"ST. T 1 Ste ml a iy ,.;vt.. -),; '-y w .1 1 - l t -'t-ft jT--. . i ft?t?''.. ?j kafUTA THE KLAMATH rALil! h Jhj' ? fMiiuii.K IT IS NEWS - .. . . A' .:&.. "Wjv r Sf OFFICIAL NEWSPA?B?, $3FaS3 & 9-v m ,fn, -V KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1915 frlea, Ft? .,.& -Vtf Km. mniiux Mtvalh 7-' LATURE TO BE IN SESSION AGAIN TOMORROW General von Sanders, Commander of the Turkish Armies, and His Staff NOW ( Herald Mprclal Hervlce) t'lii. it.M ! til If tt tit tifrrmiimt-v rtmtrtiiirii.ilf.fi.. . .ll.l. VI. II'. " ' " """ .I' " " I o ronlliiii)' rrT'.L,M, iiil department. et he i-l, the legMntum will Ik "J"r. MM,iimi,. IU mIob until tale tomorrow, liutrml of mljnnrii- '- - i...ih..,iliua fill mm were i"" - -" n I hue Il:it lid M-iuilt' mill In iih, unuli) ........ .ll.l.-,lAia,i Ifcf .MMIMlaMltlMM Mllit tltllll IIaV till. lift. LMmMottriMr""w""""" ' P " t...ti..M.l thai mm Mitrtw.itu.ttf tt-lll Im t4.flHif.il lit lit.- II l nw mm -" -,..- - ,-.- II Mill work lute utll mlAmmiaAtt Imm, .ill., i. mmu tin. lit !" "" "'""," " "'" "- .... i. i Muth urn! mm fUMalliln mill lumlf'ti Mil ; n unirr i" "" - - -- - -- . . ........ l.k.,M Ijaltv iliM .imtlii iIImimmiJ.I irf tltMill ..hut tiiwimii mi' """" '""" " " . " , alerlhc Mimli' "HI". Without iniirli iiimmIoii the wenatorN organ I A Roe IU" " ,r,r w" ti WH ronMillOitllnu the olv of UI lilliwy rnKlnr wllli Hn - -,. .....wlilun to I lie iNtMMK" or I no inn iro kiihk for I JJJiiioii of Hi ,rrt ."' ,,wml ,,,u, ,,,r ,,,, ,'u,,, ,,0,m, . gog,. mmmmI WHtlt IWMHrr", Bono in mrni rry iminnMi. Mm oT Uh '! ntiroi'Hlloi hllln n. n )ft, iiiitourliiil nml winy jifc-wiMolklftlloii mmMrr ure Mill in winirrrnrr, inr hiu.im.ii i-'iiik KIM'""' . .,..,.,. --a..!,...! rim tlut mftiKMl i I In. Iliulka. owhut to Hie ncniBi"--. ! --..." ---... b,!,.!!'. nnirnilmnilN to Hie vorkBwn' roniwnllin ml. Tin.- ' ,. : v, i ' i mm "m'VSmW ' '-rr TfjMilBMilgr,gTliil f Ml f WiW TSirifflMtt'eBBnBat (! t i MifiMfii i iwwinnrii ii if k v 'iWHl t '. 1V5' 1V' Jflf33-Mi4tl-fcMMfMy-JWHiMMB t Jl IP IIIJ 1 ML W I ; , 1 18stS't5GS-lH--Bp i WAR ZONE IS CYNOSURE OF THE EYES OF mm 05 "V NATIONS J.1 -.ivt CS 3 t'-O todiiy torpeiloed the ed Presg Serflca 4 PAfiltt l.Vtt 1Clrfij. n,Min MuttnutrlttM , m m tmMwt ... - .- v-r.H.H --.,. . ! IfirncWrtcniiicr Ilianrah off Dieppe. The full force of the torpedo upCBtJbcorB tlw. reMel wn strack.fl aad onljr a ptat w sproSK- PBBip iBRlrept th,ViwPl Afloat ontll rosrned by a tog. i lloMK "riiM""' " ttk U "' "" lUAKI CLUB 10 TEN PER CENT HOLD A BI6 MEET; TEAMS 50-50 LoWOS WIU. UK IIKM AT KAMT'llll.1. IIKKKKITN (XUK COUNTKHH United Prcw Scrrlo - ' ' v m, v i i' -n,.,.., ,, g.Bd. ....... war. He J..a .mM in tb. Oo, ,- .t.. 10 the em- -ajfSr nermnn Ronoral In ct.mm.nn of the man .rmr In the genera, staff. At .,. - , Mlekeii bnt w rep,,, by tte 0ri Wferle-. 4 r fe). TttrklHli armies which have been rout- the time of his .selection for hi. P- . , d .. Gerraan. ti!--. Wl.fcl. reflect the vlw of the htahmt gorenimeBt b . -. .Mllft- .t1l.aa4M. -- . -1 - , -.'..' I'd by the IliiSH.aim In the CnucaHiw out lo ne nan mo rn.. u. "-- offlcc.rg WR0 came with b.m (nbout tictalu. My In IU IeadlBS editerial: monnUtliiK, Ho wan sent to Turkey nnt-Ki'iicral, and commanded a dlvl- twenty) could do nothing, but when. rjecaue of the illegal, BawnrraBU.il n.ethoda of. the eaeaiy, tlio (Icrmnn reorganUo-,lon. Ills ml8lon wan made dim-j the war broke out they were all given Wa ,cgteniajr forced to begta a defcasire fight to retala her place M world powr. Th people, are now threateaed with atarraUOB, ama toe tm HIBK DCHINHi IH.L'HK AMI K.Xv TBNRMK I'IMMJIUM ,il(IUNflKI) -4)THKIt XKWK Smi'M (Herald Hprclnl tiervlf) MT. UKI, Feb. I.- Tlio neit aftttni of the Mt. l.oUl Improve tat society will b hold at the Khool houio on the rant aide of the riitr. There will he debate among other number for I he evening', en lertilnment. (Ircat Intcreal la hown by the members nnd the evening, nro much enjoyed. The mock trial of lut week w mom iimunln.. Tlio library hi been Installed In Mac'h Cub itorc, nnd mcmborH of the nx udtllon are t.rlvclegcd to take booki Crane A Wallers nro hauling bay vnkh they purclin.cd from Mr. Cm. Mr. and Mr. Herbert tarter woro Uor at the Fall Wednesday. Vr, Hall nnd Oncnr llaker, who bnt been farming tho Kd Rc.mo. rueh the pnut year, will leavn thl. dlilrkt loon. Mr. Hall linn leasod th Jo Dervln place, nnd Oscar h.. ttkea t homenti'iid Bouth of M.lln. Mr. Oeorie Orlxxlo nnd Mr. Dorr rt'Mt. Ukl vlHllor. Wcdncnday. The Mt. 1-nkl district nchool I. Plunlng for an entertainment to bo Mi early In March. Tho procedn l the entertainment nro to be used fftho bononTof tho achool. TAKK THK HKCOND HKItIKH, AND A THIRD KXCOUXTKll IK SVA!KHMn' Ilnforo It can ho dntermlnod def initely which bank haa tho beat bowl ers, n third gnme Ik neccary, for tho First fitnto nnd Hnvlngs crow, nfter losing two nt might Inst week, look two out of three In n session yesterday with the First .Vntlonnl force. Leslie Rogers, of the Nntlonuls, ro.lod 211 for high. Consolation honors go to Mitchell for tho' Rlemens Institution for his 97 score. Tho complete scored follew: First National I ilogera ll Campbell HO Moore I U Collier .' 125 Totals I"'!3 Forst Htnle I Hogetnteln 1" Rlemens 1CR Mltcholl 9? Mchaffey Wl Total. 8 RC7' CI7 trilled Pret' Sefvlce - COPENHAGEN", Feb. 10. The flrKt aitinhwlon that tho 'preaent Mock nile U OerniaBR'a la&t carf,Bie from Vice Admiral Klrcjfofl. Writlag In Hamburger irremdeaiblatt, he admit, that Gcrmmi hii'Bot saWeBt war material., nml that the present aim U to brteg ch a feeltag of bb enslnexH nrt Insecnrlty that no human nerve cbb Icmg Withstand tie strain, and no brlBg directly home to the Allle. the daagn. that are'lm- pendlag. p" ' ITnlted Press Srvice ,, ' "'?' uMiinivnTnv Vii. in ThA ( iteoartmeBL la rirnaed. that" all tmvel betweea EBglaad and the coBtlBeat laii Ii wpinfided bjrifiaj'i ttvliiaii admlraltv nntll farther BCrtlce.-. rthvTadicate that" war-iiae ," ' order I. taken serloBsly, and thntiT. not propoaed to risk any Uvea.- r k ft- $ rt4 - ' i & "5- m ,-! OenMsuty to coutlnue lion of the Truklsh army before the cult because ItusiJla as well as Eng- i Important commands. Short Course Attracts Klamath County People The uxcltument that the inmorn silrs mi the youngster Is , 2 3 117 211 iso " mo li7 111 m u.i 29 6i2 2 a 121 104 lfiil 181 128 (20 153 181 circus Cluisyur Is a busy man these days.j lining up cattle horbes, hogs and. a .. a a. -. . .-. .. .. n.M fioitiinatrnl Inn mi ' imil.tr iii.iii.iii. nil iiL'uiuuniiuiiuu uut the luterest that the grownup, of . t Do Dractlca, Klnmnth Falls nnd vicinity are taking )inil Htend of theorlilng, actual dem- . III IUO IlirillW." B"U wu.wv . " IlllHirilll.llia MIU lu v .uv. held nl the high school tho llrst three Members of the Klamath Chamber day. of next week. There Is promise of Commerce nnd of the Women's of n big attendance nt every sosslon. Civic league nre meeting with great Among tho women, there I nlso.miecoss in lining up tho things ncces miich Interest. Tho sessions are open nary for the big dinner to.be served to nil Interested, and tho domestic! free t the short course student. science course is attracting many .Tuesuny noon. ... u vn.c-, ,..v, Falls women who wish to etc. nre being leiepnonea in io mo housekeep-'Chamber of Commerce, ana it iooks a. though thero will be an exteptlon- II. Koland.ally good rcpnst for tho city;, guests. CRATER LAKE IN PALACE AT FAIR )UIATUHE, OK KLAMATH'S WOXDKU SIIOWX.WITH OTHER SCENIC ATTRACTIONS IN THE H. H.'S BIO EXHIBIT plre I. engaged la a fight for life. It mart pnab aside all consideration for other. - "There I. no lateation ob the part of the goTeraaieat to wage war. naon nentral commerce, bat whoeTer eaters the daager oae uiust expect' to , Iierish. The fight we have eatered Into" ma be foaght with aU recUe-, new or not at alL" i A if j, i IS SPRING HERE? LOOK IN WINDOWS iV-jr ' V Hubscrlb. for th. H.rala. 60 cmu onth. I. O.O.F. Hold Jinks Klnmnth Improve posslblo their Ing methods. County Agriculturalist Big Exposition Is to Be Opened Tomorrow SAN FIIANCI8CO, Fob. 19. Early J Tho exposition oiBclal. confidently ... ..HAini ihni liin huntiraVi thniiannri nre nnd drum corps win i" v; "ZTSiZ Li,, . Anrersary ot Balding Dedication Celebrated iuu.ui" ...w "- - i ., ,lMli MillHrAn will rA. trnvcrso all section, ot tho city, pin- g d ,0 tno can nnd participate In nnd nrouslng thetno ..jjije grand march", a. the par- ' - ...111 t.. ln....i ItAtiA tl.111 hA nue win uu inuti. tti.v ...it no grand marshal, lift regular forma rv nn(l tnclr """band, nnd warelinws and their wlvo. last 'lht celebrated the fourth nnlvr, J-y of tho dedication of their tern Pi, and the pvent wa. ona of the "t enjoyable of tho season , jne evening wa. tho regular meat hllht of Prosperity Rebakah "2f. nd after the ahort hualna. "J",0 the hall wa. thrown open to Jl vliltors. ,5fl,t" Invocation by Brother B. C. ,"sroi, tbo following program ,wa. ,gjo--Mr.o,J0, Ootar.' urttl!."U ,l0,t?Mr, 0l,,, AflMat-iUT, . 0. Rkhard Vocal Bolo Miss Vera Houston. Recitation Ml.. Laura Dice. In.trumental Duet Mlwoa Vera Houston and Greta McMillan. RoelUtlon Ml.. Lulu Wattenberg. Instrumental Bolo Mr.. Fred Color. Recitation Frank Armstrong. Evoty number wan hjeartlly on chored, and all responded. Follow ing I he" program a banquet wa. .ervid, and following that dancing and card, occupied the rest of the nvenlnr. Taken altogether, the evening was one of the moat enjoyable, and the crowd, nearly 100 In number, will long remember the happy occasion. In. martial airs people from tholr sleep. The population will Immeilltely march up Van Ness nvenuo nnd through the gate, of tho Panama-Pc-clllc International exposition, and the great San Francisco fair will bo on. This Is tho principal ceremony that wilt marls tho opening of the ex position. Tho Idea was adopted by tho directors of the fair In order to "do something different. Hon to tho procession. It will be u parade ot "Joyful disorder," a Presi dent C. C. Mooro, of the Exposition company, expressed It. The only city official who will bo In the parade In his official capacity wjll be Mayor James Rolph. At the request ot the business men of tho city, a legal holi day has been declared In this city. A reproduction of the Paeillc Coast j . .... I.. ...lnt.ln.. II.Mt la l wonuer sj.oim hi wuiiuiuiir mat. . the main exhibit of tile Southern Pa-, clilc company which 191". visitors to j the Pannmn-Pnclhc Intermit Irnal ex position will see In tho company's j own building on the exposition grounds nt San Francisco. The en tlro exhibit will be enclosed In n min iature woodland with trails leading among real trees and feliage: with wild flowers growing on native .oil, and tho horticultural beauties of Call- jfornla and other coast states blossom ing In full bloom, according to sea sou. Passing from tho foyer into the central part of the building the visi tor will find "himself stepping Into a different world. The entrance leads through the heart of a California big tree, Just ns the road passes through the famous 'Vnwoni" In'the Mariposa big tree Grove. Here and there are tho views of tho best known scenic features reach ed by tho company's, lines. Mosshrao falls, near Shasta Springs, with her glistening waters, Is Just before tho cntrnco, while Yosemite vaney trans nro followed through the woodland nnd other scenes come to view, Thero is Crater Lake, Oregon, .re produced with a faithfulness, even ex acting the identical color of the water. Again there Is Mount Shasta, with her towering snow clad peak; Lake Tnhoe nnd n picturesque view of the Santa Clnra valloy nnd Lick Obser vatory. There Is Midway Point on tho Monterey peninsula; the Santa narbarn Mission, the headgates ot Truckeo - Carson Irrigation projeet, j kitchen, and tbe nousewire mat aont . feel like appropriating the room '; " ,,s" tire, I. out of theordiaary. It !& vain for mere man to decfltie;R---lie!0 wouldn't know 'wha& to'doHt ni'Va ,wa turned loow In the room nun-, -.g dred. of the flxln' are beyond MaS-j, : .. comprebension, out ne does Kaw.uar. j tho hot-cakes look mtgnty good-ana 1USPLAVS OF SP1UXG SUITS, GAJt-j that the kitchen cabinet J&l4.itJ,ffl ' mysteries. You want to size it np- A DE. HKKUS, ETC., IA suw tyoHrself. ' Art , 31 ,. - : ." t . WINDOWS SUPPLEMENTS BASE HAIL AXD MARBLES Spring Is here. It you don't be lieve it, just, take a stroll along Main street and view the show windows ot ttin onlnrnrialnflr merchants. We had our doubts about tho vitality ot Old Winter Beveral daya ago, when shouts ; ggxATE of "knuckle down, there" ana an.!'' ;. the way, Jlmmle", began to shatter" the atmosphere, but the show win- The drygoods stored are displaying spring dress goods, the clothing stoves are showing spring suits, and the shoe stores have withdraw the shoes, cal culated to tend Jack Frost from our little pink toes and replaced ithem with those ot lighter weight. I TAX COLLECTION STILL UP IN AIR h 'f.v it HAS REGAINED dows now settle all doubts. AX? 4 i GfeVCCY CLAUSE HARNESSHD TO . 4 ., .m l , ,&n IS UNLAWFUL BILL.; FOR FEAR 9-f THK V twr ,W5 V t '' United Press Service SALEM, Feb.. 19 Before tha tax i collection affair is flnaliy settled, the ; county treasurers may not turn the s rolls Per to the sheriffs, for three - months. The senate has recalled tne '4. "J .? ' 7K One of the furniture houses )iow- tax blll.jis It Is feared that'the emer v-m t- - . - - A. mma. aaw aiiaifiifinna over, that oi tne wiui.-Jonn.ione geucy uium uumui.u-i... company, has gone a little furtnor than the of tho big Opionoh regarding this IsdlTld.d,. average, and pttcd up' one but the'eniergeBcr clause will prpbr ; show windows as an .ideal ' ably be; stricken. off.H k- V All Ready for Race , SWAT THE ROOSTER CAMPAIOX United Pros. Service DBS MONIE8, Fob. 19. Iowa's legislature I. considering u bill to create a state popultry department. Poultry men asert Iown hen. pro- Ia cnmnnlKii to "swat the rooster" nnd many other scene.. IX IOWA land thus secure unfertile eggs for( An ldcn ot the pains iakn by 'cold storage In May nnd June for.t10 company to accentuate the local delivery tq consumers In the. win-jColor ot each vlqw may bo gainea tor months Is proposed. from the fact that It has obtained ' - carload after carload ot soil, shrub Off for the Race. .bery, etc,, from each district repre- Joe O'Brien leaves In the morning .tented in the exhibit. "" a na nnn nnn . last year, am for San Francisco, to witness thej The whole is intended to gve me average of 72 per hen, nnd took uivnnderbllt Cup race at, the expo.Mw0.Mon visitor three month.' vacation, too. uon grouna www.-y n.-t r,.h inlil Ihn hoUHO BBrl-t -,.: ' Uari UHIIVH " - I . ri cultural committee Jhot 17 per cent CUKUrui iimin.i." -. -- ---- of the eca yield Ullnsted In market lag through Improper" handling, most of which lorn tall, on the farmer. Iliiva n Harlev ''Cully' Bailey ha. Ju.t ordered a Harley-Davldion motoreycle from the C, ft 8. company ot-tbji eRy, " a raitntui men ot Ithe .cenlo' and other ,f eature vte.br t found on the Paclflc Coat-rto show ithe roan who thlnka of Europe In contemplating a Journey or va&itlpn that he I. muwlng something real when he fail, to aee'Amerlean, irit. Drivers and Spectators .,- si ti. ..-.! ,-Jt M A 4 4. .1 rrf'i .v '?vjf $ y , , i aiT-ror-iwi (lleinld SMxUl Service) ,a SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 19. With the European war positively limiting ail 1915 automobile racing, to the roads and track, of America, "unusual attention now attaches Uselt to the sensational .peed carnival that la be ing staged on .the ground, of the Panama-Pacific Internal Ion expos)-. tlon. Within the gate., of, the world's 'neatest exposition, the greatest road ciapslao ot; ne couairy-HHia w worid. th'la yearr-arev to oe' raced the.yanderbltt Cup, on ".Monday, and the arna rrue onreernary $. The cenrae.M cempleted aaf turned 'V . Vftl .,A. ,'!.- un.mnnlr,-M.iitlaitM '.l um, vu.uv, v.i'wo.''vu a vvr - WH ym.v 1 na mkaIk. M..&tB , j i" .. "HaTM oi airav.Hi vitnia. .- - vj . !V vThe crack, drlyers, ot, 16,000., are entered In bothu-aces. almost to' - -S5, ' "if XT' conirary, boh'i ptvlnternat.:& .' i-SMf&rtJ a man. Despite fear, on the 1 road daisies will sural: the" most spirited sortv at competition, iwaiipj hbcii tiriiDrB i.tj.BMiwi..A Bolllot, Thoma4and. QonrtfmmjM, l (Mat KVWUi m tiiwaw,i",f flrln Hum " rtlnr 'rhaniffaMi ,""- T . 7 1 . 7:rT5l. -i'.B I ueaerau jowre an ',otaer?.iieeata, -, 1 1 . . 1 -i t m 1 -. 1 .'!. it w . 1 ir ' Allle. andQemMiiMrri 9mm ears remain. lnhe;UMNt . . J." 1, ZJr c cvmmsmsm WE,:A m $1 t't -K . I 12-HM- &