$yw- W 1 , v ".!' , a" & r MW v 1.4. IG & 'mm r, ',f" F ''Li,' . "' ,.-W(4:;.'r tft ..w "JlttYt (SW'MHNTS inn .1 Jf - L. . lll ll. 5 a0&&?K Ps.J5, -!. ..,.iii I? t'l U NLT.UK WgVVH"'" "" " " O F F I CI A INB W5RAFH iu- -. !..".. -" " ". -. -t v.t'.T-.-!:..'- .a-il PI 1. V is ifU. "a (Lit lEuottttg dt-l iVttl V :; -ar,wssc3rr- -s gffEW KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1915 'y? fyv IP TRIES I REGAIN THE Of U. S. i KH l-,ri ij. FAVOR ORIENTAL FUSS l NEAR A CRISIS uiiucial I'jii.vr i;.pi:oti:i to. .MOIIItOW, ,k .iapax tiikiut. i:s to iiiii.ak oit .vi:jti.. TIOXH UM.K.HS CHINA IIKXIM4 ' 'tlll I'll'HH J-'t'Md'll PKKIN, March :tl,-A itIhIh In Hi.. ' """&?: r'TO.S'- MMI- T- Italy May Try toRecoverTrent andlstria i Other rtrl It'll Under. Cmmiiiui m fMriiHNl lll KuMerM (JarrlaoMH h Order lo Strengthen Ills'" KoiWt bnrhrr.. 1ST OVKIISHAMOW VIM.A TO DO TIIIH lOnkM1' Imiimi-ho t'Hiu Diploma! le Thai Ilo l MlMMiKcr TImii tChlim-Jiiimn eoiiliiiwwy within ii ihiy U iilriilirlril in dltluntntlt! chclr?, ,11 Ik tllmoii'il Iicip loilii)- Him mi lw Ch'iiu dlxpluys i clUpimlllini In yjl.lil t( Home of llif Jiiinnt.i)( tin. iiinutU lit lomorrow'H t'oiiftrciui. Uio Jaiiiihi. mliiUtvr will lno.di nff l( iiOKOllnllotiK, mill rocoiiimrnU iluclnlvu (net lun by Jniuin. I . i)iMriws'',M,' WAHIIlNllTON. ! '. March .11 irrinta N mildiitt n 'iiimI (letorinlii irfurt In itlmu' tlm Unltod I.IiiIok I it, and nut (li'iicriil Vllln, U tlm , iBillnR factor In Mexican nffnlrn . IWMaITci'oHh kIiow Hint ho linn IrippfJ liU fnrccn At Vurn Crni nnit i i MutlK'Mlcrn point to tho lowtiHtf Wfh. The mm tikn nwny linvej ,..,,..,, m dliimichcil lo Mninmora. Tor-1 on and MoxIcip city, lo oppomi thuj kktr httloim. I If Cirrama kucccviU Id tliu iirtuunt iMptlm liv hollcvcii, It U nndiirnlooil it ht will vxplodf tlR mlmlnUtra- i view Hint Ocimrnl Vllln U tho litmfrit nun In .MpxIco, (A' rcult or till (It'tfrmlntitlon, i BihtlDg now hnliiR curlfil on In ilto li iliMmril mora liMiartant B,tny campaign lnco the Hucrtn ;;EIKS TO INSTALL T OMORROWNIGH T DAIRYMEN TO HELP WITH FUND IT Hl(HiKHTI OV DAIItVMKN. CHAMIIKIt OV (X)MMKItCK TO HKXI) OUT KTATIOIKNTH WITH CRK.MIKUV CIIWKH r. ktexi: uii.i. Ht;-. I CKKIt J. J. I'AltKKIl AH KXAI.T-, i:i m;i,t:n ok uh:.i i,oikji:' Hlt KXNUIXO TKHM lilies &mmamm KmfeTFWKEMmw. BJI --A- '.' ' 9mmftM'$ mm. jr 4uJU OraHHVKL HBniKMNaviS jHmKV XZ BwSSKSmmlM MVS88t$m '...'JniHS. r - KfmmMmmmm VWLfrSWSSBR r ymMK&&i&. . .. . x-m"T . - GENO nTVX, -? ICajI trLWW-t1 NH2v j yv ti'l in vwviifff-t- y&&si&ev$xstt fc ii j wiKT "m '-Ji j4BBBH MiMHor miraB W-.MViK'ifiHRiil ' vJPs'S,f ii'vBH I ffamyjz'.m iifcmimaMT riGtmm&yn.- . s i'L5 a p.f.aipi, : -'. ii!,avs rf'iT r & i fir .Ti- lYr'My, siv:.j" rvj t. t(iwktt.! X aUMA" ' 7s"- iiA-IVii.r irJwf"..'' f" iincrAJVi cf rsr : V4 tff.rJsya&. ;s- -J s rrcivistz SSi w J m;4' 'C.vir-Mw '(Xknn 4MitX4'W!i$ ytRiz.w iCMPVVS?! 'w& ' " ' '? i4A" $&A rPUHHUHBHH ' .juoS)CflMMMEI Jz&iz-n njaSOHmf-m-wm VTZ' ", a c v-.--r-j3- '.. a .Ms..k '''r VWf?-2BB jy-f ' . .a.i vr.. v iifciirssii.'riwk" u .jfs-ri. iMyaimvH(i t-0 . SJ) lxJbiWJK.(fiS; afl x-w fei : vi t , '"Jin ,i au t i a lit , m SEA i ArfrnvMMZxS . ' lW 't'l rVFl ft A s,iaimvx , 'jAPInW. mimi r m.r l. . ' . mem GERMANS ABANDON I OSSOWETZ SIEGE; ' HAUL GUNS AWAY mMSS8tffi. 'jSflS45i? JS5S', IiIkhT T"n-i5"Seitvi? j.lVl jijijtjaitfiit.ii' Sfc.i'.'V - -: t J ft I '. KTROGItAD. March .tl. Hi aemimirfniHlmSil UMI iniVlIB tmil- 4I1I1TISIVIJ WTOBWPB HIF BW-gf- IJIII I II CW JJ1, jWiMW v ;.' . i., i .i, -.: n.i iiJiil''2'2StV?sj''"t IIIV"!'!!!! VIMIl?f- IJI 1WI1 IIIIULBMHK IW1W1IMM ll Ml M I I " " . . - . . "; Thj'CJf rilling niiti IMirted areUriB(' Altfr aercnU week of ,vtUalMttcrla(,.tlM'GerMM,reiui4'ttilWlAM ,,roKre. t Owowrti wm faOle. . Yrtrty 'tSl WkMriM-' '', 1 fiege. gmM. r ' "F T:TJr3?mlfl . - r "j e ' . ri; i -f t"-i tiw i?",Os B I jf. f & . - --. tt'ivttAgteS5rt: r yi ; . It la oMHallr uunMd tUit. m -nM'uf fiftra fll jinn - V . " Jt .. Ijl. ' " 1"H iii uicr auwHKir uniuuu, Hffiavu or um wanpaina icwtwhimj,'; j, .. v...ou , ww w w oi;SM n ,'."' .!' "!!. VKijaW3. damage. ,riv sssas1. .Tti. frtv.Hr hnadnedi tda f1laaiiir'Ma"a ' i- -.-, iauSuV .'Yi tg-as:lMrt, ySiS ' L- . ."!!& t- ' . v ,t& -finvx ,iwjCrim , , ."L .: rtSsaffiKSaaM&sffi: foiled Tresis Serrlc ""W' i-r ....... -- .-.' . ... .".v's laj.uua, Marcn l.' I'mim of flutllM u (arnfjikwd riT ho Aran lal n n ill Trlrrarri" , n- F-' - .. . . ' - - " rt.t.vs.-it.-,- "h - i ail 4f .. j - . At-fuHAtBB jn - u t jTJrf & J.t.7 hid vrwn iTMsnit j - r - -"- TTTT3TW -1??'? b. . ,...."- -"w,i juuv: lolted Pres Service . DEBIilX, March at I pectlow of prlaoa ''&m&.tyilXammi conuutoalon comtlaaea. i fraspat?.! a IN i ' ti . r;sa nWSS Ss i Installation of new oftlcem will b TIiIb mnii bIiow the purtH of Ui tlm Austrian navnl base at l'ola. as ...... .. ...... . ... .i ' '......- noiu ai uimorniw nigiu roeeunR 01 (Aimtrliin umplru Trunl anil iHtrla - wt' "" l" Provinces of Trent and Klnnuili Knlli l.od. No. 1247. He- .Trtelo. uQutoltlon of which hag been utvoient mm rrntectlve Order off , Italy long-chcrlsihod aspiration. The KlllH. IddH bafctjikdk u Ir j.j.lhlbirt A4iA hF k aaitmMi . .,Kr ,, ., nv...,B v .,. ., .., ctUCM!ll0Ua wll!cn Augtrla u believed The following new ofllcerH will bo KalnM Frunz JoHuf. Tho whole Itat- lo DB willing to make are Inalgnlfl Indalled: Ian population, according to roporU emit uh compared with tho demands. Kxiilled Itiilcr UIiik. K, Stone. from Home, HoeniH lo bi forcing the regarded as probable that under. neck. To the cast she desires to ex- ... ........ .. : n jl ... I. . . . - .. . - . govornm.m to action. .n nwu tiernmuj me negoim-jiena ner ironiier lo the Julian Alps, The demand of Italy as outlined today are set forth as follows- To the f nnrlh stin .loalria IIia ami .........., north she desires the entire province or i rent, bringing her frontier to Venoste, Passlrle.nnd Breonle, Includ-, Ing the districts or Roveredo, Trent, Dozen Meran, Bresauone and Bru-' K-t! m ... jr. VFi,.'iipL,v..vs'-.".'i,rv. .. . . K ,v'i '-n tr.-r . -'"' " .YJ'VSTT."CT Yeaterday two cowwiicnimi Timtca ya. vtrijvmnwwvttxj' i Two other comaiaatoBera, aK-oapaatfd bfBHeOtmtmamtmmt.tSi&h-" t.i-rarU, visited uoeberiu prtao yeaceraay. iney t tmmnmmm'fmm.mt ' Atwme of the priaoM did Uve guards inteerel.wUh tl'qaiiairj;fg v.i.r. r H. Underwood. Ksteomcd l.oynl Knight Chn. Mash-1 burn. Kstccnied Lectirrlng Knight 1. Van riellen., Srcretnry Austin Hayden. Treasurer Ieslle Rogers. Trustee Fred Methasc. man anbrnarlBe was ttmak. oK Dteaye ycrday uiuj'rni.ia.i t.r w m ,.flai .C7 ' ' V."t;5i.'iiij"A!iS? te. ' 'ivhj 1HITIM. ?. tmm i :a Zl f7.. r 7rX. f'.ir '.v ... .. - .t-. ....--. -?1, Wi f.TWJ- J"-".' in ,cuTea;T' TBe ifrec' ) "EM-sj W,S?!2 y- rrnni i la Ft liww '" That lilinilfir aaBaaaal ajaaaW bbTbbbbbW 1 I if f. - , . . ...T. . - ..- . . " ... . u .( i . . .'-j j-' "ji4j"JJi: Roughly speaking. IMly desires a "' ,0UJ"unu"l.0"a Ausiria inciuaing tne:province. of acnMifiptjitamMeb1im iiuugniy Hi.eam.iB. naiy m.reH a niay. be niluced to, grant larger con-jlstria. with the districts of Toimeln J .,,i .; ..d .... ,. -. 3THft f -'" TmffltQs ep of territory to the nortli and,C0Mong than ,he now ,, wming tol(lorlti, Trieste. Pola and Flume. . . -. -- . x , , "-jfegjaj which would extend ier bound- consider, but the. bcller la generally 1 addition to this she desires the Dal- . ,, u- . n.-. I - u'li. 'ii -ri-fS?' around the northern end of the held In responsible quarters that the'matian Islands, especially Veglla JwkJohaaon . Birthday ,, 'J,nrart: f j "rMM5 3ca lis far south as Flume, on extreme Austrian concessions would'Cherso, Lunga. BraKa. Islna Cur- United Press Servlcu united KToeieyAtJM&&m . March 31iHrrt4mmW la-isi SWI eiiHt nry. Adriatic I the eastern coast. This would Include be Insufficient to satisfy Italy. ,zola, Meleda and, hlssa. Iinliutry llUtlslmc lluffalo an "Infant' iilti-il l'teiH Kervire I'lKltHi:, 8. I).. March 31. Tlm North American lluffalo and Cuttle 'company at Fort Pierre. Is today In corporated for $500,000, for tho rals At tho MisKi'tlon 0f uvoral live. Ing of American buffalos and other rtlrycurn nf ili county, tho Klamath stock. The comunnv has uurchiisod fttnbcr of Commerco Is soon to start tho famous "Scotty" Philips buffalo iMmpalgn to secure support for the .herd and ranch. wwniaiioii riimi for tho nxposltlon dairymen and farmers deliver-. ItWwkalia Miti Tomorrow Xiuht. V milk at tho Klunath Falli. iter- ProsiKirlty llehekah Lodge No. 104. Klamath creameries. 'i. o. o. v.. will mot in rrcuiai- hos- Detroit May Buy Railways United Press Scrvlco DETROIT. Mich. March 31 The stockholders of the Detroit United Railway company met today In spe- liAMMU'OUK OK HIGH SCHOOL ART WORK ON EXHIBIT cial session to vote on the proposition ID end Port ki. in i.. " ' " - -... up a request tnnt Ihey do-; aon tomorrow night. There will be IS SHOWN IN HURX'S STORE' WINDOW OK OH n month to tho fund for v.1 1 1..1.1...1.,.. ...,.i .i... .i. ....... ,.., . ... ' j IlllimilWII. HI!! ..! l.lfTlblVV M.M... VH- 1 1. In iiriMa n full jitlemlnnrn. lleHldn A Statement a U be sent nut by the tho resulur work, tomorrow nlulit is rcaaierlr.i uitii r,m .'.,,.... i...i, .... ......... .... ... i.. .. , .... ,., viuuiii ;ii;vi. 11117 iukmhh IIIWIIIIII UdlllfUVI. I!l)e tnnwn are willing, the monev . -. 111 bo driltirlfd from their monthly Kiilem llruwerv association will warn chocks. manufacture fruit Juices. EiL . c i POLICE PATROL ON DUTY TS TO PREVENT A ZEPPELIN ATTACK UPON FRENCH METROPOLIS HIGH GRAIN HERE FOR . CONTEST ENTRIES i 1-iXKST OATS, WIIICAT AXI HAH- I.K1 wiir.i..i.r. rtr.uvHr.if i of g0,ng out to tne clty of Detroit , WATKU USKhS VOII I'SKOKTMK f'"- $21.900,000 the amount of thet bonded Indebtedness of the company. CHIIiltltr'X Tho sale price has been agreed to by, ' ' both the directors of the company and the members of the Detroit. street rall- Prtsldent Abel Ady of Hie Klamath way commission, and must now oe j An exhibit of more than usual In-' Water Users Association today re- ratified by1 the company stockholders;, terest was placed In ono of the win-' celved word of the arrival of a quan- n,J Ute voters of the city of Detroit, dows of Jhe Hum Hardware company lily of lino wheat, onts and barley, Consideration of the sale price to- this afternoon by the domestic sci- to be used us seed by the children en- day by the company stockholders 'ence department of the Klamath icrcd In iho' farming contests to ba murks one of the final steps In De- County High School. This is a dls-! held under tho Klamath project this ti olt'a long fight for municipal owner- Play of the handiwork ot the girls bummer. The seed Is the best that ship, of the street car system. Ap- under the direction of Mist Milam. ' could be obtained, ns the children are proval of the sa!o figures by the stock-, Nccdlecratt of all kinds is repre- to be encouraged ns much ns possible, holders' would result in the. calling ot aented In the display, which shows Tho grain ha boon turned, over to special election Immediately to ob County School Superintendent Peter- " ratification from the people. son, who Is arranging to distribute the' u- rnln to tho entries, Those not 'en-i N tercd will also bo furnished seed if they enter Immediately. Resides (lie grain, tho Water Users I .HAVANA, March 31. "My birth day gift for Jess Willard will be a Tic tory over him next Sunday.1' was Jack. Johnson's confident declaration today J upon his 37th birthday anniversary. 'The "big smoke" planned a birthday dinner tonight in his training auar- -ters but with himself "on the water 1 are the Bmallestipa wagon," u Ul t"-N , j . t'& iiiSi', Mfiil resa BOSTON, best debaters are enlhited;fr the ona the soeaktnK Sophomores. Juniors and Seniors 'are' competing. Prlres-of? .$25,V'tlgaB4S VPM$Sf te 9MMWM ors at stake., . v Mi -ajw ttlon'THrtW-. onniiBirTnrcntif-nninaWiUAB .iwf,c1l ,fMMta w VHw vw m yvvmm-vrjm Mfcffi.'t,! "ji.- . Lee wMsrmMmMmM In Sanders 'theater;? toBWhtSfer&xif SfKS-m ' Uonanxa Man Comes In. "Seaside Is advocating" THK OIRKS OK lwaama JU" vouam .. scbool. William wood, one ot Bonanzas!, i ir. imu,hih; l.KI'ABT.MKNT business men. is in the county seat today on business. fat 8.111 . .'7 J Z w . -, ti&ii1 SeabbrrA'Co.1wllrerectraJtW84fir4';ffi?2&Wl WaidMhsTr. V & &MjS3Ug&l ,.. .. - ,j. ,,M.,. rv.ymrgiitilui7a ss&m RATE ON SALT IS LOWERED BY S; P. conclusively that the practical train ing in the- High School Is of great value. The display will be shown over Saturday. I Dllfd lr..Uu c ... I v Pi no ' Tno r'ench ulr scouu ny at an ,-, murcn 31. Paris la tho llnuu with llvhta aI ImrnUlinil. oxennt c"y 111 the World io dai iinlfvlnar'rnni lima m t'lmi. mhan tnr n ninnmnt. fularly nrgunlted uorlal night po-lnn doctrlc flash' Is turned on to por- a... -.VV. I...I, ..... ....a..M..n ...... . ...a.h ...u..l. IrHlitf. w.iv m iiuwuHuuii ui iiivu iiiohi "-, "--- - - IS'n ,h0 roc""t Zoppolln threats mentsv Temperatures taken rccontly pons of turkoys. """'' irnnco has taken steps by the night aviators showed that tho I luard herself ugulns) aerial mn- overage Is about 11 degrees above J . Association ordered tho best seed po-, jtatoes, sending to Colorado for them., Those will be here In a few days.to bo, 'distributed to therchlldrcn entered In jlho potato growing contest, , All ..lillriron Aiitnred must do their firming under the project, using rr.rBKDl',c?l0X MA,,K IN TRAN8POIt-jBnd making them all n 0ne 'house, gatlon. Tho prizes are three, colts, throo calves, threo pigs ana tnreo. N.. PHANClrKXJ Bute Solona StiU SlMing United Press Service h ST. PAUL, Minn., March 31. The 'Minnesota legislature, which ended Its (third month today, among other i things, voted against committing1 harl Ikari. A bill was p'roposed cutting down the number of legislators to 100 TATION HKRK AXI nHiiuiKH )imhui.v legislature Killed it oy a tre- -! 1111(1 ..annnlallu .kn.. ...I.l-l. il.. . . - -l'w.J7 lUi0 WlllVfl Jl )in0 prowling over Paris at JJ".-; while the average' Parisian Is ?WlQg U good nlaht'a rim ( II worrln nf niki. n...- aB,L . ----- -liV'iMVfllI.H fM. French ttvlatofsart'oonitant I "Xing over lhA .! . ' ' IT" night aeroplane force is dlvld- :.Tr, nun lauads. ind'auh aauad 1 'f HbnUt foill hni. ..' -Ik. ff. thoroughly patrollet t various n. up to about B.B0O f,t, pre- H the DOBSlUlUv nf !.njr. wJtfpr xero (centigrade), As each squad returns to earth, af ter tour hours ot service Its place' Is Immediately taken In the alf by a fresh detachment. The service Is con tinued uatll the approach ot day. makes. Observation possible from the earth. v As a result. of this and other pre cautions, "Le Tempi" states that the! only effect up tq date pr uermsnys Kviule Anti-Done I-nw I'nlleil Press'Re.rvlce OLKVKLAND. March 31. "Hun r f ! POlNTf, TO MKKT 8AIT LAKK fr .'T. jK If salt Is considered an.lai'uorUutJ ....... ,..-, ...... t ... ... . .i'i- -,,-. 1 dredi of drug users are buying cocoa nccesauyot; life, tne poHinsrn.Paclllc leaves In the raw state and brewing might be sfildto be helpglwer, tho from thorn a concoction that has the, high living cost. Announcement Was same effect as morphine, opium and) made today or the reduction of the ihllhly siubrtoUi reduction In the mu- nlolual other drugs, the sale of which is now barred by federal statutes." Probation Officer Christian, Cleve land's "dope fiend expert, makes the, Seppcjln throat against both ,Parl announcement, and says drug slaves un ppwu. and ,'LoidoB has been "a great nd here haye found a loophole In the law , On account of rate on salt between here, and ftauj Frnnclsru Hay points from. 110.48 tot 19.10 a ton, This makes the irate. equal to the reduced rate oa saH:from mendpus majority. Although the legislature refused to giye the people of Minnesota the right to vote on suffrage, they give them u county option bill., v A bill 'to provide tor state wide prohibition failed by a big - majority. Tbe, legislature was,, ine nrsi non-pariissjregitisuire in Minnesota!3 It b'eingra for any member of.lt "to 'announce his political faith, either before or after "''""'"' gA h &,f$m- s which doss not prevent the sale of and electric bills at, Bight. raw leaves. the (livestock here; ... I j .. '' .i-V. j.. jinere is consiuerauie sau i Klamath yearly, da, Lmn" ssW,a Eiaaa , rr- M--.-5--,, i'.vr...- 4tM EliabethCIne.ot Burllagtoa. New Jersey, j Ish.erevashfMrti V..PK lWStWIM aBB1aMSWaBBSBBaSBBBBBBBaBBBBBaSBBaSXBBBBSBSBSaaBBBm iBJinfD'Q I ATPQT ADTiniC. TI:I;55MM nnu.i.n. v, .Lfi.i l.u i , nil '''Yillgte .HOW IT FEELS TO ' E AG UA iY . KILLING FRLOW HUMAN BEINGS .. , . OVr.ten,for the fhMMMmmii (Copyrighted. 1915, by the United fPerman;rfre1ichesV"wto Press)' rexclatmedTQeVypur'i'ihitl . " - " y '" 1 . I .raadnw5taYiiit'ViSlf'OT5 "BssvKaaliSSMi 'M'U-. !-5 KSSaffXS&' ." assBBBSai wuo'. w;KijK!I, gS5&ffa, '''is -. i .-tw. ..., ,-''i -V'W n.'.'- ilMaW saWKMilsl ftMHIsl Hatdfe & bbtbbbbHbbbbbbbV1i U. JMbbiIIJbbI S?ft!5SWi!ffi' tHllngrand ;etMMto yflu. lsmbMU.'dW;flairiBto,isCMS '." . SbbbbbbbbI :-l;l.lttisa aroilBd tldak 4kaBBfia9afSBBBBBl .. i.ma ni . .- -j--- . t -- r- nw- a.,""-.ti.- ,.-! ''MyrliWifrBt:!! ".'."VfW: H. s4 j Vm) ns suiss. aiuva idiu iuera sna wiuraitaaa laa raaaaii i nsr mnii rssiaaaa a aaaau whmv -. . Ji L f. s I . J.S ...if'. i.v . ..v -... ....L . rt? 't . . .Fit i? .:;. . . !' . '.i .. -V, JW!3B "... v t' 'X- '.'f i