES ; For the French Artillery Will B HwW the Adams Ranch. April 6 and ? 'OmiiI' I" ,n nw howet r Mwrwi. . Minle, old oar 4 light gray Mtel. Maat b frim I A to ll liniul, ulih KW, uelulilng from lllM'to 1800, and fwmi .1 to li year old. l.unrh ml feed for horam will Im furHltlHHl tw, k .& till! Itlt . ...... h Aerast hbxiu Ttiu lie, rll ) gh)g aplafiO .M.I. PAHHIXtl IN'MPKCTIOV SI 25 J. FRANK ADAMS the Bridegroom's Supper, to which sll hie virgins are Invited. Then we are told In Revelation, 19-17, there la also, a Supper of the Qreat Ood that ance of a representative at tho Klam ath booth at tho exposition. WITH THESE Herman torpedoea takes all who are not willing to be of hitting the vessels. It might be ttated the' company of the Bride, the Lamb' wife. From and by a fair exegetl of the passage ot Scriptures brought to view webellevo that we have made It plain to any mind of ordinary capacity that all Christiana ahonld keep by repeat ing the yearly ase of' this gloriously magnificent 4th ordinance of visibil ity of the House of God. For Peter says that judgment must first begin at the House of Ood. The Angel ot Revelation says fear Ood and give glory to him for the hour of hla Jndgmeat Is come. Tours In search for Bible truth, LARKD7 STDCKER. tint British shipping is going all to ploees In the war tono. YOII COULDN'T find n better time to build that house than right now, when lumber I dirt cheap. Scattered Shots e MANY IS THE parent who will be caught "red handed)' In the morning. Some alio bluo handed, while others various other shades. OFFICIALS REFUSE to confirm the report that Austria I negotiating for separate peace. Rut this needn't stop we peaceful soul from hoping that auch Is ttfe case, and that this may cause the end of tho war to come a llttlo. sooner. BEET SUGAR factories, picking plants, creameries and cheese factor les those are tho enterprises that will benefit alt of Klamath county. AT LEAST giro us credit .for being merciful enough not to -pull any wheeze about the Eatlor bonnet. Borne wonderful new suit for boys nt K. K. K. Store. THERE J8 ONE aure thing. That la that bard boiled eggs won't be placed on any table either Monday or Tuesday. MOST EVERY boy of ten or twelve it a confirmed woman-hater. But they change completely In the next three years. YOU CAN HELP materially In the development of the Klamath country by sending In your contribution to the fund being raised for the raainton- .i CRANITE 0. P. (1UIZZLE M 6 N V M E- S T H MARBLE Klamath Falls asaatad ti SJwa by Tha Lard's Maaar is aba araattas af Wm. C. Hum Hardware Company WHEN YOU WANT A PLACE TO OEAL AT; STOCK TO PICK FROM t " SRK US RELIABLE A LARUK ' Telephone0ll3r' 5th and Main i ' t,.M fiMMHHMHH-f- fihSsXH m UaaaaaffataaaBfimaf taffaffaVgmarffaaffaffaffaffaffaVafftaaaStBtanaaB BBBBWBBBegBBBBBBBBBBB& BBClmBBBBBBBBBBi fi fij aar.Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 3 TAKi: HOME ONE OP OUIt t LbWbbbbbbbbbbH!' 9 EssbbbbbbbbbV est CMBJi 1 Potted Easter Hi 1 Lilies WBm Bfimj i I- gBBBaBSSSagasVBj y Jes IB i I Cut Flowers I sbbbI aBBSBsf, 3E1 . , '' ImaCS l bbbP! a CALM UL1KH, KOMKK, VIULLT8, CAUN.tTKl.VS B ; 9 llAFFODHJi AMI HWKKT I'KAS B i; tliokti Plover Het'dt l J S "I I Weatern Floral Co. 1 MUM. L. V. MOOHK I'HOXK JM?, J ei.aiiraji mm ! "yjj 1 a is -.i-t tf, ? t ?"rawH . THE OFTENER YOU VISIT t gBBBBHtWaaTaHl f J. Cat- tBBBBBVtngafcdSaBall atMMf AmW m4 0 I Ml S SaammW ZZ I ILgBBBUHm BmBBBBUH OUIt ItKCKIVINIl TEI.LW WINDOW THE SIMIKIt TfiU. WILL HE OK SUCCESS AM PROSI'KIUTY. TIIBMANiria. HAVEff tyllENKVKB HE vC, AND 1MJT8 HIS SAVINGS H.afJ, IH RUIIE TO SUCCEED. 8AVn MKA.VR BI't'CBSSraTAiJ t- SAVINO TODAY. FIRSTSTATE and SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON You'll get a GOOD TURNOUT from the BLUE FRONT STABLES Phone iwaw, t Klamath aear fitfa ALL DOMESTIC ANIMALS TREATED' " DR. PRENTICE vkti;rin,rv muiwkon NOW, WHEN YOl FIRST FIND TUB TROUBLE, IS THE TIME TO Have It Fixe . K. Howie HOWIE OARAdE "Seethe Vulcanizing Man" a. r P H. AlBBlfiVjl iSfbtNtln'J YOUR DOCTORS ORDER W Iqp t !i - !J -'-- 'i:4 aaBaaaaaaaaaaa' i Hi QjialitL Doc t or Denijii Ulndiof good they Want. poctora Wiy rilr good hf; heral'.--) thoy can And hre', They alio semi lliolr palleiilii to fiJ; rriima llil 11.I1..1. . a-.i .... ...., ,.lu llm ilnCtOrl Tl "ZT """ 1-nnBlllB VUII nnU ,1110 KII1U OI filiim" " g, Uiemto-hay. , ' $) rt..t:..a i . .., -..- . " it ... 11.... iFA wur-rui in Duyjng ruBtter good J toJitiy tut ni ,,,i, ,""f fdr.atreagtn, finish -aad wearina auallirrand, therefor"'. W. tjiil Jtlnd" that the doctor, and bvewme "who know ood rrtW , 1 '.''-(.., aonJ deataaaa., ' '.. i .-.!!. z 1 ;.".. ' m UNDRRwnnn)(iRHARMAC r', '."ti',' t wsf'M "';.. Miuttat turner atata aM.itrsthv'""- i t Kt, i KLAMATH vnni &LjlW&.j ,W .: n OR! jf. nwtww' , . w.t-- , . if , -JAit".. L - ... iim ir i ' I': H L-A Tf- frH , ' t.- &, w Ttfra . . r-- 0ij iViJ "t ;v r .. fer : '3pfegSSr-i f V.. '.. " BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUariaBBBHfihaEEki-u ' T '"" " " ' ' 1 " 14 t ar - t , . j 1 , j ,v