BFv feu .'; '..' ? yo- PRINTS THE 3 JJews while rris NEWS ,3f ' ?Jw Iw l-TK ? . Kleth sear-.-''. -r.. LIRER BURNIN6 IN MID-OCEAN; HELP SENT OUT: .. m. MAXV .IMHIIICAN I'AHHKNdKRH ABOARD I Vfaarl l 1HI "' Hm Tomorrow, 1 uil Owing X'nK IrWh 0'tt-'' " Nnl " Tult U In I" ' v l'IC,.,--Hev end Hlranir-ra l'rJt Up .Wlreleiw j I'M and Husli lo Assistance l.'Blted I'iwi Service If j.OS't)()N, March 0, Tho French lnr U Tniirnllto I afire 700 miles crcaieu louny vy 1110 roiiniy conn,; from Jlratf, nrordlng to wlr-lem. J'"0" w,,,,onI tf l,, 0""6f "mu ,lvr.l by Lloyd.. The nicamor.,,, (p ,,e Jnc(1(Jct , 1(U ,. Iloilcrilmii. Hwniimore. ComUhmBU .),.,, ChMi J( p.rRUNaii of Kuykon nd Atstlc nrt niRliliiK In liorniiUl-jdnll & Porgutton rcprcHoiilcd Kits ,( tllO OWIICtll make tho following '..... . . . "T'' UTttmi.ii., en roiuo om 1KB ' -- . - w - ViW vufi. id it it in navrn iiiiiiuriiiw Conicqimilly hIkj miiiioi bo In ' grwt ilntiKcr. OwIiik lo lt.hcrno in ii.a iriali ennui, iilnntt' of nmUinncn IV ih. .,..f.. .." r U being ont out" Tlio vwol rarrlen koveral Amcr lrn'loc(or nnd nursw en route to Frame ami n number of Krench re rrvliU, In addition., to American buslncM men called to Franco. It tiUo cnrrlen neverl thousand tam nf inrlrldRi-H, 14? rapid Ore ium and clothliiK for the French nnd Milan nrinl(. Tim raplaln und crow were recent lif Jx 'decorated for retculng aonii? of tho K . -..'.-. ... I raunwra irom ine voiiurnn, which : alio liurned In tlio Atlantic. , ; trailed i'rc-H Servlco NBW VOUK, March 6, --With her inglnii room half filled with water, the battleship Maine rests on the bot tom nt Whitney Itn.ln, near her navy yard dock. . ArrnrdliiR to reports tho ncn valvoHi)i:.-.;).XT IJI'HKLD IIV JUItV IN Kro accidentally loft open, und thei WAttr An Miimi iu tlm ni'ur. -" - ... . night was dhirovurcd the pumps wore' larteil. but It was too lato to pre-, vent the sinking of tho vessel. , It Is declared that the chief ou-( Klncer has been absent for three days ' front the vessel, nnd Lieutenant Ixiula, IlkhardHon has been appointed to In VNtlxato the affair, . trial returned u verdict awarding the 'defendant. L. I). HurTC 1. llarpold Veilu coal mlno No. 4 of Califorsued for S;t."nnd liurkt had a cann ula, Penn., which has been workodlior claim for $248. for ton years, tins produced In that Notice of appeal to tbo circuit "trie 14.ono.itOO ions of coal. court was given by llarpold, Sawmills Start on First PelkanBay and Algojna .. - April IhI will goo tho wheels of . Klamath county's two biggest snw- mliiing enterprises, the , Pelican - Ilay Lumber rompnny and tho Algoiria r 'unbcr compuny, start into operH- llptf rnt nnothor season's work. Con- , -Werlng ti,0 fnct that, the lumber "Mket Is at a very low Btagor.thls Indicates that hope in an Improved condition Id by no .moans despaired . ' hy thoso big concerns, no matter l"t rnlnmlty howlors mny have to "yon tho matter., r r.l.Th0 1,0,lcn "a?. P-not nt. Pollcnn ' Hty win mm h stoam'for tho first l"o April l.t In, tlo splendid now r" TV1"1 wU,ch ,8 nW receiving the , ? I ns ,oueh wndcr the dlreeUon '," ," "HI Hunter,- This plant re . I'lneoa tho one desVroyflil'byiflri. last ftti-'w of tturfold'WntJ bUieauiDned M j,HM0,poo' ftet,evr; ten hous. 'VtO cutlan ftAii".i ' .-i"..'!. M:. i. ' W,Wrty-'MIMf la tli. iwaUll B-kUr- 2fe ..m... , Ktw,m. ........ aV at UKAINAdb AKtA IS CREATED BY GOONTY COURT DlltKrrtHIK AIM4 APPOINTED AH TIUHTKKS Second Hti p Tojuml (ho Hrclnliiiliiu of Nearly IIO.IHMI Acre i.f .MnrMi lniid Around, Iomi'- Klamath l.kc Taken Twliiy U'Imii Comity Cmiri Orutnl iti Klumtilli OoiliuiK" Dl'trlcl dm Akril for. , Tim Klamath Drainage district wns l.ll.inil ! UKMUip ..V..I,- 11. v..... in iiuiuim io cronuiiK in iiiMrin, Hi. ,.tirl imtirilnlltft fV 17. fin l.flll i 'MotRchMilmrlicr nnd A. A. Mclmffcy IIV w ,' .......- i ... --. ;,', --, men Wflro A(0, IruRtecD. Those men wero inlerlril dlreetnnt liv Hie innrflh ownor 1 nnmn lllll.i UnriA nen. Tliu hoUndorleii of the drainage umirm iiiciuuu ii"'"1 nnvn I I ll. t k..HM frtMlli f nlfn In ..I ,. ..I.. ,l rt oe 1 rt m....... lirumiu IIIU liuri iviiiiiimiu iwn Klnmath county. Thtro nrn 96 prl vnto ownm, bcslilrn homo Und ownnd by tlm government. Tho .reaBon given for drinno itro "for tli public bcnoOt, for innltnry purpoiOH, for tb Improvement of ag rlculturo.nnd to prevent any ovorflow from flood watart or any poulblo rise of tho level of the nub-iiiirface wntora hereof." BURK 6ETS A $1 VERDICT IN CASE Jt'STICi: COUNT IIAItl'OI.D WILL CIIICUIT COUUT MTIOATIO.V. U'PKAL TO l'lflocn mlnutos beforo midnight, the jury in tho Hurpold-Hurk second Plants Begin Season Soon ployed In tho woods by the compuny and about sixty other men will bo re quired to handle tho lumber In tlio ynrds. W, C. London, who Ih ii stockhold er lit tho Pelican Bay Lumber com pnny, arrived last night from tho Mlddlo West to tnko tip his residence hero. A small crow of mou will start to work Monday at Algomn, making re pairs, otc, iproparntory to commenc ing a busy season's work, Tho Al goma mill turns out nn nvorngo of ,185,000 feet of lumber a dny, nnd plans to run nil season this yonr. When tho mill starts work there will bo forty men employed In tho tmwmlll and half that atiiiMr Im the vard. Later, when the railroad la ex tended, tho woods crow wiil elfcprkw ilP3l.gsgti!r' ' v ' , Dealdes 'the, men who will he. put to work Vhen the mill1 starts. ' tbe Ajgoma Lumber eompaby now has a crew .vunning its box factory .full blast. This' plant lanow abpplng bui 'tw.iy-tw carloads atlox shooka a week V &. ,.j " iEiumhtg rr. . , 7,.. KLAMATH FALLS, OREOOJty, SATURDAY, MARCH d, 1915 To Russia With Hatband's Ashes f Mi. H. W. Orido her hueband'ti nntitw With her hueband'ti nntitw In un iuiii. Mm, 8. W, (Irolc mm Rnlkd uway for Illga. Kiila. Tliero ulie will sprinkle tho contents of th urn over tlio entitle of the himband, In nciord with the wlah ho oxprcHHed before he commlUcd atilcldo Irnit, October. Mr. (Iroto wan u nntlvo of Itusula and n man of consldcrablo means. Ho wed the hoautlful rienndlnnvlnn widow, and two week) nriurward, aeemlngly. bccauio liifimo. A'crordlng to tho story Mr. Groto told tmforo Mho Balled off with the urn, tho. husband two weeks after the HiarrlaKi) got tho Idea that .his wife would not lougcr love him.- -He be came obnesod wllh this notion, and It finally irove him to kill himself. "He was frightfully Jealous," she said. "Ho loved me so greatly that he could not bear the thought that somo day I might cease to love him, nnd ho died when his happiness wnsi grout est. MUSICALE AT THE M.E. KOMM. IIU1.TM, QUAJtTKTK AMI CHOItAI. NUMIIKRH TO UK A KKATUHK OF KVKN'INO SEUV ICU TOMORKOW NIGHT A mimical program will bo ren dered nt tho Methodist Episcopal church Sunday ovening by the choir, of which Vernon T. Motschenbacher is chorister nnd MIhs Hnsel North Is planlsto. Tho program follows; Invocation Sentence, "Tho Lord In Ills Holy Templo" ........ . Karl P, Harrington The Choir- Hymn, "The Light or mo worm. , , . . , Philip v. miss Congregation Prayer Anthem, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul" ..,....... M. L. MePhall Th Choir Scrlpturo Lesiorf for the Kyonlng Tho 'Psalter Offertery: v Hymn, "Oh Beautiful for Spacious Skies" ......... Horntlo Parker Congregation Vocal Duet. "Come, Holy Spirit." ( Frederick Jerome MiaseV Ruth Mosten. Clara Calkins Anthem, "Who Is King?". . Gabriel Tho Choir Vocnl Solo, "Calvary".. Paul Rodney Mlsa Augusta Parker (lunrtet, "Sweet Hour of Prayer." Marie M. Hlno Mrs. R. R. Hamlltqn. Miss Louise tienson.t "owir. tv"w", ,,r ,;; v scbenbacher ana :. , upp .? YocairiDuet, vjeaus Full of Lovo Divine" ,.-..... uoor. Misses Louise Benson, OlaudlaBplnk Antiiem, '-'Praised Re tit? JLord Dally" ,! ..., 8mallwpod , ; "Glorlr.Patrt Congregatlqia . -iidictlon ' - CHURCH TT RESTA LEADS AT END OF 20 LAPS IN 1I0I0 RACING oi'Kit a mii-kU mixutk ih thk . t PACK HKT i Tuk Im Pnatr Than When (Jrnml t I'rlK Hun WS onPullen In Bet- mil nad -fiursuin n Cloaa Ttilrd. Thlrtyhio HtaHeil In tho Jfevis' i nice, nnufc ml r Tlieau Have Ik-en Killed Out hy Offleial. United I'resa Service KXPOBITlONj. (inOUNDS, San Krauclxco. March S. At tho end of the twentieth lap, Resta In a Teugeot led In tho Vanderbllt Cup Hacev Pu len uuh Bccond. llurman third, Old Held fourth and.Carlson (Iftb. Tho average speed for tho twenty laps of tho leaders was 68 miles an hour. For the first fivo laps the iipeed uverage wan 71 miles an hour. Itlckenbaclior,' I.cOnln, Durant and Marquis were" declared out of the raco an hour after tho race started. Ono' hundred and fifty thousand spectator gathered at tho Panama Pacific International" exposition grounds here early today to witness tho Vandorbllt Cup race America's automobile road, classic. The race was unique in several respects. It was the first time a road race was ever held overtoil entire enclosed roiirtio and It alsp was the first time j (hat a big automobile .contest wosjiuuiich from going over mined tor-.' 'ever staged on an exposition grounds, Tho dl8tnnce.,to bo covered, by the drivers todaywak 294d)C2 milesW There woro 76 laps to tbo race, each j lap representing 3.9053 miles. . Tho crack drivers of America and, four other countries were represented j In the race. There were twenty- flv; eutries, but Ralph Do Palma, twice winner of the Vanderbllt Cup ' 'driving a Mercedos car, was the fav - (orlte In the betting. De Palma pur - icbasod his car abroad last fall, andi .It was a money winner In tho Grand' I Prix of France last year. If De, Palma won today's race ho would nt-j tain permanent possession of tho Vnnderbllt trophy and in such an, event tho Vandcrbilt Cup race would be removed . from the list "of road racing classics. The course itself was unique. In stead of racing over macadam as the Vanderbllt racers did at Long Island and at Elgin the drivers con tended over a tract of newly-laid sheet asphalt. This applied to tho entire four miles of the circuit, aside from uboht three-quarters of u mile nt ono end, where the course mado use or part of a mile track,, designed tor horso racing. The start and flntsn were to be made on the mile track. From either side of this modified oval tho course was. routed through a maze of 'state and foreign, nation buildings. The straight stretches en closed most of the exposition's main buildings. On the Htralshtaway hear to Ban Francisco bay, which, the cara fol lowed on their return, was more than a hatt mile of slightly- down grade. Some of tho drivers predicted they would make as high as 110 miles an Hour on this stretch. In additions to. Carlson and De Palmn, the field of starters today in cluded such notable drivers os Barney Oldfleld, Earl Cooperi'Louts Dlsbrow, Dusenberg, Caleb Bragg Marquise, tlio Italian, and others, A number of prominent automobile manufacturers witnessed the race. Among those were Henry Ford, John y. Willys, H. Sf Firestone nnd F. A. Wilson, HVS HARRY P, MINTONAIUCD AT PENITENTIARY CHIEF deposed by the raaJwHyjaa-stabera of the state; board of contreland Harry j; M(r,o of thia'cUyl arid, one of tha ablest raon and beet'kaown ofrlcers of tbe tute, apBemissru Ho will assume charte H. Lawson. wjrfer ihejpaat; two years of the state aHiitlary.? was ' r-: Looking Oat for American Colony 5&aJ This la Henry Morgenthau, the United States ambassador to Turkey, upon whom the United States gov ernment Is depending for the ' safe guarding of tho interests of the American colony in Constantinople, the city which Is being approached by a powerful fleet of Allies' vesaehv Morgenthau prevented 3 spread of jingoism somo months ago, when hej teported to tho state department on'- tho reported firing on a launch from I an American warship, showing tliatt tho ttrlug was a signal to prevent the!. jrltory In the bay it was entering., WEDNESDAYS.?.! DAY AT THE EXPO! i (COMPANY'S BUILDING TO BE OPENED THEN. AND EVERY KMPIiYOEE WHO CAN BE SPARED WILL HE THERE When the project of the Panama PaclIIc International Exposition was launched several years ago, the South ern Pacific company was among the first to offer Its moral and financial support. In view of this fact, tbe offi cials of the exposition have set aside March 10th as the' day on which to pay public tribute to tbo railroad company for Its efforts contributing to tho success of the fair. On that day, which is to be known as "Southern Pacific Dayi" every em ploye of tho largest corporation lit the West that can be spared from duty will attend the exposition. At the same time, the Southern Pacific building oil Palm avenue wlR be thrown open to the public. An Interesting feature of Southern Pacific Day will be the attendance at the exposition of tho, veteran corps of tlio railroad the retired and pen sioned employes who helped' to .make early California, and Nevada history by building, under the direction of tho "Big Four'' Mark Hopkins. Le Innd Stanford, Charles Crocker and C. P. Huntington the Central. Pa cific and tho Southern Pacific, rail roads now, as always, the Southern Pacific system. MADE IN AMERICA PRODUCTS ARE SHOWN United Press Service NEW YORK March ,6.--;The flrsl industrial exposition, of the "Made In America" type was tobegln today ',t thejrjrar)d. Central" Palace. The expo eltlon Is the direct result of the rec pmmendation of Mayor Mltchel 'and' Commissioner Hartlgan for the-lnatl-sattaaa' nlanftb, set the DebilVtt tbe country?hUjrt acquainted .Vita Tne oniy Teqiijreaiefiir p e, 'allbtrnenLof 'imWrnif! anWWSBmsm aBEaSblll'f:i' al aaaaaaV liaaaaaaBBnaliBW aaaaaavMauaaavkBaBBBr BBaaaaaaKaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw kaaaaRLaaHBaHBf kflnMMMMWfkMMMm BaaPHkWllaaaaaaaaaaaV t TsV'aa-BH'.' 'faaafaaaaaaaaaaaaKX laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBPBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHBm BBBBBBBBrVBBBBBBWt'iaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW kaWFIBaaaaaaaaaW tSaVaflHIMiBr LfH'iiiaaWHlBaaK BB3Baik mr ' .jl .." i -. - - -.- -. " : ..:-i.'win.-ii.A.WLa,Aa.'.;iL'.a..i-Airia..' ' r- - - :' i .-. , W tV. UalUd 'BnardAv ialnsnhadiilai u4a a iiTartlefatf BJaTTiii saiil " nim. BfnnOBl nUW BBHHWBBI raMBaTBBBl' lBBtBBBBBBBH BBBB" BBBBMBTaBBBBBBL 1 T'.JBL BBBtmr-aaBH 4 TOBi -eETBB-BBI WaaflflflTaTL ' BtB U BBBBB ' BflkBBflpB BflflflPflflflBaaTBBI TaflBBBBBL 1J iTTr." 'I:,S . . i '.. I r .-.i, -. iTv..'I?J7iSS-li'.,,4V.ft.'A....i,i..j-'.--r r4'(.lil.;,s n, ,. -T rr tu 'Vir ' HT """" "V , IS5U COUNTY I CLOSED BY THE COUNTY ceurt: IBRARY jAl'POINTMK.NT OK liinRAKIA.V lMjOROER It EVOKED. ....., i. Order CIomIiir the Institution HUtew TJmt WnlkH Are Xot IJullt. GroaaeVi Are .Vot Oriideo Hfce at Prreesft Not Very AccetMlble, aad That There Are Fen- Rooks on Metre; So IhUldiBg M Ooed. Tho Klamath county library waa"' today ordered closed by the Klaasathj county court. The appointment of Anne C. Brockenbrough aa Itrbarlan was revoked In the same order; Thla nrrlAr stataa thnt thafA am nr . . : wpllrc 'tftXthn htilMlnar frntn fri bb ii i f t iuuiiiiiiiar RirfPiH. nun innr tiis inrrai'Tfr grounds are not graded, making the bug suiuewnai laacceasioie. . It is also held that there is buta ii is aiso oeiu inac mere is outat Itml,,i ki, .i. ni... tr shelves, not enough to JusUfr Itoigg, TomM expense of keeping 'the Institution b5?,,an!1 A-'f3HM open at 'Present., ; JUD6E LEAVITT NOW A '4 " TEN-POUND SON BORN' W MB. AND MdMUf LHTiWtflAVIIT OF REDDING IT IS BELIEVED JUDGE WILL. SURVIVE val a This la' a big day for those desiring 7 longer time In. which to ay(pavlag or sewer assessments. atUnecIty hall. Also; the, Redding telegraph oBce la enjoying one of the biggest' days lnj Its history. . The occasion for all this U the ar rival of a ten-pound 'son to Mr', and Mrs. Lester Lewia Leavitt of. Red ding, and tbe additiombf Grandpa, to tbe thirty-six other titles A. L. Leavitt ies toj has acquired through his services the city; Telegrams from "Redding state that the new Leavitt's name is Lester Lewia Jr. First Conference Indoor Track Meet United Press'Bervlce MADISON, Wis., March AIlV first big conference place here and Illinois dual meet -r., --- Monday moniing work, on the en- largement,ottheGriitii lateral wUl begin at,;th,LBt Rlyerfdlverakm H.m vvodnd.vrmnMi ,.fc m .. k'Ttyt;; -TTJ". " . ..,r. . ? - siari oa-taeiMerriii ena or ;tDe;attch, i ilt.!i",' ... i..v.'.- -. . "".""l-'' "'; iiyi..,m uaina iaa wtn - nAi aaia lit- aaka -.. rraa M..l.l' Al.. ..t.AJA. ...... t,l."l. Ma4ble' ap, ,(aad pwae Jeaais GRANDPA 6. indoor track event of the athleteTwlll goUcChleeleteH'rette?;: unlyersltlea Is to take the. Maroo., '3? :m7SSSmm tonight, when Wisconsin , ''At,, H8Jiover,t N.!H.thetAhe?i athletes compete "In a and, Hanover; coli'4aletea'cBaBm. . Next week the Badger in a dual w.imi'rhi- ' - . . ' V--'S" JaBffiSSErfi3SfSi Start Work on ModAv 111 A l LI T Mia" -Jl -X"1 niiniBlllBlUIG aCBaBWlaia4BaaaaaMBTBWlWI asWaaaaaaaVB ' ". " -s W.'.f" B ??d !!M?,!W) , -a-r no na .-?. a a ma,' van ns. a tr&aa t ,J .-.." l.i',i--iLVlt-"iiil,A-"L'.if.t'-' , Thla.w(kiurtihefeeB4eWnB 'W $Wimiw&j&vim W.W'WWyp a&aaa' eiraLak aaei aa -- ---. - wv"-,f. ? WW1!,PW i: , '' tW.:4 .i .x.-.v.'isv. r'.'" "'nr KLAMATH ' j -2p.t.,S)iiiiL ifc OFFICIAL. NEWWArtt ,V ., . . .-j;A-i.j,yv. , rt mmmmmmmmmmmm &$& l"V' v MsaMkra-. 1 , i' " ! i I 1 -i,J! j- '.. ..., .T , , 2M. FALL' ' J . . . N. ? . akaaaka'i'a aaa'fafa. LUWtKLUntltl r.iMBK" ' W'W&'hi t( V WILL GET L era HBS ;.., '.v . tmtaWWWWWWS&u.-:, yVfe4-r-S5fiVJ -I rpi inmsMSM ' -ftr-Haf . w EXPMCTKD " .. " -??MMMml ,i - Mj'xrrjrig.wiBta Department OSkMa - store Urndu tor r va-F,r4tvib.ii!BS2sia r. All ,HTe'Aff4;fJ.W"J1sie5i:iJ Their Lome Va .WM aVlfcrireiiet. . Vlthln -a, tewi dslttefeteiej,?., that the Lower; KlalaMhJLal;Boe':iS .tender., .wkei re? Ve, - waklaftwenty yMM-wipn!MtfwW$ homesteads ,f&.. ar.wa&Sl'K7s "i. - rs- ." -a tr --.-nji TliA tnAffffsBf. VTfiD .rtilraksTsi lilliWlfh mM'2G8 rrV.kan?-W4a4lgl h rrfriilttirril sirl Tntmr1nr'imnmrtwmiiii nr nanniBiKimi awa bbiwt ir, mw r m. bbbbb 'aiw r-f - who weat'ea'st'i'M'a'de;ogter iirae u u asrrtea. mai. ii ( .inw ;, steaders woald. . -. . i, i'li -, ,. 's1i3-i2733S.- " SW-), !" ,utr v immyvmm.,!.. mmy?;: ra :-' L ...... ... .' iC: '&mz cs -iiooajiua mmiier.up wnn iMmi itrm linna irt' wkurmt2kMfM -".l- -'-.'i.-tv,"5' ?fl- itoo, ana i kumiumm aiu iMjY-fSULtti) ,my6Tepeft, NW?Mfwi tbU.aad aU Hut la the approval brieeretoiy;Heaaaa. at-.-, maetfi: the4 eeiyBtieaer.;tlwfBj-''?'-. erai;ia;a:'aaaalaasrt"WiTBBaLS':, mmmlln BOW. that Ma:.lBt'BtBr,hllBXBS)MBBl. wsiEsm mmm'iSi The b fer tawreatorta cfflkU-: Und was .tw)at'':atmhhnri:tui4ltiral f j . t r "- . '-. J ' 'J t J""J-C; ' ?'"? -c -;.' 'y$i uclu-jiij m. Mmo--mi'wrwmmvm-.y:3; Uve. cJ the AaJaboe 8ietJw-h. .;l --.-. - - L . . -' ' ..'" , -1 .uT'i iDioeriy.iongBt ror raHBt M-wtr vai me tMKuers. 'l'aere.waa;; opposition from:eertaIhtuwHMria tne, Agricultural uepartmeeit.T.'?: i?LZiiiA', . ,,.' . .. " .r3!(!t"a.frsMi! United Press Service - "PmATmMM- wASHmaTpw, :v.uitekfyBM CarraBSB has 'been Hotlted- thathel must relieve ha sltuatloa,t';Me-deo;R' City, andend .thbstarVat; thereM He has also been waraed'ithatAjaer-;- abandon the iapIsi?ibT'na'';fiiKlfCJ The faatkte, laVrapldlyg jr-' -. ri1 woae:, Tlllahah; advised thitlhe -7- if 1 BSMncrefifewe4BeTa4heM eign ajoveraBaests:are:holf. rn-jV -. . Mmmmm :mii Knvmraivrp , ja.Tts.-.'7i"rvx'tf;'r:'C 1 -'' fj.iu -At - ? nStJn Wrt-T .fii .M&lil glnUfe 'imwdlBAely.Vaft-'.tea ;im.-i:lSrWi hl-IV'aaunMa afar.' twnmd ! VJJV,.S tto:the,top;ct:W'h;ti r"v -T'r?-r.t.l-M . ii r .-.! L-JT g-'C?ja-iil:'rfea-., "71rt?W SSfWfST"' .? t- - ,-j?r3'L,4?rAS&3 v 'IsF -v - 5h x9tTfiV!5Sf V . .V' .,?; . . ,-MaKM..w '- for , . -.' i -:? ".'iit-sfrsi?!:' ; i nwuwM, ', ;oraar.,wi'ri work; y-Theee1taete''li,Bt wn415."J.W?, WfJW rr't,?f","r.v"'w dealre to Md:ea;(b asae inir arriiiard'tn Blf'-- 'eaaaM ..-.....i, ,,.r .::..,i3 t -1 y''-BU!", 'tn ,anTirr ; int,:,,nHii , MBW MA - ' "- ' "- - -- hevoptiM 'aaaahaSaaiaMaaYaavB' c .T-'"; I?. aaaaav, r."-."-j,T"... . "i an .. a.a.a. -a -i - ! a - ' !! in ,aaa i : c ,,U,f , iaJTatfTfiw .?Ty.t.y-7.' anil-- 1.1 a.aka..'. m fe.'"W' Ww 'W', fJMBi it -.. .!- . .. va. SvKsB SIM Ml ai"j &? tr" -..v. r. - '.T.I i W !! jrlli,,k aaeut ieo ra m-' jMBtaaaaara,,-, I . . V 4 ' .,i:iif mifmmmmMMm