'-wV ' '' w 5 ? -v ..:.' I? Iv , .v , 'i ' v I'RINTS'THE' NEWS WHILE IT .IS NEWS - " " 3f Mnlli Vnir No. ttil ur iciiPiTTrin -.wprafiia ..rr..i ' " t ,w 9 yf w krf:rrfs&6 "j.-11,- ftSf KLAMATH i ,-t "Tu r '", "j " tc.Ji OFFICIAL NEWSPAPB in TROOPS BECOME MORE ACTIVE IN EUROPEAN FIELD (iCII.U.tV TllOOI'8 CLONE I.V O.V Itt.'HHIAXH ; ,ttl-lllt "f (VllllMlj ill'f'lltlllH' it,. Huh IWvii Tliuiirfal by llrll .(i I'litH'k HrllMi lirmiliit for OnViilw, mill (Jrrimtii Mnvt-fl Imll. 111 1 it 11 riiriMiinlo In I'lnilliiil Tito Sli'lllnu ill DnnliuiolloH O'liiliiuiti KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY; MARCH 13, 1915 iU Hamburg-American Line Official Indicted llilkit l'niSorilro , LONDON. March ia. A' hltf biiMo width MI really oicn iho, sprints Dinialnii, lit now developing Iwtweoii ArmuiUlorcH ninl I- Illume. There Ih Imllrniliiii of 1T10 German ivluforc Iiik heavily 111 check, Hie llrltlnh of-feixlvi' t'lillol Proas Service I'KTIKKIItAD, March I,'!. HIhiiiI mlllril Hint llio (teriimn nulpontH nru within four tnlU'ft of I'rtntiiiyHx. Ar llllcry Ik holni; bronKhLup for a mil h t-r cnKHKoiiicnl. m Ki'aB THAW WINS, BUT IS STILL HELD IN I. Y. PRISON 1 . .11.11 V At OIITK HIM (!' CflXKIMU. M)Y IM.VIWii: rt a ,-j' Gives Great Discoveries to the American People 1'iillimlliK Hie Wl-ill.i, CoiiiiiucI fi Hie Sliiyor or WtiHc M!iil 'llmi Tlinw Itf Allonnl to (in llm-k ). i Svw lliiinimlili,. nmi H Hiuiliy IN. j miiliMiiil (7am. Will Ui Ai-f.iiMi; Moniliiy TIiihv Oui Ji.iil ., : llnltcil I'ri'HH Sorvlco- " MKItl.lN, Mnrrh 13. It li offlclal ly iiilinlttml tluit tho Cortnan linvn iikinilwinl tho nltcnipt to rocnittiri Itcevit nmi ('liiioll. TI10 nttnek hod n mu'i c:;f ut ticKlnnliiK. iut u mipcr- ld r llrlllitli form turneil Hip title. I'ullcil I'runs Korvlcn M)NI0. Murril 13. Ailmlrnl I'li-rto'H flmyrnn futinilroii Iikh liet rctnfurrcil liy nix warnhlim (rom tho Dfirilniii'lltii, Tiff) city miiy foil goon. AtliciiN illHimtchcH (lecliiro thnt two llrliluli ilvntrnyorn, two mlno'HWceponi nml two llrltlnli liattlMililiii luivo Imim ilamnKOd In Uio l)artlninlia liom-laritniciilH. L DECIDE MOTIONS SOON Kiirl Iltienc. illrocior mid Ronernl Amerlriin rcrHi'iitntlvc of tho great Amcrknii-llanibiirK lliii'. Dm Kri-atost nlenniBlili rumimny In tlio world, htm with Dovvrnl otlivr imrHotiH botn ln illctfil hy 11 federal Knitid Jury In Now Vork for lolatlnn of tho nlililnK lawn of thv United StntPH In clinrtcr Inic uhliw. to carry coal to tho Herman warflhli mnrandcrH Kiirlnrulio and tho Knlncr Wllhelin dor (Ironso. Tim h(( imi8lilrt Kram, Sommvmtad, Lorenzo und llrrwlnd wcro chartered throiiKh nnothor company to carry cool to the cruliorn off In the'South Atlantic. Tliu Itidlctracnts cliargo tho dafcndanU with ronaiilrlnK agnlnHt llio United StntcH by mnklnx out fuUe r.lcnrnnco tuipern and fnlmj manlfcittii for tho collection of customs. It In ttlloced thnt the defendant by tho fiilne manifests they mndo out In- (endod to conceal from tho collector of custoiiiK tho nnmea of the real own- era, Hhlppcro and conBlgnorH of car- KOfH. and iiIho tho portB to which tho cnrKoea wcro tn'bo delivered. To car ry out thla connplrncy, It Ib nllegod that on AugiiHt r.tli, (Joorgo Koelter, Hiipcrlntondent of the line, had n con- iforenro with John O. (l.um of the (limn HlunniBhlp line, nnd nalced him to clour tho tlcrwlnd nnd Loreuio, promlnliiK that ho would obtain clear- tnnco paper for. them from U10 Dor- IV AUDITION, AVIWK XOI.A.N'O w'urt-Whllo Conl company or from the , llrm of VchhpI, Kulonknmpff & Co. Wll.l, TL'I-MIIAV IlKAIt Vtt'rt' m:s I'liltnl I'lCfa Hei vlr c Ni:V VOIXK. March I3.w.rvi jKindnll Thaw wna today nciiiiitted of! the cniiaplrncy h.irso on which he wan brought back 10 New York from, New HiimpMlilro. Ilia nttnrney Imniedlutely moved i that he be allowed to o buck to Now HiimpHhlre a a freo limn, nnd with, IiIh unnlty -ntn IiMh1ioI. The motien: will bo iirgued Monday, and Tlinw, In j lllfl inMllllflllf. Ik rmif1nfil Iti tli.tf Tombs. Kmotlon provented Thnw from apeaklng. m bla lawyera und frlcmlx uinRratnlated him. Tho Jury left' be fore Thaw could thank tho inembcrB. Chmnoloio' of liiiitr Cam June 2r, 11I0C Tlinw allot, nnd killed Stanford White nt the Madlxon Hanaro Hoof (lurden. January 22, 190" Thnw placed on trial for murder. March 20 District Attorney Jerome halted the trial, to prove Thaw In- BMXV. Aprlt .& -Cointnlaalon pronounced Thnw ano. April 12 Jury before which Thaw was tried disagreed and' wn dis charged. , February 1, 130S Thaw, acquitted ut occoud trial, on ground of insan ity. Committed to tho Mntteawan nityliim for the criminal Insane. Anrll 22. Thnw applied to JimtlceJ MornchauKer for Ills first writ of 'LL M mm9mmm' . Dll. HOG PRODUCTION RECORDS BROKEN TIIRBK gOU'H liKliOXOIXO TO A PARMER O.V KENO rtO.tDHAU: THIUTV-M.NE PIGH THIS WEF.K. HECOXD LITTKlt i.V JVtfti uivumr iipai -mm -mm mt:i 'fc - "V VEAR. California Is making a great holler obout'the McKulglit quadruplets. In thla, they must follow Klamath coun ty' for threo years ago Mr. and Mrs. i llunncll. on the Merrill road, were tlhe proud parents of four youngsters born the. name day. A hog production, record has Just (been set, here also, that' will stand for quite a while. Thirty-nine 'little pigs were born to three O. I. C. sows at the George 8hell ranchon the Keno, ranch this week, according to D. Wj. George, a well known Klamath cbuntjf rancher, who Is here for the day. "One litter contained seventeen, another twelve, nnd the third ten pigs. These are the second broods for these sows within tfie year. l,ast fair tbey all had large Utters, and the one that had seventeen pigs this time had sixteen at that time. A6RICU I wmmmmimmKiJ.-'i ".. jl -.$ ;2-l lilOIOl r: itv.- '4ft m -nfH: - v nnMtiul'V on:7 CmCVULTUD X."Jt 3J ' um -..&. 2tJt j njizct r, -lvt-a. wgvA , 'f.if,,n &SJS2S ui waieMK,vmn em iitmttUc' 1 Bad IMtM SU FM, il it " "---" CT1' M IH4M.J'. auaaace or wonc mptma mi A. -. " t ' TWS ",wiiut 'S !5iViJl Whether- or not-th-" s&iZ&l T "- "Vl. v vanflBUIIl agricultural PXUak(--wnrItT 11-' continue dpeH to big extMit upo . . .iiii ... & .L" ' me BuiiuoB oi in larmersin ta: millor" Th nmriU '.-..T,:v:r WALTER F. IIITTMAV Announcemeht has bobn made by j has caused elation among ordnance Franklin. K. Jlane, Secretary of the'exPCr- -It vas in the chemical lab Interior, that Dr. Walter P. nittmanJorator,ea ,n Havemeyer hall at Colum bia university that Dr. Rittman did the work resulting In the two discov ert its. He has been busy there on hla of tho bureau of mines has Just com pleted two epoch-making discoveries. wnicti 11c aesires patented for tho free work with petroleum product since use of th'if pcopWjtthB'countryi'i 'latt summer.-PrevIous to his entrance Tho one, It is announced, will great-!,n, 'h'8 task h had done two years' lylncrcaae the production of gasoline; j work at Columbia for a doctor's de- theother will make the United StatesJree' nliHoIutoly Independent of tho rest of Dr. Rittman was born in Sandusky, tho world In tho production ofma-'OKIo, in 1883 thus he Is now only 32 terinls necessary for" the dye industry. and received his early education In and the manufacture of high explo-tOhlo. After. being graduated from slvcs. In this time" of war, when the 'Ohio Northern College he came. east I available supply of material for the and continued his studies In chemistry making of high exnloBlves has been at Swarthmoro Colleee. where he - - .,- -. habons corpus. adlmlnlshod to a degree ularmlng to ( later taught for some, time. In 1910 May C Superintendent of Matteawnu)m,,,ll,r' ll,el1' m of ,,, processes Isjand 1911 he was chief chemist of the onuoseil TIiiiw'r release considered to ba tremendous boon United States Gas Improvement, com- I.WOIiVI.Vd MKItllll.IM 'ill' tlFFICIAIJt Tiiemlny t'lrcull JuVlgu Noland will Kln tils ilvclslons in tho sovcrnl mo-; lions, ilcniurrerii, cto,.' nrgued bfor; lilm. At tills time ho .liinv nlao huLi Home Jury nines for trial diirltiK tho! latter purl of tho month. . I . Twn niiiflP .,.,.(,... 1.. i. . 1.1 1 f IIVIIIIAl'I.ICJ ihii,m.-u , , lUIIDMIUIVU . , LOCAL FIRM GETS A BIG CONTRACT TUemliiy nnVot tho city nf' Merrill. One f tliesu In Hid trial nf lu writ of re view cade, in which A1. V. Cliiblno, n ."rriii snionii Uoopot', U cimiesting mo right of (ho clly in lino him for liavlin; Iiln Hitlooli open after thy poIlK flnmiil election )ny. ' tint other Is tho icturn of tho, mandnmuR issued In the petition to havo (ho city treasurer "niio u roporl ofallcKymonoy hnml lod during tho past year. ANO THER CAMP A fourth cump Is to bo established liy llio rcclunnlon servlco on tho ''uimii lutornl enlargement work. "i win ho Htnrled tomorrow bo lt'n tin, Upst River, aivorsloii dam "d Stukcl bVldge, " ' l-'or (ho work frpmhl,"olut, olgh y liead ot horses' ar5r eomlna- In to- ""wrow fi'om MonWiie. jpfcii jji tk' '""t of j, W. wfj&jrfmi b'een ;f mi worn oh ine mcinc nign '"lk. Is now. .well 'started, ou, the mnnl onlrirgrne(, a 'About huVi- urnii imim. w- a1- .1 'i- HTOXi; AND UIIICK CO.MIM.VV Wll.l KlKNIHH HA.VI AND OIIAVKI, iOlt NORTHERN (MMPORMA HK1HWAV WORK --. .v. r. emnioyeu pretent; UM.a U- lwk4?.th'athV.'iiu'mlNir win ue dpub?lHrnii' the, cowing wepk. 4rt V a ' - ' "-' " Tho California highway commission has signed 11 four-yenr contract with tho Hydraulic Hrlck and Stono com pany, owned by K. J. Murray and S. T. Summers of (his city, for tho delivery of snnd nnd gravel to bo. used ou tho construction of tho California high way. The .local company Is to furnish all the; sand nnd gravel from their pit nt. Iloey, used by tho stuto of Cal ifornia In, (ho' construct Ion of the highway, from Redding north. It is of.tlmi(od that ihta will tuk,o about 100,000 yards. Mr,' Murray vls now at lloey Huper- lh(endlng tho Installation of an til th u new plunl for handling nnd load ing tho grnvol. The new machinery, lueludes u,.roclc crusher, lereeus, drag line sornpor, and. new loading bins are also being erected, ;,"';' , With this equipment, a, average of acd,K.rl of material ''cane ' do llvered ,ad loaded on the cars each gay, 'Tlia;fltrct calls -fdr lh.s Be llvery of the material on llio cars'nt thht( i - ,. , Tests made byjCallfornia engineers show that the material 'from thla pit Is (he besi o-(h, coast for road and eoaerete construction. opposed TIiiiw'r release, May 2Ii J notice Morschauser dlsmls sod tho writ, asserting Thaw's re lease would be dangerous to the public. June 13JiiHtlce Morscbniiser dented Thaw's application to bo trnnsfcr ' red (o Mlddlotowii State hospital. June 29 Thnw demanded a. Jury trial Ho prv his sanity. September 1C Justice Mills denied application. January 4. 1U09- Thaw appealed from Justice Mills' decision. July The nppejlato division denied Thnw's appeal. j July H Justice Mills heard Thaw's application for release op ground that ho was sane, ' August 12 Justico Milts, dtsmlssed tho second writ. August 20 Court of .appears sustain to this government, and. tho discovery jpnny of Philadelphia, Baseball Talk Heard New Grounds and Fast Teamin Prospect, Say Fans i&. .1 - extent thnt a meeting ot the board ot director of tho Klamath Palhi Base- IgUBl so vjouri 01 ,iiieura aiiainui- i ,. . ... . - .,vi .u . 11..1 il ji-i.f.. .i.n.iu" Club will be, palled In the near tho appellate division decision thn(4 ... :.,,.. , M, Justico. Mflls was Justlllod In. deny Ing Thaw. a, Jury trial. Decomher 30 United States supreme court refused to review the action of tho New Vork courts. Anrll Ut. 1912 Justice Stapleton is sued (hlrd habeas corpus MvrlWor, Thaw. July 27 Justice Koough dismissed the third Thaw writ. November 22 J. N. Anhut accused of offering superintendent of Mattea-, 'wan $20,000 to aid In securing re?' lenso of Thaw. March 1, 1913 Thaw got fourth habons corpus wrl(, In New- York county. Withdrawn. August 17 Thaw escaped from Mat- lea wan In fast motor car. August 19 Thaw arrested at Coatl- cook, panada. Deported from Can- nda an(l.wreited In.New Harap- ahlre. ' ' October 24 Indicted with four of the men who, It wai alleged, aided his escape. November 0 Federal writ prevent ed Thaw's extradltlou from New )lampshlre. . 1 June IB, 11 1 Application for ball dented by United States' supreme Tho baseball bugafter a hlbernn - - tlon of several months, has como forth, Inoculating the.faiiB to such an Already plans for the year nro being discussed, . The club this ycarjs going to start In work early In the. season. By the time other teams are Iqojcing for games, Klamath, Palis" ,wlll have a snappy team working like clockwork, say thoso who ought to know. Thp. main dlfllcijlty with" tho .(earn Inst year was the, tackkpf e, battery, This senson will see a couple of, good .it pitchers hero, It Is understood, as several havo written here for posi tions In local plants, so they can fling baseball on Sundays. Thero are sev eral other fast players who' will be out for places tills year, all of whom have fast records elsewhere. Thero Is also some talk of n new baseball grounds. This will' be the Southern I'aciflc property across the lallroad from the Big Basin Lumber company's plant. The tract Is level, anil outsjdo of the cost of feuco and grandstand, (here will be little ex penio to be met The ground. It Is understood, can bo. secured on a long time lease tor a rdiculously .low rental CRATER LAKE TO SEE LODGE MEET WIZARD ISLAND 18' TO BE THE SCENE OF UNIQUE IXITIATORV CEREMONIES IN, THE MIDDLE OP AUGUST , '" ' ' The following, letter, received from tbe Keeper of. Records , and Seata of Medford Lodge, Knlgbta of Pythias, explains the. fraternal, ceremonies, etc; to bo held at Crater Lake next sum mer, lniwblch be local K. of p. lodge will take part: 4 In reply to yours of recent date. will say we have- Just, decided on a date for our Crater Lake conclave. We leavo here early Tuesday morning, August 17th, and aim to get there In good time for preparation for tbe night. We will be preceded a day or two by a committee with a truck load of supplies, paraphernalia, etc. That evening around a big, camp fire, we expect to have a program, probably Including the "Lesapn of Friendship." put on by the Uniform Rank .boys of. our lodge. . The next day we'go to WlxardhIs- land, and Jn the oidcrater lBltlate a large-ciass. in mo ranK oz,Kmgn. we would like to have yojur lodge with your own team, put part of tbe class through, and Talisman Lodge wilt handle part of the class. Bring as many candidates as you can. We In vlte all lodges to send" candidates for lh-nnnUi U, ,.VV.UH , The grand lodge officials are pre paring cuts, from, pictures we hate sent, them of the lake, to" use'on spe cial certificates to be Issned to each. quo who takes the rank of Knight tl ere. It will bear the signature of the grand lodge officials and they are working, to get the Supreme, officers here on that auspicious occasion, and If we succeed, these certificate will also bear their signatures.. Tbaa certificates will be treasured The question mar be sub-w? .IH.J . t..'; -Zn-L-m M:;-mL "' w iKsiiur u.rvisrvB)aNisiTS' wj.A . ' ... K . ' M1 ' 4.Wtri ."' v, ' "v-.j -Mai The$1.0orwarrit-leirbKtbeS;i W- I iObll e 'il county court in December for the ag ricultural work In the county Ia: one of the warrants thAt hu hjum'tiiK. nnn.lli. nlW iuL" i- ""i,;"'? I (rlct ceurt: Fojr.'attom nosslblo at nresent. tolreailiV tfcSsi value of the warrant; and thawork!!; In danger of biacampereeVIf thereV I. -....-. u. ii : .. - i.-r.w.-tj-. ,9 HUIMUV UV WO WITllKi.WUt;ilV:Y:'l .court, which refused Thaw; permis sion to visit Pittsburg. December 22 United States supremo! cpurt rulod Now, Hampshire ni,us( t surrondor Thawto;'Now Vork, on conspiracy, charge. V r Mafch R, l9i-iTlX. arraigned, in . tho criminal court tioiNeW York" city to atanu iriai on eonafiracy cnarge. t- v ... ..... 'y United Press SmiwWw9 - d PITTSBURG, March 18, A two mile relay race between the teams ot Cornell, Princeton and; Uulverslty of Pennsylvania, will b the feature of the annual indoor athletic meat of. the Pittsburg Athletic vAasocIs tlon at Duquesne Garden (Might: Itiver Stemner itecord United' Press Service I'ORTLANp, March 13.- After Um for, all who appreciate anytkHMg.ot that kind. This is one.'aora; mont to "use on prospectlTeteairtl- , , "JTtKtV, V.u; paid la tinw. 'tbero hop WfftHlif i ine warrant, to someone a an; invest-: at ; ,' ?w - 1 . : ' Jt" -r. i.'svase pau Kuynenaau t ' Ferguson who reo-?;" resent the plaintiffs in.tho Injunetlc: ; Wlt,r.iateat;nitlghj!it special ,fi44 fwt!Vf4PlMtanli& -,.v' iii'-"w-.i.iwi.'-iiS;tyii.' iiii' "w,w;?'7;'"JSzWi;!:i!f general inna, ana.ior mat reaaom.vw :.- uv uu aB(uiBaaiaiiHiBimiBTanir, r&;m a vy u war' ibb iiuinuiarexDraBST.- mmnJ7' T&&ti&g tag luiiowiBc jeutiw,u -io.D.carJig culated through ,the;.Cbabr;bff Cemmerce: t - j fCJl-ifMU' J'Tdsthe Honorabtel,,CmintyConrt'si; ot Klamath County? Oreg&Wi;n)if. undersigned citlsens.and'farmeni off Klamath countr., 'kiioWtiw'tW.'Vi', . 1-;--- - - m- T- -.,- - , position of the county- sgrleuUurlst 3 here Is in a perllons.sltuatlon.fowing) . to tbe fact that; a county warrant to the amount of $1,000 In payment of'- ISIS salary, has been enjoined, and' tlAlloVtnr tlinf hA fHrllllBlfMBlBflftll-. ance of this offlce Is 6t lnestlaubl value to tbe agricultural davelopinent' of- tho. county, Jaereby ; petlHonfyofir nonoraoie Boay.rio;uKCL'aB7Doannw steps toward devising means jforjttHf eoatlanuM el tkm oei?aTla iaiiw warrant. now. in rjeopardy n)siMC!S llsU 4Msmr Tnr n am -m-. m i .Vm, jn. nsW? t m&fm " . p It r ift.-vai6. .v" . rffA rvCMSSW ADVANCE. MAW'MmXMtonm here tomoriiou' .inairr ' 4ri m MAKE ARMAWfilsintlI'Brlf.$l , . : rTJ.T'zr r.rrrfT"z,i,rr7rT'rz.r. : . rjtmimma?8$$-y. (I MARTHA P. wtW HERE ' Hvi.n sTIt mi7m ? 7-; a. membeV'of ;taVAji4Mw:Dw ogiav : w;m:tmm&m ajretweeBerformeWMgrll ' tV?-!7,r 7 T? rJ ""T ""S'V'1.' wHsrii;nsiirisf,i,tsepii.ir.f be,playe4:,-iaamatUltaaTnr Marakl2. 7. fjff 't 'The advance' ageat'ferlne ccbb will bo In Klama.thjralhitmorrowJ aigai 10 maKe.arrangemenu-iorirne ,1 appearanee:'bere.t-fS';!J iw.n., &Srl2fiSLV I -"';:2rrriiuiF2:zz. abandoned it.' nortb.rn' trip, a4 win toiir CailfornI,rPij iW ii prMt'' A,ya ' "S" v1 2T ...... JVUfd We expect to serve meaia t a ln Inium price to all membeni'andntm.e- diate frlenda who aaayf attend,,, We expect to itay. over" the aeeond nlaht plying on tho Columbia River for andreturntTBUraany; We nun bav- thlrtv-soven voam it win estimatsd llng;frMjyelon and'flsh as nart of that the. sternwheel steamer Lurllne j thjJPJilrifr:T ''a alrniy:haV;av nnd traveled 1,860,000 ml lee, n rec ord, perhaps, unequaled In the world for thla class boat. Tbe Lurllne 1 still In excellent condition, making-ta regular trip to Astoria and retttnir'a ..-." . .-'-. .1- .f ...-- v -T. :. mSSlTmmH -TBXAa rCJTY,iT' Marcbt: W&ttfrrP v ziiZTiiFtmm. w:-wKiiwwW".'W mmwt&mx,H ... .-W:, W.S. ., .fjM, - MB..mW, ...... ... WMM iW.BM a.tY-X,g"-- ',- .-- j. Uch, became.of theFinaniisT war, iu iiiittStmUtk: 1. . W.t Orris; J-t-Siii-;.L - ' L threatened to hurt UeAmsVmev- e4Ic o. tlU auekW of oirmttsfca- tTllVi Ipg.Plcture lndurtry,';b'b?nai iiriitiek ti iAvaMsv tki'atriiUV'-iSS tzZJSit? .'! v- v --.'; .1 ,.-".,- . T-11 . ,r ." '-. . r7"Trj"TT- .- ,r.TJi-,'I"'l.T - """"jv.-mjiwi mwm .r .. Moyininwwrtipia iwgst.'HIMI In favor of wag tbf fvawt'w? mate ,out:ot,rtlw4:iiHk:t4f "? imm'tem&m&M&arf?1?. SSSSaTTSl" m aSPgj 'V ' . , i 'er. 'ii ""1" V r - v-rft 'VaSfagffgB