V-.Vj. Y.io.t K',W "' ?Ay$1ss,c. f-ssse-' A sskv??.; ? '? &''?. wV t-;t w. V.V! .V .' I' v ' PRINT THE - ,rf ... " ; Vsfct'? VtfUfefe&h, KLAMATH. FAWJMl HEWS WHILE IT It NIWI , .,,.sr. ..iav, C5ri OFFICIAL NEWSPAPEII . . ".ivtv5 T Mhv iEiunthm ifinald ,K mp b &l i ii i ii i i i ii n i ;M Ywu y- HESFORD SAYS SINKING OF U. S. SHIP INTENTIONAL n.ni OKIWIANV WOULD TBUB INVOLVE V. H. 1 nnlh j.KlitlniC IKh" Makea aMafe aiMt to Hi" Ualted I'M Cath iMl tt RIiImm Aasto atoanfcareV ,4 Wantonly by Oeraaaa ArtU. M7, According to Mind at lrU Today KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1915 '- . :&awl II, Kit L. KKRN (SUB correspondent, United Preea) Coprrlled 101G, by United Preea. Cewrllbted in Great llrltlan. LONDON, Feb. IS. "Oerataay will sot link an American merchantman sBlm by design. A German tor peio Hading II mark In the bull of m Ataerlean vessel will have la. rttllty born aimed and ffred from Berlin. "If an American merchantman la sunk, It will bo for the express pur pose of dragging America lato war." Tbe man who spoke the above thla ornlng It Kngland'a beat known and tat loved sailor Admiral Lord Catrlea llcrcsford. lilt name probably more (ban uny otttr, carries to Americans the pic (arc of the typical IlrltUh see fighter. LOCAL ELKS HOME SHOWN m PAPERS PORTLAND SUNDAY EDITIONS SHOW VIEWS OF SPLENDID STRUCTURE LODGE Vl,.SH TO ERECT HERE Win $M;M4 German War Zone Which Has Been Established About the British Isles The Hunday Oregonliin uiid Journal print pIcturiM of the ICIku' homo to be erecteil lirro on tho rornor of Third and Main Ntreela, known nit tb Mar tin property. The Orcjcimlnn mnkcN the follnwlnb comment: The plun and apoclllcatlona pre pared by Archltecta llnughlollng ft Dougan, of I'ortland, for the erec tion of the proponed now Klka tomplo at Klamath Kalla, call for tho expendi ture of approximately IflO.OOO. Tho atrueturo will be two nforlca and baaereent over a 50xl00-foot founda tion and built In thu renter of n alto 80x110 foet In area. The baacment will provldu a gym naalum, awlmmlng pool, locker rooma and ateam heating plant. A women'a parlor, writing, rending, lounging, billiard, card and bar rootna will be located on the flnt floor, while the second floor will bo dnvnted to lodgo and ante room and a large banquet hall. The Interior will be decorated High ly with ornamental plaster, the gen eral achemn of architecture being faithful to the Adam and Georgian perloda. Tint exterior will be fed brick wlUi Irrrn cotln trlmmlnga and column. MaKon llobera. of I'ortland, ropreaentlng I he nrm of lloughtallng ft Dougan, .will Mipervlae the con- atrucllon work at Klamath Fnllfi. The working drnwlnga nro now lut- Ing ruahed to completion In the hope for con It It to KnglUhmen what, righting Dob Hvana wax to Americana. Alao, of having the Job ready tt la one of the cleareiit naval think-1 tractora' bid by March 1. tra of the age, ; The building may be healod by . .electricity, making It ono of tho few atructurca of that type In the country. I'alttd Pre Service LONDON, KeU 33. Tho Norwc llaa itcamer Hoglu waa aunk"ln the chinwl yetterday, while en route from True to Ilordoaux with coal. The wutl wan torpedoed and aank In iMitlmii !,' m I mi ten. The crew waa uvad. PARIH, Kelt, 33. It "la ofAclally innounred (but tho Ithlema cathedral oaa of th Mritcturex erected In tho Middle Ajci, wait again aoverly dam ned by ihellH In tho heavy Herman bombardment yoatcrday. Tha German are aald to havo fired mora than t.r.no ahella Into Rhlema, tad twenty clvlllaua are reported killed. UUr advkea nay the roof of the ttthedrtl waa pierced by acveral Jlt and the Interior partially wrecked. Tho cathedral aeemed to be the target for tho derman gun ten. The flrat bombardment latted all boart, and waa later renewed for ivt houra. Tha legliiaturo patted a bill for a Hr cent preferential oa Oregon ad products In public bulldlaga, wltkout a d latent Ing vote. Fort Magnate Iteluma 3, 1, Otey, who conducts a garage, real eatoto and Insurance bualnesa nt Fort Klamath, enmo In Runday night on hit way homo In the Wood nivnr valley metropolis, after a visit of Hoveral weeka In I'ortland. Mr. Otey looks for bigger travel than ever t.o Crater Uke and vicinity thla summer. 1 1 I aMVaBBaaBHBB9eBVMaVBwaflM . -- ''? t--vr ' ft... .l.tMr.Jt'S-r .'MMl SHETLAND j$ ' J& fmfillM?& Plfc rjwl "n.1 ft & , T:is- ., WrittA net j . J the LUNCHEON TODAY -iJ ii.il ?a I m,i'A Jtt2Z;i vi-rfojoIr 4 TO INVESTIGATE oiiniD lunnoTDv ddhuco oiippcoo tiuuHii nuutj mm I nuiLu uuuuluu ,VUM(III MIUUV I II I f I I1VI kV WUW.WfcWW.-'m! iu rurnv rnnu in ei cn I runm I I' 1 - . IICIIAMBIvU OF COMMERCE DIRGC-t TORS, AFTER DISCUSSION', DK- CIDK TO I'liACE MATTER IX HAXDS OF A COMMITTER "$ & OVER A. HUNDRED QUESTS ATi TEXD AFFAIR e i,A iji & i A committee la io.be named by the 'Klamath Chamber of Commerce toi jmako a complete Investigation of thoj sugar beet Industry, the proposal of, P. S. Dram well and,, his associates, fund the attitude of Klamath county' rnrmers toward the project. Thla wast decided at an enthusiastic meeting' last night. I . Tbe committee wilt be named later: (by tho chair. The members will be! jsupplled with the data at hand, and I will also correspond' with communl tles where factories are located, aik- jlng as to the amount of beets onei farmer can profitably raise, labor en As n RcHiilt of EJBcIeat" Maaiageaaeat., by Womea's Civic ; Ijeagate, -ad the . -t -: rts 'Mi Hervicea or HJgn bciiooi uirie, Meau - $.1 of Merit Is Served Without a Hhch Motion Picture Hhow TM Alter-,JA i. aoon for Women Hi More than a hundred' Ml ril - . ei i Vl..il, . "Si! county farmers and their wives .were the guests of the Klamath' Chamber; '" . of Commerce and the Women's Civic 4 tailed, expense or cultivation, form (League ot a luncheon glrea at the -.-&' noon hour In tbe Bristol bulidlag, ;... which proved ail unprecedented ,uc-iT;f cess In every way, and dld fmtffifg engender the beat of feelingsbetweefi town and county people.1 . f Mrs. O. W. White, Mra. Geo. T. ot contract with sugar companies andj other similar matter. They will take up tho H ram well proposition wlta Mr. Oramw'ell, and when they report to itho Chamber of Commerce, they will have matters In such shape that the farmers and others will know exactly whnt to expect In the way ;age. profits, expenses, etc. fetul J-I u SI !-. -... .. . .H'ww -f-j ." . .... ' uaiuwin. airs, ixiuis n. ow unu a in; t-." Ul -I . .-.-- - - TljjWI 'j, i'. ie or-me civic league, saRpr-'S -rl 4 , .. . ,- , ,r. r(T ,. , .. . . 'vised. The guests were served ,wlth'fij TIio general sentiment was strong-. . . ,-..-. .4f , y In favor of a beet factory as soon i as the necepsary data can be pre-' pared. "I know one man In i a splendid repeat made possible r ., generous donations from Nurxei! rim rtnkprv . Rhlvo Brna.. Klnir lath Maet s. .-. ,i Co.. Roberts & Whitmore.'Ronerta ;;? $, this county,. ,,,, at,a nitrv uAZ.lvlH-.f'L i who will donate a site for the loca- e. i'.. 'iri-i-iiS,;!V'l tlon of a' factory;' said ware Co., Evans Broe.r- Klamath . T, Lee. . ., . iin" At&v'. ,"-" 1. f". ;. "'"Jtf'VSW Hnnston. liainwin Harnwarn uo "'MTta a"f mo o i ii n Tninnrn jmmi. arnr r-t?!MJ HI I N N N Ii I K I r r 1" K Western Transfer Co.. M, fc diiireli.W llllUUlllU infill Lit 'E. M. Chllcote California-Oregon-, 5',- Tho shaded portion of this map Runs and to attack German sub- ing that area while Bhowa tho wators about tho British marines, oven wnen the officers of around Scotland will be safe. Isles and In tho English Channel and he 'buarlncs are boarding; them to' "Germany has been compelled IfWirn ill All litrttif It l' ihnfn tflll a, -. a a. i , . .. . tl.r, North So In which. If the (lor- T .' ' '"..'" "' u" """ lo u,ls Kma of wartaro IS-IN-ILLINOIS? Power Co, and many .other lastlta-riiJi.-V! tlons, besides 'a, number' of 'Klamatb.J;-&1 .VUIIrMAM.W tM( i.aMmJIiUi( M fc Id jKJJ I and othor dainties. " .j $4&r7$ W " Miss. Milam was. In charge of. the THIS IS A .MATTER THAT IS PUZ ZI.IXC; SHERIFF LOW, FOLLOW ING RECEIPT OF LETTERS FROM TAYIiOR n leurn their Identity thero will be no resort to this kind of warfaro by time for investigation at sea. thn miiMarnno v nr n.iti.i. -.'... man declarations are tobe taken at Tlcreforc. a ship with an American 2 warfare, which alms at the destruc thclr face value. It will bo dangerous flag may bo attacked. He says- tlon of legitimate neutral trado and at for any American merchant ship, un- " The safety ot neutral ship- the starvation of tho fini-mnn nnnio convoyed by American battleships, or ping In the war zono around the llrlt- Germany win bo oblleed to ndher n tho merchant ships of any other lnh Isles is seriously threatened, tho nnnounccd principles until Ene- noutral iintlon, to anil. Thero is also ah increased danger re- land submits to the recognized rules Count llerustorff, German am- sultinK from mines, as these will be 'of warfare, established by 'the Decla- linsaitrinr In tlin United States lias laid In the war tonit In n sronl ar. V,iu r ..i .-j r ..... ... - - - , ""u tai uuu L.UI1UUII, or UUlll . ,, ' , - , ., ohnr nnnraa .t.,i ,i.t,i .inM rtrliluh mnrplmiii imi AnriilnvK. nni,.i i,i..o -. i. , ,..j. .... . . who lives near Barclay Snrlnes. II. snori course. ,...v .. .w - ...- BV ..-.. ...,. u, bud is L-uiupcifea 10 uoi oy tne neutral T . .. .. . . h wnmpn r snips nave ueen uirccieu io carry most urgently warnea against enter-. powers. I II I II I I Ml I IT IIMI m in.. .taay nervine-of viands, assisted bv the fol-? 'J.v? . -- ,-. -jv7jjw'iji i lmvlntr lilffh cchnnl drift: - -e-!t&.r& j Hazel Grimm, Moaler Iavee Hervlce After being connected with the Klamath project for six years, moat of the lime nt hydrographer, Lcland Motler haB resigned, to go Into busl seta for himself. W. !!. Humphroy, who has beon hydrographer on tho 8nnnysldo project, succeeds Moalor, and Is here with his wlfo from North ,Yklma, Mr. Motler leaves thla week to attend tha Expedition, and ho will alto vlalt Portland and Seattle before returning. Welch ft Co., Baker undertakers, will erect an $8,000 building. 1008, on charge of larceny, of horse; Is now serving time on another j charge. I - oiaie vs. unaries tiamaaer; in-1 dieted 1608, on chargeof larceny; escaped Jail before trial, I State vs J. J. HJordt; Indicted ' 1908, on charge of larceny of a steer; never arrested., ' State vs Fred Cotllnt; indicted .MUSI 1908, on charge of larceny of a) lhnrefrnrvlnir limn nti iiAlhw KAvva FORGOTTEN ARK THROWN OUT state vs Leo Hcnderaon; Indicted' v iHiu, on cuarge ot. rorgery; now serving timn on another charge, A promotion of gas plants hat Camilla on tho Hat. Americans in the War MfeiHttofYtttairi (United Wndon, Feb. as.WAlwaya ready ,., . ' ,eMt or frollc-tha greatest WMtai unit m the Freach army." '1ci,'!n!u"lhe rtatlim applied tu, he pcb-AMrkii ferelga ltt ny. one of t! ratmaert, Phil --'ttuu. ",0 Jouri"w. rttot.aad ,-itr, Hack oa furkuak fN.a,u Mm the cWioai.Usl aiii. sR rd-Ptrf tha type ,bf '.J mat Vtr it4-'Vk.'ttua M fron tvary walk af Ula", By BO h. KHBK Prett Staff Correspondent) ""kL.' ... " m, "l .;lfrtaMr Ins waa Eugene Jacob, wIiobo wife la running .a butcher ahop In Paw tucket, H, I while ha flghta. Roth ho and hit wife were born In Del liirn. When tha aeratana raided that country, hla.wlfe would aot let him go to war even when they learned that- tha 'village that; had been her blrthplaea had been turned. But when word came that hit own blrth plaea Uad barn deatroyed, Jacob took a boat, came ever and' anlltted. , "'"Jaeaa la a "rary fervent aerman . (CagMtaai ea agga a) HISTORIC CASES DROPPED TODAY a CRIMINAL CASES SO FAR BACK THAT CIRCUMSTANCES OF CIRCUIT COURT MOTORISTS MUST SECORE LICENSE mth Adeln yitsnatrlek-ijfeSid , -- -, "iV.?fv2 Anna. Johnston,- Jennie Johnstqnj Weair Kirkpntrick, Margaret Wood,v Marie , Zumpfe, Gertrude Staub. BessieOgle. Maud Miller and Minnie Griffith. According to letters forwarded to Following the lupchlon the. guests Sheriff C. a Low by Rabe Taylor, attended the, afternoon .session of tbe At rour tms auemoon r " ' .. .-'i .-.. e - It. Johnson, the trapper who has. "? women regisierea lor ine course. been missing since early In the spring were the Jtuesta ot honor at, a,ape--of 1914. Is alive and well In Hill-'c,al matinee, given at the.1Starthea- -view, Illinois. One of these letters ter this being still another dona- Is signed br Johnson, the other by "on by Jotm V. Houston his brother, who lives In Stockton, j . ,, l l I,,lnolf'-. The C. A,, Smith mllis. on, .Cooalj, k Johnson, was trapping around Nay- Ba wll, operate in spite Of BBaBClal Clox. and lived in a cabin near Bar-' ..... ' ' , ' " ' iW w,i.. i&B , -.-, - hi rnii m. ir . jeim cr . t-u jy &:! i,m , 'rtij: e t. iclay Springs. One night, after supper 'rt-1 nAlstal tiA At iMl fna VI . hiI)m " ' ui lajiuia, ic oci wvt. twr uia tauiu( wWJ rt(.J POLICE FORCE ISSUES A "WAR ZONE" ORDER AGAINST tf C5'.-T.i- W i ... . - .rr. jr.'M :.j t... ... . ....-.,.. aA il.nv and nrhera. ara murh navntlflM . &.l uim hub uui utrcu awu muki:, sxi-.k" .. M-.. -- .. .-,..T $ m oral days later, search was started. UN- and Sheriff. Low made several trips Stnto vs J. W. Norrlt; Indicted When Circuit Judge Noland atated 1911; on charge of obtaining prop- a couplo of daya ago that he, would erty under false pretenses; now aerv clean tho criminal docket today, he ing timo on another charge. Two apoko ndvlsodly. Aa a result, moro' cases. ! than n score ot old criminal casta State vs K. M. Speagle; Indicted that havo boon hanging tire for as 1911, on clinrgo of larceny; never long ns seven years, were dropped apprehended, from tho roll. f State vb John 1. Carroll;' indicted Many of the cases concern affairs In"! 1913, on chargo ot ataallag horte; which the defendants have been sery-inow serving time on aaathtr charge, ing sontcnecs, broko Jail or escaped ' The cases dismissed'!'.. order of beforo arrest. are district attorney war': ' , til int , Tho rouowing criroiuai nni" nnwliolcsomo meat. Williams ,now unwholesomo raent William now dropped from the decket: 8tato vt Garrett, indicted Decern- serving life sentence, her, 1911, on charge of obtaining' State ya T..E. Butta; indicted for i breaking down n tence; latumcient Indlcled'ovldcnce. m-moy under falso protonsos, nii. Votr r1hnnrne! IIHIS .--j ...,. . ---. . I.vromber, 1911, on obargo of con- state vs Johnson and White; In ducting bawdy house; trial result od dieted for larceny; saaMtauea, tried In d ftareement. in auygiary case. - a- .. NUMRERED AND NOISV MOTOR. CVCLK8 AFTER MARCH t The' latest "war zone" mandate Is issued by the Klamath .Falls police department. The extent ot tbe aone Is over Klamath Falls, and the order goes Into effect March 1, when all luitos nnd motorcycles without licenses will bo gathered In. "The motorists havo had two months to secure licenses in, and it is up to us to enforce the law," said Chief ot Police Smith today. "After tho first, we will arrest all drivera whoso cars or motorcycles are not licensed. Llcecnses do not cott a fortune, nnd certainly tf motorcyclists can buy gasoline and oil to run around the streets for pastime, they can certainly afford the llcente fee." Another thing that Is to be ended by the police Is tbe noisy manner to the cabin. A note was found in Johnson's suitcase, saying he was go ing to Klamath Falls; and would re turn In a couple of days, but he never j returned. Except his money uone of John son's effects were taken. Sheriff i by the sudden turn in the case,? aad- ''". 'further Inquiry will bq made Into the' matter. &" s'f One 'peculiar incident; Is the fact),, that tho first time Sheriff Low visited JJ , Johnson's cabin, he searched the1' bed: for weapons with no aucceea -JSThat V next limn hn visited, he fnnnd . Jnhn J' :Jti ... .in- th horf. ' i fV.iv g jM Changes in Game bws raamalhNowOntyCgrto f 4 i W1 o... v. Timnihv ifouts! lndlctod , State vs F. A. Williamsen: in-In which motorcycles are run around mm nn .h.,H nt BHiittit wliii dieted for wanton Injury to! an anl-Ion Main street. The state lawa and ""'"I -"-( - I - .. 'IV .A j,.1. Y1 daneeroua weanen: now nerving aen'mai jntumcioni ovioenca - . . . : I t. . ... ...... n'.,!!.!1 ...u.j tence on similar charge. , ainio vs miko -.a waica Slnta vt Leo Henderaon; Indicted U9M, on charge .of polatlagireyolver Oecember, 1910, tor forgery; two at. another; IntuUclaat 'evidence; charges. Plead guilty to similar chargi and Htate va Buckmatter: Indicted jserved Jail aentence.. v , IV09, on charge of larceny. , The charge of perJu'ry.on which State va Goodlow ft Norcrott; In- Clarence Harris was iadlcied. In 19U dieted 1908, on charge' of larceny; twoa continued for the taran. v. Ooodiow tervlng time oa aaother I civil catet dltmltaad, vthla mqralag charge; Norcrota aarar arrattaa. , wera; -van niper v jvara;fiaaw State va Charlaa, Walker iictee; va Hector, . city ordinances both prohibit egcee- five nolte, and the cyclists who are running around with the haetr wide open must use "muffler or';pay a fine. , ff There hot, been, much complaint made againat tome motoreyclltta who are 'won't to aoUly, By down the atreet. tbalr machines' emitting, aotaa. and tmoke enough, .for a battle, dletmrtf lag evfn thote. iav,oSlcet on aeeaad roort. . ,; - "(By '. O. SMITH) TMtm &X?t-J&f Very fo.w. chaagea ..were made tho fish and game-lawa ,by the legla Inturo this year. 'The open season for deer with aoraa haabeea'short- t, rft.i - 6' .. . . -, t t. t "?a .ur In IV In thn atnle ivlmrAmiall titlntlnalVlv.'. , - ...w .w .. ..v.. hw..- .mwwmmm'Sil.itzzt can vldes be enjoyed.. ..he"ewjw4f : "There'tljall be ao,ope;iaea-:-'5.il - ' . . - '' . ,'V' i-siyi. "..tvi-A' v,m son.ror mouqiaia or:jpraaaMwi' forata-iBob- Whiter" &jlMJ& " . "; ir-T,V 'tWT-r , J t V " Zz r-' ' -"h ... tf ! . . rf... a - . r..i cnea twohweeiuaittihereafter wlU exeepfc Jn, ,KlaathTeiahty:Tlte. i cie ougivl laUad of Augait; the open ; tea.toaihaUi.friiaBtwr' -;-l Wopan .aeaaon oa duekt, aae. us RMtefaMlfaf. r! r.,U. coo',aa:d ahor hlrd, re-ai ?$S S,w!.',Dlrlet: Nov J.SepCem- heo"hMaadUa"aiyram itmCmTmM berJ5.to February ,45, Theeeii season for tagheas will' open?. July io. insteaa, oi. Augwtt. i, aaa wiaae ; Klamath couaiy.lt Ihe'oaTy'.eoaa- laehetln'leagtb. wttlt1 PWrlct ', fio.7 Ij; atf aajft j nitteeeofthmwir i ram 6t.A?' aaaaaaau 1 ni. 'Tv' r-Xi TV .ttShS'