k' fJvr P , PRINTS THE 'fsj I . 4l4 JLi jri i 4 A i Lfl LI aetata. I .Ji f 33iSfcvVv tML 4r' A . " wi IF- --agsg'111'' ''" '""" "'" '" 'V1' 1 - '" I II ' - . r K " " t jJ5hVir X KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDfAY, MARCH I, 1915 1 i n ' i isaaaasfcaaaaaasanaa. TELEPHONE CO, IS ORGANIZED AT A MEETING SUNDAY .MWvjTiuiiiK Mas vv for I'HO.N'KH TM Al '' '" Mating Slate; ... . i ,. Thin' Ar Hw or. ,'". Mom Who Will HIb the Contracts. Um nml ltino Will ft,Frmr sin, nml Switching Fro Will lie 11.20 a Vi Otlipr MUM Moon. At a mioilriK f the water user i Ililm betwren hen- and Merrill, held jfitcnlny afternoon nt tho. Henley, ichool house, tli lluclamatlou Rural, Tslf Phono company wan organised,! with 13 members, The officers elect- ed ire: Pruldftit J. K. McClellan. Secretary Tom Walters. Trciturcr- John Koontt. Directors Jnmrti Henley. 11 4 Uiter nnil the olllccrs. In addition ( Hit' twenty-three rumen who glgnctl tho contract yon teriiy, llicro nro doven or olirht otli- .K- hIm ki.lll uImii u'linii lha jAflifinl U banded them, Kventunlly, It Ik be-j HrM, tnc tyH'in win nnvo ioio Dkonca on fnrnni tilonic the fir I filth littril nnd nlonic other government) nntli where there nro lelophonn jioIm, The toli erected by tho rc-( Mmitlou (crvlco nro to h ticd ns much ai poulhlu hy (he farmer Unci "which moam n hie hovIhk in roimtruc. Hon expense. The farmern will build tholr lines to the city llmltn, nnd the Pacific Tel ephone nnd Telegraph company will coutruct tho line from there to the wltchboard. The farmcrt will get witching nervlco nt thla exchange for fUO a jx-iir, giving tbem all the prhllcgei neeorded tho toca'M ub KTlbcn. , The com of tho aynteiu complete to IniUlled telephone will bo about f 3li per ubrlbor, It In cntlmatod. Tho wrsge line, whero poloa mutt be furalihtd, corU from 180 to $100. The latent typo of rural telephone It to b Inatnllod. Ono foature U e lettlre ringing, by which the aub frther, by proHalng it button, can ring central and not ring any bell on ih line, or cun ring a party on the Mexican Told He Will Be . Held Responsible by U. S. j'-jwrnFTmmmmm :" aRm(m&jti!iAi - r'MSi-i't.mm ( 'HQJBB'i, W Hre, 'feaaaaH 1 ,''i)iHPilK.aBflalEHaW ' MrTin I i rjiorllfflfffa-lf" it i1l lIIHHH9nl i VMIMMIIla..iL..EiVi.B Bm'V'Pllaaaa aViE?ji7vS&fSpsaviaft THaaaaaaaaaaaHiaiaaai aWiRfe'':vf-'t'KfflWPPaWaaaaaaaPflaalal WW IHgnfWr .'f .. '. I "ivnWftiili !J.,aiyA,j.,r, . w.tm ;W WflP'j t - CARRANZA MUST PROTECT LIVES OF FOREIGNERS UMTKI) HTATKS MAKKH LKADBK RKSPOXSIBLli Htlll Hlmrpcr N'oto Dtopfttclicd to Con MtUutloiuOJat Leader, Who Agnla Hr He Will WitfadrW Hit Troop From Mexico Ciif, tearing tho Forelgneni Tber nt the Jleny of .Mob Violence. ; , rnltfil I'rehw Servicij WASHINQTON p. C, March 8. Cnrranza has confirmed the report that his forces under General Obre gon will evacuate Mexico.Clty, accord ing to n dispatch recel'red today by the state department. In reply,. It Is understood that Sec retary Uryan sent the "first chief" a still sharper note than Saturday's communication. , Today's nolo stated that Carranza ',b held responsible for the conduct of Ocnorat Obrogon, who has menaced tho peace of the Inhabitants of Mex ico City. ' N It notified Carranza that If any for eigners nro slain la Mexico as the re sult of the withdrawal of Obregon nnd his command from Mexico City, Carranza must assume "the responsi bility for their Ucaths, f Tho note sent to Carranza Satur-, iluy In said to be the sharpest ever 'aentjo nny nation. M ' Carranza WrtoNf In nor uncertain lanRiinRo that the starvation now DAMAGES ASKED ON UNDERTAKING FORMER SALOON' MA.N'l BRINOS ACTION AOAIXBT MAN WHO AT- TACHL'D HIS OAR,- AND FIRM IHHL'INO THE BOND Hult to recover 81,02G. damage was filed in the circuit court today against Tom Love and yie National Surety company by AI Crystaf. W. H. k. Renner Is the plaintiff' attorney. Crystal was arretted last year on complaint of Love, who held that Crystal withheld money belonging. to Love. A civil suit was also started, and Love, tinder this, attached the sa loon, the surety company issuing the bond. Crystal was acquitted of the crim inal charge, and the attachment was dissolved without trial of the action. Crystal maintains that he wit dam aged to the extent of the Judgment asked by the shutting of the saloon. SCHALLOCK DIES FROM POISONING VENUSTIANO CARRANZA First Chief of' the Constitutionalists. lino without the cull comlug In at the cenlrul office. Thin Instrument also has u con deniier, which makes it possible In case of emergency, to ring through to central If the line Is busy. CITY ELECTION ' NEXT ON BILL Will Kim l'rwildont. - At tomorrow, meeting of the Wo-j COUNCIUIKX TO UK cuos. men's Christian Temperance Union, i .!.. " v,.v,o n president will be chosen to succeed ; Mrs. V. II. Klnnoar, tho efficient om- cer who leaves tho city soon to resldo , In California. Tho moctlug will bo, hold nt tho homo of Mrs. Rose Ilar-i pold, Seventh and Canal streets, be-' EN, AND ANKKNY CANAL MAY 1UC UP REGISTRATION HOOKS ARE NOW OPEN TOOK CREOSOTE AT A POOL ROOM SATURDAY NIGHT THE FUNERAL WILL BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY IN THIS CITY ' J& -is, :'?. .. Mark Schallock. who dramaUcaliy I threatening Mexico City must be re-(swallowed creosoto Just (before sold 'l loved at once. He was warned that ithe United States does not approve of the plan' of General Alvaro Obregon, Carranta's troop commander, to with draw his troops and leave, the capital Ho Its fate at the first sign of a riot ous demonstration, ah omciai ana unofficial advices received by the state department showed the food situation If menacing, and that something must he done Immediately. Meantime General Francisco Villa has boon Informally advised that a massacre of foreigners would be "very unfortunate." It Is reported that Villa Is pressing bis campaign against Tamplco, but, tt Is doubtful whether he can force a change In the military situation In time to prevent , n crisis. "SICK MAN" IS WORK IS STARTS OUT OF PRISON; TsHHIrjifiV . 'I'JCP ,. .-' iiV Ort .'f. rjJVf ?( II H LHI IDI'LiiCtllWwf" nasi ru.-mmimw-r'M'i-L&.ai BV BV , 11 V COUP EXPECTED1 OF THE IMra &&t f.v ?& Bfi i IKT'JTsK mm If atil Lull amm "tr- -ggs, mm 1 .. l fi n,X&! icniri. MMiMtwf neftfi wiirtm.fi r)iuu n'nm ii n ill ii ir im m .... .. ww nnavnou . - ..-. . .i. -w.- . -m -ia Wfj'-ri. I ''..' ".X1'..4"'K BY WORLD ED TODAY ..- V'rf-L ixm "?: w&:m Sultan Ago Appear oa tfce Seeate as Head of ti Peace Party, Which May Meaa Retara of Old Tarks to . . SJ .wt njt..t(" "f'JS .&: lt'l. II'.. IVnuJ dl W la AMllin tt fllm - ' J" I ',-Wih' m,.i-mil -.ir;J;ife?r; an ABasssr., !., ;-. aass Near Um 8l MaW-;V; JIM. Ik. ..T JSU JV.a LU.. kT,.lllMkl..'".Kl.m ' " r r vjmriwm rsMm. 'VBak;rIi4-'V' W -. Merrttl Weshseeaay. asst Third Power,,, aad Tarateg of Tarkey to a- day Blfc for AUlc Other War News. -'l!' j 4jst .tiyAMrs&i-fetfplmfr?. 'er " aBapajaaaw imwmrrijrj SiyirYi St5GSffliWBJ raSfSMaf?! mgil -Ttt.'-"?wi3??il S?i""rflSJSaSrti! atfe'..i :52iEM'ffifsi :Tpwff&'rta. United lvw Service, -With at .least tweaty-sve LONDON. March 8 Abdul Hasald. ork toward 'the eal tha, former sultan of Turkey. Is free Griatajateral'wa again. ..according to the latest dls-ldlverstea daaa this batches from Bucharest. , outflt Is la charge U mmfftrfrnm. "it is understood that -"The.Blck. W".fW24 Man of Europe" ha. surrounded W.-! "SSlSJSS? self with numerous Wends.. and plans'"? ?"" ? fif&mm to execute a coup that may have an 'h?JS.- &&"!WM lssportant bearing open the European .b?jfM I- 3?H;?M wl W " --. -., --,.- ,l ! . . ,. . ..- Hccount. there jrlll it is unoerstooo tnat a aram.tic?UoBt tJ .eo, "' lurTOWUIIl'W Viuc. . -4.rfMU ik.'wVI. W "T- T2sV!X. "''.rSl iS?i34& -4 : (TTrtH Although the message tka; rorted.t,ftft'.5 eoaUi ::.:7;: " :::. rr: .: .: prt or Apr. confirmed from any other source, jt is &li&ZLnXSW8SZ of the camp near MtrllL''Aa vim foreman' for -th'''gtiki;BMaeosKj 'V'ijl KtSI ginning at 3:10. Birds Shun War Zone I ipilory Birds HaveCkanged Courses of Flight With an entire now council to be seloctod May 3, city politics are be ginning to get lively again, and a tew little beea are already a-buzzlng. The Ufnunrnl nt lha Antranv rlttrh nmfinil- jment going on the ballot Is alto add ing interest to tho coming voting. ' But to voto, It Is necessary to. reg ister. And to register It is necessary 1 to appear at tho city ball during office hours between now and April 15. No votes can be sworn In at a city election. By WILLIAM G. SHEPHERD Waited Press Staff Correspondent) LONDON, Fob, l8.(Dy mall to Kw York)i-Even the birds, have ions wrong lu Burope. Man's mad J" nas upset their lives and habits, tho very few ornlthoIoglsU In WiBd and Prance who can stick thelr study of birds, la spite of the 7' wratehlng their heads about "r jj.The uathwnva nt hi.. I ' southward In wlntar and I aln In the spring, have been PPd out for years In Europe, But birds have forsaken their old Wbt and tho btrdsmen any It la be- of the war. CShoro llarhta i.h .An .i.'nu. u.. , " u 8,em, re,utdes for tho - m their long southward Jour W nl this year the lights are 44.'., T,IP Hn,no Hht tB WW J"' "lo feathered "fellow toward ;"?iiy Italy wouia alsodirs-jt.aiiHt ;W?!lu to-iarlrrfHittlleh coast :3?" 8o,H tha folks ef the air," or(overed with feathers or oa- ri-, iraytiwg la the dark this "Fear, Th .'.'. f-k.j--. ..J ..:. I" tail.. - Biroa. ma varrf. Iown lights, k.i niaoh, hut ,th S?' wtt &!. There U ao doubt that the birds found 'their way to tho south, us, usual, but they groped their way, and It was probably slow traveling. Their return to the north, when sprlug comes, will be as UllllCUIl. The blrdmen have proved, beyond, a doubt, that tho birds ore disturbed : by the sounds of firing. The Rev. Charles Kent of Tbettord, one Saturday night recently, heard a terrific chattering of tho pheasants and small' birds around his houso. There was a terrific fuss In blrddom. The cries were shrill and wild. Tho birds left their beds Jn tho trees and Dow about In terror. Their ears wero catching sounds in the air, that the rector and bis family were missing. But when the rector picked up the Sunday morning paper, he saw" that tho German Zeppelins had bombarded the coast some miles away durlntftVe very" hours'of the birds' excitement. He was so Impressed that-ho wrote a letter to tb Times about It, where upon many other residents of that part of England said that all the birds in their, neighborhoods had cen: catted theauelve In' the moat ex- y " " r 4, (Coatlaued oa pat OLIVER BACK FROM 'FRISCO KLAMATH COUNTY REPRESENTA TIVE SAYS FULLY 00 PER CENT OF THE VISITORS NOW ARE FROM THE EAST Fully 90 per cent of the visitors registered at tho Orogon building nt the exposition are from Eastern and Middle Western points, according to C. T. Oliver, who has returned nftor InstnlllnR Klamath county's exhibit there. Ho states that thiols the time that unrepresentative should be'mafn talaed, as the rush of visitors Is earlier than visual. Oliver Is, being warmly commended for tlie manner In which he arranged the Klamath exhibit. This Is one of the most attractive and unique In the Oregon building. Tonight 01vr will saake a CK)pIt report to the Ohasa bar of Cosanwre. night Saturday, died at 9 o'clock; last night at Blackburn hospital.. The funeral services will 'be held Wednes day afternoon. Rev. StubbleSeli kf- ing selected to conduct the . servleee. , in his last hours Mark was per fectly rational, and by his aunt,, Mrs. Fred Melhase. sent thanks to tha friends who had assisted hlin in his trouble recently. He thoroughly ap preciated his situation, and expressed himself as glad that the end of this llfo was near. CHANCE TO GET CATTLE CHEAPLY EVANS' CLOTHES CAUSE OF SUIT OREGON LIVE STOCK MAN FER8 BLOODED CALVES LOW PWCESOHAMWBlV COMMERCE INTERESTED OF. AT OP , The following letter has bean re ceived from an Oregon atoak raiser by the Chamber of Cemmerce: . "Are there any of the, ranchers ta your section that are destroys of buying young calves .to rate? I can' deliver In the noxt .thra saoaths 1,000 head bulls and aeUsra. one week or ten days old, at the follow ing prices. Durham bulls 5, Durham heifers ItC. 50; Holstoln bulls $4.76, HolsUln heifers $6.60 to $10; mixed Durham nnd HoUteln bulls $4.60, mixed, Dur ham and Holateln heifers $6. "Jerseys, Guernseys. Red Poll's, Ayreshlres and other breads, prices upon application. Carload lota, at a reduction." ' ? "Thla looks like an oaaartiiatty to stock i'-Klannth county ranahas: with good dairy strains ata asaaHaaat, says 'eeratary Trad fItaatV VW will be glad to take tate'aiattsr up with Klaiaath county tamarewho piensbd to hear fronVthjnir Perhaps we'oan arrange tor .tt purchase ot at least earlosd It vryMaii:la;at-ifactory,"-. .," '" ""' MAN ARRESTED FOR WITHHOLD. ING THEM SAYS HB HELD THEM WAITING FOR PAY UTT OFFERED IN EVHJKNOE The preliminary hearing for E. Dolr on charge of. larceny by bailee started in the Justice court this after noon, with Sam Evans, complaining witness, the first, to be called. W. H. Shaw represents the defendant, and the state Is represented by Prosecut ing Attorney John Irwin. Evans accuses Dolr ot withholding two suits ot clothes, worth $60, which Evans sent him for cleaning. Dolr says he is holding these clothes to gat the money for the work, and, says .'that Saturday be .called Evans and .told him that if the clothes were not taken and the work paid for, he would ad vertise them for sale. Evans says that Dolr owes more than the cost ot the work for adver tising. Dolr denies this. Dolr'a valuation of the suits Is different from that of Evans. He said one sult'ls worth $5 and tha oth r la worthless. Dolr's bill U for $6, Evans says his advertising bill Is for 1MB " Cosobooma Ratara. j 'Mrand-MrV Oiaud l.-Cosaaooi cane In Saturday nlt;troCeUtar. nla. with a'vlew to reaiaialag JsaraV Mr.. Coseboom started the iaajar ljw"l and sold out to .I.Owriekjaajsji haauUful as avar, Wt: thaw'' lap. vW littteitvtuate: is yfto arousing the greatest Interest in In ternational circles. Government officials are speculat- tr.ct has not rea:-WectiL"iv inv nn h nnaalhllltr of Ahdnl Samld. .1 . u auJiJ-,.-:.- Cil.lit''ii making a master stroke for the allies, tho operatic for to' goVeramea rorcing Turkey to sue ror peace. ; Abdul Harald dropped out; of, sigh tl in 1906. when the Yoang Turks re- volted and. took the government., -- It ts reported that ,n!s re-entrance,! at'the'headpfpeace,iBrtrijkOrt& , -? part, of a carefully staged plan tdr)r- gain control ny tne oio Tarn. , .v - m?n A French cruiser was pat oat ef sa m m. sam n a .aaa saas. m atfnv inam ' aVlsi ..sn.t'-t:,'?Knr.J: t ii .u ii in j,:iikwi-K-;.": IIAMCKil k 4 Qimn nnlulii aetlos and a Eacllsh eralser dasa-' aged yesterday in the' Dardanelles' bombardment i!S rv ,- f-ic t,i j , H,n,jn-- muumsm : sr -v ..v b" , Ttvr. rfiitv "i.Y3"v &&u&:mfwfr' & aW'a TS.1 ?tSti . , MlUfV&rS as'i aasKsu-v f mSfMSM - : sr cf a i iritr&Jh; :x-itrtt nuser aasa-.MANACCCSHa Qf-AmOK-mimitm Darianenas r i f " J $V&Mimm f United Press Service PARIS. March 8. In a Moedyt hand-to-hand engagement, aloatithej Vnao9 tA naraiana arara raattlaad yesterday with extremely heavy loss, the French ' gaining 400 yards of trenches. RESTaaX v SATVHBAY ,j.r' AND, TODAY. &: 7 fUUSSOMVJttf .f' m&r-fM s ' TS3'.A.J,I Loags Leave Toauotrow. Dr. and Mrs. Maxwell ,.M'." Long, Miss Jennie Harris, Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Marquette leave In the moralag tor Harrison, Nab., where they will reside. v,r-vy? xiPiSri ;. Edward Waraer, boasvd -o jtaii. ...! 4' T,- -i. grand Jury on a charge of aettlaglr to the Peterstolaer. cafe'5'ilsiew!.'la''i 'jail, with-his bond .ad;at!i$.$V cash, ' :;4i,f,l Warner ha''beea"at.UBrt3;aa)t1fis Bunnar r vaaa waiai it paarrBBaa 1(m.w: . -i.-il.4Ayi--U'aAM5 """' " ."T F&j5.rfm&i iara tha n is i saa a r r i .-T "7W JJ7.T "-T 7T- . T.?- Tiltl " . rRW,?5S!iT?T7S ha would in i a I a n is saa in r 4ar-lla'saai.wlaarsa Get Information on Beets i As a result ot Inquiries sent to sugar beet producing communities, the Chamber ot Commerce Is daily re- letters giving statistics re garding beet culture.. The following was received from,, Sterling. Colo.: Your letter received' inquiring about sugar factories, beet growing, etc. A sugar. bee$ factory Is. a' good thing for the farmer provided H la, in a country where sugar, 'seats ;eV be grown successfully.. "" " Sup,. Counting expense froai tha. tisae one commences. ploVlagv ground, until ueets are ai ine-iacwry, iae eesiis about, $40 par,acr;. 4. .That, Jncludaa preparing ihe-aTbund, 'eost of slat, planting. Jtoalng.aad ail ,handywbrk, cuUvatln,;,,pulUng.topplag vand nauiing to tae laetory.H i? . ' "f-. . t- wa-jj wark.aW4Bw?aaIsi. clBr,byRuslaisaad Ja'paae.m- koatng, I Ulak, aaaattara during tha asaaoa.'ialaaiaf for. Mbeklag or spacUg as R la ganarally eallad, leaTlntoa'rt'Ontiot a hanch Bj;.tMaaiaiay.ej:iswaa NrffWrW:ttWMl ;-fi - j. .. -..j. .i vr iw;,".jj msA MiWm ChanberoiCot msi iiaf.l'iM'.- iisaaew ,i. - ''.. - ..,Vi nrasSK -. r '! ' .'f.AW'?2,;W'2;i)if.t.5 wnicu. u aoae auriasji i kaan all waaJa.dAwai r.Tata'aaaf the. hand iorkteialkaa'tf soma, ..Men 4yaa4aaoay.BwMin.df,ai, should -rj:y llaa.::Talri.ia.-k-'';;iiS. ' B-.MI?lKi;l!WlM w. W palled sKi i-, - nacvaa "eaiaieaees. -yaw ,snasswata tM -whleJT'aaata'aa4t't$ia:sia ' fc--lV -' - - r7r 'jt:."" '.tr,i.rt '-t-j vi'"rl,:r'w rest pi n e)t;.ie;,aaa; wtfM:Mtertsj tlen of BTaaM.-eaHrraMs';owNi;.s;; beats outofgreaaii work ta 'a:,wltMjnartsR-awa &v; ,la,raMelaln32f wa'iah'MjVsjBMlsaaiV 'ot'thairnjsWtttlaa .,, T tf m a at --J ? t . aaa w . 'atj aj a. . 1 ' S" T WPT JfMmF" 3.?sa55ffl??jpa Hlff ,tJBaWr Wa. yW JLW ITt OWsWWPW,,afp' M Mas iaW, JeJT'ay JtJsl apfW $ay JBBHJJBHtj "TitaTWfj!? f, J' MbUKVUbbI ' sataWaMaV tMsV aaaW " " "" T W "? aa'aaraaBr -araaar .'rfSBBaF .'.ila. -fir- i i -v.. ""jeJl i.W( - w'"W ' '"ajamjP .-.J i v:l "' "i , la sitaag taasv Mtil laVR LKbK PVBBsMSBafaWal si'.SIfflf! m u..aate;deMwh'tkataarfre o to fear learaa. iNaat w i'JWHffl ;feX( PSWFR - -v ;. ' iv. ii it.' 1 i w V) . wfi l r y-Vti