.,'. K1" l- w "i $&, , ,. T ft ' "TlViWjWS" . wassww'.iiaixfflaas .. ,X ."... -,'" . rXJry-f.',&st&Mss:4y'it' . iui i jp it ii-K xi 1x111 ' jEnrciiu iMi 'Air -- I iaamBBM"""" . '.' "m - - t ' i f ?&&&' -as."n Jis.-M?r.i3f.j9r3fl Vi - auaaasa .. i rrg-lr--I1-..-- Li t.., . .,: v ' ' , ,- r. , y. ..rr. - ;--..-yjW3.v'?vyKfe.v.--w -;-..-j ftiS,"?""" T-. ... vl'-mmtmi ' n Ha- W rv J 11 '"i vim W'V '.,. fi J; IVv Is l? IV , f 1,-1 Ki Ijj,-"' l u i: 'v Its !'! I1" im$mm viw-frT r-stfj ?& ..tuiAii irilfTT I !.. . DISAPPEARS; "ID "-T1 " iii I --.---, --.- ,--t, - J't - '7 f ' " 'ST-.-Vjfi" ' i- 'i .1 ,lTi4' t.'i t- . HMniPii Hi. ! C-w .J1iWm."'iiii.i- iifciiin. iinmn .i.J i.m i in n in "- ' 1 i fc. w'"i . ! in ir p, .iiSfi -. . - ' . :' " .-. ' ; '.ir- V IIKMSH rim a- mirfl) WONDER ts ALLIED "f"tv -vr ' l nKUKVKII IT H.tM JICTUIHO TO- C i.oHi-iK)Ri)i5r.,.;.; -' (liwum TrKHH X't"lnwijrM lfW; ', ''- ' ? r Xarrmv i:mim From foHilrt !-:- ? VOlil""''l't hrilUMKrfMIIVMMl KWN ' Only .Uli'r IH-npTM! FJglil, U-nv-' Iiik WuiiihImI Khinw! t Again ,. - .W '; '' UiiilmrtliU", AronllM .W'lirlii ' ' . ; i United l'r Bertlcu, - j. ' LONDON. March .4.-Tody' Ath-, co illintcliMt ony Uitjh Turklilu lttt nlsnca to combt the HIm! ,, ImWo ilio Dnrdnneile i . Aa-i j, m!rlly offlnn ,BrpuuM,iit, M,ejil,,u.a lreM Bervko, 1 Sr "HtoA! WASM.NOTON, 1,. C, Marc,, . n '..- -- .. ? ; Road into ibo hmi orjMwmora, .Dna I i ho rrrunnollvrinif fllgtda Unu far, II ui ilio liftvc fala:tqlocot thorn.' iw m IIUIIUtVM 'v ,IHW v- ... withdrawn to a polft't nr Cons Inn -tlnoplc, prpard to reall the paMago nf tho llonplioniii iyttheUI. t'nlted l're Service -. - I IIKRI.IN, March"" 3'tVln ixu-' don)- Frt' thousand .Oermnna nar-f rowfy vncaped fapturjnd annihila tion by Huiulnim In the rect-nt tlghilng1 niirmnynx. K . ..;.,....;,. u, ,-, ,liVlf u,.rvi. Tho corpH ndvonce east rrom mn'iir.riinnm.mmi, .........,., lown, following a vlcloryUn the out- Vlrt. when It was surrounded nl - most romplctoly by lt,000'RusUna. waiy y uio most aeaperaie ngnunn did the Hermans extricate themsellvcs.; leaving many ilend and wounded. j .Jolted Press Service, j.9 l'AHIS, March 4,Tlio Oerraans ngalu bombarded Ilblems yesterday, All day shells struck at threo minute '' Inlllrvnlu wrAnllnw Hmu i.ltlMlMii .-, r'.vvM.UB Bnn wu.iu.nw! Rem lo Itralde, k i Mr. ..mi Mr. i: .n ,vu..nn. wife and child have arrived, from tireen- leaf, KanB., to. reside here.r They will 'IVoon tliuKenoroad.j, ' Freight Rates Discussed Soutbern;PA;0(fcul i-f ' "ia.A. tf. --"j:srf itfHSfl -.' . ' " ir'W r SB "i7 it M.L, v, ': i :' roilowlng is ft.porUaatprHke talk Am .. . .- ' . ?W 'w.' '?.. ' vu irtugii freight rotafc Jgtre t?fkla'm. FaI'b builnm weiVrktUg ath V Klamath-iOfclrcr inerce last.aightpby;tPa4tBrV. ellns freight aadfaaaaaaaiakaaVror .f Jrs,;'H S ' '!mzMM, rfc .. answer to areaortuttaaiefeet lv' mat bimiimxi. '.. .iji-,!.'. ivi.'miu c terr tnrv n iiteifi,ii:--1rjJ 'V ' ,v wv",i'aiaiMiwHia; rw ! nt fitilHht ruiiVu-ii. J, .' I V 1 ,",nU ,0 "vo thla'opiwttiB'ltyito. pre , J ent tho Southern Piolfle'a.slde of the ii ti, ..".? rrfv, ;r... t , "la.uuraaraaew-eoaiiagpaiore i ; them and fa 'S?a3.i.. ? This, we U7SCupm.wV ' -JWW - EJiiMHiifi -.---- u rtiiwKvvvHmti ,."." jJ"'? ifeflA "rvleai; f-w t "tt ir w '5-,f"Ti-7r.-. .-irt.1. i. -v ctji- j- -.t -ji jl tr- .. .b- 'raa a v .o- v?. i .. ..- a -:i.-tv-" sx: w w sx ia. "in ..'ni t.r's. t. .ij;, . -t ..mti'x ijumtwk " '3-a"jrTgwjw..":?HM -vdMaa . avaaaa i aawa a . jww ar a i waaaaaav. uMatLi,'i.'k.vi,.; y-iciseoHortes iiii.-cauie ,,: nlace ameac: tne,,worJO-a 'aaa powers iaatw.it s&iBKTWfsWK " SU.i'JSJi' ssitWT'i;,W ?7ijiir'rfiLiY.rw'L:saS Kis w". huniiii - pvvwfbb wvaaara jf . t '. .-. j . - r sj - " .. -t , j. i :l -r - - i - -i . s. --j t t.- -a - t tj- - ,. -i ul.'. av.it.". -i u .. . j-... itr 'aaBBH. Ba "t-mjj" . ivi laa.Bs. asamai b aanuinBV,B miimmmmv i?9(i .ajynw .- Ljgais, m32SiW3:-iffi asusSsssmiRWj KiS.Je..-.jT:-V.".Tl l" w iIVVW,W,vwvvw'w,,''WW"iWWA WWWWVWWWWWWtMlVWIi )WWVWVlMiwMMw WIIWII "I r Dying Congress Promotion t "- MAJOU (JKNKIMI. Tho setiato, In, open aeaslou-.Jual "iHpjendfd cfforl made possible Uiat,n.tll March. lth to show cause fhy foroitiljournmont today conflrmod the intcrnnUonai dream, centurfes old--tho should 'ripi do this" as ordered! promotion of Colonel (leorge W..Ooo.,tho I'mmma. cunali BOYS BEAT UP GUARD; ESCAPE! )F 4UVKxu,E, I1RKAK FOUR j UKCAITIHIKII AFTER SHORT ,.., ".Hh United I'ress Service STOCKTON, March 4.- Ten boy In- roiltc1lon,ie Preston reform school at lone oscaped last night, aftor beating dimrd Dan Orlffln so severely, he may die. They took tho gunrd's revolver and ammunition from him. Four of tho boys wore captured onr'y this luprnlng. Tho other hIx nrojA well filled house grpetedthoaewho mtpposeu to.oemaKing uioir " towaru niocaion. - Ms About Live Issue Here are the rntos on '"motltlc8n,iet-;'Marchlhg KxerclsaV VK '. produced hero to markets, per hun-, . . . , Hunt M.r- Koftra dred -Beunds: (.j. . - r Orald, (carloads) to San Frnnclseo, ' . 16 cents, Same, to Sacramento, 21 cents., i Potatoes (carloads) to Son Francisco; BtpcKtoa, aacramenio, ao coni. Hay. (carloads) to San Francisco, Stockton," Sacramento, San ,! Jose", New Rates: J,U,m,Ber,t (carloads) to SnnamentQ, mmbor to other -points will bn based , "on above .jfatt;',, . Min-ral''Water(cMkfas) to San ' rkclsco and' aTaVgajiaato, 3B4 rNa; e ; "; O...V .. KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, Confirms the of Canal Genius i ,"- i'4t (inoitfiK W. CSOKTHAI.S Mliulit Mi tlic,runk of mnjor tjuneral In tho United BUitca army," a IHtlng trlb- ,ntt to tint Indomnltnblfi rciiIiih wlionu GREAT PROGRAM AT SHASTA VIEW ninui.'ii imimR KXJOYft lATRI - . ..- OTIO EXKRCI8K8 OF HOXflH, RECITATIONS AX1 lHAlKJUhS i v THEI'lll'irW OF HCHOOI j j (Herald Special Service) SUASTA VIEW. March. 4; On Friday cvonlng, February 6, the Shn'sla Vlow school celebrated Wash-J ington's birthday. Tho school, room was tastefully decorated with small; flags, and Old, Glory was suspended , from the colling over tbe platform, participatea in,.uioexer. ,ur ting is inu iiiuo'""- Song -"Mount Vernon Bells' School Biography of Washington ;.... v I Gertrude Jobes f"Our King" Henry Adarack (WnBhlngion and Ills Hntchet" . , . , .V. Haiel Hunt ."Which OenernlT". .. Lester Wilson ; Quota! (ons From. Washington . . ; ... v. .'.....,.. .T. 'Grammar School ,"Our Native Land" . . Beulah Hunt! .Song ""My Native Land;1.. .School 'Washington's Blrthdoy't..,.. . .. .h I " li..ln.lA TnlAtf .ti. Tin'va w MaaiI" . .. Ivan Otoaaa ,.. .j a.i, n,inhn' 1tiii"''"' j niiiuty o'. " --, -- t , ( ;...,,... JpejMlcka -f i Had a Hatchet" . ... Jcale'alleju , 8onK--"Yankeo Doodlo' ,v. 9$$l jF,ng Sai,0 , . ., ..... .,..., -v . 'MmoI . tter th literary oxerciaat.tae pupjls of tho gromraar graao oeaaon- Htra(ra wjiat can ue accompiiaava in narilnmentary practice In "rural scjiioois. Vany favorable comments wore heard rogaraing tne any. v pv . Home From Trip. ; P. 'IJPotjntalR bus returned .lroij -iiA i.2 'a:-. mMMnMlajtA wfiaWA fl milt a tr,iii"tH:i ,rukv, """",j yjTj ton.do'd the,falr, and to Merced, where lo visiiea ns son,,ur. ruuuiu. .gJTvwHirXU .- ..;;? AccordiiMt,iole,calculatla ln-,tSpj ,hos, dtl nnvV year.boqk'wKlcfrwaa lsauerjMtle1j:pfj Hilary i2fbV4he senate, naval. coming - . V . . 'i.'.'..i.j atti.rU,ll1 il.l third tee.tue vnun iwm, . rw ?"'.r '"ii-.. .-'.. ih. nMa ,uii. nnivara uwi'tl iinoi , fi. ,!". ""' r "r MERRILLTREASURY BROUGHTINTOTHE COURTSOFCOUNTY -" M. v a- I CITV TItKAttL'KKIt OIIUEIiKU TO ! .' 'iilAkK KPORT X,--: .VlK-tiiullvr Writ f MaBiUmiu la I-Ih sued Tx1ajr I) j- Circuit Judge .Vol. ii nd Upon nil Aillnlloa.8efIUsl' liy' t. J, Joeli TIm Application Cliargp Mm. Men-Ill With Xot Conductlaf'JHer Odlro aa'Reqnlretl An alternative writ of mandamus ordering rioae Merrill,, city treasurer of Merrill, to make a complete flnan- jClal report to the city council of the receipt and disbursement of city fundK by lier.jfvvaH Issued today by Clrpult Judgp Roland. She la Riven This maadamus writ was Issued I upon potltlon 'filed this morning by L. 1. Joseph, a Merrill taxpayer. .Fred H. Mills js his attorney, in the 'matter. f . Tho petition charges that Mrs. Mer- '( rill has been paying out cttyf moneys received oy nor- as. cuy ireaaurer without the knowledge or consent of the council, or without any order of appropriation . 8h Is also charged wh foiling to make quarterly' statements of the city's financial standing to tho coun cil as roqulrcd by law, nnd It, is held that as a result theN funds of the city of Merrill nro befngjwastcd without authority from the proper officials. CONGER AVENUE , " !rA PlANSgOPAVE PIITITIOX TO UK INTRODUCED AT moxdav Nicarrs oooNciii MEETING ASJWJiliiPROVEMENT OF 1WO STRaWI-i l'R'v'':'t luilirovemenl oflS,Conger avenue i 'V from Main to, Callforal;avenue, and Calif oi inn avenue ifrom' .Conger ave uuo id Third 8treet,'ia asked for in a iietltiou to bo submitted -to the coun cil Monday nlghtik1r;firpDrty owners along tbe two, stmaJN . The petitionlafaVrlaiprovement liy paving wiawyfaMwaaaaai, ,v; mac; or some qtke'iaWtV'Biaterial, the Improved strljBtO'lKjlrty'feet.ln .width. rnmsr r Hesldes the ;strjitgrork,,the petl tlonalso asks foifcJMroK? curbing and n ilvo icwaaaeratef aiaewaiK along the low&mtfrly. side of Count Karl 'StU.vtke' Anstrlanj premier, naa rewgaaa.- jm, prouuuiy will be succeodMiferjDr. I.von Blllni ski; the Ati8tr4His5i.rl mmlster of r-The lUllnn aaaaMt aaa sapBro IfCed the's?miH00jfo;r.the --iil ihV. Iitamma-feUtlmB. v' . T "'Z2E' i t'te.send the VAualMI! nf c r T. i iStiTK2 WlmamwcaM,'SJji MARCH; 4, 1915 Kfl- WILSON DECLARES CONGRESS BRINGS PROSPERITY HERE I'REMDEXT VKMHKti THE WORK .;". ." '" - ' -' '" ' ". .L , r AOOQMPLIHHED x ClevBtfc Hoar Kati, PuatoWcc ami ladlan Appropriaticm Bills Failed, .But Eergwjr Itcnelntlonf Wrr Ifaaacd to Provide for The r Fund. Wild Dash for? Homeward Bosasd Traia Is WiadW. - United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C March '. The capltol re-echoed with cheers at noon today, when tbe gsvels fell, end ing the sixty-third session of" con gress. President Wilson and his en tire, cabinet witnessed tbe close. " Wilson's signature to the last bill was the signal for ;the concluding cer emonies. The usual dramatic -and historic scenes were enacted; then fol lowed a wild dash, for-tralns" by the members. -?. srjv r; In the jam or the "eleventh; hoiir the legislation and postofflce nnd the Indian appropriation bills failed. Emergency resolutions to provide for. postofflce, and' Indian funds were passed? " President Wilson, expressed delight at tho'work of the members, He said his term of office has been a1 most unique experience., Regarding, affairs he stated that not a- single communlr cation has been dispatched, from the stato department without his O. K. on It, and that as a result of pro-, longed strain, he la rather tired, and longs for a rest - Tbe following statement was issued by Wilson from the, "White House; " "A great 'congress has closed Its session'. Its work "wiil.prove the pur pose and quality of It statesmanship "more and more'the longer it la tested. Business now has time .for calm, aad thoughtful readjustment before, it. disturbed only by tbe European war; "Tbe, circumstances created by the war puts the nation under a special test of true character and honest self control. The constant thought ofevr ery patriotic man should now be for this country, its peace and order, its Just tempered Judgment In the face of perplexing difficulties. Its dignity and strength alike will appesr. notonly hi a revival of its business, but .also Its power to think to purpose vand to act with patience, disinterest andfalrV ness." ' - BU8B BUTTS INTO FORMER KLAMATH f FALLS. MAX JS, 0HO8EX TREASURER OF merrill --oeorok 6ffield , Again cix: recorder '; xXXccb'rdlng to. Advices; rpmj!Mrp Krnesi ,,nuou. caii -iv jvatioaai oaaa, jhwmvki.ww ,. urer at. tne eieciwa w, Week? 'Other voearslekKl mmi-m .aeaMaai-g;w.,r.ia,wa i&zxstVfcf&mft tjT,"' MERRILL POLITICS t , :: &$Mim&?Mmmiw -P , The plant of the , -, r- . J IMUIV 19 UUIllUIKt CUIU' MCIIHMUUIIIVU IV destruction. ,. , meagre aavicet receivea mie UH9 mr ternoon .tte th.t the lum W y wd i. Tbe flm Wiw. alsdHMeiaW Jott br.ch liie; acnr to the WeUk - ... - .... iaiioB,'ctoae-to uie lamper; cowpaay s, piaaw, . swt tesiwwsj" f.;r.f. j . , . t"- "- w' ;;' & t' ''tetT': - So certain does It apfar that Uid.eaUi'4aaf Vasdsig 'MMsilsBYaslMa baa been dispatched to i'reka to arocara M the dyaiaaaHe aaassaast.ii v&V Wth thk., balklla, aad 1 atractrelllVtfcejiJa&';5f Wlswstfl razed, la Hie hope of atoppiag the Brogreas f Ibe trol before every ceat, invested by theVWeedXsnaW' eeasaassy-ajeaa.isaT, aa- . J. smoke. The Weed Lumber company glvea nn mmA It Atmti urtlnm irtll luuthn ' jk .ir- - ' J - liri. - by. the saah'aad door factory, i aaTthe: aaafMea)cu' JdoaaaaW. ' " .. ""."',",,i .fr .nir .lilJl'Jrf.-itJti:-- ."o'aj--." iiiiiftiA'iii-ttTiftii?i!- i - .vXJrwi - rfgy Insaaer, has beea aaedfat tbe rarloaa deirtaaW Uu Weaj tamsaeaa- ' " .The box factory aaed age,eee feet)ar.thaialeafeiia&l jViil W'ajial ,rCV-a,BaaMwer-Miiaaw Hiai:iwiri?iKiTii!!!!f!S .j 'u ' i' ",Jv.viv fa' . -v"7?vi. vafrr y FN ir ry niTH 1111.11 ,111 .fl niUII'JjIlvKlaaatkvAweyfaoaaa ":-i. f , -T-.expt1;teartfwork-aWll?."raate-' COMPLETION PROJECT STRUCTURES AND, FLUMES WILL GIVE' EMPLOY- J MENT TO TRIRTV OR FORTY' - '. 7 - . There Is still about a three-Inch . OR JOBOC,POIN1 depth of snow on the Modoc; Point . . fsii ;:-'.it-ik.ij: . .- . ; . ' HBOJU IIIBI I I llllllW II, Jdct 'KnglneerH., wr'Htack"s.iwr6 TafV-felsgg-: possbly. be the4st of i&prii; before fFFreder ;Ooihw!PamlNieB,t construction" work Is resumed-to. nny appointed? coaBdnt W-Bm iaitt great extentr -' . " j jcoaveaueaviawvrnmentia,- :aBBBaa "Whea tfi'e WeatBer.rc6nditt6na;are.CUy,io?tkafUaite4 "Sr J. " ft ieview or toneress iTlillllil ofllirPiilll if I.I.JII tiifeaar United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. U. :MarcV4'i?llWWAM After a. record breaking session, both . I... u...,.. ...' iJ lor amount of, worK aciuauy ;aeeaai-. " .1 . , - . .."ni-J'ite, nlished and lenglli. of Jtimi&Mm t5.SffHS'S ' i as. ' ,tl...t'.'' -VJtr V.ftJ! tariff UiUMrmiiiK -tSJSiSiTSSS aaa. ;'!. tu.j.. 'a' li ' ar."' rar.H.' ' IN waa-j . awvwa i vbwj-.mt1 aattsptajtaaBBBi anmr iwffiws pronaaM. v-- - '. i jv."-r r.ti?:' ' r..i"w''..i-w 9mwmmmmM aweataw eoagress, o7SAari.tigrf.a'!am:iif ate Tafrhaa'watoadi them.-As aataffi9aiaetk'aaamad' SSnStel i3 rariB rfMuravririLU eDTiiais ia;im:vii,,i si j?ii-'sr ar-ri Viri'lVii-UPii i Yl , !& Weed Lumb- cn-1 & ygft . ...y in ?&!&''&'! url t, v.-fg.gS-i wisSr tl -raltw - 0-.if?tlS lUaifctffc ' oa'--fc i.; -a ... ..- 'ja rrifc rf Ta a aaAlsa'aaav' ' .'-'--, -,f...l1jrTi S.rt',S,."iii. - Tl employiaeat t.at;leaetia:t liMiiif' nallllr Mli nil 'm mi I .fl-S I 1 . .Jr.iI.JL.' ',ri.i .1W .J . Z J 1.i ul - I Wee tWeTaay - E'.' '1SSB)'AC- i"rrm'4." a" ; eeskerata ao$AS$ 'jt&iV'miiA - ,Vir1.ii,ijdt - vii. bbww.'M ,r. ,?VJ ' " WIW I fe u w -t( , . i u,t. . -e '" l -." j - . n u, .wtwtia UBir. , ninvaiiii lAaana vr,.-.,:-, naar Kftatai && :" rr."r r 1-i -.'IiV. TL "4LilliiS.fefK riiaMlmlted way with rfewJmemDars;. fr theroldwp Art Crab L The Art iltepwtaiajtk "men's UbrairvCtubiee4..toaaorW,, I,n;, ;.',!,. t lh.'Y'I.L.kn'lU2 ;iing. from? 2 : SfllMMIf fNPhni ........ - - "-.. r ." ??- .-..t i '''' i ,alj. '- a ' ir t-V' UeeMeti otito ow& fa4aaifia'baalilaa iV..l,i"iiJrl:iiJ. w-J,.' forIeW-eowmedtkt riBdacad.gbr.'lUidtnwmi.'ttlaa lAiJi .V' JlVr' i fc a -wii1..- "TJ. T' ..i" ''"" - WiWk.. olotlealaad-aajB, Tu'.-aTaaUr Meat lAamidM, .Mk ' - - - ir.ZTrmTP: SESLwrZ!rTS. ! WW. ! 'W totf si.' via .,,. ' .. . ' 'i& J-, . ...e-- aHLt rfaiJMa .iffii 'j TMflVt X. ' , T - -V T sbIjibTb. ' . ' t, r-.Av.mzr&xv'7iT&iiJKtzi-.-'.-iilc,' mmtmSmmsmiW. i,T""TTw,""TT -"T-",- ""!TT"".VJi ' 1 ' TT. -' - .fffaaa4:-t --aa a-t - - T - - UlllllB UHIflf CUUIirUVIIUU UUUQ.WUIJ irHw ) s wsai aa-iaas t-i-rT.J" Vjw.TI. 's. kV ' w". A- . 1BW7?:. WWtJBtoti Ui " v---- 2- r -.'; 'i." iv-" ;.V . JF-'S-.'T ' r-WBBflm-B . i", ..Mi -i t' vr.- . c - v. --.-d -"nrc r-T-v--- -- . ..u.au.rAaa imh , rv vm fi.ims - w aa naannus a.bn. ' ibidimi ";mb bh va viBBMwnBuiai a p w wwt . - - w - -ma . mi , . , - -. i.i !, , 1Bril1IaMB-iaa b '.- . bb naa "HUES