RK, , ,y ' -!ritj,''t. ' i!Vi.:.- . .. t " $3S ,r !- uiMin - thh Evening herald, klamath palls, Oregon Wi """-- ' fTfS Tyj.H.A 3 ISJSBIBBSjBM f igjMsss and 'ckkkw house Hllro,rc,, "r W,," oihtd. Chimneys cleaned, mm ,,,,! garden work doit R, R. Roberto t.o orders nl W"l Knd Ur- ...I..U u U' hi l i.i fin cir)' Of liouer.. -' OUR FINISH ON SHIRTS Cmnot bo surpassed, our col Hturo hmullctl with thu great- eit'tklll mid Wo cal1 for ,11 bundle, rough dry or nit- lilifd. KLAMATH FALLS STEAM LAUNDRY uuuuwm"m 'i iiirifi WWWMAMMMMMMW Piano Moving Wo handle It with rare PHONE "7 0. K. TUAN'HFKIt COMPANY Odes n Ctli, Nonr Main Si DRUGS Wh-u n life linn In llin bn. biv )' "mil I" Ihi ur of jrourdrnimM. Star Drag Copaiy. Inc "Where Accuracy la Hubll" , AT 107 MAIN' Our phone nluiiya vorkluK, UUI Furnlnlied Itoonu, Light llouno kcilng ronnu, Moderalo prlcox nd (1001). Look them over. On Main, opp. I'oHtohlcti. IIOUHTOX IIOTKIi We Boy We Sell Anything you live, Anything you mnt. , HKK UK FIIWT Harrison & Matt Our, store U on Klamath Ave. and Sixth street Don't Worry We run take rare of your gr" eery wnutM PRICES RIGHT Shive Grocery I'liune 4U nth will Main ItKAL I1A1U3AINN Wn hnvo a number of first flass, seeond'linnd launches, which wo will sell ohenp. Son u st once. TELFORD &, SON No Guessing Winters i ' Will (It your OlasMs .Correctly either Night or Day UKMKMIJKIl TUE XUMHEIt UiMMaiaaHr v -y Towiiseija-FtatiOUan aud Jlot,.a and 3 roora suites fully (urn. I'liona 24SJ fith A Finis . MUf V - j: Spnm rY F D SUGGESTIONS Tu Iferald, -aHmed'at four dpor, oBoe, or bobm, fOe ;;oth. - :' vjt'v i; i'i m CONCERNING OUR Matters of Interest ,.,, ,11;. "", ,"rt",:,,,t ', h ,,w '"u,,",m of '"" UvmM Im, rl TTiiS., "I "..,,r "'" ,,",",,' UM,.wWrt' " '" . " "" 'Tr ,K"""H U' ""'' ,,h,r,rt" "' ,Hlcr ,rt , " '"" '"-"i' nwliTN thing llml Hie thnol are TWK.VTt'.l'IVK :K.VTh PER PUPIL 1-1 Will. . t I .!. It - !', .. .r. ..... .,..i.i ." uiihii rii a im iiMiiimrn:i iikvdh OF EACH DISTRICT GIVEN Tlio muiorlnloiidoiit'H olllcu Iiiih JuhI llnldhed tlm iiFrtltJiinu'iit of (undH, .. ; uifl1. 4 1 AITUifHU juriiomry mumiph. iiienmoiini ror.-nmnKH, clrctilttrit uud nniiouiiconicnts Freshiium at the Uulvcrdiy, reglmer thc votnlnK yi-nr Ih 3fi rciitH iivr Midl toitcvrnlnc lho. work for the rcmnlml-'ml from tho Kiamnlh County Hlfih onumeralrd. (.r of the your, 8chuol. in listed among tho xtttdriiti XlilH nmoiiiil, mldeil lo UncK fiindit, ii you intend to tcmii in Or(-Konor.thc Stuto University who made glveit tlm varloiin dUlrlctti of ho next your you niiint u-ud ono of the high BcholarHhlp record iluilru: thd rouuty tlo following iimeunu: Iti-rtdlnt; Clrelo hnokK uifutlouud In , llrt scuicatcr recently, closed. Kliimnlli Fiilln , .. .. .:I73.1'J t,lu u- of circular nccowiiuiiylug' According to report from the llouaiUtt ,, '.,. 20.U!,IS u,u'r 'rl, ''"""O" l",l'rlntcnd-'IirnnlBtrftt0n oinc0( N'aii ocurcd Tojiy ,.....' 2.1 C u" tit ll" "tulv liai. adopted the!"lonor ,mlrkB n cieology and Kco-' Olene ;.,,,..,. ll.ooll'l"" f Imvlug thin work done undorno,Mf aii "auperlor"" marks In Ocr- Dalry 13.47 l' direction "ot the University. A ma,,, chemistry, Kcccnt HlHtory and dale t...i io.fi2"lti!imnl from ihe t'nlvcrfllty thntmBiory seminary. "Honor" l the FortKlnlimth .....'.-....., 21.28 ," "f !.' hookB haH been satlMfue- hlKhest crade eranfeil by tho Unlver- Kt'Un ....,...-...,n..v.. a.SHjlni'Hy. rnd 'will fittltlu you to have jniy' ; IS.aOjXour teachcr'n cerllllcato reglstorcd. I.iiiiki-II Valley ,....", 't if;..' H.53 Tho Klghth grade examinations Pine (trow .. 10.32 will he held May C-7, and Junu a-4. I.orella ...'. , ... 11.37 I'lenHe xend names of applicants li lllldebrniiil ...,".....'..... 17.28 thin olllco at leant four weekn ;jrevl- Vlnuon ,,,, ...... . 1.S3 im to date of examination. D(rnot Plevna ....... .'. . tf'.-K'i ...., 7.4yjCcommendB pupllB "Just to let them Lower Poo . . . . . . .;. . 8.0,i jtry." Thin olllco must accept the l.oiu Pine .........'.'. '. ... ' 9.25 ! I'Upll'H munuKcrlpt uh your estimate Cryitnl ."....." 3.00r good Klghth grado work. Worden 4. .'.'l. .".'.. . 1.1. 5C riio exemption card Hhould bo ued Upper Pon ....... : ...... . 3.75 i OdeMa . . . jMnlln . .... ll.owcr 8wun Spring Luke Hound Luke ! Seven Mile . t Merrill .... 8. 80, ...If, 4.94 C.59 44.45 jCrescent v , lc-0 Summers ..,,......., ."-iycur. , Pokogama .,..,.. . . .. . . .'. 18 ! xho annual report for this year ro- White Lnko ,....'....?.. .'""'cliiulreH coniddcrahle Information, as JBhnata View ' . ,21-78 .-u-oll as caro In making out. Owing I Henley . .-....,... 15.33,ti) 10 fnct t)mt lno report requires Midland '""coiiHldorahlo matter, tho correctueaa 'Bwan Doddn Hollow Ml. Lakl .... . iKnlrvlow .... Algoma .... "" Miller Hill C.61 j IJryant Mountain fl-7r' 1 District Dill Hfd The county Buperlntendent's oftlce has nrranged for tho printing of bill I . !. .. I ,...1-1..... .. , lw. liemiH tor mo vnriouH iimu i ,.. comity. Tho uso or tno now lorms will bo mndo general after tun next annual meeting, held In June, New Teacher Mis Lllllnn Averlll Is tho new teacher fr tho prlmnry room of the ShuHta View school. ' Don't buy nu automobile unliryou havo tried the new Maxwell, now. be ing demontrated ut White pelican garage, tiiw.m ino "i uiy...v..v buy hi the market, him electric starter and lights. For camping purposes it la Idcnli as It makes down iiko a Pullman. The price Is M nt Klam ath Falls. " HOW '' HELPS SORE. TIRED FEET Oood-bye sore fast, burning feet, swol ka ttA, sweaty feet, smelling ft, tired feet. . , flnnit.l.va nnna. rlllnUUI. bullions anil , --jr--- F , , v raw '"!?. boo tight no more llmnliut with naut or1 drawing up your. face In gon "TIZ"ls lusglcftli .acts rlttht olT.i ','TW" r- draws out aMthe poisonous exuda tloim which pulf up tlis feet, use "TIZ" ond.for get our foot oilssrv. Ah I. how coai- fortal m your tHlfetl.uXlt aB5 cent t.a if 'mz- now at aav drwwiK'or SMI I KWiiV .r'-m MmmBl I f 'fTsjaftlsjl Uwrtinmt...storc. ,-Dea,i.iHlirr,!. 'Haye ttWt; Rlad.ifet. ttt never swilK iVM hurt; .wvcr.f .tlNd. A wonuy MJUMtd. " to 'Pupils, Patrons, Teachers, Taxpayers " iih-ii Nriioiii iiimiki im urged, and wi. uill Im; ghiil to get before Inlen - Mid In. Phme .,.,! Hu-i.i . They win im. welcomed. ARE GIVEN IN LETTER'1 SCHOOL NU'KIIU TICXDK.ST PRI- 1 . I imiiuh ANNOUNCEMENT HE-; f.iiinx; school PLANS Hi'MAIXIiKH OF TERM FOIl1 I 'I''lCIarntitli (lnuiily ToaHiett: , I uiii herewith mpihIIiik oii a few'. only In en no a pupil lum an excep- 3.00jtlonnl good record during tho lust three yearn, A tcachor granting ex ".OO.finptlons tthould havo coiuldcrahlej S.98iHuccosHful expcrloncc. To protect our High schooln exemptions munt he refused except In thoso Instances where tho schdol work has been uni formly good during tho lust three ...r .,.,I.I. llin ilinnl Imnril ennnot 0'J2'judgo, I nut asking tho clerks to pin 1 ,j?Uho warrant In payment of tho last !? ' month's salary to your report as handed to him, aud forward It to this office for checking. This library funds for tho present year will amount to 25 cents per pupil. Wo shall scud you Hats In a few days, and It Is hoped that In every Instance tho teacher will tnko tho matter up with the school board nud see that tho list Is Bent in hoforo tho term closes. Wo shall probably send a selected list recommended by ihit state librarian, from which to choose. It is hoped that fiction will assume a secondary position In com parison with books on Travel, Geogra phy. History, Naluro Study, etc. A summer training school will be held -cither In Juno or August,. This will, replnco the annual Institute. During tho three weeks wo shall en deavor to have .with us a few very good Instructors. Particular stress will ho placed Upon rural vyork In admfnIstratlont methods and primary work. All teachers of tho county are uordlully Invited to attend, nd a particularly urgent invitation Is. cxr tended to nil tenchora who hove not hurt Normal training ("seo Sec, 77, p. 41, Oregon School Lawn. 1913). Would bo ploasod to havo un oxpro Hlon of tho teachers as to month when It Ih preferred that school bo hold. It Is earnestly hoped that n largo proportion of tho teachers stay in their present position for another yean Very HMlo Is gained, either by tl,o teacher or tho community; through" constant change. Quito often It hhppeiM that tho school or tho com-, muully where you are teaching Is ..r. ... .. ..!.. i,i,. lint the fnct tOt tup Illuais.Hvni.HM.v, - ,i,i vim leave. I hope, will not Im prove It. I should be pleased to hayej ..v.,.v tnachcr in tno .coumy iliotrprewnl pttrtM&V 'oir 'Mief year, n..rinir the first five months Dis trict. 1, 3, S. 7, 9, 11, 12,.,15, .11 n.i,.i 2C (Orlndulo). 27, ,38 and 29'' (HowaW)j;iniut8lnedSthe atftie ,tandsrn .ih. njgtt.r otMm a t.'.liinua. ' Five consecutive lnj.. will uuallfy, for the yr. SCHOOLS - " i-. "'' "'" u,,r.,,r- and pupl. m, nl l " '' lrWln the best our NAIL IS KLAMATH FALLS FRESHMAN IS AMONG THE HIGHEST HANK. ING STUDENTS, FOLLOWING AVERAGING U. OF. O. ltF. DBDH I'NlVKUSITy OF OltncON', Kti gene, March 11, J. Krrn'xl Nnll, n S(y nll,j but jC8 wnro awarded dur- K tho flrt somester oni. of 3,800 Rrndlng8. ' d'lAltWUWIU GOME NEXT WEEK ATTACH Ii OF MTATK OKPART- .MKXT WILL LINE UP KI.AMATH FOUXTV KCHOIiABH FOIl THE I.VIIL'STIOAL WOKIi'f I. P.- Harrington, industrial field worker with the stato school super intendent's olllco, will visit Klamath county schools during tho week of March 15th, Mr. Harrington comes, in the Inter est of industrial work among the hoys' and girls. Two experts are em ployed by tho stato to carry on this work. school sixKrxG funds CAN NOW HE LOANED OUT HIGH STANDINGS The last legislature passed a lawjuall, March 23d, at 3 o'clock; that authorizes the loaning of n dls-. trict'H sinking fund that has accumu lated 'in tho hands of the county treasurer. This remedies one of the evils of the sinking fund. Hereto- foro boards havo been unable to loan' C0aure duly Issued by the clerk of( these funds, and they wero thusltue circuit Court of the 8taU off forced to lie Idle In thehnnds of .the treasurer. THIS IS THE SEASON FOR SUPPLY'AGENTS The open" season for the school sup ply agents is at hand. ,(Tako,uie nboyo statement literally, r- if you wish). No school board member should nssumo tho liability of signing nn order (or goods offered, by any agent unless the purchaso Is-author- Ized nt a" meeting of tho board at dl- roc.tors. Teachers snouiu not auow any agent, to use he.r time, during school hours. This time belongs to the'school district. (., ' v tho. requirements for a siandard Ore gon school. . 'yf.VB' " With best wishes forybur. work durlug tho remalnder;ofthe year, I ajn. yQtira truly, .?-' FHED PETERSON, County Superintendent,, ' ' "' -" Dog License Dae Notice U given to. owners ot dogs to. Ripply to the undejslg.d.vfpr,dog license, nnu to omniums, ,ctuh ell having directed strleyimpllance wiiktiuknnriliniince .Lteensa .wono.v juay.bb le.ft with 'Polles$.Lj il. Poundmaster. , i v t - 3575; Tjf m - x , Insiiranvothat, iKj-.im!; My. Si -". .. i...;.,..-." u . 1 Hints we vniiTOum"-v7j "-,- .subscribe for the ptenMiJA ,.Mta , PuMIc AacUea Forty head tuberculin tested Mttlf, thirty head hogs, nt Joe Wright's ranch, on Midland road 4 1?2 ailea from Klamath Falls' Sale starts at 11 a. m., March .17. Free luach. 10-Ct Herald want sds get resulU, Legal notices AseeMment Notice The Klamath Development Co. Lo cation of principal place of busi ness, No." 1 Sansome street, on the northwest corner of Sansome and Sutter streets, Ran Francis co, Calif. Location of works, Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon. Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of the hoard of directors of the Klamath Development company, beld(on the 8th day of March, 1916, an assessment (No. C) of $3 per share was levied upon the capital stock on the corporation) payablo Im mediately in linltcd States gold coin to the secretary of the company at the ofllco of tho company In the building numbered 1, Sansome street, on the. northwest corner of Sansome and Sut ter streets, San Fronclsco.-Cailfj, Any stock upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid on Wednesday, tho 14th day of April, .1916, wlll.be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and, unless payment Is made before, will be sold on Wed nesday, the 12th day of Hay, 1916, to pay the delinquent assessment, to gether with costs, of advertising and expenses of sale. . Hy order of the board of' directors. JOHN O. HILL; Secretary OliU'e No, 1 Sansome street. onthe .northwest corner of Sansome and Sutter streets, San Frtn- . cisco, Calif., 10-17-24-31-7. Executor's Notice, In the Matter of the Estate of Steven Wozniak, Deceased. To the Creditors, etc., of Said. Estate. You are hcroby notified that the un dersigned, having been appointed ex ecutor of the last will and testament of Steven Wozniak late of the County of Klamath and State of Oregon, de ceased, hereby gives notice that all persons whomsoever having a claim or demand against said estate, may present their claims to me at the law office of V, II. A. Itenner, over the postomce In Klamath Falls, Oregon, tor the purposo oft having the same adjusted, and all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Im mediate payment of same to the un dersigned. Dated this 4th day' of March, 1915. M. P. LAVENIK, Executor the he Last Will and Testa ment of Steven Wozniak, Deceased. W. If. A. RENNEB, Attorney tor Ex ecutor. "- 5-1219-26-2-9-16 Notico The school board of District No. 8 will receive bids for the erection of n school building in said district. Plans may bo Been at the office of the county superintendent.- m Send all bids to Sam Padgett, Keno, Ore. Bids will be opened at Padgetts Board reserves right" to reject any. and nil bids. "8-12-16 , , i Notice of SherUt's Sale - Hy virtue of .an execution In fore-. J Oregon, for the county of ,Klamath, dated the 13th day of February; iie, In a certain suit In the Circuit Court of said county and state, wherein the ' First National Bank of klamath Falls. Oregon, as plaintiff, recovered Jug-, raent ogainsa' Oswald M. Hector tad Winnie L. Hector In vthe sum 'of 1,,- j 515.00 together with interest mere on nt 8 per cent from August 8tb, 1914, aud 175.00 attorneys fees and 17U0 costs; and Judgment offore closure against the North west! wi, Estate and Investment company, a corporation. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that In obedience of said executlqnj will on the 20th day of March, 1916, at 2 o'clock In "the afternoon of aaltl day. In front of the court house In tho city of Klamath. Falls., SUhs. of Orogonrsoll nt public auction; to the highest bidder for cash the following described real preperty: All of Lot Nine (9) In Block Fdrty-two (42) Jirsi Addition to iho City of Klamath fFalls,, Oregon, vTAKErj AND LEVIED upon M the property ot; the said dpa W M. He,ctor, Wtnnle L. Heeter.and the NoAhwest ileal Estate and UTegtr went company; or smUch thereof as war D necessary ito.aatlsty the. nment of the sW First NaUomal nan1tJb'nAta;,i!--t. . 8ald lliTWW. . . uinr with' itarLad-0U d.tk.cokt..''':4afi : ;rVe,'.reiruyithlti; o- . -- -'. 1r;vir,'Tlrv cs' ...iiitrtat WwaTaHk -0Mr- B E TT E R v GE TKrWf1&s.I 1 'X1 T1 !- AT YOUK iietsi: m -.-.V - inn r ri.-jtif ... . .... -. I.U AN If fJAVSU AHSSWft " .if "'.V P LAB Clean GET, YOUft .-' U1HI A Het'MAIit, HOLD, GLOVES, nnr-uiT vrn a...w.7fc..., m UNDERWOOD'S PHARMACY I Corner Main and Sevcntli ALL PAPERS Ul FIRST STATE iB "Sst '"' Sr "-Jl r MP7 ( B-SBkBBBBBF-S' rTal KLAMVTHjFALLSREGpNp: YOU WILL BE ASTONISHEDTO SEEJOTEl Stoves and Ranges We Have' on Diapky'V J1 Vf COME IN- Wm. C. Hum H&rdwGmfM Teleohone 183 v 2. '-smaadmmm -.- x. LET USvTAKE THAT STITCH IOUR?Tliif AND SAVE;;OTNE;g WE ARE EQUIPPED TO RETREAD PUR;TIWPSS j. ii, turnip EiOWIE GARAGE K-&SJg" "See the Vulcanizing; Man"- Jam aa a Marhlii and I.Kanitu mill uiij uiiu ii --m-m-t ;; .4" v ii.MiMiv hum xf.. ,Wj4j Monuments IV! J "" G. -n. a - SATISFACTION OUR MOTTO. ---' . ., ftjwu i iiffissai&3ffiafa juuuMVic9a wb Plione.ssaw. " ' -. itr i -. . -,. is,4i..r,o mfr,nr '1 AaVi i tmU V,:-'i Tlo.lM ih 1 JVM, .-- - -v- - - - aiiNfaf fTiiiijra f.ani,ft DR. "PR:E i , -''i .- SJI wl "a.:i .1 m :;1M Mii! UBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBma STSTSTSTSTHi.i ST - J - ftl MmLFUirwwMmmmTi .'L 'li iSA'i - 1 I, - -. '- t-J vDM? 1H. 1W & aWR ;-.f- V a, ' . 'Alw a tSJ'ttlBMA'WM? TS. &iffRimii,:Vii, 9r4W.P4S"BiJSE& m AXTWEPTIC8l . - ir w. 1. vdj jh' T4 &$,' i MOVBfS- Ti ;tya . iB.C asimonia, RunreR . X e. . 8CBIBBIXO 1 ranti na .w.. '-w. . . . P " fja . ." . ,.'i.r. KLAHATH FALLS, ORfcOON , I JVjjjgKB OF VALUE $ '-tt i MM t t ffBMSCg Should be, kept safe fross-fre aad theft." Think1, o(what-taiMrJM would mean to you! Ourn andfj burgiir. proof vaults' aBr'dyo'a'al ...afA 'an,tt ntivAalAtif nlni'Tnrn -AH.., HM .WM.WM.1.M., your valuables.. Eas; guariaed;clay and nlghtsafjow rental leaves nothing, ' to tf'de-i tnvestl'g-afe uiiiiSSM sired. . &. :;i J??KV SAVINGS BANK f -- ilj"1. ' .VT. TT fl.-;LT KM . mmmj-f: i.V i j .... 1 . " 'niMimSB S".fr.fft--f!-i,-l. ' i ,, st' -SEE THEM, j ,K k .rVti'Vfce A'terfiSKwl 'Wf &?'f'ifi.tWi f .'r.-jf- -a?sgyav5? fji ; ', ; &l2mm v vtm: M .. 'if. ,sw.r m .i """BJii ., -A sWV .':. , tr '..v 'VW J . tngfi'. ytr 'j . " i. JA-'- -irjrr. tj .-. 5. i RKZZES ,. '" ,,fc.,i SS' " t fp. tt'T 'yyAtgyvtf ,TfJ.fiFALl5 - isawK; t, -s. nvtiv-y-. ",i. . .,i-.jv 7 SX-5-S-" j:V 'iXiiS'OhWf BMiHfa'i yinymmsNi, sa lflmo't';'i.:'Stk:U t ' KIamathirtthfc KSS ." 5T .v .! . " J"ir . rTmmm m yt - - --rJiif i?S .!B,t J rf...il&isSSlK !., f. uuui i,Anao "t.jTr -" A'vrH;K.-.r' .rv'.Tr aVT T. T-T TI. '.'VIlTIiUI'iAHI- HIJ tUi ! 15. "Tf '??. ni?.1 n x-a-w.c -?r - 7 Tai'r.;jrr feM aiiiKipp pfo '';';;;:;;v: ko; ' : --: -. .-BbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW V; Vl K;': : ..vMl' k'V : - '' 4 BfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfM' BfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfBfSfBB r' B;; 1 J '' ' "f ii" A ? j::-Ei!'. -m 'iAiBB't.l' 1A :kM'ir' ' sirjt.' swt V .. br x life! vMm iiSiA. &&&& imm &&$$'. 'mm iJSSBW '' S msmk wisS?"s" WM JisSSWrifWl :SPs mm l?SSS3g: l &. I Ul$Vi.hZrJ-a ssamife: SOS. am rxrt'jtx mMm v. SPftJl iSJ&s M ?isS?i' ,c.lfV,SSvji XAbSSM S&8 n'ftl 1 fmm m.A By UK IW!afstrW.fl. tpMfWaffBBaiBffspss i t, " v " "T,'r'i''fcrtV ""J 3" Lw;. G ! 'i Sm