mmmV&V v-'iv-tju"" wiWArfe -.i,- V -SSfTi," 'w f-i ;rsa I i.W 'i JA !, rfrr.- - t . .V(-AVI-t-' ' . -.,"'--v.TaV!'t;' t j -y,j.r,j?W: -."?'??..'-. ir .v.m? W'.f $? . -J. --.lfcJ . . . JM - '4 ' ' ' I H BosKe! teams? vJ t PRINTS THE T Hw -- -- ..l m. ii .. .. fll .. & . - b H""fJr$;Wi?Tgb li b; i . tr-ff?""i &n iwuuxnu inFratii jmr v f - i ,.... , .. . ... II -i II I . -., ... - - - --"- . I ."-.- . n. 11)V -"' Ninth Year -No. M ; KLAMATH F - M1 -"""TMS'-TS-'- juwK'fcsaaJ itf&f SEWARD TO BE TERMINUS FOR ASKAN ROAD KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 25; 1915 ;', A German Barber in the Trenches RUSSIAN HORDES m:i.u:vi:i auniu north iiicv to uu notaiiT Wlillo .titimuiHfiiU'ia If Not .Mnile . Vi't, li In I'liiU T'luoil Tlmt (lie Uuv unimiit Intend to Itullil Line l'n- ik-r ConiinUslon llt'nikil by mi Aruj OWrer, a V lki Cum In rinwnm CbI CmtnifUtt. UnUtii'iB()nlc WASHINGTON, t. C, Murchas. It txeamo known today tint tbo tide water tormlual of the (ovornmcnt'ii Alukan rullrond will ho at Sowurd. 8wrd U tlio iirusont turmluul of tb AUikn ttyrtttern railway. Tbu purcbUM) of I tilt turmlual will jirobn bly bu ono at thu II Mf tii by tbo lororumcut. Kormal announcaincnt of the lilans will not be nmdit until I'reildcut Wll on It ready. Tlio selection of Seward and tbo noulblllty of the purcbato of the AUikn Northern termlnaln, etc., meant thu elimination of the Copper Klver railroad an u poailblllty, dotplte the effortt of the Morgan and dugion helm lutoreutt to aell this lino to tbo (overnment. It li bollaved that the 'government will itaclf build tbo railroad, aa It did tbo Panama canal. It I understood that tbo work will be In chirgo of a commlitlon headed by Colonol Kdcs of tho corps of engineers. WIFE OF RULER -TO VISIT HERE WIFK AND C1III4IIIH.V OK THK I'ltKHlOKNT OF OL'ATE.MAL. WIM, HI'KM) SVMMKIt MONTHH ON UPl'KU KLAMATH MKK Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Doak and daughter are expected about tho first of the month froaa Ban Francisco to ipcuri two or three months at the Doalr much on Upper Klamath Lake. They will bo accompanied by Benora Manuel Ks'trada Cabrera, wife of the prealdcnt of Guatemala, and her two ilniiglitern, who will also spend the turoiner In the Klamath country aa Kucsl.1 of the Doaks. During the ast year Mr. Ooak's hpi.lth has suffered under tho strain of biitlneis. He was advised to spend as much tlmo In the open as possible tblg summer. Turkey's navy contains only four dreadnoughts. ( Uro L'e sstt,Ai'faaaaaaaaaaaaaaai BBBu'Z' iElCsBvfiBBBBSBSBBSSmSsS m BBBBBBBBBBBkSBBBBBBBBBi SB teCWSBst. VIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKfw'TjWt Vf'MBBBBal BO'4-'!ii''iKKA'esaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmDyV flP',""' LidHSBBBBBBl sW fHV "; SfrSBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBEll '"4r SSLLfl WsSfSmr ADVANCING EAST UPON BUDAPEST HOTII I'KTItOOnAD AMI tlKNXA COSFIIIM'THI Muscovites Have lMta's4fully Through' BnkJa P, nod Ar Vow Within Flftun .Milr .of lurtf., IlBSstesM Have nu.xliiiilMl Prse- inysl, and Fighting Ifravy Aloog; Hft) Mile Front In Eaut. ' t Fleet Commander Reported Killed There Ih lixo In the Oertnan army for every kliifl of artisan, and this photograph shows a harbor plying his trade In tho trendies Just outside tho dugout whuro tho soldiers hide and Hleop. out of danger of the bIioIU of thu enemy, Many of theso men In tho trenches havo been In them all winter, living In underground collars. dark and gloomy. The Htiocmakora, photograph. taltorg and harbors among them have been glad to work at their trades to relievo tbo monotony, and In nearly every German company there are suf ficient of theso to take caro of the Hlmplo wants or tho soldiers. Just at tho left of tho barber are soon two tiolillcr Htlcklng their beads out of the dugout In order to got Into the Athletes to Try for Expo Meet1 Unltid Press Service CHICAGO, March 25. Tho West ern try-outs for tho Pannma-racinc exposition wrestling championships, to be held under tho eusplccu of thq Amateur Athletic Union, will bo held lioio beginning tonight. Mat artists from nil over tho Middle West are en tered Tlio Gastorn wrestlers had Ihiili' workouts In Now Vork two ntckx ngo. The cream of tho wres tlers chosen will have their expenses paid to San Francisco to bo pitted against tho elite of tho padded ring from nil soctlona of tho country. The tlnnl elimination contests will bo hold hero Saturday night for tho Western athliitoB. TO BRING NEW FORAGE PLANTS ulted Press Service . 1 LONDON, March 2fj. According to ml vices from Petrograd and Vienna, the Russian troops have successfully iinversed Dukla Pass through the Carpathians, and are now entrenched on Hungarian territory, fifteen miles from Bartfa. This Is the first stage of a great battle, preceding the Russian attempt to take Budapest. Near Uartfa and also In tbo terri tory between tho Lupkaw and Uzok passes, the Russians are mightily smashing tho rear guards that aeek to Impede the progress of the In vaders. 81nce the fall of Permysl (the Rus sian spelling of Prsemysl) the fight ing along the fifty mile front baa as sumed tremendous importance. Upon the outcome depends largely the out como of the spring and .summer cam paign. ait Is reported that Cxar Nicholas and Grand Duke Nlckolas are going to, the scope of tho Carpathian, fight ing as' soon as communication Is re stored south' of Permysl. Tho Inst report Issued by tho gov ernment, upon tho vacant public lands of tho United States, shows that the area unappropriated and unrcsorv- ed covers a total or 005,891,029 acres, or which 486,080,032 acres Is tin surveyed, Of this lattor figure, 307,- 903,823 acres ropresonts vacant lands In Alaska. Only 25 por cent of the population of South America are women. Expense ot Feeding OKLAHOMA FARMER, CONFIDENT THAT SORGHUMS WILL FLOUR 1SII HKUK, SKNDS HOME. FOR QUANTITY OF SEED the Starving Belgians United Press Service LIVERPOOL. March lB.-(Dy mail to New York) "It will coat the Unit ed States llO,0,eeo' annually to feed the Belgians, this is to be a war of years." declare the members t the UaKea aHatee'Centrat Belgian tUlltf Commission her' today," ea toute to hMMot King Aiwt'aewtiijr'-v::' "Oar eoamlttee Is'speaslng' ll 000,000 a month 'jaw to feed 1,800,. HU ar chartered teearry food. Fer-' '(V'miMilifBfl between the United Stales and Rotterdam, but the number of dependent Belgians Is In cr3astng every day, and those we are foedlng are roportedto' be on halt rations," t , Lawrence, together with Miss Josephine Roche, a suffragist of Den ysr.vwlli yielt allindustrlktandAgrl eultural eaters of Belgium to report to. ;tbo' Belgian relief oo'mmtttses in the United Itates. Lawrence declared todiiiy the trip will furnish Informa tion . for" 'replies to charges' la; the United "iSUtes, thatVtaere, la greater need for food'and clothing among, the unsmpployed and poor in America, ra ' " ." ": . A new crop to be tried out here this summer will be the sorghum varieties. mllo maUe, fcttcreta, shallieu and knftr corn. G. W. Hartmsn of Opti ma, Okla., who is hero visiting his daughter, Mrs. S. O. Dearing, believes that these crops will thrive as well at this elevation as In his part of Okla homa, where the elevation Is 3,200 feet, and ho has sent homo for seed from his own ranch. Ho Intends to plant those on small tracts, and It they prove "as successful ns be expects, he will sell put back L'ast and move to Klamath. Twenty pounds ot each variety ot seed has been ordered sent here by Mr. Hart man, and fnrmors wishing to plant aomo small tracts to these crops are asked to communicate with Hartmsn through, the Chamber of Commerce. "I beltcvo that these are the Ideal forage crops for Klamath county," says Hartman. "They cannot be ex rollod on dry lands tor profit, and 1 nm anxious to tost them out, "Those sorghums are seventy-five day crops. The yield per acre rune from tblrty-flyo to elxty bushels of soed an acre, according to the amount of cultivating. A bushel ot seed weighs 54 pounds, and when I left homo the seed was selling ,at 11.88 per hundred pounds, It Is," used aa chicken feod and for atock fattening, etc.; and is as good or better than any other grain for this purpose. "Besides the. grain from the vari eties, the remainder of the plant ta good for stock feeding. It can be ted vtth the grain, tbu giving both roughage anil tattener at the same time, or can be fed as silage.'' Despite an Increase In the use, of eleetrlelty, twentK-ive factories la the United. States are kept busy making lncndeeeent;gn' mantles. " J ' . Fleet Enters Dardanelles. United Press Service LONDON, March 25. A dispatch from Tonedos Island says the allied fleet has entered the Dardanells, and opened a violent bombardment on the forts near the narrows. OLD MAIDS MAKE AUDIENCE MERRY 4 MEMBERS OF REBEKAH DEGREE SHINE AS HISTROMO 'STARS IN PRESENTATION .OF COMEDY SKETCH AT I. O. O. F. HALL BsHHaBsBsKmsiiVV BBasamsssammmmmmmmBamy msmsmsssmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsm msmsmWrassmlmsmsmsmsmsmsmsBBr1 !l9!lmHmslslslslslslsVJImfmslslslsls rJHmslsB-lslslslsmCmslslsIs vflssmmaiBmsmsmsmmsmsmsfmsmsmsmsHmsmsmsmsmsmvR iBLvmsi&stsB ' '"alBmslslslslsHR -? urvT.B msmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmmmVe 'SitaldliaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBeBmBBBBBBBBBB r3sKamsmWftlUBmsmsmsmsmsmsmsKray'BBmsmsnmsmm zmmzm&i'i CHINESE PUZZLE STILL UNSOLVED ,.-:V1 ssr.,' "M a LiLf'. . '?' 7?? YAQUI V'S INDIAN j .1s&tj'nJLi -1! . .' ,'S . " l---"rf!-: ,, ,M; ; 5 f"t :J t i iiim -AiTim IRIIBi; IIIIIKV I niIHU ;UI I ILif j si '.irKanilthivis-si-s.' ANSWERS TO NOTES SENT JAPAN! ARE SAID TO J1E UNSATISFAC-1 TORY, ALTHOUGH ARE SILENT OFFICIALsJREION. -4imm tkrrorCin ranr, , -V .. .y Aumn xuwAy-Si,'s V. I WswS 8irE28 I trli(-.jt I'c.aJ Cmii..m ' "" ' """"? C!i.el-. IMi( JA aW--l3ii,Vm--"-SW' , WASHINGTON, D. C, March 25.-, "" "?"" .'rm. It la understood that Viscount Ghlnda.'! mitlnu rnllaw ,t&riii Htl 'the Jananese ambasaad'er. tas assuratfi 'f . . - . .w&.4fc??-" -'- i ,. ' . . i k. f.ii.. - -y -- II . l I ,!! I 'WW', V X.1 'the United SUtes'that Japan's posMf u ! tlon In the present Oriental mlsunderU Atmu 4,SKS'15?S?2C?; ft4 VAAA y,WT - H Is Admiral S. H. Carden, command er of the allied fleet, at the Darda nelles, killed or wounded, or is he ill, as reported by. the British admiralty t, This Is a question that has been un settled since the conflicting reports were sent out Saturday, following the sinking of three allied ships by the Turkish land batteries a week ago. Admiral Carden was the ranking officer of the fleet sent to the Dar danelles, so he was given command over the French as well as the British warships. For .about an hour and a halt last night an audience ot S00 or more, composed of Odd, Fellows and their families, roared with .laughter at the antics ot fifteen or twenty members of the Rebekah degree, who, under the title ot "Tho Young Ladles' Club ot Single Blessedness'' bold a conven tion, calculated to forward their ef forts to obtain partners for life' Journey. .. Deep In their plana and schemes, they hailed with Joy. tne coming ot Professor Makeover annals assistant, with his wonderful' niaohine, which would take an old maid, and grind her up and turn her ont la whatever form slio wished, .and the fairies, brides, musicians, etc., the Professor turned out were a pleasure to behold. One requirement neeeesary to a suc cessful operation waa, that the old maids tell the professor their exact age, and au weai.weu until one ot them, Matilda MenlJnbW Btralgatface Joyful, insists abo was but 11, and thereby wrecked tho'ntaehlne. . . The solos, duewf aa instrumental music rendered at-(the i Vmade-overa" wm one ot ta Istnaoa of the enter tainment, whlle"tae)iM maid who wanted to beoomo a, Vatoa little house wife,' ad she omM eaaili' a'maa'' swept and dusted jn a' trahratitatle manner: Taken au toawner, (aoorening.waa a (lhoroualy;,JraJrta;aaM.tti, Odd oll(waraiaajsl -aVU koa?tr thanks to tho ate,lo.a,nost' nJeas' ant, eveniag," , sarii;taa'; aor dial wilinnt whim I has soma aaraln REGALSDROPA COUPLE 10 PALMS JOE KENT'S ROLLERS TAKE THE, BEST OF THE SERIES FROM SHOE STORE TEAM ON ALLEYS LAST .NIGHT The Palms took two out ot three from the Regal team last night, win ning the first and third games. Don Dale ot the Palms, rolled 210 In the last ten frames. x The scores follew: PALM 12 3 R. Dale 169 162 168 Ketsdever .......148 146 118 Lavenlk ,...103 160 141 D. Dale ....168 156 110 Kent 138 149 ,166 MM M - M Totals ........ .776." .763 796 REGAL ,. 1 3 Van Bellen 130 183 178 Jester 161 .176 .146 Littler ..164 161 154 Elliott , ,,.173 140 -188 Houston ,. .148 179 165 Totals ..,...-757 888 781, On Way Home. - . j Mr. and Mrs. John w, welts are in tho elty. on their war home to Bly, af ter apeadlag the winter in Ashland, .HrKlsh 'women -aro new: 'tomtit T1piewy cUlw. whlsn.wlH ortngto tother; ne4'ely the wlvea, mothers sad daughtani or,ao 'sWtlMMIoi and saltow, nt' tliyM saajlns, aw- tora, ikanta ;: ti'simi) woafaiiirW ' wmm to is) soaaotMiMf fo tW ToernHi ...-. -. . "finding in no way violates "open door"' p61lcy. It is also understood that the ex. FmAm- Ai-onse ft tXi it6-S aiSfSftsk 5 fnJstuJi eft - ' ?v ' rW ipgj I aV ,'f in 'vTO?vS.',T4-iSW'Jt".vvU J planatlons. of Japan are net such 'as. to fully satisfy the apprehensions of aPnsnUiln.l 'Cjmmmm t . ivftst.. , ::. .v-t'-N-'-i-A!"-. - . . --! r,. - ai - . j w f:r tors. President Wilson his ordered altlffB" Wi?MMg'i ' nfflrit.t, tu .it.. 1. iHERMOSlLLO;' Ma ..- J1smt-s U..M. v wv ..vw f ' ,. '.... '' ' jiv J.--..n '."',.. -iw ,y ,.: 1 Thara Is m. BOMihllltr of th -..rJ. Kr0ngffflaiOeloa;Of-,ar tatlon of the CallforaJa.anti-altenlaiiiy1' bill matter. It Is understood that Uinvf.ff' "rSW'Pf- the Okuma ministry, was str'onglrsus-,w1n?';('J!i;!t' tained at -yesterday's election, lt$aatMSMMW Jaoan's intention to re-oDen the mat.! General Manore.tbe.gOTernor. , ter. . ;is stinTockedfn I "; t ' "l ' M . ii. ' . iM. lT I "Ba ,imruK,iLBU uj- uo;rwiivusvAHl President W"n is receiving copies ; of. all Pekln and Toklo messages, im mediately upon their receipt.. SPECIAL MASS EASTER MORN THE CHOIR OF SACRED HEART CHURCH PRACTICING ONE OF. MU AD'S ARRANGEMENTS FOB HIGH MASS RENDITION , The cheU-'rt-SaetiHeartehnW la, rehearsing one, ot tho celebrated Millard, masses for high mass Easter Sunday, which will begin; at 10:30. In addition a special ,Eaater. sermon will be delivered, by the ' pastor, Ber. Wm. McMillan; S. J. ., ' Mrs. A. r. TindolM.organlst, Is di recting the choir. Mrs. Jule Barlow Is violinist. The vocalists ere: Soprano Mrs. Matthew Smith, Miss Claudia O'Laughltn, Miss Alice Mc-Court Alto Miss Marjorle Weeks, Miss Edna Soule. ' Tenor Lawrence Mehaffey, Miss Dorothy Weeks. Bass Carl Schubert, Rhlnehnrt, Mot- schenbacher, Joseph B. McAllister.1 "TV; - .'H4, fc-Wgt J TtA clfsitn VHejteoi4aVsB)tMnei;wlUfnaV'l1 ,? the Indian; settlements Jtoiise'Jtho'';' .other Indians." ThernewaUhatjttieT ;'' have al'readyMnnerjsCtJBraoainO'il will undoubtedly fsUrtVtJsaidatot WVsawr gram. u VHB .WJia-yanmjtjgBlW W V wwtee.?' jkamtfttiffles? ' .v, zmmmmm WASHINGTON.' D.a Mareh:l6.-r -General Felipe Angekn m loomiac f a possible eomnmlssissllente Mexico. ..General 'Ancetar'-iraa' eliosasi' saprorlstonalprsildsnt at tho asiao cimTenUon?ls;MR'letismTma, and'Cainruavait K:asirsto's,ttaH- t Uryma-gpeta eomftatan e4elwmttwtraSBidtdijbs ter im nmsj.iftjj.t' ,v '-. " ; ;,The;war,;;etartment.-toeWjstsg'; that SASJrmy.tiina9oitwWtalM.IOr-: etgn ,refug:rromlTaa4ettf','H.lii tonnd mmrmmsMmMi Fighting U reported a-wUere. taef yilUitaa,ndertlM,eotBman4iVjBn' In person.rntUen.Maaasora3 :: ANDTHbR FLEET IjSss i-.- m 2?i v s,x w( MAY SAIL LAKt AtaMViWj-:xw..if V . - -U. if :, .Wa-I PASSENGER ANna,FRaWIHTUralK I BETOG TAUCFAOF.iWmkLAsta IN ADD1TK)NKTOIOALK11W ; i HAMniTON.DAnjY SsVICB g; f KS&wJaj&JiSteasSJf. . .., . . .. .j'.y 'W'ft'frt'sv? wiia proepeew lor.tnereasea.enai' Texas Demantjir Fire Escapes AUSTIN, Tex., March 26. Fire es capee are being added to buildings, ev erywhere In Texas today as the re sult of the passage ot a' law at the recent .legislature. AU structures of more than two stories In height must be equipped, with adequate fire escape, lactiiues. Fire, chiefs. Are marshals, city officials and' the state commissioner ot labor are, charged with, the-entorcement of the law, School buildings, lodging bouses, i theaters, public, halls, manufacturing and .mercantlle.establtshments are-af; I Point lnje:mornJng,rjtnflihs; thoro tected. . , -4i MiMMimmmA'k.n.: ftArlflV' V - JTr"T KSyf T .T jS'Vvf.,1 nosatnilpolnialoCpMKism freight' ;aad' psJsWngereoatai .v-wywwr.iyM L? " !--. v Regarding this,; nothing ; dNrfalte n I been arranged .as'yet,;tlwughaeteia)l ot .the shippers have hlnteiTiwesTj: The proposed'jlne'asorrioaj la nn- wnwys,. ntiwu, uti; ;WWp ,M ,Hpr iil,limifii'll.Bn ltnnlAft w'jI'ffMkk to&&giii$m Shippiagten: eaeh , mrnlng,1retnmif In theVteirMoW whHeiW line, it is nnertoor will leave Roelv -. . . ...j. ,.... ...j.. vmsmtmim Wriahl JIJmssW- 1 aw sH b jbmsbb rnKJtsmv -jm, bm am mm amt ml W3wrg ' naa nm rajmajmamr g fL..t- -a JnltedPresa Service Sv. day, Orvlllorltht,slioSTrtth?lila i 1 .- " .'&" . WS" ?-- T ' lr3' I V i,'-.l Brother, wag ; the pioneer inswatier than-alr : oraft" lava4tor; admitted . -'.:s' ('. ,,-.."& .?rs-N.v. r.wMas,.- that'' bu H-rr'U umisg.ont sewes of mlUUry:aaoli,c nso';aa:tJao ureeo.aHlgilaa.v;v;,-- jf-JC-V P.VuiMtMeakjiM'fn. r'.r.trrri' .irvrrrAT--.r -r-1 .v.iMvtM.wwtaUWlaaai k fkXbVpm .' taveoUea. Tmefnii illl isllrilr isMnliU 'fSSmi iiaaaa uiw.uHi, maenmea awav nm Ml'oraaJe'e,aa4,t:i m nonaii aearv..;.a4a-nto:aMy l.Mtui h tut m a muu Hur, fenilrl "--i..-. - . maj. 'iw -, .:,,i TMWVSi "wuww ".i.j . v .(... j ' . xk.riv... ..T' "Tier ... ,-;"r ,-T r tw " Ns y. &.'