' V3 V. i'r ' -i- "5" "V 'ViM', .' liiHw-', PRINTS THE' ; NKWS WHILE IT IS NEWS i S0 y .t - .. (Pre IEuitttti-: IliIfi l&K! k " - i r r r- r - bf- . m -- --- - v - , ... . . 'v. x- t-zf-f . zs'jsxssistj'sstssssasssrt Mnth Y w 'f a i.i imiiiks iu:roim:i am imiixo WI'.M. TODAY turitlMiloi- l lUMIjlM,lllJ''-HII llwl ding " HlHhphWjif Hn l'Mir KM ,lli, ihi'I II I" IH'lft'vwl They will I,I,,.VIkMk rttiiKo from Thw mid n llnlf l M" ThwtwyiMir tew ruiinilo. . Hailed Press Service . J IlKI'DINd, Marchvll. Mrn. 0. 0. McKiiIkIiI. who resides wear tlolln yUIa, gavo birth to (our children Inst nltlit. Tli woro nil born between ij()3 iiiul 11:1G. All of the children nro normally developed. The first horn weighed 3i pounds, unit tlio last 13 pounds. Mm. McKnlght Jm 40 year of ago; nud weighs 10G pounds, Hlio Is llio mother or nine other children, nil of whom nro living. The mother U doing sploudldly af ter giving birth to quadruplets. At iioim today, all four of tho llttlu linen wero dleoplnii pvnreftilly nfter kllKhl noiirUlmient. TIki nttendlnic h)'Hlilnit bolluvw tint (our will till llvo. To nld In thin, mi iiecliitly liiijirn vlixd Incubator vux went out from ItcddliiK In an nutotuohllu today, UriiiMi nt Pine 41roT'. A ltriuru of more than uual Inter-' et will bo given nt tho Pine drove icliool hoimo Saturday evonlng. wliou J I. Joliuhtone and W. 1). i)eehoru will talk on Alanka, toting (acta learned through residence there. The lecture will lo llluritrntcd with Inn tern xlldcx procured by Klder 8, D. Ilnrlnu No ndnil.Hlon will be charged. t'oinel'N llroitiei' lien. Adolph Cornell arrived last night! (rem .Minnesota to aMlst Jn the search (or tho body o( his brother, who vra swept down tho Mnk River raplda and drowned a vvoek ngo. Tho broth er will remain until tho body. let (mind, and will then toko tho remains emt for burial. oDadruplets ARE BORN TO MOTHER OF NINE OTHERS STATE FORESTRY PRODUCTS ARE . TO BE STUOIED BY U, S. OFFICERS; PLAN WILL BE VERY BENEFICIAL ( I lernlil Bpeclnl Hervlce) l'0RTlANU, March 11. Tho ai trlct forester at Portland bus uat in augurated ntfoxnauatlvo study' of tho 1'ioductlon and consumption of, foroaf nrodiirta In Oregojianjl A'BBhifnfton. specially prepared schedules ore, Iwliig mailed to nil producera of and" lalerK in lumber, ahlnglea, plica, I'olea, ties, pulp, fuel wood, boxes, ImnketB, trunks nnd other Hlmllor wooden products, wjth u view to do ''.rnilnlng tlip quantity nnd viiluo of Iboso products 'mode nnd lined nnnu ol'J'Jn theso two stales. The last similar survey of tho wood using Industries of this region was rmido flyo years to? It is bo "oved thnt alncju, then ' surprlslDB lunges havo tjtkeTplgesTa 'tiOrnffr "s Industries." Old plnhtsftuiTe been enlarged, new: pianishnye'. been built, ..nnd many ontiriyrnay 'Industries I'ove sprung -up., ' ." ' , ..f 'i .l Vs - Dn purchssrt 'ortiMwdl-d In con - llecnuse lhWfactov,wiiot,'bten mr,, Jwiw;;kastfwiiilR happened tbkttrlInrotat-';ka.Ta Founjf Congressman Fights Sen. Penrose Thl In HeprcHcntntlvo Arthur Ruploy ;( l'cniiylvnnla. who han tic BUn n flhl nuiilmt Benntor rcmoo on tho .round that IiIb reflection to tho aennio wa obtained corruptly. Mr. Ituploy In hlmmjlf a ntcmher of cangroaa irom rcnnayivnnia. no charKfil, In tin nrRiiiunnt before tht donato coinmltlio which hnndled tho camt of Pennine, that tho liquor Inter enln combined In behoK of I'enroue "(or' tho pitrpoun of buying votes through paid ngentii." Ho chargod nUo thnl big oinployora of hthor co erced their men to vote for Fonroae In tho primary. Mr. Uupley wob elected aa a rndlcal republican nnd u- progressive In 1912, but ho wa de feated for re-election In 19H. SHERIFF IS AFTER DELINQUENT TAX Ni:cOM XOTIOK IIKIN'd HKXT TO T1IOSK IX ARHKA1W I'Olt PIMt HO.VAIi TAX CAN IKVV AMI AKUi THKIlt II'KRTV The nhorlff'a olllco (orco l bimy lending out tho aocond notlcca lo tho people delinquent in pergonal tax. Under tho law, tho Hhcrlff han tho power to levy on nnd noil all pornonal property of dellnquentH to Battofy tho tax fee. Ho con also charge tho per aonal tax against any real mtnto tho dollnqucnt may own. tracts; whoroas tho purchaser could hnyo obtained tho product locally. Tho.gonoral assembling and pub lishing,' by tho government, of Infor mation along these linos toads to promoto tho" uso of homo products. Furthermore, It- Is folt that, thoao ln torestod In developing tho reaourcos of tho region will find tho statistical resuming from this study nt great valuo, It Is, expected that tho forest serv ice will receive' tho co-oporntlon nud support of, all firms called upon to furnish reports In connection with this slud'f for It 'i flbvjoun that to bo of the highest value tho ngurea shoujd bo, complete, there nro nearly 4,000 llrms In Oregon" and IVnablngtonVutlllsIng for est products, directly, or-Indirect ly, In cohnec'tlon with their' ilBustrlos. Hahcei'thsre will bo n .Uge 'volume ofcorrMPondenco to nanaio, ana inuch Work to be done In classifying nil ' summarising tho Individual schedule Jhawlir goto roa,ko up. the comuleted reBbrt'V ' u, ' It ,is nopea tnat ine resuns wni no KValUbl fajr 'mtntlHMi; ,som ti lnw HBo1 I K3P$i,B 1 I siWl3B I .1 HB!ii--v I i Bi Hv H 1IIIIIIHIIIIIIIH .illlllllllllllllllllH H H i--------------L. ' H lllllllllBr WiiiiiB I I lllllllllllKLis?!illllllH I --b-------r taT"-' ;l was BS - " : -..i '. . ------ a -W-MMMk KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, TWENTY-ONECARS OF STOCK LEAVE OXM AMtVV KlUHT VMtH I.KKT j TO (JO Ol'T, Till: HIIH'I'IXO tiKA. , m iiuixii Hiiirrv wKi,i, ri.y. Twenly.nin. enrloaiU of Htock left Mldlniiil today for oittaldo'polnta, In- siiiui of alxlneh, as repuKodyeOer nliiy. iS'lneleeu cnrloadH wero of rat tle, the thlpiuciitH being an follews: Kr;U Ktukrl, hlx earn to Swanacn & fo., Rhcrniiiento; CIuim, Morion, lx tarn lo Oakland Meat Co., Oakland; Clmido Mitchell, live car? to Orato & Owen Co., Oakland: Oidjorno, two corn dairy alock lo Newman, Col'f. llcHldeH i hose, AdaniM & Stewart 'sent two earn of horaea lo Ban 1'ran- It.fclKCO. Thla la probably the !n big hlp t'lef'i o( cnttlo to be sent out. There arc only about eight more carloads of initio awaiting fdilpinent. CROOK TO WORK LINCOLN ROUTE IWJ KXI OK THK COUXTV ItOAl) APPItOPHIATIO.V TO UK SI'KXT IX IIOAI) FltOM IIKXD TO LA 1'IXK VIA LAVA IIUTTK I.A PINK, March 11. Tho county court of Crook county has appropria ted tho "big end'of tho county's road runds, to be used on tho Lincoln high way, from Rend to l.a Pine, via Lava nutte. it In tho Intention of tho county olll cluls to make this highway as good ail any in tho state, mid keep it so. The rond la ono which wlll-bq used extensively by automoblllsts en route to tho fair, and will give them an op portunity to see Oregon's most per- fe,ct volcano whllo en route. LINKS LEAD THE BOWLING LEAGUE I'ALMH ARK TRIMMED, IX TWO OF THRKK OAMK8. AND DROP TO HKCONI) IOSITIOX IX THE ieim: cor.UMX Tim l.lnkvlllo team last night took two o( tbroo games from the Palms. Incidentally, they took tho lead of the. Rowling League from tho Palm team. Tho scores follew: L1NKVJLLKS 1- 2 ,,...,..188 101 .148 ;,213v' 3. 109 161 166 136 Hlco . , . Sholl .. Dremer lloyd . , Lcnvltt .161 ,.163 ,.116 163 .143 J30187 Totals 770 PALMS 840 708 2 146 191 163' 154 176 3 177 .165 170 126 134 Laventk . Kotsdover R. Dnle . D, Dajo . . Kent . . , Totals , ,,.13 ,,.136 ,..149 .156 ,.148 .74.4 816 ,770 neturWirom S.,F. Kd Dunham nd Luke B. Walker catne In lastmlght tjovn an Francisco whero'tbey attended tlio Vanderbllt rjice. v t - I Hera Fres Merrill. v -. jf&tlutifa. 'Merrill anf CftOMr. ri;HsVs,refldtlir of Menrlll sad botlt Corner'' county - couwlHloners, r'3itri far 'business trlpK 'Z 5 ' -W ' i v ." . AJr ' 4p -., Lillian Cook, Brooklyn Girl Who Disappeared, Found Dead at New Haven; Former Employer's Home BB-r j jm" '9"PaVk vi flEiH KMnM-llZEr?B ' &? 43BBP1 HlEiWl-LB-ii t ff' ilPjAfe-. H dHlK-tfj!3 fewv Er7'ABsj llBnvB-f it lHSvV''K7r Bf M-HH-B-HF-H3u'fl!-------H-klj-' Tho body of Lillian Cook, the 18-yr.r-olU stenographer, who had been missing since February 2fith last, was found on the top of a hill called West rtec.lt In Weatvll! a,, suburb of Now. llaven. It has not b'een'aseertalned In what manner alio mot her death, but suicide is tho general belief. Previous to lier disappearance Miss Conk had been stenographer for.Vlr-j glnlus Mayo, n wealthy manufacturer of Now Haven, and had lived alone In I'ic V. W. P. A. or Now Haven. Mayo has now admitted that while fha lived with his wife In New Haven he owned the house at 546 Fourth street, u flno residential part of Rrooklyn. where Miss Waterbury, once his stenographer in hia New Hayon factory, now lives' as Mrs. J. Dudley. In that.houso and neighbor hood Mayo himself , was known as J. D illey. There arc also In tho house thrco children, two of whom, Mayo ro8, belong to him and Miss Water- MATTHEWS HEADS THE LOCAL MOOSE COUXCILMAX IS CHOSEN AS. Die s'' ;. ") " TATOR OF PAPS" AT IABT MART'S MEETING A SOCIAL TIME FOLLOWED?' At last nighty- meeting of Klamath Lodge No. li06,;Loyal Order of Moose, tho (oliowlng officers were elocted for the ensuing term; Dictator O. pi Mathews; yico Dictator. Harry. Richardson. Prelate Fred Bi'?BjrMr. Trustee Ross Nlekerton. Treasurer Robert A Mitchell. OuterOuard W H?jA. Rentier. -Inuor Guard Ojay Wilson i All of tho newpfllcprs have been ardent worlcorsfoitiie advancement of the lodge, nnd'gret things are ex pected during their; administration, , -. Following iheVerder of business lust night, thf)MBben eniyd A Ida.soclal time,- sjim(. gongs 'and, a "I'liUmaH" Cat" AHrnets. ' n - Much Interest is .being shown In the' now Maxwelinourlag car, which Is. on exhlbttlen, today. The. Interior rrtngemenV.il, gehtlit,'the ear .csn be convertea t eefig qusrters, MARCH II, 1915 bnry Another woman Is .the mother of the third. Mayo's confession brings' him out as a, striking figure In the mystery, although at the' time of Miss Cooks' disappearance be was on a trip to PhfladolphJa and Washington- He claims that Miss Cook bad no knowl edge of his dual life, and la perfectly Innocent of anything that may be said of her: The simple chronology of events In the related lives of Mrs. Dudley and Lillian Cook are these: It was four years 'ago that Miss Waters or Waterbury. Mayo's stenog rapher, went to ltvo in the Brooklyn house as Mrs. Dudley. Three years ago Lillian Cook was employed aa nurijo girl for Mrs. Dudley.- It waa a year ago that Lillian went to work as a stenographer In the New Haven factor'. going to live at the Y. W. C. A. and paying .84. SO. a. week for room and board Lillian, disappeared on Thursday. February 25th. and it was not until Tuesday, March 2d, that her father reported her disappearance., OPERA "MARTHA" PLEASES CROWD i MKDFORD PAPERS COMMENT IN GLOWING TERMS UPON CAPA RIL1TY OF COMPANY KLAM ATI! FALLS WOMAN A MEMBER According to the Medford papers, tlio now Andrews Opera company's production of Broadhurat's "Martha" is one of the. best English operas seen -on the Coast thla season, end they predict wonderful successes whon the company goes on the road. Ed Andrews, whose excellent work as, "Koko" In the production of "The Mikado" here a tew years ago, Is head of the new company., Mrs. Don J: Zumwatt of this city Is ono of the cast, and regarding her the Medford critics mako the following' cemment: Sun: Julia .Zumwalt, who took thf part of Nancy, was a favorite from her first appearance In the'dnet in tbeflrst act. She has i fine Uf presence, indacU and sings. h;fHt . l " ' -..', tiiht. '- ' i Ui: an excepuonaiiy laeiugMitnMB- MalUTrlbune) Julia luiwH' gave, a most InteULfMt est .iry'rtilt; Hon' of the ptrtrof NftWlftW wo favor in :tae:lrst;uet WWitim; ani bsW'Ur,a4rtnee;tbrek'tbe ei- 'v"(rPt?T?W"TT!tfJft'sarf'ar-..a " rTLT-.rt:.F-Ti'?tr-A';r(y w. -i'',.i ixra Eitel Fi eiderich Is - l ill ltI -rMnr rv ! L.dUMIIV iiiiuinr. to. U. Culled Press Sertlca ' WASHINGTON, D. C, Mareli II. over Uio arrivai of the GeriBaai cnUeer Eitel -Frelderieh.-nfsi iMrboVawl the al-Jct-Co. the Aaaericasi sailer, Frjre,-1 UaleincBta, President Wllaost has cancelled slipt-H' next, three week. Me win penoauUly Msaase charge-of the tnter tasaal -.ato-Hiesi mt: vtvlll nee only offciab In tonch with r WltsOB baa ordered seaurchh-f with theatnl-ur of the aailtec ship In ro-operatiag la the laTeatiaatioa. "A moat searchlac ienqryU action is (axes wiu oe Daaea vpoa It Is expected that the Eitel Freiderich wJU fatteme mt "Keifelk. tyl The German fighter lata bad shape, mad H la alsoreterto''Uat"Ars' British warshlne are waltlajr. o the United Press Service NORFOLK, March 1. It is BaolHciauy rettortea iaat' raiaan aaa;. protested against the reiease of the The protest. It ie understood, represents It to be an the part of the United States to permit a vessel i repair and return to sea to resnnse United Press Service. muuiiii. Aunn . imwmvu . -ii...-wp n-p-- . vs. m V , " " lag io break through the battle lime sonth of; AwmJyif The numerical losses were Kt' gte. - v tfe-ili? WWi . It Is clalaaed that British Titors-d)pe4 '(MiJsMMb' ;rlhUMniar--re .sd,lWWB.ii DOG LICENSE IS BEING COLLECTEO COUNCIL OIIDERS POUNDMASTER TO 5LKE A THOROUGH ROUND-j UP, AND HE HAS STARTED TO DO THIS if you wish to keep Fido, Rover; or Sport, part with, 1, 50 for a 1915 model dog license. If you wish to keep Queen. Trjale or Lady doge of tho female persuasion you will be taxed 13. The city council has wisely decided that there are' too raaany dogs in Klamath, Falls. Therefore, Pound- master Ed Owens was notified to round up all dogs that are not wear-" Ing licenses. 'Owens says he will car- . -.-i, v, -c mU BRIDGE NFAB BOWANZ IS m rf 118FI) snnii msmmffi - - .,.llTSk:'f''i KIVtK Al WILuUN HHIU.t ysr -nv.- SB J 'j A steel bridgo, Supported; on eon- csete piers; wlll.span Lost 'JRIver near tho reclamation smie'e "dlvewlon dam In placecpttb!eTwiIson"bfrige,'ttiere, v)ich.lHiaBedsclared-' unsafe for trae: This moralng the -aembers of theeewuty, court JVt,.to the bridge tt8T'fr2S? ,r"i!r' M v , -..T "-. a -1 r. j-1 a ..--. k. MMratsteln ana'MeOernack'r'WereJae-" iMJjiipaimyT rro)ec.Maaar; j,,,u. ,waaa: oi r-ielamatlon-serTlce: . Af tsr sesae cen- ference tSre;;lt wm airreed .tbat'.tha reelajnatlon Vvlce, whleh has twe jr-aw,sjajS4.:woaajr?ija,lf aiMva:fer, t eiUrfeaent ,llSkM" .'"' -' 1 " i'Vi" QrialMvvat, will niaeetke-ei llrtrok''It::!! I VH BBB m l, . . . 1. .A :l .. .? ., V L I'M ffpl' , ,. ,, BtWiOkF i'rv- firr-WI s .V.'-" f-itr 5ffiV If --f! Vrl. "f y.-i -r.'w t" VMtvj j '.J&g-H .'fe i : is i-mi Ufiiii i, ' 5V. "f rtjT. S. Officials TTTA.VitJK.' ?a m S.S - r'lwc.! Aa retBltaC . vc r.. .r. :.. wiiift gv.iZ,? w, .rv4".lJil.i f.'i-v'l (--.- 'i--ri ity V-&H . Jt - J . &Jr,& ". J . , j -r ii.J ". 47. 'ai the variOM eioblf-ti fM Inqairy Into tt thelMU u Frye la the ttMhAiNtle. being TV., ...v.' ..,xrtmrti-a ',5JL",1W'H( ia, -Uk, Was .-Wa-IMIW g - '.... iVC . -.-Aafi lae.renuia ei me.- &r5&$W&-- cape to destroy a --' '"v&'i''-"' ". ' h ' A ... -. 4. . Jt.i.!-d Eitel Freiderich. .jf, is- i -- -vzr j - ii F4SS&I .:V" v 2- sJii?v?" .B!tx""-j ... !- ."vs ' destrnciloai of SfJ i.4 a ": Kssafti -..". . ." , .' ... :- .;-v:r&-t-. - 'x'ariv m$mm ; . .pe-Jrs' '.., ?, i 'fiS'.X'5'SK' iry tnia out to.tns JKwrsne sreaay " quite a'few; dowvhivesejpMri!il; ..I- U-ll T 1. .innaat'-n k-Tli-l dogs .wear license tw'biatlriji- iars to esaw Ue poiudauMter'f aet r& A HANDS NAILED TO ' FENCE; NO HELP NBAB'I - ?cs United Press Service . CENTRALIA. Wash.. March 11 - r-r K-rlt. KMtnf. J 'tinw ilTia'sriaatll north of the cityK'whUe.billr?aill r - -- .. .---. -ttw-. . . ,r 1. .)- fence, drove a nall;throBgb tbe'SrsJI nnger pi nta ten nana; .: driven, all t; wjr.. i and , net vkw claw hammer, with whlchHo;tretJi: It. and btiurU-uiblelto attritteniv i v. .i '.. - .' iiirs'JSI mob aj mm ua uraw,; iMuspML was. loroM, loorswe, .aeaaynajj.-r nan, mrougn ine ,vonnn.w'onar:(oj free himself:-" I- '?4K?te Down From Odeasa. XSi;V'-MA James, poughis, .foren'n-otUoil R.l '.isru ; TbtaVfllirn.fWlilMeattheie Slfi HI . .. .-. ...r. .' . .? 2'VS.''.-T'- ,3'.'. tvvvsmi 4 r w 1 m (iin.isw, inl giat "" J 1 rWhea the flU.ls ad-ad auaeJU,r: iy setuea. tne.extrasteejnraHtj, which js near genaMM,-wUle.atnt to .tive:.site wt ereetea : o ffSS&MSSSPsmh viTlw.Wlleoa srlda si a oM wmsf):, en strneture,-vrkk Wkj nM ksag':l Mcet; trnvsd Ms, t. )ataa i1 jiMaBsa."i iMictUsi Jaummmawmmi. 7v7T-iTTL"7- . . 'Pv J!fli.eWPWt 'fW' SM Vff Ivv wmzvj- " h: 'rfvv M.:.rJ"H 1. tmn SRSr'Lt i J . Wr"'tr'eri LJilJ!fiSl "fiS'S'?. 0wm'Jm r9a9 ov. . l.Ph ".1 ,4' r. TV.JV "? :i Pi ti gm m ; l Jul .Wi'S 1