'Virt i. . iij" w tlb ,f a, fMwffiLi PRINTS THE v- -vwfaaj, ,nf5jra teawMLaj.; . KLAMATHtFAUW & WHILE IT IS NEWS nt7t?rrtAi Mrwtftii'Bnl! j . l . - 'JrJ1rlS?Wf' . N - "-IK",!' ''KSr', "3F?!w!;j.r. win -. ,-,. ;.'(,.,- J?'- Kitettitta v ' t , ., . ii- " '""'j-i',i,L ""-'"' "j"'"" X" tiry fpKa a "7s. -. 1 jjjji rMT-X" MKH JHMINISTRATION WILLSTANDPAT I ON FIRST NOTES1, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1915 . .. ...... ' ..' fer?w British Nurses Carrying Wounded French Soldier From the Field HEURVKII W'ltTIIKII IMIILKVIXn WKAKI,.MXi iHtlkapfll'l' Kn Anlrli Will .! touuti m Vr Zone In H ' allrtoHlork Sending f Munition ,! 1'wnMuITm to tin Alllc) "TTJlg- Im Prepare 111 Kirlk rt Win f , RetshatkHt ) iuiiall'Hi'wSorvm' , WAHIIIKOTON Fill. 22. It la nf. j rillr announced mat- inn govern- Mt will t rt'l'"p nt l,rew'", '" fltnuay'i and Kngland's note. .. !.... It.i dttiftj Jt tit alHIIil TtKianinKirniiuii uih-h. -.. -hil on the orglnal warning to , titw anions, ami II l believed Hint f farther parleying would wenkeii i snerlfa'a poult Ion. It l belleicd Hint England will : -prolyl rccnrillitK Hi" "Inking or tlm, Kwlja. It It lniittjill 10 dolor- j ..I. aim nnllon'K mine Mink thoi tmmI. The Dutch miniate In con (mini with Bryan regarding It. failed Praia Service m.vno.v. Feb. 22. Premier As- q.lla la the homo of common htn4jt that England Ii preparing to strike la rHallatlon oer I ho Herman sub trine warfare. Ilo Intimated that tkiatln l tn wipe nut tin Kaiser's aarr. t'akai 1'rata Servlcn ' PARIS, Feb. 22. A Geneva den- patek to local paper says tho Aus- triia admiralty has ordered tho fleet to alak very foreign merchantman la tie Adriatic, ttiutt establishing a war lone In that sea. .KKKKKHBKKKKKKKKKKk nammmmmmmmmmw sssssWrdf2MssB3 aVamYBmYamYaVj'aN' aBBBBHliBH bbbvIbbbbbbbbj nfaMBBBBBBBBBTai BBFj4J" JT- rITI-T''A" S SHORT COURSE REGISTRATION IS 125 TODAY 1 jivn:iti:hTi.r, skhkiox ht,htki Man Confesses Killing of Eight j TODAV 1 Soil T)h-, Qimlllli-H mill I'm-n, IIi,k ItiiiiliiU HlM-iii.r4 of llii' Horw, 11 ml cw f'nM 11 nil Jpiil Ti-.Im fur TIiIh Hoi 1 Ion ninrHMiil Tiulny I'.lli ltiiniiirl In Hi- (ih 111 Kjiiiihtn mill WIvi-m Tniiiiii'roii ( Willi 12. fjiinom nml housewives' iu;lsicicil Hi Ih forenoon, the Hfcond , iimniiil Kl.'imntli rnunty short foiirdf!1 tnitv.l tlifri iiioinitiB fit tlio IiIkIi nilioul iimli'r tlu miwtiiiiBiilclniiR clr ciimtnnicK. Add to llils nttcndantci SSSSSSwfi I SSWMsWmSm IBHbbbbbbB I ! A Jin.LIO.V A DAY t , IH OUIt SUGAR RILL ) The Hugar bill of the Amer- can people Is a million dollars a day. At present more than half the enormous amount of iniar which this reprcgenia 19 brought from abroad. Orowln-; all this augur, at home will mean employment to t " -vsny, VJ ilfoliM ttrUSP&m .TST'Ij il- V?iSNjSlfe -1.1 5M.' Ijft' sugar mm v.sA-es?H yi&J'Mi lllll I aal" jTriirtlfl 1 mii.tiijmhmm J?S& L'i i 177. " t"- Licifvj:i 1. 5iA ""l.-VJ rtWroiGM wf hundrcda of factories, and of thntiRnnd of workmen. Ue sugar grown and made In the V. 8. A. . HOOST FOR A SUGAR FAC TORY FOR KI.AMATH CUAM1IKK OF COMMKRCK WILIi Jg .- I .: rjsffel . ' ; ' . INVE8TIOATK rrtmpwlH of Secarfriic RUSSIAN DEFEAT , ENORMOUS COUP r S-i.-'itl 'rtt'if isi : Jwi ' " "Vi; K.,1 Tf J- f I ' , "W J"l iMaiJfH fcT r, ' . VMSI ... ... .. ... .. TS SES.M.SSSI 1 mni iw nianwin lT WKk' lt!?9V 1 - .J,i5i.i,jl Money.maklHK Crop for KIBhjST- Karmem fitlr tho Town aad Cow. .'iEp I) llootin Fiannctag l Mipa- VAi Ing l'p of Acreage to tie Talked 4" sj,.Vs akHi.A . r.aH bk .. jia ..-.,"ii,'.,,'f..i'' those who will attend tho thrco dayt If.ealntlil nt IapfI1 nn.l ll will I.a f'oi'ii thnt 11 mnjorlty of the farmers will he reicheil directly or Indirectly by I hit coumv The liiKtiiKtorK nro II. R z&rkt Frederick Mors, the nurse at tne (erinnn homo for tho aged New York . Odd Fellow's In Yonkers, has con (fessed thnt ho poisoned olght old men land women who had become helplcsB. Th! e.'isc tins attracted attention all Illalsyer, ... .. IOuntrv. Tho tirlsoner u'ns IORK THAN 70,000 PRISONERS Al HK LIST OF WOUXDED IS KXORMUOH TROOPS' MOV FOR XKW KXGAOEMENT i:namiMr nr rnminnrfta will viA.-is;wi oted partly UtlXiftS'M live pro beet sugar limn fhn nrnnhaiila nt P a Jbnkimi V; .'$ -."-- " .. ...... V.WV iartly to the'dtscsaalBg ofJ-aVjl oPo.lt.on-&eocitiag',1AW? ,S igar factory here. pAlijkU. f jfol 10 proposals of F.S.. wttmJs&J&S well will be.gone dver vwlttCytowlviS. to getting some action takes, t , ?! iasajr?f !. t -, Ever since the Heratd SaturtayaiB-5 m nounced the receipt of tldlaga fromjs W coinii) nKnennuriHi; 1,. u. iiis,idpcInrpd .....,, ,lnweI1., ti ,., HEADQUARTERS von HIN'DEV .d.ilry husbandry: V. I., l'owcrs. Ag- sts wh0 ,ia,,'nm ,lndPr observation 'BNBURU'S ARMY (Via Berlin ), Feb Ininono; It. E. Rcno1dR, animal hUS-)for Sl.inrnl ilnts. iincl nt this tlmo hP.!22 Th Russian rmru In the Mo. By KARIi voa UEGAXD Mr- Bramwell. there'haa bewa. aanek (Starr Correspondent United Press) '"" "er m prospecia jwj " 'I- ... . .. i."-r locating a plant here. It Iseuevod ', & These aro nurses or the British hunt they had to leave their wounded Kflinanry corps who nro currying behind. But tho nurses of tho yeom from the acent of battle n wounded nry corps went forth on tho Hold French soldier. Ills own comrndcs'niid took tho Frenchmen who had Imd boon lighting o fust and 0 fallen lo their flold hospital. Dfiiinl Inxtltute ()miih United Press Service . I'llII.ADr.l.lMIIA. Feb. 22. With' Iropresslvo excrclsen nt which prbmln-, cnt mid eminent scientists fronii France. tonuaiiy and England took part nml nddrcisea by prominent, dentists from this section of tho conn-i try, iliu million dollar TIioiuoh V. Off for the Fair Mr. aad Mrs. J. W. McCoy and Mr. ud Mm. Ii. V. Wllllts leave Thursday for Ban Francisco and Ban Diego to attend the cxuosltlons. They will be away at least three weeks. Cvnns Dental Institute of tho Untvor ..STOUor Till ally of Pennsylvania wns dedicated to- W. C. T. tf. Meeting "day. ' Tha Women's Christian Temper-. Tho building Is one of this largest ut Union meets tomorrow after- on the university campus mid wna STUBBLEFIELD RESIGNS HERE mob at the homo of Mra. 11. C. designed by John T. Wlndrlm: It Is Chwbtrlaln, on N'lnth street near the glf, of Tho. W. Evans, who died' HW. I In Paris In 1897. lUi:SIIYTEHIAN CHURCH ACCEPTS A CAM TO MAitsiu'iixn cinnicif, and (;oi:s tiii:iie aphid 1 Legislative Resume At jesturduy's servlcos at tho Prca- ijterlan church, Rev. J. 8. Stubble- 1 Hold formally resigned as pastor of tho locnl church, to tako effect April 1. Ilo goes to Mnrshtlold In answer to n call from tliero. ' ltov. Stubblellcld has been In Klam- 'ath Falls since tho fall of 1911, and since, that tlmo ho 1ms ucen active, not only lu religious matters, but In Salifiil Jim I II. m. TL- A 1 !? C.I-ill'0 f'v,c udvuncomont of the com TWnUlHtHJrUlMHU more llHUl tWS UP tJdVUlK9.mui.ity. Ho will bo greatly missed (Hjr W. O. OttUlda of (li0 prohibition law and 'tw others, It cannot be aald thnt 'w real constructive legislation tho " Ifglilaturo equalled the sea Iwof two years ago. The prluclpal "" 'or this waa thnt there Wia m fltmand or need for any sweeping -"us m tho laws. ver, there has been a great ""J" good accompllahad by tho T lust closod. Some of the WM onablo features were removed "W th, Important lawa enacted by t scislon, and many amend- wcro passed making thoao lawa Bo' workable. th.P?C.t,.C,,y no "nv,nK w mao "total appropriations. Tho com wee mndo many cuts aad reduc J Hy In the session, particularly PIToprWioM for the state JJW tow. and it looked as It a 22" "duolng taxes was to be -JJ. ""ring the rush and egclte T.n the last few rf. ,. -.. hsV-A ,nv,n or the ways by his many friends throughout tho county. -'Mean. r." .. " -' """-'- tf ktj . ;--"" naa wtini Va-2Mk WM "or t f"t 7 MWaroui .n..i.i ,.7.. r?. wh wars alios in nd V House. Many Ills '5 WILSON'S A GRANDPA SMITH) . .. ... ,.. ... ... CENTENARIAN GLAD carrying iiioubiiiiuh m iumuiib hi ut--proprlatlous, which woro Indefinably postponed oarly In (ho uosslon, woro rovlvod under n different form In ' . some mysterious manner and - CINCINNATI. Fob. 22.-Mr. Eli.- proved during the Inst wool;. ctl, Hall Do Camp, who rcmombera " 1l....l.all Ion 11 -imi nAlAhHnlnfl HAH Tho majority of the mombors of l"1"""1" l""" """ both Itouso and Senate woro In fnvor,100"1 '' '" ' 'it nor ileum. of n real prohibition lnv, but oh Anil, .inn inr.na.iin nt ll.ltt lftn.l UM1H '..M.nn,rf r, ti.nir,.nui.ir'niin... nn.i'nlvcrsaiy. Ninety yours ago she .,W.,.v -. ,.-.. w... "-,,..., ... .. today. She called On Jnnunry 14. she colebinlod her eightieth wedding an il had the endorsement of momboia of tho committee of One Hundred, lived In 11 log cabin on Rnco street, nosr tho presont bceno of high motro- tho members hnd no clialro but to'llltnn skyscrnpois. Sho saw busy voto for It. ' Fourth atreot ns u cow pasture. A Kondi worknblo tax law wns Scores of filcnds today paid their pnssod. This provldoK for Bomlnn-. respects. Tho now centenarian Is an nual pnymcnls of taxos In April and1 ndyocnto of Presldont Wilson. She Octobor and carries an Intorost, wns ovorjoyod recontl) when Frances ehnrgo of 0110 per cont por month on unpaid taxes, Beginning about May 90, all taxes will bo collected by the sheriff. The revenue from Ash and gamo licenses ore to bo kept separate and will bo used entirely for tho pro tection and propagations of tho fUh and gome, of tho state, Tho presont fish and game commission was abol shed and a new commission created, Bowes Sayro, Jr., camo to tho white Itouso and mndo tho president n "grandpa." '(Continued qn page 4) Keuyon Owns Shop Fred Murphy has disposed of tho O, K. Blacksmith shop to Davo Ken yon, his former partner, who also owns tho 0. K. Barn. Kenyon has taken charge of tho shop, which has an electric striker, and similar up-to-tho-ralnuto apparatus. White Plains, New York. bnndry; MIkb Anna M. Turley, homejIs )n the Westchester county Jail nt'zurlan lake region, ranks with Tan- (nenburg, and is likely to be the rec t lord of the war, up to date. j More than 70.000 Russians were made prisoners. At least 10,000 are surrounded near Augustor, where I spent Thursday. - The Germans are outspoken iln praise of the Russians' bravery and the manner in which they saved saoet of their artillery and a big portion of the army. The Infantry was sac rificed to save the big guns. The Russian losses are appalling. They had no time to bury their dead, but the Germans gathered up the wounded. The Germans are twiner redis tributed for another Important move ment, the objective of which Is with held. Russians are reported widely scat tered, miles separating some forces. Despite this they are reported en trenching to resist and further Ger man advance into Poland. economics. With tho oxccptlon of daisy er, all nro rrom tho Oregon Agricultural rollege. Tho program for tonight and to morrow follews: Tonight S. 00 Practical Farm Buildings lllluslrutcd), W. L. Reynolds. Improved Types of Xlvetock (Il lustrated), R, E. Reynolds. - Tomorrows 9:00 Poultry Feeding and Man agement, C. C. Lamb, 10:00 Care and Management of tho Dulry Herd, E. B. Fltts. 1 1 : 00 Conservation or Son Moisture, W. L. Powers. ' 10:00 to 12:00 Food for the Sick (lecture); Egg and Milk Cook ery (demonstration). 1:30 Feeding and Care of Brood Sows. R. K. Heynoms. 2:00 to 4:00 Food Economics 'lectures); Ueo of Deft Overs (dem onstration). , 2:30 Irrigation Practices, W. L. "owers. 3:00 Soil Judging. 3:30 Feeding for Milk Produc tion, E. B. Fltts. 8:00 Drainage of Irrigated Lands (Illustrated), W. L. Powers. Housing of Poultry (Illustrated). C. C. Lamb. At this morning's session Agricul turist Glalsyer ga-te an Instructive talk on "Collego Aids to the Farmer", In which he explained the working of the extonslon senico, the readiness or tho college to supply Information to farmers on any subject, the bulle tins, etc. available Uses of local soil types and their uses woro discussed by Prof. Powers, who also discussed this afternoon new crops for Klamath county. Rape. Held peas, a now spring wheat, adapted to dry lond farming, and al falfa for seed purposes were among thoso recommended. ' , Prof Reynolds' talks today were also well received. He gtoensss. the hog status In tho state, market types of hogs, nnd horso questions. One of the popular departments Is the home science department. This afternoon ninety ladies attended tho Thurley lectures and demonstrations, and tbero Is promise. 01 increased attendance tomorrow. Tomorrow noolt the farmers will bo tho guests of tho Klamath Cham ber of Commerce nnd Women's Civic League at a luncheon In the vacant building adjoining, the ., Bugarman store. At this time tickets will' ho Issued the womon and children for free admission to the special matinee at the Btar theater nt 4: 31. tomorrow afternoon, ' , Here from Merrill Ernest M, Bubb. formerly In terested In the Klamath County Ab stract company, but now cashier of the First National hank et Merrill. Ji In the city on a business trip. SARAH BERNHARDT LOSES ONE LIMB WORLD FAMOUS ACTRESS. SUB MITS TO IMPUTATION AND FOR HER AGE, IS BEARING UP VERY BRAVELY United Press Service BORDEAUX, 'Feb. 22. "For the sake of my art," said Sarah Bern hardt, as she submitted to the am putation ot her right leg at the knee this morning. - The surgeons said sho bore up remarkably well, despite her age, and they look for a speedy recovery. men- &, g .DIv. 1 . ft," tfif red f that the raising of S2SO.000 toward T&i. tho erection ot the plant, and the 'M signing up of 5,000 acres of beef?r "' land for' Ave years can hoh be work-jV t ed out. aaA'tentotlveplanSjOSTotVli cedure will be talked tonight. Sw, 1 " A jt vtt MRS.QWENSniFS .-ui.ws it unur nr nnii a a 1 Hunt ur ouh ? ZS-f? t'J SFjft 3t-ixM&M v -' sraTaAsp.w.sj .', "-.? OK?88l r DEATH CAMF. AS A RESULT OF, - bf;a .. Sasi fefifWftl nnWVr sKS.i 'Aiai auL wtxaa aimuiuh u pn.uiv 10 nro nvir bit.iuls.'; ymux. . uw,u.s.s V,Ia"'u 1 Ft'NERAIJ TOMORROW HARRY THAW GOES OX TRIAL TOMORROW DALY SLATED FOR LAKE JUDGESHIP PHYSICIAN WHO HAS JUST RE TIRED AFTER TWELVE YEARS' SERVICE AS COUNTY JUDGE IS TO GET MORE WORK Dr. Bernard Daly, for twelve years county Judge of Lake county, Is to bo appointed circuit Judge for that county by Governor Wlthycombe. Daly is now In Salem and It is ex pected that tho appointment will bo made this week.. There were three candidates for tho position, Judge Daly, L. F.vConu nnd E. M. Brattaln. Judge Daly was tho choice of Governor Wlthycomber ns the two are close porsonnl friends of long standing. Iowa Lumbermen Meet United Press Service CEDAR RAPIDS, Feb, 22, Hun dred" ot lumber and coat dealers from lown, Minnesota, Nebraska and adjoining states wero here today, to attend the annual convention ofvthe Central Iowa Retail Lumbermen's convention. A. Ft Good of Cowles, Neh.. will speak tonight. Return to, California Mr. and Mrs. A, J. -Fair left' this morning for their home In Arboga, Cal after a visit wta Mrs. Roeert Alexander and sons, .Mr. Fair. Is, a brother-in-law of the late, Boh 'Alex ander, r ', ,st7a,"' ? SJ15 s ., W l ff.!L.jfte, Mrs. Sadie Anne Owens or "Grand-; -Wy ..... ...... . - . JgSf ma , as miiis aaaition people anec- ," ;' tlonately called her passed-away' at"1" sj the home of her son, 'Ben tS. Owens,"""" " In MUls addition, at 9 ycipasf ttsf ;' morning. Death was due to-a5evere, '! fall she sustained six weeks ago. v W Mrs. owena was born In Burling-v " - ton, Kentucky, August. 2. 1838, be-.1 ,7 Inr nsHt 7ft VMtt nf arc RhA'rftni 1.L r ,.--- -. -o ..- j here In 1809 from Vancouver, WMfc.'r !k w with her son, Ben. Owens and family," -'- -y &.. and has resided here since., ..There. .. Af-VS are no children besides 'thetlocilgll councilman, and there ? are1 tour n,r 'tnJi United Press Service NEW YORK, Feb. 22. Harry K. Thaw' will be brought to trial before Justice WeekB in the supreme court tomorrow at the charge of conspiracy In bis escape from Matteawan. Deputy Attorney General Kennedy win inove for the trial of all ot the defendants together with Thaw, when the case comes up for hearing. Those Indicted for conspiracy with him are Richard J. Butler, Eugene Duffy,. services., Michael Keefe, Thomas Floyd and! . . .. .. . . j i. ..- j"...j.t"' uoger Thompson, tne latter nis cnaur-' cottage urove is to nave a station,'," - feur. ipark. " r"- "" J aTfiV asLil ri -s i Jf. !M V .il." h-2k!J $a are-l1iouirn'rnj 'a "' f l'i '!Vj. brothers andTone sister rsidlna;vm-TS??fe The funeral services Vittiliiii nt 3 o'cwcji tomorrow aiternooa nwmxiw th WhltlorV nndertiklnff.'-n.rttrrfjlt Rider a. n" Harlan -n-IIl eoainet tfcU' $ v J-s$yfg,'5!l f . ,is iSil . ; J ' r . , -T T., i " z ' f"-1 "? ?TrjyjT!J?H essaw . SSSSkw Sa. .Bk SSSSaw - " "i. w ? m w llfl ill - al-. .-. M MM. M KaaLgL M'M'Jim. . .':,-: i iriiriirir riir ut k u-o bH ,amv I bjI mV . a H assaml H H H H Ll bv H H mml Lf H Tern rJgsBM a sbTJJLbW imV aVI War VsVsaf bjI bVJ -M saw TasaaVsl bH- l VsVjsW " JssT M WbLbh. WBa-TlBTaV x tm a0M W .J.&W$kl J. . J.7"jT 7,.i.Yif!i -i" 1K. , .UTi.K. t li a. m a, a . '-'.,.," m. -i .': Vmiaiss.sAUisilr I nrm Am lrlr - Msaalsajaasul f a k V I .. . l. v - a?.:SS,? T-fJa vaywi v f,t the exposition postponed until qnlted Press Service flffilf SAN FRANCISCO.- Feb, 33. The Vanderbllt Cup race, scheduled tor this morning at grounds has been March 6. , , The Grand Prix run. scheduled for Saturday, will' he run that' aW. Heavy rains last, night and, this morntag., rendered the. ssshal't por-J .,i ; --jVi ll .. .V-j-l; ? . .ii pery.. The auto drlTera entered totly refused to enter , the race under' sneh cendlttoM. - x Vi 'l J;w' 'In the ,forenoen,4 Llneoln Beaeky sailed out above the erewds. looping the loop la mWatr Its times,. , Mtae -5WI Chrlstophereou tben ascended I hydroplane tro.m the bay, the craft In the harbor. The grandstands and blaaehiraj-l'ii-Sl were packed by thousands awaiting '' j ixsl Mmwi an,,clrem the start,of the raceJJrrM.the iew.fr pour of rain did not :drivtleiiaivr pi! away,' asthey ti&St&mtiifafrmS ft torrent in the" hone r that- thefts wonMvbe. wateteatdrypifllli j? " " - - -' " """ w!w-' wanu to;w the'dtrfejpKSi the, rase eemssHtee, nt Mill. '.-- .'??-. .".J, ,...;..- Tl'rT"y ;'&"if RMiaen eeeme.te( w x ' ik. i.. u-m.ii.Im wa iimm itu. .f- i ! iwp Ml ".l !; m-w,. tttmm &$: hs t"