- ' SeKm 4 ;-jjf p(, 11 j JtV". " r k ' ! ' "' " ' -" r " Vpt,-;v-;At;lfwn-'',;. .. ; .L uJUHiJBJ ' ' i -' . "".. r-Wi,rt."y.vVV,V.Vv'J. .41 .2, 7u.UUHal L" t". : KLAMATH FALIJ' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER T , - f . ,-rj-rrrf ?rwss.taKrs!T!w!K: j - M : fhW i" i", -''", LOSS i it 8' " t V r "-ii 4BBjgn' aajf g ,.H LIU? ? f i -wuvs2' ti?ti ", 1 ' H " ? rag. W ,, gy-a- .h -Aft'. ,! 4 ... - , ,. . g'foa' OF FISHING KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, sXtURDA, APML3T, 1? SMACKS & I' fl?' rr ,i .V CAUSES A STIR IN ENGLAND New Admirals of American Navy Paper Demand the Hanging of German Naval Heads. Eitel Friederich Is Reported to Have Escaped I'liiuil I'imh Krrvlce LO.MHKV, April . "Hang ClniHit Admiral von Tlrplls and every oili tt'tierawH nflhwr wlm I Ir aar wy rtiHinllli for these luirhnroiw out- ai the doe of the war." TtiU miggratlon U ifimi In Oil Morning' Million of Hut Dally Citron- bit, HlinlUr iMWHMMH are nterie In aU of the other papera mm m result of "-ih tmpreredrntrd nrtlvlty of the Herman utibmai lne iliirinK ,llu, tmi few i w- ' There Is a freak) oMtbarat ot tadlnnntlon Knceplng mer England. ' TtiU romm Uierreealt of Ilia toriM'loliiK "f three ll-hlng ImmIm ni the Mill f the Tynr yesterday. Veaeele of thla cla-s were exempted trout ai laii during warfare r Internal hsaal agreement Ml the convention at The ! Mt III 1MI7. ( Other newspaper, la Ihrtr Mltor arraaKamrai of (iemwar tor Ibo U 4ntrtlu of llicac noiM'omtMUnU, al('K llwl (Irnoiiny U ivveiilaK 10 hnr. htftom. llnlKd I'rewi Hervlca UMHX, April H-l'rWMi ilinpalcliiN lxlur ntnl.U Dial IIm IIHiUIi .imiiitr IK'kMdml naa &nroyn by (otjhnIo lam night. Mi-mlxTa of Hie rmv, who ,vr-racal, aay they Mr nlwn no ivnrnlnK of any kiwi by the nitm-kln Mibmarlae. - Tlie Uckwoed waa of 1,100 Iiwh raMlly. t.'iilktl I'rwa Servlca V.HIIIX1TX, I. C, April H. It Im rutnoixsl lur thai Uh (icrnuiu autlllbtry rrulner lria Kltel Prllerll eM-aawl laat hIkIu from .Nnrnnrt X. uIhtu Mt- haa hern mlrilate reiwlrr, anil wm alM.ut to Iw In leritwt, Tlic VIi-kIiiIm roaH h bpbut a.wii by a wild atomi ttial liaa ik-atroyed all (Wi'i'lMmc and tHrajraph coaiiaal. allow. Tlicrefor.-, it U Imiiuwtlblo lo let ay coaflmiaUaa t lh ipait. , vsririnr- DtinMa of the navy aVpartmriit awya Im? doe not know if the flirt raiNt. Naval oflcera any the "torin prracntml an Ideal rlianm Mr 'aiaV to aea. It li underMood tlia't foar MUafc emiaera aro nwaltla off Hie Aroei aaatliorra to aUark anil ataktna KM Friederich, which haa been raiding art ihvtroyinc rnmnterrlal veaaela. l!nlii( 1'rnM Harvlc MlxnON, April . Wonl haa Jnt been recelreil dial the Atncilrai. taoir arrenbrier atrark a nUntt and waa auak in llio .North H-a, ) , afJSJK t an aaanaVnnt Vail ' HannB !BaHHBH k "- annnnflBBffviBHnnnnnnni nHEllV aannnnnnnnnnnnl itHnnnnnHnl BnnnnnnnnnPttanlaannnnnnnnnnnnnnf nnnnnnnnnnnwfarfeBnraaannnnnnnnnnnnnnr T LHaVanHSai X '.BLnnnnnnnnnnnnHaanl annnnnnnnnHllfl BBnnBB'aSBj GIANT STEAMSHIB ? Ac. " LINE BANKRUPTED '.?' -A,:i'jy IHROUGHTHEWAR .fe t'M'M HAM IIKCO.MKH THK Cl't "rowiA.S;" 'inlliM-Hvi'i Willi (In- l.lni' 'iR'Vttru-lkiTNlilii.'iinil TIiiin I'ndir Control of I lie In I ml Hlntt'H, .IIIioiikIi'iiiiI by, Cireat HrllAlii. HIiikliiKtof (tne jf the l.ln- eiw by :. . . '-4. ," -' ri:7??r:!v'vRal aM ! ' f MMsMmmmm r'ngw.a fitannnl J- gfanW-aa .aM daW' annnl- ' annV aannW M, tannnl "b.' --. .tl' '' -,. .,-m.- -M- . - - Wf, .irlaWffairf T'rlMTr aa -ant. amaVaVI' '. official NEwVAWWvvra anadP'daBBV dnV VaF'aW'aanmaa . n ,,,.-,. -f.Cs'iJj3J"?'r''-r-J!?5i r .B ja "nrar- rar - -arr- -anF- ? c -v, j'i ., m fj , rv,- -. , -,, ! tV -'''-- I - a.aa---aia.a-a.naannaBannnnnaannnnrWBBnBgaF " tm r.,, ..,......, -.iTT-rrrT"-1 i "- . . r"1 r .-, v.1:,,1 :,r)V'"'TTi-"iilrii warff ltt i MILLION ': JliMl m , ItL tLHU niLLO I. k I . I?lr,IlT TA nriTII I - i ! riuni lu ucffin llannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnV 5 ' ' KannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnV ? aa-aa'-Manaantanni 1 1 maaa KilPd.lPd.lPd.lPd.lPd.lPd.lPd.lPd.lPd.lPd.lPalPA f -wV .. UttiannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnV 201 ' . ..' T' " ' 7: ararararararararararararararararararaarrBrararararararararararararararaa m - i. ... , ji.--ji v MnnnnnnnnnnnnntnnnnnnnnnnVa J alannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBnnnlii WannnrdliaBnnnnnw'a ,lnnEEBH K-naaaaWaBPanaalj W: anKB annnnni fB'l annnnni anWf H'l H VlnnSP 'nnnnnnna Ltd an Attack on Americans (rman Torirtli,Vulil St t'itnw- n MoNi'WIrrd romplleatiiin. J li J. Jtioi ,l'iilliil I'rcuM, Htrvlr NKW YORK. AfiHI S. A petldon fcr rwelvcnlil for, llio International' ' M 'icniilllR fttrlnprfomnnnr Via fl1id II U ninrnliiK by tlio N'cw York' Trust rcmpiiny. Thin li( ono of the f)lKKCl xtcamAhlp linen In tfie world. The twtltlou atlce that the eom-. ).-niy dofntiltcd ,2,3pn,ooo interest on . May Mean Pate of Hiingary mm S'2fw Josef Reported to Offer VAfflV r-r- SB rf i '-!. ' rs? weWi"-aV amn-w r" sa .f . t, "-'?iL?in,v-('-'tt . "f 4t h i,43J .ilC l to r-'-?' S8yTr,Kl tot reace '-iv? w. . .??' o rfjfiU 3Si 3ffiP"'1 am. in, aaa-a-a-aaanw-nnnn'-a-a-aa Tl l V -f - iAi45t'l'il'iri - - - - S "'A --?A 5?t - "&jxmm$m&;&'M Apms-A i&zm&:mw J "-TB-ffJJ m Rumored Bout Is Fixed This bases Btttinf tat Faror WiUwd Over Black vt,t .: Wlllard . S0 poundi .... ,'-. . 6 foot 6 Inchaa . . . , ' H'A Inchiw ,.t ...... 7 Inchon ,,.. 83H Incuea ....... nw inchPH .'. 1 luchea .,.,;... 15 Incliw .,,..,. Si Inchen S7 Incliea , 30 Inchea , 17 Inchon . 10 Inchen . it yearn . . ! ,,f. '.-,. weight ..,. . . .(. .. .height ,1.,. cheat (MfBal) Johmon 210 poundi cheat aspaadad tikftin ,. nao'k ... ,,'.'-..;., ''4kiiiu I . . w.wvw . . i .0? '. . k '" ... I . I ,.'..,( A) ' foraarm ... , . wrltt walit . thigh . call . , ankle ... C i,a ' ' it'. v !,'.: ' I feat Inch . iSV4 .inches ; A. 4 7 Inches -,".r,7,;lacbea . .. 1 7' Inchea . , . 15 Inchea ., 1 3 V4 Inches ... . ,8 Inchen . .... 85 inches . 22 M Inches . , . JSJnchee ,-..ii Inches , . . , 38 years , A. .- n...r.. j-....r- Ikru uro tho new aUmlraln of the Amcrlciin uuvy, who. will hold the lllluti iim.'d 011 hovcral o(cuhIoui) In (he punt by grcut coinuiaiKlert). For years tlio title linn beou in dl8U0aithough Admiral Dowvy was given the title after tho buttlo of Manila. Tho high est tltln In tho American navy has been roar admiral. Now the. higher tlcftlKiiHtlou In ruvlvcd for the benefit of men who liavu earned It. 1 Alter me act 01 congresn proviaeu J for thu creatiou of tho adnilruls, the iirclili'nt and secretary of the navy select oil, uh it wan expected they would. Hear Admirals Prank F. , Fletcher, commander of the Atlantic illect; Thomas I), Uoward, commander 'of the I'ltclflQ llcot, and Walter C. ICowlcH, commander of the Asiatic I fleet. Tho only' ufllcors who have hereto fore held tho rank of admiral or vice admiral were: David O. Farngut, ap pointed vice admiral December 21, 1804 and admiral July 2C, .1806; David I), i'ortcr. appointed vlco ad miral July 85, 1866, and admiral Aug- nut 15, 1870; Stephen C. Rowan,, ap pointed vlco admiral August 15. 1870, and Oeorgo, Dewey, appointed admiral March 3, 1880. j heads after watching Johnson worH, as though they believed there was HometlilnK wrong. Tho snap wasn't there. Tho big black didn't gUdo around with tho speed that he once showed. And tils work agnlnstlils boxing partners waa very poor. Wlllard, ia no. match for Johnson on (straight ability, Even, tile white man's ' I KXTIUa MenaailoMl aanrt.ln hcttlnk'late today changed the odda. In favor of WIHard, ai to tw- Thlaollowd a wild rumor that- It la agreed 4lt Wlllard Is ta win. Thi.prwKra.dcnrllila-. -Tho rltjr la jMUMd Wttlt tlt faiia. Tlie aeat aalo In already at Sfioo.ooo. neferaeWelahaiTlred joday. U y; CI)' n United Preas, Stan Corre ct Hpoudeat) " HAVANA, April 8,-iIn a specially i'onsiructed arena, Inside the race bourse at Mlramsr. Jaaa Wlllard. for- h-nerly a Kansas' cowboy, on Monday tiS nlternoon will take upthe white The. young glant-t-be Ujt'tnou's burdoh oil over 1 pounds, will -, go agalnat Jat i ! n over fH taraid walgha T" s If Vi, hnson in . fortyrl round hattlei i; . 0J tho heavyweight: ciiaMplonihlpot o world, jj Not since Jamas J; JaCrlea, onoe tbo unbeataU.Bei aava.wea.con- :: quered by tbaalaek ;$ aalaar at ;t J'tmo, Nev.. iwM;aaW.ihaa thaaa haaa 7 '"'l' latea la iHKwMU;aa4na4M most ardent admirers admit that. .But his youth la being counted an to tri umph over Johnson's nge- -. ' It Is freely admitted that the ac tions of the referee will have a. great deal to do with tho outcome of the battle. No. matter In how poor shape ho Is, Johnson, If allowed to stall. and hold, ns he has In most of tits past, fights, may", stick tho forty-livo. rounds hm iut, ..vi,,..,i in inmnrrow'astrua-rwlth Wlllard, 1. Tho whlto man's gle. A Strongly rooted faith In tho mlndB'of u great many persons that this time tho big black lias met his. chance to beat tho negro lies In his lighting; at, long range if Johnson can keep clinching phd. hoMIng on In match Is tho chief cnuso of so much Ithe, cllnohes, Wlllnrdjs (chncea, jirll Interest, Ou ovory sldo one hears Vholdwlridlo accordingly. s ; J opinion oxprBHod that Wlllard stands , Wlllard possesses, ir nguiw do not tho best chance of boating Johnson thnu any of h,la opponents havo had. Johnson isn't the gmtfgktr that he was when hewreeted;the.itle.from lilttle Tommy Burns, nor own; when kf crushed the shell tkatnce-wf the mighty James J, Jetrlee, Hta gay Hw-wlBf parjies, Joy riding and the iike--;kaaitaped ItaaTect on him. Shrewdv'iralaere, man" who know when nghteraare In ' condlilon,; by looking at thaw, usually heolr. their llo, a slightly longer ronch thaj ho ntl.... l ..1.1 l.l kin tn near0 I,o,ri h'i""!," vtiR". , keep the neigro off at aria's length and, to.keepsaway froin i' Jobiuipn'j left" jab, always a factor In his, fights,. ,- Tho white man In all his past.gghU, haa been' slow to act. Ho haa beeu'J mostly ,a defenslyaflghter, allowing his opponent to.earry the flgkti'tolm. Critics , haveA quostlonod sorjously. whether tbeaaMtaetlcs win. prove er avail against bonds.- i Mehciited Rngfiih Bey Mehemed Raghlb lley, Turkish con-. ,nul at liriimlah, in the most .eastern theater of tho war, where Turks, and nno n' year. Loss of trade' ..,. . . tZJL .l fc... .k. I 111. I'lllllllHllV Ul I. Ill" lui lunu UV Lllf I late J. I'lerpont Morgan. Its volume n-lans aro struggling, led ah attack of business l estimated at $ 50,000.- on Americans at that place. He was rnn . ........ 1 nt the head of seventy Askarls who 4. t .. sacked the American mission, about a result or me .... 1snnn phi,.. hmA ,.,, Kuropean war Is the reaaon given for.' ,.. ', ., . . .. .L , v. ,... i. Tu 1 refuge.. The consul ordered three the receivership. Although the larg- ,,.,, Mi. ,. ',,-, .. -s. j'. -.. 1. priests and two deacons to leave the eat concern of It. tad - the world. m, t ) , 1,' ronnnnA9S nd mercilessly beaten. In,the:court he Interest on a r..2.000(000 bond,, of or,hodox ,, , . ibet was erected. An American mis Federal District Judge Hough gIol,nryiMl. . Aen . who Wasraiso sub named Philip Prankll novice president ,-,..,, to ...uu- mnd hIow, .u,.--,. of the company, as .receiver: r ,n 4. to Selmas two messengera The United States, by the receiver- V ask prompt-.assistance from the ship the. , today became; the custodian of.RussIaa.troope to save the lives ot the world's largest jfleet of liners. Aa (christians, whom, the mlsefon was not or; raiikltelrndegWBWet6-pTteet.",4-r.'-. -V-iJfe H reeotv agent i Though In receivership' here andi under United States charge, the liners. nre practically all owned by British! capital.. What- would happen If the; Gorman torpedoes would sink one of tho vessels Is a question-that puszles experts. ' . "! 4 OPEN BIDS ON TEMPLE MONDAY UNO ERWOOD IS OUT FOR BOARD ARCHITECT, IB Ht!RI?FROM PORT. LAND WORK ON THE ELKS " HOMK IS TO BE STARTED WITH WO DELAYS KTITIOX8 WARDWILL. DPPOSE COUN'. CII.MAN HAMILTON IIK1XO, CIRCULATED! C, A. HoughUlllng, the Portland , j . arehltertiwho drew, the plana and a.rr FOR CANDIDATE IX THE raWD ; ,,.,,4 the tpeciflcationa for4the 150.- 000 home to be built by Klamath Falls Lodge No. 1247, Benevolent and Protective Order ot Elks.icajne in test night to supervise the; construction of the building. . ,, The. latest hat to bo shied into the?' Monday morning at 10 o'clock the. local, political ring Is the skypiece of jhlds for the construction of thab'ulld Clarence H. Underwood; Petitions , ing will be opened. The succeesfHl nre being circulated tor his nomlnt- .contractor will begin cconstructlon.Ibf tlon as councilman' from, the Third! the building aa quickly as possible. Ward. ' Underwood served'ttwo terms on j Study to Music Strains ' :.'i the council, and did eclent work tor jUUe(1 rW8 service the city during that 'time, He Is op-j CINCINNATI. April 3. Cincinnati posing Councilman John H. Hamll-1 rjnlverstty has gone "music with your ton, who Is also a; two-term, man, and p councilman whose record Is envi able. With either Hamilton or Un derwood in tho council, Third Ward era will he well, represented. nt ' " MERRILUPW IS n XV COMING u- J. EDITOR " ANNOUNCES TMAT MOVE , i. y ""i " - - f , WILL RK MADE TION IS SKJUHEDw.W KLAMATH CIHJNTY RBCORD ' .,?.r.v--j.!- newspaper. . The Mrtll'Record. this weoknnouacee that; RtwIM he. moved to 4Cinmat1(;Falji"iaVao'"aa a loca- tloa is aecuied.inndaeneeUdated with the;rtKlaaak;;fi'i.wlll laeae meals" one better. In its sanctum salctorium of fe'mtntnltyi the girls room,, n ne wtheory of education labelled the psychology- ot'rythm is in evidente, Tne gist of the theorria that music, "sympathetically attuned" to the subject tha'tehe'studentlstryi Ing' to learn, greatly aids thememor Islng ot facts. For Instance; the' girls yt'J - , -1 study French to the" strains of 'the 5llTllPlMnroll1nlBfi." ' ', " RHIy Sunday Open Patterson '.Revival United Press Service PATTKRSON, N. J., Apprll 8, Billy Sunday and hlasoul-stivlng brig. wm .WHEN LOCA-. ade arrived bore today to open a re? '?., V' iv.i nf utomI "wMkatomorrbw. He UA f. has been reetlug at his home at rino- na?Lae, 1ld,.fc,lnpa his' recent" cam MUtt? V Pbltae'elp'ble. vHe will- re-f .JMJ,8ir-,lg;waek.,; , A ' . ?i f 'f-1 Jiff jlS. y?$ .Femaie laundry, workers In Kaw crty;aarn;frgnyr4:to tg,,g.l Eugene has. 187,08" pledgad'tor laee factory, aaa-..-MwajBeweiiaa-, i.2-. I'liln.-d' 1'ieta SarViee '" ' 1'KTIIOCnAD. mt lfclB Bfc AflBgB Ahb4LfhA& g1 JfctI AhBri tm f fftm. - A ,mB m T waaaaaaga nsvungMaBas.arnraxfvn Mm nnimmvrvu:iMimxswnm.ummMwmmm-r samnmrai Krunv.cromth.t'.dtatriel, ' lrii, ilih Htmagle. This Is along n twenty,ile frua extendiW'.rf.TsaaSi l3k ' u.ii:';f.i,lBL:ji "' k-IS'.rf-ai'Ssli ,...rS toftTKAt&K7"SBill cwri?Bmmmmmmz ff& Ichloratb the River Aliicli. depend Hpon thia battle' eadina-.' If the t-iWuL-it nieaaui the: invaaloai, of MnngSiry; TUli.'keci AuNttta'a condRioav may mean thciirnleBC'M(irpeaC ............ . .. -" -- - - B?JVJ'tSVTi(3.if iiuii win rau uac war. f- .vvss-t c 'M. -iH'Trj ,W,.Ari,.Ttt tr.l.lJr .r7J iA ,Sjnn . . . 7 - arasaBE5RS.SK The Rnaaian war oce doea not ahare "traeestthnaiailtSsaitsf KnHin-Hi uirr urn rquni innn lac mhuiiu m. uiKMinBnjBBi: . . . .. . : .: t...i .l.i.Hl.Ui.K.J. Mcteiiii graii ticiurmt uare uctm hub, uw inef, jfwwnrm,j s assfM c& .r.i.. .TTSiW SatC-A -!.Vjili amgkaT m &J'V-V- , ""fc.-.i s1, .- ?-t. ft vtii: i'tr-.. J-iJi4r."T.LJf?. n. ... - in. ' ai i 'aaZil P " i 'rialT,nrJ "1 :m7jmZZlirJLtZ;lJLr'ZX?r: r.&itcns cgMunaie iimi- n wui rrqtuiva piuhui. h. aHfSvtAHABUV-aamcnaa avvvju,1 i 'v w I'xolr I'aaa. through which tlie Blanw must to &Zi r. .1 ,.i n...-i. - - .-., &i"U:".JiU talnii Into Hyiinnr Tlu ml laSf I T ti i i'liiuil liii!"f!'i I ! 'fiii ! W ' I I'oUad, preventing the reinforcement ot the Anatriajw ln'Cai'tiSrfMV -"T sw r t.tilted Presa Sarvlca i LONDON, AprU a Peanite denials' from;,; 1 XmLmf&tfMi: Bana4aiv;,inaBBevjat'J:aS'-''? Rome, "Rnaekr Slovo." pnbMstied at Petrena-ad.- todny; vltM:wmm te'aeeUnaepaMteer . f SESSSSSMB .. i' r jh i. ir 1.1 s. . f. .!!... ''.-rtr..V( '"ntw UH":' i.. ?S ssssel l; ! meat that Aaatrla The Dauer todav atatea that Emeir riMnarJaariaBaanan--w an flaai 1 i . .- -. " . : .- -. . v., 1j - ... v.,.rt .sts.-vT. A-i.sc.. . .'j 3f inanyUiNMPB.BemlrtytojohAwtrJa; hihi ..".-, " e '" 1 .. - m . nTtTm nirm Ar ! jp--w ;. iiift. ,ini, -iij(.- ijj. t3.- :tj Miincuu .as repOT(o,ssiwsuai;qe peWiiijaBUJSfiKai f.Aa a; reaalt.U to stated, AnstrU la It U reported by. the paper that aha aa oSered .Herzegovian. JH. .fc., , , .-. Culled Press MSH,-April uoopa liare.crosHedfUie! Servian bolder and novr'occa'tiieaaJthilsiW left hank of thn Varda. . , . ... n?zfrr?- -Hr'MS'-;.-$''-t.- ---. - ,. . , , tassajnaKnisi t ' - m ... k .,p..w,.i,.jt ;., .. t . .. tit.4, ,A v .. kWiMPi''" S.-tIt ia oalclaUy anaoancedtbat! iylnwid vWiltllaiiilinW'fe.- BrnMaHaMamM lURIttOMy irratfe. .i ) werealsstbe.tmeiubera af ..',Klasi hja&iMmA&$oiimiliMA c . :.r" h TlriWJSt&wlm ' ii"- -!SsSs!aa2Ms 5 A1 the cemeteryj the-servlr Were .4gv -. pn charge ot tbe'.MaOB;t;T.The7pal)& ueorxeuBasMisu-aa.'iv SERVICES ,T. CHURCH LABXJKL ATTENDED FRATERNAL - . t . ' DEBS MARCH IN CORTEGE .-HR CEMETERY' a f? frath"?fMI: ;.,- - -., A Hi.;?i or, lHM)ir " SrWPftpS5KS,Si .As ' , 3iJi,.-. rtMM.iC.-TiitS!-' -.. . -" :- r. .iiv-' " '4.'- .- . r 'itVr:in-r , r fe st: . -k.4 . sr J -iJfitStttr; . - i r . . . r -, j -in i. . -;cue funeral, of the. late; W., P, M"c-ft'-l??tJ Milianwaa held today, from the Pros- iAordIng;to: wordireeivedXtaeas.Vi.l by terlaj .church, Rev. E. 0. Richards Ml inuth';SauBm,rinst0o:; lg-5 couuucieu toe seryice, wnicn.was ai- muaic.a.'iniajuaautnijanvjtign'; tendodba ilarge ,thfonirvof Vrlends hqoilierj8erjr ui lufriwrrnvra iniiiiiy;. a huooi car- ciaa anuEauraeonfor ?aoToa.,wia..v..'. fjagea ;fpliowed" thftv remains 'fo'the died' 6efc;ehelrewSedko MrtAdrkaf-nnam Sugar Plant Is Sighted Seaetiry Fleet m Trail Jpilliftl -, -a, 1 V- .T 4iWiWtWSf s'AThev following, letter, rkriGrMley;:a Secretary Fleet Of the Klamath" CiailfOH.lwv -V.i bar of Con)mfrctfram.:th't;aliR ."Sugar,;' the )eadlnjiuWlc4UeatBpuAo'ugh the saccharine worldMoJtkiMariniw ' - passing interest:,,. .AXt? )'r??"dl1o'.ao;kn -. "I have (n Bilud at'tWaTtiati:Joni?ot tinta. tarifia ?SflSS?V the tho mosVjeompfej;llW , UnltediSUtotuil) .- : caimcttywhj towngilfauit ih. ... fi4i;-iw.i;ii"--ir-i-"i'Wi''Ti.-:.i'iii i.k'.'ui- ..o nvffvv ;wwS7."vJ" ""."'4. -Vr" TTRIW,wB5vf!?WS iaajaavan..Ba'n-Bxanau-a npaarWal r" ? wr v?-i7jr - "- SSttL ed. Jtt.lg rctparaUyaly'naw factory, ,at4Akejajr ,it m , UurtmrteeUiTkef a -ara; Mveral loeal- l'Ii2lw: 1 '"l AI f J ,,' a HBBxni'amaaBL avennnamami luwaM" ..,-; r r r-.T ... . r.7TiTn 1, -; r t kUe.taay,ted,-but I do not. know; etlK;tha' somoaayjwou 'pi me, Vriwnether.thelr'ohly.plan la WSW't??.!! 'WA Wr M?f au-n.t -vf;.wiW';tb-' 9ft vfcWWNW mMNPS). Jaeoaaand" wit;o,;'tiMrl t.ewi: -'-;' 1 'i,:w' ' f.-fki mm tM'Mtro.- ,; wgiy,.M,Wf.ii.innanniyi!econi wry. ,T 'r4Wf 1 . m