v!"i.!,WMH(fl:.r, ";?: v. ,' TO;' wit :-yw PJiS Cj. , . - kKLtrfi5tSjr-t .1 ' . -" e 41t' 'VX IV w ?r. '.jfi.ja?. y PRINTS THE if KLAMATH F NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS . wtfi iiiiteiitf &$$&: y. OFFICIAL 'N ni J " "' .,4? ..: i .ft. 'i?riV ifi - j. K r hv 3 KLAMATH FALLS, OREObN, TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1915 aaiMlMiBHi; yf ggggggBB1 . '".? v 1 Sifr lEuwifng Hmfli "BBBw'. """"',l"t"aei"aBBlBlBn VBv' I" ,"rf.-JJ'VvitiMi,iJl!'W.i'Eaii . Sirm mih year No. M k ..a1 I -1-1 i i 31 :i WARSHIPSJS IS. TO MEXICAN SEAS BY ORDERS TODAY wii.1. AiiiiivK at y. mm on FlllllAV PHkare Shown by '. "wl .Vol Wmrnlloii. In ! IteaMin for IMtfMtrhluK I'mlwi " HoulhwiiHl, ArconllnK Official ll In mil Imj. Iletwl Thai Carranaa Will Ail n DM Hurrta. ,."-' United Vt Service WAiINOTON, l. C. March .0.--Secretary Dnnloln of tho Navy IX" lrtnnt today ortleced Admiral rutcber In M'nd two more battleship to the hnrtmr of Vera Crui, pending wtltcmcnt of tho present Mexican IroublM. Tim tmtlloHhlp Georgia and cruiser ' Waihlnaton, In command of Admiral Capcrton, have boon ordered lo Vera Crui. It la expected they will arrlvotliero got Utcr than Friday. (lovcrumcnt official state Interven tion In Mexico Is not being cnnsld red. They KtAto that tho deflanco shown by Utncral Obrcgon In leaving for dgnora In Mexico City at tho mercy of nobi, nnd which Is responsible? for tho latest crisis, U responsible for Daniel' ordbr. Offlclala aro conn dent that Carranta will not be an ar rogantly defiant a waa I Inert a nt Ihl time Inat year. Picture Map of Dardanelles ani-Forts Destroyed United Praia SanrlM EAOI.K PASS, Tex., March 9. Tho town of Pledrai Netrat haa been ovac ntttd by tho Carranilata. A few troop will pollco the town until the arrival of tho Vllllala army, A a rctult, a thouiaod Mexican rlTlllan have aought refuc bare. 1'atllcmen Itenort I'roaperlty Untied I'reM Bervlce SAN ANTONIO, Tox., March 9. I'roiperoim conditions 'In tho atock raUInK bulnoii wore reported today t tho opening of tho Texaa Btato Cattle Italnera' annual convention. The diverting of much cotton acre age to tho livestock Induatry waa n feature of tho itatlatlea. allowing a conalderablo Incroaae In tho numbor of beef caltlo and boga oh Texaa farmi and rancbea. Bxporta advocat ed the wider uao of allot for feeding purpotet. i gHgHHHHlHKP jSawiwSIWiiJlgHgHglSgllV f gHHHHHllllllKPh'4 - AVh'M&BmwPJFmWJ- fwAvtglglSgv.gV9glwKjgllllVBWjgagflglllllllS ggHgglllBuiiiHkiMA 1i.-';'i-'.-' Mi4KrBr MfiygHHIH kllllglHPtSPis;!2PgHH gllllllllllllllllllglglr4ir?''' : '.Jt jJgsPrJrfiTflgm t-WvEKvxmmtBVsMttafSKM 9KilmM''r cKafRT .K,vgv&r?4aKtP9aHglllH6GggBagBgglH glllllllllBHLLHgLSgBHlgl'gCMC3if ir ' J" Kgl9BglK3i eMMaaaMiaMiieBBBBB glllllillHigflgHliLHaglgHHEKfr&ir''' MgSHL!gHKFPiS i gfffflg ' ' JBSgflSgflgnf.Ce fr'.a Tin- AZ4rZ'3.i&fWKBF&vSlMm gHilb?PM!$iir'-' - vglIm iiiKUi2,v:"..'- -.-: r, -S'.. c?'rTTT'--L.'''s'j:iiwrrtri.'.T.n'i.'Tij''i I Ti iM i I fill i ' H il :' vii1i2,'i '" " ' gmfe- KING OF GREECE PRORM HIS CABINET TO OTHER. NEWS 0TI1D mio. il I III "-,47 fv OF JHE FIGIT .nA' .!.... .. .. .- -. ... -i .iJ v (i..iry..o, ivb iu un cvamwiu 01 iuiM clan diamber of depntie haa bee prorogwM for av T1.I. ctio U taken. It J. mm-W.tood, by W,klatei'aMmilW rluimber of depwtten from overt Knatag the peae!eaMMC mmk''fkm&iik',1(ki natloa lato the Earopeaa .war,, .". . ' f$f&- iiHS !i' BsRBiia-wsaJEsaBaSHriuwwiajaJI ot tbe forts .near the entrance, and they are slowly making their way Up toward tbe Sea of Marmora and Con Btnntlnoplo. The Russians may send the Black Sea fleet down to meet I them, and thus clear out ber way to tbe Mediterranean. , The principal forts were at the en trance of tho straits. There is Sedll Bahr on the European side -and 'Kum Knleli on the Asiatic side. Further straits are the forts hot yet taken, Kalld Bahr and Maldos oa the Home of tlm fortu In the Dnrda- the efforts oMtueula to break through of tint world. Imvo fallen at last. TheiEUropean aide and Kapes Kales, Kale nolk'H which have withstood tho from the Blnrk 8oa to tho waters of nllled Hoots, made uij of British and Sultanle and Charalc on the other clalniH of the power of Europe mid ( tho Mediterranean and the .open seas French worships, hnvo smashed flvejslde. ANKENY4CANAL TO . ASK 60VERNMENL BE ISSOE IN MAY! TO TAKE MAY HOT SWINGS HOTKIi VISITED IIV A FIRE gtKHTlOX Ol' AMENDING CIIAH TEK TO AI,M)V COUXCII. TO ENTKIl INTO CONTRACTS FOR CLOSING TO GO ON IIAM.OT Mra. (Icorgo 1 Hantcom of Lynn, Maa., u probably tha youngest grandmother In tbe United States, wing just been presented with a grandchild nt the age of 32. Tho queatlou of Qincudlng tho char ter so as to allow tho council nnd city officials to enter Into n contract with tho government for tho taking over of tho Ankony canal or other stepR looking toward Its abandonment will bo submitted to tho voters nt tho city elcctjon May 3rd, At laat night's meeting of tho couii- cll Pollco Judgo Lenvltt stated that after cxntnlnlng tho lawa na carefully ns lie could, ho. felt ho had no option oxcopt to put tho question on tho bal lot. This ifi tho question tho council proposed to put bofore tho voters at n special election, Tho apodal elec tion ordlnanco was vetoed by tho mayor. Officials Are Soon to Move to City Hall "Moving day" will 00911 order ' the city offlclala. At last nfghl'a "idling of the council, the new city hU was partly accepted, so occupa tion can be made without further de wy. Tho building committee report, fumed by Councilman Hamilton, "wr and Matthew Hated the work 0 be completed; Including aome In Wor flnlihlng, placing of hardware, nnd the completion ot ooncrnte P, concrete wart, eradlag, etc.. on no ouiaide, and renommeitded that :.:.. ,ne eptiit; of m.mv ".iiniiow percMteMT wriie4s;rir to the roMMateea: -L V " " MMilMed to cover the work remala- IW ;iZi " ei"msH ruwaaf ot 1 --wiwtfrr IMferCelerllreth. ers, and the acceptance ot tho, bond. Before putting the motion Mayor Nlchpfaa voiced a protest 'against tho action. He held that tho council was acting unwisely in considering the ro. lease, or a f 30,000 bond to nccopt a $3,000 .bond for the completion of the work; settling of all lloni, etc., and opposed the acceptance of tho city ball or any part of it until com pleted in full accordance with the bond .originally posted The motion, he contended, placed the oily safe uaiul 11mu Jhf fsA Im otlA Mntia dk Ihft mAm IW-trTr .r . - Rogers, Matthews and Hamilton voted ys, .and Owens and i,ockwood In the nefatlyei J MattheVa the moved that the city oJRclals be BOtllled and authorised to uove la at their earliest convenience. Tkta'.wai patted. MEMORIAIi I'OR UNITED STATES t)ltrilASE OF WESTERN PA CIF1G IS INTRODUCE!) IN CALI FORNIA LEGISLATURE 1 AccordlngtOjiueager advices from bnovet ureoK, tno notoi at Kiamatn jllot Springs caught Are Sunday, and jthe Interior was completely gutted. 1 no extent or the loss is not known. Tho fire started in tho wooden structure forming tho rear of tho es tablishment. Lack of flro lighting ap paratus allowed a spread to the rest of the building. Uiilttd I'iohs Service SACRAMENTO, March 9. Tho imrchaHo of tho Wostcrn Pacific rail road .by tho foderal government Is ' naked In a memorial to congress In-, trod need today In both tho houso and). DOIR RELEASED TO AWAIT JURY senate. " Thla followed tho launching of a , movement by Rudolph sprockets, who stated that tho stockholders would bo Riven bettor asuruncca of. protection In tho ovent that tho road passed Into MAX ACCUSED OF STEALING ED ITOR'S CLOTHES BOUND TO GRAND JURY, BUT IS NOT HELD UNDER BONDS tho government's hands than It It passed Into receivership. WOOD PAVEMENT DATA IS RECEIVED INFORMATION ON LATEST AD. VANCES ALONG THIS LINE WILL BR FURNISHED INTER. ESTED PERSONS BY HERALD In view ot the rcnowed use of .wood block paving In many of the big cities tho local city offlclala aro considering tho ndvlalblllty of testing this form ot street Improvement for uao hero. The pavement of this form la said to bg moro economical, Icsh noisy, and has nn added advantage In tho fact that tho blocks can be manufactured and treated hore, giving additional work to the Klamath lumber plants. From several sources, but princi pally from the-AmeVlcan-Lumberman, the ecognuea authority on an minga pertaining to. iroreat proaucia, we Herald haa secured, comprehensive data, on wood block pavement, from all standpoints. This, has been se cured' for the" benefit of local offlclala or 'manufacturer Interested, and will gladly be furnUhed upon application. H Dotr, whom Sam Evans, had ar rested on a charge, of larceny by bailee, stating that Dolr withheld twe suits ot Evans' clothing, valued at $C0, was this morning. held to await tho action ot tho grand jury by lus tlco of the Peace Qowen. Dolr' waa released upon hla owa recognisance, no bond bolng BBked by the Juatlce, who signed an order releasing Dolr from any custody.' The testimony brought vou.t in the preliminary examination, yesterday tendod to show the arrest "to be tbe result ot a dispute oyer ,a 6.35 ad vertising bill Evans alleges Dolr owed blm. Dolr took two suite of clothes belonging to Kvans'tb clean, repair and press, and Evans held .that this work was to pay tor the-advertlslng. Dolr hold differently ,He: demanded I Now that the weather la again aet' 14 Jor tho work,, aaa.'threatenea. totied, tho city will have the ualm- bcII tor non-payment t the,, clothing, nroved streets draaaed and smoothed ivhlph Iia linn held alui 'nvflnliAP. I ., .A- 'hi. ak.4Ja..M..tH Dolr .maintained that tho advertising TRIP TO GRATER LAKE EK JOYABIE INSTRUCTORS AND CATERER RE TURN JUBILANT FROM WINTER JOURNEY TO WONDERLAND OF KLAMATH COUNTY City School Superintendent R. H. Dunbar, J. W. Llndqulst, proprietor of tho Rex cafe, and D. C, Morris, Head of grade school manual train ing, returned late yesterday' from a trip to Crater Lake.. The greater portion, of the Journey from Chllo quln waa made on tkeea, and the trio are confirmed boosters for such aa outing. John A. McCall, who has .beta at the lake with Ranger Momyer a cou plo of weeks, haa also returned. The party say that the volcanic won der is indescribable in Its wintergarb, They took many picture to substan tiate their claims. PICK OUT COURSE FOR CYCLE TESTS COUNCIL ALLOWS MOTORISTS TO HIT UP SB MTLBS AN SOUR FROM RALLROAD TO CITY UN ITSEIGHT RIDERS ENTERED '-...-., . . W.- iJ.tf.....;JJT..'iip LONDON, Mareh . Aeeerdtta to Athena dlipstehe., BstyraaW aet ; -: fttats plying nnlv llipaa land ktltifU ".-:'.'1'.-i SKi The course for the endurance to be held next Sunday by the local P. A. M. organisation has- beta practically outlined by the oRclahi of the society after the council, laat night" graated permiaaloa, for the motorcycluite ca tered, to attain a 36-mile-per-hoaf speed oa Sixth, street between, the railroad' track and the city limits. ., Tbe run Is a test ot. endurance of the machine and aklll of the rider. Tbe course outliaed it from the C. A S. Electtia and Cycle Store, out Sixth: itreet'to Boaaaxa, via -Dairy; Bonaa ta, via Lorella, along the aorth aide ot Langell Valley to Laagell Valley postoStce; return aroand aouth aide of Langell Valley threagh Poe Val ley to Oleae; Oleae to atartlag place: There wilt be checklag' etatioaa here; and at Boaaaaa.. -.The aabtor cycltota wlir start; at Ave minute In tervals, beginning at 7. o'clock Ban dar morning. About 350 will be . given in cash prises. Besides this, the Orphean theater. Star theater,,?! E. Swansea, 8ugar Bowl and W. C. Hum. will give special priaea. Those entered for the race, aad the motorcycles they ride are: Charles Faught, Bonanza, Excelsior. L. E. Decker, Excelsior. George Bodenhamer, Excelsior. ClereFerrls, Excelsior. Horace G. Shldler. Excelsior. W. F. Piper, Indian. Floyd. McMillan. Excelsior. C. B, Coon, Harley-Davldson. Carl Schubert, Iadian: Tom Elliott. Tate. Dssthesr- stesmsr eaaawsaesfg vMeBesra 'anaaaaaiaiaiBpaveH v. United BERLIN, March t, eelxed. tonight that an Italiai, twenty rretraneorta. bid with troops. heUea-KtowaTaUMIMrtBV This indleataa loan aartlaa:Mv OlsMd'1Mt.rk;rc--:fefe,ri) United Pi .- JWifmWtJt; , wwSwriSaanajj- Tbe allled.teet Was 'assiataNktaa retire yeerdar. after; naaaaiiaaslbTyy bomtr41g;sTeral of t Strait v uneauoaa. ummm a-! Ish wrmauxrtm rmgs gn ! m -ws-ww, w ssiaawaawa mat J -j.. am .weeper was sank .ad a orak eav- aged by the saeltafrc Ue forta.;;: . . . United Pn RRRt.TM -TZZ--TTT". "--r-".--'..T German atlas uitfaMalaTtlk Plllcagntlag.IrtW'rae):4;TM1- :'lfk-,.';f'ii. liiMi.-.fgi' ' m wggEsg&m United Preaa 9tKrmT&i&h-Xffi-:M WASHlNGTOk D. C&itktf-:9&$t 7 wLYfl'iitv'iri.lIi.-i1'-jrrta'j?... ..".A uauva Biaisw.wssMsaaaerMteata.nsmf ' r.ilirt ilit-hii. '' i f iliri.iB ---?" - him ut til thelwatm sirraualaag ; inc. BBeiuaa oaa, uraaermiea araxa -jSt?' iib the wWs)Bewt;;tait7 wSS tllSfc- tafefoa. both; ldestJHatrtKt.& landfc. f '!SS' &ju&K;$t 'jim iHMVfSsi itt m,it-,ntrtm in H-KS&'SX STREETS TO BE POT " REPAIR STREET SUPERINTENDENT IN STRUCTED TO HIRE TRAMS AND DRAG THOROUGHFARE WILL TRY OUT NEW GRADER contract was made whtle.he and Lee Tlrandcnburg were .In buslneaa to gether, and that he paid, for his share of the. coat when he cleaned and press ed clothes belonging waaotber mem ber of; the North wtttari.toeeV In. tho meantime. thtwo suits of Wothlag remln.la the eaatody of the -...- ...... - T7K;.TTf:rT"T In evidence by both .the itate and the defease. Dolr thia afternoon started to work for George QrlaalaV, Phltadelphla haa aiprofettloaal wo- mea't club. for the summer. City Street Superin tendent Fred Stahlman waa laat night Instructed by the council to hire the necessary teama, etc, to do this, A local implement house has a new type ot grader for aato. in 'wle. members of the council art much la tarested. It haa been orraagetht the machine will be reatedj IbeeRy; it A;; nominal sum, Md.the.atreet.djt partmeal bytuai;tett can ditsfsg.a whether thla aaW added to.thaelty'aiaiaaHajsttli,?; ' . '. j m ZrteJmzmi jm. "t'-j iki,jAtf usm: ' . 'tOuTl r&mmmm Mrs. Margaret B. Laird; the wife ef a Newark, N. J., druggist, :haa been appointed la member ot the health In that city. PARIS MarefcThaisViM- - y- ''kw. V .w . j m2 tv&Wi getlc Germaa 'toward; seacoaat .that, has beta stt4e la; ter-';: ertl weeks hMJHstberepBUed; It- is .reported.' ' . ' "' -;'?vl ' TheTeHtoasbomtwdeitttFreail and Belgkn'' jwUom soathof Dix- v , mude and near'Steenaeraaae f aadifol lowed theee: with msssed Infanlry.1 were used 'hy-UM';allleavw!th;WttMa:iM Kjfc'Vf 5vs5 JW.lWSfcifi 'hiartit Ui'? i. .-. m;ii'4i effects .mumvrM&, m by the allies wRhiterrthleHK wm United Preaa Servtea; PITTSBDRO.Mrth ; -v, 1 m3smn$h mmmmmMs. 9&&iWII)Fii fedawere:;tb:jleaTtcJlB,tJairjftf botrd of aprlag training qstrttrarttAagatta,- u a&wiwwmtmMr i . r ,", W . , '.-aciavwj fuUaWaR I ?aMWTmwmm&jmmsi rmmM'mUWMm'&?,r r!:;.--. 't i a..ruc.iT. w f& ft. v - si . mugf marmarav saaa - -, nana a am nmmmaia . -v- maaw ana ' '-ataktbbb M'i m mm ?&:, ttz& Help tk Homesteader -J'J,'OTJ)dTWV!af;iTr?.V-'v?.,".M'. '. (Herald Special Service) WASHiNGTON. D. C, Mareh;,. Hundreds ot aettlere in: thjWry land areas ot Oregon, eapw)lally;tait "old tlmeri," will be beat ted by the amendment to thevteamgad. stead law which paMmjIvUw aaortly betores aiournnaent Thla:ta commonly lewnrMtae "Staaott bill" beeautt the tame waa iatro- duced la tha Miae byRtareeentaUve .-.! - " " '. i. -? - i . L '' " niaiaaicM.urecoa aaa aaaaec that body mat July. .There It tmall dhtlathataepwaJdeat wltlaicn; tM-gMMv- jJW&tW'r mS3& ri1lM SiaaoU?hUl waaraealiaaaVta 'ijwreH'M iaJaeUectaaiatiia: tieti oi'tae .eaiaraaa raaatattaaa.-iaw v. J.- ' i.5. .w '.. :'rilut'i'3 frr't u laat-ajtjenuTxtaa-'.wao'aaai. bmuh aaai tarnai eaata-. wwvaai agaaa ejsaa BaapBjapsBpBaB aBaan) sBajsajpaBjasrt hie ear hi If h a ataaa giaRMma1 14 MMsR HgMfc'anmat RT-wjV iSClU a aaa ii aaaasj aaaapa: bbbbpb The; Slaaott' blUVaea vMea that aav '. ulmu !':' V.Wi..;:'Wuj - t;?. (", r4wr'.-7T ,v.v-r-r.,ii.i isjwawfwt smv awaat aa aaaaasaaiajai Uad.thaa-eaefahaUaavaitha' ngai to saw paM inaaay jiajig ta the provlateat-of thk at. 1 1 lahjn I m tf,altM aawMaa;a, fa. twvB&nmti naeraa: ,proviae--taacia origlaaUyteateredvaMStnat ' by the addltiai tatrf aaaU hM flrst aeea dtlUttd aaaaistail ; yppg. l the- m ii ..rT',-T"wf Tr'r ta ww .wewi itiaj atva $im" anlar tha ww"wui wemjgr aat',avaK;M);aM tloaal aatry,1 R .Wi Mtttan2 gafiaaaH jaaatiasM,a4 Mat ,M .Rataf tS IM4 j'i'js .i t . ii . . .. t! iiim r .,.,:.-;i.,ir. :--:)'.' -;-(.:;.'- Vj-.-'ia ibuh mam uium "HJMI1.iJi.. I .T7,.",J- "v! Jl-'?Wli"'..-(e -ZXjl-ttTjvw . IW -TT .J '"1 -T I ' mm T i j ";- t v v "tit .-& w v