The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 01, 1915, Image 1

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i tn -W-'jS
'. av.
mu a
4 5S!
r aai 4aaaKlaaaWy' J i aT -aav
Itimtttui Mraln
V t ! MM,
y BW ' r r r B r w B
irv-a a -j
"TT. ........ Vn. tl.fllfl
i. kmhii '
. , m . - r -a-.-.
" W-i.
juiitlM( I'orllw A,v ,:",,'"K ,,,,,
Turk, in ' ''' ' V,u "'' T,,t'"'
Itom jt'iniimHiilriillMK Willi Out-
taatlHOilt lliiorl From IViru
grail 8it) '" '" Ailtrnnti
Ifealuanl ll hiopil-
United PresH Hervlm. '
HAN FHANCI8C0. March 1
Tim traffic po'lceinnii wim off Um
J0t, llllll ll(cMrlllllH W() crOHHCll
Market hImm'I wore inking tlmlr
HVl'M ill llll'lr lltlllllx, .llllKy llllHCH
went Himillni; tin nit limit n
thought of fool ihiikciici'm
Willis I'ulk of New York iiul
Hun Kriitii'lm o, iirt'lilK'd, wintnl
to CI OHM,
llrrtt nun IiIh niciliinl
lln Mopped lirlul.lj tn i' i
llllllMOIIt', (Minlll'i ll , c
fiom hlri, u , !,)fi
lllll l lll.lll 111,0 It I lllll ( I I
ry Jltuoy Iiiin Hloppc i
I'olk wnlldnl H.'ifi' ,1110411
Ntri'ol '
American Ship Thai Was Blown Up
00 the German Coast Recently
3 1 J
id i:i 1,. ki;i:n
fl'pllinl I'rt i Ht-irf trriHMtuUtiti
WNDON. March 1. Tim ur'iutit
.-. rr ItHM'llllltt'll UlltllltlCJ' till
bcwbartlmfiit nlxteii iiiIIvh IhhIiIu tlii! .
CirJuut'lN. TI10 loKitt'ii from Um
tombsriluiciit to .Into Inrludo ulmiit '"' '1"'"" "r" lvll In one
UCOkllMnml wounded. ' r"" ,,,,,M ",,,M '" ""' "",r
1 'terror r kiw In CoiiHtniitlnoiilo." ' ""'', Humliiy .'v.-iiIiik wr it 1leclU1.1l
.d the TiirklMi Hinfr Iim hitlti-a tlm . '' 'lllorli.m Hrltitc woll
riBMlun In tin' CitiiriiMm mill til "", '' " '"' itifnllon innrknl
"0M' - ahroiiKhoiit.
Frtnch monopliim' tiro rcrntinnll-' 'Um hitvIi-i. wim comlucifil ly
trim ovir the jilnttiH of Troy, Tim lllnlmu Paddock of tlm KpUcoiml
mhtlnt bclwifti luiidliiR liiirtlo with jrlmrili, iiuhIhUmI liy tin, imntorn of tin
tk Turk coiitlniif. und Iiiim Ueon Ulm-lpli'M, .MutlimlUt mid Prrnhytrlnn
ttnkd li) ulthln 11 mllo of AchUli'HrliurchfH.
tost, ' Tho lilnhop bvRuti by (xilalnliiK
Ai uiiconnniii'il report my Unit t tin t Uln church rctiiliiod tliu rltuiil
tt rfillw Iiavc mUrd thv narrowcHt Utlo rrrnmonlfM In Uiulrovvn womhlii,
point, of the HtraltN nt'iir llullnd, undjiorKoly ht'cuuiMt It cuv; ouch tmrHon
JifUlcuiimiuiilrnUoii twtwpcn lht iiri-ncnt 11 pnrl In th ncrvlco, itnd
Mi nd Contniilliioili'. lii'Cmmo idohI pvopln otijoyod milnlc.
Ihlllcd flo.'t U Mmpiy mnrtMiiiiiK , i,rKy ,lU n,jcnco lo Vo up
ni f tr lorouRit. ,l.r nnrrow Idenx,, not tlmlr conlf-
tlotm; tlmt (hi? prnyt-r of thu Manicr
lilted I'rtM Sxrvicv ,,:ll , followorii might Im O-N'-K In
PETIIOOUAI), Mrch 1. TlinUor. ,ir,(,r ,,,, M. worl(l mny ,, u.0.ts.
Hwiiiwni - ...- 1 iik nut a "(to yo into ail tin
ind rillroad hn heen liallvd. Holn- Mor,,, nU rra(., tw Ktmm , ov
lorwu uummnit in roiiinn imkk um t,ry rrtr,., 0 suld tlmt IIioko
' Tho Herald ha boon forced Jo
f print tonight's Issue on colored !
! paper, as an order of papor from
lhe,Qrcgoi City mills waa delay-
td In tranalt, V shipment which
ohould have arrived here Jast
week has been laying at Weed
Blnce Thursday.. Thl3 will ar- !
rlto here tohfght' ' '
f "
t v J pnAsai a "'W fn.
Vems ,lrc l-'Iying Itack and'Fotilh V&
tier llio Atlantic Front DlflcrCut
, ifcliici-ieiitH IteKardiiBB- thejWiti-
in tie Siim Will lnvcsifgate
a rr)KXi:i F01: ii:rt:xiiATS ix
" .
fJOlXti- TO
Cliatue That V. H. XoutrulityiWiin
lobiied at CtTBian i:uihuwyK'4
TOtLintud, I'Ksi Service
LOXDON. March 1 An tMsWo
'salnat nil shipments of all;iroiamod'
' -' t-tfea to "or from, aerma&yajbewToV
J. H. Carnahan, attorney (or Mark'c'!e "Pon hy f'he Government re
Howard, Vestal WakeHeld, John0. tallatlon for, the' submarine at lack j
Leonard and Valtntlno Bernhard. In uPon merchantmen. j '
sti:a.mshh kVi'i.vx
the famous "37-10': land .contests
lexnects to lnav nhonf rho 1 2h rnr , United I'reiii SerUce " "
r, fUJ, . ... .
,., ,- , ,, i- i .1 . . T. Washington. D.'C. to argud tho case IAB?LuiylN iJ, Marcfii,
ri.lH Is the l.vtlyn. tlm American sintd Tim Httrrla-Irby loiiiiuiiiv. tlm fnltni si..t..fl .., .!.,, ..i. .- . . .. .. tit has beTn decided that Pi-M-nt
Nhlp which wan sent to tlm bottom uhlch hud chartered ibo v.i r,,r ,n..i. i... ,.i i. ,t - cuenis rieiore ine auprcmo ,,, r.,iw Mi. -'i',
n-ar llorkum Island, Just off tho (ler- tlm trip to Mrenjcn. Uld thev would. rvine th Amnrio,,, nnw,...- .i,",Court of l:,B Unhcd s,atS' u-is nt alleeaUon, th.t th Lfc.r.iiTrtT
- -- -- -v. ....... ..un -iwvio; !, I....... ti tu .. - w....... v , -"-'
ill .miw nut maKo lopresentatlons to the na- but evidence was to tlm efi'eit that nl
ot cot- tionai KovernntentB. They wore fullym'nosank tho i:elyn-lt was coi
unit coast. Sho had sailed from Now
York January 29. with a cargo
,. .. - . atietsauuns ini me WBCiaiS OI lie
'" attorneys TttuUngorAanyjmUMkr'yUfU&i dlploautWc
tho other clients, intend making the
ton for llromen. Tlm ship w.ts In covered by Federal ltlsuranco. Al-ierod lu Washington that the disaster" tr'P' r 7',U.reIy UPn
rnmmand of Cuptuln Smith,.. He and Though tho destruction of the vessel1 would not
his crow were lAld to bavo been does not come within hu nrn..t f ir;ii..
.(, .
: tne- cthJca and United SttW4&trilitk
tnelr,faUf t s enlei-tbat it'UTke IbU-
tend to quiet American
tlm I'riuslttn front.
.. d. !.. t .-.- l.l .... ..
"i "" u mi uiTii inriniiiiiiH iiir iiicir t w u
ITbt.btttllc front Is now twenty miles Bnhlltlon n, w,,nsh; that prenclilng
lluldetho border of Poland. ,1.,, cnnol 10 nvcrv crenlnro did not
Atlolent eiiKugpnirnt In on west of mpuu lho. , fori. countries aloun
IfiMcnjrM, wlu-ro heavy losses are ,., lh ..,,,, wh .,,, wo meet
I admitted. . .1... i... ,,.. Tlint lintnn mlHHliin work
Thounnds of wounded Onrmnns ,.onlCl) ,,-,. ..., wo ,,,,, 0 mor
reali! to Im dyliiK In tho marulieH CX(,rcl)e, , nv ihmi. tt,0l tt(.
northwrttuf Ortmdno. while tho Au.i,.ow ,,.. ,i1().u wi,om ,i0 not
ltln rc said to have lost krlly In 'know '
u cntiijement west .of BUnlHluu. .... , .., , ,.
,km 6m wr "' Prisoners. , tt.. , ,,. .,,,,
. . ..,.... "..n f- o r. ..
Church ifiilnK, prayer services and
other worship were only a means, but
VIm r.llllan Stilts of tho Stilts Dry-
di eompnny, returned last evening'
irom i purchasliig trip (o 8nn Fran-
al( end A
hi snplulon,
not worthy of consideration beside
that many mako them
nnrrow hellish view In
S ?"nH"U ,H"?.'H, " .pr,B"Il.rtplnit humanlly. Ho told of his ex-
--.- . iniiivi j, ftiinB niuiB rv
nwned to visit the exposition and
itnn the big auto rncea Saturday.
perlenccH In tho How cry of Now York,
(Continued on nag 4)
Drastic Drug Law Is
in Operation Today
VABHniqton, D. C.. March l.
nr federal nw providing for strict
JtUUtlon 111 tho aalo of rerlnll,. nnr.
P went Into effect today, and Its
f'orteraent and r.,mi.tin.. ...m i.
rt Ot tha dull,.. . .1... . .
fcfim... . -" "' "m ueparunoni
r inUnwi revenue.
.. kllOWIl as thn HnrrUInn
. Md renul,M !,... ...i
Iriwl,,.. : " JurwutTi
iamJZ' """"'"i manuftcturei,
rwpoBndi. dl. ,.. ...
r or a ;;: .: I'T:''
sn. .. -"" upturn,
"J the other drugi laeJuUad
lw akin ..- v
fe Olla.toT. ' J3.?T
nkku.., 77 'ssrawi IIISNIM
Rr im tout0ft. XU taw,
fkukL" "" u atajtaN
Hislrlln.. -l... .
Nlr l m ,nu l'0 to
1 k,'0m. 7 y'r' Mi the '"
.Ume Of rnal.t..,! -.-
' , - snail piy
LZ2".toof A majority of
" .drugglau, dentliti and
will b9j cotlled to
w r
ICMleut and at.U ai.i.i 'z:z"m ""
v w'niiiww,, lira exempt.
It will bo unlawful for anyone to
handle tho drugs without registration.
In addition to the tax of $1 for regis
tration, the aalo or these drugs shall
bo exclusively mado through a form
proscribed by tho commissioner of In
ternal rovouuo, and to 'bo aold by tho
collectors bf internal rovenuo in their
respective districts, ,
It Will be unlawful to sell, oxcuange
or give away any of tho drugs with
out a written1 order of tho person to
whom such article la sold or given,
Tata order U to be made out on the
(orai aad a.dualleate of the order I
t U kept by Um aalltr.
! origtaal ia ta kaada of Ue
7r aa tka dtiplleaU rUteM by
tlM.aUr ami be kept for a period
of two yean, daring which tla any
agent of the Internal rovenue aervloe
or,auy stato officer or' municipal offl
cor In whoso charge tbe regulations
for the sale of drugs is placed, may
examine either the original or the
ConvlcUon for violation of the law
li punishable by a fins of not moro
than fl,000 or Imprisonment for not
nor than five yaari, or both.
Klamath Box Factories to Get
Lower Rate From the
written oners. ., . ,. r" ...- . .. . X
j The "37-10" cases; involve lands Tho recall of no offlcjalsiwlll e
J north of Swan Lake, and running' called for, i f. "
near (ho Klamath Beservatlon, which jho English .and French ministers
. -j-,..,.' 'i. ' '-" --, .i .
A IX Daniels claims as his by reason; iiaHvcalled 'upon-Bryifi to aMttftlkt
. . a. aa.Sw.H,-UU IJ.VH mnl WUH, lDejUJi PlflBT ZOr,Q3M
uuiuucr oi uumesieaners "ciaim unaer blockade- I
iho timber und stone actv
- f - - .j"
,-. TT
I i"i"i"iJiiJfVVVVVVVytiv(.
'mined to monopollio tho box;. Held, i
I1KXKFIT ovcn " 'ie' ,nvo to rlln nt a ,08S-
VjuiQ wo were paying twice tjie
frelgtit rnto they were to reach Sac-
ramento. they cut the rates so our
prices are now $3 per thousand less
than a jenr ago, so now that we aro '
. , . , . . alniott placed on an equal basis with
Iho aehvdulu for a reduction of ,,.. a .,. ,r!,n,nrt, .
me iruiikiu rate on uu& siiuuhh oe
tneeu here unit Sacramento has not
.TO Pltll'i: IH'TTIXt!
' Some years ago. the' Aitec'Landjp0'' TlgewOIJpr'aljalBg; Cmp f
land Cattle company relinquished land United Presa Service j
Jin the Sin Francisco' forest TeserveJ DEROlTi MIch.. MaTcMead-
for It lieu land .crip. This wa. pur Q ,
chased from the company by Dan- m.' . j Jr . -.. 1 ?S T.
with It he filed on the Mam- thV j .jCTt
ity land In litigation. r.ulfnort ...iita... iMndV.mi; L'
.Ak A. ..,..
.m.u hL'HbHL'iiKXOT YKT IX KF- " r " -"' Gulfport.MMUrs.j Included'ambag thtf
iiiese lanus were coverea dj- ure- piayors wno letl nere today were
gon school Indemnity selections. Bew
fore thebe selections, were canceled,!
Daniels tried' to file bis lieu land
'scrip, but this was rejected.
practically all the recruit pitchers.
the veterans Pauss and Dubucaadv
most of the catchers. The rest
He ap-,the squad" will goeouth a week hence.
Reductions of nearly X00 "per centPcnC(, from tho r,?J!Cton. Dtlt before Donnle Bush will join MacGulre's
i,nrn ,, Cnnrn,on. , ii, on fieleht rjltoa for lux shnnk i.m,. t"o nppeal was decided upon the'sqnad at Cincinnati and start his
for further cuts In belling price ot ber will go into effect in tho near fu- homesteaders bad filed under tbq (training with" the recruits" The HtUe
box shook. .ture oer a number of the Southern. fmber and stone act. ' - shortstop has been;suffering.froman
"Soxcrnl concerns lu California Pacific, railroad company's line in I ' The case was taken to the Federal jlnJured -knee, and expects 'to-bave
bno shut down their 'plants, feeling oi thorn California and ns far north
jet been published by tho Southern'
1'iit'lllc, but It the cut Is mude'il will'
Hot bring tho benefits that tho aver-
iircv mini might expect. It will help tIlev 01lg,lt to do t,8 ingtoad of oper- ! Algoma, beyond Klamath Falls
an in vuiui'i'iu wiiii iiitt iivu iuur
atlng at a loss, tinder the present Oregon, 'according to a nottficatlon'carrled to tho circuit court of appeals
i nnpan at vtosiwooa, wnicn is cut- IM.t.os comnl(iniled uy box shook thero -ce!td by James O'Gara, superln
ihik i'n-., ut ii me, huuuiu iuuro . . , h ..,,.,,. ,n tciiUcn of the Sacramento division.
another cut. then what will -lIonUrelght ru,cg ttag notinade there wns mini G. W. Luco of San Francisco,
lonsldorlng the fact that thero is no rnnn . ,.,. .. rinin nn h fitficbt trjfflc manacer for the South-
,.w.. ... ,.. ,w. . .0 Hwna. k..v -
plants here. -ii Prxl lie company.
... .... . . ... . . .. i
I wisn to say aiso in regara to me ..,, new rates meail a bl bnvinir.
thUtrlct cour(, and d'eclded in faor ot'Considerable-Hrouble-In-gettlng-tato
in the defendants. From tbere,lt, WM'condtJPn( j ") ,f 1
carried to tho circuit court of appeals,' '. .1
where the dbcislon was tbe same. A' Hom Vtom EkP' " iil 1
a" last resort, Danlejs has carried the ; Captain and Mrs,
profit being made now?
own conclusions."
Draw your
Tho foregoing statement by Itobertt efforts that have been going on to
for the various smaller turn-
nor omv
.v. joniison, presiueiu o. mo jYiiiiiiaiu m mi? about a freight reduction, that bcr (or.cerns In the north but for
Manufacturing-company .brings to the 0, X. Wendllng has been one of the'liunillril, of trult dealers throughout
...tentlon of the people the far reach-'hurawt worker, for this. Thortia no lll0 Sfttrameuto Valley. Local fruit
lug effects of the box shook' war.onq ,aB aUo today who haa beon'more ,,... nr(,-lubnnnt ovcr the news of tbe
or nas
case to tbe highest tribunal.
L Besides Carnahan's clients, other
nomesteaaers invoiveaare Mrs. Jesse
Robertson, Frank Johnstonr J-- Y.
Johnston,, D. 3'. Dlneen, Ralph E,
Butler E. B. Connor. Alvina S, Merrl
thew, Bernlco Sackvllle, J. W, Satt'er-
thwnlte, M. C. Meservey, A. J Mant
company's action.
I ox factories, and threatens others. worked harder or more effectively for
The California. Pine Box and Lifm- the, 'town's advancement.", '' v Under tho new rates, which will go
bercomnnnv Is an Institution through i! Into effect In time for the heaviest
which n majority of tho box manu
facturers on tho Const are marketing
their output, und the effect of having
such au Institution, as In tho case of
fruit growers unions, etc., has been
to stnbllio tho price and make mauu-
Hcd River Lumber company, It is un-
U'KMature Baltics on One,.Ccnt tshlpmenta of fruit during tho late
United Press Service . .spilng und early summer months, box
ST. PAUL, Miss., March l.Bltter)$llfoU raa' ho shipped from Algoma.
debates and full legislative regalia
marked tho submission ot a bill neces
sitated by ono rod cent, to the MIn-
facturlng reasonably profitable, Thajnosota legislature. Sevoral years ago
a state auditor noticed that the
dorstnod, had au agreement with thojxortberu Display Advertising Court
Southorn Pacific company, whereby
puuy's account lacked u penny ot bal-
they woroto huve a special freight jnnclng. So he dutifully wrote a chock
utto of $2 per ton from a plant theyjfor tho penny, and tho check waa
contcjnplatcd building at Vcstwood.'noVor cashed. Facing a possibility of
to Sacramento. "" auditors having to carry the weight
Since then the railroad hns been ex-lot that penny with them for the re
tondod Into Wostwood, a largo plant jmaluder ot their natural lite, they pe
hai been built there, and ttnoe that tltloned the legislature to admi a bill
tine the Red River people have been
demoralUlng the box market, by
price cutUag, made possible by lower
freight rat.
"How much w benefit from the re
duced rate depends upon the extent
of the reduction south from Sacra-
- -- a is .. I.I Vm TnltnoAn
memo, suiu mi, uu,.,..v,.,.
permitting them to wipe the, penny
off the elate,
"AU Nffat," Baya M- '
M, R. Doty, who has baas. In gas
Franoitco tor a couple of waaka, re
turned home last night fully satls-
Tholfied wlthtthe fair. Ho laments the
Klanlath plants aro marketing 'much! fact that all the exhibits are not yet
of their product In the San Joaquin placed, but says that tlm fair grounds
Vnlloy, Loa Angelea and other south- and burnings alone are worth a -visit,
fern points, niuKthe reduction In rnte M. R. also says that thetorlea con-
from Sacramento south win be in cerning tno nign price ot living in
much lei proportion than the Klam- the bay cltlea.are without foundation,
ath-Baoramento cut.r 'aa he was we!) taken care, at,, very,
''The westwood peopio seem aetor- reasonauie price. r
Klumuth Falls and all stations on
the Klamath Falls branch lino, and
all Intervening points in California
on the same basis as tbe present rate
of J2 a ton from Westwood to Sac
ramento. This means that'the ne,v rate will
bo $2 a ton from Hilt, In tho vicinity
of Slskl) ou mountain, to' Sacramento.
Tho $"2 rnto also will prevail from,
Doi rls, on' tho Klamath Falls branch
and all points southward to Sacra
mento lu proportion'.
On tbe same bails, the rate from
Klamath Kails fto .Sacramento will be
li.lti. Instead of the present rat of
14.10. The rate from Algoma will be
If.lO. Alt other rates will be propor
tionately 'reduced. '
The rates cannot go Into effect until
i, full tariff of the nov schedule has
boon published, and the matter has
been passed upon by tho stato rail
road icommlsslon and. the interstate
railroad commission. The interstate
commission's sanction Is necessitated
by tho fact that Klamath FatU and
s. J.'w.meL,
i returned last evening from SaafTa-
cisco, wnere mey visuea tne ruaaa
Pkclftc "ExposUlon. "Many' of "the ex
hibits 'haVef' not been 'placed Vet," said
Captain ' Siemens' today', '"but there
aro -enough .there tp satisfy anyone.
We spent a most delightful Week, but
there were many attractions at the
nlng Martha M. Craddock, Mr. -and fair that we wero unalile to see dur-
Mrs. J. B. Auten and William Shirk. Ing that time.1
(Continued on page a)
Not Much Chance tor
' ' & i'ln
640-Acre Homestead
H t t
igatlon havt recelvld nunjeVouf letters 'fc J$
i wa HeVea M stj st7fjBr -Jl T- -,
E y.
this session according to teaator H.
L. Myers, chalrmaa of the PubUf1
Laada commttte t the SeaaU. Sea
ator Myara ia hamrtUytm favor of th'
bill aaa hla oommltU fas reported
favorably os, the Ferguson bill which
passed the 'House o( Reprepsntatlves
January 18th, but owing to the
chaotic couditlon ot the senate cal
endar on accounttof theflllbuster and,
the determination (if the administra
tion to shove' everything aside rf or the
ship purchase bill it is doubtful
whether the 610 acre homestead bill
can be reached jat all.
' The 'members ot the Ore'goh dele
" M al i if . J rixacli ,
i. f
(Herald Special Service)
..WASHINGTON. D. -O.. March 1
, , , ,. "v . .J ! Pleading for the enactment, ot this,"
There is almost' no chance- for the legU,at,0B. . - , i
passage of. the' 640 accre atock-taU-1. Tne Du'i allows'any quailed home-.
ing homestead hill' through the Senate, steadar to file on"' iil'o' acres, af"t'
appropriate uBreserre4rpakl4e laavd. , M l
whkh'atall hare belnlgaitU br $$M
we aerwary a is lawaiiu aj aasjasi-''-, t;f,i
, ha mad at esid W three ' $m
years residence aad'Urdatalaf'aaaat - 'tMzm
make permaaaat ImprayVwawM whiah
will increase the valua, f-.ttt laad at JXW M
least, $l.?$i'tt tacra.fir' Ui.l
a yuriuwj,wiiaiwmraaPPBStin.t V-, ;
u'thmot-piutiM SSigsK
uviuio aufw-'Haiat iivwsu ' waai, f.
.. ... ... . i " , .11 JlA
aate. wua the 3ra;caMMM t& r v;
tpptM.HowalalswtM , 71
the Senate. Wto '- ;"&& M
fc.4, ' . . ...'L H,1 i w rfclMHai
.t : t
r 9
VT "' -