11 tewiHHmyiMM i'ssawstl aaaam. ' I l i Stf. IJS THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON 'fmm' of nt Zeppelin Predicts Lines Airships Crossing Ocean fcifinfor of Zeppelin Says His Ambition Has Been to Pilot the First Trans-Atlantic Flight to New York. Says Safer, Quicker h- ii. turn, vo.v um:i.m United Prima Hlnff Correspondent. (Copyrighted h y (ho United Press. Copyrighted InOro.it Hrl(nln) BERLIN, Kol). l.( Via the Hnguo become groat fat'lur for quirk pna-inllty mid hospitality extended to lilm fMMM HOW DIPLOMACY BROUGHT BACK PROSPERITY o ONE INDUSTRY '..4 London.) "I hnvo always Imped lo t ! I"1 ,0 ,",u, "" ",r"n"' , ihi. Atlantic I Imvo iwiiovmi tlHllirH .till ItiHll u.tHKl.fl H I... . .... . a. """ "" mil. ny Americans unit n century ogo, i now ioiik no yon neiiom that It and because It wan In tho United would take i Zeppelin to inula, a Slate tlint ho conceived IiIh Idea ,crMtB0Ai night from "fro to Nuw York?" of neilal navigation, "(kit H wou,d b0 ihi crow,"n , "Threo or four days .perhaps moru He Ih 77 year old In July, but ho tort of my career, "' v ,poriiitiH less. It would depend on tun di,en not look over CO. HIh nhort .iiBiBd von Zeppelin tonlRht when, W,j llt wt,n,i..,r Anyhow. It eonlii Ihil wen knit ti,i,,t(,. .,..,... i,...., hertstiiiitd hl discussion of tho l" Jlmnlly ho expected that the Unit voy- astonishing elasticity and quickness iiMlltlM of tho giant air ernfl which ;,.,, w0, l(, , ,h Mhortct iof movement. I krtrt hi nme. jtlnui anymoro than that the Ural Ho linn very clear oyen, a ruddy face f,,r "lom to t,,ank " (!- Work ',lftln "iltl to bombard New Vork and Lte.imer cxUiblUhoil n record." and n snow-whlto" mustache, citizen of Akron, vho went to Kng- WMblBSton?" I nuked him qulekly. , "Whet will ho lli tretul of do-j When I saw him ho hnd a pair of (land early In January,, hobnobbed T count wan very urnvo ax Ih velopnunl of Zeppelins In the fu- "beautiful shiners." lloth oyos be-'wlth the nobility In tho IlrltlBh replied. It was plain from his gcii-'ttiro?" Ink discolored, almost swollen nltiit. ' rnmien ami admiralty offices, and end attitude that ho baa been greatly j "Whero they am to be utilized. Culling my attention to them he unld: In a few bourn did what American tmVtti over the charge of ruth- for war ernfe, a form of construe, "It looks like 1 havo been In a jgtnte department diplomacy had been Umm In tho mo of dirigibles In tile war, and Intimations that they prl.e light, doesn't It7" Ho explained irvlnit to do for weekB paved tho that they worn the result of a tumble v for tho release of crudo rubber BSBBBBS BBBBsRHRBiflrSiilBTBBBBBBBBBBjiBB LbbB bILLLH inallMlB iaVWBRcr''uJLaBBf3'KiaKaV.uyb-'X9i KSMttwiKME WjimL'rt-iXtMWliEW'itMJWKm sBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal.tM'aWaBBBBBBBBmaMBBaBtt linssKBYJBslSjMMBfBsT-x' vKXflHHfrlMvMMlPiiVIHHiiBES TilXiV KCCP TUETft joosr ZSKBKKSMWzKL. mVMJ?- 'MM :m. mm'mmL mm myw&sm -ri x irf ? mcir i AKItON, )., Kebi i7.AutolBt may thank I'rovldenco that the Euro pean wnr Is not to eatiBO a rubber famine with connequenl Hoarlng prleeri for tlren. Hut !(, would be more to tho point pon-on to the lords of the British Rovcrnmcnt, llnck to Work How thlr. Akron citizen took hia l biunt business methods Into the gov i ernment offices In England, developed 'si frlendahlpVlth Sir William Tyrrell of the foreign office and Sir Francis Hop wood of tho admiralty, matched bis ability with the highest' skilled diplomacy on earth, and-worked out a complete solution of the- rexing problem, is too long to tell here. The Folution ItseU is of most interect. Any American manufacturer may now import British rubber by glring bond that he will not export it to Ocrmany. The British government p to appoint a special committee of fivn to erant imnorter's Demits at I any time. The British government lias appointed a special agent to aid small Importers to get rubber. "I do not believe we need fear any At one ittrokn half the world's, f,,,thr.r intommtlnn in th rubber crude rubber supply was cut oir,!..,nnir" nv Work. ''That zunnlr B.Cr Wowo Ish colonics lest a supply of the precious stuff find its way to Germany. tlon that will permit them to fly hluher than at nrenetit. Kor mm- " 'i . i v - ir "beyond tho pale" of rlvlllieilmttrcin piirposcii they inuat Havo n'lu the nlr while conductliiK an ex-;si,pnientg to American ports. nttttt. greater carrying cnparlty and Rrentor.in'rlment at Johannlsthnl. He do- Modestly Mr. Work disclaims tho ;lJ. hnmi,- nn neotiln wl.o hnl 'aped. A rompared with tlio yenrsNHnrd to go Into tho nature of tho '.,', ,., ,' ,ia , w0 ..rotests Utn to kind to nu, when I was" u,ok " 'levelop rallronds, my air- expeilment, hut It was plain that II ;tImt tll0 work f our stato depnrt iBOBi IhcnU" he said. "Never! i 'craft are merely beginning their wan an Important one. ment had at Inst been successful and) tint In Mil on a peaceful mMaloit ''"""'' " i"" " " .iuvrnru mt on t)l0 ,lay of. Ms nrrival in wiro I to la America. My grfalest """' 'lepended on wind and wealhor. ecu.tt related Incldentss of his ex.;,((M,aoil lt a(l boen docdcd to ralso imbltlon h not been to create an wl,h l" "l'lloii of the flrt lllght jer'-na In tho United States during .,. cm)argo, although the details eulatot dHlrurllmi. It has lifrk ' '' nl oncelve of any- Iho ( lvl War. He told of mectlnKvero t0 ,,0 perfected Inter. Hut Mr. II.IHU !!. ll.,.HlnlllM lllllll II.A t nllllll'SVlK A M. . 4lIIA.. J -. .. l. . t 1 m d.mnnilrato tint Zennellns lire n ""'" i'"i " , .. !Vork helned In porrccung uickq oc-'S ,icn (be nrodncl on of rnblior Jn l.m i,. !, i intrfMn suited to far greater purposes than ' ' " J,,,nt ,,t ,,,f m' "lmaw.lnllv of tho king of Wurtem- , ,,,,. And llndcr ni,ostlonlng ho ad-Jp,anln0I18 ,n Britain's Far East Manufacturers at the rate of 2G0.- tobeuwd as mere Inntruinriit f oulsers Into New ork and then go burp mlt(e(, mt Ul0 nrUlsh foreIgn of- i,nd vaRtIy increased In tho past slxl00u of it a dar " wnfm." ,lo Washington. .0i.l In wld. The president was sitting at lib ce liked American business methods. !ycar8. bnly The supply from Sodth' -h - cffect of th!g agreeIneilt ott ,,..,.,, ' There was no doubt that tho vet-.desk, and very busy." ho sad." lis .. i .,..,. u.r,.n .., Af-i, .-. The-.cneet ot tnis agreemeni on r fc?.Sl o Sw 7 k nnd w ,"v""U,r w- U',0,"y ",,v" t0 " "r,Vn U"y' 0l,,,B Stnwnrt' 80 T'W,C IKM" ,Cr 'leS ind America which consum"!'he AmCtlakn '""j' T .Mbeiky apors of New or i nd ,, uv,.rcomo of ,,. Pfrc,nry ,)f Hta(t, wn8 ,, -.sir Francis." he sald-me.'.nlng '; "J Ara ",CBJ ubw?f '"!ri ,ntantOU Bra,Uton rubbCT .bsdeajolUlon of t s.orlc atrue- cn ,,,,, ,, ,, ,, ,CR8 , , SIr FrnncI(( IIopwood t ,hffl admlr- iT ?i AcrlcS chtef S5'dropiK!d " CentB " ' 1 i ?S Z Z Z n w.' -ceHMul. II.. plainly had no doub, air. Lincoln, tall and gaunt, greeted r..y-"8a.d that If In the elnnln,d8 and did not show the rubber romlbelotibhl of the man who mn Wfmn H(j mo. cordially. He made the samo'H.e American rubber trade had 'n8lnB clU. oro tho wITewni. t.haracler,gtIc Df rebounding. Ak- Ure,Pon.lble for a form ',,,,, BB ,lu dld IMll ,wm , Impression on mo thai tho Kaiser' worked with them direct Instead of. T' city was faced with tho pos.ron.8 thouBandg pf wie:.men.wlU go hkbbM been so aptly dwcrlbed as wmi))1 wcr w ,mik(l(, whp(l , ,neut hm u lhrnugh tho stnt0 department, wo slbl Ity of seeing many of Its 2,,000,bnck to work, the Akroa people -tbt Zeppelin chill". --.cd on- . nnrtlcular was deenlv con.'could have been of material assist- workers In the rubber factories rogaru. B. a. Work as the city's cMef iltMMf antiftAt ni'AP In ltf niltwt Vnm ' '... ilMin mi( rf Amnlnvmant luridly nlctured by Imaglntitlvo.rnrncd about tho cruelties of tho war. ance In having the cmoargo raiseo .""""' u-y :...'.. war,,) The, benefactor. or what you now refer to as ntroc-.mueli soonor." ; Akron boom, which had been steady I coincident with this, Mr. Work'a iIaSS BAMAMiia HiHBik ( n O ullMnn ThitH , iliuiv nM n,,,;. m ., , .,l.... llb in Intensity of lllonghl, ns , ..!,... .., ,..., .,. , : . ,.. ,. ,,, .i ,,'sInco tho development ot the auto-.lcuml)ny has announced WW fair .... . . lt , .. ... I Crimps llll'ril win itui u; iun , im-n. ri'iii'it? iniii inu naiuu iiiiijiur- lite Mlimiuuu i"i ntu ..w ..w .... . I . - touih he was thinking to hlmaolf. , stage of perfection Is rench-lslona then as now. Tho president rubber business In lato December ' ban to languish. 1Isted rr,CC8 t0 consumer, and deal- the count centinued: . ....... i .... ...-.... ...... . , n . n.u,e.. ' AVnshlncton was annealed to. but ' nri,. effeci Ins: a laree saving to every i.MJf I IIO con IH rum. ; mo iiiiuiiirj iims whh um i was raiucr ilCBuruiir. uim "i i - . --.-- . ..... i.. .ii.. i...ui ...i.i. i: t ..m i.-,... !.... ...,j ... ..... innnrf.. nf (ho stato denartment. in weeks of. automobile tire user, putting the I SIIKKeviCU UIUI no iiiikih iiiiiu 'niniiuiui.T, on, .ii i nun tin-! inn un ; rCnIIZlUK H'L' i not imii"vv w.i - ... . . .' . . .. .. t . .... . .. i . . . . .... '..irnMni nn nnnftvnnr t' pmtin nnnnin.mna are nnflinpKR nn n unriii isint (.no or us .npnainu 10 sniuono or my most prizcu possessions."! rubber lu wnriare lor iraiimn.,vi,u..u,..... ..... ,. f.. ..vl.ll.lllon nf II. n ,ir. Tim rnimr iWlnrn.f lin onpn awnn ltlr ..irlml inmllf9. Zennelln fa-Mil C. 'Inen Xlie KUDDOr CIUD, v,UKa in- oasis. f fi iiipi'ni..,i . m -" -.. ..,... -.-,..-.. ..v .. .w -til -i, oinfi -ri-- - tho Niagara river below the American brlc, ns well ns for footwear, blankets eludes tho leading ruDDer manuiac I falls, to get a view or tho full circle nl,d clothing for tho men In tho Hirers, and importers, decided to act . . . . i ...in i... .., Inlilnllra If IniViol nhnilt trenches una ueciuoa to prouiunun . . - 1 . . . .... .. I i ..1.....I r 'rtl- . nnnMl 111 over tho lakcs.'lthe exportation of rubber rrom Mru-tnu bcicihu . ..".n. . ..,. .- "I rami try to live long enough I at I feir It won't be accomplished- ! inn not in uio near iiuuro.' !., "Dln Vn,l l.llnl BM.Alliinlll,'r"C,W'" Mriil travel with a dirigible of tho"0"mo" tun. .,. ...n.i....i..i ...,. h.i.... "No." ho declared emphatically, "Not only possible, but practical. ;""' nt ".e Zeppelin to mnko her ,'f tlu. ralnlmw mist. Thb war inierr.rri in. ,.. ..i... Ursl vnyngo' across tho Atlantic In I made tho trip o I know that aerial travel will become the qulekeit and safest. Zeppelins nd leroplanes, in their development hte, in my opinion, a great future, 'w peoplo know the delight and Mfcty of travel in them. They will permanent LEGAL NOTICES (ho hold of a steamer. Slip make It under her own power. lie then explained tho reason why he hnd broken his life-long rule never to bo Interviewed, becouso he recalled with appreciation tho cordl- wlll bo added, "and beautiful American Tot on another Squeegee" One of the strongest PTOofc of tire value is the ottfo of the man who has heen UaWaTttresofa certain kind to have' tr of the same kind put on his car' , whn he needs new ones. The man who says, "Put on another "WgeeM when ho drives his car into the fUSI'i registers tho hloheat tvMMlhlo endorse. romt of Diamond Tires. d this letter from a Tiro Dealer: u "Oiklind, Cal., Nov. 24, 1914. Oureuitomeri ata mori Ihin Mtiinsd with iho -. iney are g.tilng rrom Duuuond Tires, waiomiof ih rtporisof mlltigs received ara JowUfful. Tht be svidinco of thin Is Ih. fact hjt we seldom have to aoticlt re-peat orders, wr coma to ua voluntarily. 'Put on another fjueegei' it generally their first greeting on MMtlng tha itore, and they leave with a smile, JJjangihit their troubla iiover for a long time, ad inch a Diamond booster. "HECORD TIRK COMPANY, "Per A. J, Donovan," ft??1!-?0 ". a'raordlnary mlleago and fraadom TEaSE?" tht J""1 ' Diamond Squasaaa urei, you can now buy thorn at the. following "FAlR-LUrr" rKiczn: lie 30s 3 Mi3K H!?8 i Diamond Squecgao $0.45 12.20 14.00 20.00 Olio 34x"4 38 a 4 37 a 5 38 il PAY NO MOKX '. ' ' . SH f I 1 M laVaT wBaf r V ATlUki&'J l aw aasHsWtrBsW. AUUMCgm asMBBBBBBBBBL9- M SBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBHBgSBBBr' BHl imBFi TtMaLgsBHr '"WW S MOMi. .W I m nassBaw cgMg. m AlwA mm 1 w , it - 1 I 1916111 uiunt mmt . m 3 a Wl71lXMiI I 1 Imw M HlloLfWi" SL?bbbW -aamBBii-Aian 1 j . .-w A3irVCj I' KataiV vammw w m r ' a. .n s mni . . 1 W lllrted with some girls who wcro ,as nuxlous to get acquainted with mo ns I was with tnom. Tiicy unniiy broke tho Ico by Hipping applo' seeds nt my fnco. Then wo hnd n Jolly, 'talk. "I mado my flrdt balloon ascension' at HI. Paul, but I was not on tho1 llrlng lino during your Civil War. an has been frequently said, A major in fit.-. Iftifmi nrmt wlinun nrmirt T ihavo forgotten, was thero and hadj n captive balloon. He was to cut tho! CorsetsforOurMen? Local Clothiers Refuse to Confirm or Deny This rope and let mo make a long (tight after I was up to tho rope's limit, I bought all tho spare gas tho St (Continued from Page 1) form 6 that ot Thad McHattan's.' " . J But Houston refused to answer in,.i ou .vno wnniH im mn imvn '..,o.. i.nnn nnrirriivl bv the steels and . definitely. Tho intcrviower was a fvr " " -..- ...'v ... v iiiv it uyvn ..w..-. ----- . I . 1 ' .. .. .1 ....... .!(. In Miit itn Anlfnunl 1I1M ..!...... nun auiu n fivi i Buivmi hum- tmiy( asked to look around for himself. mid vnrled are! 'rho occupation of Loewo Brothers, trot toet: hut tho cub was of so noorl t.... ......ini-fni .nuMlty Hint I couldn't Rot tho ww1.! in0gre8stvo changes, that, havo creators or sartorial effecta formen to assay a long.,., mniIn i ti,c few short yearau M "Wl.ure' ""c " kIiico tho (They were asked, but wore also non lllleil Huniclcnttv .III..),, V.i, vvl.ll.. nlinvn m Poll I 1 had tho first Idea of aerial naviga tion strongly Impressed on mo and It wns there the Hist Idea of the Zeppe lin camo io me. J i "I havo many friends In the United j States, but I fear that few of them i havo enrod to llvo as long as I have.. Perhaps uono will bo loft when I coma again to America In one of my own cruisers." Diamond' Onueegoe $20.35 28.70 33.10 44.00 YA fitter frfli' THIS caUlof truthfully we- senti and illueteatea iho moat deanhk. '. .: j. j.. -t j. i " gMMi.a . III1S1 IW the Northwsat The bftt olevenr tkiat ht taa auifca) at haaw tardea. a gfESgfSB ektWdba ia Aa aaadt al evary fpawei. AJiuUN. J PORTLAND SEED CO. arm .ami sujauaiau.LsiiKz.. ,mm nm mt quiring tho stoop shoulders' commit nl to a certain extent, .i to go with driving an auto "Look around..look around!" ;..., m th hv. .ludvlacd. "Put two and two tog they together railroad hit here. Since"" "-'" "" -... -- , - , i.... .i.i .uM,n.. An tli- Mint miornmortt ITIIII1III i:illlll- I U 111. LULtk VUUiVHIVIfl tlien. those who woro bow leggou, - . - , from constant horseback riding are now act that seem a., n ntntnr.vpi. ill LutTBts ubjd. .. ; clmn going out for tho most formal for yourself. Sr'lght bo persuaded to 'SgS his chnns at home, but his boots and.' " "" - nis cnupB ui . tnrnaMie'f, and scml-rotund Leslie Rogers; gun never. Now, no chap turns . ,,,w.0 , v out without u shnvo, a shine and al ,HUU """ "',. ' oUr. whlo full dress is by no means.torms of Andy Collier and Orb Camp r.ovelty. Tho nolka and quadrille .' Hkewlce bankers. II uutuu. i . ., .. niuii.lni n lo n nnllcnmnn. Imvo glvon way to tho-tango, one- step and.hcsUntlon. nut as for, cor- " " """ "" .V ., .V -.-7 . ,. ,..... confuse ono for tho other? Again sets we don t Know. - a uuusuuii vn luiiu. Krcd Houston has never run nu v . .vin h.hr ... nnnouncemont of "capltallBt," "ath-1 ..-- corsots. loto." "military ," or any. other now .n.i whethnr Prod and desirable shapes for mon In his Mor, . flBuro 8 tno reguU of the udvcrtUemonta, lint Inquiry was made com,Uoro.g nrt; We retugB au0 to t him: answer nnv ouestiona regarding the No, wo haven't as yet added ,mtnry nhyslaue of Albrecht Oehler, rhtae of corsets to our otherwise oxi "Thero Is Just ono way to find out .-IX .- . ..,lo '..i.l.hlna ( . ' .... ... ...Ja tm.m.t tensivejnino ihbk" r """"- jror yourseir, tney conciuucu. said Prod. "We hnv.Jtiul80me Jn-Jlsjlo" punch a suspect In the ribs qulrles 'oh! never mind iyho rrorn'r'jjjdTthougb, or jrou Xotlre of Sale of; Uauwaiamed Dovret Right In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County ot Klam ath. In the matter ot the guardianship ot the person and estate of Mary A. Kilgore. an insane person. Pursuant, to the order of the coua jty judge ot the county of Klamath, stare or uregon; aaier we inv, ay jot February. 191G. notice la .hereby .'given that the undersigned will sell. at private sale, for cash, in. Klamath Falls, Oregon, on the 6th day of March, 1915, or thereafter, the ua assigned right of dower of Mary A. Kilgore. an Insane person, ia aad to tho following described real property, situated in Klamath county, state ot Oregon, to-wlt: Tho southwest quarter (8W4), of Section Ave (5); the west one- half of the southeast quarter (W,& SR4). Section Ave (5); the southeast quarter of the, south east quarter (SEi SEHi), Section (C). in Township" forty-one (41) South. Range fourteen" (14) Bast, ot tho Willamette Meridian. (The proposed sale above mention ed will be subject to confirmation by. the county court of Klamath county, .state ot Oregon. SILAS W. KILGORE, 2-0-16-23-2 QusrdiaB, hut nn ,-nnnch to Justify our lay-!i,,0i, vn. thumb (in tt:tal.''s"'J ,;! lug n a juppiy. . " . u " " - - ,.- ...... . .. I.. !... In.i fMnal LI "Wnai Beems tu iwim wiw i'i deslredV' ho was naked. '.'Well, It can't oxactly describe it, accbrdlag! to corset model, but the moat ot thei Inoulrera any that desire tha. saate - The Herald, dellvsred at your door, oMce; or homeHe a month.- . Xotice of SiieriTa Sale By virtue ot an execution la fore closure duly Issued by the eterk ot the Circuit Court ot the StaU ot Oregon, tor the county of Klamath, dated me lain aay ox reDruary.ati'i, in' a certain suit in the 'circuit CoAirt of said county and state.Kwkere4iTthe First National Bank, at JClsmath Tails. Oregon, as plalatlt, rsesTsrsd Jad- mentagalnsa Oswald M.;Heotor;ad Vlnnte iL- Heetor tin the sunt ot 1,- bib.oo tocautr-Mrlta latsrsst thorav onlM.4'ffW-Ajt'; 14 and 7a.o auwnam-fSM ana 17.40 coaU; and Js4gsat ot Una.; ctoaure atalaat ths'Wartkwsat Baal Eatate aad. IaTfetasMt aaapany. a corporation.- .WT. - ' ", OTICU ISHSRs-aaj ? H IH ,vwm w- wmwii., on the lam toy of IsW, if", a) S WUim-,tM-.tfci,'1mMmw;id - -"-. .-- -w .....r,y. Any', in front ef:tMjeoirt?l the cltr of Klamath 'rallsitlttal,,( Oregon, sell at public actka,.''li;tlae:;;;f nigncsi Diaacr ior ciin me iniiwwntsj,.- . dcserlbed real nrooertrt " ,r2te :'Jl'fi i,i , tAf-SL'i.". ni iiiUitiJiS5J"Al?f"l FoMytwo 3) First Addltlitfi(oVrMwjri the City orKtemWth rails, 0retoai'T.ll IAIAH AJ 'JaStVJJEai'- 'HWk" af VC.ltJ yt-wLj;. the property' of the said ;oswa'falp Hector; Winnie L. Hector; aadJtlMr &. il... ' n-ut t.,.l -LA a- - -' riiiwrv jicm riw onti tw-jj. ment corapanyor as much tswswSgVsTS! ac mav be neceaaarv to MtMylth7:! -..-.. - .- .' - I." '"'VJSl' liidcmcnt of thi said VIM NatteUi M J . , 4f . AlJUyjlf .? -E1 Bank of Klamath Falls agalsiU,S aa n atsarsiifi Haurnr ssfi siiimBiui)' L. Hector, with Interest and ioMM &$ and accriilng coats. . "WT' vi? " e nnfi: r . W Dated February 13th, 191C, C. C LOW, cj, UJ SherlsT of Klamath' CoiwtyC By L, fi. Ijw, deputy. l-23-I-Mv 11 A . ' 21 TJ ; s&-i rti Notice Invttia Proposals to Jtoetmft City ot. Kbmaatt FaBs Inu' provrateat Bend t Sealed proposals will, be recelred; by the undersigned until Monday the tb day ofjliarcb, 191C, at the nonrl ot 8 o'clock p. m., ot, said day. at , hall In iho l(v Of KtSBStK ,..-j .., ..-.., ... -.-. , s ,f Falls. Oregon, (and at such .- ,- and place all proposals received wlH " be opened),) tor the phrchass '$ j yi,U4U.4 0 CH7 Ol. ,jn.lllH. "U' "WV Oregon, coupon improvement MMsv .-. 'vf psyable ten years from date .ot Isansm, V'' bearing a rate of interest not MivWi. r$i ceed 6 per, cent per annual, jntstaat j- y& imiiiuiv atnirsuii.nvi F " t -a i tS . s Interest payable at the dpce.ttJanV"fl eity treasurer or at.tkd Fiscal Aawwy,. ; ut the sUte of Oregon; In New.-.TorlVivD' principal and latereat payable ln wMJEf coin of the United Utes of AsasriasCw .Kpxfi Said bonds will belisaued la dejwanlia1t j ations not' exceeding Mriwi. i g and numbered from 1 toi ;laein-$: & sire. Said bonds are authorised ay Ordinance No. 348. ot the city. M $ K la mam rails, uregon, ior ieirjqssc rf pose ot providing funds to pay tstejj.", coat ot Imoroving Third street; from' , ,.;-'. Main street to California aveawe. .1m-e " J$ tnillnr lnnrMtlonB. Said bomds WlHtK .. ''.J h. .ih n th tilchMt hUtoar. fa J -'SSH "" "" ". - ---- :.t" ij5" '-,. cash, and for no less taan their parJi t.1 value and accrued Interjat. , A' jj KJinn iironasai to uureuvv . i-c-.jsr bonds must" be accompanied ''S-ft --. t check for 5per cent ot theamouMj; of the Irops-fostUfTg-a.. g responsible bank, payawe tome oiwer Aj, Sg of the undersigned. ' v r, 'Proposals mnst. bo :lBdorse1;"'ro-ljf I&5 poaats ioriidumirWmwm&Z'j) m orovement timUf'- MMWtS"l& m. via -- - .''l-M-"i..i. -. the right:tp reJsrtSanyiasalsljlJfc 'Said bonds;wW,ewitalsr;',.l jjtilp W -' -.-tJ.ti;-ettT?:iiTiiMa-,.-.fl bond, upon payment at any tlaao fp w-ffi the face value, with acornatatatjat to' date of payment, at any'airan-! nual coupon period, at or after ' i'm ivi' - ....h'uKn-.d.L, . ...'' year nuiu vuc n " w -. .y, or bonds. !A. L. LBAVITT; Police Judge ot the'cltjrot Klam ath Falls. Oregon. ' t i ' ' Dated at Klamath Falls; Oregon! February 5th. 1915. 2-5.M. "xotlco to Credkoe- bXlalajath',,'- , , ' All persons having; cljms,.ag"ahu j Klamath county ior. ay V 1 - "J! services Der- . cj.1 t k. jc. .. p V formed or supplies furnisbed'said $( county, prior, to JanuarylltlS v must file same wlth,the;.Cpunty;;Clkr( with propervouchersattacksil. en: orTvwiy; before the .first: dsy..ot;)Jihi.vlW.vW.l All such claims not.ftlsd ysald- J$$: aaie wm ,noi m ,piinwnjiu,r x Jj"V .. c n....i. i..rf , itvj,V& iy arner ui ui i.iw vm,. . ; Dated January 28th.. 1915, fr r. im. 39-5-12-19 ' a - r3Sr' f , Ir Bankruptcy (No. 3189) i i'' , n-f- ,. -; ... .'. ." - .- 'a. T .-.. -kr S'lMiiS - -.r r -aanr - nuiliv ui im. Mtviin "iV""" (W" In "tbe District: Court otthoUnBeiitfe -'Jp fiOUi . ?, -:l u. " V i Vili In tho matter of Rudolph ,Maa. :'L- rs,o-aRd:iWsi,M Bankrupt To- the (Creditors j ot the CltyotrKlaaaath falls. , Ttt$ the. County and' Duttrlctrafdresald,. 7 -r ml a bankrupt: i? . '- 4 .."KSK'. NOTICE 18 HEREBY Q1VBN, That?'fl1f i, onthes;? Jthiday "of, qihuary, A.MJwi 115 theiaahi Rudolph ;Madanwas,t J Ml duladludlMts.bahkrUptf.and'uiut ine.nrsi'.meeiing oi; uib crunorawiu ; rj; be held In tho law office brW;..rI,' Jg A.-RennBr. located over, ;ths 'piSwSil office, 1st tho City of, Klamath FaHsfi fkr-nn . nn h Klk.ii-ir. nf. Uarnh A . '"..,''.''?,!. 1 ...-... .. . .,,. ,,.:.;,, 'Jjfti;.' n i 01 R l 1 0 n'eloekf-.- m.'. . at wki-li ;:f Umehe.vaatdUf-vaaiy prove their clalma,iap"pontltiMa)sk'Mi examine' the' baBkrupt. sadvtri. such otlw,:buaa(Nwas.;isagr; pr coaae before aid;3nws4n.fsn-l ov 'coaiider wh-tk.'isaulhtaa-i Y u autherised: tjsa4l tav ajissw nm l -.a-i i i - -' 'ae-i-i1-!-- i"5. w-.-.rsii? iJUami-as-l ?.-.-.-: ,t--,;--,; . r- v,- rsf-ar1rWJr aaOTIMI WlVHP; ef , jP'W .'.' AU" It. X'ei-l B.OlSs. vcft&KM'- f'-ifS . ? '' tiZS iJ ,aj aswar I sajaBA i ssaagaagajBi '"-. ii' .i. hij ' it,w . .. -: ii ""j, i ;."! , " . ; t I .i.kr. .- &