w. ' f ,'i SM-A' . ES7 k&a ''&&& $ ftfc . '!M ' Awim3MH hi? .? I' ". . Jt -f-e -jwa. lt iSIHiW?; tISM -v..- .'U- '.e : j - ' - - -- - - - -- MaaMpSiM ,f ii'"s .;- V Bt aBaaaaa tfilHi v aV an .aBk a al I -j M I aFBeT TBk aS laaf tatt 'A'aim .aft H ZWUJIlUIXi v , .;- '" .IT 3sgaa8 m MHHpHiVMBi lVNo.AiC Hp mm pIS ACTING r . i i-r-.r PJ TtfTTiV " TtTt"t.jTT T'"!! ,'m,''Vr.: r-na. -r l , f i tr.u" t a- . j - i . '!.'9'JK,; "', '. 5 itlJl:A'3 1 1 1 .... ... ,,.,.,,,,, 1 1. 1 1 v'" 'si ... -..,. iiiBniillv tiuhv i?oa '" nvyxzvr'zrvJ!7 v.yr.rt, " w ffi.j (. ji -f . liMK ,-...t.' ?"'' 7, fM0 KFI'KCTIVK ?' ' "f ftf X" t :. -'rurtff-'"-1'1" lMltf!TMikMi :&-.-.-..- -.-i Hri'n.r. .!s:,w,",", - r;sss: , '-- '"' r iHirrfMj M sii W WrltlICN wMrtHf Cow. iSr i'&ru ntH .anwnnwi, v9 t, J iMtoJkpir '" IlHUl1 IssafAA IjTW'W J'V4a ,,T .." i. vj- 41 Jj. XflL..ijt,. v t.:.r ir "i.. -tfrt, . T' j-if-tTj u: j. 'lui'Mi SorvlW W'T lmiim:wY n llrliUhflMttlMhlpnil :to iillcr rrnfl hIipIM ili fort lit ml Thi. Turku rpnllidVlTnellviilv: 'i-wk imvfnli'it the nemllin if IHBdlnK t iiriUt thon.. Jp f-T' $$rtt'wrlilini Hiivo rmnnieili'hflli1 Tho llwt Ik- uBfnun KLAMATH FALLS, OREOONrWEPNESbAY. MAKCH 3. J91S t. t -i.V!- , ' New Periscope for Use on Land I l J? .' PrlNHbiirdmnit miw iliff ciitcaMltlon from th kuiih rfift'VltM mill llrtli im IliM. Vlll-niMtiili iltSi amirnliy Joii HotjcrH (! !it (tut tli. Autrlli,iet;lnlhl '"ii'i;'the. DnriinunllPJi lov-ttick th" ,G. it. .Ill - "i"- .." i"tii TurkUh fnrlrMM ut Ntttbleon Jji(ilroye) by llio 'KwicSrWtl- ;iip;quiou ywiprun Tiinneim 'Mitt to the barrnckn, and iW troop . r-s .? ti T .-ii. ......w. ...... ,,WAni.Miju., i. v, JWtrcH'a.-- MaiAiiir'A ruiiK lit tifi atila nbv rsO" ' " ' " "r TT -" moKMK by omcinu. It W tt that lMllra dfiicml too much.uKOH the I'MwMtoh attltuilo, wl.lch l;urelontiBf fm. nnconnromlsluK. Tke iwunter l vlrtiinlly kill Awcrleft's pro i ,,?" f,f ' ,i r K .IbIIajI m CIj.. i ' vM !' UV I III) h BKRLIN, Mnrth 3. Tlids of lMhol(U hiivu bocn'Mktofnr- r,k4 the government tte'tttmiit of 'IM flour thev hnvn nil tmuil. r.aiv. .TTrr l'K s- w . SI WIIfRFAl PBfCE IIS 27G A POtflD ijSfii . rasWfcjira ISSr -1SH!S .... i . . -,,. vv.viv-fi . i'VOR VI- HitiTAitv wuiir7n n l?!M. .if..,ls:5fe- mi vwf' MTAntMBY.,11 rnl. iSB&33wffi ;Jj,Wld Klnmath countyfwiriyW ;v,WMuib, Fall tnumim 3fi:? ' ,no Mwtw l:fefl v;-mury dellvcrlca. whuit 'u'.-'mrt m.m (ho prlMSfrWir;ifeTVj Statu nrir. . ..ti?-4i5sii2L:' m upon tho rtirf0 BJ5T' " -fmimm "r. - 1rr'.'lI.'A-- IV IA MTrlka nf. ur. ii- L.-''iJ.:iiTjj'' 'il;'. w KiriBHiiH fr;,KT. J. 0. nrimWK'i-lWi'.ittAil T.itai ' "'t. iravt.niiiiiv SrUurM- i8B- ni. uVS&iSES 12??0' :n3SRS K -. "lui..,' ttlAiT- LV.J ' tt. J J - HBHBKiBlLLLLLHhLLLLLLLVLB LIBRARY COST IS VERY CID8E W $30,000 M Candidates ;: or ' Trade Commission This In tho new land pcrlncopo.jpftrtlculnrly iiRoful In connection "with copied rora thai of'hranrlnc,''buttWork in: the - tranche, nml this lllutr noyer brfore ul In fand operntlonBtV.a,lo"',,ioW9 ?' Orlllah loldler; slgtit In an army;. Tho Drltlah have, Iris from n trench, where ho cannot adopted 'It for thlr aoldiora. It-Uthe. ahot by tho enemy. 'OMK IIIMJf itllf-r.HTII.Ii, OUT- r-r-l Vat nt fni rrfViJfiii,.flt.. .....1 XtJi,. (Minnie to Alajrrli fls Iicb Vi- ifw:. i , i. i isn,i .-,jii oMicci). tiiik, ihii ror .VlMiiit $7JMor Wirnltniv I.SII ' o lie rirnitMlIJIiriir)r "VnfiY itpn.it-fn itiTfAMi. i :?' AI(1umk;1i .htvlvlnnmth rouhty thuiry M not rw&y.yn. for ihoVo of !;, imlillct .t)j iWfaif hc 2t;0,00 i:imiiirt I u.-t f)ii:e(l,K(000, with a I n-.l'l or KoUKtiUriiii)r.'. ' ' J a" ' 3E. j Aii iilMtriu'li'Of ..the cxpcndljurea, lte, hiiK Jt'inV 'lideii'.iii)illeil.' I . . .2'? i tutu! expenditures tsto March 1 are Uiwiii ik 'i!.l1?2.l3.'ifln iiililltlon.to 'tlKt-ii clnlliiB. It ' iwitinilerstood that there nrivotlier lilts oinjuniidlnB clnlms that will Hwtii tiuf total tout to pa MO.IIOU. ' ;' , Kor the con'triictlcm work on llin iiuuuinp. n toinior :zi,z9i.iuknnn bci'n apent.. Of thial" $l!.fl09.07 !ia 'DCf! paid from the CnrneKle Corpor ation fund, Including 1 1.478.Q4 In chw-iia drnwn (n H(iK. Angllii for which theiv are no volichers. Tho county. haapald $3.98,1. tpward4 ilH construction coa, andthere due for this 'department (rom the CnrneKle fund 308.39.. The malnteuanco'pf thellbrary to March 1 has coat U;i0:80; l'.whlcl) amount the county baa fwldJSJlST, and tho Carnegie; fund tj05.23. One clilm that ha not yet'been presented Ik on for-nboutrrno for-ftirBlturc.' f Tho coaof tho hooka lar.llsted at $1,414.35. $. SILVER WEDDING IS CELEBRATED inon hero Sunday, prior to leaving for Marttlillelil. Vi regret his leav ing ua. II. SI. Millet nnd boub have llnUh led logging forty nerea ut sago bruBh. 'They expect to plow It this Week. The McFnlls, who are renting tho 1 Amlfl-ann nlncn n'filll HlnnA hnvn fln. Nil. AMI Mll. ICKKD10K WlB-.,,td. ,,&-.,-'- HKNTKI) WITH Al'PHOWUATB, i tlll-T AT PAHTV OTMKH llS'K UllUVK XKWH ( Hei nld Hjtecial Hervlce) PINK QROVHi March 3. Mr. and Mra. S. K. lccnblco celebrated fhelr ailrer wedding anniversary Saturday. The, evening was made enjoyablo by several musical semsuoun mimuim y Mtoa Schrlaer, Mlsa Klllott and Misa Miller, and Mr, McCluro favored the aasamblago with a few violin bios; A, dainty luncheon waa servod and at au appropriate hour Mr, cuas, Mack presented Mr, and Mrs. lecn k4ce with a silver salad, bowl, mak ing aomo well worded romarks In be half of the tAdloa" Civic. Club and otherv friends of- the couple, after which, the gtesuextenaeu congrniu l-iii-'l 'ni.l'.tlU;..! vt. n,1 Mra Tho Auti-Cant'a Sunday school class held business meeting at the home of Mrs, Dort Hawkins recently. At this meeting by-laws wore adopted, aftor which gamoa were played, and the class had a taffy pull, which ev- leryono enjoyed. Attending weroEarl tlllt:n, aviiuiu huu vonu ivvuhiw, Charles. Dutton,, Olndys nnd Marshall McCloy, Nora, Ed and Earl Miller, Miss .Murray, .Paul Cnsloff, Dorothy Hawkins. The Husalan colonists near the Henley school, hold religious meet ings n't 10 a. in. every Sunday.1 wDr, C, 0.' Prentiss, a veterinarian from. Klamath Falls, waa' called out to attend a sick horse at the Hawkins piaco Monday, His toam got away from him while he. waa opening the gate, nut waa aioppeu in ironioi vite Icenblco place by Mr. Probat, the titlons. Preeentr-were Mr; ana Mrs. ..h rM., v dnmasrA was done. flH.H'yard,4)MirItaii Mrs,. Klllott, Mr.' " -J Mdtkrs. Mack, Mr and Mrs. Brown.; Eldor S. D. Harlan, pastor, of the -?:f'I. ': ''t. ... nlrau Mr. nnrl ii.iiin. .hnrrii In Klnmnth Fnlln. r,Tjmfr;'c ..- , -i .v,....oi..... v..-. v -. , MrsH.KM.MUer, Mrs. White. Mrs.Wi give an lllustratod lecture Thure Heary OrlraesMr. and Mrs, John, jay of this, week at the Pine Qrovf school houso. Evorybody Is welcome -TirriiritrtirmMiiii - i i..-w, ..a s trr.&Kzm '.T", iih.hiiibbmu n.m MlfcJMrifc -"'"- ...... ftaHBM "'jij imnrti mi sty", if jf WV jig. ' 'i iflfMajr iMmhWdMrr.Mil ' Mrs. Bert, ,Hawk- and Mrs.SSakMlller,- Misses Inex, H4eiiaiyiy'J8,!M' No.r MU,or' MauaBehrWtf.yOtayDorothy ana OeHa- .Iwk'JUlMack, Jennie leeibleeMeelJMllls,. Earl Mack. Rohert nniott,reeii iwiyaru.i. ,..., atnnnn with ira. Brown, . .;' ,... - j. '"..' ,.',ui .. .. wij imvhwh. -p., 'i" - -- Cliar,,Mtti(M(aMBjui,pfwey, r-u ft !, pet yags. dinner waa IX4:iWl Wtor,:, WJiiMJohn at i 6'edV. d'those prcaet wv?fl ffii fa,mm'.m? ?;&itfWiraWitf.raffl tf TTT-TSJTTT3 ZLT"- - iK'. JK tfllla Um ? R11IAflfrff-lsfrfl. J1BM (. JT. JJ" . J- SB. A., aalaia '.. iSOflSflLi , MUh Elisabeth Qrlgsb of KlamatW Falls visited. h sisters, Mrs. James (Irlmes, Mrs, Brown nnd Mrs., Henr' a rimes near Olene rocently. "w The Ladles' Civic Club aponK'tf tv I,diby Register AdTsmced OuUvd lrea Service i. -AUSTIN, Tex., March. 3. After thoroughly condemning tbe .lobby rcglateru8 "rrdlculoua;", the senate discarded It. Tho lower branch, of tho legislature, howover;,.tc4ajr con tinues to require ropreseaUtlves of speclul lnteresu to register . their. names and the legisiattoaTior wnicu they aro "lobbying." Jlwg. Hero for Inspect lou. jv.i?A E, 0. Hopson. consBlUt;.eBgfnoer for the PaclQc dlvlslokellieecla, matlon service, U herjiiM?ar,regular Inspection trip. Ho wlU;Ukea over the, project by Engneer smwiier,, r- - In for. i Stay. 'tHik' Project Englnoor HQjjHliRcka of tho Indian reclamatletaiairrlpe and. his family came In yeejerdaytor a sojourn in Klamath raw , ToM.mil Merrill. jS&tsLi . . -'vi'fHv" ft '."a ,P, N. HelortcK yesienwy; wos oui a "license for his vodliltii)ti)ulse Paulson of. Merrill. vTi'enemony wlll.be performed there." Howo Front Trip. ' -M .Charles Horton, canMlaat;lght fronCariP to CallfqrenU -HS2Frn Dairy, ffe vMr.and, Mrs. A4LM,I": Pf Dairy are Klamath Mbi - i if c , &$ DownFrom Fort. MIM . . iVChkriea E. Hoyt aH:J,sH.lItyr,of PortiKlamath aro ln,.ttt;wUrjaet. ln:Frow Clilloquin.i4,aji. Ce B. Denton ana .wiwcnwe aown fromChlloquIn on yjrteMyaaraln.. HnckVesi the Job, vasgj .3;'& tifeit'gieiter has i t"C'yWfli.w ; .snmmmmmmmmmmMLi .stmmmmmmmmmmmmmVV. AnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnV SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSk' nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnna nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnl i- nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneni' -a nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnns 'tHInlllllllllllMI TaaaaaaBaaaaaaW vABBBBnnnnnnnnnnnsi Hi VaaaaHMaT"! j laaaHmHaPPB 'aBf - m CMkVISS aaaail't. K9 BaaiaaaaaaTl ': fr a-------ff-----------r' iff . flaHHshk "u ?HHHTU 4 y aHIBEHKaV v xHHH f K llHv. - ' aaaS ! Ir II fV 3i 'aaTBTanV'-'V- 'II . AHBRaak-2 i aaaHaRk. " HAftftiS aHnBRaaW ' ' aaaHKnSaaav B ai-.HJ.l "r' aaaaTHpaaf' ' ' fi--Hisa-ri WHUAM ' THaHSA R jj. ,aaH9Haaaaffl ""Wfl JHBHFanaaaaaaaaaaaTBa' 1 .Saaaaaaaaaal aaaaawnAV ' ' SaaaaaflaBaV V laaaaaaaaaaal 1." M stttttttttttttttttt' i i--------r i BaaB 1-'"' ' '" I BaaaV 'BtltUant ' 'f ; . : ' RUSSIANS FIND NEW . t'SE FOR AIMHIPS;, . 4 TRANSPORT PRISONER " United Press .Sery ice. , , PETROORAD. March .3. For. the first time In hlstory'a prison iff of:Var iv-'s been transported , . in an1 aeroplane. ATlator Pas- chaloff, while, reconnolterlng , was forced to descend beyond the Austrian lines. ".A, patrol of six surprised him. '' w i'nscnaion;s raacuinetgun kill- cd Ave, and biti mechanician cap- turcd the sixth. The t prisoner was seated on the frame, of the machine, with. lils hands tied"? "' " " " , The prisoner ' loosened' the . 4 'ropes and , Paschaloff grappled -wlthhlm, 3i000, feet uplh. the air,, the; mechanician operating 4teierptlM: . , . .rjf AT im. 'ii .i:-". i .i -T- T . . r " w .rnc,,omcers;unneo jne"pns-. s 'one,,' with n, bioV. 'onvthe vhead ' ano restrapped him and brought I 1a.nlm"jntft..camp. - . ' . - -ifc?'cnaloff received a. medal? iWt j.for this;, v ., . . . .., . 4 .,;;'''( '.-.,: ' -t - '-- - )' r, 34 President. Wilson has just sent to tho senate the names of five men tor members of the new federal trade commission created by act of this con gress, It is expected in Washington that there will be a fight in "the upper house over the confirmation of several of the nominations.. Tho' nbmlna tlons areas, follews: i , Joseph E. Davies, democrat, of Wisconsin, now commissioner ofcor pora tlens: tor ajterm of seven 'years. Edward N.. Hurley,, democrat, of Illinois, president of Illinois Manu facturers' Association; for sir years. William J. Harris democrat, of Georgia, now director of the census; for Ave years;. V. H. Parry, progressive, of Wash ington, editor; for four years. George H. Rublee, progressive,- for merly practicing lawyer,, at New York and now resident of Cornish, N; H.; for three years., The, law creating the new commis sion defines its po'wer relating to com merce in these words; "Commerce means commerce among the several states or with foreign na tions or In any territory of tho United States or In the District of Columbia, or between any such territory and another, or between any such terri tory and foreign nations, or between the District of Columbia and any ter ritory or foreign nation.' V - Amplifying the purpose of the com? mission regarding the tariff as de, fined. by this section .of the law. creat ing it, the" president said In his recent speech at Indianapelis: A 'IBut It byaclentlflc treatment of the tariff '.theyifthe !republlcans fmean" adjustment fo trade -condltlone of Aniertca and. the world; then I. ait wlttf tttem. 'And 'jf, want jto call taeta- attention,' for though they voted llor Mft4kVi nponrMtly' iit9"jn. -eleed i;.i. ... .L.)4t..kiii wi.v't.i:; '4C liJii 3 'ii,'. .I, . ii,i mlM,. Q 1 . wy - " ,-saJf iys, . t -I mtrwmmummsimi II Hlliriivnii -;'A .,. ;,,; lll'nil ' II HIIIIBH ?M4W13i ' ' a vMmMMz it P. H ITr SS&sHrl i ,'. hH BjB B ..5tuf-rl RK.. I Till r. .- - -7fS rVv,MSjUja: I iB.'V r. . . -. - - --.h .-J- - .'.1-.. --'-H jMAuxtvKfiri.iirKAM;vrtxv:irivas; jLi!iLf iH-jmSfflfo? 3-JS&,SiS IXCI Wi" a. w mi .lujuHrniuLa imoonnr. tpbb ,u?- ?; ? ;GettfsThlaiaaEVlli4f. , IWASH)NGTdfeDfeMlri1li :Cfongres3ls---nSwonttlW: tqwarddJournntenttnorBow;rjiooiuMJS Ali;thou,hV'oriur-skK UebDde;ed;.and:kItl.r;'tei;:m i- fa.t ii-jr:-e-r-rrci-:.i.-.i(--J,-..n,p?a;i.qf3r rrcsatlnrTtse.oeO.eoo.B-tw M HAMAKfRIS it, . ' - m c?n put nnuy nLUU UU! LUfln houe-todaj.--Theheilio'i-sW:.-;y - " : ' - Jr-- V .. . l. aa... .i.Ai.1 n . I. 1 . ..'vrf T T . "TT ' a v tn'e.armybUI.'VhlchTtka''enaterli .. u'nninu 'The rivers 'a' harbemrUare--;;y;AI t)rFU'K OF SEALER, OF HEIGHTS .S...p- .. "-:The 'rivers 'and''ha"rhw,flnar)Bs; ment'biliyfeducedlfroaTiiMllM'WSafj; 'AXD MKASL'RKS IS ECLRKDi." r nni ooat'IIivi.''iilfciBfel , ,. - . . r, --.--, ty i 'i"'r" -'TsTit-i1 t'AC.ATED..'BV ?HE uCOVXTi-SS - . ' . traatern: TberB is ft-gS.ee.l iK?wsw- t I. -" v. . jrr -,-r.v.. . 7- '- M,?i. j'. rsrjr"r.Te .-jfc, (Ol-HTv MEMBERS 4 lanceTront-lMkfywlaQhni'ftnl . r? irkk.HM.tiM I a ii I tf S " It. ' ' ' 7a-" "SSS.!: MSS?T?.V?Ti KrLi SvWfifSMS I orvgiTii eiicsnii initMi,ijnstinii'; g.-i biUs ,?Utree4njt.-DC-theMtal-fbreH-:fe5l n j. . ' ,- j-- t-... j. tv ts TVj . . i f "isPT Suria .l tjU'm-Meitete:NMr ccluMUMTsyleT;?'stopatk1r:Jiil Tfie ofllce or -.county, sealer" of weights and measures la the latestlto fc vacated by the county court Thta has. been, held for a couple, of lyears iy.'j;; MAamaKer. ortuonsnia.-- ,t jj By the ternuf of a bill passed at. the last Bcsslon of the legisUture, aiid' effective late .in1 May, tbejstste-win be divided' Intof four dlstrictsrandfor each of these,- the'state will appoint a sealer of' weights and measures; the salaries to helmet by the state: -,. atGexcluMUuTs,leT;e-opat'rp. .Miir4 iiiIim fiarjl f llir ii" also' agjedapon; ttf e4ferasW.iti?ni- 'onthe'lpkstlclaUTe,:';' uaiciai annUHT w'4Eysatesao a S&h'21J PALMS TnKEl; THREE IN A ROW " ' s,A SHOE STORE TEAM IS SHCTOLT IX LAST NIGHT'S GAME ON; THE If. . Y PALM ALLEYSLINKS. PLAY u . ill .' " . '-S ' ,, Joe Kent's Palm bowlers took all three games from the .Regale last night,", the first;' one' by a scant, nine plrie.-The' i second cganie saw the Palms take an awful spurt, but in the third' frame both teams Bluffed 'off considerably.' '" '" , TY k ', Tonight the Linkvttle' and Maxi mum teams are. the contenders;" .v' The scores for last. night. follow; : I I1IB?,.ULIBI aTll B-S BSal.'BTr,B-SalSr:'r.:flc-.r-;-.3ii! a iinwiiiiiiii (irTii 1 MMMMSm TONIGHT Kent ..... .... ...'.,.168 147 1S Free,:. i,, A;. ..?. -yj ll" VX75 131 ke'tsdever ..,.;..., 154 173 133 O-Yi.l. . . r . 101 nu, 1H ,,,'Vflin . fc ... '..)y. .V-. ,. (.''. . ' . "T V " Total -e.. T .trrJ V DEVi it a iffiiT "-?'i atv"i Xs, Bellen . . -v .'-, .mf iff M Littler . ... . , . rt iINPI ...,. l! IKTayjl "1K 4".i SlSA55 Elliott ,t.f... ,, ... : '??. Kt,j'vvsaa&ij,iT' iekley X ,..XWmffiiWmi Jester ,. ,-. ,Vfeiiil Houston &mtiffitll4Xttlh, i - Vt -.t't .'t k .rtKffiaq ..I ..wreflufc. Jl "V,11 SKTTn'Ji711 &T11 LOCAL MARKETS OJWW'TVK.iB;5l i .-, ., , . i-Bmymism Tmmn& '. IBIIaVaaaTlV'M-H,'frilliMlli CENTS A POUNDFOH ' .. .Aa-Mimaiunl f HKbl--CrXnVBaKHlB.y ' i- i- t ! WffHHA 1 r.. "rf j.7'iF".Cx. P.rtUVtri.rf:-.y Ji.H tf-I'ta J .. '! j ,-- j j"jt. v iaT. jitj-'. i-..L'..-. u,uv ! ".r; -s p(f tjr-j,r 1 -.y,rjJrvjTr-si'Ttv- 3 is, oicMm'MMWkwoi-msssSfSm- HTherialjeafk denundJdenlerftSI Fhlle;i.waltlfor5KUasatki;iBkyP'p ltmUytip tyoCenYs.1nLlVe,-ntttfynowi bring. .erBo-ru'C7Wftf.S . t.t4 . .It.' -3 rT. r "T-T--. U l . ",T,l,.,V"-:'5l?VVWJ"'fc (KJWiJt ,''Tr.T . " 'iTT. "T-" f-aiwa, v i .- Tr.." PlP"";""MBJBji,BB ."HIWf-if!! 9t a . s7" BBB4afTfMMaaHlBU1'laaaUBaai''BiaaalMBkaaT ""' ese4;uiH)n-'yietyayTat;Baek?: .:. a Vuatelg;i)ii; init.leni: fWWMXtM 'SSSMSSSa