v"""-V - - Mtfv v .p r v.a c ; i Hrr,, l&fV .: fctty ik . j. n !. IS. " immmmmmmmmmt JSV' BBS SBWBaBBBBr .A. I A I BBS 3 r BBa CLiTl 4fe1tintMF.it II - I III . .... ,..,. I . . . ..ntUTa TtlS' , KHV aaa HIWS WHILE IT II NBWI MttMh m& G f " "' '-'"IJffe KLAMATH FALL' V r &Ji bsbM Year "' FATE OF POUHO RESTS IN RESULT OF GREAT FIGHT OTITKNIHH'H IIATTXr! NOVV IH.I.N I'UMj POItUK' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1915 -, v - - 7 " TV";. -- -1 ' ' 1 ill ii aEVi . .- A. Photograph of Khedive of Egypt llerrirnl t l'Hrorl In dfealr That Austrian ami (iermanN j la (taililnnl Force, Air ftilvlHg! the MmkiivIi-n Nlimly Hark lo Hi KmImIIumUim CUlm ftticrW In OujMthUii Csninalgav ' I'nlUd Pro Hervlce 'KTOOlllAl, Feb. 2f.. -A greati battle l raging 'nt and south of' StiBliItu In i In1 wwiern Carpathian. ' Meagre despatches say that the out como of ttilrt overshadows develop-' mrotf In Poland. , Auiirln lum innwtd u great army, tnd I endeavoring to croM the Dnle iter at Halllx in u inovo toward Lent berg. I)wpntt.lie Indicate that tho RoMlam urn slowly retreating, In the face of n superior Austro-Oer-man force, upon llnliti. Strategic reasons rt mid to 'be responsible, and It l known that the rulna of the cattle there have been fortified this week, for defense. . Rbewlieru, both In Poland and In the Carpathians, tho Russiami of fenilre are proving successful. LOCAL CONCERNS HELP DAIRYMEN FflWT XATIOXAIi HANK AND TIIK KLAMATH CREAMERY 8UR. HCftlDK Hilt JOURNAL FOR THKIIl I'ATItOXH BEEEBJBEBs' BEEEEEEEEsi kTi-jajMH, VffVjBEmBsWl til I'lsSSSMBSW ii "jj "fxSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSU. W S uMSBFSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsW I SBBBBBV?Tlj.Si . - SBB r ''SSSbHSSSSV BBBB f - T 'ssssss-s-V I JBBEEEEEEEBflsVi f4a Jar EEEEEB1 KBBBBBBBBBBBBiPCL' TCt SbVisVBBBBbbbbbB .GbbbHIIPIk 4t99i ' BsEBBHsBBbVk "i Jk ySBBsfllsBBsV ssSfsBsEBHsCL. '' KJMatJ SrirsCSSSBBBSBBBBBBSBBBBVPSLAttalBBW 3 "''to-11'- aamlsTiEHBVBflsffr v!SbW1b BEVULh ulBBBBBsfaffaffaffaffaffaffaTlBBB ,-l i SBBBBsEElaV astSsffsEk SBBfSSBBBHSBBBBBBBBBBBBSfaKitjLam '.tSJSBsl fifX WmMk. bbbIBbRBiKbI M L, BBBBBBHbsCsBBB WILL DISCUSS ENLARGEMENTS WITHJETTLER Ol IICIAL8 TO MAKM IIOUMR TO HOUSE TRIP Projwt Maawcer Cmmp and Water Uners' Association Men Will Call iRofcr Laming, Counsellor of the State Department on Kacn Water Usetf and RxptaJa u, Him the OrtfltaVxateral En. Irnnmt Plan In Order to Hastes llerllnn lleffanllnaj It Another ovldenco of the Intureat that Klamath Kails Institutions tnko In the ndanri!iiunt of tho agricul tural Intercut of the county la shown la the action of t'Uo First National bank and tho Klamath Falla Oraaa rr In securing n live dairy and atoek BMgailnn for tho beneft of tkelr patrons. Kach of tho Inttltutlons baa closed a contract with Douglaa O. Aadar , neld manager of the Westers Stock Journal fur nriy yearly aukaorlptlou. Name of dnlrymen patrona will be Mat to tho magaslne oalce for tke distribution of these. b Is Itorn A son arrived Sunday morning at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. I.em Mo Ksntle, near Olene. One per cent of the contents of th oceans would cover all tke land irtia of the globe to a depth of 20 feet. This Is ihe-uMTirvnt. nhutoffraph-throne. For weokiUbeJIUnka threat of the nuw khedlvo of Kgypt. Just,cned to march on Bgypt and unseat Placed on the tiirono by the nrltlsh the new khodlve. A few daya. ago government. The failure of the mo emy was uinsaeo on ioo Turklxh forces, which Imrt threatened hnt the old rulor found It necessary to cross the lied Sen. lenves him so- to go to Home Swltserland, for a euro In his new place. The old klio- surgical operation.' Now, however, dive had sided with Turkoy In the" It has been admitted that the e great war, and he hnd to quit !! pcdltlon will amount to nothing. HUMPHREY NAMED SAYS FARMERS AS A CONSTABLE BUYING AUTOS i i , COU.VTV URT APPOINTS iOOAIi, FACTOR V RKPRKHKNTATIVK OF CAHPKXTKR TO Fll.h TF.RM WHICH JOHN SCHAI.LOCK VAH FXKCTKR OVKllI.ANI COXCKRX 8KKS A YOM)F.RFUh LMPROVK3IKXT OX PACIFIC COAST -. . At a meeting of the county court', J 4 - I . M ' .. ..,.... mia! . loony ueorge u. nuniinru, n known local carpenlor nnd cablnot maker, was appointed constible for Mnkvlllo district. Humphrey fills tho term for which John (1. (tchnllock wns elected Inst fall, but for which j ho failed to ciualfy. Fred Morloy was named to fill In Bchnllock's former unexpired term when Sohal- lo'ck resigned Inst fall, owing to III health. The snlei of automobiles Is a protty fair business barometer, and accord ing to tho report made by R. C. Greth, factory reprcsontntlvo of tho Wlllys Ovcrlnnd company, who Is Jn tbla city on n tour of tho West business has picked up surprisingly on the Pacific Coast, Judging by auto sales. "Our business is 30 per cent grontor on tho Coast this year than last spring," said Groin today. "Dotweon Bait Lake and the ocean John Bull Fights Alone If France and Rusta Qm(, England Will Stick ultd Pros Service WNDON. Feb, 16,-m the .house ZZ ,n toi Premier Aaulth Ww ed n tawt accredit to Win ton Churchill that Knglsnd will W Russia and Francs Withdraw. u)td Pross gsrvlea , '"'' - .". Ml1 ngland asdVraaae hkvs S?"84 MmaaMt' whMby atrl- ! VA trlan fleet la bombarding the Mon tonegrln positions, Moxlco nnd Canada, there are leas than 400 cars In dealers' nanas to day, nnd tho factory, running night nnd day. canriot supply orders. Laat .. ... . ..;! m i Rnn yenr mero wcro imi ! cars with tho dealers on the Coast nt this lime. "Tho farmers nre purchnalng 4'heavler than ever this year, which t speaks well for business conations. It Is also notablo tbat.tne payments are much moro prompt nnd In bigger Installments," Tho Overland output In 1908 was 400 cars This year 7C.000 cars are being turned out, nnd all nre con tracted for already. United, Press Service PARIS,' Fob, 36 It Is officially, announced that French alrmesfralnod sixty bombs on a railway atatlon In the Champagne..' district, whoro the Oermans are concentrating. The'shells "struck trains loaded with troops, and caused much "con tusion. The delay thus occasioned was buN flolent to prevent the demons from massing for an attack to retake some oa( ground. Fracture Ebow " Mrs. Bva Tuolter, who susUlnod a compound fracture of haelbow on Tuesday, at ho AlUaaont ranch, fs roiKirted' as rapidly Improving, The Injured woman waa tak'en to Black burn hospital Tuesday night, and the Injury attended to, by Dr, Hamilton, assisted by Drs, Wkjte and Hunt Project Manager J. O. Camp this morning received Instructions that In order to expedite the vote ou the proposed Griffith Lateral enlarge ment, a project Involving a 976000 expenditure, ho should make a per sonal house-to-house canvass to se cure the otcs. He leaves this- even ing and will begin ths canvass to morrorr morning at Malln. A member of the Water Users' as sociation board and another water user will accompany Mr. Camp. The matter will bo explained to each set tler, and he will be requested to vote for or ngalnst this work. Tho following statement or rea sons why the. settlers should vote fnr ftin OnllfMMMlt ku hull . . ... ........ B,usuv ., uwu ap proved by the reclamation commrs-l slen: 1. Tho south branch canal la built on a high embankment for 7,000 feet immediately south of the long flume. The water channel on this embank ment has a wooden lining that vras Intended to be replaced with concrete masonry when tho wood had become decayed and the embaakmsjst had be come thoroughly settled aad eosaoU dated by use. The time hss now ar rived when the wood illning"raust bo removed or replaced, as It la thoroughly decayed to parts and laat season a large part became detached and floated, causing considerable dan ger and expense. To replace the wood lining with concrete la esti mated to cost about 130,000. If. however, wo nre to reduce the amount of wnter carried Is this eaaal from 300 second-feet (what Is has today), to 136 second-feet, It will then bo possible to omit any lining nt. all to this embankment and thus mako an important saving In ex pense. If, however ,wo thus reduco the capacity of the sou th branch canal It will bo necessary to secure additional capacity elsewhere and it is now proposed to do this by en larging the Griffith Lateral from Its present size of 28 second-feet to 190 second-feet, which will permit not only to save the expense of 180, 000 for a new lining to the south branch canal, but will give other Im portant advantages. 2. The Griffith Lateral enlarge ment as proposed will water all lands lying under the Adams canal by water drawn from Lost river instead of from the main canal. SThls will per mit tho diversion channel to 'be cut out from uso during the' aummer nuinlha and thereby the 'DTOblem of drainage In the First Unit lands will bo greatly reduced. It la well known to all that seepage rrom the diver sion channel during the growing sea son la a serious detriment to First Unit lands in that vldaRy. 3. Tho enlargement -of Griffith Lateral will make It possible to In clude 3,100 acres' of taV Tule lake lands In the First Unit Mf thus tend to reduce costs of. irrigation system which will oe nxeo oy ine,poara o review In tho near future.' The pres ent area of the First Unit la 14,800 acres, out h i, wsmwus Included the area wll' close to 29.000. acres, ao mat tas aisinou- tion of costs over. ths larger are should lead to dlrssirMraatagetb First Unit lands ln'tha4lstrlbiitlon ofcoat. "TV 4. The cutting out of wood lln-. jng to' the south sHraeh embank- ront and the reduettMot south branch canal capaMty wlll tend to reduce coat of maiseaaase in thai ssbb1sbbbbbbbbEBs ' -aBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm .BmmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BsBBBBEmBBPMWiipPllv El & T-jtj: rajl&'iplBm H BFS.jM'l?iBsB MBlBajZ!aBBs? Jffi1,? BmSaP'BBBBmC?WKwJ? 1 Wml SwwBBsT ' BR f BsbmbbbBEwv .CwBBbbbbbEBt qb-sbswswwwswmv: vv-v asfTBSsssssssw ' Fa !sSBBBBB3&--Jf '.. ff ;UJtat?;- sbbbbbW EEHaEEEEBg&aayft HrfT-W BsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW i- EBBBBBBEBBMBBBBBBBBB i" bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbtbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW 5 P sEEsfll.liHHB, M gfla ..msQbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb m dgHgftgimiHgll.. KE vEBEBBBBJl9iBBBjEBBBBBBBBB9BBBBjjV f-Slt, IfsBBBEmbBSBBKPHBBBB 9Bm9msssssEJBW'"BBBEiBk4r9 SgBEjEJBJkjBwBBBjkj- - SBSfeBBv55SBBBSSBBBRSBBBaBnBv lkw '!SKnBEBEE'jBiB' i-. J" OT S BSBBBms JTtJ- T vUSSLWl . w T '.'jT.w.Zi r -fW- b-V3&j4 'frAimi rr tons n mmm A M BLUCMUt V -., I". '.' rORlTALIATION f 41 PA' w Snh. ifMI VA.VMV.K UHIPu dlTVIT WITHIkl ,.- '"" - . Wj Pnnera . Dduanil That tfu a,lmm- ''J1 meat Take Actio Comment Be-., cardiac Amerteaa Replr to Not la ' i ) ' aRrf'iwaf iery liaaroetl, ladlcatuc CaatJesi .&i j . ..-. ?m w rrereat Asqr rwrtser rWasas.! T W "j? s. fc, - -: c Artktf.i LONDON. ' IS Smmi "'-?'. t u". .... 'r, If r. t . . -i "-."- r vwo uibuu kb maeaiaie oecssra- y tton of blockade along the German ' ; coast. They say the British arat" ! ' idally more exasperated by the re- 'iraw" uumarme suacKS, Bd arge .;, SS nnatThls'CrHlcalTfaHe' - Calted Prsasl8srvios .iS .bo further delay In reprisals., T 3?i j Comment on America's .Informal; ? I note U very guarded.-HTke , larger;- 1 F icwiiw iw aupceauow pea-- i. sibie American supernsles sruer maay's imported foods tuts, 'with favor. v - "'u sinir are aaowa j save jfesJ met With dlamater In Rrttlafc matmr ,! 3 " - -7- -T- ts j Washington county grangers op pose advertising on fencss and barns, - since Germany's war sons west Into, -! ! effect a weekago. ,-1 1 .?& At least three more" are mlasIag.j&J:: 1 Berlhr cllhgs, to, the claim. -t hat Saf , transport waa sank.- ."- " V3fr3! -N . n ". v: 1 . t. ttrnfu.,.:. .'teji.-!?Ii. .' v muv acntnuis, ncui, hthji'ih , Kaesrt Lasatac. slate department notes to Germany cernlng the use at sea. The note A .AAM n ..ulnidtiim no nn.ilil hn uar Mr f jtnalnp la fthnllt SO vl&r '" . . V written without precipitating the of age, having been born In Water- United Press Service " f, H N..ii.irT Into a war. haa been looked town. N. Y. in 1884. v WASHINGTON. Feb. .25. The . f . 4 . -- . .. .. rMl .i. , uenaa emoassy nas aennea tne sate- tv lanes throueh which Anerlcan tpk- il SSTmi Jw.m rim nla pan arh nmn wiHi A . I w-mfmw-mmmmifmw-mm . -. , .. t , counsellor of the 'on as a model of forceful diplomacy, j Carlb were neutral, vessels,, theDta-rT , Is the author of the' Taken with the note to Esglaad-U'orah was a French ship, and taef&? andjiugland coa-,sbqwed, according to experts lBrister-:Baiuder.were owedjb',Britlsh;' eosi5; otthe Americas flsg'nntlonal law. theympatWer-tllceras-- -s-. t&J&&Z& to Germany, coining American government iff- the great t ., ",- '., v-," . , . &' DELATED WIRE HAS SAD NEWS t 'This information was given Sena- 111 Convention. tor 8valt during a conferencecon- S 'United Press Service j ST. PAUL. Minn.. Feb". 25, How IOCAL MAN TODAY LEARXS THAT,0"' U ' ..a ""'LTn ' j how to sell a range without a pan- HIS SOX LOST HIS LIFE IX THE j ful of biscuits for your prospective customer and how to extract a bill RECENT MAR8HFIELD HOLO-)from your debtorp and Bt, ,,., CACST - j ,""ln!lr Boon BTace,, were siateo tor cernlng1 the Carlb disaster. fr Motorcycle Show i j - ai iiaaianapoiiav fvzlx United Press Service INDIANAPOLIS, Feb '35.- .. f . t- --" JjJ" T. uiauapuiit iau ui rcycte SQ V Hi. U-M ti More Regarding long wood flume of the south branch i (Continues m r A misdirected telegram found Its goclation, in session here today. rightful owner today and brought the -- sad news to F. P. Lewis of this city, that his son, E. E. Lewis had lost his life In the fire which destroyed the C. A. Smith Lumber company's board- ln hnuc. nt Xf t-shflalri lnat WpdnM- day. ( The tolegram was addressed 'to S. E. Lewis Instead of to the father, and the local (Western Union office- was unable to deliver the mes sage. Mr. Lewis, Sr., has been a resident of Klamath Falla since last July, and lives Wear the Catholic church. 'hlirilaM llvdv itlaiMiaalnn at ttiA ajwalftna nt ilnalani tu.a,an iAltflMi lnJniTjlu.i "t" .. . .... .1 ?"r T ?;t "2 ,T7: V'. "li the Minnesota Retail Hardware As-show today. K It J will continue, until TL - .. 1. ... k .j - w,.w5.:..f5ii.. visr, - -3-ys , s ,?'- ?'ai JT'NI yu-5 j-.9Ma, IXS & m - as j' t. j a !. Jf gSEsvO 7&. wiKi " 11 g Cf.lU 2T i t SssbbwBv masmmij . zmzv- BISHOP PADDOCK lA . a t . 1 r. j. j7-i DMM..II C--iL AauL If.ix ? I tlltfJSm UIcUHvTCU rWlEO VElBflCS IE4lia9 LBKLgVVr Following are extracts from a, anything near i two eists a Dound."' ifWSS letter received from F. S. Bramweil.t11 could,,there would be" ao eompetl-iA!' I who is considering the building of a beet sugar factory. The letter asks many questions regarding conditions here, character of soil, temperatara, etc.. which will be answered by the sugar beet committee named by tke Klamath Chamber or commerce, f, ''I am in receipt of four "favor, also copies of the Herald) which de votes spaco very tarielV to t&a'susar beet Industry. I may" say to a greater extent than anything lt,has been' my pleasure to see befere: That you people manifest Mthaslaam aad push, there la so ausaUcmYaadU may say that H eaeseds aaythlagl have ever knairatinW :, S:7' T i , jrz.n 7..r.: -." s. to arrive here this eveatar'aad will conduct asrvtoea next auaaay. iae morning services are to .be held Is the west hall of the I. O. O. F. hand ing. - ?. l J A meeting 'of the Ladles', Guild to be,; held tomorrow attsraooa' at 8:10. at ths .'horns of Mrs-jTraak Ward.',wm k addressed by. Bishop C0MIN6 TONIGHT HEAD OF EPISCOPAL DIOCESE FOR EASTERN OREGON WILL CONDUCT SERVICES AT I.O.O.F, HALL SUNDAY The Right Rev, Bishop L. Paddock ..... hAtU ovaalav'aad will I A .V.-. cffi - ' iP7'.''. -y -"'- laat-taarsrsrsaagssKiemea in-your town takesuch roaadlatarest is w qussuos, ..amy.. sHassisasiss article,, sets ;out ;soms .xellMt . rss). aupa waypavFfasamiia. seesmst tsrestsd in tlM Mtersrlse. "'Howavar; In Quoting somsoasl aste th'd.-'ciast of maaufacturiag aa,thacirei flveaare atlrsly.' too Uw.-Sleet Uoa whatyerwassfhMdJeas,; sugars. Howsvettkat"Uralslmlaf3M Item-tiut .1 wish- to ,Wift'ifW;.S J "I BWtls7lK. theXW.olisl5r' frpasiMedford EugeneV. aaotWlltfe pUces.all etatmlsg that the auesttoa.ii'; place ahvelmsoa4FMfcwrM& ' thaJactsare. we are;folart;kiMn a sugar,, factory to ,taks teart;ial?r crop of 1916, and it Is true. that : are. Investigating thevaveral:'plaees w meatloB f&r. i- v. "JiV HTi T"fT ? ..- '&?&&i JVJ :faJ...o,true thtw Ih-BBVWSV hound, amd ifin aal ' .'-. i. . v ..i. ,r , JWiryr-r-s? J )' kuiM k'l."Vi I "TV.".'i?"V plaaswa eaa' $s$&sm ii?. 'ViwBBBjCTSniaB awalsjmw'll. aad.rwouU bka laa u m to'ast:wMhaa . Mw,m & --' --wipmrwiiwasmmmmmmmsmmmBSSBasmsa I '"jWt'iWi-'-..?. .. ( waL. jvtt '' raa-. , . - r sWr.r Ta.mH i