3 9tl - V wB o '& at-' & ICP ,8 I, h' m 'iff hi' I'TF i i i M i i;i &M M , ir "i V V ,.. " m Mj 'SA L .'V ' 4' 4? m W5 VW VJ W.til- ... 'v.. " . 5. - . MMMM)WMIMIMMtWMMMNWW .WS-V4 WMWMM INMt WT-kBi :TWAlWM Fruit More. See L. !&Vi,i.'LA..V,4 -. num.. k..nj hMtOmbihtn. The Evening Herald InHii' kwt tooatle l e city. a $w;;0: jMiKh. HeraH often. M-tt T'" -. -FOR. SALE f FOR SALE Second-hand 40 horae- r" power Balck touring car, A-l, con- - dliion. Whit Pelican Garage. 16tt 'FDR SALE Pen of thoroughbred (White Plymouth Rock chicken; four kens, one rooster, for $6.00. 'Phone U.O-J. Two west Main street. 16-2t FOR SALE Underwood typewriter, 410. Call at Howie Garage, lt-ft a . MISCELLANEOUS ROOMS AND BOARD Br the day, v week or suonth. Corner Ninth and c Oak,fo. 833. Phone 197X. Terms reaieaahle. . lt PROFESSIONAL CARDS itMVVWWIMWWWWWMAAMMMMIAAAAAAM :vCITYAND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY ABSTRACTS INKTRANCR Meaiben; Oregon Aaaoctadea TRle.Man Wood! Wood! Block, single load $3.75 Block, double load $4.00 Absolutely; dry slabs ...... (Extra on hill) 18-Inch Body and Limb .$3.25 Wood Wood, Fruit- ,. 4-foot Body and Limb Reck Springe Coal -.Leave orders at Ashland Store. 3d and 'Main. & "" PHOXE M$l ti?T. a rf T "U.?-!? ri mm r r m. u -hm mi il Si&v" . . ... nM---'-- - - Mklway Livery Co. ,7 IN NEW HANDS Horses bought and told, aeas and buggtes for sale. Har Qood rigs V for hire and gentle horses. Baled hay, and grain for, sale. Pboae 215J We Wi Ghre Scrip ; WITH ALL SPOT CASH WOOD M7SINHM at regular prices. i Leave ineaerwkb'order or. pay on "" i Driimy ' kLAMATH FUEL CO. ,' "515 Mam Street - PlflssMf iui llttMtlltf r We Do the Work Just Right FADE PIJrCllVE, , ,- JThe Know.How M" , Cor, (lt KUautb, Phosw S17 New Darning Machine Darns your ihosiery and under- r.T .-"' t ,woar K;L;A M' AjT H FALLS Steam Laundry M4- "" mtWm'wwa am -jJ UmmHi Falls MsWcHfwe 'Urn $15to$250 fcwi,ljrrtr!tUr ,WV 1 :.? .-"I--W ' . -u? : a Siv'tfr.ljriI MKV ,.4.1 ,'. r- t sjBsasjgejsssja T Mr tlM HersM. I aMM Mi a-r,s.--? " s virTRniAS W. O. SMITH Published daily except Sunday by The Herald Publishing Company ot Klamath Falls, at 116 Fourth Street. Entered at the poslofflce at Klam- olh vFalle, Oregon, for transmission through the malts as second-class matter. Subscription terms by mnll. to any address In tho United. States: One year .. .. One month 60 KLAMATH FALLS. -v - OREGOX WEDNESDAY: FK1IRUARV 17, 101.1 AND STOP AT KliAMATH FALLS A SAFE PLACE FOR SAVINGS GOOD BANK Is a safe place In which to put savings; and there Is only one safer plce and that Is n home, and at the same time the home will pay a larger return on the investment both In money and in use ot the money. Real estate has always been recog nised as about the safest Investment a man can .make, and improved real estate is not only a safe investment but pays day by day returns. The man who has a building lot, or can get hold of one. will find that right now. is the best time to build that he has had in a long time, or is likely to have for a long time In the1 future. Labor and material are both plenti ful and the time to build is distinctly now, while property values are low in Klamath Falls. The man who puts his money Into a home-is not trusting muucj to somebody else; he has it under his own controi and within his own hand's and it is paying hits every cent of profit that the invested money earns. He knows absolutely where his money is, and it is employed and is getting all the good out of it he possibly can. The old aaylng that "every man's house Is his castle" applies not only to his independence as a citizen, nut also to his independence as an in- A yestor. His home bank', and his restB wm ftjm. Charles White wal money is where he knows absolutely i0pea him in Milwaukee, Joe Shug- how it is invested and can figure nmtiv imarlv his return on It. He has the satisfaction of knowing also that everything that the money in Tested in a home earns goes into his own pocket. . Scattered Shots .'. WHETHER THE SHERIFF or the treasurer collects the taxes is not worrying the taxpaper so much as the fact that the- taxes must be paid. SOME SIMP jumped in to. settle an argument about financial matters by stating that watered stock means cattle raised on irrigated lands. THERE IS NO record' -to show that George Washington was the first man to ever tell the truth, nor that he, was the last, but we'll admit that he is the only man in history credited, with veractly. This Is be cause his 'cherry tree story was Ja dlcfously advertised. IN CASE OF WAR, how are these pro-Germans and pro-Allies going to line up? THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY has decided to drop beet sugar talk until 1916. But Klamath county hasn't, and has the proposition coming right along. IN THE CIVIL war days those wishing to escape enlistment used to hike over into, Canada. Now they are more liable to enlistment there, and in Mexico, too. Truly these are war times, and the position of the United States is one of the most ticklish. IT'S STEADY hammering that gets us there. That fellow who stopped on third base to congratulate himself on his success, If you'll remember, failed to make a home run. IS THERE LUCK In numbersT ,We of Kluaath Fallsrsfcaw ttataa.are nartneky'in-srtteaipts .to secure frefj wall delivery while some of ear eUlseas neglect to nusiber their houses. TheHogn River Public servU corporation will install aswalMtrfe ditek llaawr " - v Richard Crocker and Bs Indian Bride, Who Are at Palni Beach 'd eHI&H&lsiiVHiiiiVvjBliftkeV A LITTLE SPORTING GOSSIP By Hal Sheridan United Press Service NEW YORK, Feb. 17 -How many, more times does reaaie Welsh, the British holder of- the lightweight title, have to be licked by American aspirants neiore neevcrni more gooa doiiis in mo .. loses his, crown? Easy. Just as His last appearance wns against Porky many more times as the public will Flynn, In Brooklyn, and ho fully shove its ducats through the box demonstrated that ho Is entitled to office window to watch ten round tho voracious names ho had had no-declslon affairs. conforrod on hlra. Dllllon hasn't to date, the .Engllshnyin has heen very popular In theso parts for hinnrt tn th onlnion of the'somo years. It was all duo to n Up been whipped experts, by four American contenders for his title. Yet the crown still rue hag beaten him, Jimmy Duffy outoointed him in Buffalo and Johnny n.imilio ntfnirht htm In Akron. O. ,..... ... WU..W-0-. -. . , - - And there Is a strong suspicion In.Ahearn, was awaraeu a popular ae- many quarters that there are two cislon over the Indiana boxer In aj,as,ro t0 lhe hnr when faded, streak or three more Yankee battlers who'slx-round bout in Philadelphia. He . , d d.ndruif. itct,. could give him the gate, particularly Willie Ritchie, whom he uncrowned and whom he Is matched to fight next month, and Johnny Dundee. Welsh has now been a champion almost a year. And he never has fought. a decision light since he won the title. He has fought plenty of battles. but he and his manager, H. Con nolly Pollock, are shying away from any distance Jaunts where a de cision Is involved. Wh? Is it be- Accurato Information about Ui'c Klamath Rnsln. Ask Clillcotc. 2bUbsbbbbbsbbbb1tS1bbbbbbbsT Here's a Pill That Will Did you ever go on a visit and have tho difference In atmosphere, combined with the change of food, spoil that visit? Did you suffer from headaches, become nervous and Irritable, lose appetite, have stomach trouble and havo your sleep broken? WIIEX YOU GO AWAY AGAIN' HE SURE YOU CARRY WITH YOU A SUPPLY OF NYAL'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS They are handy to carry, easily tuken and will ju)ckly remove all unpleasantness. Prompt, but gentle In their action, they stimulate, the liver to renewed activity, cleanse tho sysleni .oflwaSfemaUer, JJjCfea'sp the. appetite -andald i A,ystii!BifnR vrtrr takm .' UNPERWOOD'S PHARMACV Corned Mais 1 and Seventh r KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON THE RVRN1NO HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON I " jcauso they know tho Welshman Is ot a real champion? Jack Dllllon, the Indianapolis "man-killer", should be In line for I rotten, show he put on here with frame inu, uui u is muiuai iu. gotten, now and loud was the praise of the Hoosler battler following the ,Flynn battle. 1 Dan McKetrlck is making much out of the fact that his man. XOUng , Is using it In his publicity ProPa - ganda freely. , s'in with Pork i Henry Stoecbler. who has a fine j farm In Ybnna valley, left this morn- ;ing for home, after disposing of some dressed hogs In tho local market XewKpnpcrman Visits Hon. Charles W. Sherman Sr tho veteran Journalist, returned to Dairy after, a brief sojourn In the county seat Tho Oxbow Power company la op crating Its plant at Cooperfield, PJAXOS FROM 175 TO SSOU PLAYERS FROM f39ft TO $1(HH1 SchooJ and uud up. church orgatis n.'WV WRITE US. Shepherd Piano Depot cxt Door to Post Oflce KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON digestion. i'hkm with" vrm EASTER FOR KEND KIDS ,'SUNDAV SCHOOL ALREADY MAR. INI1 PUEPAHATIOXS RAHKKT. .R.I.L TEAM IKT SI'ITS OT1IEI1 NEWS OF KEXO (lloi'iilil Sproliil Si'rl') KENO. Fob. 17. Wo nro having rulny wenthor nsnln, ilnyH of sunshine. After a few Douslns Pukett butcUcred ovcrnl hops for Mr. Padgett Inst Satur dnv. Miss Nellie llutclicns ami brother, Floyd, wore visiting Iholr brother, John llutclicns, and family, Satur day and Sunday. Sam Padgett la on the sick nt present. list Mlss llmel McCormlck was out of school Inst Monday on account of sickness. Tho bnsketbnll teams received their new suits Monday. They nro very much ploasod with them. The Keno Sunday school decided to glvo an Ester program, and prep arations nro being mado for It at tho present time. Mrs. Powers loft Sunday morning for a visit with ner uaugnier ni Hoscliurg. Mrs. Jaquotlo Is nblo to be out again, after much trouble wun neu ralgia. AN OLD RECIPE TO SAGE TEA AND SULI'IIUU TUIMH GRAY, FADED HAIR DARK .VXD GLOSSY Almost evcryono knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compound- ia nuu suiiuiur, in . ..,. linrf (h natiiral eilor and ng Bcaip and stops falling hair. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make It at home, which Is mussy and troublesome. Nowadays wo simply ask at any drug store for "Wyelh's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy." You will get a largo bottle for about CO cents. Ev erybody uses this old, famous reclpa, because no one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as It does It to naturally and evenly. You dampen n spongo or soft brush with it, and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morn ing tho gray hair disappears, and cfter another application or two your and appears glossy, lustrous and abundant. J Paid Advertisement) HALL GRILL Special every. day X0011 Luiu-li 38c Might eourso Dinner Bflc Sunday Chicken Dinner for 75c Music every evening by Tlndall's , Orchestra ' HENRY E. DAY, Prop. E E Dr. Jamag' Btgdaohe Powdan fiv iagtant wUef-Ooa fT' Nem-racklng, splitting or throbbing headaches yield Tn Just 1 moments to Dr. James! Headache Nerv-rckl dull. a ftw 'lia Pew- ders which cost onlj JO cents a pack - v muj uiuy avure. IVS MS QUMK- est, surest headache relief In the whole world. Don't suffer! Rellere the ifiii!' ,u. a,n"m now 1 ,rou ean. Millions of men and womtnhave found, that beadaoBo and ntnralgia mUery U needless. Grt what youiik DARKEN HAIR HEM STOPS NEURALGIA G0N Late Market Quotations LOt'AI. I'HICKM FOR PRODUCE, snK'K-l'ORTLANI AND HAS TIONS ' (Tim r.ll.ln llmiwa iihmjci pnld for Hit wMiiiiMHlMli'a 'numtr. ..l,.,.. hV l.unl mtHlmnli. ami iiif '. Wllt'liihlt' I'titnliics, per wt,--Uood whites, tl.SR tHHli; otlier Brd( from ll.UO down. OiiIuiih, per cwt, $2.00. Iluvla, turnit'H. carrots mid Pr xulim, per ll. IHc. (iihIiin, Etc ...i n. an V ,l. Wr ewi. ...i $3.2-. llu.1.,- ..ml i:H Iiuller Uwnch, 30c por. lb. cashj or trade. EggsjlVr dox. 22'Ju cash; 2fir trndo. . Poultry 'liens, per doson in.ri0tf7.00 Fryers, per do G(fH Uooster, old, per lb So DreNi(Ml lenU Pork, per lb . 8c 0 9c Veal, per It 10c 0 lie I. ami), per lb. , 12o Mutton, per lb 10c Cured Meat Shoulder, per II 13 He i Dncon, per lb IS if 20c Inn 17018c Livestock Steers, per lb Oct G He. Cowh ...r,c it CHcjItimgh, 27T Ibs.M.p Stock hogs, per lb Cc ?f OHci Hogs, per II Veal, per lb Otfc fl 7cEweH Rest .ti0(j(,15 Mutton, per lit fin Q 0Wc,Hlieot Mixed ........ t7S05.lt ' Lambs Prlmo fiooOLls SAX FRAXCISCO MARKET Cholco S.flOtfS.M Steers No, 1, welglillig 050 lo, Medium.... 7 00fJ7,54 BigChangeinBattles Civil War Veteran Draws (Continued from page 1) lliitukin or German or French or Kb soldier behind . gun know what'""" I',i '" olllrf be tho war Is about, or what It Involved i ,"'' m with bayonet woundi In the conflict.. I ,n "ur 0V" wr 0lir fl,l11 'renehw '11 I. ni.V.i n...t ... ,., f w'?r,, ,r wl ilerit, gencrsUIr modem killing mnchlueri on land Is ten tlmea n destructive of human llfo. as tho man killers of our Civil War. And on tho lien, tho killing power Is probably twenty times as murdorous. In the Hlgnnl battle, bo - tween tho Monitor and tho Merrlmnc, ' In Hampton Roads, March 9, 1802, few lives woro lost; uow tho sub marine. WlllCli ntlll- mrr ta n rrnw of from twelve In twenty men, sends tho heaviest nrmorcd drondnnught.i ri,,c,,,,g' ln nm k""-'" "' h!imf carrying 800 trained middles to thoj "lu our wr (ho soldlcrn on the liotom of tho sea In twonly minutes. ""irch, or nroiind tho blvouao lire "In our Civil War, tho soldier al '. imng patriotic songs, wrllUt In the ranks "cnrrlod n gun with n "' "oldler nong wrllors. Tho North killing rnngo of 800 yards, and nc-ra,"0,l to "Wo nro Coming. Father cording to Casoy's Inrnntry Tactics, J Abraham' W Wo Hnvo Drunk from ho required six distinct mllltnry mo-j"10 Hanio Catnecn", "Trump, Tramp, tlons to load and lire that gun. And'"1" Hoys uro Marching" and the "Bit that soldier could not puss tho mus- t0 Cry of Freedom"; while tho Sooth, terlng ofTicor, without a good, strong01-" oldlon. sany' "Dlxlo", "Tho Boa set of front teeth, to blto tho deadly ",0 "'"o Flag'', "Soinolmdy's Dw chorgo wrappod In strong brown ""K", "Maryland, Jly Maryland" In paper. In thq European war tho ln-'H Home fifty Inspiring Imttlo sobji fantymnn behind (ho gun needs no teeth to kill. Ho carries u gun thnt .licnrl. In tho damp mid dlstrewii shoots ten times, whllo tho old. mux- trenches Is Tlpporary", a rolr:wr zlo loading Sprlngflold rifle of fifty '" without an inspiring Idea, years ago, nrcd once; and tho modorn I "On tho Hfh of Juno, 1861,1 gun carries to kill ovor ono mlle.Kommnndod tho skirmishers of the Modorn artillery guns not only carry six times ns far as tho guna I used to henr In battlo, but tho death mis siles they enrry aro moro than three times as destructive. "Another striking difference bo- twoon tho two wars Is tho largo num- ber of goncrnls who wore killed In,1"0 Confodernlo Army, who wnsfllht J Imttlo In our wnr and tho remark-.0" the front lino of battlo. 1 w nblo obsonoo of any distinguished !Joo Hooker, at Rosncn, Goorgls, rid victims lu eltiior of the armies In '" t tho front of the advniico W' tho European combnt, whoro nt loast)'"'8'! Hno, splendidly mounlod In U , twenty tlmoH ns many colonels and.uhlnlng: uniform of u major-goner genoruls nro ongagod, Up to tlato, with it yellow suhIi ncroHH his ItomI. .and on 11 battlo front of ovor 20o!tho most cousplcloim figure on lht miles In 'nnst T'riFiu.1.. ,.... v..n.. . " "'- imve nenru of only two generals of tho lino killed In battle, whllo In niVSvhOUr battln nt Hrnl,IIW rr.t , - -T( - -. . . ......, I,H Novomborv30, 1804, on a battle front ui winy iwo ana oniHBair mire,-twelve comcuernte genorals were killed or dosporutcly woundod. "Wo read also of bayonot charges reported from Paris, Berlin, ipetro graa ana, London, almost dally. If I wero a botting man, I would wager my Januory salary, 1696, against a Panama bond, that neither In any y POULTRY, MEATS AXI (IVK, IRAXtlHro LIVESTOCK Qn, i.iuo his, mri a iu.j l.ir.o, tj 1,1 BO lb, 0 O04: bocoikI fjul( '! ii M 4 . , ( i.uwH, anil lienors No, l, jk OH: aecond quality, C n r. e'. ... .:., .... liiilu mill Hlngsdnoil, 0Ce; fiilr, 3'f,Me, qnlvcRLlght weight, ttSHt nimllum, HWBHci lienvy 0Kc, ' Yearling lambs, 7 WCT"?ic. Hhcop Wethers, 0 j c c. ,WH 3'tO'RKc. Mors Hard grain fed, wrhiB. " ,0 "B, 'J'- ?" "MOI, : . hogs, n wo,. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK M.UIKRT L'nl 1 1 Steers Prime light . . . . t7.noft7.Cfi Choice 7.3507.50 Medium B.I3QT.K Cowr I'rlmo 1 . . , , f , , , ti,oo(f .to Cholco ...' f'TSCfi.oo Medium r..nofrs.7s Heifers Prime f..7S0(.li Good '.&0QC,7S liulU Prime, t.VGQMt Btngs -Prime ' ".00QM4 'Choice , , r..G0Q,Qi Cnlvea Prlmo C.nooi.M Hog Prime light, 17.. 325 Ibx. Choice light. 140-175 Ibx. 0.50 0.U 0,2501.(0 0.00 0I. 5 500.fl0 Light, 90-140 lbs. Mliccit WMDNaMDAY, rMRVARY 17, & asss--Il 0eWiitl.er IleMt yrnrllng. 5006.00 Comparison With Europe !'r,,w" u" ,,ver ,,l",,, w"' lu tb l;,"''"",", " "W nro over six feet ., ' '!n', covr,(' wl" ndequalopro. 'lection against tho havoc of the ' ,"u",' """"" ,,, '""''' of ,1,p "!rv,Co nil,u'r Rr0,1,ul Md out of sight. And when the Held hospital record of this war l written It will bo found thnt six soldleti died from piioumnnln and mnllcout ' f"'0"' fontracled lit 111!) illBP wcr" mg, Tno only song so, tor Second division, Twonty-thlrd army corps, which assaulted Pine Mquo ton, Georgia) at tho right of Kent siiw, I saw tho" 'shot flrod by' a Id pound Parrot gun, which killed Illshop Polk, Eplscopln church, 1 dlstlnaulshed lleiitoiiant-Kcncrsl of t linn nt tmllln it wna nt LOOKUui. .'"" " - . . iA, i .mountain (hat Gonornl liooKor t .1 a .tho advancing blue columns In tot' il 'flvht Imnw.rtnlUaH In story IM ..0..v, ......., ....v ... :,y heroic song, as "Tho Rnttio BU" (tnerHyoUds '4tFraklfn&Tonn.. Juat be' the vbteran ,legonif Goncrnti rondo that series of desporttrcht . j . V A . . . .. ..a "VlAJ - .'I hoard ihe Federal band pl pathetic war melody, aa tho P'" HfAHj. nMA M.ll MABtflmhurOdt .1.' 'li if,,.i 'lh.i tt tiitila OQtl 'I' am thinking mbit of you.'. 41 Vfel M O bk'U SfcW i -