taft 3tfj Eunlna lUmtUt PWNTiTHI ; Vr?yA KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER R5 K HWIWHILEITIINKWI 1 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1915 J"I1V' . " ' if y1 Xo' '", - 6ENERAL BATTLE iSEEKING TO GET MS THR0U6H MORE DAIRYMEN WESTERN THEATER! FOR THE COUNTY The Famous General von Kluck and His Staff at Headquarters BMMMMKNW FROM HWITXKR. MM) ,TO MKA mUrtr Booming Along Heights oi the Mm at Verdaa aer BMi Are ArtJre, Oermaae Claim lai flslaa In llat o Hasalaaa In nln ""T Take www la Kant aad West ViM Pre Hcrvlce PAM8, Fb. 17. Detail of vari es! MititmoDtt tTom SwtM (naUtr to tbo sea ladleate that an otktr (antral battle way be coaiBteac lag. Heavy Artillery is active along Us fceUhts of the Mucm and la the Vest, and Herman troop are mala attacking near Vienna. A lloe of German trenches at Ar (mh bare been destroyed. Oeraan ataeka In force have bean made be tHB Tour do Paris and Boureullles, bat bare havo been repulsed, with Mary losnes. both In killed and prls oam. BERLIN, Keb. 1?. More than 50,. (01 prisoner, CO cannon, 10 machine com and an enorrooua supply of ana (trials are the prliea won by General rat Hladenbcrg's Prussian drive. The ground over which the, retreat lac Ruatlan army passed la covered wtta dead and wounded, the atott of vaoai will die, as the weather la tho went Imaginable. The temperature li far below frecslng, and there Is etesUat rain. cim tn.it letter being sent out today jA - .- ..tU. ..,.- a '-v xJti&i&tu OimihIm'I of t'iiitiiir In Heniring , Aitdres-w. f Dairymen In OIIiit! Herlltms, and Writing TlH'in In nn Effort to Induct- Them to lxntr In Klamath County, Willi Cheap Feed and Other Advantage Thr, following totter la being mo 1 1 oil to ilnlrymen In othor sections by Becrelary Fleet, of tho Klnmnth Chamber of Commcrro. Leave tho names of oulsldc dnlryinon you aro acquainted with tit tho Chamber of Commeic, that they may bo sent rlrciilar. OX SUPPORT ACTION IS UP JTSTICK GOWEN CONDUCTING PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION OF CHAKGE MADK AGAINST I'sTRIN IIV HIM WIFE The JukUcc'h court la thla after noon hearing tho evidence In the preliminary examination of Louis Uarln, who was arreated yesterday w a chargo of fnlluro to provide for his wife. Tim wife Is the complain lac witness. Bert C. Thomas la attorney for (be prisoner, and Prosecuting At toney Irwin appear for the state. There are quite a number of women from Palrvlew addition euhpoeaaed M wltateees. Knowing that you aro In tlio dairy business nnd thinking perhapn that you or iiomo of youf friend would bo Interested In tho wonderful op poriunltles now, open In Klamath county for tho dairyman nnd stock man, wo aro taking tho liberty or sending n few statistics for your consideration. Klamath county Is primarily a ilnlrv country. Livestock of all kinds flourishes exceptionally well hore, nnd Is unusually free fiom diseases. Food ran ho nroduccd here, considering tho price of land, cheaper than any other pine on tho Pacific Coast. There l nn abundance of good al falfa hay for salo now within a few mites of Klnmnth Falls for elx dol- lara a ton. If this hay could bo fed to good milk cows It would be much raoro valuable. Tbo only troublo Is the lack of cows. Tho farmers hero nearly all want to get Into tho dairy tinalness ns" fost as possible, but cows aro high and scarce, and It Is dif ficult for many to securo the stock. Tho manager of tho U. 8. reclamation project hero told mo a few days ago Hint enoiiih pasture went to wnsto hero every year to pay for tho main tenance of tho wholo project. It Is estimated that nhout 8000 cows aro now belna- milked In Klamath county. Thla In only a small per cent of what ahould ho here. Irrigated land nnaor thA nrolect can ho secured from ffiO up. Outsldo land cin bo secured from $10 up. Can wo not Intoroat you or vaur friends In getting stock lit here for dairy purposes? Tho froo government range for young ana nry stock Is nn important factor In keep ing down oxponaes. Pleiiso lot us hear from you in re gard to this lottor. Please apeak of the opportunities hero to your frlonds. BigChangeinBattles CM War Vetcrai Draws Comparison With Europe 'waatatgejjajsE,. j j b a -J, y. aa&&jMmdaMimK&amm ' gammMammmv?MiN!rTVIyV yf A$jJB&&yj&frMKttB 2 aly'll(w,i- , fi" OtJ Jfrf WJ? hlamEBKBSJKrWHMllm 1 IsavBBisaBmmaBBBBf LmaWsiBlgaf iwim '"'in'aBtsBagSammBmmmmB t iaaassssssssssssssssM-aay- 4? ssa ip c v'.i'wfJWV'wr iMBBsaBaBaBaBaBamaaBaBaBaKHBaBV ; ClaaaaaaaamsaaaSHgsBBaBH rxSk-L-taal IfiamaBflPvamlBaaaaaaaaaaBVB aBBBBmaaaaanBBmmBBaBUaTi FnHaBBBBm M VaalalawaSaHVaBBBBBBBr aBBBBBBBaa r""H''VFBVInQl Xv1k11' 'sBBBBWaB BBaxUaBaVaaBBV- wsm'bToI .bbVbbV bku.? bP StaaBaBBBfe-MBaTsl BBTBar-lW bTsj ,i ibbTbb aaai aaaa) axsakmaB avw jJS'-'fibALdkanaaaasBawBaaaam aBaBi'waBa,aBM i i-saaaaai 'tUKWPi'ifMtSfttmVKuKJJO csbbI This Id the llrst ptiotograph ihiIiIImIiciI of Goneral von Kluck, one ot the- greatest of tho German leaders, mill his stnff. Ho It was who came nearest taking Paris, for his army was once within twenty-five miles of Dip city. Ho was rcpulsod at the lntt moment when nn army of several hundred thousand fresh troops wns sen! from the city to turn him. They succeeded and the city was saved. TAX COLLECTION FERN'S JOB IS AFTER THE MIAil STARTED TODAY III OIRE Din ORDER CONCERNS GERMAN THREAT INCLUDES RELIEF VESSELS, ALSO Imlted Press Service WASHINGTON', Feb. 17-OflsctoIs of tlie German embassy today stated that relief ships wiaterisuf la the war zone will be liable to attack the Mime a British warships aad aaerehantcacB. Henceforth, they say, there will be no exemption of amy atatloealky or class) of ships that are suspected of being British vessels. According to these oflelels, EagUsh tnerchaataaeB have already ate Kotlated arrangement for tvacafaog safety, by reason of the fact that they disgaiacd themselves as relief ships. Throngs a belief that these yssstls were on a mission of aaercy, the Qerman. snbmariaes allowed them to pass .unmolested. CDlte'd Press Service - WASHINGTON', Feb. 17. Between the fires ot English detsuslaatton and Germaaiy's i-esentmemt, the government ottciala are adasletedly tooahl ed over what will be the anmrs to the preseat protest antes sens these two conatries. 3 Officials are firmly coaviawed Chat England will not reseat ia her fflaa to sUrve oat Germany. " Xekher do they expect Gensaay to drop her awaa to annihilate the commerce ta the war aoae. Between these two 's tirades, American commerce mast saaTer, aad the possibility of the destractJoa of Americaa Uvea aad. piupesty atast al a ways be coaaWeird. " ,fi" What protection the goveiameat iatendii rto give the thoaaaada of Americans headed toward the war aoae, or what will be aoae to ahlslftU futnre commerce aad passfniris ia being kept diplomatic secret,"' " Secretary Bryan declined aatly ta "oatliae any policy". He lufased to indicate whether the sOeace is dae to the aoa-arrlTal of Gerasaay'a en swer to the Americaa war aoae pre test. r RENO IS AGAIN TO BE THE DIVORCE OOLONT I'KXniXti lllllTIIKIl WOltU FKOM SCHCIIIUUS IJIU, ABOMSHING ONE CONCERN HAH FOUND A WAY junited Press Service SAI.EM TltEAHUREIt IH TAKING IN WHAT MONEV THAT COMES MIW HAS TWO DEPUTIES THE INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT, COMMISSION 1'ASSED BV THE SENATE TODAY i IN WHICH TO DEFEAT THE DREADED BUGABOO ' AT HIS OWN GAME ! I'eniliiiK olllcliil nollilcution from Salem, County Treasurer Gcorgo A. Hid dou Is taking In what mouoy jdny passed Representative Schuebol's taxpuurn offer for their 1914 taxes, 'workmen's compensation bill, with I'iilttSI Piess Sorvlce SAhKM, Feb. IT. Tho senate to- l A. C. Geinger, manager of the Klamath Department store, the suc cessor to the Ashland Fruit store, figures that ho hns hit upon a plan WOMEN ATTEND , FOUNTAIN TRIAL Ho Is being riHslMed by Claude Chns- 'amendments, abolishing tain. itrliil accident commission. have emtTKoucy clause attached. CARSON CITY, Feb. 17. The easy 1 divorce bill re-establishing the six! .v. ,. , ...j -j4 uiuuiu rtrucun cuiutn, iw yiiM. t tho state senate, by 12 to 10. It! has already passed the Hoaae. aad i United Press Service goes to the governor-for- his-stgaa- SACRAMENTO, Feb 17, lur iPnuntnlnlHal tnr thn kllUmjr rf'BM garet Milling, was resumed her to-' OLDEST PHYSICIAN IN day. There, was 200 womeaspeeta-' OAIilFORIA IS DEAD tors in attendance. Mrs. MIlUag,1tae child's mother, was the 'first wltaeas called. She collapsed whea she told h xi 5. 'M 4 ir ChaHinln ami Allen Sloau utoit Holeclod liy Slierlft C. C. Low to nsulHt In tliu tux collections wheu tho nlierlff takes over tho hooks. Miss KIhIo Low Ult (levoto her attention to the 19X3 rolU, as at present there lit'lriK a big (lemiind for tax certifi cates In delinquent cages. It is possible that tho sheriff may decide to have tho taxes collected at tho First State & Savings bank, whoro Jtlons with ery fow exceptions. tho treasurer's ofllco Is located. I'uless half a person's taxes arej paid by April 1, n ono per cont a month penalty is nttached. After Soptcmber 1, a ton per cent penalty 1 In added, bosldcs the ono per cent ' a month. tho Indus-1 to beat tho mall order houses, that - - I . n . nnv W-W ? - iC 1. 1 . ..... . .. ...:.. iw. a;ia.. .an. ... mn m mr. i witn an-oeio noir oi uie reian mercnam 01 ."""-" 7! .." . :,!nrM,l,r.i'.innfMi,.R..i the smaller cities' nnd towns, and baa Henry Nichols, 91 years 01a ana tne - ,, - , ..I ,. ". m, w...oceede.t to nut tho plan Into exe- "West practicing physician In Call- "' .""..L "Z ... '. -. I.. .. "- - --- icitlon fornia, died hero at hla home today. . ""'"" ---s. ....- . --- nouns loacs uer jo na TOiuiuimiioBur. 'hb w. .(..r-turv of lh .lit. of C.ll. ln M w"n- e was Traicnea m,. - ... a.. .1 ... a... ....Aa.,.1 ... .tan. ,l.aa Ml I I n 1 ,1 t "., Mil. Id rt ,1 rt . A I A . tl . 1 " I IIO IIIIl.'llUIllv;ill. IHUIUVI. iliUl 4UTJ , - -Jv...bw. o luvt, ta Kxi uuuu7 lUfl I that law bo admlnistorrd by ono commls-.lines with which the mall order con sumer to bo appointed by the gov- cerns draw tho strongest from this ernor, Instead of br three, as nt community, nnd meet their prices, at present. 'the same tlmo giving tho customer The senate pnssod the House bill !the advantage of a personal inspec- repeallng all continuing appropTla-,110" OI uo '" BANK OFFICIAL IS AJLAINTIFF I.CIIO OF P. C. LAVEY A CO. IS HEARD IN AN ACTION FILED AGAINST W. 8. WORDEN TO RE. cover aaao COMlTROLI,KH OF CURRENCY SENDS NOTICE TO ALL OF THE HANKS, FROWNING UPON THIS PRACTICE lly BURTON K. 8TANDISH (Written for the United Press) WASHINGTON, Feb. 17. Warfare I Civil War, which wns ai tho tlmo the greatest, oiooaiesi ana m. ua ., -. Al, TTBr It Dot What l .. i. w i m ins uiarm uaa. "ore apcclflcally, there is a vast dlf Jtrenco between the fighting that baa "" "ted in history under the "we of tho civil Waf, aad the "tttlng of today In Europe, for Jw tho final same has aot yet n found. Oeneraj . R, jherwood, congrsss- "& from Ohio, ihm AMI. aMlAf I 'sWV' ' bM fwtai pari Utsreittng . ' ?" "Tha dettrtieUve power 9t i aku? m" Maaat to prab. "v w tlatag M great aa ta aw struct I vo war ot modern tlmos. But the ethical differences nro most start ling. "Our war of over four years' dur ation, was fought on both aides by Volunteers, With the oxcoptton of the Engllah, all the great nrmies in this Kuroneau conflict ore regular soldiers, trained to kill for hire In the Civil- Wamhe one-ltal quoa tlon involved had been In tho arena or fierce contention ana debate for a, whole decado preceding the war. In oUr war every aoldler benina a gua knew what he was fighting tnr. ia tha EuroDsan war. not a (CeaUiaad aa pafe t) Suit to recover $260 alleged due on a nolo anu imuru siuvu -u 19 12, has been camiuoncod against W. 8. Worden by 8. CI. Sargent, etate superlntcndout of banks. The suit alleges that Worden gavo the note to F. H. (loudyand that tho latter rransterred It to Sargent. Goudy wna cuahlpr of tho Americaa nank and Truat company, ot Portland, now defunct. The affairs of the bank ia ,ni.ni. ava hv HnrffenL-aB. a nU,0 l.VH .,-y 1 mm-f- -j -F-. 7tate'lDliclal,-andhftlarWorklng to alrnlgbten out tho ront.ters. P. 0. Lnvey & Co., who operated here sovoral years ngo, and who pur chased the Worden, Mt. Hebron and Dorrls townsltes from tbo Wordeaa, banked wltlv the now defunct bank, and at the time It suspended, owed It money 1. L. Elliott filed the suit today In the circuit court. , OVERDRAFTS ARE ORDERED STOPPED Ho figures that In the last year he has taken at least $50,000 that formerly went out ot the county for groceries alone, and that there Is almost as much to bo gleaned from .other lines tho store Intends to handle In the future. In a statement made to tbo Herald today. Mr. Geinger said that more than one-third ot the machinery, hardwaro, drygoods and clothing business of Klamath county went to the mall order concerns, and it is this business he Is after, as ha says that money belongs to Klamath county, and he Intends to keep It here. This store will be ready for business March 1. fornia from 1867 to 1871. closely for fear he would make "an other attack upon Fountain." " County Physician Jones, testified that tho condition of Marraret'a hadr cousin of ;ghowea tne abuge t0 wWch tke.imlld Leaves After Visit t Mrs. Charles Dewltt. Mrs. O. A. Stearns, and niece of Chas. L.as BUDjected toj.aad Indicated the Sherman, of Dairy, left this morning struggi0 ghe had put; up' to save her for her home in Cleveland, Ohio, !,.. " " A i - 1 ' after a three months' visit here, dur ing which time she made 'many local friends. Mrs. DeWltt will stop at tho San Francisco and San Diego expositions on her way oast. Tho following is a, copy of a cir cular letter received by the First Na tional flank from John Skelton Williams, comptroller ot currency: "Tho granting by some banks of accommodations In the, form ot over drafts Is objectionable and cannot be countenanced by this ofice. ''This prnctlco should cease entire ly. To facilltato the accomplishment of this result, tho subject has been taken un by this office with the bank ing depnitmenta of various states,, and theso iui tho. Hies have generally agreed to tnko tne necessary action; to aecuio tho effective co-operation of atato banks In attaining the end desired, "You nro requested to adopt a resolution directing that no officer or employe of "youi'4hankM.haH pay or :.rz.j.""T-- j- CUtirKO I" HI" MM-MIMI Social Date Postponed The social to have been held Fri day night at the Mt. Lakl church has been postponed a week. Instead it will be held Saturday, February 27. any de positor any check of suchrideposltor when there nro not sueleai Funds on deposit to the credit ,qt the drawer of the check to meet -the same. The Tillamook electric, plant Is be ing constructed at at View," It is alleged that the child waa asualted and killed by Fountain la the basement of a .Sacramento church last fall. i Twin Daughters . E 1 Twin girls," weighing seven and eight and a quarter pounds, arrived at the home of Mr. and1" Mrs. John Chalntoit on the-Merrill road yester day, . a. CorsetsforOurMen? To quote an exchange: Corsets are being worn by Newlurer, York men this winter by seise New men are wearing corsets. '1' WANTS CHAPEL IN CRATERLAKEPARK MEETING HELD AT MEDFORD LAST NIGHT BY PARK SUPER INTENDENT WILL G. STEEL, TO DISCUSS THE .MATTER A chapel for Crater 'take Is the latest movement to be started by Superintendent Will O. Steel. He held a meeting at Med ford last night, at which this was discussed. Feeling thai this Is a matter that .,iniii..A.i hn attention of the -in dividual, nnd""iron8 that thrlanifa-Jfpr mMT'maaHliMtantaaae; lcal Cbthkrs Rerase to (Wni er Deny Tab York men at least. Attention was first called to thla astounding condition by aa adver tisement displayed ia the Deeember number ot one ot our leading fashion Jeurnals: A hasty expedltloa waa at oace or ganised to Investigate this new aad startllag pheaomeaon of city life. Ia one afternoon three places la Npw YoJk?SS dtoaatfwbweeoraata ment could not assletraHeel called the meeting. The plan 'is to ereej u permanent, building, which Is to bo used freely for, religious aarvieea by persons qt any rellffoua belief, who may be at the, lake, ' pUce in a show wUdqw oa Broad waya tat youth was discovered ua blushlngly deaoaatratUg oae f the new corsets for be.' y" ' An latervlew was had wlthaae of thtse.'cersstleres for me Yes, Indeed," said the. manufact fi, '"leUvaad .lSts otNew Ttrk Of course., men Inclined to -, J. for i long time embonpoint have been wearing the so-called obesity belts, These hayef npw gtven away to a irans; corset - :-, with ribs and elastic, Just' like 'ar-y woman's corset. ! " . , 4$; 'Ai, "The atrllsh daura for-s Bt-Mthia'',1"! year must be four-inches lewvaMia!Xd the waist thaa awuad'the eak.VTat,.i only way most men saav s liana 'this ' - efect K y Oa-M m&$ifk'$i nvaai.gr rvawrina HiWaWLVli-vrvvv - . irrsJ:Sv The joregolag HUapd the tlHaagW:',;-; -do kisaiaa4.ar;:;,T"w? UB-totheailaaie , NewYwMaff aw wsarisg'' ths,Vluve-IClta 94 !fSS!Sw'5f !l?' t? '. ltM,M ' t Jn 'f V . ' 1 a. ' ",,' . ,&: ",