' " -'ii'Aiiifarnrfc'M',Mlt . r.rTTH mv, &v. ii . j .n g1k9-h c--ji. 'i-r. I t-tf N5 HIL1 to.. . .'J ,(' mm BBaaV'mmmnWlBBBBPSaBBBBBBmV 4 2 i.? TvTTT " -rr" - - - pa; jjjjfg; sJ MTiSRr' r , ': --wft!-riaf5fi, -wini" AW -"30.aaaa',- ' ,,-.' x. ' - f t.rv.'f.r1: ft- . ,... fj 1 - - - f -- .---- --- ' n ..,-- - r ' .ii .asaim aaa .c j-jwir , j k i t i i - .aaaa- vbbbbbb. . as - bbbbbbi ..Maw. - ...as raHaiiB&& .i . tin wHiLi rr,tW8; FJy , ti j sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbv BBBmmnmr1. ananas, abbbbbbbb' &... 1 i - 'I If Mr I I H IIIIF ,... f Z ... - i ..j. jag.r , -,.. ,- , em TfBr-a jj .F,.I-I -. n .,- --MJ. ., . - - ifSI'fa..., '- :. ' . KLAMATH; gALLS, OWKKNUESDAMACH:i ",' " .' ''MmMMM Wed in Reoort TURKISH PEOPLE ;.f :::-;"'i4MlnlBiBrlllrlBii :iv ii IW'U' Kiwr; .' .,. ,,r r , sib,h Ujn:iiiP'i;irt BaaM V.aaal. mmV-B.mmv AfS aa. aa. fM aV aB,a.aa. mV H " aM .. , J .amVaB' m i anm-aM a nmV at mT ml ,'. ' 'V, -: 1. 1ST- fiWWc. l"iTUStKi i iif ffifiazrti r K V 'jW imtsw Rsrf 1: , Congressional Committee Place Blanie for Colorado Var SHIPPING BILL lr. .lrtft. on the Mike a ,- CONDITION 8IMII,All TO I'lXl.VAOK , l 'v i:xihti:d, hav iwehtioators. '"' V.. t VOU.VO ' ROCKKFKLLKIt iMWlS?t,,,, T ' " "!t "U; OIUIKD FOB NKOLBCT O'HW 1&"'-?.1 lion'a Wif MMK.' ireijn.e mmi looaf m, met ny or ririUfcier. - lii&l. fiMI'l.OVKH WHIliK MHXDIXO . -v ' f t . -V .y . fflSW&'ftto km MiUdlik llr CertPd tMUM .oil mil., .ikin SttiXUV TO OTIIKIH I'OINTH J'OIt W-r.ilftef VllLfTIA AU.H&M. W'VK . . , t.t'S 1'4irfl..i,. -. , T,-.''v--7Tiii-a l hw - v v- . .r" - . j T . , dUI MMMlMilWMHlnlleiiiil'i-nHlm' WHl woMAly fcrwik . ""SS St ''' -'.1 ' tfjT i " JM-, '"' ;.:v-;:'.Tt iimtlrr m Ihk hi Mi' Mkl . .lion- cmJito. of, ur- Mh Hit- Mil Unvirfi ! fM nUfinwm. mrMM,cie (nworor. ii I SVtfH uasffrjL"" - TK?wyA .. Vt-, fi. . iwVii "-""" 'Oh?! "!aI"'iii w-si' .j w k nki tin l nmriiHHMnH ?JVca.v KXiaiuiK M0MHmc4ni. " WAHIIINttl.,DVc?taitlill.-iri,.i; Ji Mmmilt blH, pcrwlllliw f ' .liMMklmHlrni WHO 1 HWTCJUWmij; rrcrili (WtrniM iimj. inti!i. w L-l2Z'i. t ...... l.tLu.t II uu-aualla nj'iiiviiiniiir iivi win" pw. .n-i- f rilw'"t liK WiW'fMM " WiiwalciMture f I'wililwU'WIwi i.5i? Wj TtVi I -rfi.R 1 WIImm to liWuHin n Imh-, .-,-,--,- -; .. Vwi2jV iK w !. - - - 34.. ThU IrsMAtkM-M MinNM HHercM, to niiHiirww 01 inriiiw mum, r rf!sk.' w -. i " .. JnjLV4Vf..j'ui. f a sr- .rJi&a,- I ) ' , j- a .. KoBKaab. ikuuAU-r' RTH.ii t;iiMUTii,flHiiuwi,; ? VAHIIIKimNVj;'tJU?MMFh '-l ?te mini WIUrt?i,lN'Mirit- ; . ' Imllralliin point', to .tUt ieteVat mgtlcitotli$vtipritlim WM, eWw by v :Ull ii. nm-'th nM.1 .'r - v 4C . fifi$Jfrtk ,, ' .. , .. ' ,..,. ....r- .ra- wr "7)i??r,r""'"' ., t (in'lletV I'rtto SorvTctf' WAHIllNOTON,"!). t. Mnrcli 2, John 1. Ilurkorfeller wtui iicriioiially plllorli'il Willi crltlclim for- rcruiiliiK to, nrbltralo the Colorado coat jtrlke In tho report or. the Hdubc MIiicm In vcRllgatlDK cotumUti-f, 'mihmtttcd to day to corfftrMi. ' A different nttltuilu Ity nockofcllcr, ( tiio rt'iiort tloclnroU, wouid have naved ; tunny men. somoit nml ihlldren In' ih roccnt rnlno wr. , ' J'f Colorado mllltla -nd Btrlkor wero f both guilty of lauicmnwm and vio-l lence, t'lie report uiwrud. . i'cormgu of mluor was declared jirovom j "Arbitrate"- was the Injunction to; the i. operators, ' ' " 1 j "' Failure of, Colorado offlclaU to atop f nale of flrearaia aad amaunltloa waa dtplored. 'Abolition of tho ayatemot. private Mine guarda waa urged. K- 'f'k LouU Uhrlln, wltok,.td to the "v T.krand jury on cbargtW3arrai)Krt. t&Jku been roloaicd freaaeiaf iyuiwn 'Bey. iendlnc the aeaalwiet the grand ? immr ' l-V '.Home rV.... tKmfj ' :. . r, anu aira. j, r.iaamiirereiarn- n ia nignt rrera: an tti tVu In tho Kant, where' taeyipurcliaaed good for tie Ji F. Magulr company and tUlted relative In Bottom. Ac cording to "Mac" there appeara. to That " the coal operator! ; eldlVnot cbiuplro In rcatralnt of trade, by .lim iting mine production wai f68Bd.'si- Regarding I refuaal of itockefeller AaellMA' flBMBm 1Mb W aSiflMSveHe ;'"i'' Mwmmwmm WMWmB mmmm ' wWMW vix-tpi?- .- " r jSIlYI':i3iiaglS : ISbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI'B l!f.ireitl,PreM'airlce .- - 'jQsfijsjSi ;? ,. W?5i?ey" -T';" IS. llliiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl M . i: I.'- v ' ' '- ... V fi.H?S.A'fir?SS:i?Jffi7f r." T- B IH ' ' " ::: 'LONDdX. Miiga&MJLianlgifi . BJ .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH'" '" yee-ifelg-ilw,DatdanetBta-. JBBBBHHIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH' MPmClr:es..thAtfeiMe '" l I'iBBBBBnBBBBH' - --w?'nK vTv.4g4'iiHc-T ... ' gaBBBBBBBHBiBBBBBBBBBl- -J?' 5Aecortl:to-repetUfi'Ahen,iUiev,ap MP lah ; K(. laHeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHIBBBBBBBH' fV'IEmm ,.,'' lBBBBBBSgBBBBBBBH.' r ' if' iiBHBBBBBBV -i.iwititiiklmpeM'ii . fl aBBB.lBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH' ywiiPlfi " bHbHbbbbbbbbI' Iflliirii sr .! 'IBBgaBBBBiiiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH- V'VjSft. -IbbHbbbbbbbbbS 'm :; --.'. '--; --; :--v: $1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaiBBBBBBBBBa. ,;' j-.tl.C-- for W'-lrtenWee5ldellAlW.f Bgrffi4fr5 M'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBY ; - W-.iM , i-PBBBBBBBBBBBBH' p$fm'M'! lMlt"r? -BBBBHHH Jfegfet; I h gaBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBl, h.2-f-Vtas. ' .v.rryivjii! jjs. -. : bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI - iVrJffly:-Tl!:-aro.theeere,fT IbbbbbbbS ;i:KB 1 BBBBBBBBH -&ipit'Wm l.BBBBBBelallBBBBBBBBi ?IvKci& tiiiVii r;aeiiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV9'iBl.' IwteWMI tlonal mleg Of MnrtaHf, :-The:CQMMtoWimVMmimm?ami.;Fl r .mm . ih - j. a .j'iw . ir . r , . . . " : Vp' . '.f" l.'-.hi jv jihu.iv.. "uj . .r-.i. -' fjf i- -iivl. h i y-; -'J'4-iT7r-.'H!4i fa!jZh'-Zi'' 'iMl&?Z!P. Hi-Jm -, . l r;wlirtkjMwiv;,6f the.pittd.SUteto;ifce; gand.yranee regarding thefa-'ewabeiifOe agnlnll Wimair..': :-t VK.i-4 -,-- v l. v ' A.IV. TT . jtfT T. 1.. W.1 4;14 V... J iAiN .f . 'T-J VT . Ju.J'VaMMa BHflUW. KT WiHflKttt' i ' pi .v, .a:;",: .b - vi!'Tw.iy"-,?: iMi l't ru. j - ---- -Jan,i,theopertora to arbitrate, the too . general revival In all Hnee ot ei.rte-rtaueii ottoeke, bualneea In'thc Bait, and ho lee only ". . .. aM1.n!,oin,.J-.. fol. propcrIty In the outlook; Klio'll Trim 'Km, .. MIm Drenlce Dratton arrived lat night from indlanapoll. Ml Brat- ton wlilf be employed n a trimmer In I men. women and children would-be llie Hunk Snyder millinery store, feller' action waa'epltomlied a fol Iewa: "Greater' Intorett than those ot Mr; Rockefeller In theao mrnc have submitted to, arbitration and many Uvea would have been spared and liv ( ... .hfi -4iawrff: : , ,4 Vjtrt!' . ?'r,JZSX'?.nrr&- !-&&?'v t fbrauns. nay of detectives 'and mine guard and, starvothe iitriiters ,'ntb S. P. Official to 4 i' i "-aw '.5 ''-'.. 4 lRM' lunt aii, w S"-' ll!il!if ' .-. : Talk & S V ,'.1- !;' E " ' ;-f J'.vi;..LP-M'.Hi5!t!'.';it "a E5 ftf ' 'T'SrarW' ers i - ' "-" t . . . . ' Aheart-to-hoart talklwM'th;eo-itlme a reduction In box ahook rates j of Klamath Falto Jeaehediilee for 'kMof Kl.m..i. w.u.k.'iri't.I. Ii-fel- -- ''?""!"l'l,Vi , ?Mrrow nlghtheappSjLdfhti v-Cfi ' . ! .SKLsSSRwtSST? l. 0Mor the Southern, Pitk' up, '-1fKlInWl.m.il. iilTSi,: f 4ir.Utlon mtttn$ ,SW. held undcrh'argkMtet W ;" bo heldlfcl Mita 'attend. "iSll:S;ftSM1 MsMp'Tbere ure : fremKIamath.ralU south,, but that It took time V ak' full Investigations nllvrf today who were sacrificed dur lug til controversy, had this course been pursued." The- report was. 'signed by three of live committeemen. Chairman Poster and itepresehtaUvee .Evan and, Suth erland of the house mine committee. Separate; minority "reports were iled by llepreaentatlves Byrnes an. Aus tin. The former comenaea mai inv t'.VJorliy- exceeded ita authority In r eportlng; upon soelologlcncondlUons developed. Representatlve:AatIn Miggeated that the entatter-be referred to the department of; justice and the iadHitrlal reatloasconilt tee; nesponiilbiUty for the'coaUwar not 'tleflnltely. placed by the majority; repuri, uui, iiwv''r, In order todeterlnliie nraie eaultabie ' "Constant oppression and neglectj to both shipper 1nd;rallid;v'sf;rndrarbltrnryiconu;ptt.omciaiaoi ... . . . ,. .i.,'..i-,',t:.'.. ik ifrinh rnmnanlM'were nrollAc r.: mm wcnwi&ibmti .twe" aro unlnformenVilMwiti ffJlht today. ''aVj-):( f,J;PUln,the'fnB S iiT?.I lUBKinsTi fnlUlft 'SUtm .Kr.-i3!r5?5JC.C3F5EiXrk ffl$to h?n (horbugiuy HKed '"tlt nnvthln; wiXr.iiiri.'''. r.rii-j..r7-iv"r,t"rwvTOrj.7 .i,V"rr"4,,,r rensfig; ?K.V" 10, t ?. ?,r.'fhera. ."The box .shook rate from' West- wood to Sacramento, which la admits ted by ail to be entirely too low,; was pui'jAfior. a reason insi..i "v miliar with." he said at tho meeting. "....".. . . - . a i,'Frpm';tbetl, that, rate was put in ItJhM'ifee intention of the South ern' raeinc W equajuw-.lBB raiee r bthVr jlumker-p?odcihg territory. Thls:faci;has been known to all ihter- ated part Im '.I nee the Westwood rate neea,me,,nenecuvev ner , aujumuiuui wai decldsd upon last Friday, and all these (coat) companies " were prolific causes of dmtUfcttos.wkklti:ruU: en-in thls.uistur nance mcmikhiuvui atairpcuum ui.niw rjv"' ' Regarilng young RoehefelleTthe report UlMie ..T.2-5. 'nun ' .i' 40t", "raMKJ f-I'v'-.'t-i!r; .'. w.t av Ny-q)!etiofethw .. ...m. !. i .-;'.' "-( iniirn SWd'(io' take yvw;iw.?n.ii (M A "?W"lgS.rf :ff5r,AJ" tS : I MkC .' "." t -,k n..-. vtsiii uii i. wgu -ammmigamnnaamMa pmyw tl.o merUtg MMW jtfsAf ' xiT',,el that they ifilTilffilMilk; slNiy queiti6iSS'll?SSK' , ... Ait.rrfc aiHa3j3EBsafii Ha r-T,jmi,'w .- r..- .--,.,,., .--:..iig.J,... . eoMinM M WOni lust wW-f?WP.Wi.)fJKI:: V ' 4$. 'v "ff V'l .2!Vr - Y.5BK' "w,i.iwiwiij. , i :., ..','..,. ..-Jr -iw-.-;-',:a.,f it-Ti -:,-:'.,,... . ..;'....,;. iiii- irr .ir "''' ' tTt'it-"- - " j,. . .iiuMiiau jfeflBria ynuiae .---. ---.-.. .r, ...w.w si.wv.. . -.- . ...-.- , .-..., -... - .- ........ at tne eoeavesvr .,:7ns..s)Q.sws.nimiiisammren.''vi!Ti a.s.'jituii,, j nsmija w. " rw(leweTl9HliateJ;notlled of themteif''iibtsn; 4 W f)f ', 'Aaked, today'-as to what ' will b. e tQ(UHl;DuUlBg on the afternoon lul.T.l iu'j.l. tin. nvnniltlnn.- lWKinnnp.,iiigi " -""-v-"" lfrWgkt;wiriM'4Vas,,foUpws:, r ', 'ThegWaj''.Wklon of railroad A - . Vl.. 1 . I. k-'UT 1J11. U lL.1 AWAWV unUC,WK IV JWWBMRf ;!"! ""' rctchwt po.avi' made. The Urm;dptn:SilnItie. latl- tkW.wify'liilMW ,. "" '.-'... : - .-.--'vr -..J-T-i'--..--: .-.-'. --i wouW rtfrv wy bisei tef the tfiSiMnH;rtw;jWfl vA-m nns, sieustawmuw.niMR, 9mHijimmmmmmm :wfn' f. . ..li&L. . . Vfif: r submission.' hccardlnr tho nart Plared.br Col orado's militia, atriklhg.uttorancos'of (hereport. were: "Some or the mllitlameVseUed the dnnortunity to engage ipf Uwlei' acU. In other lnsCancesUheiiJwere acts of an Immoral kind not for publication. Men nre thrown intoijiil , and, kept Ithere without opprtiltyf otiproy? Ing tneir .innoconce. ieseceieMtw- meh and children 'oUdssiot eecape.the brutality of, some ofttajmfinbers, of ;. ''w.' - 4- .....l.kilnn V. .-. !. "It seems conciuMwfn;;lttte i " -....'-- .i- -i.cliJiJ.'r'"im.i- was on me aioo m, wm "", soonefmen armed llmjjmtfm&l tne;atato, team iawta-,?am s whom they dW.mnrJssajBa: norant, and even viaBnf:he:Uw, but' are still huraan,;tmJUteU.rU be,, for-all concern.M5fv- Regarding the f$Bfa Ber- wlnd, Walsenburg 'MiiVMiqvf tne report .stated; ; y'-TJheVattack atrwlsaa,iuex. cuaable. Lives oftaymbagsnts .were Jeoparaixed,.rltloii of violence contlnued.uiMaielth er stie seemed to4ltlfrfard for;the taking .mmm , - ' o -vi.x-inivir fi't'lt la impossible tos which' side 'vim. ' responsible mmfW ' " ' asfe-f7EX5K ?,i?rV9nW.-',sasmmm mlgmmMtsWnmmmmVmmmV. AaOJ ' . .w.jrr rr.-'Tfrer. jou.ilwvwr wfw. . -, . ibih .-i--r-' - .- ,J. vw . .'j-t-i --'(v. . r"i-t-weL.?-?-fl(.rjHji-i.' ...v.'1 - . y",i. : -,--i . .' .'--' - v j, . SSS5S1 that-a condTtlon of peoUageealgted. ?X:Regardlng charges dfvlolation -ot CVUaHlVUllUllUI ll$UIO, VIUO iVfuiV rtsiedlC 4 V'ft- Vft ' "Wnlfe;..mlai "lawj andarresti may" bemVcestary. as;aj military Heces 'sltr. ft. thewholesale arrestlnk'Jof men and imprisoning them without p.orao charge or delivering .them to tho civil authorities, for the purpose" of being given; a. trial by court after a reasonable time,, seems contrary 'td our-ldeaof justice; and usurpation, of clvjljaw." v "We - dovnotflndUhat Jtliere 'were. IntheiprpducttontoIJtaj cant, aJnd'emtnlsteholgniW" thenWyetiiSja:io - rr.'hia,Mi...'.k-riNl.l Ih.4ibAbWIu4U ----'- . .,, -.v.. , i- s-'""!...- 't - .rt-ij. ..j-itT-i'!',;,-!'.--.'.'..-! Jc it-;ci'i'".iSi as, the. only ,form .ot entertatamekt. and retusal.of; the cwllcbmpahteajo sell; homes fpf the mlnefasiwere''ai;; plored;. . ''-' tA vJ, Pizn. .: . . j:iiBi.-rviiJ c...- MMr..,HockefeHer,.yanargerteck: trouble, In each wmMgfAM fh i.niift.ot Beonlrin other naHateif.iether'in a human w " "". 7 - - -'t "'-vt..-1', jJij; IT holderof the mosVpowerfuircompa IT.lint nv TBg'W,."'" ... .tir.V h..iv- raaYdai:Cu- been a willingness wj in MM I.L.L9a .. .n. . .W. ,. WT . " "." . . I 1" 1 -"-, ,TT7 .- ,.Mr s ';i'''"i,v err-inaho , uoiorano wu f-;", ttst:" T iii.i ". - tVv.v C" - -,i- ,lM,4MriuuiaiCaKalnst the .- .':?.is, ' . ii. tr: snerlff. werei eguns werejn :,-r.V..Vi. hU .,v.iinn Tinderiira4i'UgH!nu the. ibkniair liberty tor W$M!M$&'& -v'...-' I.'J'-'X. k.ltntrA'kaa. I wKheach .rkv'.rf 1 'V M-b-W-Jr, r.t. : i-. . .. !iLj2iviL'-iiA' ".' tho- country" nd' infwsig!-; W'rMBWJ. .nendlnW millions ?Am&&M tt Prt 8 W HSEP'SfJJiSSS - " ; .- c " . """-'-"'?-.'' - ia-i. . h a tnAigysBBBBHsmAasammmmrv'. dht has. not endeavored to .mprpytne; -TO".-? " '-;-?rgr.-:."t -.....- - .... ih.n .a naa, am.' wherever that' exiSMMmsp'or,iawi' Li..: i'... - vt'Bi.i .hn.tite'in trouble wlll.ollowrajTpBaerocrt ........... .jjrtISjSHMSjMa lr.,,Rockefeller Is a long dHanfe director, , Mr, Rockefeller snou:rej ...i.w,,iiri inr thirty years 'taere . hm iriw-i'Tfcat::a-'iwtt 'Ji" : :Z. -Y-ASnaii' eUae guns werelbiiiMattxWiOQla; $$H? JW.!,tJ', rmllltia feekSa'nd. ordUf Mti ; "Lat.ii.. h.Var'widilM.5.ruard 'iw ." """".".Tiir,1' r.r."-,?- Tha mine workers- organisation could bo no stronger or closer; than' the- system existing In Ithesef 'cloeenJA camps, it was, asserted.! Iritis llkea form, of feudalism w-tn sucn'regmw. - "" . 1 1, - ." '. -. 'fcBJ.- tions sia tne",operatora are , wunng shouldi beput !n,,operattbn;itiwa .bo gu&r. v ::3fi; vJr? "Men may' be paid a-fair.' wage; and yet Iheremay be such Intolerable ,coj UHHHIblBIA-Ut.iVta, TOUlt ,we-wyffjr;t,w.wx iitVi added the feortt? 'Tlie'wbrSfT 7 . . K . '-.-i " ..''(V!'!: - , ,ktl-afaaaamm nlaVdro'eWrkpVt . i GeorgeSipicelVhu'rcVth's n.a late J.p; MorVsa w .coauil- SL Paul: ii tatWr S4 to iife Th'eodUrS iooWveitwrehll6riveli tfiSrfliirtrai wa.plVeaVfen-arive 'eh'gageVenere.atthVCnoo lenten-seVJcesriu'localreate ." 8ub8lTrtbe fori-the;-eraf'So u', togjvnlthermwrM''iBeif vh.natbvtf;- y 4.;';ftlliigl nimsaMsssapswsanswnsssansnissansaaiMsBSinssw .:-vy-fc? -flt.i .iiltmiaiIiMBIiWt S''i;' -ITfl I'lff ?--HflMammi;:r... , uoi at letlnflC j, .'. . ,r-3trr' ,sz.jWa. -,srLirW.j.,.'s r.i.rtvv.. f-fa5TjVis,TTir!3f' -; ' continued, "out .tnerteu ace ssmiu iSli.wr'JsX-s'e . s:ve !tha'tf ' wrm.n.H.Ws l"; -i were shlpped'lntb tVibtt,geidu StSS : S -',; , taken some nrecautlon to control the mh 1ki&lvt zteeW.m-iit " tvt I.xrtV!i'l .! J-r-l;. a jfe-imnr j. J . undVti'l''''why' tb'e'sautntie.?ifdff0ij' r"' not Prevent, the sate.et: wpons5o tW' 'MtffcMlftl ; .pentanof any' tora ,ot?sniusemen &&2& tor wsn .,' : on private coal propertr.th Mioons VMMSft9SIMM?4h;Me::f . - B . Ti' acm' .7l "Lni-f-ri i- .t; r'tr"1 j.-5-rntii. r'-7 t.t-v?' :- -t- - -".r , gene, arcna.-rr:ine;ao"UtroHuo iVhi Ti iif hniilur aibas M-..-two ways of '8tlBulatIUg U-s.tw.coa- f inff ?i' "; nTiiill'-tlilii Hill '- siiinution-.ttiatareseenteroeorie'as; noiaru nawswnai imsjhbw sjsm twieew esl;ii- -. ThescdJUecnrrylngtotJwn'! 74 . wall!otAUndT;ujaey;t :." ImaSasr?) .'J rWVfm ,-, 1 -., irliriW' lininir to tk ysMu ttnwlKB-Wr ,il 1 ,jb1 " PH " vffr1 '.yl- S2&2? ItTSj Mr.iCornwall ;dld 'no dWii2sS '?JSOT ;wolodj.M imphasUed 1 Ihemaa' th.-'seiS !& Pt jr;;may be poor, but.stlllhe, lsa human being. V - i " t a 'i .. t)r) induce theopertor;Ho'. arbitrate and 1 "reiecttcVoifaU 'sum estJoiPW VUoeatnbli'emtbatVthe-opit4 Qrs paowesij a,wiy iunw ,y t"v. jy trebU'(ByTmWtlng tae mia'e4ft, l,V -. i'-'-T' -,ii -" j7 J , a-g..S'aI'jVia. eeM;vww't-r:''t's,,' tllrlstMsmnf-flAd. IMrjMitt sM Whim isMWlyl .. . . j-l'.A.u . - I.A. ttiTM i.ifliBrwi'- aniiiltlMflsl T Itiii ,:fl?d t minor. two emphaauted themUs the the bilf dormant lumeer 'C-iHaf be1lWeaWmefi"' , ft"--"-tA-1.V 'J.'-', jk - more 2exieHwveejif .fit ' A ss anvertiibia. 1 .1 ri-'J .l. "' ZiJ ..'JTiil VI Lasusamr . flVBHtmniTeamnraa snomensm asm BBmBsmi'BmimmmwammF' BKmtmi . ".ii'er TV"'WyWr"r Wb t"tsbP eBiBmHB ef cxamplciriumbaisairejiBrlTW M .4ojrst,.tt0iaatrsr mt$iym-theH.aVefe'ista'lSK'V veatmeiiC-in Ibmb -Wl five the twsaac;oo. , UU ifamy.;. a.te laW ttd trf th Wtrigm "SWJf j i wwldaave uriopiiaUftV Mt '; lir;;or.iir.'1rtsri. hk'Miw W ' wxM aseJte posaiwe w wsmss. v --'- --.--.. he :tna nasn. .MHT'?-?P'"'r .IS"' isif immnmi, mm : Tawrw: in aa-aait.'aML "tftnlHhinrf tiimbnr 'ill irlfiti ,""" ",ir- ". "..-. . . . j-a' 1' "vZt2:wSS.:7ri; Itoryet o-n 'MPW Jimpr. fffi WTJ thsse--nai4 OernwtJtl, .-: MrtJfMiy : aUHy in the Middle, weet wm$- 'T "."S. -v. .1. "u . i a.i 'i iiE this' Ji0f-.isiaasj..njri, eneoi Jmber sat j Ute.e'U MfBmi :BjMSMeel weM sMyaitogetJmae ti ' . - -:":;,' v :-" J?' ' ; 4mmWM lP r;--?-'.VBfif '; .-. S'XWm $M?wm mmmsmmjmy . .vsa