W r''": WMSLW' '": R ' r 8 .. 3J' 2lhr ?V Miff UMwiaa'4MdgA tf ;'aja .pi-tii-" TVr "r't. A tT? md LAA.:v: -j mi mmzmm ;w ijjjaaaMPttHtM'-iggJi!.'if 'iiwiVJaaWajvarg: v-v tft'Mlf - j jt 'jjfcMi Year X". MN ' T m r. - KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, .MONDAY, MARCH 22, lflS ."-k'r i4s;i ?, J! m mm rmr m m mw m ww v mr i rMirrwei -mr:Pmmsmimn ma&zssr ' MT.. 'AH .11 N 'L: ; n , .; iWKB TaoaVaVaVaw kk -gas- a aaawae. KkK.rr,oM .vh:BMkK. rH1 C ' TzJL-i MMMBaMiaMMi. Tf 7ii -j f : ' r . : ; : u , . ... ., , wsTLfmnanrnwmimmm ' .j-fi warn i V9l9 ALLItSVEBTSOON m ' "iO ft". t. f " t ? i ., ' .SlMfUVK MIKPAIttlKMIl ARE ' M)TICKAWiK !, i y lvtw it v' Viiirr Pert U Crowded WMklMMN '! lllUH lit mhI Ollirrwlw 11NMrta,fnr rC . I II l.l Ik. IT iPKt; i By WII.MAM MUUPldiH (CniicJ ',, " orrHMBii ! 1, r. vuprriiicti, ioip, rh --Unit! IAr llfAata AaAtVlAllABV ltt "" '"- Mtv ".' SffpAHIfl, Mnrch 81It to praetlctl 'V cerUIn tlml lUdy will wrUelHiU "Intho r.uroiicnn war wl'tkki til wekt. ' 8h HI ulilo In with tk AIIIm. '" IMinr" "" r - -r UTfitlpuon, (luring whleh THHtcd -It- tinilitM Mllt WIibI t uw anil UtOTI JHIHMU V"" f "wl " " liMrit ilicro U convincing. t J ,Thc country Ii fullyMCBltMBt of tbo Impenitlnc warfar. ' . Trwrni aio drllllu vsrVwhtr. Tli porn itrr crowd4 NrltJi of :llltnry age, wlio r comlig kick ' lo tw Anllnblo for mtllUry mtvIm. fliilr will noon bo foirertjb Ht4nt ftb Idea of not roIhi to war r,eMt IrtlMie the men ahe Is! holding. sub-' vjNt o iiiolilllwtlon.'r Tenssof-thouJ tads of llnllans were 'repealled from I foreign countries for ntllltary aervlce Most of thcHQ men are Idle, and they tre cUmorlng for Italy to take a te- r clilvc itnnd. If Italy is not to fight, I, they demniid their relfaae so thoy 1HUV4III IllVlf llftUQ.- r The government's program Is obvl uusly arrntised. The country is ready .n .. , t. t MuUa T h to (ho laat detnll, prepared for a long It csmpslitn. h Ijueg on Xoles. Suit tu folleet 4 M,850,..d dei..aby J, Frank Ad.m.,wbo. with bUJof Z '?"' ""' .g.W;io. him, andfons. has been uringlhor of UfJj JSTS Persons, hrm. on stven notes assigned Intercut ulnro Mnrcli, 1814, has been started ngalnnt Arthur 0. lwfs and iwifo by Alex Martin Br. "The 'notes 7 were asMgnoil by J, C Rttenlo 'and laeorro T. Baldwin, ,w. , -v , COE SAYS HE WANTED MONEY TO a fzwvwmzwkz MAKEATRIP AROUND WORLD WHEN tj' I? i A3KE0 WHY HE "L-'-e .V , 'rjC..s.ME,.,. Tho following Is 'fMmJaTawrday's uoi i no nan Franeieee'BHlletui: "JX Dumlmm U. Coe', 17. years old, V IMAiiaJ I... a. ee Ts.T:. " T V . I'loycd by the WeWLnmnir eemnur t Wcod, SUklyon.cowityfnlter plead- !S Inn klilllu l ...! -- i.I.'-.. J. 4s lag guilty to usngUk4jMlleeT ".ifriuil untn. jii.-i ..j-!i.f . Ufltti, c0feeXto1foli8wlg A. . niat on March' .Uat.he h4art. I VM a flrn In th i,.iJ .: kb .A.ii" Ii, r ii N Which rn.mnm.ii.;? aaa aaarr.-n hlqh rnnaume'aT.eltBllCfeetpf 'lumber, vnluod at IIM'.tvt1 , That ho had dmvWmIv written a ------ w . aw - vwv blackmnillng letter demanding of. the . i,uu to he plaeed In a store at ftUwnod. nnrtar .'tk.V.lfctjUlist A JhMfl would be raore nris at. Weed, ,S That he mailed tale lettsr.prlnUd 5Jh rubber tye: on'tK asvVfollewlna uV.h 1200,000 ritSsjf J5Rva)ipv 100 j(lf.'W, fc$ That ho wa. Werin:th.SWJuou-rt tbniMiV fthifcel grievance llU omployeraiikMoJily r,, - i'MiRig,isansef W If. aw- e,iiWMBi.iilWBwrvw' wRff-,.- i y nn cMough,mea:t'telailiiu4ll at-varleua Uaajar.hMjWMmWa ffy trp mound 'W' WKWI 5 The youni,;pr.Uer,-WMCttf wejN.jrv-XtY fet hit Sunday,,, J. jmWrt IM fa Atwf JrWyi HtfH ItkN. A, Coei'iwmr:'-, i.'nti Tredrmvler'-wTesi.'.'fanetod -.y'mpioyiHlar the Weed """ "- -l.-'. m,i ingaa.eMwssi TSPsbv. i. L. rirLr-TIi ? r.xlVJ"iZ.-iiii--ias'fcepi sMMkeTm'wee:M,aieH.aanteKtne aiaaweexcnniwammw wen,M,r fiVimS2TTlffE3ara2tsri.? v . mm ltw l-TrTT.. " J iW ! i U,WrK "? A tMI? .S'T.SWat.KLto .'.? :V! cL Lfr'ft te.ir, 'i-S1 , te5,V$ , tHaft .fe ' ..- ' ' . , 'Mi ? "-.a. : r-rm- .-..- .w . -?,- . ; .-; wJUB.-im, i.-. ,."' mii "" (i No rlor uliock. lis bec-n udmluli iaroil the (tarmnu lu (IiIn war than tfii!iiow d( llio otbor ilny that thoi Qucon Kllxnbetli, tho groRtMt battle alilp ever built In Kuropi, ono with eight flftcn-incligun that ahoot' more than twelve mile, had arrived at (Im Dardanelloa and waa battering tho laat defemtn of the Turkleh Bm-jof Lplro In Kurope. INSPECTION Of hunk: mim: . y '."- UK1IIKMKNTAT1VI-I OF FRKNCMi tlOVKRXMKXT V1Mi. NOT OWC HKKK IV TIMKKOR TOMOR - I IIOW'H AWOIVmKXT . , ,. ,. J .!-, i lie inspecuon m? P"JT;v"ursnd with ihe view of enabllna them to JSRSilSSr'rS!'J2 f. .- . e.a.a - .- - aj a . SrS t'Su rjiSSFa nouncoment to thla effect Is made to- arrive9 In time for thajln.pect.on The t,B,Vl ! '1 "SLSi istlr Miction wl)l bo annonaced later. . '- i. ... SET LUMBER FIRE i nuced at tho time he set dre to the (lumber yara. (Te. ewer o em-uhat lh br "m . vlcl,,B or hralnufeTorln.hii.eirly mutk an that.Blnce. then at varioua perioaa an minil!h'.B shown sins of Impairment ' " . " . " - . - S-i- ninths) TahawnaliHB of Impairment I .jr;.ji-wei2f . hAuHldrd as aisiisw's ii;, forwoev iiumami" , y- the" W??' that, w .r- kgt'te'eendognf Coeito.the blliHHl.toesM hlmUo jail on aeemnt azmrnMKftw posiponeif mMtleMttainarUhathe would eem mltWa'g Cos U tha Idaho Industrial Tflf 1f M ' Anthony, ldaho?rt'fexY4kM,k ,tTll6vouihtalnrienle, told tlio VaWlKVW" yoBgaterwliehe aaldi appeared i k.1r. viBitatAiliaMat'aBd resolute ts. isrt-stated 'that, h did -iiii- .p HM din. qT"Wi'"'"f",''tTT!W V. i tV 'r'J.i-1'ji.- ....J ' MS uB ! V j Thla wonderful' ablp has stood out of range of tho bet .guns on tho i Turkixh forts on tho Pardanollos and,predlcted,"tn 8ulUaind all Turkish yet been able to throw, her tons of nteol Into forta that had been thought Impregnable. A week after alio began the bombardment, aupported by omo other forty ablpa of tho nrltlth and French navlen, ahe had allenccd moit tho forta of tho Dardnneltea, andlt was considered only a question of Employment i4"sr, VxC , aAUB MarclIM.-igtringent pro-' ',vUlona for the regulation of employ- .nt agencies are provided for Ui a ST'l m Bsl t j I 1 it.' m uei ucenses rroni iitaie iWif.l" bill passed by tho recent legislature.,,,,,, rn'rther..ltir.wlei"tt i.v1 UlJ RVI, HUU V iivvui iub Mwvuesms,! leffectlvo, Labor Commissioner Hotf Is J"; JJSiSS: toi. alwhai printed copies of . bill . .a.l, oy-lh,ecUltt mvMat. incia' o account lur mi biikwj wir ( lected for such purposes la 'July of each year r ,fc J Under tbo bill regulating employ' must apply for license thirty days-be roro tho day liDon which It Is. to be tissued, and 'also provide a bond to the I A. O. . Ill .1. h..lAI. .C OnOCl IU01, (ney win cuinpir wuu m nrovlslons of the measure. The amount of both the license fee and L the bond la based upon the, ttion of the city In which they trans act business, and. If theyv are not situ ated in a cur tney are to nie ine min imum bond provided and pay, the :.. . . ..a.a'a riDEUici i ; UNinM rflltflLLL UtllUII UTa .Armiiir iii nr'i ii -T.A -eV: f.i. t. MKMHKItH O ALIi WIH npnmSP, .flu ! B0" a - j. , AXT CHURCMK8 IN THK CTTg TNDKR;WTW.HK8 WTSEZ l"AnfU VABaUvfg, 1 aJJW m IHVtinw U - ' " ,'fJf,UJamtill,..h1. itla -.J ... MethodUt.SW!'' Wftt0. .,.-., . -.. v.7-s fctojiii,.trfjB.jiHfW U aawawia v rwmmm g,aiert .mante nn"unii-wiin iiuiu -.-- jLiiiiia . for aaMateuaav. :ki . nkkiasiaH aniiiMiHni vuinaraH ama i r.Ti.v . the Hreseytarlan eljureh' Im) liWlMBMSL, an hisMSfcM; wihiahaaeasaMM et.that Congga-'1CWlP?'i'LL., iiJUBMJcsi I " : Kr-la'eiSi-W-.W.'Bas:- Jf?!C,uu "iaWaaflaJ lanal 1-rseslal Tgala-IBIBI Tlml I Ball jwj' . T' "" T'.v "T J -'" . usBamasmi. J., n ., Trr.7TeTfTOTTCru",VJJ"L vr. -WrUrrt" 4LC'BBtSrV-w; i f?tket).hieHlveaVlM frleiiata. ftknUtkliB '(WhoiiTet It m i im i 1 ' "" ts-. .5 V ilmn when ahe4 wottli? reach theos-.aga nor us. Builoar-b'for Dim it w ofllclnls will hare fled, to Asia. Thus tho opening of tfco'tftaaponu and the Dardanelles to Russian commerce' will have become one of the greatesffeata of history. ij This great ship-rth'ere are Ave In bor clasa nearlng 'completion, tho Wnrsplte; Valiant, Barham, and Mai Agents to SS l-fc5V5;evl j, : !f ft.Hi Ai'j: uSgg. minimum license ieaiie 01 caargea u amo aeaigmatM rSSsSlTS-Se: If Information is farntofceft which Je Incorrect, or the position which the agency agreed to proviieTnaa already a i!ken' ,L""i"r-th.! fee and transportation; & Provision Is also made that If anyiaplicant who obtains work Is dlsshargeil within two (days he shall bo entitled to-the re turn of his whole fee,-and If dis charged after two daya. within atx days he shall be entitles to the return or halt of his fee. VN Employera who requeatan employ meat agent to supplylaeer-iuid who ahall refuse to accept t,'Wahalt dis charge a laborer witaont sMser snail oo iibuiv in iuu i)vr.irf wmin UMsmado a criminal) laVewwjfpr an employment agent an) employer toJdlvidevthe fee obtaliedtlor' pro viding a person with eaayment. It ls,alao made n crlmlnaeatesjaefor An acent to provide a pereWeeeklag em ployment with lucorret;itefmatIon,iinoMIXKXT LOCAL4 GIRL BK popula-jand.for an agent to kfaTbual- nVlBaplacewhere'Hsg"ir..hoW prln a room or bullamieetodi BT, Hour mill ihwjw wj ur; caat. are aold. ;.&a; -..' w". M- .1'ilVv a ASA'iV' i -s..v isgi T w " " " Tyaii-Jr."'t.....A .... .. . .-i.. . Kr -v ;TX3-2,i'i"eroeri Mcuuriuy sou jsms .verrie in UJODAVB ODDEaMpB0VtiP"terre, rrleat thee of 1a&N&&frH f . 7-'1rJA' VJT. Tssr1""' " Isaieh . -.- Diogenes mi headed ettMrd Mlnneanolla .teward Mlnnea a '.ii. r- : . ii- ;wi ihe may not be, is, ne e etee 3! ; """""it e7ma; at Now Bi PUWI- f walUt; .dHrtiiitJS)' mllkfia ed that eTBINlaUSa s-ewva kas'aiinnnaAil Otnil ejsag, time in in -i..'.. fcSi and eensutent IweetBHrtthr Ws ever sspe4 .the. cause IfBjwath ooeV raarr snH,w"l'Ar-T;."r ine ainwae.vcnnifemsj.wa e-snpar Sf'JHK ?W - mr x 'AJBpC -' 'Mjmr'e KOaMI rlsani 1S MBIi I J rrsj fl " 'If y-f" tf X- ii IW- . if Mk.:Jm ",is r r&Ff.".! . . A.-,...-.;''"- 1 Is'of "27,000 tons dlsphweaMt. 8be is 650 feet long with a bean of niacty-rour feet; and a draughtof twenty-seven and a half feet, Beatdea her great battery of eight flfte Incb guns, abe carries sixteen' six-Inch guns.' twelve antl-aeHal ''twelve pounders, or four-Inch ' gnu, four three-pounders, and four submerged twenty-one inch torpedo tubes. She cost about 'IIS.SOO.OOO. . f B0X rjClORY AT BRAY IS BURNED p Sr UMW M? AKHHStlsOM,, WaU - GWINWW wmAqm-ww r .w-m ", " Tt ft Js ? Pi"' ff p wt4.v.J, rtnnJoji i' 'vabiw Avnv, nuvnr . wamaC t w i-ib . .";' rvJ!'. .-'Bra HotUM auk vivr ntuinm K ! "'tfj'' . ' l J.l" , r . .V., , f i k? jfiAt , j"B . H.aU j.- - -fm -t i" " , 'i'rr -f 'r? "7T t j BRAY.vCaHf.r'MarchSJ: Fire of unknown origin last night destroy ea'tne opxiaetory or tne;orr LKe Lumber company here? The 'plant' was a total loss, the damage amount ing to about $36,000, which was cov ered by Insurance. The yards and shook warehouses Were not damaged. The eeaaon'a out put waa contracted well ahead. The Ore started at, the end of the plant opposite theengine room and boiler house. V MISS CARRIE ' . , J -u-J.,' FOSTER WEDS .'H V OOME8 THK BRIDK OF KAI j manCOUPLB MARRIBO I ' KARLY VK8TERDAV MORXIXG. .1 - ' ' v At 8 o'clock yesterday moraine. thA brldAfi n&rentB. Mr. an4 lira. John 'W," - - T-" ' ' " --ITU Foster. In Hot Sprlnn addition.'' Rev. Ernest C, .Richards., pastor of Oraee M, P. church, waa the oflclatiag mW . . . fc .. .t,i isier, nna omy mvuuiirs uiiiic;iwy families attended. , 4 B !V Mrs. Moore of Roisburg, a. sister of tbeA groom, was brldeemald.'and James Forter, tho bride's i brother. waa best man. After, aweddlng breakfast, the couple left.for, a month j trip to Portland, Salt Lake.-Ogdsn. il'.oa Angelas, San Francisco; ana other ightltgVt elties returning her to reside. l& Mho The "b'ride" has a wide circle of f .wr'frtanil. all throueh this section.- ShS M:ilwa statl()itVjbeutheri kg;tetelPwlaeVor'eyra year at Ager. ai4 Helk'gSiile of yeanagewaa transfer .liiu i. t. ,.UUkaaar tka IV Mil BJ W",1 a- ,"f-, tleket '0lce of themp-iy&- if wjwsmgjiwS-al.miigwetTi .n4 toinJ-eot lnMMe thokiS fr-;gwtor' ajai IfiaaaaU VMta. A;M''MiMplhv twine, Kmipein anuarwwrpV g mgmimvB-mwaammmm'' mm-i c-t frtoB tf .11 tMiMte 41- -"-J- . :V Kf cm pmnm,n , yyKiaw, w P 'Tam.atriaamasfcjwsmTe ' The fa ef staai wvaeteaulvOemsseJjrTsm'-: rftbel moetpowi Tt '-'i-. " . W t " i ' T " y,v. ;TiW;iaiLoi i-raeasysa wieaass at sjssissi.ay--es;'ieiiiipr fass m l-c. ' staee aWiakMkv jbW"gaii a i J. 1 ttH-Mte.WettverrHrfseetaelkWlsn iga,Mll lir ';;? , Oalrlaai awe heggjty saaiiiawaaaHc ei teasjjgyg Blfea ' "-j. j I rissasssl.oaaae MttheerMeal aaeaaweg am Mat JfefNBJMiBfr' ; lesslaasiiaee eassaa iTeaaeg aaTigriBBVi2affiSAt'iJr. - m-lJ rf - - y -. . -i - , . T" fc-i't - ww.a i. j Uk j in -.i . rr v: , 5rii ' Oi erewr haauL theTcateawi a 'C x ' - ' ii , v ju "d t .4tri-'?, HosseFrons Vaywtaseii.iftoj " '?. T ""'. ;-. a.-J. Tore of ue luesaaui ausMH' fscturinc compejarcemefea leet night frem a short.Tacailei in Oekliai;iHe was, aecompanW'"hylsiVee,:'"who spentrthe winter; te-OwaVwlhla!. AiTSS--U - . j ' ' J A".aWBi AM church will aiMt-'atvihaToharehM Thrse1aAerneoto-'1tnJaseet?m-. anneal Daaaaaa. ". -r - -wv . v:,.a i t...i. i"i.'.' ...' ;i. .; r!UMn, ,vici, . laaaaarai aanBfacturlag., etty. In s the ert.& 't-ft - """ ' -4 Qi&r .-r - AsSm:m '.The Aid Society of the Chrietlan M w pmiHsi finis HII I ' I' - I'll! mi PMft 1 """Mil Hst-" ii - OF WOMAN'S DUTIES DURM& WAK (Co-pyH,b;;1,tC".taeem AV-TBtKeV'-l-- pj'eWBiiiSICB '. V j .Ti 1-' '- '.i"rTK .-. .VvaM.i'T, ATI ""n"wjt. '"I f . "". " r ""- "I lNpO Ma lg.,1 the ; wor ,by;i,imperjal .pmwmr,A ' .h A" " .' . .v w -w -, f ' rv -- s ;'i-u l ihfwenM i .i deiVh UW; Welmatlenf-tra' BmmeluV Pankhurat militant saf. '.UftrBlBrHUOft-y OI WBMMI fragette leader, declared toeejrj In. a$rifs.artS iee - aeaam interview vwlth the Ualtsd Preir.X,igttoeC4wmWi NPf 'wlthViBs the appeal of Prisldent Wat- .. flnaamtAClf, 1 H T'Tal terjRunclmak'of.the-Board oYTrgig tor, KM UiIIVM OlJUIlltgUwqi to aid the government In the war;,The 'mlMtMt.anfratea,, she' aald. wej- Me-e,ehmce.toowttatomW fgjr3k;- JmporUnt'aaaetM .tJii?J.5Vw we Poeiuop.faTHMt German women in the war TV, I aBaMaV man women to the wgrt'Mgelp; It' would be 'a t-taJfeMiK p '.: 7 -."" wTT."3rrTi V Wf araa hai HAlalA rilM.il' '"Tfc. BS.a n .... -"-"' 'TTPii CTTfi. mans, we must aamH,.uus of'thelr wemen;tim.-i them-I dot lllrn tAM tee as hreedera.'ttiMLi itee'ree. a eoeaua-t of Oer. rClA t' zi -XI --. - aaaaaaa - aaaumsi : nmanaaiavt Oi elBgglipp, eat H .aUk '"Baa w IBFJ t1 'fl'"'"""' i ""w "Pfee jJT 1 OutbsetWtklgst, many. a. iBHk niuei oy tjliiwitiN tk IHhbVbB -. & 0rim:ilHi M?lHI-f J 0 '. w nm '' . VT1 .ai.Ml.wj ,-.! '" - .1 I taSaaaW ia aa -" .11 lalllia IfPl l&fHM&mwilmm&te fWktidirtlwlmftiB-iiB j;by:Gemwwwert"'snevaW.p, l4-HPif)ts-l4ltil '-"t p. y , M WfJiHt vmmmw w-w avsmaaa-. - Mi .MM majj wayf'WA t.-Z"2v .1 Fj-1 s -'---"- f .-a -'2 ,'rv"i la tat njiVagraam ilMmmim0mtrf$. pase s:.. pehW - .'.. mjeetu.M faaetcalsa,Jas!aaajia,BBW',eai,aj'n-4- rfl'Saillg BJgajaSM, eaVaSaSWe MaBjasK-t4-i. aaaaaaaaaaaaaamaMaaaaaaaaaaj - a p--"-"P"---aaamaaiMaaaa A " . a- 'rt2i - ',v 'Vy? ms,n. NB l' a,'ra? I fH ' tr" jTa 3k. " - X4lBmjeBatHwsrvl4PlJBi, pll BmWB"' r ify- thai am eMIamf " - ; ; I ifirS, -' wees etMaaBrse'BmBBwaBaBesaBC. - .sf!S5fVrWJ WBsaaaaaiaaaa,wri ' rtli nil af il aaai 'lYm iaai akaaaiiaakai -'A aoWtaTamtH lAia-rS; : t&2&&, ::i !" ii I i aaapaaaaaWaBm-Bt.v-, ... ... ..... ,, ,.,.,,..,,. - . --m '4- ; r t . 3v f , I ? VTO "5 . " A i - A' 1, SUFFRAGISTS WS tiscst'' rfrjtflfiar i- Paakhnrat witha aaalM. bat at hBt " hPj "-V-L" Vt-" W- H"U " . M!iKSfl"; TWflLM all alaW 1 laTaa t TTirealaTaB BBB Bk l aTBBBBBBl Tkeaitiltirbtee'4 s ijiFr'"JTrw- f P-" ",JsWJP WrWlv tnuptjttmmrx w& i .--l"' ;, . . -. rflJ-P .i..- ".?- . ... iMtrted ;san. ' Bsmam :rmiaM,.WBO.-.- fcrtlfe9a'e,l mlltm&tm, ! M fteeA. ft to tke boiatgrs m'J; ay nmgwg '?aasi1,t).;Ta0 Mam . we. aaea'a -" - -PiV, mtte litNnnsa &,' ,'J . ewa-Taaaa-t, aaaBa , II Ilima : , 1 a..w 'ill w Ifc , 'jaiii I ,. M-aaiaaw ia aajaaaaaau laa- -ajaajaaaa nobly. : In yosr dvll wr. ti the Italted States wlm1 ..' .".. "tvV I ...! i. -. 1 a ia a amaaar aaa aaaiaa aaa, aaaaaa . -W.-r aaaj nnaeeeevatf . r v lK"fKa "' " 1 3yJj. ' V "fwfJP"'" f . II WTl - - - -n-aw -ff yppsp .efe et,aeswa.';fMAavlnMm;we-pg . j WgMaBfl tQ-ee at'iks'aSai?areivalBa-aifcaal wettTy tlgaiiir.iB&H3 ' 'j Skaaa aAlt t.1--r-JA. , .V'S. ..k.aM - P . iww ww taaaaiiNiv wi.iaiaav amawaa. awaaapv" r. KJ ffi raa i&SS. ASi'ai ,T&?I KKafci rJV1 T S -7f ( ,'M- 1 1 V; IpfW" "'irs iitmy mmmmmm ,:m . ; ,- .: