'ii& If' If' ..! ''C ,!-. . '. m. mv IV & ' & W,Ntl2 WHIL'b .,. itv . , a-.. ?, .Si"- 'ww v.., mmmmmMmi&"'yh-i 'mm y t ' j ' , jrt. -v . .,'- 'f i ,-f -iv-7a '..', srei! jr.x-.,-.;r .. -. j v'Tin vjm'hw vv j-v. - w .- , .yi - r -r ' .r -. ." itj, , -r, .grL-'--vt.t-'')' .. ,' &, m - !' i i i ii iwi i iihiiiiiii. ! i.ii.ii ip v:rl Hrt -.Iidr -r-.w --ir---' lM:'lr sk .- fcii -v- sny uri iiiui iiLri iui o -- .n ip ZfrP" tfy. 4J21 iPBOlfSH W OEMMDH I Tit l ft T iw 1 1 iPQtfL h Millionaire's Son Is "Railroaded" MM ll lj m lr I'M.. II unnniu ,1 W I si IftlFfe ' l I h5?f.. ' ' '- . ,.v 4 iruuii tiii; iiiiitihii ukMASiiA fcl& AliMtJIllJ O.NK; ., ' -t' ijisr'Sf.' .. I fr ,lti)' A-iirn"eVflHil May , ta - " aVlb-cn He"! Out Iteimrdtnc tire .-la,. j. .. a . i?.5-'1 ...... ..f tnu.-Ii-- lN-im. It- " - S'jjjy Vroif.1 Maintain TlMrtlhv.Or. tt'of tVmnill U iencn Tfcit It, Jvrttf I. . ' ' & Interference. ".- fH!l l'fM SiTVlMI S ? . ' vV -r;'-.;-.....,..'.. n. U..k 16 WAHlil""" '. '! ""." ' I . ,1 k m .1 TM flwt dralt of Araerfei'ii Ptil to. SL Mfnt iirllluli orarl,fou"nfllJ iwSinMrtuttiiy WpikitjltiWJlltBl (l.rm.n count UlOIlK III 'HOriUjneu, Hitter of fuel miner mn a nauvr RfHw. It hold Mint ln,thU orteri tkt' corrriponileuce tltat ., DMed ktten tlm United 'HUtM ! KfW- ldnil Krnnw lmr dmr Mtlraly-lg if iiTfco drart docUrea tt o MatUr jWlrtt Murnncc nte ooTy to the Uiiltoil BUtM la eMiecUon lth Dm nllmlnntlon of "WHf' iom' ittivltlM, this imtlon muH.iiifjfvon tU order In council, w'hlck;tW,th 'litMtlon of Kngland mu Franc to totKftro with nil coiMMtteA to and l,frP;Otrninnr. U-Tho (undntnontnl iropoa1tl) of tbe '& . ... . .. ... -;Tr.' !.'.ii.' jrolft will do that uie aeBB oi ia itlllM that Amorlcau ar thae. no f.-c, . . .. -li.:- iJAmtrittin roou rae: Mrijr ibroujh neutral chanaala U aWurd. ," p'lt U not llkoly that. ta protwt will fltli acrco that thart la a apparent fastd for lianto In tha. aMktUr.H " . ! It li oinclally denW4 today I hat ,'1'rMldcnt WlUon la eiai4rinit a ipecial nenMon of con(rM to Meuro hantborjtatloti for placing an nbaro on commcrco to and from the 'wl ! liferent natlona. -. ' Tlm president rcgarda-aueh an act i.ii one mat voum oe cosim Tlolatlou of the nailoa'a aautraUty, J aad.ono that vfould be received with vrUhTor by all, A. " V GOOD CAIUE 15 $t'k if ?l; 3Mssiyw m, DKWH lEiv city htockmaV Aomemt to ISA WON!) KN) IIKAD OtT JkUXWKD fsr.-"" wnMssasj" r , "t - "- tf per BRAD In ia I". . - iMf iSr . .r. - " i'- tf,. According to a nlghllelterireceivfd :$hm W, c, TroaibUrBtVClty tockman, by Secreiary rttY;tlie Klamath Chamber oC9aiiMNt,kt OjU deliver 100 haM,;ol bUded fcflwa, half theotfh4iBiW -?.la Klamath Piu:.-Jiwii'i''.fcfi'b' xpwi, Bending Rbt ka4 a day .V Thn ,.,.. -..w ,,aiali Rd Poll, aneraMra-ed the weae r0f those Btralns. "l 'ii n. 1' lit'il'ilrmmm tiki .dairymen Intereete tfffi&fr&m .'toihlp in thw-elTeaHite4 14 I.& L'onfereiiM? IWnlted P'reii wW an 13 Wice ' gftLglBglw ' glglglglglglglglglglLI 'gBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgaV ggggggggH ': Hgggggggftgv Llgggggggga KLAMATH PALL! OREOOJttDAYtlf ARCtf it$ti& It" , ii ' . ' ' ' r ?g . faff STARVING MINERS SCHOOtSlf AKE UP APPEAL FOR HELP INDUSTRIAL WORK WITH EftTMIIASM HIXUI-TAUV OF UMOX MAVH ; THAT IILXDItKUH Of KAMIMUH ' AltU IV IIIIILUK aKljlMuj nil. ' I.N'O TO lltOLO.CJKI) HTIIIKi; ; v P; ?tviM.tti'-.t1i.ti-k.-i .'f .UL-Li ... r1 ikr-1..7. . sa,2&'JM(SJSi .. .-,,- , , j. y.";-"- f " .yg-m- f --jTP .n.f t j- .- . .j , llnl HU, , "III, , t,f ,t -T , .'J "iS Vsf Captain)Kiehne :w .r''Jt j"-y. j' -s '3k-vir.st. 'a - i r T . 'mm' ' MM.kn i.r. r f. tryc, and His tamily JJ hM- m." Maaflajtaav' " j- ilvwu. Ar MiVKHAI, OIMiAJilZATIOXH ARE1 , i PERFBCTRI) "tL- ... f. .. .. . i i'iiim-ii riMHPervire - i X DICNVHR, March 10. -The follow-8ue" Fd Wrfcdd CouaiyO-; JnKapp.?lha.heeni.dbycx.Boc. ,,. e(jk th mWcA njmiy ioyio or ttie jocal branch of "S1. te. I'nltcd Minora?' ' .1 KUuMh CejCktM HonJi& the Vartome A4V ": tev4 .?i-Jli'f8f . JUrrlll, Mt. Lakfc Pfte Grove Mliv (JHlr Hchbola llundrcdi of ralaera and tbelr fum- lllcafiro nfjitally 'starving Iq iho.atrlko, dlatrlda. Their children arc? rrylnic for bread, and father and' mother ' are In deapalr, all bocauio thoy pro-," ,triod, ngnlnat tin,; unbearable condl-' Hnm unitat u.I1mI. ik.v m.AIa i, fhiVI. pofnu gutthat iomo of thd ',ttn,tt,h c?un,ao,ch,WntfU miner hivrf b-.nou.trlk. four iTd d,il,urtaK neaMlTiyatereit InHMmf- a half year; They, have'applled for'ridutrlol Clubwoj? to. be carried work repeatedly, but thla haa beenin this year undfrt-t'be dlrectlen of denied them. -he ittato departMeiat of agriculture. An Nptiwil Ir mralo rpr money, c!6th2.rcford,n' fTtker HHi log, aboc. etc., to relieve condltlonn ,0"' wbP haa bejmdurfog tbe.coun-J ir. oainniHiBK 'xnwff -nooH projeci. !Many .of theae eaai be, carried on in UUIICVIIU1I mi m ,VUHIIIUUni ID ' rt'i '"'V'f MrJioto F. Urwu Orurge Jay OomIiI 'Tlm recent meeting of the atock koldera of the Mltaourl Pacific rail- road In Bt, Ixiul marked a change In American railroading which may have tt'wldc Influence, it aaw the' entrance Into atenm railroading of NlchoU F. Ufady. who I believed to control tbe enormoua fortunea of hi late, father, Anthony K. Ilrady,, who waa eatlaaated when he died laat year to be wortb Ntwwu 7 5,000.000 and 1100,060, 000. (Jeorge Jay tbuld, oldeat aon of Jay. Qould, had Inherited the property, or tbe controlling inierent, irora aia father. For yean he haa aianaged It aucceaafulty. .When; he tried to make It link' with the Wabaih and. the Weatern Maryland lo Baltimore, thua eitaWlahlngn, new tranacontlnental railroad, the great Intcreat In. control $f tun 1'ennaylrania. the New, York Control and other, eyelenie, went after hlw. .They beat' him, and then tbe (lould ayatem began to crumble: At Ukl the Mlaaourl Pacific haa been UK lii from tho family, under the leader ship of Kuhn, Locb & Co.,;tho great No York bankor. Llltlo la known of young Brady. He,la yet under 40 year of'age, Hla father confined hi operation chiefly to gaa auu atreei railroad corauanlea. Ho waa the great- Mt bower In Brooklyn Rapid Trnnalt company, theelerated railroad ayatem ..A. .l- . th. min there. rnui ie wnnww - " man Intoaieamjallroadlng convlncte any baukera that the Brady fprtuae i. in actual control of thealb'aourl Paeilc. It had. been' the cuatom of the BradyilntereaU never to buy hoav- ..c . t v k.A mtlniM tlAV lly into a. corpurauun "- - boughtauaclent atockto control. " .... PIER CAN PLAY IN NEVADA NOW 'i .-,. (.&j$i&t&77 itimtfivw isMouw hooiih :-rN-KKVlVWl GAM- g mifpnciiHKm will Vrt --- . '.o . if- fa" ' LIBRARY REPORT SHOWS IT'S BUSY OVKIt TWK.NTV.FIW HU-NDRKD VI81TOHK LAST MONTH, AND ; XKARLY TWKLYtl HUNDR-D ttOOKB WKRK ClRCULATKl)f According to tbe report of Mlsa Enola Hawklna, librarian of . the Klamath Fall: Public tibrary, there were ,684 vliltor at the library and reading room, during February, During the aame month there were 1,108 book circulated.! Among tbe now .ictlon added laat month were "Bambl," by Marjorte Ucuton Cooke, and "Kyea of the World," by Harold BellWrlgbt. The latter .Volume waa donated by Mr. It. A. Mitchell. Other non-flcilon addition during February follow:" Donated by Harry Cades, Portland Oregon. Co-Operative, Work, Dee- chute Project, Donated by a friend Ufe of Com modore Perry (Alex Blldell Maaken ile); Ufe otAVaahlngtentJamea.K. Paulding); .Life of "Samuel Johnaon, (Rev, Wni P. Page):1 Life of Fred erick the.areat. (LordDovw)Ufe of Oliver; Qoldamltb, '(Washington Irving); LUe' of Oliver; cromweii, (Rev; M. 'Ruaeell); Life ofMary Queen of Bcotu; (Henry Qlaaafbrd Bell); lfe,orAleiahdorthe Qreai. (Rov, J.- Wllllama): 'Life; of Lord Byron. (John Qalt) ; Ltfe of Oeorge ther Fourth, (Rev. George Croly)' tilfo of Kmperor Charlee FlfthV (jau kobortaon): Life of Nelaen, .( Robert Sou they); Ltfe of Charlemagne, t(0. P. n. Jamea); Ptr5tt,oreai (John Barrow) ; Llfe ,lohmiaejd; (Ret, OeorgeBuahr; Meolr;ol,thn Rrnnreaa Joaephlnel ( Jehtf i.sKemea). Celebrated Female goTerelie, (Mr Jaraeaoii);,,!!- of NapeUon rtonnnarte. (J. Q. wwnnarn i raw lon'a Llyea of AieJePWloahr, (John M. Comae) 5Kuve;ajw ,t- agca of Drake, Cavendhh:aaDej. pier; Border War of th.Rwrwpwp, wniiam L., atone); Kapoleoa'a.p-' Edition to R-aala. (Philip deienrt; Lewie-and ClarM'a iraTew; $ Allen); Amerlenn aowkui- ?.r.TVj r.i.r-u.- -!,, 0AWK)N3HTMarch 19. The vW nnd fan;, Perjlona Advertwa, lethournln today. W&& SlffilSS i.i-.-rrwr;,t.ti jti .-.lit na.a. unor of Boaln. (M. Flavian) :', " IWVIT W--rtw-t.j:"l T,-f '-J.- ,- n llMMt' tory or univjtiry.. -. , ----,; pemonplogy arid WjtchcrafCf ? )ttfatlcf a from t.h Amerle rirv;cUfn BryutVrM - .. . 7Mjii. k --.-.. .t Viral i- r.i on oraor ror looneaa. fir ? Jwy arc found to,irHt(aetory,.:it Vm bellnvAl tk.t1 uil:-Vt-l-.r '-.in U - ''L-'-J !-w-.-u.if ,. bfplcod. v -A' VfeBS5f4lr ' WVlMMpimltfcplaylng of j 't v ?i'HWVw . - kUVWw .r4i . .with a.Waltr i -.-.-- . ,. i nuniir. .una rvtimt vwi . an--ir " "" i 7' --' t. irrs. '.'.fliJl)i'Si.'itf . .-. . ?1J-" '. i-V-ii(fi fcniian If.nnkj AiWiif; 55SE&"" - ri2K ii-aijPta,rTB5C W"i!J, -7-, .-'.!'?--. J ." t::: -wT'-S,VisjityaiS'-''; ' Tha jelnMeommiaaionta wnceo lecuon. i km-prn-r'T-Jl potato, wheat, barter and oat rais ing that tbe Klamath Water Usera' A-aoclatlon wllleaiduct among the children thla aumper At Merrill tbelndnalrlal Club was organized In; the echool Mondaywlth Principal J. O.fwan aa advkwA The pupil entered for tae vanou project follew: m t Pig Club-Floyd Howell, Lester Btelnmett and Margaret Swan Wheat arowintr-Dee Ady;. Ray mond Taylor; Herald. and WIll-HIli; Marlon Buntlng-.Fred Pope. pptato arowlagJUth Hill. Aard Ady, RaymqAd ' Taylor. Herold aid Willie Hill. MartoB nntla- as- rr- Qardenlag. Dorrie JAdy.V BeraU purnam, ' ciana ateiamett, waiter Reed. Mary Grabael, MUdred HIU. Barley Growing HereM Hill and Willie Hill. . ; . ., Chlcken.Ralalng Audrey Howell. t Baking -Dorrla Ady,'? Mary Bar-! row. Marlon; WhltnayWvi' Cooking Edna Offleld. :!A-aHlll; Royle Turner, & W- Canning Royle Turner: Ann Hill. Sewing Ivy Stephe-iwi. : Myrtle Stephenaon, Mildred, Hlll.DeeAdy, Ruth Hill, Mary Barrow'X V.j " Tuesday the Pine GreM jnustrlal Club was, organised at(th'PlM Oreve school 'by the teacher.Miaa PaaUne White, who was ch on at. eiub; ad viser. iThe offlceraelea.sj-,;,(j5fej ,A Prealdeat, Willie ;,oeasaged. ii years; vice' nrealdentH-aei-'Arant. agea, if; aecretary, urawsit,uwn-ng- ham. aed 16. & , Notany behind In: 0treaslve movement Is the MtTtWtfaehiool. whkh hasorianUed'afiBhibiwlthHhe following efdeera: "SBSaVi" President, Aubra :i(MNnr;tvIee preatdant. Mazlno .Bidajaw;5ee-- tary,- Helen M. Addiea;iraturer, ,Va'a.OrIUi. TS&m: - iYeaterday Mr. Hartlten and Conaty lcnlturlsM.'iga:d;qiU syervlelted tho Galo iwm, aaatoed the Industrial worK, .f '.asM.waai orgaalaed there with -teU-maaa BMaldMt and Pauline ?amnnl aa - -.j...- -. . - -ij-v 1&U Wfjfi , I I r m" i ' ' ft "" " - t y ? f , rfj" . 'f. , tL--.'', ' gl I H" aF"TyTrTjTrrrcrTB . I ------i----? ' :fcft'-tl I - -.-.-..----IS . i':' ' ---KllMli' ff' '''" :'yw I-! -. F -.-: .:. :':1 li j l ' r - at' ".: -cfr ' - . '- "' ':-- 'l I ' -l - ' i " ? ' ' I '--H--K-v ----------------------II BK4-i-----------------Hl ?-H'rU - ' 't ' t-i. y ii I------g----------------------------------------H Kt . K " - V.S . ; mBaBi ma .B9rIl.tP R BaKAPHH v . ffi-i . -T . flll .' PC-BV,ffa r' f ' ----------V---PirX V' I. --rA'- 'ffl n.u r fj -Kli mi- P fC 14 -- ' f. ; Is i ei -'- i'i - S -5; :-'HVH - isiH I .l;--ll PfJHt 'lvra' 'p- Rei i w .HBi I rHl v f& Ti ' --.. W WW 1 WW I , , . .;. J -jytfi.Tg.j. uruLi irJrf-r" 'l.f .! 'H iiiiniT mJBi M'i'iw HDnM B ,2-n 1 III III I. !! IIHI, .1 III! I ! I VJH ?r aeeretarr saother.achools are .belaMHael and -75rtr Rrhool" i iT?.lIi. . ' afiBKauSfrfl i-w araon. ti'sflVWS-feS Tii i-pt j T.J.1.- I- El"'Ai l!? ??I 5tStA: T"-., ". ,i.. . ,VH, unttea rreiHi ervice-i! MAQQf Tex.. Mare Iai': . v - - n i.dbp -in uo wDwaaon to w mlltelub having, stofe kShBB!? 3inffi5S2 ..(; mrtac V-:Leagwe ksyaatliaM apNBjte.4ept; Taianti ,'Theeup riia4'reperty -tt-adaace at home' 'aMCf'Thra followl 4 ,lrtho Southern nflUffwrnaln the pei SfiflMTUnb-wlnnlnf ftm- SkW.A- i4X&?' 543nHBBfA - . . -- ... w'.tt""!:y.L- iftB-!"' IgWA-wrl "TWFJawii'jjwk . BMBH-vt 'S vcr' .-. -1jJ.j -it. " j -T TTTT WU-lUUUl f dl a-U-t-T '. .7 lk,'-MLli-hV 's?l. A fll llr t Mdr,,---'S''-i At U - . v . :-i1SY-iiM----&?r: r?i "".-i' ."- ' iii.ni ii7J' rr. ai -. ,. hf . 1 o''w'u-'H-:fV -. I -"l;;;,;.;:;,---- : . f i V . i "i t 15s,iir'-'":--;'-' : M'ATFealaaefel2laJii BfMie!SeS-rf---M iitel?5-i liO?;va-t)'' .. !i3'rr"'r aTiarsM . a sjai a e ' vj iAVreii ,;B"lr' !c?r'--Tr-'v4Mj4bltJ y..,oVktJZ-JS !TiirWahia;rVMaterlw. ' ' I r ume .raeird ! -bat''.' - rn - nrnn ;S'w.yij ..-.--' , V A wt;eservfmi e na ,r;- ' r t -,.i :;Btai.;i'-j ' T. sl ni -,-!Ji:i;r'S!r--j'rL'Ji:3T j i J ' ,IB BV.n IRI,k l' B . "L' i;;.. e5s,-.r --. -.ii--1. ' .. .a i-T'M ;ii;h-'.TurlUh"; A !tt- wi tafiiti. i" i? '. iMyiK:kwSKiUr9mir &:li?;-yW"''k"ii''JV-i1cii. jfitrttS u. ,-. -l A' .fT tV-. i."'1."1 . T .X'. , .!-. '' c " mm y ' ., njHa ! i -. r HaBaBmas.v , . ...--. j- w- ' w - -., .is .-. .J . aa rtJ. "-"""'-f -w .. ra- farasHf. -- -BammjHBmmjammnHj ". 'ir' . f" - . , .'- .i j r- i v.v - . i . i, i s .' ..' . r . - .... r ., . r iswyi ','ui i.x n.i.Bia.tiH-iit K.i. w.T.i.i-. v:J j. .. . t-JTl.-j -,'i. t' .T "-.,. iT- "T " : ?. fL-k-'i" i-.ii i-.-'-i.' t raTTjr-,. . 8..-.i uapm a .ivionnenie. wne:ana two ,trttcq aiunty oy toe ucnsaui o-ieer. .pwrucBjsMSwac. -I, imjaxMB-f r; 1 -",- "..!"( Tl '! Ii, i , X 11 &' children. were aboard tbe American merenti'ehlp Wllllam P.Fryebei leagln to?Artbur Sewell k Co.-of omia,:m mim ; wuiuiik oy iae print ,Eitei , rriedricnr.; They-,:were ing veaael were also tnlated.welL TMa plwtcraphof Cptal-IUeaMand. H j .X. ? - .- - ..'--' .;.- .--.lJja '-J.ii '","" " -"r ----'- f-lTifH fin n-Umaii fnas la ; vavyj;.MBe;;a( niwi l rw irtarf -k-ktl f-ib S?I ".! oili. ii,'i''J'tf51- "Tffft-rPjWajawpi'aBBB ajw fromtlMi;PTla;Wtl.Friedfteh JJ -z..'I-1 c ,-:, 'r. v,,p a?glaal mi m'BKT. m w-jt ntT.aF if'.wnwn an a r.!t t i a at ', iw,'u,,t j-" P . !. . lm. 1.. ( , K m. - Hi .. . T '...! Z ) i(I BB '.' - -- T ' "-, w .lBjnoni-l.ai.y;-?gt ipaill. nairi !te;v jf--" .jsi?iKy?st-a,4f i-i,t; "- w v ' - .. w . . ; !-'- iiitt m. ,.. . "iv w-.v .ii;."-; .7. - ... .,- v.i?&'iiii'a iiiir0-i ix ;ni-i ntiiJsF'iiiT- r unintico ur bm in oi r --f am-aj-maau'vk-' V. . - " .,. .?;...'t;'B,lif --"" --'-- f; . VINEYARD; KETIRE8 FROM CTI-jtoTH NATION ft BORT TO TmTE iiA2& CI -','- -t ,.. ' r. ;,.r ." 1 'F'S-f-f "j.sjs lirfl-HIfiWIfl?:";'-is I TORCVANBCITUa.A.VDTOW) fraf II I rlrf---fB f. ."1-'-f'-i4 vi?a.S. OtaiaillJiijl-lelaT -'''; : v MARKET OWNERSHIP, HALES MARKET IS ABAXDONED AND. IHRK STORE MOVES' i ,-W -trrf t?tHKH3Hi-?'Aa A'. wtt mm n j. T.-I. W7 .1-- rrJr.7,r.i- " f sTT - " ; T'STTS ';SK7SffiS?. - ..-, " .Tn-As7inaTnTiVlisi -..- uiui-as T j - 3 ,.Klg79i'-gi&J -, &; 3 ;The last few days have seen a great lfrx&& J, . -------- . -.,, 1 (,- . 3.. ...-a - .-j .;, . . ..-,.-, .1.-ip-.-.jl. --.V .4 o'-'fBgtagvMoUnd In, the; local WIUMiui.liWe meatmarkeU.- Chief ,t theae la the iireikl tTDe of ;wrf-rii -iVtuk. " t'J?4!?rit-JK:'-s S. ., ," . i"i:-. -: .. - "- . . - 'T - - -. , r , T? - -I : "'T- 1-. -.-. - -1 '-" - auconunumace orwomwi -mxk- AloB-tliA t.00QiHll-dih:Pn "y , "fr- tt. t '- -.t-." mt r- v--; -v wi'fl'..r. .'-ti- v n.r.f ' i.?"S . I United Pre-s Service v-f 1 -,- . ;t 1 .-Jtfe1eJklliY .'u V .uli-.,1. :- ' .i7 .iiniew.asncww'amjsfc.. -j,Kiii 'vI.A..'t.i "". . "U-i '-JiJ 3 ii:i-.i-il-;Hni '.. 'r.'v-l-y'"'', - "ii.iiHif ' - - f ;" -; ....' ' r . ' - tWl-eaellig imaili r fL:M "l . mana -atht r in . N 1 - -r ri" SSwIssfii-S;-.' .-Mxzs a.' .? s'savw&Krrc ?.-.. - . -: -i; i . .. i. i .- ujUl'lrsjasSartfaw;L n ,.)iV',?iiv' " lAi-iiv4; 1Li-Ji lli- Tv aaaw-t-at latil- - r- fiiiiBr'ifr i- imnr 1- t; lWflr.'PP fw.P-IPW JtV. , Sd-4Bi.',-A4i4.'t.'.: - -; "wwwis I I 'j -:' ""C ,tt P .&$?. 1 'ifi?V'l Jirta';I PiiSi . , .31 ... -a. u 1 . ... ., .i.;v.iS0i-xmgaaggK - U .XEttJf 8W9ffle3rfi!SMKl ; hir the Clm-iif1 - Art k lutiv l(At --"!- n i .1 ." . ? . - i 'JV . . -.',. ." T Mt "vr Y ivK" H'. a. ' 1-."" r jurealpihe.PaUw-urketwh; noiftiu) loc"iUb-ottrePor)tvgVre;iuU'lyrM ,f 7 ,1 which, haa ;moved from; iufprmer,l'i,4la ..j... n ..ii. .- rtr-i r i-f.., :t. -. .r!tr"rfc-Rriis tA..,i sV.. man- uf wi w-fw.. . limited preea'ServleeitoiH "& .-Jftittik .tfAchge .haV'been MALW.m&iiti nwpr.hln of the Cltv market.' Dkk!ffcbiii'-.'3ktf--' Vineyard Celling, hla interest , to Phil ihVmVirtafMeaiei: Stilts and Fits Hamilton, the other'offlciM 'dUMteaW.frWIast.r-r- two partners. Vineyard, has acceptedChracterla?iKeRiawIa et. . bup tratMtl;yig ,. .. eygreburlBlt?nlhM;lvth a. position at tbe. Palace market 1 -.' A . -' it -t - ; r H.iB.ii nrnniia - -h. t, Garden 'FeaatMe. ..'w ; val. -J?a ' a'x?J lifi Service " ,, &"& 'Iw.-ww.iV'; - '& ".-a ' . r ty r - 1 Pk --,0i VSS ! A t. . U- pc Mmh9jfm..rk ,xv reduce thafcoat 'of R, :. Z I iPV i'M'Iy j-wia tR.yfc. tt-T- -v.-' fc.. - -J'- ,-v "wVT-"wi i "rvf " " i" i, " Roof,, United Preaa ;, WABHINQTON Can city dwellers living' by gardening en thelrtroofa or back porches T Is a question the agrl- caltural denartment has. been tasked recently; r - ,i! f'v'l1 riiilrf K- Vim 'in'fiv4 U 'ii- partmehfs renawer Rutth?.fHn In. the .only thing official! 'guaranttldj T.eart good;, rich dirt. to.hWlof Rn'partmeq h"ouse. lt.'waannlated theleaa, It waa admltted.'tbe-prdposl- t(on: waa'a feaaable one,' iwnJMt should ;not prove prdfita Woi. " - 1 nc aepaniB-i uoeawuivitu re; pte Qrcheetrarsorth wnij,lfe rendiTlwrtar janJim.; a-:ood-;m fcevWa-iTlW 'Sli.Z'u.l--ri :- Jr.- -'"vi!i ?2r; wtjll'l M "- -. II ij,;fci. w'' -Lm- ltl VV- i. V -, : ,aAi as . K.RFr gHi !-5f sffisw ,7 ?-'- . rtv-r.f''t' SsM-'ist- itly, 'howeverTfbVthe-b;akyar'gar-jj.e lei. ."0V'-ttlVlwth4wlj" riWM IW tb.g.'rde ihark.,. -and P!ertt- oeethln.i,yo? may not aavej ai iJitted!pMMV'-ervle4: A:, -c6ttMBTjt6h Mre,filSS: fv' nii.ipi;mn iJi.ii'? leeatly decided'; that if n mai a, paper that haa, been mnatpax, pat 'it;The rendered in the case, bn Columbus .Telegtamaigi f or f 2;a.5 TcTtlftMII sent:to the m-,hiaiid h,h4 accepted tne parinia;NUM.maw onto;.pay;f..1tr'raaa.'.;aieit waa .brwSl:i!WlMaB? Jtadg M. -- i 1 - wew "". , B aw .'-t1 'a.-','rJ.-'.' 1 iiTsrsw : raTei Theu, rnleathat t S"VJ,WB"W.,SgpP JP . ' .1- '.i- .. - -r- :?.: MiiitMiji ra gHgi for apyqe In thla; tnataj.ee, y ''-r-l.-n-tvr-il-!i.JIi -4-V'. warimtt,nuiJBj . Ap-' J fai ta-larnR, ajW.Jb-mv ' i;-;, r -,J onirirom mem i.nnt nomaeuremji- ; - ?;;Thmaem"havel sial fflns- . .:' 'ri j lfff-PKffifJ-l ill ' " , j -.3t . ";. ., . ' . ....-.'-'::,: '-;'- -1 ''FiTvr 's ai v'Ci s.'tvi'fvjK' --: : -,- 5WliPIP lf.-.f'Yf'f grit.i' r - . a m - - vaw p.w..?--T "v. ".-.i':f t tm ' ISSMSw aiiiit im'vfgiiBr Mhii '' "'' ,J au vlEJnS T f9wlS iPM P(o thli BWaarti r itr.-aehi Wtmt thwmof-mg. , 110 teamaen si 4The,llterati;I0apriuit i-sprsK,;--- '' (lartti i- j;".",T;;iv.t' PROVLMIIWI. I.. M-tth'l hlaKofi inatolAtwhiMH. I tBUiil . MmmT.Fta.::wl-iraa;ta; "mlaww frrVfamgr. gpaT fjgs srVaVJHjaBajHBm 1 f t- - nabiv vsva-(iJjykBA lip mm i-'-rt mmmmm.-.,S ' l-fc.- . "V- F-'.l4.1.i A.',. ' i"Ji:lJUi . - ji j- '--aa i ' 'u f tif 'JM Mt . UMMtt 'arlSlL0Vn.Hl(taitk"liyre4trM Mt)W(tot Mmnmn dMd the t o7 FuUtw at- MW a .tU K W tn sr?. .ow ssi$ i : i : . i i ... i'.i . j A.t i ' -rj t- i . i (iirf.Tj-iiTi-'" .' . ,j tix. J r . . .. w ... -t a a n f!-iii i.i-rrr.v- .,..' ri - "A . ir '- a , jl i. i. ;i - v i ant t. t .... -w. ife m.wl m'k ,i:::m t raw nBranmauK " k1 tLTSSrlV