T v . ( THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON '-vuy MONDAY, MAitCH IS, jjS J- rtfti 1 B.QkMJUti NmiMm NMMMMMMMMWIMIMMW FOR RENT i'MrlV' -mwmwimmmimmiAmmwwmmmwmwmwww JOsUDOON HOttM APARTMENTS .v .' L. j ' TT.7-. Ti " ' - JW ) tli clty.'KhMaath aiHi iw awia street; reasoaaoie &SNMS-M chlldre or don; oe early The Evening Herald W. O. BMITk ZJ 1 SV tt'Vor eholoe. itSj' ".?," tt fc H 3 FOR SALE mmmmmmmNwmmmvmmmwwmmmwm MOTOROTCLKS 8twal chlies guaranteed to be In coadltletu Easr'teraas. XJ. a trie and Cycle iter. J 81 food Published dally txeept Suaday ay The Herald Publlshlag Compaay ot Klamath FalU, at US Fourth Street Entered at the poatofflce at Klam ath Falls, Oregoa, for traasattssloB through the mails aa secoad-clase attar. MISCELLANEOUS MONET TO LOAN I hare $1,000 to loan on Improved farm land. W. S. Slough. 11-tt - PROFESSIONAL CARDS Subscription tenia by mall to amy addreaa In the United State: One year .$8.00 One -month 60 . S. Records Secret U Ude Sam Isn't Tdhaf WorHjHow Boys Hit Mark (Contlaued from Page 1) KLAMATH FAIX8, OREGON MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1915 CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY AMTHACYS INSUBANOS , Heathers Oregoa Assodetlea - - i Title af aa v, KARL WHITIOCK x UNDERTAKER i EMBALMER County Coroner Cemplrte Faaeral Faralsbutgs Phoae 418 , 6th and Pine AND STOP AT KLAMATH FALLS Phoae 96 Hours, 9 to 13 a.m. ..Re. J70R 1:30 to E p.m. - DR. MYRTLE C. LINDAHL Osteopathic Physician Salte 18-19 White Building. Wood! Wood! Block, slagle' load ,. $2.75 Block', doable load .$4.00 Absolutely dry aUbs $3.25 ', (Extra on hill) l-lach Body and Limb Wood '. 4-foot Body and Limb Wood .5 "' Reek Springe Coal Leave order ii Ashland Fruit Sthre, 3d aad Mala. PHONE P. C CARLSON Midway Livery Co. IN NEW HANDS ,. - 4 Horses bought aad sold. Har--aess and buggies for sale. Good rlga for hire and gentle horses. Baled bay and grain for sale. V Phone 21M WO &D ! Block Wood, load $8.70 MreetfMsa sheds, hone dry 00 w", JsmasJeal -aeae;se aJwVeVQ Dry-Slab, leviacli $sjta Dry Slab, 4-foot , , , r.fS.00 1 Body and Limb Wood a .coal and Fad Oil .KLAMATH FUEL CO. SIS Main Street AN ERA OF BETTER BUSINESS T'HE legislature has adjourned i .without enacting any reaction ary legislation attacking business or industries it went the other way, and gave more attention to construct ive policies. The effort of the legislature as a whole was directed to making It easier for industries, placing fewer burdensome regulations on corpora tions and capital helping develop ment. The feeling is growing among the I people that big business as well as Ismail business Is entitled to profits. and that Industries and payrolls are more desirable than agitation and regulation. If railroads and public utility cor porations cannot make money, cannot pay Interest on bonds, cannot earn dividends for stockholders, there Is no future for this large field of Investments. As the community curbs the initia tive of private enterprise. It drives out capital and forces public owner ship with Increased taxation In nine cases out of ten as the only alterna tive. Then why should not legislatures, city and county governments, courts and commissions become constructive and helpful Instead ot attacking 'un dertakings ot private capital? ' State, county and city have the right to collective enterprises, but they have no right to drive out or de stroy the'ppportunitles for private capital a any legitimate field. The' right of reasonable regulation Is conceded, but there is an obliga tion that this regulation shall be help ful and shall conserve the fountains of prosperity. the Cornado" Islands, with an eight- Inch gun, firing at a rate ot three and a halt shots a minute, that was not all, either. On the other hand, the roal dyed- tn-the-wool gunner, tor the past year, when It comes to hitting the bullseyo with a fourteen-lnch cannon, Is L. V. Ltndscy ot the Texas, an ordinary sea man. Manipulating one of these four teen-lnch pets and ringing tho bell frequently Is a real feat, so Llndsey gets special recognition for his work. Tho leading twolvc-lnch gunners ire W. F. Meyers, seaman on the Ar kansas, and E. L. Talley, coxswain ot the Georgia. Back In the days when Uncle Sam my used to do a bit ot advertising about his gunners' ability say about! days since! 1896 a snot every tnree minutes from the turret guns eleven, twelve and fourteen Inch was considered satisfactory, while one a minute from a six Inch gun was looked upon its a pi.per figure. And if the hits aver aged three and a half per cent, as In he battle ot Santiago, the navy felt well content.. The hitting In that bat tle, however, was chiefly with small guns at n range lets than two miles. But In theso days of "Dig Berthas" and tho like, shooting and hitting In the United States navy Is far higher than It used to be. Now two shots, n nilnuto from tho big turret guns and about right from tho smallor guns ts considered a fair record. The hits, however, run much higher. Tho big fourlcon-lnch guns, which can create a wuolo lot of ureckago up to fourteen mllos, eoro about 25 per cent on hits nt least that was the record when last figures wero made public In 1911 In connec tlon with firing at tho old Snn Marco target In Chesapeake Bay. Incidentally, Secretary of Navy Daniels had this to say on the gen eral subject of target practlco a few oral In tho hog house ns expected. Top hogs opened Monday nt $7.25 and wore selling at the name Prlco closo of tho week, Sheep are again being snapped up promptly for any and nil offerings, dickers mo cxtromcly short of sup plies, and nro willing lakers of all offerings at good prloM. Lambs still sell at $8. CO. Some people complain that our navy hasn't had enough target prac tice recently. But I want to say that tho practice we had In going to Vera Cms was more valuablo than tho tar get training conld be. We picked up and got down there In double-quick time and everything ran like clock work. The training was Invaluable." Late Market Quotations LOCAL PRICKS FOR PRODUCE, IHWLTRY, MEATS AND LIVE STOCK IORTLAND AND SAN FRANCISCO LIVESTOCK QUOTA Advertised List Tho following unclaimed mall matter advertised on Hie 13th day of March, 1916. will bo sent to tho dead letter olllco at Washington, D, 0 on tho 27th day of March, 191C: llrowor. It. C. Churchill, Frank (2) Drew, Kato Klceman, Louis Mathews, Harry F. Morgan, Mrs. Haxel I'aync, Pearl Adams Weatherman, N. 1. Wells, Vornon A charge of ono cent will bo made on nil letters dollvored from this list. In calling for letters please say "nd- vertlsod." W. A. DELZKLL, P.M. WillPfobeFarmli Industrial Commission Looks Into Matter ot bJ (Continued from page 1) Iinrntmrnt With Protection Mr. James Coats Insured 'for $20. 000, and paid In premiums $9,090. Tho Mutual Life paid $36,828 Includ ing dividends, or $3.80 for each $1 re ceived. 13-21 F. M, PRIEST, Agent. concent ration ot nniivrslilp ot laud Into tho hands ot a limited mimhe inul that abiuuti'o landlordism Is growing apart.'. It will develop with itartthig vivliliit'KH tho fact that It Is not so much how to "gut back to tho Innd" that will trouble tho people ns how to "get hack tho Innd,' Tho hearings have been set for tho Southwest, licnuuo In tills section tho Innd problem has reached Its most acute stage In America, uud n reac tion against landlordism has already tivKiin. In tho Southwest also tho tenant farmers havn been Increasing twice as (tint ns tho home-owning farmers, and there are n number of counties of almost entirely whltn pop ulation where tho percentage ot ten ant farmers to tho whole will run higher than 08. For several jeara Texan mid Okla homa have been tho scene of a silent, hut hitter struggle between .landlord and tenant classes, and n decided movement has come about to ralte tho rents. Tho tenants havo resisted n ml formed dims conscious unions to reilst what they have come'to regard a landlord encroachments. In Texan alono, there nro about 230,000 tenant fnmllUM, throo.fnurihH r -l , imf Ira whites. to" .i.l Tho coiiiiiiIhIiiii mmi ... . ? sr.jtlon of tho noailuR ,,,'. ' Scattered Shots AMONG THE most persistent comebacks" please Include sun shiny weather In Klamath county. (The following figures are those paid for the commodities enumer ator, by local merchants and markets.) Vegetables Potatoes, per cwt. Good whites, $1.25 cash; other grades from $1.00 down. Onions, per cwt., $1.75. Beets, turnips, carrots and par snips, per lb. lttc. Grains. Etc Oats, per cwt. $1.50 Wheat, per cwt. $2.00 Barley, per cwt $1.50 Butter and Eggs Butter Ranch, 25c cash; 27ftc trade. Eggs Per dozen, 17 c cash; 20t trade. Poultry Bens, per doxen $5.6007.00 Fryers, per doxen 5,00 6.00 8 c THERE ARE 'MANY of the thrills of the city that we miss here dodg ing Jitney buses for one. THIS IS THE time" of the year the progressive farmer is plowing and the progressive city is cleaning' up. ail TmrnAmt AW Da tb Wnrlr T.i.t Tfl.. , PADE PINOLE "The Know How Men" Cor. Mb Klamath, Phone 217 THE ONLT man'we have heard cuss the announcement that coal prospects have been found is the fel low who purchased a wood burner late in January. HEADACHE STOPS,- mmm ' Dr.MMt' EMcUoba Ttnrdtn ftrriaiUat 1W-Oott NOW THAT spring "have sprung," we can look for bigger operations and, death lists from the European fronts. WE ALL WANT to see the Ankeny canal pujf out of business. You can't help unless you register at the city halL (No. 111.) REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Bukif Bmiza At Bonansa, In the State of Oregon, at the close ot business March 4th. 1915: Loans and discounts .... $ 25,614.18 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured' , 46.92 Stocks and other securi ties 104.26 Banking house 6.627.00 Furniture and fixtures.. 1.615.79 Due from banks (not re serve banks) 9,349.68 Due from approved re serve banks 16,732.37 Checks and other cash Items j... , 100.00 Cash on hand 4.261.68 9 Oil 12 12 Roosters, old, per lb . . . Dressed Meats Pork, per lb 8 Vear, per lb 10 Lamb, per lb Mutton, per lb Livestock Steers, per lb C Cows, per lb ....'... .-f'B' Stock bogs, per lb 6 Hogs, per lb Veal, per lb 60 Mutton, per lb 6 ii 0 Cared Meats Shoulder, per lb 12 Q c Bacon, per lb 18 20 c Ham, per lb 17 20 c 9' O 6Hc 5C 6Hc 6 c 7 c 7 c HAVE '.YOU HORSES TO SELL? irfr?,rI,V' pUHbuf or dull, Merrill; or 2Wf Sbs yWJTs fast a few Fall., and wo ears wmtea east only 40,01 ?!? jMsSshe relief la esats a peak taemiak- I. tUaU. WSftlfDsaV suffwl SsUsve the Jg aad lt. mwI- Yea tea, 9m-Jt miFmto. weauefthave SPSSB We want from 100 to 500 head of horses for French artillery service. We want horses of the blocky tyne. line a nair breed Percberon or jhire, cibuiuk iuu t0 1300 pounds, from a,to years old, any color but light gray or white, from 15-1 to 16 hands high. Anyone having this kind of horses notify us nt the Adams ranch, Hotel Hall. Klamath will be glad to look at them. French Inspection. March 23d at Adams ranch. We pay for the horses when we accept them, re gsrdless of action of the French government, " 5-tt J. FRANK "ADAMS c SON. "- 1 WQ-f ..w k r.eek.or?isatk.v2I.A.B0e ,-(tMUJ,mii ,, woommmowut' H If yon am loofeJaw for a'saod tom or stock raawh, U will las' ye t see CbUeeteALIetc taclwle sosae of'ske imaetisilrsbls properties la the KkusU Bill -'-' Total ...- $ 64,340.63 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in ... .$ 15,000.00 Surplus fund 716.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid . 1,002.34 Individual deposits sub ject to check 40,116.88 Demand certificates of deposit 1,121.65 Cashier checks outstand ing 487.01 Time certificates of de posit -. , 6,897.76 HAN FRANCISCO MARKET Steers No. 1, weighing 950 to 1100 lbs, 77r; 1100 to 1300 lbs, 6 07c; second quality, 6)4 06 He Cows and heifers No. 1, 6)40 6 He; second quality, 506c. Bulls and stags Good, 506c; fair, 405c. Calves Light weight. 9 9 H e : medium, 88c; heavy 7c Sheep Wethers, 70 7 He; ewes, 606Hc Yearling lambs, 7 8c. Hogs Hard grain fed, weighing 100 to 200 lbs., 7H07Hc; 200-300 7c; undesirable hogs, 6 06c. UgSM V '.'.. !' -r sTsSjl Sf . SSSaiBasBSSSSBSlSlSBSBSBSBSBBBBBSnBnBSBBSBSSBSBSSSSBSaSJBSSBSBnSeai 'mm 4leSw r J W St BBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm BBBBU .islsB aSBBBB lLTSBr BBsT k 'CbMssjIHbssT ' . JV ! sssWn ifessVssBiTB ' J KU77sBB? All IsBsVsVA VslBlBlMr' (jooJ tiro U9mBu tsaaaaaaaaBsaaaaaaaaBPff is lite n nvan ' ffi DBL y JtULsaaaasaaaasaaasaTT XnaaV wtiohflr. lllitr Ktf aHsbsbbibibibibibKV I MlHr i'aaU.ha l'.zfL. ik 1 iVsMsrsssaaaaaaan l MIT ' fllrV? m . AssWslssasBs lAV .jMiu mmm.l Ai s: mmmmmm ..u Mb ' I nHPf I IK ' sBsisisaesVK. H11K I : l"l? l Ml I Ulufi' ; MSV' ! ! v; ' ' 'z ; i lllllll f.. :4 tllO llOlltlllU Of . n.i.nl i... ,mU 1 - urm "m m UOllV Will lllmi 1x1 ..... " "l ' hh tile flroelnic or Uia ..rltl2,!.?8 llun on Mr.ns hy exlmrl,lmil J,J siriKes, peonage, HilrrclM corns linn nliiniii. u-l.ll 'tmi. "ii.i.'i.. iii Krnpi V.. i.. und other Hnmlr...,i,t nf f ott. ' trncllon. uwn The movement of farm labor im ' better iiielhodH of ilUtrlliuttriic ( Z t in nnNllilllil.w f . . , -1 . .... ... ...IMMIUI flra.,J ink i.'.uiu.iiiiR mi ft lliri?c j, among tho subjects iinuii W,tt u J commlslonors w Hl.k llsht. a.i! 5i nddllloii tti the iiiiliutrlM luu.. ,u'?1 rommlsslonerH will eiulcnor to oVl ,,.... ...... ii. i ,. "1 a " .iiuki..iiii, anil tun tensats i point of view, by mentis (,f HfeVo, 11 i leiinni mrnicr tnniiiselres. - . I'ulillo Amlluii Forty head tuberculin tMtiJciin. ' thirty head Iiok, at Joe WrliM'i ranch, on M hi la ml roiul. I . mllw i trom Kinmatli Kails Sato lUrti it II n. m March 17, I'ree lunrb. 10.0t W00D-LARK TRADR MASK KOIS mmmffmmmmKmmKmmmmmmmmmmm Wt k -iy V s(.M.yf' -.. s ... I r - h,Jr'YJfTVT'irJ JJ v Aak K '. -L: ""-Tr". P"J w wwr 4H0W0M.V4W Mate m, w:!'S" Total .$ 64.S40.63 State of Oregon, County of Klamath, u: I, Jno S. Horn, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly wear that tbe above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JNO. 8, HOXN.r.CaaUer Correct Attest; ' ;,. D. O. HORNf '; , , U C, HORN. Dlmtari. -, Kabeerlbed and sworn to before no v'Wiimm ; tfellllk day of Marei;'4lf.' J fO' HAMAKER. Notary FnWeV PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKET Cattle Steers Prime light . . . .$7,2507.75 Choice 7.0007.25 Medium 6.7607.00 Cows Prime 6.00 0 6.50 Choice 0.7606.00 Medium 6.6006.76 Heifers Prime 6.750 7.00 Good 6.6006.76 Bulls Prime 6,6006.25 Stags Prime 6.0006.25 Choice 6.6006.00 Calves Prime 6.0008,50 Hogs Prime light, 176-225 lbs.. 7.0007.25 Choice light, 140-176 lbs. 6.7607.00 Light, 90-140 lbs 6.6006.76 Rough, 276 lbs up .6.0006.26 Sheep Wethers Best yearlings. 7.0007.60 Ewes Best 6.0006.50 Sheep Mixed 600 06.60 Lambs Prlrao 8.0008.50 Choice 7j5O0i.OO Medium 7.0007.60 Shearlings, $1 less In all lines. PORTLAND LETTER (Herald Special Herrtee) PORTLAND, March 16. The mar- ket on cattle opened briskly on qual ity offerings at about steady orlces. Top steers remained steady: all week at $7.76. Monday's rua'bf cattle was the heaviest in these yards for some time. Good cows are quoted at $6,60 and other lines, in proportion. Notwithstanding the fact tkat the Portland prises have bee the' blah. est in the United States for soaaetiaa past, ssarketlnc baa sot be as llb- ai:i'ilcr!n!ii. That's the way with a tin-, lfllhai in ore than jjst enough rubber, it is like a r.ian wholatoifat. 11 It liua'nt snrnifh rub tiefilis weak ened. D lu lu o ml Tirei have just the light amount of good tough rubber neither too ' much nor too little to make y them tight." Mhttt . v; The wonderful record made by Diamond Tires last year proves that they are right structurally. It proves that the materi als we put into Diamond Tires have the weight, strength and wearing qualities that combine to give the most economical mileage in actual service. Recently we conducted a test by mail to find out what jobbers and tire dealers had to say about 1914 Diamond Tire records. The hundreds of let ters received from them show that Diamond Tires have more than made good. These letters from dealers in all parts of the country, show that Diamond Tires, in 1914 established a service record which stands supreme. We have put these let ters into a book. They furnish con crete evidence of the big mileage Diamond users get and the free dom from tire troubles they enjoy. Write to Akron, Ohio, for this (a(Hnal.nllA ft I. s 4 s.a iuauiB duok 01 letters, its a wallop! and we want you to have a copy. In addition to the extraordinary mileage and freedom from trouble that you get In Diamond Squeegee Tread Tire.,, you can buy them at ths following "FAW.LWT" PRICES: ON QUICK, CERTAIN, - deadly: 4 - iiK.itir von nrrAvr via. KMKS e'AII.1. lieatruys squirrels, opHtt, iralrlef!eta rata. Apply early In Bprlns wlnnlneSi la wk rrom wimr tinv. Money ever rails. "Wooi-iJrK" for 1 atoo.1 every taaL. ire cr atrial rodent pl. if rntir it, write ui. It's croo I If )'itir JUr Clark. Woodward DrugCSa I'OHTI.ANU. IIIU(JU.. l-nr sale by Axhlaml Prult Co, Ueder wood Drug Co, Whitman Drug Co. v saw f SB ' 55 r. rassl G. D. GRIZZLE MONUMENTS Made of Marble oi Granite 10 8 Main ffrlfl, r? t INTEREST PILES UP eS TgyKS AmnzliiKly If savliinx, hnwerer mimll, nrv iniulo with rcgulnrilf. Kaiieclally wlun thai InterMt U compounded as It Is nt Dili hank. Kven u few contH a day .ncl will show surprising rosnllH. Let u k!vo you n fuw ilgiiicn, ami )?u'H Boi'tlKt ndvnutnKA "( l'glniilng to save now." FIRST STATE M5 SAVINGS BANK . KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON I ftfftlU KODAKS Sue 30x3 30s3 323 34 aui $ Ml 12JO 14.00 20.00 Slie 34x4 38a4j4 DUawed B4U(e I30JI 2.7' 33.00 40.00 FAY NO MORE Mmh and ,jm Photographic Goods Taking picture U ono of tho moot pltaoant hobbiei a nn cananjoy, W hvo camoras anil films and ovory thing to Urt you rigkt CamorM,Eaitman Kodaks, from $1.25 up to f SO.O0. It's a sUatura to ohow ftkam. "- Ut ui dovolop and print your picturci. UNPERWQO0;S PHARMACY j i - - Coraer Mala aad Sersa f! M i'.r '' r. - JJM'1 ilrmnjfoHVS . -AeBfnf & jr t, win'; fit v f '$ ? wmmmr &:' v ma bkai ' fit )? J.S.; Hilt., xf j