$m$mmmi$m . TMHPMBHIHBIHHBHIBBHHBBBBHHBHIHBIBHHBBIHB ' : " v. . ... w'i: . .,. .'. fi....nnninit ?", r- vj&48,,3f v ,trrt'AIii&lXSAMj A-- r&nwro Uj3 J 1 ' - ' " V v v7"Sr -' .t1- ''.Vf?'J -f - :.' J" . - -- u - - wii- j-., ." ,i v, - ii, niv.".i( - ..-, t-, -ji- Ji i -f.-TTTTT vPKWvTwIIIIFfWm IP prints tm.rf JTI igVeVv. C iJk i&Mw.m2 ' MI'T . '. .. .,'illfc -J, -fallHjJfBSgE ;-;....., hilk.it is nkws ! i av ir iivtivtiit !-' lrr-xm.i Nli" gaftw. aT'.BW BH .JgfW. BOB BBB- BBB gBB BBB1 BBB . BBS:- BBB SB JaW'l BBB BBB- IB AW. ' BBB . IS gar-BBB '' , inn-- ? -- Vr .awBflBWar gV" 4gW -afgWVgaV'gWgaV kVgaWVaV LgaViBaWgVigaWaV'' 4aW tBWaVgJBawWa4WkJB .- - Bl . -- -, v -" ,T- -w -w -- . - - i. 'u 1 l2f. .Ufigm-ammmiju,;, .. , ." ''. ,'M .'... , . . V ifesatyii vw Xw- y . flf am to Wmr nil iiiiunini Br fill Ui IV llll'i f U un nni unun ?? .,. H..3& ( &1 wf rm $m Attbt BSSVS 10 OLD MEXICO HAYS THE .NATION Wll.li HE ''DRY" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, AMUll, 1915 ,-F .,- , -,-,. j. riwin.'ttivyf-uii v'lM r ,'W?r . Mfvf " u L .JIW.... WHV -4' M1ILUN TO BE BURIED SATURDAY MlC.U, ri'll.NITlMli: MAX I'AKKKII .WV.IV I..IKT XIOIIT AI'TKIt , HTIIOKi: Ol' AHU'MIXV VitS MtAU AT KIHMT I'ltllSllVTIIIUAX tliHllnn Mmjtn Hi llNMiN'Uli'l "u film-nil of lliu Into W. I. Mc- IMtllnil. Wild lilikHdl iiu'nv liit.1 i.lvl.t . lrn for OniHkwiWM hihI HmIim.mj,,),, 10mnj,, vtw HttI)t.t w ,, hc)(, 'tL.i.u.Hi.lliiTliMH'llwit0NlHry'"t S!3 Hlurily iiftiriioon from tlm GERMANS PLAN A BIG AERIAL MOVE AGAlNSTJNEMfES Ht!M)!U MAXV IMHT .UI'I'IIM.NH X OTHKH Allt TIIAIVT P' 'flwl Hiii'rtn lTi MmIm May i-'Mmh Tlml KOktnlfir Hn I'lnif I'roiliytfrliin cliurrh. TIiIh whh d. rliloil loUuy nfleir rulit of toliKruiiiN from a ttrotlivr, Jiiiiii-h McMIIIhii, tit Kri'sno, Cnllf., anil m lirolhor'iii-tuw, fanlHonip Nnr Hi'VitlHllOHnry CohJ AV, Ihi Lap of Kuloni, hIiiiIiir jliey jWlll bo'lire for (ho Ht'rvli'CH. ,$jL Tho sorvlctMt lit tho I'rimliytcriun mi I 're Hervlca Utiurch will bo conducted by llcv. K. ..-.Lfjw tk n a..-ii t . ti. IttrhiirHa. nnultir at il, l t. iWml",,w" ' " "l'''l r' - """ " " "' ""-" " f Mporis Hint VlctorUtm Htiorin, o-cUurc. ' ' nuwiuv of tho regular Isrrtldmt of Mexico, lias left Cdl.i,tt5,,or Tho nrvko at tho cemolmy flMlo, for "an unknown UMlfnuHon," '' bo "nUfr Ibis iiumdct'u of Klamath 5t rescind tho earn of the ndmlii-''t",K ? "7. A. Kt & A, U. firtUoti offlclaU, Tlicnc, coiilcil with j Mr. McIIIIIbii'h ilemlno wait duo to tW tjory i "in n now rnruiuiiuii i hiiuhv ui uiiiiiux)- inn wock, which inior nfeM! In Mexico, aro arrntly .Nttoi to OfflClftJ, ' ISscrflAry Hrynn will iimkn no ron (riuilon of tho rumor. The Curruiisit Junta today hotly do tid the ctinncon tlmt the Carnntotnn looted Hie treasury nt Mexico City loft hi in prnctlcally iineoncliiiK until 'death. Mr. McMillan, wlio was r,l ycnrn of ago, and a natlvv of Canada, en in o In Klnmatli Kails about otovon years mko from Kuloin. Klnco thon ho lias bevn actlvo In UiihIiicmh and fra ternal clicks In ill l'x city, and for hov- ,. ...n.lnnln. !. Htv r..rntlv to crn 'p" ,'l", uc0'' fOHdUCtlllK a fur. Ih. .dvsnrlng Zapatistas. liU?"0n "a T" ,n.e,".b0r "! Jl!" (local Masonic ldttt', and also of tho Woodmen of tho World. ltnll.il I'tess Kerlce n nU,Uon , ,,, wf0 Mr McM. 8AN ANTONIO, April l.ln Une,lan survived by tbrnt children, with rtussla. Knuland, Iceland, Ort-vMM Oroltt McMillan and Kloyil mid ion, Wiuhlnnlon. and other locallilos. 'Illlara McMillan, a nrotlivr, James the republic of Mexico may o dry, McMIIInn of Krosno. Calif., nnd nu- (lenerat Franccsca Villa today stat- other brother In. Canada. d that when peace comwi with victory' .. for his army, ho will make tho demon , ' i.niui depart forever from all, Hrta ofJOIIfl I 1 1 T If 1 1 I .country. Sl IINh I AKi Mil I ' !!lt states Uiai he haa had rtldtera'LU II U LnllL HULL STARTS APRIL 10 ViotnloH that be has hid Midlers wmvhiI for drunkenness, has I he shot saloon .keepers for selling) lie iroopers liquor, i I'alled Press Service j UIIKDO, Tex., April l, Dispatch.' rs front Neuvo Laredo say that In a ' battle foiiKht yesterday between I he. advance guards of the Vllllstas nndi UiummtirtHiiliCiindrto, tho Car-1 miniums were pushed back sixteen miles. IMiiralor in Heeelon , fulled ('reus Service ANN AIUIOH. Mich.. Anrll 1.- MIchlKsn educatora are la Ann ,"Arbor I I'la.NT .VOW HKIXfJ HKI'AlltKD WIM, CUT KII-TV THOl'HAXI) KKKT OP MIMIIKIt A DAV, KM I'l.OYINO IxfllTV MKX KxIciihIvu repair work Ik under way at the I.oiir I.nko Lumber com pany's mill on tho Upper Lake water loday tu attend tho fiftieth annual front, preparatory to commencing the uieciuiR or mo Michigan Schoolmas-(." ' season April mth. MT8 'iuii iul allied orgaulsatlona, ' The plant will cut about 50,000 feel en prominent u oducallonal circles la day all season, according to tho ofll sii over Hi., country aro scheduled tojcluU of the company. It will employ simrcim the confcreiuo during tho.twenty-llye men In the mill, yards four days' session. jotc. t'rafl Nhw Iteliiit Tiinie.1 Out re HK-eillep Ttian Waiidilp, and Are Powerful Mounter of liwtriirtfoN. Kllel I'rleilerlrli ('lonely Watclied. Itiiv Inn DUpnitlu Till of MaMw fin by TmkUh Thm)m. llyCAItlACtKKItMAX (llniled I'reSH Corrnsiondeiit) IIKItl.I.N. April 1 Tho fJoriiians are bullilliiK Kepeltins tfint travel rast er tliiui the fleetest of Jlrltlsh war ships. Tlitjo Is reninn o licllrvo tlmt it serlCM of lures aerial attacks will be nuule ioon upon fortified cities of .the enemy before long. New Keppellmi and Tan be are Hy ing mer llerlln at all houra of the day. Hecoutly 1 stood In front of the American embassy and watchod the great Zeppelin "llansn," the last word In aerial mounters, cruise back and forth with tremendous speed and the greatest of ease, despite a severe gale. This Is llansa's seventh Zeppelin. It wnH completed but a few days ago. I'nlted Press Servlco WASHINGTON, I). C. April 1. The German embassy here today stat ed that tho Oorman auxllllary cruiser Prlns Bltel Frlederlch will undoubted ly attempt a dash front Newport News "If It gets a chance." Hour British warships aro outside, waiting to attack the Kite!, An American patrol Is determined to en forco America neutrality In the event that there Is a battle. Officials are closely watching the activities of the German vessel. They refuse to say thatHhe time limit for Its stay In the harbor ha s been reached. EMcifncy Expert : Dies in Philadelphia : NTM-A VFK.Vf SENT TO HAWAII l'XCI,i: SAM OltDKHH SAW CHAM PION TO UHiKVOtl IM IN Till-: mi:axtimk, WOltK OX ItAIHIXO HL'ltMAniXli. COXTl.N't'KH y- UNION OIL CO. IN LOCAL FIELD ti : . t-'",f'ri nu", i il MJ)lil.laMil'i nmniBs FVFRYMIHHTEeNc wm m w Wfc-w - -.mi-mm- -7 -w -j COIPAXV tt'ltJi WAUOX THHOL'GH AOKXT, AND PI-AX IIAl)Lli TANK AND v. MHir IIKHE HOON , . LOCAL TO'fE.VTAB- i. Jtj j a '. 23 JZL. i I '.,,!... I tir..m u..r.(. .. ", . "...I 'A nBr"rnmiiiJltfir In I fin lorn! ftipl I .-"!' .'".. i ..if'li.tt- j.iy ....".-rji.-jitlH AbHIIstrrON.- l,.,u,( April l. j" Baoiine, oic, iieiu euiereo louay, , Determliifil to Value thV submarine Iwhen tho Union Oil company isent a V'A If possible, .Secretary DaitlcU of ,tonk wagon hero ,to be, used in sup- ,tbe navj department lias ordered Oun-jPlylriK the local trade. The company tier Stlllson, the champion diver of also, Intends to establish a . station (the United Slateu navy, with ?':ist Au slstant Surgeon French nnd,rive lielp- ;ers, togetlier wjtn complete apparatus for deep sea diving', to leave Drooklyn Immediately for Honolulu. : Tho- cruiser Maryland has been In- , strutted to be at Maro Island In read' tlness to leave as soon as possible with j 'the. party. The trip, yll) inhe ten or twelve jilays. In tlio meantime the efforts to (raise the vessel will continue tin F, v. Taylor, orlclnutor of the modern scientific management move ment, died In his homo In Philadel phia recently from pneumonia. Ho was f.9 years .old, ano4a former pres ident of the American Society of Me- chanlcnl Engineers. Among ills num erous Inventions and discoveries' was the Tayior-Whlto process of treating modern high-speed tools. He was the author of articles on BdentlOc effi ciency, and Installed his system In many large Industrial establishments. PRflTFST ifiJINSif it $r- OOT-HJINJfl ItKHOI.UTION AIKilTKI) AT 'LAST NIGHT'S MKKTING OF BUSINESS MEN ASKING CITY TO SPEND MONEY AT HOMK; FASHIONED CELEBRATTON TO BE HELD HERE SECOND AND THIRD QF JULY. MANY FEATURES PLANNED ' Klamath Falls la to hold a big two- ?r celebration. July 'J and S'. with ;uaes, u mnrliio carnival, races, aero LMura thrlllM -a u. Hflfl tnnnv' niltxkM tut1 VJ .H WtHVI HUlVt "lures. This r Ih jf "wuig held last. night undejr the r ui)lces of the Klamath Falls Iltisl . .MM "en's Association. , A committee will be appointed In J rew day to outline a tentatlvo plan Jr holding such a colebratlon. This wmmltteo will report to tho assoolu l"natluextmeeUBg. t ihnt time, the plana outlined wii l dl8C"MBI. Pln of action ' be adopted. Than the iBatar will '" Placed In the hands of one capable aa (0r arraniaawBta, who Willi ),w c"trely responsible for the sue: ," of tho Plana. He will be paid , nr the time he la busy with the cele -uji worn. cadet Funds for the staging of the affair are being subscribed by the business men, and In return. It baa been agreed that thoroi will bo no concessions granted to outaldo fuklrs If the city council will glvo the con cession feature to the celebration com? roltlee, ns It has In the past to the Elks during Kodeo lime, Any con cessions operated will be by or through looal business houses, whose) subscriptions make possible tho cele bration, t The sentiment last night seemed to be In favor of the old time' form of celebration, pyrotechnics alone elim inated. A narado and apeechea, dancing on" the streets At. In a iav)l llen,'. a baseball game oth dayi, a barbecue each afternoon; marine oar- nival and parades a, t night on Lake Rwauna, a high, diva Into the lake, United Press Service ' PKTItOMRAD. April 1. A general massacro of 15,000 native Christians remaining in the Urmumnh district In Porsln Is reported threatened by the Turkish troop? there. Dispatches say 7,200 mutilated corpses wero found In villages near there. Praise California Itopple Unlud Press Service SAN JOSE, April 1. Tliuusauds of topples, California's state flower, wore exhibited todny at tho opening of the three day poppy show of the California Poppy League. "Piiy.HM-You-Call" Department United Press Service CLEVELAND, O., March 31. CUI xens hero must pay for the coat, of a lire department run If tho blaxe Is from a needless cause, under1 provi sion of an ordinance now under dis cussion. General von Kluk Slightly Wounded United Press Service . ' I1ERLIN (Wireless' to Sayvlllo, h. 1.) March. 31. General von Kluk has hoen slightly wounded, the war office onnounced. The famous commander wns struck by blU of shrapnel-while Inspecting advanced positions, It was stated. Ilia condition la declared to be Bntlsfactory. Tho following resolution was adopt ed at last night's meeting of business men, and will be presented to the city ceuncil: We. the business men and taxpay ers of tho city of Klamath Falls, In mass meeting assembled, do most em phatically protest ngalnst the proposal now before the city council .to. pur chase a street grader from a mall or der house. Wo understand that a grader of equal quality can be pur chased at homo for practically the samo money. We wish to call .the at tention of the council' to, the fact that tho money they expend is collected from residents of Klamath Falls In the form of taxes, and ahould be ex pended here whenever possible. Our city council should set an example for the people by supporting home In dustry, and thus aiding in tho up building of our own city. This comes as the result of a sug gestion at n recent meeting of tho council that the city purchase a street grader an Eastern catalogue house agreed to lay down here for 80. it was held that the freight on the grader would bo over halt the amount and that a $40 grader would be a mighty poor addition to the city's street department .equipment, when much better ones can be secured at a little higher prtee f rom local dealers, who spend their mMJhere; fulls bus neu hu.Ii.;,i:j t. ? I.L. ,. .. . "' "WWW l W"" "' ?- ? , U. miteet uccet;l;Uie de- for tho two days' program jv-"-' p ., - - , - toffilator mi. t-wwwmwm, WW u celebration here ;U to ha held aeronlahe Nlchts. foot irto,. ,i.. ...'..-. .-luVT-" : - . -;. r ..-- . ..'....-... .... .! .1.. ot..:,. races, motorcycle races ana rniiar,sute ai uw ne-i apeciinks were sugested last night I society wouiu ua tnoir ioon stuns Hack to Klamaty. " . Mrs. J. N. Hrldge8, Raymond (Hoppe) flridges and John Stroyan, who spent the winter in Portlind, re turned late yesterday to irmaln, tThey made the, trip from Portland by auto from Tim Dnlle?, nnd owing to the aprlpg condition of snr.ie of the roads, were obliged to go to Alturas jiefare coming home. llnxarr IotBonefl. The Udjes' A(( Society of tho Christian .church lias postponed its baxanr and, cafeteria supper until but will .held a cooked food HAVE NEW METHOD TO BEAT LOTTERY TWO MEN WHO. LOSE AM, THEIIt FUNDS IN JUAN FERNANDO SCHEME, HOLD UP OFFICE OX 3IARKET STREET TODAY' '". United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO. April 1. A dar log hold-up of the'offlce of the Juan Fernando I.o"ttcry company on Marie t street, in the heart of the heart'of -t&e business district, today by two men, culminated in1 the arrest of Stephen Ross, an electrician, after an exciting- chase, in which mounted police and automoblllsts participated. Ross would not give his compan ion's name, but- said that he met' him on n ferry boat this morning. After' a hihort conversation they discovered that each of them bad lost their last cent In lottery, and.declded to recover a part of their money. They entered the lottery offlco, hold up two clerks and secured $550. The money was recovered, but Ross com panion escaped,. To Attend Funeral, Officers and members of Aloha Chapter No. 16, Order of the Eastern Star,, are requested to assemble at Masonic hall at 2 o'clock Saturday at- jtotnoon. The, lodge will attend the funeral of the latoW. PMcMlllenj Maaquerade PoHtpomed." Owing, to. the death of WJIllank P. MoMjIlBri, the Women of ', Woodcraft have cancelled their aso.uerade ball, v bleu 'was to have, been hM Tuesday evening In Odd Fello'w.'B hall, 1 - r.. New York's Legislature Adjourns united Press Service- ALBANY, April 1. Sklda :toward.t adjournment of the state legislature are being greased. It was originally planned to' adjourn tomorrow, Good Friday, in readiness for the. forth coming constitutional convention. - Salary Scale Raised , United Press Service v 'l t WILMINGTON. Del.. April J. jA 20 per cent salary rafse for all em ployes of the DuPont Powder com pany at plants In various parts of the country went Into effect today. Tho Increase wjll continue for the current year,, and probably longer. Big sales to the European belligerents are said to have made the wage Increase possi ble at this time. Urocroll Paya Good The Umpqu'a Valley, Fruit Union" on Saturday received a telegrora from Chicago" to" the effect that a' carload of broccoli' recently shipped there by growers of Douglji county, has brought f3 a. crate, There are11 3 50 crates In a. car, bringing the total for the consignment up to 11,050. The returns are considered very satis factory by the growers nnd that' It is probable that hundreds of acres of Douglas .county land ,wlll soon be planted to this product. Roseburg Review. SnyderSoAH to Leave... Gorte;B. Sayder, who owns exten sive 'property here,- expecta vto leave Saturdijri'fpr QBenvlIle; Calif j, af tejr a vsrt of several days here. here, Uh. jttotaso tanks, etc., at an early date. ' i .- J ,l The products of the, company, were formerly carried by the KlamatbJFuet company, but the company. wm handle me mamuui ueiu iiseu. uscar Qey ton ot tlioKuelcompany has been ap pointed as the. Iocaagent , of tlio .oil ! lulJ,v'. ' -' U J Jdt.f i 3 ALGOMA SAWING STARTS MONDAY EMPLOYES HEADED ' TOWARD , ' rf. RATTLESNA KE POINT " BOX FACTORY THERE IS STII.lj RUN'-. NINO FUIifi CAPACITY a MOieSHBof . . , ... ji.'.iTjTT,' j 'Vs.' - MTOg. . KE PORTEI!" OKHMASYlriiAimiiM-. !S-"CJ"S5ytH,47 nnixri' nv;' ;? Jt&izi&br ThU MkV'lta MiM ' jiti iai''4V"-: r . -T - "T-",JB, J-'t' -. !-.MXf-iW ,Ont by. Some FjBXorpieaoiidendfgf' Unt,XveTtfielMeU:WjaMjitatT'M , ' 'Aper'T'w.-.B:d;WrHlaW,.;: . JsiBwaw,iteyi;wVi, ' -.OatkanKatetfJHiaB LElZJZ2V:-'r - , .- ,- rff&-r i&At4&i-t -. i,i dX Alt -fIAWDOrf;wArH'i-ai um&&timim$: 4? tf'.uiPiiii. l&'A4fi&2lLl-1 JA'Br2;-y??aw;avjeiiec?.wr"naBft Owgegrfii.; p&imwt wm ment 'atreisieBden.hooK, fiS recommendatIclr oai-ihe eeasiHiartll ' h1rt;riirtieBte ': r.i XHrfjSrfa5a.i.BSK?a:..o. -J AmnlrA&wIHUflgln.ftgr' r zz . 'wEvparj ri s,,?v? "jwpnmiivm hhum is ' seceaearyji yiae."ani Mm 7""," Li ii ii ..-am -j ' CableraKE fr9a.'AUtiWamL.toaa f - Monday rrtomlug the sawmill of the Algoma Lumber company at Algoma wilt, commence operations for the sea son, Klylng employment to a"crew of about 200 men. ' v 7 'fhe, mill has a capacity' fqr,turnJ out 125,000 feet of lumber every hours. There will be about 15,000".- 000 feet'bf, lumber to'cat"lher'el"'tli1aT season. In addition, to the sawmill, Algoma has a .steady , payroll. In, the ,box,fac tory., which has been, running full biast all wlnTer, nnd Is still. In' opera- tlon?: shipping .out, big, quantities box shook, er'ery week... Lord Kitchener;, commander of the? nriUsharmy.toqjaBOK!AutWvi j 'no ltajuir.trIu:h,amfWjg7,iai(ig hnM'Ulttl.Tfl, "' -" - -1 -" '.-.avMi ,- ., r-r - '- .' j'.'J.TiVSWSl'j!gL' 'Similar annouacements areKaotneati : f-l"-- ' AiwBiitw, ,wnj;vv;JMmmmurmiPk , from prominent mea ot IS eewiyj;! T4A,, "7'i. V.W ;-.-! l.A,fc...i.i-...i'ri:LtYIiyiilir. ' .1 J3ST." -?f . Ipe-W ,' nLJ2&&ti ! Un 'T-rmiSMrii 1 iiiiii ihi ' itshb BrBBs ij -"H'N.-Tii jTi..' i,ii,"- "r C, 3aKI5KBT;.5S WWi?.l', V ? , Mecennlal 8tAtlceB WaawteanH u "-!,. -a,', ,ip. ..-' 'k.1 v - I ployes'areJtelnrdrllledJor thr;artual y wau.v.Al.VkAi. " ' .Z. fc--C" JC?1 cenaufewHreetfihi'ata'aiidliieM.iais-:- ' !ilij . r . r.f ti -,. io oe unaer.tnoau a i.t .t'li ?. 'tiadfieilirJnia roensus'iwHoeiyhsUt'tWg. nenmnon. ofcnii $. aedemyjdlr'tcifth)tJbvf 'rau of statistics:.' iris'eatlaateVtlStjSf " .ill .,.!... . jr).i.... Honor German1 Statesmen United Press Service . nrw york. Anrii i.Th looth ,he census-will not'beJcbmpleted:; , . v. - , I.I.II.J.. H..ln.HnK.. A? Tl.ln.. f,n tU von Bismarck, flrst chancellor of tho; German empire, was celebrated, today in a joint meciiug 01 menioers 01 uer man clubs and societies of tills city and New Jersey.- A.musical patriotic program,, speeches nnd. motion, plc-j 1 11 res depicting stirring life of, the "Iron Chancellor1 given,, tonight. &$ "SsfiMft-l m&sssi re. June .30: il917AU 'hKMvIduCS' information "will be keptVcbnMenilal-v- ,r..-., . "o ' ..'.4 4&&MiiS3v5l&ik VAshlvgt6n.cWW1 ThaYaleAbaselwlUiealeglltia-. ::' Ms events in .heiBenPn'he-re.toda,S"y,"'aWa. SSIiSMi Visiting Relatives Mrs. Ed Hutton arrived Rogue River T W. USI'i iY' - a- ''urdathlBtVersityflriMlataMS' lClVarlotTle-iffif?&:fcfis!' . " Andern 4iW Callyt tMlS& gfifflaWi lastf night 'from thelK.'AsBpremelconVwdetkalol'tantbWM ' Valier," to-"visit:thei'r Jixesi tbV&nstructionFpVt mother.Mra'. E. Lnvenberg. and sIsteatoriuiC'nnduworkrtoTBTaHarwtntlS MrB.CharjeaC.LowI, -; - Av&Z&jfrWmmm puiUDrDncpnuucDPcpnyttimc n WM -'Blai , ! b gf aBlgTga smiswr "r.'ti -i' iiiinmifLii ui iiuiiimi itiii' sun nitni in ' - ; '-?-" rWUSf?? .'i1L&&? Wt&Mi-.1by:'' 11 turn to niiiuioo Tiir innitTi nmw wi-, mmm wmmmj m ,, yt j n r ." s. . Ifc iri'.Y'-yr . & fJLJ?GtTAS1&L t a.f,.ff'Kl TO GET FUND IlillSHiW I a vm.-!wiAjmmmm Jn.theOrWoniP.di?WlWll!i i-UHQiiiK in me i-anttiua-i-aeinc-jnier-;:;. -, 'rurrr.' tttrv.?T33ZZ. VKrv Klamath county needs reyentntive at is booth . "i icvinier-:- y. "' ;tt:tc '. tTvrv-yrri ssrr.. national Kxpsltlonnato th ,,-,, f r qvlries of homeseekera. touriaia;, oftvtnrfrtl6wji&eoma i If the county tjQWt4h'eJut,U of. tUmqneyalreayentoadvlBr-ltueChaA to (M tlslnn. M the ePMftlont nyjnglBuchn repreentatyo,J? to bo fraGeorgATJtldirta)i to0&W'MM ;r -T.hle rk-, tana , Mjapg WlJHIilKi th(? Klamath .Chamber of.Com'raerce; Dnxkyr;MfeJ vi"?."- &PmQ8MmfflumM t,5iii.u;"'i:r"IVJ.'- . ..'iB...mt.jtKiimiimmim The organisation plaasito ask people - wy s- Klr - 1' J- ' ''. . . ,. ;to,conriDUie a ceriaia uwoavoiy.su m TT" ; , - -- 'uuesi ui Mrs. imiii. . .,.-',... .iuif,ru iiiib.iuhu uuiu u tww.uuinq Ke iH.inif.wora; Court in Seeskm. . j ..," , Mm. Fred Hickman of. ForUKlami falrS; This pney U.Ut Wfed.wHlijs 'lit WTIa eitgoigii on Saturday, The The -April terra of, the eounty court nth is spending a fortnight n;Klam-'rate In all ahovatxA'iuiaM !cW'r'll"iV?''M'fliBH iae lauies 10 oring etgan ima morning. .,aiary dii( niu rans asine ajaHwoan.-u'.n.- - i iiii-wuii.iKiii rniii,(i,i,w(iw um v.iiiima jsiiiui . & e' . , ;jf'tiSy ,?-. v? -v. T'. ' ry,w j, j, i.i!imme!vJVV'M vrj.to:, .n r Viji iaMgeMgMI