' -.;.) -r jvin ' .vJa-us-, u ..".? ;' ' : .4. inn V 4 . fj jwga&aafc M,:' PRINTS.TH1 - HI W8 WHILE IT IS NEWS OFFICIAL NEWIPAMW' i -v " i -V. A f.rA ftf5iX k . ' : (Th Merita ITS " urnmn ' ' ,"..' ( wSfc ycsr--X'.iMi. I . ! KLAMATH FALLS, ORBQOR SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1915 MENDED SHIP (ILL IS COMING UP NEXT WEEK TlM AWIO.V .1 DELAYED . j WIHI.r. r;t- Veil; Piofo of the Generals in Entire Command of French Army niMin-' fililp Ownrndilp. Through a CtorKirniloii ConlroHwlJjjrlIu aarrrnmrol l (lii' HmIhIIoh fuctlio Mssek Offered In the Meesurc'lte. i prird bdik Today Democrat i fiabfrr Ait HUH UnnppPMMl. j I'stiri Trou Kervlee ; WABHINOTON, P. C Feb, -7.-.J Ta conference committee consider lag to amending of the government j kip pnreiio bill lodey reported on tsetr work lo how nouses. Tk administration has decided to Mar flnl ncilun until next week. Thi konie, Monday, will probably tiest tho hill after limiting debate, TIcb will como the despcrato strug gle to paw the hill through the Hon ate,- As? amended, the bill provide fori' jwrasnent government ownership of J toaaerrlst ships, through a cornar-t ttlon, tbti government to own nt leant M per cent ot the stock. The Mil J prohibits any ship purchases that will. rtotate the .nation's neutrality, It li believed that tho amended bill wlU Ibo progressive, mmmmmmm) ' jbsbbbbbbs. 'LammmmBr aBammmmmf arwYyamms .aammmmmY IsBaamW W$mmmW Jk: isaaninL a anBaammmmmBn )k .Br BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. JBBBBBBBBBBk JiMy bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbb BJBBT r BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB- BBBJB P v. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf UBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT'si.!C'' . X waaaanVwaaBBf BBBBKr" I Hfc;V1jW EisbbbbbbV I vBHbbT 1 BBP?SH I ISbV I "WBIBBBBBf l vSPiBBV I iLMfKMlf bbbbbV!I W-bbbbF pX-- KHK wBbbbbK r v?- "vbTbbVbbV8 VBBB"". 'bbbTVR LfAVITT WRITES REGARDING THE ANKENY DITCH i. ' h,h xkw HOLtno.v von thb FKOBIjKM at)- (initial HMiBjHwta (he City TkiMR Over tlic ThIHy.Pire Water Mghta J HetHTfn iliet liCTltt Tract b4 th Month of the Cfljul and the Taktog of Thin AmoMMtof Water From the r?. Ty. t.M-.Tytfj'- w J 5eiwifori to Prok ik Ship Lobby IHtrli Therr. I J I f, feaoerat boltorti, though, urn itlll owated. It tho dcmocriiU en got two republleftn vote, they rah rnaku i tie, leaving Vic I'realdent Mar ball' vote to win for the admlnU-tntlon. TIiIh In tho mom rront iihttogrnh neon rotuovod nnd no ciiu for Thd nvMi)..i.....i.. f..i i fintitminii nmi 'nation htm bi't'ii given. Ho Ikih -"" "'""jail IH'lllllim UUHIV MIIM 4lirM',IIHM VMU UDY REGISTERS AHTI-SUFFRAGIST the not l.lneiit,nl IiilnffneiiiiHiii Ft 1 til t It a ilil ' .- n t ' '' MUM IlltVI III Vl1 I I Will IIU VIIUI"") receu. ou m u, '"' :Iiel, nor ol,H.r C,V 0lctalH. The re threo men In miprcmo rommnnd of ,,, ,HH ,J(.,.n flV wl, onl). ,(800i. tho Froneh iirmiM. It Jh current Joud men In tin. .Held, tho French rumor In Kurupo that when (lencrnljcliilm. ho Iim held the (Ioniums nt Joffro accepted command he did li,hny for more than four m'onthB. with, tho undoriUiidjng ihnt In. wis, Gencrftla Joffro. Cnatlcnau. nnd not to ho intc rfcrrred with' nt nil. Ilejl'nu linvo managed tho war as they took on hlnuelf the power of uupolnt-liuiw tit. They have divided their work lug oflicuni throughout the army, nnd i so Hint cacti attends to a department, of removing thosio who failed to unt-JTlK-y have let out less news about lofy him. Ill ilrat net. wan to jianm their movement, actions and Inten (lenernhi Catlonnu and Puu to alt tloim thnn has come from any other him, Aan'rcault many general have, commniidore In tho Held. comparatively heavy, It la generally believed that tho "antla" now In- tend to tako every advantage of tho' vote which they have, dcaplto their Ktrcnuouu work aealnttt It, to defeat tho BtifTrnKo element nt tho pollti. Uilted Preu Service BUTTK. Feb. 27.--Tho tint woman to register In Unite as a qualified voter ot the itate, under the conitl- tOtlonal amendment aranllnc nnunl Mtrae. wan one of the hardeatjT" n8 not ,0 u,i : wd, merely, werkeri sgalnut tho "votes ror wo- w'" lu victory or the suffrnglitH lu en" movement. She Is Mrs. W. J. obtaining tho ballot. Christie, antl-Hiiffrago leader, The ; etond 'woman to register was Mr. 'Mills at FoImmii. IHvId Dlckltmon, alio an "antl". Mrs.t Clnreneo Mill, who wnB loenl ngont Kite Dennis, president of th ilutto for the Southern Faclllc before S. J. Eqtt Ruffrago assoelsUon, was theilJnlloy, la now at FoIhoiu, Calif., ml KLAMATH WOMAN DIES IN CALIF. MILS. CIIAItlJCS X. MYKIIH FASSEM AWAY AT FACIF1C OHO'E, ANI WAS ItUIUKl) THKRR, THUR8 I1AV AKTEnXOOX third to reglMer fngent, according to word rccelvod I'V (Ai tho registration of anti-suffrage'' friends. Ho tranHforred from Com folk throughout the Rtato has been! lug last month. Boiler to Annapolis haadi Boys Tatefint Rank in Competitive Test i . Ailvlrus have Just been received ifrom Fnclllc Qrovo, Calif.., tolling of tho death there of Mrs, Charles N. Mvors. n well known Klamath Falls .woman. Mrs. Myers passed awny l Tuesday, and was burled nt Pnclflc drove Thursday. i Mrs. Myers was n native ot 1'enn jpylvnnlu, and was 60 years of age. I Her husband, who hns extensive prop erty Interests bore,, and a daughtor I mourn her loss, Tho family left for I'nclflc Qrovo early In the winter ror tho bencllt of Mr. Myors' health. : . .' ' K& - (Herald Special Service) WASHINGTON, Dc.-eb; S7-, Klth FslU youths thU yesr again on tho highest places' In the com mto examination - for appoint t cadet to the United States ,Y ' Aca,1ny nt Annapolis. isv ? m"op WHei ih h,wt ' "V of tho applicant!, and was ap- Wala I principal by nepresentatlve n.1' fu0"011, c,"U(,e H' wmath Fall,, stood second accord g,to i tho gradlngs, and was named ""nt alternate, aJ?J.!X.BmlnaUon -w" ' -ftbrn. H "to n Klamath rails, TM Dalle wer and Pendleton, and waa opoi . of tho youths of th flieaad' Z?)0' "rlc, Therlnek W Md threo alternates will masrtsi? as raute . .,. -tt . or . " -. - " jwT ncted by 'iMMwW fan. . . '4rSl 2 r: ' Ma .i u th' WW M honors' in Annapolis teats In tho Sec ond district, as W. Sturllng (larrett, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. dnrrett, In now a midshipman, passing with n high grade the test last year. Uollor Is tho son of Mr. and Mrs, R. M. Doller, who formerly resided hero. The young follow attended tho local high school, graduating In 1914, lie was prominent In football, basketball nnd other athlotlo sports, besides loading In scholusilc achieve ment. Since graduation, he has boon employed In the Upp. Jewelry store. Hill Is a member of the 8enl,or clnss at the High School and Is' one of tho most rab'fd.itonnls .devotees. Ho Is the son, (Of Mr, and Mrs.4!. L;llllj..J5rll known Klsmath ourity residents, and llkaRoller,VBhrlmp"" ha n "big baacN of friends "who are overjoyed to hear of his success. i rt' llowo Kromtlie South. ;"' ' H. R.fReani returned last night' from an eitended visit In California, Keno-Klamath Games Tonight Lovers of basketball will see. a couple of good games nt the rink to night, when tho First Public School team will play tho Keno Town team, nnd tho Second Public School team, will engago tho Keno First School team. Tho First Public School team of this city has proven victorious lu about every contest,, and In taking on tho heavier Keno Town team tonight thoy nro assuming n big handicap, ..... ..in, ,i... .. nnfl,innt of vlteorv. An admission of 15 cenUlirbjrf" f crfargodto p9verthe,expenses of the occasion. Iteturis KronrCallffornla, .Mrs. .Too Heftlngor returned from aiondnio. Calif.) ver.areha.8 been for several months. ;Mrsi?HUlnger was called back by the?r)llness of her husband,, who Was. to betoer ated upon today atMerrflJ. ' 7 II) A. U. I.KATfT, Police Jsulfe) Various methods have been sug Rented looklna to-lhn elimination ol ,ui(. Anxeny canal I as a water way 'through the city because of Its leaky condition during the Irrigating sea son, and because of Its foulness and disease breeding condition s well. micro Is no question but what It will (eventually bo eliminated, but why IpoKtpone the cllstlnatlon? I bave never been Impressed with the effect IvciKBB or the econemy of any of the methods yetliuggehted, feeling that they either Involved too much red r iapo or placed the city in a position that It should not occupy towards the holders of the water rights. II Is my understanding that the object sought to .be attained Is the relieving of the reclamation service of Its obligation to run water through tho cannl for the purpose of supply ing, certain, water gbts under ja contract which It 'assumed several years back. In the draft of the contract here tofore submitted by the department In connection with a proposed char ter amendment to be adopted by the people authorising Its executloa, .ap pears section 11. which reads as fol lews: 'Now, therefore In consideration of the premises and of the covenants and agreements' hereinafter contained nnd by tho city to bo kept and per formed, the United States agrees that It will, and declares It to be its Inten tion to discontinue further operation nnd use of the said Ankeny canal be tween the points above described at station 51-30 of said canal and the Junction of said canal with the main canal at the Intersection .of Eleventh nqd canal streets." Now, that is absolutely all that the government will do at the present time, viz.: discontinue f urtker "opera tlon and uso of tho canal between the nolnta mentioned. Dut It Is proposed to tlo tho city up in a contract to assume Its obligations to Jhswater- right holders, and otherwise. The Rovernroent reclamation ser vice recognises forty water rights, each holder being entitled to' take from the caual at any point one Inch ot water under a six-Inch pressure, Thtrty-uve of those recognised rights would bo Involved 'in the pro posed elimination ot the Mnai as a water way between the aontherly boundary ot tbo Leavltt tract and Eleventh street the other tve being used above the first mentioned point. Proceeding upon the theory that the government is as ahxlena as are the property owners who property Is most injuriously nJMsJuii; the canal, to have the matter adjusted, and that It will welcoas any arrange ment that will relieve ft K the. neces sity ,ofr running water through the canal io supply thoao thirtyive rights, 1 have this suggestion to of er: Let the city ot Klamathralla take an assignment of all the right, title and interest ot each ot ttio tttrty-iTe In ana to niinwer ngai. Lat,tho'aBlimt;ljgontt; and forfsulclwapurtas4. s Let 'the city as-WHh;,a'siln ot said tnlrtyinve rlghtaeioM'lotnke IU ll,l.l.t. laakM at Situ iui-w ww - Tr" sb essavssi BBaBBBBBBBBBBVSv m bEsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHI V.BEsaaaaaaaaaaak 'ikL kBnBSBBBBBBWSflF aBBaBSBim SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsV? ' Kstf'V SIMMOSia jflfe mi sv'y sv friti. BB RUSSIANS BEGIN VIOLENT jn , -' 1 TTi afllJ a 1 1 ai :h j J-T&r2& .11.1' w AGAINST GERMANS r ;.vt ViJe?W.'? iV-J5ii te&&4$m k i-, ! K' s- '" f) , " 1 t &n w h . - . . -' Vi 2.! !. .tt' I .J"&V r . t J' K -i .' & -F" 4. JMfa J. dT'SSi ITnllad Pruu SirtlM BERLIN, Feb. 27-It is oclally admitted that new Ruasksi feoi' l" .; tlAVA ! Bit M t Mt'fcWw. Vl..... Jt M -'- ' " - " - ,. 1 ' -"- " ovvm nunji uni nyrouii, ami nni; )i ;,; t S3 1 A MMT ABfMAIWA MnifwIMl K' r A feaisuv of that is a series otvioleM aaeasdte retted againet the vtUasje of Stood, now heM by the these were retwlsed, susd 1,16 snen were taken pHoottcw, btM. the rontlsuse with lanreassag ferocity. I AsunsBtasT. ' . Dssfsudtes fresB the frettt express the belief that these attWtui'Mri 1 wKati, TbeTswfcish force retimnent rreastag. WF '-.w BBBBBBBBS aSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBt L yHBtaVN sabbbbbbbbV CE?rawanwBawanwanwanwanm ported safe. I m$m M Cw " I nBBBBBBB; - , - TfBBVHBassBBBBBBBv4wv4prlwNar7?e M A a a. BBBBBBBw&BBBSBT s r """ , '9 tftMesf.JnsMBBjBr w; ? i ' l.l '"' ""-ftl . iB ;ft. Large force of me are hattUsut is the swamp refrknM.cn.milee free , r i r -j- &?'r . , &. & J KhM. ilUlst ta halt tlu. favtlw m4w ! m lit warn ftltfliMi '. ilrMllto Tla?6 than seriosvs atteaspt to farced the GersMSN hack to 'the trmte.ySYffi'M ATowsa vcroass sas s-vtmks, sae apiiHsg uiauaai .- rne Prhsce'a army is aaaamtthss; the Freswh popsitiosi; . Ct tZrW irf's-i .Irv-irj7ru. -. .-f . United Press Serrlee - , Vifeil . - -i . I . -A J fe liiil "Si axhkkii, e. ximo forte ineMe the Parrbmclle sreMataesr z:ui lly sbeBed, ma, putt of esse of the.TsuHcish Und baUeriee lss,lMTF: if "-'-' -" "m ' . ii.g ii i . : "jifff9$ '& uit ,7 A sW m!"Z.Li, . - ' Several of the allied Meet vessels are reported sUsjbtlf Is poor, and as a rcswltt.they sire of the ieet. The hosshardCBent, by' i. iiti "---? & ' ii' ''M 4 I' I - -i " i ,V.".' StT. m b.t m . -i - jm- -.- a -.a . , . -ti .: w.Bu-a4r " iiw ivpie in uiBsniiBiiptc uo not uww ismi mm mwumwi wnwpvf T'i niauld n tnttv, fhs 11uofaMni Oalr thA iMeUam fs.nMlM jumdl tmm mahHlfr- ' XJU l.fnsnssadl -- .11 r tt.li " - 4r VS? j$ e-eer' issiw. av ssjp-mis - stj- - ?g 'Hi -?:' fJBVhak - lalns lAttm SSUSk H. kAj1 SS A.-- ' alllij f 1 1 IOITVJ uaSB-VH gamg bjsjsbsbbw aW7nsv onravf SBiawj.arvOTiaj i" 'sjiassjssi ssnaaviaa - .,?' Mlnistrryltsry':4fy;;f At, A - tSBBBBiBBBP AtsaT alaVwBS &: PTTlT- n.i.. 'k- ..j"" tBawkjl1 "llBhBSBBBB'alBl'Hr Cnlted Frees Serrlee WASR3XaTO.,p.CFeb.97Vniee1 Mate Dyke at The.Hagwe caMei a rssssor that eifht Evelyn are missing, iad yesterday 'rabied the troan tho canal rmanenUy urta,tholrrlit Ing season at a1 point .lUMKm na ttaUoa BMP, at or noar the eafr boun dary of tbo vmytotm.T& ;' Tna water, oonw waspasaa ssurai Five senators bave been named to make an Investigation of reports that there use been a lobby ot American ahl owners In WasLlngton to pre vent the, passage of tb bill tor the Ktirchatc ot ships for operation by the federal government. U was In timated In the senate debate on the bill that powerful New York finan cial interests had obtained options on some interned German merchant ships, and would undertake to sell them to the government in case the be required to a convenient point; for city use. Thirty-five inches of water would be a very nice little asset for the future.. And 1 apprehend that indi vidual holders of the thirty-five rights would have very little hesitation about accepting reasonable compensa tion for their rights and transferring them to the city, were they assured that the aggregate ot the thirty-five Inches would become a permanent municipal asset in which, as cltisens. they would still have an Interest and a voice in Its use and distribution. The moment the city could present to the government evidence of its title as assignee and elected to receive its thirty-five Inches ot water from the canal at the point Indicated, the ob ligation' of the government to run wa ter through the canal below that point to supply said thirty-five rights would be at an end. The city would be under no obllgs- tlon to the' owners of the rights or to the government by virtue of such transfer and election ot point ot In take. The government obligation to supply tho, thirty-five Inches would continue under Its contract aa It now stands, but to one holder, Instead of thirty-five. The matter of paying tor the rights I leave where it.balongs. butj am aat tailed It can be done without serious embaraasment to the city, even If oe right now. , d If this, Use should prove. ttkt metrtal and'ieet . wRh; appraval. steps should be .taken ;at;,os -. euro the assignment and arre tor the poymeuts so that the ettyssay ha In a paaiuon U peat i ewmaa amlgnee. ant -nrrange lor sHuusu;sn Its tap or tntaae: prior to ie tlagcthatrrisjatiat VaHed 8tate MaHater Cierara at oeriM tefejo-apM-tfta sea.:sisBi,v k- . tsvjr>g -yiMr - .- i. . 3 4- - V." .'V!-;.... iStefi-V JjJi iaL-v-'--:! .'ittiti?L .&'! ?&&$ V-AJfl branded ''CC'iandtwMthrfiijd.xThei .r-i ; -iit,-J.-.rfA1.-;? animal, (.Mjhkiana. ffendaats , deJsedlfM-;foegolswlie;! MstaJtaaMUNaJilhl June, and -kep a r'TTV5T,Pi in niirrn inr i finT.tna isn (tv -Hk-tt''Si? mm m m"-&wifflm urn mis i ine feastoiitBe rouNei'!:i& ! brought about by the. Ukag;ofitbe- m CRESCENT MAX BRINGS DAM.OE j horle according to the complaint, l (was used at one of htaj sheep "trnsf' PARTIES. TO RECOER. HORSE j near Crescent, and that1 Warertft fp ! ! n '!. hnMV MH k.l.'.hu.ll.'l.l.:.. 'TtK luse, 150 sheep strayed away; , and havoiir iiiictf, ., n-iwwwwiuac -. uon. in-iwnicn w. HIRE AND SHEEP COST Suit to recover $720 and attorney fees, etc., was commenced In the cir cuit court today by J. C. Houston ot the Crescent country, with Augusta M. Jolley, Justice of the Peace Cleaves. Constable Thomas, Jessie Da-, vis, Frank Funk and George Water man, all of Crescent, as plaintiffs. In the complaint, Houston alleges that he Is the owner-of a claybank horse with black mane and tall; white feet and a white starred forehead. Prlnevllle Houston. attorney,, represents.. JUti, tfojt JvfUt .-"fWr 'l T &i 'tl . .. a " . vr . K m mum 'me?, uicu iuuhik. tre where they" have been' . j :r -j - -r- ,-rjr turned last night from ColfaxWas:, :f ?,? ttltt'-eiiceiM' selling out thelf lntowriVtVe;"MUlert;4 Photo company, rest, they are glad to, And ilke,an-;,the4Clsfi :o,betback ; Frame ContestRules -, r 3wwMfe fJ a,." .r Utttrctdbts Atttainf to M itr ike Rm v o - . ' - "i ITc.TliWLVrtAe. -t w Xijrt- C Further consideration of the first annual, endurance run ot, the loeal branch of the Federation ot American Motorcyclists to be held Sunday, March 14, waa the order of business at last night's meeting of tha.wajaa Ixatlon. held at the C ft 8. tneWeal store. As yet, the4 eouias has not i.- .--..-i A-.-.ir-CJi w-'- ucQn ucuiuwif wvwTC'VfVHni mv following rules, formulated, last night, will govern the eontaat.' s-. ' 1 Each entrant must be ' member of tho Klamath FnHs Motorcycle Club In good Bisaisi.-, "" . ,,; ; wmx, ?; . v.. . . . , v-vi;. s.'W.'S.t tvr-ii 6' 5Sii Vf?i R 'fr t ,' . I ,fcyvr.eSc.it i"v' ' 5,.J ? if T-3 become .Involved. by,reiie!ef.ipartlcW"? paUoa,ln;thorace,v ft TfM 4 Only stock stchiu will f .1- I .& 1 f--.? . ' -. . , ." 7."-.TTV5H,.T ' $- kA J"..i l'.''Iir ,...VH ??l '.-. 'i iu. j-';.'-,v.'-.'j';ii'. .;! oaehandevery: broken part -of, Wltl j .j-a,i i .- .Ls i its al" sv1- , tr btsafkJ sa sWAhu4A.&; WWBAwssa; aamhOJt . saVBK aSUC' BBW.tanBBBBM.lZ: StJS piito:VWlp:irom'tliefaclor rV-iEaea maeblae .must' be'ihssoct-F Ml! ?'"jKfei oswkto:aiarohTll, fceeemsanled if'ara'eitarOTL mm milAmdWmmnmmWm -f-'i. ?i." xvr . .-w?": ' ' " a.o aaca f sisua -awsiaa ,a aatrr tkMk AavAAa tA',AAU"blAialaM TtsU Klamath falle'Hotorijr;.Caar any less or Jnjury.io Mniaolt arty, and to any lm;orsnr:i mm i im i nil I MP for iBsmaakaum ta abmaaa . . .-- -. . ' - ., -.--- . at tno-.various control,: stat otsrinloasTfciw "... T.: vwect afSfcii-WKS?? .".. at aii "i!L. v i1" a " iLlL; 'At osoa, eantteliasatleavand'imuet'i out on sefesduM tinteA Ridara eue-.e;;potfceae) it--4Mda.iiart-.Kthh AMUMAf tiMlnBssssasl teMnaat 'aaaaataOMns ?TP ?.Ww tf:jkUsaMMaa. asVrAa'afcWvtan!i j"w yw iriBBBBB'j( fast nVsaLaa faaaakg1' ."&.',TiTts, a . navaa swas e -l vr WWr . V- WVHSftaaVVBilMk !Bawwri J'Vl iliif iWiftw;BmTjn lMMPMibt: ' twS flof"JBBEs" 'i jsjju .- . .rJ",c 'Xjf rirtnu 'W '. v'cnwari'. j-aam (W ,V'T. ftSSJCi-kE -ViHJAl'M01VS.l.'Wai.i 7 . t.'.- ' ,'Wt,u.--.,-J"IJBl i . a!' A ?-t. &)& ;SA ,V'-:!j:-. r ",i'j.1i ?kww .Sl&V'-t'iiV ..-' - "as