'svtf'ji ' ' . ' i. f!9f Tjm A ;. . r" .ir,,n Tiiv ,,:"- .1 'll l-si, a M7 . is' an '" 'Mr bbs (tV -" ""l. k. S"1 4.ffc1 .".'"-' . .A. .' . ..WS.rVWiS'J'.Tf. ' ' $m&SK&i JKWtl .-V.- ,MTltr'iSMl . KI.AMATH-irAt.'tJpVA5. ' vw- iiwf&v& .n OFFICIAL, NEWtPAPM vt -1 U14IJ? ICUFttttUl ItltHUI PB"fc ? sf ?i-ij;il y , . . . "VJ ". - T'. if'K s., .. .: ?-. TUSI -" t . mr -.? 'if: wr-j.'-i in--rrxTa;aiE--arLjjt,TrTjg-i .. . , M . , --- Kmsm ''. "" -. ... v.. I1IIIU Xlstli " ,'" " '47"l T discuss SUGAR BEETS AT V , KI.HI.U OF "Plftk'H" at WAN .NOT JUSTIFIED KLAMATH 'FALLS, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1915 MT.L AKI TONIGH IIKPOHTH IXDICATi; I HIXKIXO OF "FR'K" Tl 1IU.1IMIW, ta. rrollnilitnry ( iclvcil by Pn-nlilo , finrc Hun (lie Hi KtiwiiiWKi iibbt haiheii MAKE A TALK TO llftlilc (I"""''"''- 'f fumnwrro lltj- n4rnllri'x. Colora-bui, Who fln-tv, lUt'l fr '''"' Huji'tr Krry Hlarl'il In 'I'lmt Kliilo Will Allvrnl llxi SvwkIoii, iiimI Will lariilrl- lmli ''X I,,ilim AHDHi'r tlu? TliC 'lucullnii of u Hiiar licot fc lor)'(ur Kliunatli county will (ie ilU cmsoJ ( Ml, l-nlil loiilBlitwt meel loc of (tip Ml. I.kl iruprovcmoni Club, wlilrli lll lie !t(lt!iuhl liy n Uel fpllnn (torn i In- Klamath t'lmmbor of Commirio mi wHI iih Iho fnrmoni, etc, oftliu Ml. I.nkl tlldtrlrt, At IhU incclliiK It I thu Intt'ii lion In tnl Hi" iiuiIUt UP from tlm drwcr'n "I'll' Tlii (ntlloiit of tlio firmer inwnnl tliu i-stuliliiilimvul of n factory licrc nml tli coiitriirlliiK of atrroKo for beet tiiltiiro l, of fouro, msitrr of iirlmu Importanct. Sonio pro rtlcnl liifornintlun on bent rulluro will liu ulvi'ii ilia fnrracri by F..A. Miiori', wlio Ik hero from, Hocky Ford, Colo. 1 1 curl iik that Klnmath count U coiitviiiplutliiK bi4 culture, he li liiTc with a view to loCHtliijc. ft K.i4 tit Itodiy Kortl that tho flrnl, ltl nuKitr fuctory wah oiinbltihutl In .Colorado. Mr. Moore wim tho' tint man to ciiil IiIh IhtIk to tho factory Ulrtre. "If n i;ooil iiiullty of nuitnr beets ran lie rnlxtil Ihto, tho fnrmcru arc foolliili If tlii'y ilo not soi. In nnd work for a fuctory. Tlioro U much work unJ ixpcixu lit tho cultivation of ugar lioeln, hut nt tho no mo tlrao Ihtro Ik koikI rfcomp'-nso for thin in Iho prlcw pnlrt," Uno matter that lin bcon piuillng local in-oiilu In about tho labor re quired for tlm cultivation of tho crop, lir. Monro htnlo that tho farmer contrail tho thinning, topping and hoclni nt so much nn ncrn to pemom who ilovuto their Htiramern to HiIr ort of work, At lonlKlit'ii inoctlue nt- Mt. Ukl, Mr. Mooro will illscuw tho ronttor from tlio viewpoint of tho fanner. Ho will lo Bind to niiHwor any Inqnlrlen oa tlio subject. v - United I'rrmi Service WAHIUNflTO.V, I), c March roporiH r- ilont VVIIkoii iln- hIiiIiIiik of Hie Anioilciiii -iiIIImk vphucI William K. Pryi by tlm lUrmnu crtilnir l-rltiJ! HI to) Krloiloilch wflH not JIIMtlfll'll, No n lion w) li,. iiikwi, tlmiiKh. ik'ihIIiik tlio lorvlpt of nil detnllN. OfflC'l-lll (.,p.C (I.TIIIIlliy to voluntarily open fii uuittor, the llormnn rorniRii olllro lakliiK tho matlnr up Itlu-r ihroiiKh llnron von ll'TiiMorir, AmhaKnadr-r to Aini-rlcii, or I'lillvd flialon Am hrii!iiiior ilernnl at Itcrlln. Fights President's Tariff Control Idea CRUELTY CHARGED BY INDIAN WIFE lOl' J.tt'KMO.V .U,r.KflF.ft THAT HKit iirsii.wn iHKgi;i:Ti,Y tiu:..T ni:u, tiiiikw iiku iniw.v AMI CAI,I,KI HKIt XAMKH lHPr '311 ZAPATAS MURDER AMERICAN MEXICAN CAPITAL ii:i,,m:i fo U: , cor.it iiixkui More Trouble for Thaw Kit .lITAIIt J! - .Miiiililpul IMmitn HurrfM ,l!ollcd I'rosH fler.vlro OLUVKI.AND, O., March 42. Op- , trRtliig ogiiiiiut tho private owned cor- t-orntioriM nt. lower rate, Cleveland' municipal electric light plant earned n net profit of $48,75 In lOH, nc- -onliiiK to llEuren just Hull for illvuri'o wan lljed In the circuit court today by Lou Jackvon. iwho Reek iieparatlon from Joieph Jai'kHou, Hollo 0. llroesbeck In the pliilnilfT'H attorney. Cruel and Inhumau treatment In tho allegation nimle. Mm. Jackaon tntcu that at Wlhion'H hall on Iho Wllllanmon Itlvf't) hut fall, Jacknon becamo trnraged, and utter throwing hor down, struck her and called nor Vile name, before a gathering of people. Wednenduy, alio aya, ho made an other attack on her here, atrlklng her, choking her and abusing her, She then concluded to leave him. If tlio new federal tuule eominls hIoii aitempti to frame a now tin Iff bill or change any tK-heduleii, as wax utiKKeMod In n recent Hpccch of tho prVnldout, thlx can only be done after HcpiCHi.ntJtlvn Wlllium it. HlcplieiiH of California Iiiih hhed Home of liU llfo'K blood, .Mr, Htepheus 1 In the houko of reprcftcntadvea uh a pro- kicbsIvo, and will sit In the next i.on- KruHs. The Hiiggestlon that the new trade roniinlnslon will have unythlng to do with the tnrlT Iiiik aroused him', and he will be Juxt as ready to.llKht In the slxty-foiirili congretiH as he wiim in tho l.mt. Ilinyilbiii Hi pertinent Win. Tluii linn MlnMei Tlml '. ''y'ntr.Over I hi ItepoiiM r il an Hun.., Ktutf I'lng , nnd D RAN MN "Marry, or Jult Vour Job"" United I'res Service LOS ANtlKLKS, Calif., March 12 "Marry, or quit your Job." Thla In tho advlco County Suiiorlntendent of KrhoolH Mark Keppcl is giving 100 alien "school marma" today. California laws provide that tojeh cm must bo born in tho United States, taunt bo nnturnllied American cltlxens or must have married Americans. Keppcl thlnkH the latter course In tho bunt solution to u problem that' Iiuh hf)i bothrlnit him for months. Ilatliltou-K' to lteoKii. L. O. Mills, manager of tho Hot BprhiRs bath house, hn announced that tho popular resort twill reopen to morrow, after being closed Hoveral comnllcd by i weeks, nnd will bo kept open day nnd M'bt Coimnlmilonor llnlliird. Tho ! nlcht linronftrr. While it was closed niinirlpnl plum borveH 10,000 custom- tho "tank" hna been repnln(ed nnd I'fU.llhll tHlllillnir rni,l,llw ,,. il.l., ,.. f nll.Mwii.lu l,iiiiinvA T .'.in m'i'imv i. mil, iiuiti'iiiHVi ntpu ,,,' w IS BURIED HERE K. U. I'(MIL, I'lOXKKK KLAJkMTH COl'XTV UKSUIKXT, IIIKU YKf TKHIIAV MOHXIXtJ HAS IIKKX CtXllltCTIXO A STOItH B. . Peel, for twenty years a res lilout of Klamath county, died yester day morning nt his homo In Hllde- brnnd. Death was due to pneumonia The funeral services were held here' this afternoon. Klder 8. D. Harlan, pastor of the Christian church, con ducted the service Mr, Tool has beuu long in the mer cantile business In Klamath county, After conducting a store at Lor oil a for several years, ho moved to Hllde- brand about a year ago. and tins beon oporntlng a store there. Deceased in survived by soven chil dren, four boys and three glrlu. He was a nativo of Van Buren county, owaand was 62 years of ugu. Iliwrlllnfl l-i-KitHon SinV Hn riiiifil .on Hie Door I'nlu'il. ,4 - SIiiIi-m li.iiiinil I'ropcr .liiHtlic. - ' '? - ?' 'iillfif I'ichH Service WAHHINOTON, li. C, March li. Tho llrazlllau mjhUter In Mexico City today notified the xtato department that tho Zapatista killed Jolin Mc Manus, an Amcrtcan, Thursday. "McManus wrw murdered In cold blood," said tuuf.nilrilstor'H mess'aKe.j "IIIk body whH fiddled with bullets. mere was no provocation whatever for tho crime," Tho Ilrnxlllnn minister further ad- vjHCd the stnto department that tho LnrrantlHtas withdrew from Mexico' City Wednesday might. An soon as tho city had been evacuated by the forces of Currunzn tho Zapatistas en tered. The United States officials have asked the Brazilian minister, who Is looking after tho nffalrg of this na tion In Mexico City nt present, to dc mnud tho punshment of the men re sponsible for the murder. Later advices 'from the Brazilian embassy stnto thai before McManus was .Main, the, BraMlJaa'mlaUtejvhart placed tho legation seal on the house for the protection of McManus. Besides this, It Is stated that the American flag was flying, over the house the Zapatas entered. Regardless oi Verdict, Another Suit Will Start cram, wim : .il' . . ijM-ir-4t IIVI-K "IIIIAMS '-" - "Tp" S5 . SSRi--TM.,'iP "!: ;Viif.-Smmf.- ; tti&rrfSsmMii-'- '..i. .imi'lETL'sZtS. 'fc' iiJ.4S3P-3 5nwJM?'"i' yiv ciuc ; nnn rani urn. wmvmft . l . .. : ifBHssiWi !isHIIH9liiiiHr iv'.- 'l.KUIHliATUItR TALK8 OF APrlU) f v raiATioy- - mJ&"jSI &?& '. 1 'A.' i , .(" ,fY JftV 4id i.: V " . t.tilTS.jl .! rzi lliolutloiw Are rirafral'p'for Aid for Family, CoolW.oJ mi6Ml$: ,', ', , V " yh.1 SC , ffi Will Be Hent lo rreskteatWliiMi v; 7' . nml Coloacl Roosevelt County and Will Pay for All Xeed. HatN-rrlsorii Hetid. rM, ..- : . &i fc-t United 1'rens Service 8ACRAMENTO, March j . ive I rAffii Mum '.'Mt&M&m lZZ-n&: -21 ator, Scott of 3an 'Francisco toiiyi liK,;f iroaucea a '"ture paying reaolutlba lalill.; g a hlttf tr&t-tcftfeb UmU MCKnlKht.. who.riTo Wrth ;to;M &(& 4ruplets near .neMlmKZ&WiUirf'M Hon of.$B.000 M.tBjrfi'tomM-. Vs imM r Copies ol ,th reaoiutlpnreialJ Kent in PrnnlriAnl, Wltann'anrf flAlAui 'sVSSWl :: -:r: --r- 'zzzv&tx nuuHvcu. t'v , The resolution follews: 'Whereas, The hnsband . of KVltXss.! Uns.Jm&i iMcKnlcht is enflrrtlB h InduArvi of farming. a-l4te';iIttAfejfei iruinesa oi'tne soil, tbe acreage orWaTi"rgS firm U .iu4'J'&i;'l.1lV''W. numerous, a- progeny; -r X. ns- 5$, j bow, laereiore, ,penK9oiJtmiKtjmfi : ninv luu Mi Bouuic uuBve,coBBiHie:De . to draw' vo jtiSiSiLW ldlnrforlB;aBoirtd.e:' .OT p--T I ""Cr. Uh rnto is 3 ennlu n.,r Vlliiwall liuur. Tho private owiiod corpora Hon churKea from B tV, 10 cent. X'lukoii on ti,0 nmount used by" tho tonumor, l . In New York n wonunla not forced to take her litmbniulV natnn If aha enro to. do-n't Added Altrurilon at Temple, As an ndddsattrnction nt tho Tern plo theater tonight, Manager J. V. Houson announ'ceH Hint tho Patho film "Splnnnrs of Speech,'' will be shown. Tho film treats of tho meth ods of a modern telephone exchange, land Is an exceedingly Interesting film, " A v."MMnm IS. JOHN 0. ROCKEFELLER DIES WHILE HUSBAND AND SON SPEED TO REACH BEDSIDE; DUE TO AGE I: "lll,eil I'lesu Horvlcei , NKW YORK, March HMfiohn r, Hockefnll,,.. a. J4..1 .n- ., or Sr. Ntted flL'Pnrajitl :9l.llU.thU,m-ornln7.1" " "" ' ' A.rtii ; uuiOjnejBia;ana; outer sC'Iments of old aai.-f ' i i. fii Neither totr'hiirtaftrfg 19 oti nock.ii7JS.ii?5 J?5?L:d, , -, ',XW- ' i each rocantlcohllls tomorrow night. Tho ,forma aunouncee- ( the doralse came, (a n brleftateeht irim .tbe oftyw of1 the'Staadirfd"6li conpany at goon today. "Death occurred at 10:10. No arrangeraants wllj bamade for the funaral until tha husband and aori rwoiP.ocaticoall. 'i agf.Hha wM;LMcyila -trior to Kt-if,in i. ANOTHER SCHOOL MAKES STANDARD CKItTIFICATK IS IHSUEIt TOTHR HH.MMKItS SCHOOL HV SUPBIV IXTKXHKXT. AX1 PI.ATK IS OIl IIKHKD 1H MVK DISTRICT . i Tho second Klamath county school to qualify as u stnto standard school Is the Summers hcIio'oI. A Btandard cortlllcnto was Issued today by County Superintendent sFred Poterson, and tho door, pinto, will bo Rent out In h few. days'. ' " Tho Summers school has made re markablo progress flits year, much credit being due- tho teacher, Mrs, Bertha Rxell, and tbe members of the board, A. if.' Jones chairman, Mrs. 'B.; R. ,$; whHi W. Baell nd Leila i!unph'njjrli.clrk,4 Thla 'ii the. ,sonoo whlcii 'hla) year began the serving of hot'ltinchea. tolthe children. -and has ma other rrangemmts pf the sama kind j that bay tnultM ; .incrtea PARK HEADS. OF WEST CONVENE KUPKIUXTKXDKXTH AND llAXU KnS OF'THK XATIOX;AL PARKS TALK OF IXTBRRSTIXG TQUR IHT TRAVKI. OUT OX OOASt UiilteU l'ress Service . 'L.;, BERKELEY, CaUf.;,rMarch 12'. Plans for tho diverting of $400,000,- 000 to $500,000,000. annually through tho Bcenlc areas of the West .were ex pected to be discussed during' the three day convention pf: tho superin tendents of all national' parka, which opened at tho University "at California today. "',- The government Is anxloua to at tract European travel to .the national purkBi If possible, und ..the discussion of scenic 'exports will bo a. long step toward solving this problem,, it la ex. pocted. BonJ. ldo Wheeler, president of the university, delivered v the ad dress of welcome, and Asaiatant Secre tary of the Interior Stephen Mather responded. A uumbiirT tSacenlo, ex ports are scheduled ,to. deliver ad- . ' rfiV 1LARKY KKXDALL THAW (To the left) United Press Service charge, in which a verdict la ;expected NEW YORK, March 12. Regard- momentarilj, and will be follower by 4cs of the verdict that is handed In """"-" " ""- """ """'. by the Jury in tbe present trial of Hurry Kendall Thaw, slayer of Stan ford White in 1900, and Inmate of the Mtitteawan asylum for the crim inal insane until his escape and flight to Canada August 13, 1913, there is yet in prospect another battle he must go through In thecourt8 for his freedom. j Habeas corpus papers bavo already been prepared, for this.. . Thaw was the, last witness in his case, which was rested at 11 o'clock. He whispered encouragement to his mother ashe went to the stand, " Another motion for the dismissal of the suit was made by Thaw'a at torneys after the evidence was all in. iThls was denied i niiKuri.'' be' predated MM&lffS 'Instructed bill prorl iv. uu, , us inncaiai w;ri.?..iif Jigv Knlgbt In eccHloe of-tae.-gr-US-v; ooon sne nas.coBierred on'tlw atate.'i.K,?: 9"3r -.. e ir,&?l'.- v&tpfistkdAss&sMmf'. ,REDDINar- -March, ll JTkeiMeMl Tho present trial is on a conspiracy I Arguments to the tury then began MEDFORD MAN IS WEIGHTS SEALER STATE TKEASUHEK XAMES CHAS. L. 1IAXSOX AS DEPUTY SEALER -OF WEIGHTS AXD .MEASURES FOR THIS DISTRICT " ('oliis for a Visit. W, B: Nicholson. Wood River Valley Klamath Falls today, a well known resident', Is in He leaves in the morning for tho Rogue River Valley, where he will visit hla father. for a week". In, at least thirteen cltiea.of Canada the price, of- bread has .recently ad vanced. Knights are. all-alive ,anr Us-tafc;t-g 'law ' TYi D.'l.i.A.i.''lbVlUl'.i.i-vLt?IX - -.. ""," i.fmjs'JKH .l.l.n I. urf.l. 1W.. t U.li . 1 AK!3?frt oobsis rauiiji saperruora .BaTe.-;g'i- 'SS !jr Knight home until 'tbe; moU-er; .telfjjMJ longer needs her. ,l" da Mrs. MeKnIhthao b nnJImii ffe.' l employed a "-trained been instructed to-etar.jat nurse, who j has ;tbr.Met that the county will, see "tlwl.gbiiT-. needs nothing that.E9oney.eaa buy. ,.,.-. n, - ' i,J - Twratv-Oawt Vtiarm oa.Bauk WASHINGTON. D. CL.-Mtrekl ',,, k,. ., . ',. "' . -, --- ----vSf vjiuul junuce, vaue.u( .uia supri court observed his SlatUaaBivi hn p. i us a, Jurist today. He-was appelated to ihf beach by 'PreaideaClavaiaala -jama ,uas .now iweBiy-uret), lor-assft1 ..' ill- ini.'i.'i-i-'Mtr?, 'll'-"f. FbJt eign advisers whom' Oermany hasthela: oer,,nye repreaeataiiVM S.i '? . , . . proposed to let .the tourists dresses. It is know three, things;' What-lt coats to go from tholr homesHany natlo"nal nark, how1 to get there aaaVwhat they will see. y aUMdue aaratlfyng laersasa b X'aepari tK"appUeat(M',is)'gMil4;' 4 J sertlpn.'V :4 ' j Tightens .MarrjaReHoadN , United. Press Servlcajf ? ' RHILADELPHiA.Mre2-rThat sojiaratlon with mutuai consent is not susBcUut ground taigraa'tlng. a de cree of , divorce, wath'stntion of Juetga John M, PatUai-taJdlsmiss: ing a libel in dlYoreVlM-rtly. Judge Patlor8on,-dictaredonds of matrimony would.aotba dissolved by, lawunUsq there'isiiioUvi "proof of tha aroundi on Whleh'tWeb'actlona are based. V ".tfg'-' ' rueparatioa at;assaruy oe- t SALEM, March 12; Stato Trea-f urer Kay, ns .state, sealer of weights and measures, has announced tbe weights and measures districts, and the appointment of Charles L. Hanson otMedford. republican, county sealer for Jackson county, as scaler for the. Southern Oregon district. Under the terms of a bill passed by the recent legislature the old law providing for county sealers was re pealed, and provisions made for divid ing the stato Into four districts and. tbe appointment of a district sealer for each by tbo state sealer of weights nnd measures. Tho. district sealers are under the, jurisdiction of tho state sealer, air though' paid by an assessment levied on the counties comprising tho dis trict? .This assessment Is based ot itic population. The Southern Oregon district. Js composed, of the counties of Lane, Coos; Curry, Douglas, Jackson. Jo sephine, Klamath and Lake. ' J'te-' -r2Zt roe' lYiuiuain rmui crt-aweryi' paa "2:. ,ioi ,i at. C to1 care-for'the. tho concern. The Bw,vat'baa; U . . .' J "I WiSi' 4Li FORT KLAMATH SCHOOL ENTHUSIASTIC OVER CLUB WORK; MANY ENTER COHTEST rswa-'.paa.S?SS' . ..-ti mm .-jv rvr 2T22B2! w ". wuro hi&M 171 avi lA'rci wisWK I ' .According to .Couuty Agriculturist H Roland Olalsyor, who has Jusi re-i turned from a trip. to the Wood River Vitlley. tho people of Fort Klanatb r.ib much Interested in the ladttatlal Club work to bo carried on .under .the auspices, of tho statOj (kwrtawatyof publication, qufte'a'tnvunber of. chil dren nre'Jielng.tsted for the competl tions. r,,v4V I -asteaf 'AlJo'lwoo'd Rlyer people i.iu iicu.w,:uui: very ureuilVDie COB- tPsts'tuJMustriar work"; for the school 'L,rj-''.ki.j'. -.. ; ' '.' cpitaraat neso were carriaa on. jar nfn, i.yworef, muu una y ir ir.wa aeciaeu eaai me wora.snouw i .' - :. i J- Toward ,t)ilaend,.aialsyer;-aa suai.f.f 'list Installed, a new;eraain-rtiipcV BjopedtplFort Klaaaw.to;iwa,Mi '" ': .IL-Jjl' ". - im.I.au . alW-il MaaaSUlI-ai 'i-la ' DrIxMtc?tt awrtl attwid m( ."' '--TTr "Jl "T r , " T".TC.T,?."(.TrT'rprTT ,' V T-4V . : . r --1 -? gan-capaolty.- -rk-'--?.k-.'- 4i.itlv-.-t-3 iJIT'" TT"' ''"W f. w Sl I WJ" JSs .".f-.-- r.. ..vft-.w SWfti'l OHJayer, thascaolar purcbasaa "a ,'VTT'iTV"-TVv??!y1P!lsr'' proauatwh--,, off fro thVrcta'tltWr iWdMl -Many of the' boys at aH-Klaa-sisk aregoiiigtoUkeupthswKrkttrt tii .. i. ...; . -ia.v'.2;r-.-:':is'.i !S?W?-"5 - " T' "7! J?!,'""""'',r s- '.4i. e'm . .... .':..-i.-:f".,,r-i juHEirMiNK- laam. - : . --r-. . - - -- chasedUa: KtiWth-'eoaa. av Jrht'orwrssaaTgfaat ."f'fV'- tb'Wi 88r r"AS:"f..,r" -j " fdvatatb-ttMt ?'.'-ai,i'Ji--' 'iiri.'- JX. .d." Iia-aap.,1-, f 9aat ur. T ? t. Aair, BMlt-y Uat Um M AH& ' mU HMI fPHR-.r2 uvuiivH'-JHUM jciTva. m rff iiiiiv.a 191.M iff.npw ww: fsw tWJeT r PsipBiiy jiMifWHsip PMJBt;-.ywvv . VHSga -ro from Migp ;OhtolTM,wjU MrkrUi- to'thOH. & ' -v r' i ''w , f . .- i?"hijC ; ' . J - i.fe" ' "v v '; -