r3iM? P ' . .' "t 7 Jr., St 4t . nfJ JSkGSS-' ABWfc' ?Kp Eurattra Herald :M . -i-...L.-:' rm .;. i 5. g vr"' VS y f UKnulAL, NBWSPAPaW 5,". j"i NJ Mjii. W4 itn to ifS , ,enmmmmnmml fv RINTS THE EWS WHILE IT IS NEWS "ja ,J EARS EXPRESSED FOR FOREIGNERS If TURKEY FALLS KLAMATH. FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1915 St. Patrick's Cathedral and Two Men Who Tried to Blow It Up MJ9IM.IH1 tCIIISK AIIK A l-OH-' HIIIIMTV lrilili U'rtit.M, AiroHlIng to hthnw )llin lir, iiri' IliMiinicniiB I Amy at "" ,,,"N '',M,"'B' ", Whli li Hn Hold Hark arwi Asy Adianre" "" iImi Part of Mine HtwpcrcM Grecian CiiIiIiiH Ib. Ult4 Irt HcrIo WASHINGTON, l. (J March U. rri for the wifely of American nnd l neutral ciirUiliuiH In Turkey In awlnj II li admitted III lit ('onstnntlnoplo fatllnc. U I f-'11!! "i;,t thlaa will t follosed liy tin- MoHlero fanatic) Ltnln amuck In the Interior of tho Lptry, dcMro)lni inlimlonn and mil oiiarlM. fatted I'reaa Service ATHENS, March 10. The how Irtclan pence cabinet sworn In r. lalles Press ServUe LONDON, March 10.--Allien d li my nIx llrltlsh warships, by the battleship 'KlliBbelh, tPDcrnlrntliiR iholr flro on In ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW. j I HH-mHr I BBBJf ,BBBBBnl assB iflH mmmmmmmmmmm. smuKS IH Jmmmmmnnmmmm X I I ivsusvU u Erflri mmmnnmmmr II rifTSt- H isI (. I mmmnmmmW U 'U.f. MJwT. mmmumlmmunv I I wz? 'V'ftlltl mmu!tjmmmmmmmw I ' I S'lrii 7 AwR sBnmmut,mmmmmmml I ri1l IvCns mHkKsmmmmmur i .wwwvrA m . ' 11 Ftl ilcvfllKip Uml ifffirflTrii IB i IMrlocSloi Hr 'UiOSffiHR I hb!H immvOIi all i Du m nHtsmW' I Mir if r ? ifWrnil i i ANOTHER YANKEE VESSEL IS SUNK BY IHE GERMANS VIHI'II.VM WAKHHWH ltKIH)KT IH Cr.FIRiRII ' I (HnllliiK Hhl., Out or Hcntifo Willi J Whrnt rr Quw ii-"M-n, 1m Hnt to j llottom in Hi). Hotiifi Ail ntlc by j Oimiiiiy ltrraum Wi. Vu .ll.jted lu Hurt n Cunlraluiml Varun Cip- tnln uml Crcu Aim All Hati: Woman Accuses Embassy Attache Cult el 1'iixiiSenlie 3 NKWI'OKT NBWfl, MHuli 10. Of. fleer or tha (lcrman iriilcT Eltel Krloilrlih today confirmed tho report Hint Hie American utillliii: hliln W'll. limn K. Frju has been mink. Tlioy wiy the esel waH mnk In the South Atlnntlq January 27 for carrying co traband. arr patcick". CATnrnoi.1 tlPrMrmTmHK. AOAfcno -iowernttrl- CMKKXM& CAOMft. n photograph or St. rat,wnyn boon Thin li rlck'n Cuthcdrnl, a bitter opponent ot an- nrrhlKtH here uud abroad. Tlio men entered tho church with bombs con tho Rrcatcut and ... . . . ... t...i ,. . . i t .NnirmiHii, (nriooniiiK iiiu-mom comiy rnurcit cdlllco in tho iwi. , I United filnton, which a band of an-'cuilcd beneath their coats, and when Th gum of Mil fort thus rur havo "rc,,uu lr,eU t0 b,ow P durltm early (thi-y got n chanco they lighted ono (ft tho Ktriilt for ncvcrai mile. !mnlt Tuesday morning, March 2. The, with a rlgar. Tho rune began to put- Tier blocked oftociiially tho ndvnnco I lb mine Kuoopcm. tilted 1'R'm Surlco PETItOOHAI), Mnrch 10. Tho Btrmanu nllumpMiig to ele tho War- tw-Petrogrnd rnllwuy nt (Irondo, ito been pimlicd buck ton mlloa. It alio claimed that nn ontlro Aus trian corpn retreating from tho Dnols- Ier was cut on nnd forced to stir-endar. I'nltcd 1'rcsa Scrvlco LONDON, March 10. It U' an- lonnced that (Icrmany has contented M exehanun of all Invalid and iTlllan priinnerH, In accordance with h lah of I'opo lleiicdlct XV. photograph of Prank Abarno, an an-.lor when n dctcctlro put his root on nrciimi, .1 yvam mu, mm uunriuii ii. Auarno cni towaru mo altar to Carbono, another, only 18 yearn old, light another bomb, but a detectlvo art nine ahown. cnught him. Doth men were ruihbd The mot I vi- for tho attack on tho ( from tho church no quietly that the church U not known, other than the worHhlppem hardly knew (hat tnere fact that tho Catholic church ban al-hnd bocn trouble. BattleOver Railway United I'reH Service 8T. I'AUI., Mlnu., March 10 A rnltroad In today tho bono ot game contention between tho cities ot Mil waukee and St. Paul. It Is tho Chi cago, MiiwntiKoo ana nt. I'aui. a row das .after Mllwnukoo declared that tho road should bo henceforth known as flic "Mllwnukoo road," St. Paul newspapers announced that tha road would still bo known ns tho "St. Paul road." Tho rnllrond ltnlf In noncommittal, Wlfo mid Diiugliler Herts AMIoa Halo Smiii. Adrertlilni: Ih belntr Isauad tor a W auction Balo to bo held next Wed ly at tho Joo Wright ranch, rour es from Klamath Pall, nn Mm Midland road. Thoro will' bo a num- 0f 0. I, C, hoas nnd tubarrulln ted dairy rows sold nt that limn. Tbt kftlo HtartH nl II ii m inri n li.i.m.1 r n Wliltn In llw, Htnr '..!... II....L-,.. . - "" -- " " .' - ,PI"W I "l" UI ,1 nerved. I Drug company THAW DIRECTING DEFENSIVE WORK ATTKNDAXTK KKOM ASVMJM F(lt TIIK Cltl.1ll.VAI, INHANK AHK NUIIPOK.N'AKl) It) TE8TIKV AH Til 1118 IIICHAVIOIl THKItK niu Fryu sailed from Seattle for Queenstoun with a cargo of wheat, leaving November 9. It Is reported that the captain and crew of the Frye are aboard the Frlodrlch. United Press Sanrlce WASHINGTON, D. C, March 10. Secretary Daniels stated today that ho has received Information confirm ing the Fryc sinking report. RtGALS TAKE TWO GAMES IN SERIES MPHTOJBsMSsBBBBBaMB BBBBsf BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl BBBsl bVbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHImP I BBl BBBBBBBBBl -, "PR.- j- .BBBBBBBH Wwmk'hmsw I Ebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb 1 JOE HETTIN6ER BURIED TODAY "POTATO KING" DIET) A RESULT OP OPKRATIOX SIANY KLAM ATI! FAi,L8 PEOPLE ATTEICD THE FUXEHAL fW tmt.M& bA'4 awjc: 'jtaz :jtpn Knr .li- iLf6ll iet'-."ri5!-n ''FV'W .TtVI Y-1. '.JMXS&M ' l . "-ri rC' fl nrnu i u hnns htiP&6w$ uimm uiuioci CAUSES CONCERN IN HI6H CIRCLES APPEARS AT NEWPORT WITH PRISOVEBH "f. Zi, rtm rVel , ...w. J ( 31 tii U Jl ' ' .S "iff msmfm The funoral of the late Joseph Het tinger, who died about 11 o'clock on Monday night as the result of an op-j cratlon he underwent at Msrrill Feb ruary 27th, was held at Bosania to-' day at 2:30. Many Klamath Fallal people attended the funerals Mr. Hettinger was about 40 years' of age, and was long a well knows resident or this section. Ho .., , known tn manr na lha "rmtatn Vina."? He is survived by a wife. Qamioa or latetmlag Veaael WHJ Forelapa Prlaoaaera Prored a Panic, Bat the Matter Itaelf When the He Wo! Part to Sea, 'fat' &' f ,. vaa v ! Mm. lllriiard Peter Stegler United Prena Servlco NKW YORK, March 10. Muffled In n heavy sweater and suffering from Mrs. C. A, I'lnth and daughter aro.n hevuro cold and a stiffened neck, horo rrom Hood 11 Ivor, to Join Mr, Harry Thaw today directed tho moves Plath, who recently purchased the being taken toward establishing his Arant Going to Court pm Park Headto Ask for Salary and Position Ho caused his LOiinsol to bring tho uttendnuts from Matteuwnn to testify that he had never been violently In- nano but had at all times acted In a norma) manner. In tho doclstvo sanity tests for tho stato tho evidence differed,. It la Hinted Hint Judge Page Is Inclined to Joxcludo all ovldonco oxcopt such as 'would go to prove that Thaw knew tho naturo and quality of acts or conspiracy. MAXIMUM'S CLIMIUXt. STREAK IS HIT IIY THE SHOE STORE AG iJUEGATIOX IX LAST NIGHT'S ALLEY CONTESTS Firmly bcllovlnir ti,.. w m..nt, Arn( ho was doposed In 1013 as '"Porlntentlent n-,,. ...,. .. J W Pnrlt, was wroniMlly removed, H, Camnlwm and x-Kepresenta- re Blngcr Hcrmnn ftro pwptVta. ,0 '"B action in tho irii.,i a).iu ""fl Of ClnlniS to nuivan, bal ... 2 to let Arant romite4U w,k upcrlntcnijont,, , T favoi. . ,.:. ,V,U',1WI w reaisn ffii lh ,nt90, rfmfttt. ft rofusod to do th!i. .tatJ.a that W"W omce under the clM-ileal civil !!!!. and that ao'okaV... ... uJ, Jsilnst him. nor no hearing had. Tho matter was taken boforo the Civil Service Commission, and thoy ruled In favor of Arant's contention. Former Attorney Sonera! McRoy-1 nolds hold differently, and' upon this ruling, Lane had Arant removed by a federal marshal. Slnco then, Arant anil his attorneys have been at work on the matter. They tftok the matter up with ttye GftU rfervlorRerortr League," ad this national body ruled that tho removal pf Arant waa Illegal. y The March 1 laaue or the Congres sional Record contains all (he letter, telegrams, order, rulings, opinion, etc., relating to the caae. They were laieifted upon requeat or Congress maB' Nick J. Slnnott. Jt .i Rtoiio Goch North. Stuto Fish nnd Game Commissioner ChurlcB F. Stone left thin morning for Snlom to. attend a board meeting, Daughter Horn. An 8ft -pound daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Telford ye, tordny. llcnnett Lose n Finger, ('Jasper J.-Dennett had the mlsfor- tuno to cut on the torennger oi nis left hand whllo splitting wood late yesterday afternoon. , Eighty per cent ot the women vot ers went.. to the poll during the re cent school elections In New Hampshire t Tho llegals took two games rrom the Maximums last night at the Palm alleys, losing ono by just eighteen pins. Most ot tho bowling' waa ot the steady variety. The scores fol fel fol eow: REOALS i I '8 3 Van Bollen 16S .142 167 Jostor ..' 160 187 147 Littler 137 118 190 Elliott 99 J 119 176 Houston 178 .162 176 Totals 742 ,748 856 MAXIMUMS 1 ' S; 3 Ambrose 138 . 157, 166 Wlddoes 107 ; 151 148 Mathews 132. A US - 148 Miller 150 178 191 Hubbard 148 .'176 1S7 Totals 675 . 766 767 Club Date Are Changed. The meeting ot tho domestic sci ence department of the Wemem'a Li brary Club, scheduled for Friday af ternoon, haa been postponed 'until Friday, March 19th. On "that date Mis Clara Elmer, home antonce In structor )n tho grade school, r will glvo a lecture and demonatratton, "salad" being her lufcject. The buBlnesa meeting of the Library Club, which was to have been held .March 19th,- will Instead be held Friday af- ternoon, Mrs. Rlcharr Peter Stegler, wife or tho man who was recently arrested by the federal authorities In connec tion with passport swindler, haa told her husband's lawyer, Charles H. Griffith, that she was to get $160 a month whllo, her husband was a spy in England tor the German govern ment, and that Captain Boy-Ed, mil itary attache' of the German embassy at Washington, promised she would receive that sum for life If her hus band were killed. Mr. Griffiths tells this stery: My. client, whoso story Is corrob orated in every detail by hi wife. also told me that Captain Boy-Ed, whom he said he met privately In a BAAtn!. 1 n 4Vv a a! Aaiavin 41 ! f aVai Awak 1 tww iu itic; ugiuiau iiuu u euirai ii'.irK west, rtew York city, naa ar ranged tor the monthly payment ot $150 to Mrs. Stegler, the payments to be continued during Stegler'a absence, or in cose ot his death to bo contin ued during the lifetime of Mrs. Stegler. The Steglers said that Cap tain Boy-Ed absolutely retfused to sign any papers to bind this agree ment. They assert the understanding was that It was to be held as a sacred obligation by the Imperial German government. When Mrs. Stegler, according to their story. Instated on receiving more definite assurance of where this monv ey was to come trom, Stegler was ad vised. 1 am informed, that the pay nieut would have to be made through some German company doing business In New York preferably a steamship company. This was to make every thing look regular on the surfafce." Tho United States attorney in New York haa refused to say what action will be taken except against Stegler and less important persons who have been indicted by p the federal grand Jury. MRS. BOYD IS AT HEADOFW.C.T.U. FORMER EXECUTIVE ELECTED AGAIX TO FILL THE TERM OF MRS. KIXXEAB, WHO LEAVES THE CITY SOOX tJFs- Am "jrs-i 1 V . " .m 5?fe V"4 w-., . . ? m E V - - f-,.?l rr r-,t ffaJ - " iAi L JT .( . w.' .? 1 i c,T.,.7n .. .. ... zr ioivz:-"- , n wninujvs, U. v., aurek, 19-. i&ara, I XT.-r.n. f . .... X-nSffl?! ..v,u,,. in.) oiibiiis vmmrMMr & -'fi ed that the Caravan arauatai J Miaar 3.i " - . JVil u atlk ..- n , ... ! w wwi,r-w--i-r lag to Take Ch eta on W&Bmt. J i.'-t' ElUl Frelderlch arrived 326 prisoner, and might Intern; though the object 'of the TtaRwaa nn AlwntmA - v is" v . v aw. v s- ;".' .. t& At yesterday's meeting of the Wo men's Christian Temperance Union, Mrs. Frances Boyd waa elected presi dent, to fill the term of Mrs. F. B. Kinnear, who resigned on account of leaving the city. Mrs. Boyd waa president last year, and she carried on vwyeclentworlr. x ? Yesterday's meeting was somewhat of a farewell to Mrs. Kinnear, who has been an ardent and active work-1 r tor the union. Mrs. Kinnear thanked the members for the honor bestowed upon her by election as president, and tor the hearty support tendered her. The members all voiced 'their ap preciation ot the work Mrs. Klnriear carnea on lor the cause, ana ex pressed deep regret at her departure. 4 'rTi$r- , ,s. .. Li-r! Navy SecreUry Danteto and Preat-; dent Wilson conferred ahont tha tHK" ; ; or the fighting ship. Later the mat: ,r J, ier waa being considered? tt,ai-r K ' ., trallty board of the navyjdeetaaa.' " f ! Ordinarily Ue vessel wotdd he at- ' ' lowed a day before betas reqilra , r interne. The fact that miimmemilK V1 1 were carried made the question plicated. , , ' The matter waa flnallr however, when Captain TWeclalmmx commander of the veaael,' in$inii? ,&$ that he would not Intern.' It in Imfwfrfid Intention to have tha.vcavai Mtalnd',. 'MM sllshtly today and returm tfwrhtiK ... ' .... . .- . - ViTtabtX!'. "i Bare nor. oeen capture 'thaw r- tar." h. uM AJ:'Tir 'i.i;i.v-.iir.' ehanew." rSP8!S 1 "" vTifl'iCJtr. ats5sr? 1 "? ,fZMZ - f . . . i. vV ' V- to 1. nf f t - mm. : -af? ihrinT 'RaaM'(mmlmwl-l The United, States government has gun -the negotiation "ota new treaty wltV'Costn Rlaa, deetcned to compensate the latter eounli'flHto right In the interoceanle oanal route oyer which this country" ta aeeklag to gain control by a treaty wRh'NJoara- gua now pending before the United States senate.' It ii utMtjedthat 11,690,000 la npproxlmatlr the turn under conilderatlon. " 4 ' RURAL TELEPHONE IS ASSURED THIN6 THIRTY FARMERS ARE XOW SIGNED UP, AND LATEST TYPE OF ALL-METALIG LINE WILL RE SOOX STARTED Adutic Leagie Meets United Press Service NEW YORK. March 10 Like other minor recruits, the Billy Pfau cir cuit seemed rather ahaky when the Atlantic League magnates gathered today at the offices of President Cox for their annual meeting. Several changes in the circuit were planned. United Pre Service ' 'jt ST.LOUIS. March 10 The Miaaourl Pacific and Iron Mountain stockhold ers were to elect directors here today. Four St Louisiana were scheduled to be named aa directors. They ''are Frank O. Watts, William H. Loo, Ed ward H. Fauat and Foatus jr. Wade. $- rAtJ f,S J tyA ,1 ' VI 1. a Uolag to Conventioa. C. R. Miller of the MlUer Photo company leavea In the morning 'for; Berkeley, 'to attend the annual eon- , ventlon of Natlaaal Park . uulk' t. V ,- if 1 tendent. rangers and .nNntf??lai holders. Miller has a phetotraahic concession in Crater Lake Park. , He will also attend the exposition while way. 1 ? m Cnntabaa Leavea SOtb. Attorney J. H. Carnahan yester day received word that the "37-10" land cases will be considered by the supreme court In the week following April 5. For that reason, he has de layed hla departure from Friday until March 80th. He will appear for sev eral or the defendants. Z.J1 ?!SfEf.l W f ..wtjrl m j-r.i T- v wI -" i J Pi- -s e , t -ft I 1 I I Dr. Catbey Back. Dr. George A. Cathey. who with Dr. E. D. Johnston haa been 'attend- ' Ing Eastern and Middle Weatein clin- ics( returned last night, afteranab- . . j ... n .,. Beace or nve weens," mm Mmflmmm' '&& bespattered' "Hup" will, Wl2b'nV?lM familiar vehicle. vDr. a6hore-?V'ft . v- v f t T r " v "v mainea m Ban rranciaco rorjalfewvT VVfust y' V 'llX ..5Al WV-jTviJI l fl&l Schallock Buried Today ana a ---- ,. j.-3 "There are at least thirty stock holders signed up tor the reclamation Rural Telephone company, and the building of the line is a certainty." said Robert Cheyne, a well known young farmer, who Is here today from his ranch on the Merrill road. "The I line wM be up to date In every par- Uflai"w. fr.VM.W, -1 . An all-metallic circuit ha beta de cided upon, It la expected Ahat the work of building will be started- eholr rendered muelc, A for long. - , F&EZ wWmWmm Thla Una will) eonneatwkh Ul. oZLa,"tiUar. Bart local switchboard. V' Jmc. v .. .1 f i ns"m. TT t-l'? Large &owd AttISdlesUdBn The funeral services for the late many followed the remains tis, tl;Wf jpfi 'KI jfaear.'-.l n.i-,vi i - w'-.ir"-r ffTfViiis Mark Schallock. who died Sunday ... .,i J rut uigni ai aawennura, nospiui. wr held thla .afternoon at the Prby- terUn ehureh.; mrge crowd, moat of the member of whlelrhad known the'.dMaaasd from.boyhoed, attended tiili'yjtnelr'last reepts;' - .. sermon waa delivered by Rev. J. 8. Btubbledeld... A seleoted ! pap" .!" " attendance nt the - , . -v. . . cemetery, where Sehallock waa .laid s,i an4 Mmu Jealor DB4amit, - fienjl ' amwM to aamsmi tma fsmssl . btauUfulrferal Belda the Ms ehureh' .aatvleaa. '"-Iss rjA.1- T &jr&x&ir5u&j.?. l .17; I to rent mmi 'TIia naif taaaM!aAA tfaawa AL' Jri.-f ley, Prry O.LnAnmiJ' $ vmmmmumm:vwwmr!. va.WWmi '" w. eh'osl at tha tlmaBtasAiLaasi aa a,TX... - tut.ria'th.i grade aad ia-tm 5" ' luamath couBtrlllam autmmV -'..: i Owla ui the r4oViigls1ia d , SfMllMKr Wft rathtr it wm eoa'fMma'ram fl1 3? ?. BMau IBaaaaaaiSatakl '" ' WESTM miruxm h , -1 i4 ..' k : u m ,mmm ' - -ftiH r, . TjV -'-'nmm.