" J VMS, i - TirmwrzrrTivarrmmmBKmnBMmanmm .1 iV'jr , j.XJ&Tm r ''J. rfl m I,."')" t.. rMir- irr ' ftfl J - - i - j- . 'r ... I ' r ,.r - ,1 - '- .-.' .- -i, i ji A" .-1 . , .- . 'f t " ' j.'Wv JsUnsHVanSJEnsl " . .. - ,.... .. ........ . : ... . j . . j .r i. s j T A i tf . -.l -'.. ". ' ..:'." -. t,:.' . 'F' ra.iwswi BTimntnBai sgrt Yfr N" a'"' 1 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1OT5 f SINK IV ALL," IS ORDER GIVEN THE SUBMARINES xrmt: in lji-V, m ins Send More Ships to the BottomBritish People Demanding Reprisal Measures to Be Started at Once"Crews of Sunken Vessels Rescued Views of American Submarine F-4, Sunk Recently at Honolulu r jJlil Vtvt Hartlce LONDON, April a. iMKWMiifN in.ni Nenciuti Mule Him I lie rrvtVN or Wlf imMler-. GliH-lana mill .Willi .vti Mini, Mntl II I thought Hun t lie ,ffW of (lie Jnwiti, the third irnwirr sunk by Hit CIO In also wife. r ' The iifflrer of I lln submarine mk i IgnrM lit I he rreM of Hie vowel lijferi loriieiuiInK Hu'iH. Thi commander of the 1M0 said lit Imil order M Ink everything artim!." I tyllnl I'lcm SerVllli I.ommj.v. ,rn . iicprmniN me ociiig tii-uutnm u ny hip iiritioti iin. I awl itiilli tli niill of IIm lrMHliilitK of imiiii' HnlUli nii'irliiiiiliiiiii MidklllliiK of ihlrtj1 itiori miiiIi ,hy Hi" Ji'nimn mibinurlniii. WiliM'ii nry fltt'MlHllnic IK'lllloiin nklim Hint (I'l-innii irlMinriM Ik tfil iiImxiiiI nil or I In tnriilinnttm'n. Thin, tliry Mnli, nIioiiIiI rmmo tin (ttrMii 10 In lit ilitilriirlUi', lo mv (In-iiiau llvi-n. 1liiiulinlrnliy; liowvr, tloulilNllio frniilliHIl)- of itio mIu'iiu. Ii !. ilrr llml iiriimtiy Ik lnr(nic n ililrrtli kiiiiio. hiiiI umilil irolwlil)r con llnm' liiriiililiiK Hn)iiun', I'niir mini kIiIhi wcrt Mink tiMlnjr. uiiiMli ivmVn llml tin I.Vrnmii hiiIiiiiiiHih I '-Hi HimIii nuil MMkilni-'imuli'riorr llio moiilli of hi Itlvrt- Tyni, nml In Ii rrnrnl tin trtnn imtUIkiI. Aiiioii'Mtmn tiilih'H Unit w xulimarlno V-1H1 wink Hit NorMptflnn Mill lid rrtt-l Niii' off llii lliilliinil -okt till iiioihIiik. ' Til Kriiiii fiiuii lliittcnlmn ulnte flint Mvrral NiilinmrinrN linvp liron klKlili'il nl ilirfi-rfiit Mnt iiIohk tlx" "ollnnil ronl. TliU Imllniliii tlutl Hit whnk tli-niiiiii HiiliiiiiirlHi Hotllln l liuajr. It I ImIIiiiI tlutl (IrniMiir'N ln In to t-rrorle KtiKlniul ly timklim iltmkw .liniil(niiiiiHi.ly nlmiu nil of llift roat. "tlilnl" In llle Q'l'l llirvil 1 .1." Ml.ti Anrll 4Thn tH- "" -""" " - n'nlvomlt)' or illinoid cinii team ,nicl IIk tv;iity-K(im MAioa.Bcbed- trafekcri lo.lny. with tho MImImIpiiI ;Jrtiliiral nml Mechanlcul Col let . CttA ifliorKi Huff of lllinol snyR ho mm of ilio brut tonmi In tbo IiIh- F'tAV nt Itiit ritiliAiill v Thn llllnnla. liM will play Hnntlior Kamo hero" to- I Borrow, on .tliolr, ntinunl Katter trip to mo Houtlilmirt. nnd on Monday will 'llltftV Tlllniu Itllll'APllllV nl VftW fll. IAr. ' '"' !- " '" lli3lAAMU "imiiii. To Unil tlM till In, lluli'ii Diifnull, who pluycd tlm cen ter linnltlou In nearly every game plnycd by tin glrln' bngkotbnll. teum of Klmnntli County IIIrIi School, wit, there Rho ixmw' MMMMB RUSSIAN IIM SAY AUSTR1ANS SFFKINf, PFAfF. MBJBMk'.?B .: ? a,srflsjer S i1 ..- - . ' 7 a- ,? "lit W.1, JTr-H.,.. sk .VWKiS5S fiJ;!S'JiR, StJiWWSS- ' s'jysivier.ss, Story Not Confirmed by Diplomats-The Skuatiott jn HsJf ! Tti-.J J. --., . . ......... w.. i-: ..rfs(ie&sJ) Is Such that a liny Spark Will Set ot l; : !,; " - rf '(.j Powder Much Depends on Greece lire utterly. MBCoaflnned otflcUIIy. , nvcitm diplonMbi ualrieN. liolted i'rew Hervii lAVDOX, April 2. With ra Ruwfaiii urmlei :brettiyltliJg inniHKu inra namanw BTumry, ABSirHiB luyiuinHi HtraMaf lnni u . , Tha DWlHaWmlla aMM.' i lll Wll ! 'lllllll I Wl " .llJ ' JlMMJaf' 'l ' ' )xiire offerings to Ramla. To lliee, Cxnr Xlchola la reported mated that he could not Begotinte.fbr Jece eteept ctlac; wiiii ine KUTerniBraM 01 r ranee.aiia riHn. I'ctrotmtd fdrrenpondeata are Inclined te -. . ..,. $ s. i jp';--'-fcteW' .;:, r.w were nmt-.nttbllhed In the "WBSkr.HloToe," a mkimmt MimniMW t,j; Ity. Diplomats here generally dtocredtt the turfem." 'i l!y ALICE ROVK Culled I'runs Senrlce ItOMK, .tprll I. (Delayed hy censor) Itiillnn Intervention In the. Kuropean nar. iinNettled. - i Howerer,4the hMmMmi la SB Dexpite ICiikINIi and French reiHiitW to' tilt contrary, there :M.jof IlineLgj !i iimmiah! lillnnllAfi ltn !: Iwmflfillv lulmifnt tn f- Him n i tBaaMiM4i'i'j J..4iV3K i.t;.. i I Tho P-l wont down to the hotlom i( Honolulu Harbor in 720 feet of witter diirlug mnnnuveni' of wnrshlpa hnlil n riAW nt nl !' ed Jnnbary 6, 1912; and' was the first crdft of Uio kind -built by the Seattle ConBtrtictlonjidvDrDockcotnpany.. I'atterson, preament or tne com- the Kiria'.ciKhiPcu She In n long, 16 feet4!0 InchesdeepTarid 15 feet 3 Inches beam. She 'was designed 4 men, under command of'Cd twenty-four hours at her builders' j for u cruising radius of 2,400 miles, and isi fitted wlA four torpedo tubes. J. V. pany, said that the F-4 was submerg ed y chniien cnpluln of """'."" . .. 'V . . .Uoulcnnnt Edo. Tho K-4 was launch- trial, and could remain that length of mmtMr of the Hnphomnrn clnss. ,. , . .... time under water without inconven ience to tho crew. The F-4, which cost 50p,0.Oi).,U 142 feet." Inches Hark lo the Hunch. j fiouo ChlldcrH left ou this morn-j Itigs train for Chlloqiiln, from which! point ho will go to the Innd he has 'loused for stock raising purposes. i t GAME LICENSES RUN UP TO 726: V.H. 1M88KH HV.N'DREB MILLION MARK TODAY "omen are fast crowding tho mom linker City voles J ulv 14th on fso.- Iln the professlonnl orcupnllonH In the 000 bond Issuu to etilnrgo tho munlcl 'fnlted HlaliMi. llni iiKlt !. SufF Leader Is Cheered t'MISi: tl-' TIIK FlltHT QUAItTUK SHOWS I'lHIUXt; MCKN'SKH IS Slli:i (JRKATLY IX ICXCKSS OK OTUKIt VAIIIrTIKS United Press Service. WASHINGTON, D.C, April 2. At 4 o'clock this afternoon no sooner and no later the 100, 000,000 population goal of the United States was reached, ac cording to the estimates of C. C. Sloans, census bureau' geograph er. At that hour, he figured, the natlou's noses numbered, 100,- i Piptrs That Scored Mrs. Pankhurst Praising Her i. SJltarltiK II) WM. , SHKI'IIKIID . (I'nllfd I'rrnH Staff Correspondent) w Ainmi.'N, starch 2l.(l)y man totoccas on on which 1 aitnoared hero. J York)-rAH Kiialniid Is now We were ensaKCd then In an Internal Mrs, Kmmollno I'ankhursn.'warfai'o a warfare on tho part of the) leader of tho mill-j women, whu.wero denied by 'the go v tant HUffrtiKftttcH. 'eminent what they considered their leglllmnto rights or cltlienshlp. "When we came here before wo 000,0.-!. Treasury department's uctuar- Accordlug lo tho stubs at the conn-! es, however, figured thnt the hundred million mark was pass ed February 1. Different stand ards cause the confusion, the census estimates being based on the growth of population be tween 1900 and 1910. ty clerks otnee, a total or 726 gnmo! licenses hnve been hsued since thej first of tho year. Of these 3S2, arei. anglers', 228 combination and 14CI I hunters licenses. I The Issue by months follows:' Hunter Angler Comb. ! BELIEVES FIGHT IS OHTHE LEVEL U.MTKD 1'ItES.S COIUtESWJXDKXT HBXT TO COVKK THE HAVANA ROUT HAS J.OXG TALK WTTH JOHXSOX" AROUT IT ' ' -n''-vi . ! ftlk IWUIAhI lillllallAM IM - - - '-i .- laf..ni j" II ! ! I - - S''J- - in !-; i-iaa miiuiinni nun. mm . iuui bbj iuictwiiw . w-c r -..- lt.trC.'LiS . 1"l - lf,--k.,li 1,. ilii. iilll'2' 'j mi iiuiinit KiMi'rniurni. iws itui iiciihjiviv ui-vsu:tir-svoi ffiiBgw The olllclnl statement, though, do no bear itnytliinjc to (kSnltely altiw Jintf llnly won't gef into the fight,. although It Is nae' will not start liostllltleH. npi.A i,..i.. t. A Aui ui-uuf.ti.it. .. M I'liMjrf" f-L. -i, mr.'fc-v- ' ni;Miuiii.ua iirnpri; rawmcii, i; wiiiipcvr4MWPtP- .j trance of nnlfcart.or Greet Into tho'con'Slct'.wlght.force ItHfrWMM(;'.S'' arms. ttfrzthM-imt&&: r.msmmmm &?& Into tlu.xonflirt Wight. fiWjtaV -. " ' , , ,.i,ii,iv.r.8, L- PHfiSWI fCC5: ;f CAN BE BOUGHT ; i;.. . t -ll i -. l v3.;j-'t w STATE FISH AXD,OAME COMMIS-j - '. ' ' . f SH)X .WILL FURNISH SETTIXOS 5 " ,s. . . WrkviWWieaXSSi rninuivurrTiTf I U Ml", i?af-MLtft MB L M-m tfjm li bt i" T'aiHff'flf .I'i x?;r:.- t . ib nam v at v i bbbbbs . tk.i. na '(' u..-. e. 'r 1r.UUl.A VjiJ . i 'SiT . .. v twJlftSSiXHiarSl'V3: . HleJsi-epCaTaw t? ffsf&P Thb, Kiamath..CouBty:; haa received a fe(iuet;fi ivpmltv 'nt flrornn4frup. thiiSi &&m ifciiV.4ri&' -TXJKii TO THOSE MAKING APPLICA-iords. f .the BtudeU,orikMWH-lM4f jtlon. The' recofda of.3air;"hTgVriInS TIOX FOR THEM Athletes iri thsWeVare?tot'M jeured, 1fnd from, .these, .l?0sttbejSS'j jaeieciea ior -an inieracnoiasitCviracs ,";(; ,ff i T r... .,lol. noclaf 'in h InlnnJ1 ' j i-l.. i - 't.iV .. IJ'S.tJ."l!j CW feeg-K.-;TnftS January 12? February .,..,. 2 March 1C 142 1G4 70 20 131 .48 Nowspnpers rofer to hor as "Kng Iand!s most elo quent woman." Their prnlso of her la unstinted, Md In the sumo col umn whore sho was once roferred to ns "nau," sho Ib now called a gracious f-it f-fBfJPl.woman," Mrs. Pankhurst peaks nightly at the Pavilion, the Identical Hion'lnr WlllCh sill) WIIU unlflinil in.ill Sy? ,w yi,,,r" n ,o eHc)o o" .." l"' I III) formnr lim...t-.utiliii.t. ? every reRiilar iiroarkm Him ... ?? '" vrloii gowiiii. mostly tilack, "' All Of nvmil.l.. ..i -....' -"I.....LU vui, idvnrmuiy w,rK ii looae shawl, and from Rf neck hniias ii im.vn u.hii. t.tml P' ho uover uses, Thero Is olo- l". Pose and restraint In her up- :, " nim Peoch. She Is a chang. PankUurst. ' " r thom u .iiM-i-rfiJ a... "w VPJ, ' TTUHalHitaillll lllll SUNDAY SCHOOL PLANS PROGRAM from ", n t,le opnl nig ht aha said: must refer to the 'last srfMus WILL HE IIIVK.V l PLACE OK KUXDAV SCHfHIL EXERCISES SUNDAY MOHXINO AT ORACE METHODIST CHURCH , Wero lighting for our rights; now we n ro lighting for our duties. In tlio face of u terrible danger (ho people, hiivo forgotten their rights they I think now only of their duties." j Chnncellor Lloyd George, Pre-, tnlor Asntillh In fact, all the govern-1 ment whoso lives were made miser able through tho criticism and phy sical altackH of Mrs. Pankhurst and h?r followers were praised. "I nth thankful nnd proud," sho do- clnrod, "that the nation as represent-1 fn Sunday schno ed by tho govommont, is doing Its 0UlHt Episcopal church duly. The Hermans thought we wero Easter program Sunday mornlnn at n decadent people. One'of tho roa- the regular Sunday school hour of 10 sous for HiIh wos that thoy snw wo-'0cOPk. men rngtigpil- with, men In political Th0 proB,nl wil wm.,rt of ipa. warfare, i-ix-itmlniis and olr.ss sonss. and will closo at. 11 o'clock, in time for the Raster sermon, baptism nnd reception j of members., Tho public Is invited. FREIGHT SERVICE TO BE IMPROVED By FARIS (United Press Staff Correspondent) there.are.a number, of 'Klamath' coun HAVANA, April 2: I think- the ty peopleriiaklng application tor; eggs. fight between Jess, Wlllard and Johnson scheduled for Monday' the square, so far as Johnson cerned. I had a long talk' with colored scrapper today. I am convinced that Johnson will try to win quickly. Ha admits that he hasn't worked hard' to get In shape, but Insists that. It is not neces sary for him to do so. If Johnson loses this fight to Wll laid he will be flnancAnlly ruined. If he wins, he plans' to make a tour ot South Amorlca and France, giving ex hibition bouts.. , ' ductloiuof China pheasanta in theVersUydurlns: JunloriWeek-EaATWM5l Klamath country by purchasing a set-ruhiycrslty .win'paylB,eeofki'SBj ting of eggsand- n.henT If so, you i a reasonable nrlca Fish, and Game Commission'. I v. According) tb Commissioner Stone,1 can.secure.theae tj A.ftherV aYeo-SVallailefreSrla wife from the" StatflflBnath rniintif-Y VthTnttiAsif AiWiirF"V'f -WUM.J i, hiv '4fn "mr , ffM ' rfiorS rrllirfuiimkul'Iiyuii'l r High 'KbflfhaM?WKfW .;. track froeet-Hbe rxqreiwrtirMf;!g'.; 2 ha ve the records? of?f theS stet-1 ifflb ; i " i ' ,toi- -l. . -ha . v-'-! wjrir'-fy--iiii, . Jack? They Intend to liberate the birds at time for consideration bytbe sHWMv, ; Is on maturity. i rveiw.. . -ml??4m&fi. Is con- There'istasposslbtmr that the com- ThlmeewliraU0a-Iinb tho ! mission will, purchase pheasants in teams, from thejoigiVMaool jppLm Merrill. Bonanxa7 Fort5Klmatlii'.BirSiffi-. HHUf JVHI1U. . I IIITH' Wllli.aMU 'fBWiWT'jWl' MAY MEAN MOHK.TRAINS I of draco Meth-f,n",ng M0Bd'y to haP,e the ,ecal: ?h will randor nn ,'swltchlnt 8 ,ast onr' and t0 ,nako The (lermnns thought we wero Easter program Sunday dent people. One'of tho roa- the regular Sunday sclnu "Tho (lernmns aro not good pay,- chologlsls. , Thoy should have known that the country In which the women hnve tho courage to fight Is the coun try whore you will flnil'ceurasoln4' tho men., . In.-a country where women are crushed, yu will And tho men are i..r...l Ttimv! l H IIMVIii'l ?." f Invariably Mra. Pankburat'a Jutter- ancet aro enthitslaitlcally cheered, ' .&iw-s f - $ ' ' ' ,v ' SOUTHERN PACIFIC WILVi'UT ON Eaater Egg Hunt. UU'ITOH TH4IV HHItH MOV11AY The cl'lldren of tnQ MIsSlOU Bap- H ITl'H TRAIN HERE MONDAY Ugt Bmiay schoo, w cnJoy ftn Eost. "TO HANDLE 1-OCALBUSINKS.S., or Egg hunt tomorrow afternoon at ,the homo of Mrs. Davis, Oregon ave .ftnuo nnd Upliam street. Providing the . " i.weather Is favorable, the eggs will be I According to advices received to-jh(, nr0,ind m Uwn (day. tho Southern Pacific has ordered ,. ;h switch engine stationed. here, be- - . ( A 7-pound hoy arrived yesterday at swiieninK as last year, ana id iiiuku .... .. . -- I(u ul 'irniH wiin it cammnnuon iroiant nna .. ... ..... . .... . . ... . : ...,- ........ . . , orlson ,UI8 ls ,u Hrsl 8uii ui inn. passenger train to Meva, Mondays-con,y ninnnger of the iaCflc Tete- ana weanesaays nna to ivirn rnunys. giving a three times a week servlco to 1 Aigoma anu v.iiiioiiuin.insieaii oi Golng to Be Y'ankce, twice n wceg.as at present, r, ; 0u8 0,gej ye,t"ordny decsred his The stationing ofraawtteh, trnln int option of becoming a United ,Stis noro win relieve xne crew, on tm c tlten. Olsen. who Is a native. of each locality wherever possible,, to be llharntori Iharn ThoBA htrdu. wnillri be acclimated, and the. state, would betrnhgoments fer: ''agranwarJseMioi.- HttVHIi lilt! UApotUK? U lllllfiUg), lUVW frnm the state, farm. It costs about . . j r4i- r. ... tt F.fV In rnlaa n. nalr nt nheasanto nti "- .... .-' r -. m .. I- . -u the state, farm, arid the price paldi' The price of ? wpuld bo about this figure. " - .rrr-. i i H Ji .iVTMftffili '- -" (iff't'W WkMM wasf r iu nuciiws,TTy'rwKftri rHdUrnjwldelrPJ9agBfi rrance lonung to txpo SpmalMiostoBeSe-uFneS : ' -, , By WILLIAM PH1I4P SIMS ' ,- &M&MiMx - . . ' i . ' T J .1 " i. - n.n i,r.nx nt urn nn.iAfre t. p itnh. I ( Coiiviluht lO 15. bythe United Press artists with it combination fralcht nnd .. ..... . .... . . ... -' Aanio4init j.'! '. . phonoand Telegraph company, ' s ,. i - .Jj Hero Fiiim M'lcoiMiln.:" Alex McRoa, who owns extepslye tlmbor lands jn Klamath county, la here from Uhlnelakderls.. to at tend io busluess Interests. frolght coming la twcd.aweek;vfrm SwedeBstresldes Weed of; switching tandeftlwtrlpHi ',:f-,;'- In.Klamath Falls. rdf ewes more, rashionasie angj egpeR- mttli. l.ati ilA Awjiintt'tl wam a,!. I IfV .. wv v,iH.. .WHIN, mj tn i l .-7--- " ,.-.,. a-, c -mj , ,- J ' f.ft.",iv " i..iiw V-.;- ..4t--ttS8fidK?r:ia?'. 'iJ..ii;fe!:.''' ; . M'. :J - &w"wm-miww fofrtgaimiiiiswr-Qt ti . , . r" i r --rr- ---- --- - --w -v jitjK m jr .& as a.s a , d.v ' bia ia jvs bi sst . - ' v.1 t jj- L.tA.r. a i-i. , i. - - .i... .,., ,. , .l .. . . 'tiwM,ii eiwaiiuu uii nw. ""'i i.iiV'fcSia;Af :'fcJi "' twi. in" ciiuen. uisen. wno is u imiiio . ui i'i-.i':'.- v. . .. . - -,-. ,. . niw,,mi-w''im.i jpnswp tarnatlrvBBl? Exnosltlos. J A ;"' 3''i -- ' '.- .wt-lfe1-! .-. lAi-Wl J .. . ..... ':A4;.,W"l' .KV.., ?StJ. 1 ' "- . .... niLir .1 "1 ?:l1. . ........ .V- .... .'.- . - . -. ''l..A.,n.am.nl In. Ihli AtTanl ,IU B..:TV:."Jr.il io Meva ana ivirn. iBi,.rBcai pnip- is claimed mat; tne nigit. scaoai ",lrfY,ir.v"T":!.',-l ;"." ,r?. .imiwtiHiiixrww pen believe, will raeaa'tait there, wlHKrls In Washington.' D.-sO wear f?fotjls afteraoon, tl, j,,a L laiaUes b a rreignt train ireas vreea inree t'wlea a' weak. ' At.lL 1 "'!-":?. "" .7'.' '. PW.U lWr "u:i T. . . ,wBC AsHnclatlaB'i' VYx, T.-7HOKt5EtX'tl of r, renown f orrs f orssnl .. t'r1 ii&ftl ..-;.kr..;i-.,iii-i''aKL--,feit "" - "-'r''TT7TSjP'f. V" .. .iJiir..nii.jiii.jiii4j,(' PAms. Abni i.To'sh-ow thefav L-l'TJKiSSCSi . ..'-..'.. -'ii! ".. .:preseniaionffivuviiawsfW hi 8 auureciaiioH ui.iBU many buou-j. - -.- iw.-.r,..-i.'jiv"t'.' ou. "actsrodfrienoihip on frfiMmW '..jrri.v -v. '. ., . .. ,; : in !tayA Bita Sjssiiie.jMvi - of the.neoDte . of the 'United V sX-AVirsitST. .;J;. . . .: -jiiL': -i L ..-' h .-.-- -. "...; 9":wpi .wwsi M.iuaaine rwiuouc' ot Franco win sSSdlWletXoX'Vt'er. ' lading !t'atMmeul'tn' the Panama-PaclMc. .In tlon taneous part' of -riAsfa;.addedrtokR.ofrl 't;sia . f" pelbniMrslMlr i."1! . vfTW T"."w,f ZZ,m,KV7Z V '"p, jr. iWs ''& -v . ,', ;-k -ft. a-- ' HKsV'-'K - T '"'W i a -i' 'r'y - wVC'W? " '"; ,v'.;-:.i 9 & i. sfV'' ,rTc J3. ."