'., FAJM, 'AfchrA-' ivrr. r Hwwa ww W'lSi --, l C-5'fVj J. i. f If tl ''X.i .Vv-.i' -. w- "? fg My ii v s 5 KLAMATH -PALLS, ORBOHyglbAY.iMiafeMil tltli. i ' tedtrnl Jnrv InHint -- . '"'," ' ,' ' HI'.',.1 ..IU.U JJ.AJMRX WHIinillll' ! M'-JviU:::. r ri llftirrr. miAnrn t . i ' Hi mi wnin i inii ilftfiil r amjnaaBB.1 aw -, . aaBaaa.:.,., a. n.HRiriD OLLU WW-.-v ..' sRtoi.'iA'JHSTfJr l..' ll Ji"v-f . '-: '.::.r-o , fit" ClfflKK ill MM!: VTVcii i fr3k ' A,V Tseisa: "-2. "-m 2rvwl;r w IWKIIM TO OfTK VAfcW IT JUL " ; J 4 Y '"iO-"T HT Aitl.K MtHM-vSfaL j.? ' L Yffi' I iWtjfLi' . . a at, , wa!iT'- ,. "" it ? ."0. r&nw. I'll issrt.TartwrAra, .iT, " .'.&'. ''A T- (...' t i ffc'nvh , I HVkV '." Illl llllll - .!!?. ;-, i ,.,1 s-! I.IWL ' I VVIIb "MimiWZF I I.SS..B .- .' I .... SB Baal. B."BBBB--r.. B . T' fl-BJBBB SB 'BWJfl BBBI. r ..:..' i B'BB.B a sbbsbbbb - a-nan - -,. F. 1 F r v r"r 1 f ' if MatiWho Blew Up Bridge 1 " L swai .. ! .a j ,i;:k2'vlj IftU' KNII IN IH MMIW n. -, -- . ,-. ,. -j.,', K cijc, - ''txrr-,1 ' ,(MWt BTT, r-:"-T"' iT,t., i. . t ir1 f T IV i- - - -'" & KMCkU'lKa Who BA'stsjk. . i..w r.. . ,fi.i j, .-yt ' 12i2Jli wti 4 mHtk Btinnriii b hbbibkbihb. it r.S?. "" "":JTf" W. MnVvUMth 'tW UMflflMMU-P' " iuo iniimua ;'-i..,-i .1 !.. oitnr hum Apaaal. l.MHHinB v. ... --. -T"-v -,-T" M J? M m g f iaaUi I VHK AW! Aor nnu vvmi ,, toii auwyer nro bowk wi.w fciL-'.i. iu.t om1 naMlMS'rarTill lllt WhmI to N rurnUliM WIHjkU Imj ;iVic -i. .....i.iu ,1t.i Ikk 'kaaAW. IwMbtc. TIiIn will slva H rHi(tt r - . JVMRo ",..- " U U Wjimi cimiico. r,-.v. , - ifTlw contest wtt dccU4'Ha at a ; aiaatwi of water uwraviaflftrrill 'lilt fill. Ten mlnutn attar H wm I ..tiivl nil llm niir'fiirr trim a promUcd, and alneajtaaa, iha ItMam have been iineaa nr-w 'W tka child arowlBC taa-aaM ao- fMtTwon on a lxtwatk1itfMVara FtWW liven hU choice C HiNWMlU; SlM'Mcoml will bava iwal.eMce "LLai .ii... in -. . iw'aLiij a. hWac third best. iUS r li,"r.. m--- " a---------------------v --------------------------v . RP9iv. - v- .aaaaaavir aFmaaaaaaavaaivaaaaaw aaaaaaaiF vWnffrvisiaaKaMBaaaaKw . v" B-.!."Jm9-a. - - PCi'.'i';i'' "; 'lr!g' v;,aw ;' '" - Bfim.U 'jf,jM2fd&.tm a-C -J -. w' ",",7 MCfA!i?aw''E Baaaaaav cr aaasssaaa. . - S3U94(ianhV, TBsaaaaam aWHKi v; ' ' wavpv.-iaaaaaaaa ;; ,aaaaaaaaaK?v ,,,. .-.xicEfHnFt.vfvrzi,wBaaaav BrT A;,'r.i'. 'tsJiaw?-a-aBm .. ,T 't aaaaaaaBHk-2yMi '- XHflnBbiSB-----i v ta, vit "i. ,tiin.amm ':-----Ki' ' fe;''.WTOB ' ftftBHp '''4Slk'j-a--ft-WaB----l aaMHaWv. i2."'vJbkI Baaaaaaaa!aaaaw SMir ..i . &K-aaaaaaai aaaK!rC7k. Saaaaaaaaaj -----------------Km----kJ:i---------l aaHr, ' ,' MHfVra&fJaV '------KaH; V: v .'iaaaw. h. '' . C&4-'-RBt BaBaaaaaaaajaaaaaaPiM . V2&j5RmbiEEL4' SaHaVaaftftftH . aa-----a------Kl HFilaiia----------------V r:t)--'iH Jaaaaa-Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak.r Vi,apa' I ' ". aaaBBBBBBBBBBF :v ''' :av -iiyt-Smaaaai ' .?i'-''4Lr - Jm"W?;''', Ha------aw . , vH:W ;5--JSBv -a----------a-haw'7Ha--- t----------Ba---------Eitr--a---M .a------------------------------------BHa----K ' aawa------------------w--PH .' "." ui H " I' KKKKKKk T"' - ;l ' m ftvaB'" . ''l3IWIWIWIWIwH a-------------K. SmS--------------------------I I4 1 HMkilliilililililVIJI H' Ba----------------------a----------------r '-' Palaaff?a , ASaPSp ' j a ' r ',:aaaw . . -aaap'-aaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaawvr " "-aamamBaaa-P -- -y 0 ' r - DURIMG THE FIRE ,hh IWILVISOH AriK HAVEU FHOMFLAMKH t kirrote Rfforta flworkU aiid lrv - " . iu ' -., ,MA : L" .,-m:iL- ', . men Mra jmi.y l,h uiibbm ' '' iTj'A i ' ' " ' the "Fire t .TiaHl Xcls AlMthe IoA Full- OaWliM b Denial la ;:: se v. la'ai'th RpBorl Thkt 'K" 4 .'-tft-; -ni . "f naeketa Were rail at tfolea. m A 1f -"; The total dapwa. .caused by the ure at weed raateraay, anaraeea amounts to $lS0f9v, iicordlag to woro roceirea irejomciais orpine Weed Lumber coaiiaay today. t TIiIh coroprJaed all the lumber In Yard No.- 3. The loaa U fully, cor erod by Inauraace.. Whllo It looked, for a while" aa thpueh tho entire; plant would v bS liurned, a cbanie la'tbe direction of tho wind aare an adr'ant-Be that the flre-nght'era were 'quick to follow up to udvantago. Fire,, apparatus' from several to wna. around AVeed were seat to aid In the work, r No bulldlai-of any kind were de stroyed, as at flrat reported. A 4a Slat was also made at Weed, of the re port .that holes had ' been drilled In tho nre buckets. , . A, ' WBRNKIt MORN. k u . J i Threa IndlctlUMtTit rlirlnr !.,., . Ti.i.lWC.vli.,m..r...i..i .. .u . .. jvtbwt crops of 5MI;" lateratato .commerce haVa ibeaa r mentand allBe of .b6ot ' : -Isatter 'raised by tbe selioalaUMrea tri,h tk. ri.i .-. ,';& ii'jv. .... 1Vj :... r SSil Jli ,; JK! flu,rWrBor o,aUampt4 ftTti.eUnftod;atates marshal at Port BNitiltM.t nreeaoaawia rae t,0 d0froy ,h international railway land, Me., with Instruction! that Horn WA : K3f tf4" in --- -------. . ' i? IaJ . j;."Si .f BTJJ'T.,5 Make gW f &3t;'..i. ... .. .' 'lrf.5ii..' cm1' ,-uamifuiiiK in -M- . aaaaTajaj-a-a-HBiaB. stvi, :::.:" . ...v rr-. - ,v; vannice ami u. n . noaeruoa, SsaanUwM of tho estate of ihe mU J ttSTin Wonslk. the catate lei worth 1.40,80. Thcr died thelf report STsswraiy atternoon. ;, " i?,v Abridge across the St. Croix River at bo arrested on his relcaso from Jail at yaacenurg, mo., robruary 2, stating Machlas, whoro he Is scjrvlng a. aen "'V Ithnt he was. acting for the German tence1 of thirty days for dnmaglna Government. property at Vanceboro, About'200 tons of wood pulp are absorbed In a twelve-mpnth supply of tickets for tho London county, coun cil tram cars. ?mmmmmmmimmmmmwmmmmmmmmmMM) m-'-U-LJal ' sslyaasi AaV-l mM.M. VSBTr'A ' ' aw , safjBaj v-Bms-,ajpai t -spr.Vam-' ,i .'MPWlfflSV "-sfwx: "p , -,". v-Vifiy & jaa1 jt.,jSs' j ,i !Frd(Aduui.SwWlBfy(orf rcttchArmy Mete Klamath couaty'airaes At f by the reith .gvmaieat WBttlllDE th ll.hi ....OIii batloneld. .-fSfAi spect. If. the prices we.can. furnish the' animals at arereasoaable; taking, Into consideration Ybe shipping costs from here to New York. Ve;feelj,tha we can accomplislt this',, 'although there are many, 'desirable' horses In" ihe'Baat and. Middle West wnlcb'are notiaaen ,oevus nm Hnw i- "" aldered too high. ' 7Jpiiwi'fVir. other parts of the couu try have'iuaderbld us; on furnishing 'tBia44,lifr cv,ry-but 0.4aylirorhopo'vbii alle;to fur- msh all types ot.Boraa f4ed m the fMBpaigpr JIJBiiWT-irjrrmiuin., w mfwrst:tjrt,--mi -6r,aped pur- lki-i:riSj;tkiw4s-h from 1000 to Msn?." .' v ,. ", Y? Mr,. Aflama M wpKing .arouno- inw SvTelaltrrfWrable horaev Bah AWmm"Uo.urjiiig ,Uangell. Valley-Ma aJ.Vr''fcxi!L-.iWli TT . mamU Atlanta gtWo oh W0,fMi u.jlM n)y Bnd "V Plirclinsn. and' w-l'-:."4bi- ''iA,r,i-?'...wia -! '-1' '- mi At pass lnsm-tlM'v-i si! -j-j '' '-li' ,2r.i :v:,aEVFW'V ,. u, r-r 'IVj- ,-, swi ims;,ii-v anjie; trip liJMtti 'Briiok ,-SM-tlt. I ' thea ..i:-sr-t'rr!'i-'rri.:ym9-.i i,t.Ar;L'zxi&rv 'SOB m ,..., r; ;l..tii.i.- s-v. ' """"v."? ; i"l'?; ..Dlmali, Md;a?rifgir SNT-tteTrench goverBmssHwlUia': r.. Intend, to sthTa t.sw svsiiAhu iiAUi-,.r.iii"'s'i iff. r -uitaWortiC?BW, LW-na win Prckai'far-'eaaVa ter deal wlth:treaej: a T - .'.,iCIWiSt?'tMJi eriw. wm mbmmmz Efl.'Tt'M'.;' - "SIS Will LnaBBMB--BBaBBBBBBBB BBBBB? lBSBUa Uilnk (hey are Va'-'kTi- kNd rsto ." .m ' u.:.-vvi-.i.vta!r.1 Mm'- ..7..'. r ,I''-tfer ;,", win men take eaaawei oalaa rvrj u, t ho gararawaat 'Ttara. CORNELL'S BODY NOT FOUND YET Itl VtK ISlBKIXO URAGGBO, BUT STAGK OF WATER MAKKB TUB WORX'OFJsGARObTJKG AN bx. f . - '' ''- h THKMELV DIFFICULT TASK Although Link River (s being; pa trolled and dragged by a force of men.tlie body of .George Cornell, who lost his life In Llnk'RIver rapids late yesterday aftornoon,-has not been re covered. Coroner Vhllock says that It may be several days before It fs found.- " ' Cornell, "who was. SS. years of age, d member of Elks' lodge, and for, two seasons captain of the' steamer Kiamatn on tne upper. uuo, iert'tne Llnnoman boat, house on the,sUppar, liaKO in nis, canoo.iaie in f,lrj noon, atatlngthat haTonld Pji4dia ilmvn thn lakeTo the head. of Link River, and walk to, .town fMt&fer' It Is presumed tht "the f rati Keaaoa i-j .t ,i.- ..i''i.r log, end swept into tbo wUdurlia I . - v". - J1!.' .ent'watjwor LiBKitiver, j ! man, struggling In he water ;wa seen near,' the Island, and, jo jink out of sight at that point, nndwas not Boenagainr Cornell's hAtTwaa ,..) (inntlnv''ii dm' rlvor'. nndtiU' enn-e waa; found bii the bank., Later. ma coat;, waajjouna i.L. , r "J,"T7 TF',?W.TP, "tT-TI i;w"iffv" KT.$S&23K of !1'Sa?SaflafSE ft yi rt ww m ww ! rrr: bbbbIBbWMI BjBjgjgMBjpjBMjBU ,- BHHaHsHHsw-aaVHsflaHHII V l laaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB '' Baal BBBBBBBR4BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBi 1 a-i BBBBa --aBttaBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl H . aaal laWlFVTJslBaa-fs-aWBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-a - 'IP- i-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaal -' . -I Milaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-I ' I " C . ''"JKyBBBBBBBBBBaaaWH ' v aa bt BaaaaaaaaaaaHaa "i sal j x'i?'JsawaaRiaaBaaaB 1 5t'1 . ' BJ!aaws13BBaaaaaaal I fBV,aaVTmMgMaaaaaaaaa Ml aaaHBaaHaaaaaaaal Br- ' ' BBF7BB--BBBaaaaaaV ' B ' V:B BBaaSia-BBaaaai'K' sal aaaaaC 5mHmaaaaaaaaaal B"1 '3' I' linBaaaaaaVBaaaal .11 ' 'MBBaV-aaaamaw-HgaV' i ' v'l-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal Br rV: njaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-i grl ,",BailBBaaB?'evaBBavBV' . ' VvPaBBBssammmm-atP WARRANT SUITS DROPPED f TODAY . ITtv.a' ' f C. H, Caaby, PreeJOeat of the Ctteag Board of Trad v , , , C. H. Canby,' president of theXhJ- cago Boara oti rsae was; tojiuiikit witness before the inquiry? laatRuted by. the attorney .general of New To'rk inio ine rise mins prcc 01 ureau uu wheat. He Insisted that 'thera' waa no such thing as a monopoly ofwbeat aad that thehigh'prtceawecaased merely by taeEuropeai demand. .. inis is wnatjair. yanuy nau io,bbj When he was askedllfa large, corpor ation, like tne Armour, grain, Inter ests, cannot by buying .grain from ihe farmers aad holding It1 ladeaitely(a tUeJrXerevatorscoatjor'.the-port wheat slluaUori.fanaby:eoatroUlBg '.. . , ., "..,-, vviri',,-'" "r t . tw ifx' Ki h . UAIIIIKK ACTIOXB TOEXJOIN ' CKKTAI.V WARItANTS DWMIBS- ' ,1.-. " " ' Y". KD UNDER AGREEMENT BY, IN- TERESTKD PARTiT , ,,J$' j, "V i, The warrant lnjunctloa-" suits brought some time ago, by- Henry Rabbes to invalidate a .aumber of warrants Issued by the cottBty;.court. were today dismissed, sjsjrv circuit YjI-a Kfv1nil iin asl'4saasae'mJUBi j-il i illlUftO ifVlHUU uwu os-iMaiaaiiiisai ? Ail or tne warranw-WToivwi in this action are enlolaed ,Ja the. in junction recently iHuadJiyltlie, fed eral district court. ttfe!" j- --.I... i M. . i si wv '.ol-! VERDICT IS FOR THE DEFEIDEI k ; .&; DUNBAB VS. niSBTORTawiTMS -DECIDED BY JCaHallJfOLAKD. - DUNBAR WILL AFrTsUX. TO THS iA, ' fc-ass,-' V- 111 ' .fcvCT31"' " 'SA'dechilon In favor,' fat -has been given Jy, Notaaa in me action ya;fl;;E, Risedorf. e or a con iTof city- pn Tne case a short time ago, aad; uaawaaTiBoiuvuu ftvrBBTense is m n RHareme Court, ad JHUPKEMK COURT jWiMitME msmm& ffiHItf. FW),r deOad ior-ikTB for. the nlalail s-hc. . ,v Xat, bfi i. . ii .. . Pi.v .'. 'ai ess siit . JjML'JZidZT a -1 i, jr"!r T.. at ajf.:-uaaar. i-t.,,i csaaanv -ut . i . Hi!ii!vi iiiiiJBffgwwj.-, specaaMBw.veoaaiy wiilgiliMI out ;jEfflXCvfii.s 4.-U-l .JV--Jit?f-'V yi ?i. JC Jiv.-'v : r -t isvrjrsf'A l.6;th -thaaU .-1.,,.:''," -' mm '&& s-iA m. a- r naaiiinin vnv -- BrBa IwouldB'SSTll Sthat T4, oplar llv mMb.tt aVouldylit Ja-prlaet all mooashiaet Jut. plalabuag.- .,Th'e" present; sltun'tloa'ls' foaaark- ' ir , .;-! VT.V ., " .1 .?.'''.iin.. able, Dut-iawrui," ne.conunueo.. -toe export surplus Axes tbo' domestic price. We .can't expectto-buy here for less than la oJfered'abroad,, .How- everour export .facilities are"llmtted; Otherwlse, Burop"e45would :ber;i'n tie market tor,all 'the wheat we have:. Germany would pay a, bushel for any quantity. One advantage, of high prices is that people waste leas wheat. flour and bread when tt la.expenslve.- I do not understand how people like ours, which spends milliens: year on cheJip'chewlrig gum, .cigars aad other trash", can 'beaectad by' an, Increase . .c .- - -v -.sa' of one cent m tne price oi.Dreaa.: -. Turning, back to the' wheat .sttua; tlOB Mr. vaauy unnsa this ulatlng j have'i left to export and I am coafldeat that specuUtion this 'year, taTaatlaaa than it. usually Is.r I doa't 'qow;dt any speculator or any "bold groaa :ot speculators who have" plunged? aad made big "fortunes. l.do.know'ot aaa, big people who, have oversow inem sel'ves and been badly frlgatened; Mostly the operatorar are. alttlnr ijm the fence'. Speculation neither raises nor lowers prices; small "amounts cause wider fluctuations' than' large amounts." '.&, - 'm ',:vw-MMrwwmmM'-m-mwmwtmm- 'if ,: : . ' ..nrrnn or n, m.Tlli. iO unilhO BflglfiVV !.' bt .aasji . raaaWMaWW--r:- UILIIU' 'III U 11 !KvfJI III 111 Tlr-'W"rwllW'StrVi--t aTOP0aT-XnWis Ali Favkte?Blei , Reached by DtsTereat Facttoss.'BfeiaNta'".e:- Caaatal .Wm.lhmtMiX'x r-- - h-"- . :w " - .-v r- -ari. f,..n.aTJtiKSim;'-."-: i- j . - '. v i. .. w- i -"C'vCT. . .'"''.'r." v-;iLxns-ij aaewsuie,,Meuod ,.-,oieaiaB.yfewswAiaisri.iaaiassaasa PeeUeaof tbe OMttart-RceaMatt'&Frf ''; ltttslt1o't5wiltty'' Wuytr iraMiwWaKsa1 y. wkerCtaaCWlta;tteb ecUoa:IHsewtalaWcarter fiH 5iw it;:aMtarlilai'the!elty to4tkroalt1bnlW , . atol coatractiwlth the'Ualtid Idisslatehes: saTIMjaibMBwa 8taUe, government, whereby thdelty .4.forU.ttTd,.W 5SSi'fe &fei3rf .nrk3.- aasaraee-ine ooiigaiioB'Oi ae 0Tacafv----fH,V!CTf!s --,p-,ii-,'S. t aaWfr 'ceruta -water, rCowi.f;lrtrhas ; aassue,aarsSt'i-ifca-fisiaaW .-..'.i jlvraii'-Tiela.awawvWIi-e government, agree, t;olseaUBfla..tM "'-.V ,,.-.--. vS-S-Vl.. Vjrt-tomm; a;i: .iv.."kj;i -".'-j '-. j v...!., - mviu k-iniuniivj K--jr vn-jreti'sssirssT , . ' . Kraw-amalawtalSrM ;be;terrthVllatiriaTCor m?Sf,'!f "citr; :lt; U: Uwa4tlBtM?f4taM fc,' daiUu ta will a-i. i v w,-h-. .-.'ip-x-j j. .rf,?r " ' . " . yjj ,!2&'"W " . operatloatsaJJpc&-'ot:th1ii5LW ' Cnv ordlnaace .forlthe Jjiurpose Sf fJSfffiSSj!! placing this, amendmeatjwaa passed iTii2;3 by -the ebaawJIftlr'liaTa4ottJ!5 the, mayor, lwaeiiW$talt .. V.-..rL '.V'.. - ' " f '' i Mil? fair lif Ta.altiaB 11i not,- oeiioye tractVoaid the nfnnilniaTii; :illantt Blcad:6a the! br .OMTal L...i ci...i;-i.-.ii;.i.n.fcJ-v,v itZi?.T!Mi-'i oaiiot kj. wwun uvuuwm.-.j-f v ., ;A.sriwM- t i mi, n.'l'wv:-.?.'?).: . w' rjr TBft nrrTaiiiiir mnmii irrnm .Inla,crWi,wtabfri;veta ,wi:iu, vvihiaij uia iIWa mMacefto hebilwt'tt et' tlm. w sT h.aa mae to aeqaalat tte voters of the etty With laepaaaais or TasLuasaaa.wMKrwcs which they akedtntiu.i1si the cityoBK After re been abl traetipi oatetito. :roi pose4contitj between-the. c;ad the government relating tbth'e'.pl- .. ..... .1 ,hACl,l n'.th AbIfI ! ' 1 r ', . ' V - - 7 -' ,"vi' J, rj1". t "W ''.'.' -A,' i - iJ" .v . ai.,.x. .& aa 'av:k..m . . - .. . naBk.BBHBBaa .., ' mtn-.ny. ani .vane., v rm- vnn ...t vn na . - r bi , ...! ...... . . -'-- .- '.:.- .'.. --'- 'LvmidMMmV sMs-tsaaKalar. --- - thk tiiiiiiiit r- .& .r:.:1?.,v !il t- rfef'yiivi--, ?... -: ;- .v.:-' , .;.. -. -i.Tava'stassaaa. aoasac aaa.aaat aataai wlag Is theperUoa of thepro- irt-lVisusltll5.SCSl5i i. A . (Continued oapags-O 9V9B5 3"iffiJl iSvSI ,, ..... ,. , I TTi Fl II. "JT ... J. .a BBH jf lli . i- J-Ji:.Fjr if BBM . BBB VlV'BBt31.mVcfl BBTBT5atu''J;-K4 I air05ss- j; rs,7 ", t.i' v ..: '.:" j . SivV. V;?-C 'JtfWml l .. '. . .- !m'jjaKi5Jiv ;T'L-aBalBBalaattBaaaaBBavJaaaaaaaam sa-BjBaavkaaaaaS V aaaa.-BafBaaaaaaa r 4V PgKA&WalV -.bbI aaal H H LaaV ai bbbT Sal BBaT!aaaaaaaaaaal Bam-aaaaaaT-BBa. aaaTaaal aaTT aBBerMaBBpBBr .. aaaaaT.1 ..- u X-BBB1 BBBI BBB1 BBB MBB BBB.BBB1 BBBT BBBrSi BBBT .. BBBT BBBT '-BBrBBBB. BBK BBBrBBBI BBBlC: BBBT 1 n-BBBBBl -BBk ' aBBBl V 'rBBBV BBBI BBB BBB gam BBB BBB BB-BBi. h BBBT- "BBM BBMjj..aaaT BBB) BBW BBK BBB BBBL'l-' mBBJ I rBBWBBBl '- BBV . & - aaal S aaal bV aaV samaaal V -; aaaVsaal- bbbT BaBaS-MV sa'Bal. aam.aaaT '-BBBk aaav aaaaaaa-aBKgfaaaaaa aaaaW aaaaaam.aaaaaaaaBBaa v' . fc. fc- j- Tor - KvKKtw &j ,&&, .trfrAZttt&itftejji, km- . ..v .c s . - " - , r i5irysi'j-iftvf "Uverpopl ;u; the "wliwt-lMirottieter - i.2 ASJf; "ffe 7S a3ftffl8i . L.,1. tK.r.. t ...-:' . Mcv aBB.f.T. v'uAtS .-. Vi3..eT K,'.4iUS. SiSW,-.T.M.Af. ,---.', year., i iubt -w v--.-, -, -. .: -l!SSB&:iL . !Sf1Mli'.-;i',:.T .fe a-,surplus. think jwe. may - - gi!b8irtEaw:tsS! as much aa l00.000.00!hshela ai'iV5mi iJAri? I IT IT faasaaaT I.V nlaaaa T laallTBWra ITa aT slaaT ' BBBBBBBaaflUB-l'' awis-BaBBBBm aatmkJCi WKm ' W" isiB.asssjBBw,5BiBSBmssBBBBrSBBmaBW, f-.a ' "fiS !!i. i-tTW -- fv ,, .''k. J ."r Z" -.. .-." a. a aBTa.l-ala.Ba si las at aa-a-at. 'vraaiaWaBaa. ; bb-bk' ' IfBs, "" Bbb"',VtJ !?" Trw j, T.T! Jt!t t i -. "S.- - . U ""-. '-.n.-. "--' V. M--' i" .a,v- KM iMa-BHWtgJB?B tjtiseaiMBaT,--;vM,amm.By, .- A.I ', '-Al i-w ' . at . . , .a" 5- '.-Sat.-tata a.ltr ST SB ,, 4 .-to Be TohMTijw, &s&mmjnm& i j- . .-?' :-Tji'-jj.:-a" Ai'ir.l.rrf."-'!i'-vJ "' ' -,! '.wW .laIlawTaM!ilrfl5aa y 3 ss1- :.;?tUiiU4&PraarfBS0r .,'. kVITH THE BEWIANARMV. reh:'.5Taelbaad -4,l - , fe It " ...t .. T - ...- .T.T.i'r.T: .ril' t,1TIV- I,' ."tw"',,,f 'seMBPw,atsii."'r , J!""'I5"' ","" 'K.Y swashhveklera are idaljy.outdone here lar.Ui. .4..',t.r1.al. -jVt.WlA.kX,,-.i iMiiM " - pua(iui'iiyJyi,'5iHinr!?1n !7mi yT .I. .Vnf:vir.i.-illri.lriHi with rialnJ ak' . t!bac.tohe,waHr'ghU' -:'''rn, iiURip;o' ... 4 ,-V M "JK"?. , f eCRj , ?" 'v J1 . w UnlteAjPresaBenrlce ;" 8AN FRANCISCOrMarch B:-Th yanderbllt cup auto-ciaaalc'whiea' was scheduled for February .lid ctt-ljedoff on that?dateybecauethe r "'iJ-sltiM .t.., 'awaAliA. a-sa nni' In 6 jjj- i. ( . J -M'aiWitn 'sm HBBaBBL HaBaBaBaBaB&Baas J "" 4PP jw"" BBBp 'JH ;4F6rlBitanoe, 'thera'ttiffj hand of "the Hunarea aaaj Is composed. ofjolaaWmfc.. picked men, whoanaat the faco of death; a ;i'4sta; W achat wataX .the MMsm ,,' "IJ' JfT""" aw -plW tjBf"m a t !l-fW7to M: ta';laM. '(' aaaalL.- attAM.al4 ,; W.4M;aairauiiTreaBUetasifsi- La ; ly :aasairtar BrtOat gaowiBwag -, m . - j. ...., .ir,v- - ibk. : ;m-.. --T.- ' . . A'' iv-'l ffe