;jt.fv-,T. - i-isJw :& ij hp'- "." .1 vr.' : U A i i ':' k; Was PRINTS THE KLAMATH jV iT' tfttWS WHILE IT IS NEWS --- . . , T sVCi.!, il vif.Vfl OFFICIAL ' NEWiPAPCft ii 1 l3 -.. y-y3FH.:-fU?i seea&Aiw-uii'j.'XAi's j , . ,r. ...j ii'iwii ;ga Vnlr No. M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGONi MONDAY, MARCH 15, 1915 xwti MMaHi tuuthtn CAb A M (at ' tfSSk . -M ;00tt WINS FIRST ISWEENEYS CREW PRIZE IN 'CYCLE i GOES ON THE JOB ENDURANCE TEST IwiKRH HI'IJIl HKWHI nn WHili Mi POINTS SslBnlsy Nlghf "' wu" course llctirrrii Klamath Full" ami .Malln Hevcro Tt for the KMw ami Machine Alt IUHlwfwl ty Skid Chsles ami Hit klmr of Mud on Tlrrs-iFlto Failed (o Finish. CluUlilHK with u score of 702 out 0f a iioidlblu 1.000, Claudo . Coon, tiding a ltir. Ilnrlcy-Dnvldson, won (he flmt annual endurance ruu of the local branch of the Federation of Ainrrltaii Motorcyclists yesterday. In addition (" fliilnhlng with tlio fewest defect. Conn also iiiatlo the best pevJ, traversing tho 132 miles of muddy, slippery ronda In 329 minute. Charles Pnuglil of Bonanza, riding u KxriUlor, nnlilioil second high. icurc "'tin 730. Carl Schubert, on nit Indian, won third money, with a Hcoro of 5o; lloruro 0. Hhldler, on un Kx rclilor. wan fourth, scoro COS, and Chcitcr l.lnkcnbnch wn fifth, with n mlnui 201 score. Leon Docker mndu the first round, but dropped out then on account of engine trouble. .Cluvo Korrl. also Imd trouble after tho first round. Ho IIOHNEH, MULES AND KOUIPMKNT enough for A MILITARY) American Flag Still Flies Unharmed in Constantinople MOIIILI.ATION IIEHlf TODAY GO THROUGH ' Willi eighty-six licad of horses und in ii I ok, mid trading equipment, J. V. Sweeney, a Portland contractor, Isi horn to begin work for the govern uituit ou tho enlargement of the (Irlf- flth Intersil. Tho Htock was driven through hero this morning nnd has gono to Camp 4, which litis just been established near tho Nylander iiloco an Lost rtlvor. Mr. Sweeney has Just finished n crndlng contract on tho Pacific high way over tho Siskiyou. Reside tho Sweeney outfit which v.ent tn work today, thoro will bo an other large force of privately owned tenms put to work tomorrow on the rtnui. I)y Wednesday thoro'wlll be nt least 200 teams engaged In the exca vation work. LINCOLN BEACHEY FALLS TO DEATH United I'ress Service HAN' PltANClBCO. March If.. was so for behind that ho stopped at Who ,ryng out a now ,ono,,ine al Merrill to cat dinner before coming. ,. ,.m -,h vn.iordnv tack to Klnmath Valk l.lnroln llenchy, ono of tho best Kloyd McMillan, llyors and How-j,nowll aviator In tho world, was man fulled lo ronvh tho first checking hii(.d. Ills monoplane buckled Its ulntlon, ohIii'i; id tho dlfficultleH tltwy wIiirn as Ileaehey attempted to loop met wllli on thu sloppy, muddy road, tho loop at n height of 0,000 feet, and The course used for tho run wnsr(, nto tho bay. fleachoy, strapped between Klnmnth Kalis and Mnlln,0 t10 mnchlne, was drowned before ttin roiniil (rip being made twice, Tlio.d,, tould be rescued. isssssssBssssssskflBsr iT JsJssssssBBsBsttsWBdlfcis8rJs' sl ' $i'l'JKtKKEAi' BrVsk. ggrgggHBMSBB u'PgWJ m L "WislsggMgggBi Z'ggggggflglgsggggggggggggggggaggSgBlgBVr t$J SflBkB)gsB9'HgsW. f i'igl' M VlslslsfssssssVlsslHsssssssssssgsH Q FsgKC'VggSlsrisyM'vffV&- t SV' Jmp- - gggggEgg9KgttaggKA j ii 4 TsVsrf'JVvi'eVV' V i-t '"siMstiSiJL'VKsJgk k'Jw!lttHWmisssssBHJs ' 4 1 A- 'V 'VX ' .L-'i ?3flS f 4' '' 'ilSl9sssHsslK'K f- ? iliX liii j1 'jrf&Kfy' SWr $Mt 'EssBBBsBgK LYRIC OPERA TO BE PLAYED HERE ANDREWM OPERA COMPANY WILL PRKSE.VT "MARTHA" MONDAY AND TUESDAY UNDER THE AUSPICES OP THE ELKS Mm'-1 iV- - :- . l..frSiai;!?ffjH' . ' " WL.y rm-,-' L mmm. m. m.m .X- sks sstsk.'SBfe sMtk GRUISER DKESDf R ';! ,a SONKMITi SHIPS ON SUNDAY .iSV .-jii' '"S xlliCFflr VtS?-!.' h . T . ."-;s,wwnfv..' ? m'Jsssfi. mm mfkm 8IXKS QUICXLV IX BACTIiV tPKvr'- a wjmfv aw vxmqiVMtti$fl$i Morn Is n photograph just tnken Injouc of tho famous bridges In Constan- CoiiHtnntlnople which proves, despite tlnoplo crossing nn nrra of the Bos- reports that tho Suiian is about to porus from Istnmboul, the Turkish leave with his harora, that tho Amer-j quarter of the city, to Hera, the Euro lean ling still (tics unharmed. Tho plc-'pcnn quarter. Tho flag Is to be seen tu re was taken at tho On In t a bridge, on tho small excursion steamer In the left Of the 'picture. No other flag is visible. In fact, none except the Ger man and Austrian would be possible ttiere. Turkey is either at war with every other nation or so near it that such public display of the flag of one of them' would cause trouble. SALMON EGGS 10 ; BE HATCHED HERE FNew Texas law IpniiyTV CICin UUUnll jllLLU MEET PROPOSED t'nltiU Press Service , AN3T1N. Tex., March 15, A 54-' hour week bill for women workers,' certain to become a law at this ses-r HUNDRED THOUSAND 'slon of the DROUGHT senate with legislature, women In JJUBBBU IUO f cotton and, Hum AND ORAMMAK SCHOOLS ,J Fifty thousand peoplo witnessed tho fatality. At the exact moment that llcachoy foil to his death, tho mammoth expo sition pipe organ began playing Sog- Oottor- dlatanco wns 133 tnllos, nnd tho crcllsts Mopped for llvo minutes nt Merrill. Mnllii nnd Klamath Falls, to he fliccked over nnd penalized for nny itiurtrnmlnKK noted. , OwIhk to the rnln, tho. riders were' fr0(.H Death March from mi iiniiiiinippni in their nrst trip (njdnmmcrung." Merrill. 'I ho fastest tlmo mudo on the II ml run to Merrill was 72 min ute, Knught's record. All tho riders wo troubled on tho first trip by the tiro chains interfering with tho wheel. Another difficulty several met wns In mud cnklng on tho front vheel so had that tho wheel could not turn under tho mud guard. This necessitated tho removal of the front mnd gunrd, and n ponnlty for so do ing. The fastest tlmo between Merrill and Klamath Falls wns 37 minutes, made by Coon. Schubert's fastest tlmo for tho same distance was Just n minute longer, Detwcan Merrill and Mnlln, Coon also was fastest, his woolen mills excludod from its pro IN I.AHT NIGHT IIY JIM lM.,,ec0II SeMtor Bee author of tho' COLL, AND W.HKN DEVELOPED measure, felt constrained to apolo-; ,glzo for the fact that It excluded these WILL HE PUT INTO KLAMATH worker8. Ho said that he had con-. scnted to It only because fourteen of , ills colleagues told him they' would, Klamath Falls people are assured a great musical treat Monday and Tuesday nights of next week, when the Andrews opera company will pro- tent, "Martha." The productions, will be under, the auspices of Kianutk Falls Elks Lodge No. 1247, B. P. O. Elks, and the proceeds will go toward furnishing the new lodge home. The Andrews opera company was organized at Medford by Qeorgeand l.'d Andrews, who. have national repu tations, earned la Ueir old Andrews opera company. Mrs. Don 3, Zubb- walt, Klamath Falls' best known sing er, Is a member ot. the" cast, as Is Sal vatore Giordano, who has bees .alter nating with Caruso In the tenor roles for the Metropolitan opera company or New York. Miss Catherine Ler, who also enjoys wide fame as a vocal ist. Is another of the cempany: That, the attendance at the openiag performance of the. Andrews Opera company Monday will tax the capacity of tho opera house was indicated by the demand for tickets this morning. The contract for the production of the opera nnder the auspices of the Elks has Just been closed, yet the news soon spread and 150' tickets were sold during the forenoon. Exchange tickets will be placed on sale tomorrow at the Bonboaniere. and at. the Star, Underwoods aa Whitman's drug stores. The price of admission Is SI; and tickets can be exchanged for reserve" seats kegtn iJaT'Friaay? TbV Tiblders- of change tickets will bV given Irst choice in the selection of reserved seats. . i.L9ifiJ JH -ikMMLlMfr2 .ws tigm I ..."k.u i. J tTWWJ rait at fisiins siHK,ssrsBSBSRp . !.:.. isgmm sTsMs TBI !!" MUSH siffla sisT sTLssBMSkskAte-A-i:. 'I Com, to WMek,tMMssl'flssvrii 'bVsTsWa - - sal a i i a sf "hut iT I miB rw9mmmmwMmmB:-f.- Hulled, Say MAY RE INVITED HERE IN MAY TJ COMPETE IN SPRINTS AND FIELD MEETS m In- time ou the Inst trip being 11) utes. The Judges of tho contest wore Will T. l.co. J. A. Gordon and G. Homer Ashley. They also checked the ma chines leaving or reaching here. At Merrill Cecil Weeks and Hormun Ar nold chocked tho riders, and Ben Mitchell and Otto Arnold checked nt Malln. I Much Interest wns manlfsted In tho raco by people nil along tho route. Throngs gathered at the start and lilnlsh hore, nnd at Merrill nnd Mnlln crowds of spectators showed tho same enthusiasm In the run. WillProbeFarmUfe F. Stone returned last evening not vote for it if the bill did not ex- elude textile workers. . ...a;2jmi RSMatSM C&KWfi&Mi't Y,v;j55Btsrasy?'7 : rr.il.j ' ' ' "- "wr-mr-!rs ,.'eRS9! LAJMIUN, vHarsi:it-Tassll '! & y -4.- ZL ''?3'-;i''' , t. l ttc -rfU-,-- CT."'iK -cj'rsri trwi llrxilaa iinfTMHri.t JPfci.VSUJ?,W? ". --- mm,.fmmmmmmr: V.HIM Uh warships QlascQW, .Orsaa aM, KmgfA , tracped thaOsrmairaiaas'siUri'i-- Are minataa' aetlosu' Im" wk'lk''a-msssfi"J heavily dasaaged, ta Its colors. , Th magazlaes kavlas; craw was takea eS: .Athens dUpata prs4W tae fsstv v ".".' W". i..v have1 been Pierse, .aads Oerasam'towswslf-i-?.'': Mp'l?uJhmi1iMimiivi0r ymlads4.g,tsWMT iiM'oaM."Jfmm:,- msSMgmm . . i ..... .- .. -.c . f-J7snKM.-nv,..T' repeneaprtiaria te, .mwm! Aa orderwi. IWediy5wM 00G irom I'ortland, whore ho attended a meeting of tho Stato Board of Fish I and Gnmo Commissioners. Thocom-'ninA All if I! II S mission decided to hatch 100.000 blutK Mil PI II black salmon eggs nt the Spencer .UIUU Ull LLIIU frnftlf Iinp1init ' x..v..n .......,, These eggs wero brought in last evening by Jas. II. Drlscoll, and have , boon taken to Sponcer Creek. Tho Ungerllngs will bo turned loose In tho J Klamath River, and it is expected that by the time they are ready to re turn hero to spawn that satisfactory, arrangements will hnve been complei-: ed between Oregon nnd California for j the opening of tho Kiamatn mver, and that the necessnry fish ladders jLVill linve been erected at the power plant of the California-Oregon Power company. Tho commission also decided to close -tluit portion of the North Fork of tho Snrnguo River, where an egg taking station is to be operated. Notices to this effect are now being published. In order to stlmulato interest In jiithlotlca and to bring about a cleser: ; relationship between the schools of alio county, the Klamath county high j school la considering Inviting the. high schools pf Merrill, Bonanza, Port Klamath. Bly and Keno to aend (representatives to a track and field lilllfflr llrFn I ii I meot to be beld .here in -a Tbe jgrammar schools 'of the county may jnlso be asked. To send representatives. I If tbe meet is arranged, there will COMPLETE PLANS AND SPECIFI-jbo separate competitions for high sen no i anu grammar scnooi nunenu. CATIONS RECEIVED AND WORK WILL RE RUSHED IN HOPE OF COMPLETION BY FALL ionLooksInto Matter ot Import By CHARI ES W. UOLMAN ' (S' Inl Agent lit Cltarge, Dallas Land Hearings, United States Commla. i slou on Iaduslrlnl Relaties) (Written for the United Press) j 1ALLAS, Tex., March 15, Is a luminous landlordism springing up in America? Is u permanent tonnnt farmer class to bo looked for as a do volopmont of tho coming years? Or will corporations control farm opera tions and the real farmer class beun Hklllod laborers working,- In large Kanggjen "emclejicy systems"? ' -Tliese are among the most Imnart ut auostlons,1tlatl'lwiU Walked by the United States Commission on In utrlai RelatleiMlla tha hwurlags on tne American laiiduattlw, seksd ule4tobHlniJro,tWntbrlit TU hssrltiM iii.-li-.'.. .r. Am nnd twenty-six qualified witnesses hnve been subpoenaed to appear, In some ways this will bo tbe most unique pf tho commission's hearings. It Is the first time that nny official body of the federal gqvernmont has recognised the Importance of the United States developing a national policy with regard to thai land, Just aa oldor nations and the colonies of tho Britlah,eD!re have already done.; It marks the advsnt of tho tsnant farm er as a Tecognlted Prt pt tho Indus trial struggle, classlfylag hint flth labor siT a labors. It calls for reslltatlon by the fsnsral public that In. the United lUtsathsrs is a rapw hearlim wlU'cenVlattsd tor'Uvt oars ,(Coi (Cmub)s4 a' MALIN'S DRINK PARLOR CLOSED Joe Vlctbrlno's soft drink estab lishment nt Malln is no more, Satur day Deputy Sheriff Lloyd Low and Ray Chtlders searched the promises and ordered Victorlno to close It.- He agreed to do this. Far some tlmo Is has been whU pcred about that all the drinks to he had nt the emporium were not soft. For this' reMon thesearch wa8:made, but near beer was the only thing stronger than coca cola, that came, to llgbti Vlctoriwe told .the officer that he did iot Mil liquor, 6n; tnsall of his satabliahmeBt was a gagornssMt license psmlttlng.tb sals;4,t The complete plans and specifica tions for tho now Elks' Home have arrived, and are ready to be placed In the hands of the contractors for (bids. Al a moetlug ot the building com mittee tonight plans will be complet ed for the Issuance of the bonds, the larger portion ot which., have already been subscribed, and also for a public notice asking for bids, which will be opened April 1st.- The time for the completion of the building is to be limited, as It is planned to have the new home ready j for occupancy early- la the fall. Tbe residence, now on, the property is to be moved to Pine street, and tbe lot clonrod ready tor building operations early tn April. Tho sprints, hurdles, Jumps, weights. shot, hammer an4 discus will oom-r pose tbe program, as It is felt that the long runs are Injurious to, boys of high school age. Dr. George A. Cathey, who at tained considerable note as a track athlete during his. college days, will have charge of the track men ot the K. C. H. S. The doctor will give the boys tho best of training, tnd some great Uovejopment' work. Is expected. DAIRYMEN MIGHT SEND FOR STOCK FROTHING EXCITES MILLS - j SUSPICIOUS LOOKING CANINE IS PURSUED AND KILLED BY MILLS ADDITION PEOPLE YES- V TERDAY.AFTERNOON A strangely acting dog. frothing at the mouth, passed through Mills ad dition yesterday, headed for.the bust- nes part of town,- and caused soma consternation there, owing to the fear thnt the animal Jnight be suffering from rabies; t t Several men. followed tbe animal. overtaking it near the' Savldge mill, where It was killed. . WSBkl - - v ' al3J X -- 1 !! I,S'n I ." ;jVi nwmmsa&to, V J'JVPiL'i 'si? m 9" 'l?xl Dract.icaiiT,smsieiAX4fi m. aVi4aHaBssBBBi , wm Gennam North ;8a?,aoaf;"; wa ustBK that ftIm uim:v-M? .-i . -, ,wj-'Sri United Press SsrrW"i- WAnniNnrnN nic .. I ;- 2iiiJS-ilr22iSK lB'a Utoat -'---- -'--rtsliilati' $t " sayjit Is n lUsattotaUc'wtsjrii .national law anAttnafrlsMrkCaaiit'' trala , ... Jt. SVk . ijLATailW PSV-. "- T f .VVA i.trfIVt.V flt '5a , fftWt Ji ?' 'r- r ' Kiryj'if . tsufV'ts.va.rtai-! ? a- Failure to s lacattr ' sriwialss Va'af? "-" u,,-f "TRfw7?. ' "iB.s .'",-!TTr'2ft tion or tBeueatr rwau'otitkss na-: ..i ..-j l..v:. 1 ' -1 'J.jiV-,4M & hob. (in sow.nisn mmm-mammms---::-;:i - . 't. - ""miwi fckf.sw United Pre-eiki t&fflS&B Dmvnnsin u.lu .: Kfc"'";;v Geranadvace,BricPrsasnysi fjasniyl thn nnrth ku Iwu hiilij:sil( taut.' fefSSI . . T, .. .,..,. InBinnrarll hv B dofaat nt fur- i.V'l mak detachment In front et'Mlawa: HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS ..' m -M-, HTflr sTisTiTl 'rrnil T snaTaTsTdsl T t IfeffMI .TLTfB"r .nr;ui5,i,.?lrVsiAi.li1 StudenUot the hlgm-seswi:m:s4; preaeatedln recital ilrWyrnfnt;lir; maiaaaVIsati in,- h I Miss Rath iSaueee m isle deiurtmesrf .Thels fri. ;" lo the tmhlle. and wUl'4a aC tisa M-a-tif.1;' School 4alteriBm:CsrsCWW boTs sn sirlsValsehSW-asassJtyA' mental numbtrsttwiMomissXs Vtyumm.; v; -"S5MKiieif.- i,,r-rfr; '.MWfM' women naveatTreass-;sr-;i'i -. ."' request that one ot .their polnted'to the Patmiill.tl bt-dtteatloi. " si'Ah assursi.-" ri""s-is-sBsa-B y r ir.rTV"? &? ,1 0"-' ' PT 'VV to ' U S Records Seer Klamath county dairymen will meet Wednesday afternoon at the Klamath Chamber of Commerce to consider the purchasing ot blooded dairy calves from other sections of the state. Some localities are offer ing these calves nt very low prices., Tho dairymen will talk, over the proposition thoroughly. If It" U aareed that the plan la feasible, a man will be. appointed to go to oae.ot Dr. Johnson Honae. Dr. E. D. Johnson, president of the Klamath Chamber ott Commerce, re turned Saturday night from a course at several clinics in the .Bast and. Mid dle' West. He expresses himself as Rlad to bo back; and maintains thatJ4ll. ,,ini .nd nurchase as Klsmath county is for, ahead ot My,ka1ve Bl locaJ people, want. By pnis other -locality tliiiit .onder;uJ khRitllt.,n' jBirip 1-,, way, bsts future,, . v ,!$ t. M jpries.;wlll be', ohUlnable.ani)! 11 - . , tranannrUtlonaaars-aa will Bsklaissw -& Horn foe a Vleac...&&'V. t ' Mrs. ' Eddla ' Men lorrived evening fromNsw Oflaonsler an tended visit D.Doltu United Press Barrks -: , f , WASHINGTON, D. C., Marehjjev-r Uncle Sammy's playing foxy. At least, he's that way Whsn It comes tq letting theworld.know'lurtVwigood bis bright young men are on-their navy target, practices. t And there's a reijmgvf .-. . It used to be. the custom tor the United States navy to parade Its Us- gstjirasfrds. rThen whssv 'the alora saMUaele Sammy had done with this MTtsrUsing, .the oer nations staffed nronaiy. lonn ana,.'es-ftiie .. baw'wfcftMt ikW tOO. StOOd SSI Wlt" and nlsaaa.: i:i'.:,Jii: '"it:-. ' JiwwaJmsosl'ailytlfe &m&&m$Msiim 5ll2XW' .WiWS?" ., ':enwP.iP riwj?v'!ffw;?ffgt- ,wlth;ss1s,;ri.' na. ! 'IMlltwroyam jmgP."?"r,??.W!.lJPr-'Mly, '.J. gwtrtr.onsWlgllip. had smashed JsVvorM'i Hrssor to smlthereans by making eiht hJta with a fourtm4a4w;te lag., tsrrt; twelve, ;nUUs,'wsJ,.'m: -Ulsn'thaTe Uiewt wet &, dldlTO MM SSMt' .V '-'? K -.-.O y;saw.m,,ts,i Unata Sam's m&.m Jti'm f , jBtMr .! e 1 y