Kr, (,.- V s.'"II7ii J -J . '-. .CS" m MJr ' X ..'-ft',VSffr-v '- - tsi4v - . 4fa Ufn IM PRINTS THE jlEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS i au.i-j --'' mJss wMl. yr' g' Slje Euroittg ! irf'v - KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1915 MKNATIS TUHNH IKMVN Till.' tfVi.l.' mr im 1I,I., .OT,.... v lillllll.l IIW, l'J,1l f HALUM, Fob, 18,-Tlia son- nin today wont on rocord m re- ftlNllIK Id IIU'llKllllllllilt congress or urge Herniary of the Interior I. iiiio lo nock mi apiiroiirtutlon ; or MftO.OOO for oxpondlttiro on I0 erlitriil Hi-dimii li-rliiillm. ....,.- OMA!W CIVIC I.KAflUK AI.HO IX , Jcr,H ' J Till-: 8VVIM ' r,a condition linpofictl In tlio ' incnHtiro was that'tho legislative ie kohhioij or 1-U7 would nppronrl- mo ii similar amount, I'nv lainrlMHiN to tin 4sa-ea-aa- .e BUSINESS MEK TO !: .ENTERTAIN SHORT COURSE STUDENTS!: MSalMill . :.tft,f M&rc.iird !-. .Jt .J"11'V'''.- "' " '(w'y OFFICIAL' NEWIPAPM ; s-i&i .--- "lTl?r"wris ?, '1jj Arraagcne M",,r f r,,p Hm' laf Of Farmer Attending Wmrj Course Affair Will Ho Hflil Tuesday Noon, ad for Wive nml rtilMrm of Visitors, HintM Hliow Olveti German Reply Relieves the Tension Klamath KmIIh Ik going to play tbo J host and hoitoss la tho Klamatli , counlx farmars who will attend tho, KUmith county Khori course nl tlio. Ilia school next week. Toward that i tad, arrangement havo Iweu tard.'ulti.. Promt Hi vim toward a big luncheon Kbo served j KUUN rb.IK Tlio text of the TMMifay noon. 'German rojily to tlio U. H. protest Thl Will ho hold In the building i was pulillshod this nftcrnoon. It Is nt lo SiiKnrnmn'a Hon-. No chargo-,, urm determination against tho Kng wlll Im mndu for tho dinners, nerved ' if titi methods, the vUllont and thflr fnntlllo. .... , . .,,.,,,,.,,.. fr,,iiv . COURT REVOKES TWO CONTRACTS MADE BY OLD BOARD MUM. KOBERTg GIVKX . . BECREE,;o.VB CHILD . AND BOMK OF ESTATE) Following tb arsumamta by tbe attorneys la tbe dlrora ac- lon of Homer Roberta v. 8yl- , via Roberta this fornooa, Clr-' cult Joudie Noland today lsaued i a decree of dlrorce to tbe da- ' fendant. He alio ordered tbat ; he be given the houaekeld ef- . ) fecta and oae-thlrd of tlM prop ' erty. V , Mm. Roberta was awarded ; tho custody or the oldest child, . Homer E., and the plalBtilfs ; father and mother, Sfr. and Mrs. ' ' Hiram R. Roberta the custody ( of tho other two children. ! - ' ' Tim matter wa taken up this mornliiK ly tho (.'number of Coin- ward Amorlra, hut It declare that Herman)' took tho KtiM nho did only merce, hiitlmsiiaKtic commeni wnH,f(r mature dnllboratlon becauso .rerelred from nil liearlnx uf tho p,lnn, KiikUiuI violated tlio accented prln ond ItjiromlKfit to bo a huntmri. (rlilea of International law. llvarlnR or the affair. Mrs. ooro UcfcrrliiK to tho ncto of Kobruary W. While, tho llvo prciildent of tho( Prmnny waya thin accurately aets Woman's Civic League mreod to Imva forth the reanonn for ncilon. adding her oraanUntlon take chargo of tho ,inl ,ll0 ftcu0 u In no way directed preparation and Norvlng or tlao Knlnl neutral commerrn. but rop luorhcon. This Is ikmIUvo nsaurnnco reontit nololy n moaRiiro or nelf de tfcatltwlll bo. "up tnnniiff" In rvoryfrtlk0 nt;nlnit KiikIIkIi methods detail. Chapman Construction Co. not to Complete the Courthouse foir ten percent of Cost. Knott . Road Contract also Rendered Invalid r- Ono of tho llmt IiIk avis toward iuk the aiUicrlntondcnc coit alx- tnsit bids were not called for or moiiiiiny purformed by the now coun- teen per cent, or three times tho or- notice given contractors to bid. ly court, Im the revoking of two "" rates. , rtmirncta nm.K, l,v Count Juda-o Wor- T,' "! w"' "' Ktt was den and Commlnaloiicr .Merrill, of the old court, over tlio irotcnt of CouinilKHloner IlngelHlcln. UercbantH nod ntluTM linv gladly roluntetred to furnish (ho foodstuff 0KMary for the affair. And thru cm wo lo lint oun John V, llmuton, who lit known nit some bat of a theatrical trust In this county. John and the committee toon reached an agreement whereby United 1'rena Service WAHIUNOTON. Feb. 18. Al though offlcorn declined to' comment upon Uormuny'n reply, a uplrlt of relief Ik mnnlfcHt around tho Whlto Itouso and stato department. Tho answer In taken to Indicate that American commerre U frin of tlio all the women nnd rhlldreii registered mihmnrliio peril, 'for the short courso ant to be Riven No American warship nro lo lie free ticket to n Kpeclnl inatliieo of l it'f war rone, which heenmo ciltfclnlly selcctrtl plctnrct. to be ''ffecilvo today, siren at the Hlnr theater. Koeretary Danlela nys he In not ThU mailing will Marl at V. IT,, fontldf ring unlng them either an ton TI.I. U lo allow nil I he women an V0,H 'or ')rcl.anttnen or for genernl opportunity to atlend Iho domestlo Protection outside or tho wne. clnre lecturer at tho high HCl.ool. President Wilson today told a num. her or women prenenllng a lengthy petition Willi IIU.U'MI HIKIHMIirt'K, mm. ,lt wonltl not bo it neutral Vet ror tho United Rtntea to place nn embargo I upon tho exportation or arras and am munition to tho bolllitetrtnl uatlous. for the construction of twenty miles of road from Sand Creek to a Jane lion with tho county toad north of . . tho Dig Klamath mniKh. This route Tho llrt or these niiniiln the con-i would nhortcn tho dlstanco to Crcs tinct miiUti with tht Chcpniun Con- cent several miles, as this would cut ,ui action comiutny, whereby tlio con- off the road around tho east side of 'called to the attention of this Court Htructlon concern was to superintend tho mash. - nd It appearing to this Court'that tho completion of the courthouse. Tho contract, signed by Wordcn on the 13th day of November, 1914, for thl, It witH agreed that tho com- Mini Merrill, specified that tho road inn alleged contract was attempted pany would receive ten per cent of was to bo cleared of timber and 'to be entered Into between Klamath the nut of materials, etc.; to the hrusb, leaving a level roadway thirty county, Oregon, nnd the Chapman-.' Tlio court orders follew: Regarding Chapman Contract In the matter of an alleged con tract between Klamath county, Oregon, and tho Chapman Con struction company, for the com pletion of tbo now court house. Now on this day this matter being English Patrols Watching for Enemies Cnlted I'ress Service LONDON. Feb. 18. Flotillas of torpedo boats and torpedo boat de stroyers, armed merchant ent, traw lers and mine sweepers are patrolUng tho English waters, as this la tbe day that Germany's war zone effort goes Into effect in the hope of skat ting all' supplies out of Bnglaad aad cutting oft the kingdom's communi cation with the continent. fret wide. time of completion. Alnatly there U a II. (i. MacDougnll, who drew tbe ho finished by Scptcmbor 1, 1915,1 the suporlntendency of the comple plaiis and specifications, for the furn- Knott to have fre use of all county Jtlon of the now Klamath county court The contract price was Construction company, wherein and contract with. 17.1 per mile, and tho Job was to whereby it was attempted to contract tailing of plans, otc, nnd tho superln- tools In his possession. lending of coniitiuctloii for six per HiiRclsleln's. protest was that tho cent, of tho total com. TIiIh would rimd was not duty established, and'' house, which said alleged contract (Continued on page 4) NO DA.oK OF 0VERCR0WD1N0 U. a, SAYS COMMISSIONER DOOHER FUNERAL FHMYJM PI MKIIVICKH TO IIKIIKM AT OATH. M0 CHURCH KI.KH OF KLAM ATH FAM.H WIMj ATTKNI) THK NINKIUL IK A BOIV Hen. On h Visit 1 H, A. 1. Hiingatf, U well known Oregon City btilnoK man, Is In Klamath Falls for a vbort HOjouru. , Tho tunaral aervlces of the lata Mlka Doniicr, who sited Monday morn 'n will bo hold at 3; 30 tomorrow afternoon from tho Church of tho Sacred Heart. Rov, William McMil lan, 8. j,, W conduct tho services, nd members of Klamath Falls Lodge Outline No. 1247, Ilcuevolont nnd t'rotectlvo Order of lOlks, will attend lit a body Tho following members of tho Rika j lodge will act Its pnll brat era: M. IJ. McDonough, Horry Ackley, Harry K. filllts, Carey M. Ramsby, Chester Avory and V. II. Montollus. Dooher was active In tho local KlkK lodgo during his lifetime. It Is expected that tboro will be a largo attendanco at tho funeral services, as tho veteran lumberman had hosts .. ui..h.i. Hn .it.tM Criitlinrti Orirnii. ill liieiiua uii , ' - - Road Campaign Supervisors Named, and Machinery Checked Up With tho various .road district Throe appointments aa district road was sending In lists of the county , muntors have been raado by the coun- mi tools and supplies they hate ", their care, the county court Is wtilng a good line on the road as mi eaulomant tk ...., ... l"v, Ji Preparing for an nntiv rta. .. Cnll!" '" P0t t0 Wta.tM'MlMtf Of c ? ,h1PwitloM at preteat, but ?rl ihe roads and etlwrwlae H """", ! for tha faimar'a asrlaa IIIB.1 m. ' "-.-. -r-." v .,) Tkttl Mil Ullul J-".l. 4k. ' PMMkd wtlhsa eli-itted. ty court. It. 0, Short will have charge of work throughout the county with tho exception of tho vicinities of Bly and Langell valley. Charles Hughes will be In charge of the Bly district, and work In the Langell valley dis trict will be under the direction' of H. O. BhUler. All of these asn are experienced In road making, and the county court looks' for good results at a mini mum cost. Sliiiillliiii i P - PPI. Hr , ASi K - -- sfLasv JaHf' ; tBBBBBBBBBBBTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV W'ti nP( VklsrBBBBBBBBBBBBalF BBBBBBBBBBBBBBsV Miiil . v,rrviii V-:J t-?Mafisjaas v-HmiaWL x- - 4wSsrN f fcy-V iV k ' P-'iS!?lL. aBaaBBBal TKT.0r.t; c HOW. - FARMERS' SHQUX COURSE PROGRAM FULLY ARRANGED M w. . a: KilO. Yfc'1. ?I'J'A " v e& m& ft -i rLS '.' . i ' K i4l KXKRCISR8 ' ' i !l .A'-r t COMVIiKTB IXAUiVJ t if - DRTAtXS In Addition to Tatka est Dairyaf Ir- t rlgation, Dry Land Farm!;,' flarsa ' , RttiMhsapi; -Poaltry TTsliaag. ,stng Raising and Other HtdtieetsTia-W Will Also Be Berle. of tectM far . I ' Villi !(' tlim Fimei' WUr .i -. O ... -,,, rf j:;.3J Tl .'. an l MJ Xir :ts Countr A-rlraltarlst H.'.-ad.?,?, dialsyer this mcaJag; rece;rem-l'' plete program for the thTce-'day.islxaTt; ConriA tor firam-ln t Tm'''j and at'Merrili'iext weikT'lMonday, Tnesdar and WedneasUrliesstt-f'VBl 'fl be held -here, and-tn'f6lIowtawtJn1 days at MerrflfHhe, same prafram. " -t 'v -j - & a. -iV .. tfSSJ. i z aererai ceapeteni instruweff ireas .; the Oregon AaWlcaltnral eoRat) wlU - assist Mr. Olalayar, aad the program,- to be held at the-Klamath-hlgk -. school .will be as' follews: J .. - t ' marl - ' - f-"" ; n. 1 aPlAIdsha.fwmar.j U R m.lrrar -, I -i.-. .'. ... '.i !'! io:uu Lcai aoit h.rrypes,,. laatrj.. QualiUes aad Uses-W. -U! Powersv' ,1 1 11:00 Present Statas of thH- fndtintry In Oregon, R. E. ReynoMa.:, J : 30 New, Crops, for msmath, Conntr. W.;'-- Ppwerai J'"Ch4 'ii intl Rwt r2Jtafnflrkaai 1 :v.f, ItyTests., "r- 'i' . J-.'W 2 : 3 0 How to Detect iCemmasi;TJB-far soundnesses In 'HemSf -HswV?JniaT-fef : inr. -i, ., ., .. , br "s.' i, " w? .yiM fn-MijZ4 ? TJ?il 1.1ft TrC.' A Rmi( .IS,. wr -i.f,iw- ,fi.vjry Judging, rM&WimwtiT2iJiJ m, Kioo Prartleal FajrBalMlnm;S IllMOtntnai lir T;W.l'iiiJi "i t.lSsl Improved Types ofHretoclt7.'(lli lustratcd), R. ,E. Reynolds.. Rewards have been offered by snip ping associations to the crews, of tha merchantmen and trawlers, who sink submarines, Off the French coast, a similar pa- Urol Is being made.. A competent ( authority declares it will take at least 400 submarlnes( constantly on duty 'to effect the blockade.' All towns here and on the French const are under control of the. mili tary authorities. -Precautions are . j 'J i T,itaflsr taKen against aena, as, weu as navai r a:00Pou t y Feeding- and 'Man1? raids. I --- fl. . . - t i ? fagement, C. C- Lamb. , Jftg ' ' ' , ( 10:00 Care and Management of f' t'ko lnirv Herd, K, 11. Fltts:' I , 8 of 11' ' si I t'nlttd I'ress Serviro PETROORAD. Feb. 18.- -Suc- of-, 1 1 ;00 Conservation cesses are claimed by Russia in Gall- Moisture, W. L. Powers. , cla. In the Carpathians and In lso-. 1: 30 Feeding and Care of Hrbod; latcd points in the north. . Sows, R. E. Reynolds. Unofficial advices sar the batUe 2:30 Irrigation, Practices, W. ., along the left of 'the Vistula Is In creasing In violence, neither side being able to gain. Powers. I 3:00 Soil Judging. ' 3:30 Feeding for. ,MHk Produc- J ... ' "T-2r&y . Hon, E. B.. Fltts. .nf rffXANO GriRMAN CRltSE-R IVCOI.TK.R Wo rOREQBOUW Fob. 18. Frederick V NKW YOllK C. Howe, commissioner or immigra tion, does not fear over-crowding of, America. Nolllior noes no tear, inn an, tn lllltorato Immigrant. "i.niiiitrrniion in ii n imoortant ... .- ..... n..lH a ,tila Aniin illlORllou to me i.-uiiiu .- try but it la not so important a.s land monopoly, for it Is land .mon opoly that causes for crowding into tho cities nnd tbo exclusion oi ma peoplo from tlio land," sayB Howe. "All tho land In Amonca is owneo, but only a Binall part of It Is culti vated, and n much larger part of It Is In low stato of use. Thoro are only about thirty pcopie w iu . squnro mllo In America, wniio in "tiioenrtu uoiongs to ail the people." Kurono there aro ten times that; A icdcnt early In hls-admlnls- many; In some countries fifteen times jtratou UBtrale8 the commissioner's as mauy. All aermany coma i iiui, In Toxas, and Germany is a pros porous country. Tho Immigrants who come hero are many of them peasants. They would go to tho land If they could do so. But the land Is held by speculators In colossal Mtii ihmuahout the west, ana people cannot get to It. "Earth for tha People" j hours to get the captives out onto Howe says that his motto Is that.' tha lawn, wbsra sebraa of tkam attitude. Ho found on taking of fice a largo number,.o Immigrants detained for various reasons on 'the kipper floors of the government buildings at Rills Island, Many of thera had been there for. months. Be low stretched an Immaculate green 'JsV,"'0 v i-y""y fSS'tS TuT, ifc rwa DO stretched themselves at length, fair i iy kissing tho earth and luxuriating In the touch of green grass again. "The eartliv means opportunity,"' says Howe. "Tho American traits of which we boast are not the prod uct of race' so much aa the product of free contact with natural oppor tunities through a number of genera tions., That contact is now Impos sible for the average man. Tha way .to restore "It la to adopt a taxation 'policy which will encourage actlvltyi and discourage the Idle holding of 'land. ' "Two Ciaaaes are Opposed i "There Is some raasom for the of position of labor to immigration,''' isays Howe. "Labor Is fearful of tn- crcaslng tho competition for Jobs. This competition is a product of land monopoly and will disappear with it. "I cannot see the menace ot the unlearned Immigrant. I suspect that my ancestors. Sctoch-Irlsa enmo'to this country UB-yeara B4r were Illiterate. Otherwise' they omM not have. come. Few people' tn nam fortablo circumstances venturad on oa rM . , i w- 8 : Q On-Dralnage'bt Irrigated. lniti;iffl nuuaiag vi luuiiij, imiuuimf , j-mj tam.: ... walm .village. of Norray In Lorraine. The 9:oo Care anil Marketing V'o8 hill commanding the town waa'evaea- j poultry, Cj C. Imt. t -f p j...- .... i ,v w. m. .Mrv. ?...... , io :uu ctop Kotauon ana, sou jai torce. iPArfllllv 'W T. Pnwn it ?"":i' ". :.-" . . -i.,1 I ' ' .T t'liltetl Press Servlfo BERLIN. Feb. Id. It is officially j uuiuiueu tnai material reverses aaTejc, c. . been met with from Argonne to tha ; 11:00 Care of Milk and Cream ,E. B. Fltts. i m 18 jf l:30r Potatoes and Root Crops;; - v. .. ruwen. j, ,- '; 2 : 00 Potato Judging, H.R.. QJaMn :. 2:30- 9 nl United Press Service COPENHAGEN, Feb. Zannelln L.3 hrnkA down nff Sanaa MRlnnil ventnrdnr. anil TUnmark or-1 .Ia.IhI ,l.n tn .ffliAWa M t .... wl II.. mvi7u .ic mil uiuwa auu iiiHwni, i!i .".:.. JZ. ilT'4"ii-., of the crew interned. As soon as o-incuoauonanas-ra It landed, vthe dirigible was set i.v " ', v- W r "$ by the Germans, presumably to pre-" "-v-.-....-.,-. ""-r. rwm: snv dtselosures of the secret V" v lV&m??- w .,-. ,-JT.Ti i , - ,,.,-.-. of 1U, construcUoh, LA-'f Continued 'Mrs4)Yv: m VI -CvB Wiii 1 I H ' X t'i V ' - J Ml Tfc P L I 1 HI J If " iaL- ($ lavvVlnvv Uaw UsKJMmImMvI IMT WMHVH.JJsw'lrw w t - . V - ' - . v - x- w - .-"- " 'ilawn which was carefully protected, such, a Journey when montha.wara tfrom use. It tookatm only a fewtcupled In passage and;,, wlian 1 80 per' cent, ot tha immigrants died In pasaaga." " ' c" " ,! What may be tna-laat' aaakataall la hard fought schedule of gamo of tha saaaonvwlll U flayad ' FrWyP Wtl tomorrow night atthe PavlUto.. wlWWfc!W?5.j .the Klamath county high sakool siiuad team, of fast idwarawko.hava, iaMk rreoeaing tats, gania wmj na ; tussle between the trams afd'tlsa Junior glrtaaau of iahbaaaa4; This gasaa la of aeh latanat ta) 4Tm student body." as HJ will aaald a girls', -l-tffclaa.,, AwM .w mmm wi;r7MWim aWMi! "war jipviF ' k '. sawaswwsi aa rmmvjKi of tha Rogna;ilyerVTa Is al posatallltyKthat ttmCattf iMi, i'iE-.j-.uijIlvf7S3i' iV.".," "t,4..i ?" Sfi-jyv !TT'' !.' ;" V IV." -. I i-&&sa.,; aaaaa hara tt H a ai tr( that gama U aaat ddsyagmt, tCPP rt .'j. ' ' i, -ru :-srw js. ".-".-i-ie.v (. tl ,!fes . .. -S.iiti .'-! Lj.i.l.4 " ' 1 - ,it '1V . 'TA . ' .r .-.; . r?mm -vim