.w & O ;;. P.'A'a'",f -B . WHTiV - -- . -j'x: A : Ti!.' ? i? .' i.UHIll Ii l'i:IK.tamimB.mmMrm.' "'ms" ' W J,. S51r.. I? tti ' IMBJBWnB f5S.Xrt. AMI J ... - .4.i7. II M IIIMMH I m u"m.' ua'i-i'i I n : 1 II Mill III I -,.- KLAMAW PALLS, OEXK)N0iftPAVM :H (CANS AGAIN CAMPAI6N STARTS Firrt Photograph of Britain's Battleship Queen Elizabeth IN6 THE TO RAISE MONEY tl (. ' n ggggggggggggggggggggggy ammmr ' v . J Bmffl tt .gggggff .- .gggggmi ' mm. -gggme .Bmamge .mm ',ml. i ' r u.v '"h KiaMAvrB'.' '.lh i-?i'.kdrvMLi. ti n r. bbbbbb m BBaa .bbbv .BBk- 'isbbbv .Bk. .aBBV ; .abbw -v .bv .bl ' . t-- iaBBkr-it fwv rir.irBioH 't - , Ba .. ... ,bv-:t bb. " m r - 1 bbbbbt I' ji i hl - .a d,n at '- c f -' j. mmr mMWww$wi7mrW'mm'i. .pim;iii-T; hi i JLLtw 1 "Br , . tvi; . mM'mmMmM wsmmm?MMftmwm " . w -" ' ' ' - . - ' ' r'ys-r- ..;-jiii.i ia.'Vi--tu. :. ,,..-, s , mm ii imii aa miiii atiaai mmaimi mwrim itttm lbb itt I lib Uv tllfilMB IITII OUBl r . . . t 1 vri."i b a m .m. i bhi a a a - a k pj-"s (r'.f a mh . h hb -r r h bb.b . tkh m i nif i Tmrn ADMINISTRATION FOR FAIR BOOTH m - , f. V MAHCHIXO TOWAKDH HHVK.SI V IK)MUW MfllH IIIIICO CtAPITOli ALIiKAIIV f t . ! . .jer ft' llht rMttlr t'Umer for ln Kkmintli rWHtjr I Knffi-rlHK TImmIi I'rom ftio Vi'Ma&amMtM'' .' HnwiHiwiuiit,. m Klxnintli TntHillolM Arv MM U B Hitllin ..f Onom Ituifillnu ni i'.x- " - i ImhIUuh lo AniMff llii- IniuIin of' . Willi l'HUw MMl; '.r T ""o-! rjj.. JT.,Vi m '?. Jl .ni wWAlfiSi HoiiM-wkrwlTi.uri.u. Kli Wiihl ttot Jr Thi uail tMlon.. J ir. . j.? .''M)H ThWM Ir-W B;j- , I;'' f 8rwr i 1HK I.IHT llll'M FOIt: I tiiiiNuTON. i)r o.?mmii 10,-t ' w. tm the rraldonu of BroWMVIIIo, I'wBk AiUh. SA ii. ...!.. f HMlaivtiAa tram ' l fiiiiiii'itttih " ''"r'' . . I- ii ii . mi .VUI il Crran troop koM( kimm.iIi- .u.niv in. . ..n..i .S ?l r - - -.J , .l - h nw aM Wwwptwm Igtl jUU oviv inr -. Ih,U(i t ih i.ttn,m,..cMi0 BUr. i, KnKlfiiia dcmRBdlai iktt U'o b olt IntcreMi tITHo b rilcd ngnlnut dcptMUllOM of ii fuMlnn, and 0mnH Obrv ?iwrcliltiK wllii a'feree to ttck i Cllr, I ho miimi MUfttioR in i romplox iiiuiln fair lh ad- itnlloii, iilra at Mexico City aoeat to k ii'frlilitful muddle. Daaslte de- , K i known that tkaro.aro.two bf Carramltta troooa Mnvlaf me cnpiini. , i i City in till la ih naaat oi rnd hi oullawa. Taa tapa Rational Kxinwltlon, an exhibit that U atlrnctlna: much utuation. But Klumntli county I aot KalaluK from this vxhllilt na It Mhoiild aa we' have no reiri'KiiUtlve there to.aaawer the qucfUloiiH 1if i hone lalereited, to tell of Ihn ri'xtHiri'ON.'advantacea, etc., and to give illrccllona for reachlBg thta.or that point In Klamath county. A reitreaentatlve la aadly needed, and the maintenance of a represen tative untH tho close of the fair will roet about yt.OOO. Tho Klamath Chamber of Com- W.... .iru...i.i . k.n f mrre nae ainnea a cmpaiRB mri lei ami .ll!aln the city to mke "' ""'ounti and all Interested In the tCarrtnia forces; charges ofifobhtryanroat-!0!hf. Already two.inen have vol mlleil by the Weal city'I.-' B oh,eacb. atworn t. COBipllfll utlonal Itcllef ComaiHtee, hate kia forwarded to Becreiary of State; ifyia: They show a frightful eondl- Heaof affair. .'? e f'. llrtiCM.I tHrU Am llmllmmn t. itiWric8ivi RKMIDJI, Minn.. MarchlO. Aa a eve m mo iignniion aganatover fcew by high kcIiooI glrfs all freeh mn tlrU In tho llomldjl High School irlbulo a given amount, for seven This money 1 o be used for noU lg but maintaining a representative. If'tbe al.OOO la not raised the money wilt bo returned to. the doaatera. , ' Nrjr House for Iber United i'ress Service OAliLAS. Tea.. March, 30. Aa the fruit of nearly two years' aglUtloa, a labor temple la going up In Dallas. A jsfto waa purchased at Federal and III wear uniform clothing ,raado In Mrk,ci, streets, and ground was brok, Uii high nchool domestic science de partrrifnt, H wiih announced today, i iIIvaIbm.I !... ff..H.lt.V ,ks 'MMlM y a.Tiiiu nun lui.iisnvu uin Biwiivf M&tr of fomalea to:the population ,,et the, United States.. en for, tho foundation on March 17th. The plans call for a structure costing about 160,000, consisting of three stories and basement. Club rooms and social features will be emphasised InThe building. SUFFERINGS OF THE WOUNDEO IN THE TRENCHES IS TERRIBLE AND Ki " tilr IWv I'm m " It 1. ft. 7 wr m klJ v TRANSPORTATION TO AIO IS HARD WOODEN SIGN &(.KJt "r"1 c V- Or f- !& --nr-i " :y ma Raumk "f.J. u, "" ?.""""' '"' " ' CenVtlhi,.,i ttkiic:Jt;&t$iiiuA,tJL'fi .kn'nM not busy usually rf r--niM lllUt II'UW UBUUimriVTIV vmwmv - - : - - m VtmiMiX H sSiNrtffcwl.WrMK aomaone r?ldMnnM w i;' .U raf two mllea through the trancnea KMJNWMf, Mareh'tcdMM'jr.ur to t a RedlCrosa man. Within half mm in mm iinl..L. - -(' .i.r ...-.t- . .t t- , -- ' - . - t.-r . "' ,,""V,R"ffWHHWW! aashburtha RedCroaa.maR-wouia , "-- J wtmi' eifii the wo'and .was.iot too" bti." ed .'maa'bdrODMd .i. ' ...ii..ml lnh traaehaar -j-'rv , 1 i .-. v loe wuwiw """ " ,:-, . :' -- , ' , agPn4WiiWWtlW1" HB -:-fK'gllVrBBBtBRmmmmmH , AVIM. T.k tMrcoi- UPifc , . ggggggggggggggggggggggggB, J -rSmWflmmfliimmmmmml''-'? '- ' .r.fS-feiSS ;a IKf'A'fiiliHmBBmmmBml 'tloTntTwprrBWfyvaiwm.1fflJlw BimmmmmmmmBiKgglmmmmmmmlmmm ' 'i:w':;' HliPHi -f w 'Up iSHRgii lg . !' i-i i ",r " i " --.-.-" ,-i lfl n-i-rirrr rnaiaar mnrr uoriBr'i. 'i-.rr-7 cussed 'at ji' muss, meeting toskfubetd5,.,,f!'-.fff - .t" ,W ifrfflFJRs jAEi attherKlaroathChambiroll.-CavlM, FPP W.PWJHUggfi:3isag S!,Pri,y ,. - i ' tfi j M , ;4"i,?ri, u(ir: ih inn nrsi picmro oi ine aonui mo entrance ki inc uaruaneiies.isi,ic' openea nre in ine uaraaneiiev. i . t. .it II f .. It wi i' .J' --r.tir t, - . -I.h. ." ... .'. '.. -.- '' .' kichicbi imiiit'iiiiiji in 1110 wuriu un less tho Pennsylvania, which cenily launched at Newport News to be considered her equal. The Queen rcomujet Ion of thj Queen ; KllzalKth, fof. the Dardanelles had fallen; " .With lllialxth carries 15-Inch guns, andjune'er constructfow" in the British iirTf,uns thaj shoot more, than twelve with these she has battered the forte nays 1 ynrds. with fei'irol hern of her'tnllen. shc -bb nbio togtand off out of the Dardanelles, All during the class'. T"'-,. " (ol range'of the guns" of the forts and war veMels of tho allies have hovered. No word vns, hearrf from hsr until ,baUcrlhnitq pieces at her leisure:, ' nvir K"" 'werenpi. m numcmniMUPiUruian jhiuiic am noiqvtii kiiuw ,was ro- riintrc io i each thefoM without belngiSle hnd' been launched tlll'thciiews , Is In ilunciT. They , were wsltlna for tbeicamothat.flin'fortH at 'the entrance SLAPS ATTORNEY; r FINED BY N01AN0 ! ,, ',;:; ,:-' JtritY KINDS FOIt TMK PLAINTIFF SUBMARINE IS .. i k. , & After three' hours of dellbera- !, i- . .-. -il- ,u "i- .... W ' utiu,.' iiiit jut ,u iuu1 iuiuiui W! ' "t 54; Ilord case this 'afternoon return- ' ed a verdict"awring the plain- 4 . .. .... . -I.. i- . w-- l'i? . - -- . KK.v iMiiiii NHtiWH uiHAfrKuvAi. tiff, Henry c..ueier. Z7e.8 r . uv...a lanvuviiiAv '- ' controversy and fie damages ... r. , ,r . . ... .,w., lntN i j iell- v;: .: ',- rp t . ," flr; CABLRS ON toRfSDOKR 8LTP AGAIN 'v ,s,' . .-.ri '7t&-X&l'f . -Hvt .J. the asilatl6n-;to4aT; U'Wa.-.wtefcan BM3tiM?itMk' -. ., ".'H 'T. O' ""-"''. Ji 'aT'!! "T rV?a Vl'Vi; VJ-rT T-Ti -7- h-am iiiiJiiaas in aiaJ natgaainmi T jl- :'lv as. r'T:r'-rr'J-.,T!?rvT5j3nT,?;ri-'.yf'"n'.'' LOW JOVHNMR.VT J- Tho circuit court room waa enliven ed at noorit today by" a personal en- counter .between Rex E. Bord, who is being sued on a hay contract; by Hen- ry Lemler, and V. If. A. Renaer.' Lomler's attorney. It resulted in' court going Into session again, to AHsosH n lino agnlnit Bord. ! The trouble aroso over some of the NEW ROAD MAPS OF THIS ', WHILE' DRGI.a.8UBMRRaKD wvws; --; .K! JSawU tS-. T lL".0!al trllN. . "!.. .--". United Pirees. Service. . ? rj .HONOLULU, Msrch 30; The c- ibles' .being used .by, the, big dredger. vicallfornla,- to drag the ! sunken ssab- 'today agafn- Rllpped and, allowed the sunken craft, to'slnlt1 onca'mbrojatfi . jueep water. r T . " i Tlia hl riiA.lcrAi. 1ia,1 'ilMwod tWa . .. -. iwuiw wimiv iiivrei. ivm .'"" - .-- , uucHtlons asked by llenner in tola """ "'' r ,""' F-4 663 feet, nearer ahore when, her -- , .,,' nEulllli cross examination of Bord, it ia un- rAt KOUTHKRX OKKGO.V AUTO CO. i hold broke at & o'cleck: thtsmprnlng.' derstood. Immediately after the noon . .- ..Theug" -NavaloreUUeet,a uoldoa adjournment waa taken, and before w HW"J,?.V"!S,hhetveaseUhowever; andoontlnuedto room, Bord walked ovor to Renner, , t ' jfathoms votwaterDlvlB5lllajw!l! .pit at him h"dr",fPJmvSl V road map that JatA' Interfered before ihe affair went.any . J i more rarcrwHLhee - further, ,to the Klamath countryifraifar , ,' " .J,-Ma:.i TV2': n.M- .- ."-- bouuj M, Rending, nortn aa-Jiar,, as and Bord twice that amount v Judge . .-.-i.'rii.. .. ,..i r.w'i.'.'.v.J - Nolaad lmmedtotalycalled court(lnto i. wiford AhmiwiiW, session' and Aned Bord; for contempt, '(fi, fle ,fcan Hi "Cb Southern Auto Co., aM; juraTfcetag . f :i.i'j VJ.i'. -. ii-iijl-.t. iri lenuiea is inv uiuur muni -wwnu who are Writing for infermathw, vpre-i dUAKUd UUU1CU .s paraVbry, to ,tieOdlng , tlrWraiihta- - , - v "iiXT:" ifliSaZtafifeiji-ATiai -vHKira -An .oavwwf. LammraAWSUVgm w """wwwitrwj w.v. - - , ;v .. . jir't'' MII.l SVWIiJ-tf.a.gui ir "" r--j """VVT.P1 f . . .' - .. '.t ' -'J.w.W.6VB;i iUu - a. "X,rr!! rMv:.,..,v 'ii? The first frame atructurea mriMamyiii . vhvn - .mmmFmu-'i wmm, .unntiiMinaina nan anaann il miu i " - . v. I hi . -..!- ,i i " '., . 1 BM I BBT r' . BUU1U1 BIBB IB Via - I'-TI .. K . B i aB i Ba,aJkaaM l'?CWwV!5i le; wWik-hurna' like re. ,U the ttQT"F? ?K ??- Wi.Wlrti) the, doctor wonw It7"".'"''7r. V'TT-' MftRHMMVR:Wl' W '." f.HWjfitW;1.,, dreseiag the wend, aWd then one of hoi'rtly JtiiM .: nerliana twa:Twoui be detailed to ; strength; y. jhe .Mi(ekmaRcV to aafeiy. ''.Wd,i; ?.ttWr t0 iitthR. V0meirpia'S,th'rough two tUBkehla'AOBdltlon :::.;. r-i.-V--.CiCi.-ij t, 2..."i.A.ihl lMC)K AMi WOOKNCBOiAUM WITH NKW MKKI STRIJDTOWlfl OTHKll ItUILDING NKWS , ?J .- --r- . . w .. laijfi. '-rvsi ifoftw'' '.".iAWi ii !. " . ;.. "'Tv", .t , h : .' KwwiSiisr, RFKIrW miMii ONE MANSHOKI M iiA A .w . - ' i J ync!'y.SuU' an,Te'MlM i MB.rS' MKMBKR8 HKRK, (BUT ramionUhVautoSuneirtjitK-.'--' '"'J.' '" -."-WSM. meVceoowWrnl ancei'?bf:itKhtB&mi: fi.tthpl-t 1 -a j.1. -rf. .7 -v 'VB v.j'-v-.t.f i v VlMM. ?' JT ' --''". bL-- '-rma:nnaiHa wbh .f.rr'."tT"r-tT7.TrTr, j :Tffi CTgai imutiTll mt".""-. miui iR"iiimi a J i i iw um-nrjKflviRift.'r- ji'Cisajpg oibek4! HfiSBgtii v t--v " r-- 'JiT' rFjTWT-i" a- .. j f,-' f MilijVti -ii,!.isjSf!i.jsn -- -.i-. -. -- i- L- " ' w-'g.. ?at,u RrTJ gr'' HkjT'jJWWBWmWR- . ' mmammmmmmm:M -. s. .. " .Vr . a-JtfiSWv viftJFNT .J "dBlAAgk. ' AVMltBagJUia - , "". I.I, ill I.Wtf -. "(KK iigltf'fKliilT,' ' ai:la-tavr 'a;, .ammtmbm r,1.hr.!on n.W tlr Imtk-v. k.t. eutilnlW'of jrfWe;XhyxJ fricgi r'-7-: gestloBs3v,TR ;pelej,wharw'-e.K:;;lp- kf. Jgi, od to awebeerrajwe ,ea,-aJaei.Ri-tiA--''nW bbb sitiit MKg!S fllHpjmnRi v?i(C4namMeaappeMe4,)a',tlMjhiaia Tter arftt lJ!.'5f''! ?lT9iR)S!Sv,KTW21ii,? SgJg-ijUiiJggft'sS-ii JWffi5fflSfl'WraMrfa5??J fa N.PRANCraCpSMaKht'M.To, Mjlfj,'nMili - :;! dayaHoppyCahrn-a ilori(tfowllu Pacific EapMlOonHTheCallforala r)ngw; ,,, JbEetofwrMe,fafe t ;X" free,tb!rora-attBaRy:HdlncW ,;, , AlUeble Wir In-Bfieaata'are; nojilthree. s Stttghtft Mn4j -',- y!7 ttlJatwAM&tW ' -.l'fcAa """ ' ' "'I iiniii'.wi'' 'i, iMl,!,i"iIMIiwWl''ft.Jai'H!l tT J a, J.'j-3,'T ' -lW-B.!tt ? lUDUTITr TQ11 IDCCIV T "v;4J it'.- u& HE sMBaME;- OF WOttl sftfi-jijii L!"8 m ffic; ';K 55S L 3TaKlllBvvVaiuM(BSafl n. .fetbavfl!iMdWw 't bbW:i"v. .hi ,vt.. so. . J i. . za in V'mmlk.'' M.V BMMLMfJstt Tf'"?-.!! rt4rj tt? : .'tr ("'a ' iF.-M tv iwk&m Uiyi i.. " t rtiuw-'i ;. tkaaaaatfux MH' whttat mumm o sfrlau llJklay.eM, pyr.4jf J J "uWsJ WB"Ws Wf W""lr" f" P"ffy fWSf!h!i m r"BW13 aoMmri ary, rr4 wImnjwi iwlglU , haTa, railUe- g'-B.:tW .iTZilWtM-lBBtalrVl ees-fsnd fajnUr laft tim-i SSa.-O tus Ibb ekiMtaa bate fete ..l-ilA, . ..'.. igsMW-sasmm). ,(?.''- . ir iwri "FT "2 rW 'WPW,fJp f I