$ IV RV-; THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON )3mt -t . MMMMMMMMi SITUATION WANTED tOOM W6MAH WoaM 'life work e ft" iilT,ity.i-t 3.vffl vr? Kan a 'WMaAMfaMnftMMM (nUMONs UOUIB JABAXnUlimh- :J;ila:ttyMiUr'rof tte city. Klamath 'a'featte.tiaearyStatt.Btreet: mwMkli Wat j b ektMrw or dogs; come early M'tKJroiirrtkelc: ,; .-& tt; The Evening Herald W, O. SMITH ... .-. ........ HHW Published daily aaeeet toitay by The Herald PaMleblat Company, of Klamath Falls, at 116 Fourth Street. Entered at the poatolBce at Klam atn Falls,' Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second-class matter. ' v Steglcr, Accused in Passport Scandal, and Mrs. Stegler ! ' 5f1toirtflfiSEx VWWMMMMMIMtflMMWMMAMWMMIMA mi a, , ;MOTORCYCLB8 Several used ma- v calaea rearaateed to be In good J conditio. . Easy terms. C. & a.. Elec- trie aadCycle atore. ' 8-tt 1 Subscription .terms by mall to any v address Id the' United States; Oneyear . . .,,. ....... ... .1 ;. .16.00 One month .CO t MISCELLANEOUS MONEY TO LOAN lhavo fl.OOO'to loaa on Improved vfarm land. W. . 11-tt 8.81oKlr. PROFESSIONAL CARDS ' IWWMNIOWOWNWWMWWWWWMXW i.- 2Wv- xtty and county s ft-J V ABSTRACT COMPANY .Haiihsn'-'CMaHi' ASMelaUaa le a - la ;etv. W' KLAMATH FALLS, ORKOOX THURSDAY, MARCH II, ISl.t AND STOP AT KLAMATH PALLS RKEDS OOBXT, NOT WORDS -M& taUWi' WHTTLOCK tMU'N-DvE.R?T AXE R 4- jwkCoimCortMier aWl; and Plae Hours, 9. to 11 a.m. 1:10 to 6 p.m. Phoaa Rea. 170R -y, DR. MYRTLE C.UXDAHL Osteopathic PhyHcUn Sultet18-19 White Building. : " ". JSV f& Wood! ftfia'.Wa -r. j ri..f' ' T.'-W-' :4Bloek, slaslerload .......11.76 aioak.r9Mo 'toad,--. . .. ,.14.08 Abrolately dry slabs ...... 11.15 Wra;-oa toll) ;,4i-iii:,om7 ui.'uuso woo "4'4-'oy ..'id; iimb Wood Leave.ortert vat' Ashland Fruit Stored 3d and If atn.'. PBONE aSaVl wa or riBieniu ?r?- rfr- limx vst Ijger '-J " IMway Livery Co. , IN NEW HANDS ' -Horses bought and sold. Har ases and buttles for sale. Good rigs for hlr and gentle horses. ? ., St . Baled bay aad, grain for sal. 4. 31 . - -. Jf '"C aiHr frZ2 ?i &'Afiri w .- -7aMa: OiOD! .Mk.Wtff'aMlJ; ., . 9 wm9V' Pfceel (Ma abeasi hea drr SatSA '- - .--J 'i. j V .r, f4.e Dfjr',; , 14Wch ; . . v . , . SaXStS Dry fllafc, 4-fet . .-. ..ee Hody.a Ltaab Wood "coid ad Fact (Ml vr' KLAMATH FUEL CO. f irtStS Main Street THE MAN who makes a fatlure of business usually blames his more successful competitor for his condition. Ho is prolific in abuse and condemnation of the man who ! wins, and through his weak, mental reasoning, convinces bimsell that he can influence the public, through his msru assertion, to believe that lie la the victim of the spoilsman, and' that his failure is due to his honesty and 'ntegrity. The Northwestern Is having a hard time convincing the people of Klam ath county that it is honest, if one would judge from the repeated at tempts It has made to tell, them so. The Good Books saya "By their works ye shall know them." There Is a difference between ''works" and "words," and it is our experience that deeds count more than mere lan guage. After reading the ravings about graft in the county printing and how anxious the .Nortaweatern la to pro tect the Interests Of the taxpayers ana save them money, it is enlightening to recall that less than two years ago this same paper accepted printing from Klamath county and charged five cents a line. If they were, as hon est 'then as they would have people believe'' they are today, why .did they accept this graft, as they call It? It is Just such little things as these. Sam, that have caused the people of the county to question your honesty and the integrity of your paper. Five cents per line for publishing county court proceedings -is the standard price designated by-the. laws of the., state. The Herald believes that this- is only a proper 'and fair compensation. However; the county court, which has absolute authority in the matter, decided that three cents a line was all it cared to pay, and rather than deprive its readers of this valuable Information, ;the Herald, accepted the 'contract on this basUV , It is Just' possible that the 'Fort Klamath News' might have accepted the county printing atr one-half a cent a line. Judging from circulation, this would "have- been a much better bargain to the county than by ac- gmlmlmlmlmlmB agmgmgmalmm gmstmW ' gmgmgmgmBgmf ' T asagggLftSw .gagagagagagagagagaigalgaaw gagagagagagagaH I agaBgaga'W I I agaHHIiw41iiKKggm9 1 I gBg;rv --WliBaHgaiBH I 1 ls&PgaBs 3gagaHaH I M KWlESgagamiiMAiY kll&gagagasagaH I Stories Unique War to Be Started Soon llll. ItADKH, AMERICAN WIIIT.j r.R, AVIATOR 'AND ADVENTUR ER. NOW A MEMRER Ol" THE IW.MOIS KHE.WH l-OUEIflN I.K (HON, WIM. 'WRITE OK THE PERSONAL EXPERIENCES OF THIS DARIXO omiANIZAnOX OF AMERICANS IRHITINO FOR THE ALLIES ' A now "clone nuiBo" vkw of I lie European war Is 'soon to bo given the rentiers of ilio Evening llernlil. ThU will bo from tho stnudpolnl of tho French Foreign Legion, the famous mllltiiry organization, composed sSaBVgatSaBV SBBBBBBBga EPS&t NbBBBBSbB BBBgSvM BBB 'bbbbK hbb gBVBBVBBWMBv, '''-BVga BBBBBBBBBV.&KBBBB shKbb, i TWimW)AY, MARCH 1 1, i'S, KTi Vhtl V. Rader Richard P. Stegler, the German- government, and was to pay Mrs. American, who, with his wife, accuses Stegler 1150 a month for life if ho . . .. .... .....L .! ....... captain uoy-e.a, miuiary aiiacuo oi j wero Kiueu the German embassy In Washington, In connection with the passport scan dal In which he has been indicted by a federal grand jury in New York, was released on bail the, same day Mrs: Stegler had a harrowing experi ence with two reporters of the New York Staats-Zeltung. Just after she got out of court she hurried to her husband and the two were photo graphed together. Stegler and his wife say that the German attache wanted him to go to England as a spy for the German Tho other day two German report ers, sbo said, Invited her to a room in a hotel, saying they would help her husband. When she got there they tried to have her sign an affidavit clearing Captain Boy-Ed. They said In court she had disrobed before one of them. Then she hit one of them with a seltzer bottle and a cane. In court tho magistrate dismissed tho case against her, and said he might have sent the reporters to the work houso for thirty days, but tho ovl dence was not quite strong enough. mainly of Americans, which la mm tmtt who nli haa attain- Ins for tho allies. t j famo nuvonturer, an nvlntor Tho experiences of this fighting r,,,j 0ltllcr of fortune. Is n member unit hnvo been most cvontful since1 ,f (ho Foreign Legion. Ho hn pro- Its organization, nnd tho members (llued it scries of spionuiu nniciw ir have Been flRhtlnc of every sort. Tho tho United Press Association, uotnji commendations nnd honors heaped in; the actual experiences oi nto nn- upon tho Lesion's members by com- Kooh in tho European war, which iii n.anders of tho French and HrlllshWrn begin in tho Evening Harold. forces indicate that tho corps has con- Cables from tho London hurenti of ducted Its campaigns in n way to tm United Prs stalo thnt tho Under niako Americans feci proud of tholr Morlc glvo tho moat vivid plrtnr of cojntrymen. oven If they nro fighting nctiuil bnttln conditions, of tho hard under another flag. ifliliw nnd Joys of blood and wnr thnt Phil Rnder, a prominent Amerlcaii Imvoyet been received. TODAY'S ODDEST STORY ngroe brings chine. that the one machine that 'results is the washing mar THE TRUE optimist, we take It, is the man who plants a couple of pack ets ' of government vegetable seeds and Imagines he will be able to sup ply his family all winter as well as all summer. HAVE YOU HORSES TO SELL? We want from 100 to 500 head of horses for French artillery service.. We want horses of the. b'locky type. like a half breed Perch eron or shlrc,, 23d at Adams ranch. Wo pay for the horses when wo accept them, re gardless of action of the French government. 5-tf J. FRANK ADAMS & SON. United Press Service. FORT YATES, N. I).. Mnrch 11. A cat and a dog can bo friendly nyo, even more. Tho old argument wns settled here today with n statement from Rev. Father nornard of tho Fort Yates Catholic church, that he had Just married Miss Roc High Cat to Harry Poor Do? They are Sioux Indians. e'er's time. She used it to keep bar hair beautifully dark, glossy and jnbundant Whenever hor hair fell out ;or took on that dull, faded or streak- ,cil appearance this simple mixture (was applied with wonderful effect ' Out browing at homo ts muaiy and out of date. Nowadays, by asking at nny drug store for a 50 cent bottle of ."Wycth's Sago and Sulphur Hair Itomc(iy," you will get this famous 'old recipe, which can be depended upon to restore natural color and iivuutj iu iuv umi hum ay.vwv.w .. ury, loveriso, iicoy scaip ilnnrtrnff. . , May Locate Here. H. C. Hlckox camo in last night from Warren, Ohio, to visit his son, J. K. Hlckox and wife, who have a farm in the Lorella district. Mr. Hlckox was attracted here by his son's enthusiastic boosting for Klam ath, and may locate in the oounty. LADIES! DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR USE GRANDMA'S SAGE TEA AND' SULPHUR RECIPE AND NO RODY WILL KNOW The use of Sage and Sulphur for restoring faded, gray hair to IU nat ural color dates back to grandaaoth- nnd falling hair. A well known downtown druggist says it darkens tlie hair so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It baa been applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with It, and draw this through your hair, taking one strand at a time. Uy morning the gray hair disappears, and after an other application or two, it becomes beautifully dark, clossy, soft and abundant, (Paid Advcrllxemcnt) Arm rnl. liiforuuitlon nlxml KlnwMtli lliuln. Auk Cliilintc. the Subscribe tor the Ifrr-ilrt, Mr cent month Administrator s Notice ceptlng the proposition of the North- we'hlng 1200 to 1300 pounds, from lu the County Court of the Stale of western; l5 to9 years old, any -color but light Oregon, for Klamath County The people do not Jiave to be told !fro or wh,te' from 1!M t0 1G nand jlii the Matter of the Estate of Robert high: Anyone having this kind of 'l'"trt-tvq bsbi ' I igaWBaf IbMsT. 5we.uf ue woTK Just.Kigat w -F,AK trPINOlK t,i J 'Tka-Kadw How "Men" -VCorrili Kkussth, Pbom 817 what a Kreat oaner the Herald la. "'" """"o nuvius mis Kino oi, Alexandnr I)..nEo,l -. ..". . . itinraos tintlftr' no at- Va Aftnms nAt ' Tnat.it is tne most reliable and best " " - -" m, oUv, whereus, Archie L. Alexanflur was nnsmgiur In Klamath onnntv it Merrill; or Hotel Hall, Klamath ,u c,i, ,i r...h ioik -. recognised. It is the paper In which j "J8"8' ana Je 7Ul be. g,ad t0 ,ook .pointed administrator of the estate of the people have absolute cenfidence: iaL """" J'- inspection, warcn nobert Alexaudor, deceased, by the This confidence has brought readers and this js.th.e reason why It has been ( hihiii in !-! STOP CATAARM OPEN ,; NOSTRILS AND HEAD la Nattrils tizBMvwBMM-cawsatOBee. I j 't i mi'mi'in in ii niA :jv-if-iy(Mirjioatrte are clogged and ;yWrhaadl;-s'tued-'and' 'you. can't iiareataejrreeiy because of 'a cod or small :bottl of ryamrwjuststet a illr's,Craai''Balm;at'M"y drugstore. I yjBly:a;UttI ul t thUf fragrant, aatli 'MBMraaMrntp70r nostrils-a4 i Kim m paaeinne taroagn rarrair Baa- tg4 your.btad, aootMajg aad haal :iBttMMMBM,fawl,laa; muM waarMiM. yoa's tastaat' retM. , .' 'ii)wr 04'H'faUIY0Hr nos-, 4laa)yerl.dUclearrao fjflrBnF ai,BW"eTB"amWe BapS9BaS' f8. " laBBf nflf wPPPWm "WB'fpPaMHBi;BphBl ISJUsH P B"W faBBBBBtBBfJBB BSIBBBB) , BBBBBBB jBBBBBBB? JBBBBJBJ selected as the official newspaper of Klamath county 'by the county .'court; and the official newspaper of the city of Klamath Falls, by the city .council. It Is 'the reason why 'the leading and successful business men of Klamath Falls select it for'', the-publication of their advertisements. The merchants do not spend their money, with a newspaper out of friendship. They demand results, for their money ex pended, A glance over the-advertls- ing columns, of the Herald will con vince anyone what the businessmen of the city think about the paper. Scattered Shots IV VSlT iDtJ- nn, .!.. m .L I -WW vm mw a usuiuci VI me Chamber of commerce well. ought to be. you JiLtBM2ilttSmli3tEki' , ivant Aasrmwm jMr Makers 'saHvall u BBBBBW;7'1JBJ .eB-MBBUBB i wVVVVBgaaBnifflga, BB888XaHBBi .County Court of Klamath county, .State of Oregon, i.'ow, therefore, all persons are hereby notified, who have claims against tiio estato of said Robert Alexander, deceased, to pre- J sent said claims with "the proper vouchers, duly milled, .within six months from the Jalo of this notice, to Archie L. Alexander, administrator of said estate, tit the. residence of said Archlo L. Alexander, number 719 Alamedu street, iu the city of Klam ath Falls, Klamath county, State of Oregon. " Dated, Klamath Falls, Oregon, March 6, 1915. ARCHIE L, ALEXANDER, Administrator of the Estate of Robert Aloxander, Deceased. - 8-1 5-22-2 9-5 NOW THE PUBLIC can expect a flood of' aaraifraphs about 'the Red ding quadruplet aad the satlsfaetkm the news will glv a certain-Mr. T. R. WE ,SUPPOiB,ajiow that; dog I teeases -are - payable, soaseof these curs ioa' people have clslawd- will ba 'tmnmmr' " V f t ,; The Number, 1017 Main Good rooms for night, week.', month. FISCHER'S ROOMING1 HOUSE Diamond Tires satisfy 99 of their users That means an awful lot when you come to think atvmt it It means built-in mileage of the j Sturdiest sort arA tViA nriro Jc ' honest and low, not padded. Tkla 1a44u .1.' . xt, u ., "fhiUdelphlst, Novemb.r 28, Vi We bslisva that It will ltar ..,. . i. r j that out of 1500 Diamond casts sold this ysar up to Octobsr first, the number that havs been returned to us for adjustment amounted to less than one per cent. This we consider a remark able showing, and speaks volumes for the qoIhy;thtt is built into Diamond Tires. About ninety per cent of the total number sold were Squeegee Treads, which we consider the beet tire value we can offer our customers. Tho service rendered by this type of tire is consist ently uniform. "CHILD'S TIRE COMPANY, "Per Chsa. J, Roth." And other dealers all over the country tell the aame story. Added to the wonderful Diamond service, you can now buy Diamond SqueeteeTNadTlreaatthefollowHtff "FUR-LIST" PRICES: GROCERIES Vo n( way. Iinve rimry French Mushrooms lit slfick. They nro a itocldedi, tlitlnty dish, mr VAN RIPER BROS. "Oiially (iro,,..! Phitiii. H(, ti, nii.I M(n If'money and acrvico mean anything to you, then Buy a Ford GEORGE B1EHN, Ag Call Up 298-J FOR gtiicu HERVItrE Klamath Transfer C. 010 Mnlit Html OAK AVE. LIVEIIY H VKF.Tt MARX "Ihirk" (looilell, l'r''tlctor "DUCK" Will furnUh tho Water, Veti nnd Ilcd for ynnr llorets WESTERN, TfUiHSFERCOr wuxmf - vCT, AOgUAINTKD WITH JOE MOORE. MOVfNd EVKRYTHINO,REApY FOR JOU- f'STpRAOK," "A T-. ,; JnmiiMT HAULlJNU, "i' Kv' ' t v " t OR tie 30xS 1"HI 0g 1ZJ0 140 Size 34x4 J4K 37 if 3y PAY NO MORS wa.jL.aw. - f AKariSSKOW4rft M!fi - - rmwm an. ....iir ' ' 'maw). ySBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ' ' mMRmWWmmi'A'' ' BBBBSaBBBBBlBBfSi. fMV - ''fir 'tw 'mWh WK KNOW Till! QtUalky and Price of Our HARDWARE Is Right A, VISIT TO OUR STOIti: WILL COX VI NCR VOL Roberts&Hanki Hardware Store 4T Main Phono US Diamond queegeo 33.70 3340 G. D. GRIZZLE KXI'KItT Monument and Stone Man KLAMATH FALLS FOR GOOD WORK Tft7a f ' gf I :t t, ffk . A, t ji 4f m &, ,. i ff NiSfr ii m.. w. m I yi I .1 m -S1 Superier UwitJ, mm vM'mmf&&i& '!.W .a Ill '.r"Y "r". mmmmmmmmtm,jmmtmm Flftit ;d';Nai. .rf "aBBBp fBBB m!BBJBBBBBBBnBBBBJg, 'j!' M ott wfA'aehltiirwtMl 4 PWioaalf" rir,i&M t '. jiv". : . 'jj ": i v- . '4 VV "KUVStoVX . ivr, - -i. - j iMZ' 1 ifirifiS'c rfv. iun 5l Vt - 1 rjB-TfcHif ji - 't-3tX"y M ":, V. ' b IT, LS . vJrf rkr rt.Af 3V T. . JB&fr;