tt'v'i,-'", 'b - " . ' O'rf&fiv i; (Thr .faa .f-fe, 4 it e,WH'?Sa4 7SV. ....- T S r,"l. . ." -.'I.-.. .i T r TAtj km 1 . aJ -t . " fi'f .WJV4- ?.. m$wm inr KLAkAtHFALt'l W M apWHlLB IT IS NEWI i "V " . . ' 152 sfSi'1 twHciAi. 'Mmmm ill itumttn ifelifT m,. , , . Tt, , , :$$y KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1915 PHft Wf fARIB SINKING HAS CAUSED A FURTHER TICKLISH SITUATION L'vli'd I'fW" Kl','vl,'" n'MffllNI'TOV, I'Hi. HI. TiiotigH ttiituiutiiy rami, iuuumi M-ririiy T0 nlHinlif iiioh HKWf m rKnm in iiii 11111111:1111111111 iiiihkiii' Ths ainkliiK ,,f '' Americas) sleniiicr Cttrlb off thi' Ueniiiiii ton-i Into -jjWrday h Inmwu-d Really the errliiusnnui of ifio iiinlH-f. Tkf Krrt sccreey U being MMlntrtlned rrKiintlntc tin- InlcM Informal iijililr'ii ttlrrrlml lo England and Germany n n result of Ihe Curlb loss. HkkbtNl) however, lluit th "alclet nrwnintuhlllly" rlnuto Hill lie r turttrA m the note to GcOrwany, rtlW !' Hcrvlce UftDON' Feb. ai. A llerila deutt-h lo the ICtcluiiige laew that AsttTteaa Ambassador Cknird held n Initfliy Interview with German rklMfor ltrlliiimnifllillMC thU morning in reference lit lh note e. German Submarines Awaiting Merchant Skips in War Zone mV1t .t- .. i3?Rffikt i-uiiy -Jk1 '. ".$ -II k tx-llrvtHt Hint tKoJaUOM Ait ilr(llK-krl." nay llio lcuitrh. MaMdM i mllnrlnn (o lhlr formrr lrw." HA mTC Incident iRfOlflftft niptNrr bPtwc4n Itrrlln nml Wmililiiftion H ttfttWl t ny mommt. AaieHrMN imlilcnlM of Itmln nncl Munich m tfty mttch Urm." 1'ilttd PrM 8rvle MHtLIX Frti. ai. It hi oMtiftllr nnnunrrl iImiC llm KrrIUIi lnin fert X. IM h xn miak bjr Clerttuin MUbnmrlao off llmcliy llrail. ,V hnhrr rtrtnlU niv Kltrn. CilMd Pwm 8rTle I).MN)N, Krli. 21. Th irM, burnt tutlni'' nMcUlly OmUhi Hint any tnuMfort h hern unk. It Mya tfee Ocrmana are undoiibtMlly rcfprrlug ( tie colllrr llrnnkwimo China, which w lurpoiloril off Iteachy Hfail TIm bureau m) lh rrrw of IN w mvciI, awl that th captain ami all of the ychm'I arc trylnff bring Iter In Ihr- raat to lieach hrr. VtMM PrtM Bnc ' U)MK)V, Frli. M. The RrltMi alMmrr ttoklry n sunk off Folk. It4. Thr crew UmiImI at Dmrer. Swaji , :. " ' - " I'klttd I'reM 8rlc LONDON', Frh. 21. An HaJdwUDetl v-cl of about UO.OOO tonn rapa tkj I wttn alnklnit acrni mile from tin liotv of F.ant llmirne, ncconl k lo a dttpalch rrcvlvM frnm thwo today. AtMtralaKiaaa lo OrajanlM ! I'nJud PrtM Smra BAN PRANCIRCO, Feb. J4. Ar- rmment Imvo Just boon completed hm for tho orsunlintlon of n per mBt Auitralnnlnn noclety. Tho ar tiBitmcnti wero ntndo nt n mcotlnit I o(theuriou AtiKtrnlnnlnn atato com- mlnlonera to I lie I'nnnma-l'aclfio c portion Btit uromlnont Auttrallnn I tBl Kw Zealnml bimlneaa men. Th AuttraltHlnn Mato cammlialon- mlitcr tho unmoa of all roal- ml, Auitrallann anil Now Zealand- W with a vlow oof Hectirlni coODra. ; .- i.iioi in a number of giwclal eventa w e to bo held In conjunction Wi tho exposition. KIHCATOIW IN' CON'FERKXCR m I, mmn " "rMBT- ' rt 1 nLM immwmMmmiM lBiBiBViBrBfnitBkr-0-BiBHaV .H'v.N pHfSMlVP4SPMjBllii r Hi HHHLfHMLHttatiiittByH 1 SI'rwHiifSrlj! .? h ,-,' ,- Ai;vifwSHaTaTaTaTaOH Bf.ffii. l,i;?' ra. .. Sfttl . ' T LaCs.. .KTrr'4"WSw?M3-!!' lkihviii BTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaH PRKaraaaaS&SKvTrwal nnnnnnnnBHBnMn)ipnKBHas!AMpBnM MtaTJkMff1p,TfcV-rgy- yi?."- rlu- "MBffnnnnnWi'Ifcnna LLLLLLLaLLHHaHMIriSNMsS BnMBwnwnMBTawaPnWawaMWnlanMaanpvig GERMANY TO QUIT CAMPAIGN IN EAST SITS IM REPORT 1 v II)- KAKI, von WIKOA.M) Cl'iillod I'rcaa Stqff Correspondent) . t f WITH TIIK IJKW.MA.V AHMY, 8uulko. Kel. JU. flly runrtlcr tb"I- 1 (tilling, mIkiI via Iterliu.)--KnUer Vlllirlni Ifirawon th actnar'flrnaaj lint- ulicii tieneinl von Hindcnbai-g cit Hie Jtuulun army from .Prwiaia.f T lie iii Inlo l.yrk In hU autonobfle :UI mluuten after the Gemaw, ; rcilnK lieflvy Iohwm, .Klormcil tli city. t While the ItUNtiann were Mill being hunted In the liotuci, KaiMT WIL helm adilrcwMNl the Moldlem and cltbtens In the market aqnarc. He bit terly criticized the Ittutslaai for their 'TtensejcM 1e tract Ion of ptoyeity." III tula battle part n the actual ger zone. The tenth KiutsiaB army,- under General SieTera, and eompoaed of lSS (MM) men vs defeated at' Woaicsellan Uiuh again .clearing German aoB of the enemy. it 'j I the staff offieera coald Jmrrtly restrain1 tiim frost takia;. l flghtbtg. It jnw. impriMlble to keep, him from the'daak If it rtl IIKRL1X Feb. 24 According to Information from official circle; "Oeii nrnny.doea not now conteanltaaesten8iTe eoaqneat oTRasala, owiagtb'' the problem, of feeding the alien popalatlon la conquered aeU. " ''"x " It iH'nnderstood that von Hmdenburg's advance will bait wheABeAife i ' .' 5 ft ?,2:m i L - -'; J"f ,-fl atB lures Warsaw. VIKXXA, Feb. 24 of rye", n The gorernment announced that, all prlrate stocks barley, corn and wheat are to bo confiscated. The omerswlll be paid, and their stocks will be distributed Uioy aro" needed. , Berlin adTicea say that 1J300 Russians were made prisoners near j. - Vraazma in an attempt to resume an offensive, and that the Allies hare adr the Vosges hill. - ' -&t i -s-l S i 4 . i-rii- PARIS. Feb. 24, Except for alight progress north of Perthes, thore4 ', 4 was little gghtlag, yesterday, The .Germans were forced to retire t? l"!, '-Pd then by n bayonet charge. , , .-'. S-i4ViS The German made. a number of unsuccessful aigiit attacks at rarioasvl'' . M - ntfeal .tit,A--m ,-,.t9 .u,?yjgrfjstgsi-; "'i -i - f ' -.i point, la the line. (lulled I'reM Bervlco CINCINNATI, Feb. 24. Public ' school apcrlntenilcntH from many , , cities of from 10,000 lo 20,000 popu- The mamer of every morclmul ahlpjmau declaration or tuo rar lono latlon, gnthercd here todny In re- of overy nation on earth except, was lo liavo gono Into effect a uer- . . . ... ... .. .. . ... . ...... ,. i.. .,.n., unhmnrlne tornedoed. without niiiiiiuii sis n anii iiv inn w niinpni inn . tiiiuui i-iiii iiiiriiiiint in liii -"-- Kdiientloit conimlnlonrr. Tho meet-j; ret wir, la on tho watch In tho Ing Ih In connection with tho con-lwar ono about Oroat Ilrltnln tor Frisco Fair Tickets Traasferable ', United l'reas Service SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. .24. Bootf. of Jrunsferabie admission tickets hav been placed, on sale here by officials of the Panama-Pacific exposition. One i book contains SO coupons and the other 100, the. price being $20 and $40 respectively. i Ventlon of the N. deniH. K. A. stiperlntcif Wt for Recorery Ih forecloiure of a mortgage la ""ttht In a (lilt to reeovar ll.oDO. ed due on a promissory note and .JIM attorney feeH. brought against -ta.Ct Yaden. tho Ulg'Datln hum- Compny and Ulnnd Moslor ,by 'MS, Unman. Tho Inmhur cnarxm "other claims ngalnat the proaarty, In tho Toll. Jciwo 'llensell was arroiioj luto yesterday nftcrnoou on n chnrgo of soiling liquor to minors. Ho was released on a fCOO bond. In taking tho (ostlmony In tho case of Theodore Ward for n llko offense recently, It dovoloped that minors were able to obtain liquor at different places In Klamath FalR nnd HonsoU'H arrest lo n result of the Investigation stnrted nt that time. ' Tho United States Is by far tho (orgeat copper producer In tho world; In fact, wo produce more coppor than the rest of tho world together. Want New District Here toy$ PctiuWfc a New Jittict Court Here Wtltlon for tho creation of a new .""Me lult'co court district, to bo gown as district No, I, waa.tM " ,tfct county court today. Tha SSSj," MBnort by n,Be w 0rIIHtlUonn,8 Mk ttat'Otonw iVVOS bo snnnlnt&4 .i...., 11.1 Mm to.. """'" lliwws uj on f ihe.poil. tla?Wm " il. "' no court tiU v .VTwt' m!f msiNi7 k n. i rTTi' . r . '. .."-" " Klamath Indian reservation, west of Lost river and cast of the McCor nack and Doak ranches, ri the new precinct it Is asked that this 'bo dlvldod so a to, leave a por tion of the city In each district. Tho dlvlsonpetltlon would have.the south- ern portion oi iue uisinv iw" braves! jurisdiction, and the northern part unger aowofi, The proposed division of the city would give Gravs till the territory soutkUand west of lixtk strtet, tfalsmt and west of Third street, thr resaslnder f tae.clty being in Qowen's, or In the flrst .district. f . -' ly after a torpedo struck. The col- Milliners Return Misses Runk and Snyder have re- .. w4 "ra Efforts are be--J '-? , Xew Baseball Leagae United Press Service PUEBLO. Feb. 24 ng made to sUrt aColortfoaHstyi ',bii Baseball league. The neatest, att4m? tldn Is being given to Peubld uitAiifc believed that Uj 'funds. 'teii ;f 'M here are guarantee!, the success. oflJ;'.t':: the new league. will be assured. Crlpi 3M pie Creek Rocky Ford, La Junta and- , , Victor are said to be ready tojput; up" , &.,' ... - .. .. ' ..i. '". " -' s ;r .iiio money tor ciuds in incse lowaa.v - vi."6.SSJ . Her went to the bottom In twenty turned from a hat buying expedition The" Shell Gasoline company, ol , minutes. In this case, it was charged t0 gan Francisco. They ordered an I California, will lnsali a $500,000 stor- iiitiii ommi - . ."..!- - r ---..-! warning tho British collier Dulwisb.jtho submarlno mnue no attempt to extenslve line of spring millinery, lage system at Portland. northwest of Cope do la Hevo. ino kivo wiu o u c .c. ............ ... .,'.. n.,lD.n(ia in MMnn. k crew. seeinE WIO vraaet o iivw'- Ktieklnc from the water and cominc . vcc"1 "? . " ' Iff li.j. A'ii i" j .marines which look UKo tncse. cre, ...h ',"-:-"-, If American vessels are nt- Wl 1 WT W t't ' - . iMfnnMMITTFF Dicu NeutraUty I FQIIP PIT FPFn . I - -tT fte NAME COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE THHKi: MKMIIKRS F t;HAMHKIl OF CMMIMKRCI-5 ARK OKSia.VAT F.l TO MARK THOROUGH STUDY OF HKRT SITUATION Vico-I'resldent Will Hi Bennett, of tho Klamath Chamber of Commorce, hiiR appointed L. Jacobs, Percy Kvans ami It. R. Smith as a committee to Investlgato tho sugar-beet Industry in other sections nnd correspond with P. II. Urnmwolt and associates re garding tho location of a beot sugar factory here, Tho commlttco will work to loarn tho exact 'profits that can bu expected by tho farmem raising beets, the amount of boots one farmer can prop erly enro for and other ijuostlons of tho kind. The Idea Is to present tne matter to tho farmers In full when tlioy nro asked to subscribe ncreago for the beets nocossnry for n beet factory. Aid Society The Ladles' Aid of tho Christian church will meet at Mrs. Seehorn's, Thursday at 2:30 o'clock. The of ficers want nil members, to be pres nit if possible, as there Is business ot Importance to attend to at Annual Dinner United Press Service " PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 24. Amer ica's neutrality In the present war will be BIT FEED FOR THE LEAGUE a Waft !. a IWtiLs C-Mfiim Ilal Aaslaa ft aid vovio iv ivvfuv uigtauio i4jnvi i " Vtiv JUfm g-.. -, j. jc v. ! &"&!;& Whether or not the Griffiths Lateral discussed by .CharlemagnojEPWORTH LEAGUE MEMBERS TO enlargemont ,s lo be 8tarted early m iti.i cinlaa nmhnanBilnr tower -uiuivu "... ..- to Gormany, who will no ino.principai spei'kcr tonight at tho annual dinner of tho alumni of tho University of ( Pennsylvania, at tho neiiviow-aiar-:leld hotel. Other speakers will be (Icvornor Brnumbaugh, Thomas Mur doch nnd T. Lnne Bean. HOLD BIG BANQUET AND PRO-'this spring will be decided In GRAM AT M. E. CHURCH FRL DAY EVENING Women May Judge' Juvenile United Press Service " DENVER, Fob. 24. Colorado, ; may have a woman Juvenile court judge. A bill has been introduced. In the legislature hero at the request ot Judge Ben E. Llndsey, to pake Mrs. ff. Gregory nssoclato Judge' of 'tho cauit which has become" famcus throughout tho country,' Mrs. Qicjr ovy now assists Judgo Llndsey in the trlfttaOf cases, and advises. Him, hut eho Is not legally authorised to'render JtulRments. Home With New Stock . ;,t Miss Oertrudo Eckman, manager of Gertrude (t Co.. returnadslast'lght from New York city, where-phaip.urr chased a, fine spring toekg)rain llnery," She wtl formallyreK the sloro Monday, ,''"' 8. Ames has bougHUSld-Cralg Store at 8llvertion1nd;wUlBHkt:t provsmwts. ? v "A four bit dinner," Is the title given the banquet to be held at Grace M. E. church dining room at 8 o'clock Friday evening by tho members ot the Epworth League and friends ot tho organization. It Is the outcome ot a little campaign carried on by tho organisation, and each guest will be asked to tell how he or she oarned, tho "four bit" to pay tor the banquet. Tho meeting will also bo in the nature of an Epworth League rally. The tonstmastor will be George- J. Walton, nnd talks, will be made by Hey, Ernest C Richards, Mrs. James, C. Camp, Edmund M. Chllcote, J. G. Camp and C. E. Widdoes, Following the banquet the guests will repair to the assembly room of the" church where the following pro-, gram will' be rendered; Vocal Solo Miss Louise Benson. Vocal'Sqlo yornon ? Mptseheur VflVUVH ' l Trombone and French Duet--Ohia. Hutchison and, .John Hubbard, ,Mlas Haiol North playing the plaiotae- . .V ' -- ..." cowpanissenr. u few days, when the affected water users are 'mailed copies of an agree ment whereby- the water users agree to pay for the cost ot the work. The water users are asked to mail in these agreements either accepted or rejected, and. If the majority are favorable, the work will go ahead with a rush, starting as quickly as possible. There will be work for about 100 teams and qulto a number of men on the job, and it Is expected that It will take 60 days to finish It. The, work will be done by force account, and the farmers will have aai oppor tunity to earn money la' this way "The work Is BUCh'that;:tt;Ui,lMive to be. done before long.'' said Project Manager J, G, Camp, "In case the water users ao not, see b tp.BUKe this a construction-charge,; It will have to. be, built and. charged' to opera tion and malnenanecnand paid for next year, while under the. eonstruc- uon ;cHUHHuesuen,i, use wafer users aanpay In tweatx annual payments nndsr tne raetataaUaa. BUI " ' -: 'mw 4 T '' '.m. ' " Jfdi I - . . -- pmsmm fit ! ; uiawi iiHi thoi-wats'r'siew as Jjf partyjot'tna first' part, and .the reciassatIea;serT- Ice as the oarty of the.seeod part, iw follows ''i sn fit. J i'-r .! US-jJi-Vf -, ' . r. .. e&e agrees to pay on account.of enlarg ing the canal or ditch knownj aa the. Griffiths Lateral, such amount as may. be .assessed to his land under sldti ? A 'w-"!1-- i $m i "Previded: That no, such additional X ! -jiW m project. 1 - amount shall be assessed unlesa .a ' majority of the water-right applicants'!. tJS onrl Antw sa In ska aaa MMknAaaJ . V 'T'll sum uukijuivii anw asMwaBvaja vajuaiaiiBi iu t be affected by eaeh Mnerease hilt-LfM have arreed to nav"nRh liiwuui 1 'v' ' --- -r-? ytTT ij -.-tjt ttt charge in the manner specUed in" ,;l -K Jr. . ic-li; Section 4of the Act ot Congress, ap-? $ proved August k18t iU, 'knowaa; &k the Reclamation Extension act. - " sI ItfcVindartfaUa aqd agrasd-ftt fff J the-proposition ot tke.expense.;ot enr't $? Urging the -said lateral, to bo borne, ! rvlLrU hv th. AMffualtl IkatoMlu1 ma. pperatedll5ana thet Tula lakf and? Marsh land? units; respectively. -will' Sr&& bo deterailaedjby'jitbe board jot re view appointed" or to be: appointed k,. i,? iiii,-. .Tf -ft-kw' !.... V . w wo) vvMuy v,,ll. fmwtt: ,- review the cost of constructing cr c. 'X'lifiA, t-sszs as'KUjialBrp4jiffj4iSiPi:ajs: proTalfOwaclisatiomBs 1 tf'.'It is, further undafWfsdfjsl?: M ayeedhatVafeostjaassrs)tJa. aeW usit.iihl',-skisi"iar.V-:-'.- '1 per. acri ;ot":Urlga las' sttitV" , ' y Mlaate- ia)aMh::rUBt 1s)sl ata- fes suet to -aaehi.'i ipaj SJjsg'e .:Ag I?s-!-a'.Ty wi '- "ti" ;, H'.HltlllMH.-iBBIHB.VCf A . -I.l.'l.-.'Ji-'.'.'. l ' f.n '"!. ISRIi, T ), . T. . - ;"w.f"WMF.-wjr-wws?sBsiB r . t r .... ' ' J v-3f Tt-CTJBalB r.vur.Ji(i'.-.,i U t ."-.' ritfta " tTKPw"' -vJ " tf . ' i- Vfi.. V 7" s .a. ffi.S .iSS'..; ; t Ous.W .k 'iff . ' . ? ' . J v's t4 v , 5;r "- .1' V55&- J5iss 'imrmm 'S ,y?k A" ;vw '"'V, ' " '....' , v.. .--fv,!iLm;-, 1